
North America > Colorado State Legislature

Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 6, Article 1, Part 17, Artificial Intelligence




Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 6, Article 1, Part 17, Artificial Intelligence


Colorado State Legislature


Statutes (Bills or Acts)




Colorado AI Act

Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 6, Article 1, Part 17, Artificial Intelligence


Not Defined


The document as a whole was last reviewed and released on 2024-10-14T00:00:00-0700.






Colorado State Legislature


Statutes (Bills or Acts)



Colorado AI Act

Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 6, Article 1, Part 17, Artificial Intelligence


Not Defined


The document as a whole was last reviewed and released on 2024-10-14T00:00:00-0700.

Important Notice

This Authority Document In Depth Report is copyrighted - © 2024 - Network Frontiers LLC. All rights reserved. Copyright in the Authority Document analyzed herein is held by its authors. Network Frontiers makes no claims of copyright in this Authority Document.

This Authority Document In Depth Report is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute, and should not be construed as, legal advice. The reader is encouraged to consult with an attorney experienced in these areas for further explanation and advice.

This Authority Document In Depth Report provides analysis and guidance for use and implementation of the Authority Document but it is not a substitute for the original authority document itself. Readers should refer to the original authority document as the definitive resource on obligations and compliance requirements.

The process we used to tag and map this document

This document has been mapped into the Unified Compliance Framework using a patented methodology and patented tools (you can research our patents HERE). The mapping team has taken every effort to ensure the quality of mapping is of the highest degree. To learn more about the process we use to map Authority Documents, or to become involved in that process, click HERE.

Controls and asociated Citations breakdown

When the UCF Mapping Teams tag Citations and their associated mandates within an Authority Document, those Citations and Mandates are tied to Common Controls. In addition, and by virtue of those Citations and mandates being tied to Common Controls, there are three sets of meta data that are associated with each Citation; Controls by Impact Zone, Controls by Type, and Controls by Classification.

The online version of the mapping analysis you see here is just a fraction of the work the UCF Mapping Team has done. The downloadable version of this document, available within the Common Controls Hub (available HERE) contains the following:

Document implementation analysis – statistics about the document’s alignment with Common Controls as compared to other Authority Documents and statistics on usage of key terms and non-standard terms.

Citation and Mandate Tagging and Mapping – A complete listing of each and every Citation we found within Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 6, Article 1, Part 17, Artificial Intelligence that have been tagged with their primary and secondary nouns and primary and secondary verbs in three column format. The first column shows the Citation (the marker within the Authority Document that points to where we found the guidance). The second column shows the Citation guidance per se, along with the tagging for the mandate we found within the Citation. The third column shows the Common Control ID that the mandate is linked to, and the final column gives us the Common Control itself.

Dictionary Terms – The dictionary terms listed for Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 6, Article 1, Part 17, Artificial Intelligence are based upon terms either found within the Authority Document’s defined terms section(which most legal documents have), its glossary, and for the most part, as tagged within each mandate. The terms with links are terms that are the standardized version of the term.

Common Controls and
mandates by Impact Zone
65 Mandated Controls - bold    
52 Implied Controls - italic     549 Implementation

An Impact Zone is a hierarchical way of organizing our suite of Common Controls — it is a taxonomy. The top levels of the UCF hierarchy are called Impact Zones. Common Controls are mapped within the UCF’s Impact Zones and are maintained in a legal hierarchy within that Impact Zone. Each Impact Zone deals with a separate area of policies, standards, and procedures: technology acquisition, physical security, continuity, records management, etc.

The UCF created its taxonomy by looking at the corpus of standards and regulations through the lens of unification and a view toward how the controls impact the organization. Thus, we created a hierarchical structure for each impact zone that takes into account regulatory and standards bodies, doctrines, and language.

Number of Controls
666 Total
  • Audits and risk management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Audits and risk management CC ID 00677 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk management program. CC ID 12051
    [{risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)
    {risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)
    {risk management program} The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The content and requirements of the risk management policy and program required by section 6-1-1703 (2); 6-1-1707. (1)(c)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the scope of risk management activities in the risk management program. CC ID 13658 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document and justify any exclusions from the scope of the risk management activities in the risk management program. CC ID 15336 Business Processes Detective
    Integrate the risk management program with the organization's business activities. CC ID 13661 Business Processes Preventive
    Integrate the risk management program into daily business decision-making. CC ID 13659 Business Processes Preventive
    Include managing mobile risks in the risk management program. CC ID 13535 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Take into account if the system will be accessed by or have an impact on children in the risk management program. CC ID 14992 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Include regular updating in the risk management system. CC ID 14990 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk management policy. CC ID 17192
    [{risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)
    {risk management program} The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The content and requirements of the risk management policy and program required by section 6-1-1703 (2); 6-1-1707. (1)(c)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain risk management strategies. CC ID 13209
    [{risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include off-site storage of supplies in the risk management strategies. CC ID 13221 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include data quality in the risk management strategies. CC ID 15308 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include the use of alternate service providers in the risk management strategies. CC ID 13217 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include minimizing service interruptions in the risk management strategies. CC ID 13215 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include off-site storage in the risk mitigation strategies. CC ID 13213 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain the risk assessment framework. CC ID 00685 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Analyze the risk management strategy for addressing requirements. CC ID 12926 Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Analyze the risk management strategy for addressing threats. CC ID 12925
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: How the high-risk artificial intelligence system was evaluated for performance and mitigation of algorithmic discrimination before the high-risk artificial intelligence system was offered, sold, leased, licensed, given, or otherwise made available to the deployer; 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(I)]
    Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Analyze the risk management strategy for addressing opportunities. CC ID 12924 Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Define and assign the roles and responsibilities for the risk assessment framework, as necessary. CC ID 06456 Establish Roles Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk assessment program. CC ID 00687 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Address past incidents in the risk assessment program. CC ID 12743 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Employ third parties when implementing a risk assessment, as necessary. CC ID 16306 Human Resources Management Detective
    Include the need for risk assessments in the risk assessment program. CC ID 06447 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the information flow of restricted data in the risk assessment program. CC ID 12339 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish and maintain the factors and context for risk to the organization. CC ID 12230 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a financial plan to support the risk management strategy. CC ID 12786 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain insurance requirements. CC ID 16562 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate insurance options to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16572 Communicate Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate insurance requirements to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16567 Communicate Preventive
    Purchase insurance on behalf of interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16571 Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services Corrective
    Design a portfolio of insurance options in accordance with risk decision-making criteria. CC ID 12878 Business Processes Preventive
    Design a portfolio of loans in accordance with risk decision-making criteria. CC ID 12877 Business Processes Preventive
    Design a portfolio of risk limiting and mitigating approaches in organizational contracts in accordance with risk decision-making criteria. CC ID 12903 Business Processes Preventive
    Address cybersecurity risks in the risk assessment program. CC ID 13193 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain fundamental rights impact assessments. CC ID 17217
    [Except as provided in subsections (3)(d), (3)(e), and (6) of this section: On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, shall complete an impact assessment for a deployed high-risk artificial intelligence system at least annually and within ninety days after any intentional and substantial modification to the high-risk artificial intelligence system is made available. 6-1-1703. (3)(a)(II)
    Except as provided in subsections (3)(d), (3)(e), and (6) of this section: A deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, that deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system on or after February 1, 2026, shall complete an impact assessment for the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and 6-1-1703. (3)(a)(I)
    Except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer that offers, sells, leases, licenses, gives, or otherwise makes available to a deployer or other developer a high-risk artificial intelligence system on or after February 1, 2026, shall make available to the deployer or other developer, to the extent feasible, the documentation and information, through artifacts such as model cards, dataset cards, or other impact assessments, necessary for a deployer, or for a third party contracted by a deployer, to complete an impact assessment pursuant to section 6-1-1703 (3). 6-1-1702. (3)(a)
    An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: An analysis of whether the deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system poses any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination and, if so, the nature of the algorithmic discrimination and the steps that have been taken to mitigate the risks; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(II)
    The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The content and requirements of the impact assessments required by section 6-1-1703 (3); 6-1-1707. (1)(d)
    A single impact assessment may address a comparable set of high-risk artificial intelligence systems deployed by a deployer. 6-1-1703. (3)(d)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)]
    Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Include the categories of data used by the system in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17248
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: If the deployer used data to customize the high-risk artificial intelligence system, an overview of the categories of data the deployer used to customize the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(IV)
    An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A description of the categories of data the high-risk artificial intelligence system processes as inputs and the outputs the high-risk artificial intelligence system produces; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(III)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include metrics in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17249
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: Any metrics used to evaluate the performance and known limitations of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(V)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the benefits of the system in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17244
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A statement by the deployer disclosing the purpose, intended use cases, and deployment context of, and benefits afforded by, the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(I)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include user safeguards in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17255
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A description of the post-deployment monitoring and user safeguards provided concerning the high-risk artificial intelligence system, including the oversight, use, and learning process established by the deployer to address issues arising from the deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(VII)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the outputs produced by the system in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17247
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A description of the categories of data the high-risk artificial intelligence system processes as inputs and the outputs the high-risk artificial intelligence system produces; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(III)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the purpose in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17243
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A statement by the deployer disclosing the purpose, intended use cases, and deployment context of, and benefits afforded by, the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(I)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include monitoring procedures in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17254
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A description of the post-deployment monitoring and user safeguards provided concerning the high-risk artificial intelligence system, including the oversight, use, and learning process established by the deployer to address issues arising from the deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(VII)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include risk management measures in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17224
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: An analysis of whether the deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system poses any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination and, if so, the nature of the algorithmic discrimination and the steps that have been taken to mitigate the risks; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(II)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include human oversight measures in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17223 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include risks in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17222
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: An analysis of whether the deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system poses any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination and, if so, the nature of the algorithmic discrimination and the steps that have been taken to mitigate the risks; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(II)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include affected parties in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17221 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the frequency in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17220 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the usage duration in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17219 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include system use in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17218
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A statement by the deployer disclosing the purpose, intended use cases, and deployment context of, and benefits afforded by, the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(I)
    An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A statement by the deployer disclosing the purpose, intended use cases, and deployment context of, and benefits afforded by, the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(I)
    In addition to the information required under subsection (3)(b) of this section, an impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) following an intentional and substantial modification to a high-risk artificial intelligence system on or after February 1, 2026, must include a statement disclosing the extent to which the high-risk artificial intelligence system was used in a manner that was consistent with, or varied from, the developer's intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. 6-1-1703. (3)(c)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain Data Protection Impact Assessments. CC ID 14830 Process or Activity Preventive
    Include a Data Protection Impact Assessment in the risk assessment program. CC ID 12630 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include an assessment of the necessity and proportionality of the processing operations in relation to the purposes in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 12681 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include an assessment of the relationship between the data subject and the parties processing the data in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 16371 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a risk assessment of data subject's rights in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 12674 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the description and purpose of processing restricted data in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 12673 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the Data Protection Impact Assessment to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15313 Communicate Preventive
    Include consideration of the data subject's expectations in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 16370 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include monitoring unsecured areas in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 12671 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include security measures for protecting restricted data in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 12635 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Use the risk taxonomy when managing risk. CC ID 12280 Behavior Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk assessment policy. CC ID 14026 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include compliance requirements in the risk assessment policy. CC ID 14121 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the risk assessment policy. CC ID 14120 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include management commitment in the risk assessment policy. CC ID 14119 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the risk assessment policy. CC ID 14118 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the scope in the risk assessment policy. CC ID 14117 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the purpose in the risk assessment policy. CC ID 14116 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the risk assessment policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14115 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain risk assessment procedures. CC ID 06446 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that follow legal requirements and contractual obligations when risk profiling. CC ID 06472 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Analyze the organization's information security environment. CC ID 13122 Technical Security Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that follow standards and best practices, as necessary. CC ID 06473 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document cybersecurity risks. CC ID 12281 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that take into account both electronic records and printed records. CC ID 06476 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that take into account information classification. CC ID 06477 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that align with strategic objectives. CC ID 06474 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Engage appropriate parties to assist with risk assessments, as necessary. CC ID 12153 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that take into account prior risk assessment findings of the same scope. CC ID 06478 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that take into account the target environment. CC ID 06479 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that take into account incidents associated with the target environment. CC ID 06480 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that take into account risk factors. CC ID 16560 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Include compliance with disposition requirements in the risk assessment procedures. CC ID 12342 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include compliance with retention requirements in the risk assessment procedures. CC ID 12341 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that include appropriate risk treatment options for each identified risk. CC ID 06484 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 07183 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document organizational risk criteria. CC ID 12277 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include security threats and vulnerabilities in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 00699 Technical Security Preventive
    Include an analysis of system interdependencies in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 13056 Investigate Detective
    Categorize the systems, information, and data by risk profile in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 01443 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Review the risk profiles, as necessary. CC ID 16561 Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Include risks to critical personnel and assets in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 00698 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Include the traceability of malicious code in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 06600 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Assign a probability of occurrence to all types of threats in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 01173 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Approve the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 15693 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain risk profiling procedures for internal risk assessments. CC ID 01157 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Include language that is easy to understand in the risk assessment report. CC ID 06461 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the environments that call for risk assessments in the risk assessment program. CC ID 06448 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the process for defining the scope of each risk assessment in the risk assessment program. CC ID 06462 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the circumstances that call for risk assessments in the risk assessment program. CC ID 06449 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the roles and responsibilities involved in risk assessments in the risk assessment program. CC ID 06450 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the methods of managing and responding to the risk assessment report in the risk assessment program. CC ID 06451 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Automate as much of the risk assessment program, as necessary. CC ID 06459 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the risk assessment procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14136 Communicate Preventive
    Approve the risk assessment program and associated risk assessment procedures at the senior management level. CC ID 06458 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Perform risk assessments for all target environments, as necessary. CC ID 06452 Testing Preventive
    Include the probability and potential impact of pandemics in the scope of the risk assessment. CC ID 13241 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include physical assets in the scope of the risk assessment. CC ID 13075 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the results of the risk assessment in the risk assessment report. CC ID 06481 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Approve the results of the risk assessment as documented in the risk assessment report. CC ID 07109 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Update the risk assessment upon discovery of a new threat. CC ID 00708 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Review risks to the organization's audit function when changes in the supply chain occur. CC ID 01154 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Update the risk assessment upon changes to the risk profile. CC ID 11627 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Review the risk to the audit function when the audit personnel status changes. CC ID 01153 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Document any reasons for modifying or refraining from modifying the organization's risk assessment when the risk assessment has been reviewed. CC ID 13312 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Create a risk assessment report based on the risk assessment results. CC ID 15695 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the approved risk assessment report to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 10633 Communicate Preventive
    Conduct external audits of risk assessments, as necessary. CC ID 13308 Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Notify the organization upon completion of the external audits of the organization's risk assessment. CC ID 13313 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk assessment awareness and training program. CC ID 06453 Business Processes Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate information about risks to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 06718 Behavior Preventive
    Evaluate the effectiveness of threat and vulnerability management procedures. CC ID 13491 Investigate Detective
    Correlate the business impact of identified risks in the risk assessment report. CC ID 00686 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Conduct a Business Impact Analysis, as necessary. CC ID 01147 Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Include recovery of the critical path in the Business Impact Analysis. CC ID 13224 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include acceptable levels of data loss in the Business Impact Analysis. CC ID 13264 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include Recovery Point Objectives in the Business Impact Analysis. CC ID 13223 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the Recovery Time Objectives in the Business Impact Analysis. CC ID 13222 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include pandemic risks in the Business Impact Analysis. CC ID 13219 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include tolerance to downtime in the Business Impact Analysis report. CC ID 01172 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the Business Impact Analysis to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15300 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk register. CC ID 14828 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document organizational risk tolerance in a risk register. CC ID 09961 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Align organizational risk tolerance to that of industry peers in the risk register. CC ID 09962 Business Processes Preventive
    Review the Business Impact Analysis, as necessary. CC ID 12774 Business Processes Preventive
    Analyze and quantify the risks to in scope systems and information. CC ID 00701 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Establish and maintain a Risk Scoping and Measurement Definitions Document. CC ID 00703 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Identify the material risks in the risk assessment report. CC ID 06482 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with the loss of personnel. CC ID 17172 Process or Activity Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with individuals. CC ID 17170 Process or Activity Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with each business process. CC ID 06463 Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with the business environment. CC ID 06464 Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with business information of in scope systems. CC ID 06465 Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Identify changes to in scope systems that could threaten communication between business units. CC ID 13173 Investigate Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with non-compliance. CC ID 17169 Process or Activity Detective
    Assess the potential business impact risk of in scope systems caused by deliberate threats to their confidentiality, integrity, and availability. CC ID 06466 Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk caused by accidental threats to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of critical systems. CC ID 06467 Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with reputational damage. CC ID 15335 Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with insider threats. CC ID 06468 Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with the natural environment. CC ID 17171 Process or Activity Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with external entities. CC ID 06469 Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with natural disasters. CC ID 06470 Actionable Reports or Measurements Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with control weaknesses. CC ID 06471 Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Establish a risk acceptance level that is appropriate to the organization's risk appetite. CC ID 00706 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Investigate alternative risk control strategies appropriate to the organization's risk appetite. CC ID 12887 Investigate Preventive
    Select the appropriate risk treatment option for each identified risk in the risk register. CC ID 06483 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Approve the risk acceptance level, as necessary. CC ID 17168 Process or Activity Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the risk acceptance level in the risk treatment plan to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 06849 Behavior Preventive
    Perform a gap analysis to review in scope controls for identified risks and implement new controls, as necessary. CC ID 00704 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Document the results of the gap analysis. CC ID 16271 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Prioritize and select controls based on the risk assessment findings. CC ID 00707 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Analyze the effect of threats on organizational strategies and objectives. CC ID 12850 Process or Activity Detective
    Analyze the effect of opportunities on organizational strategies and objectives. CC ID 12849 Process or Activity Detective
    Prioritize and categorize the effects of opportunities, threats and requirements on control activities. CC ID 12822 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Determine the effectiveness of risk control measures. CC ID 06601 Testing Detective
    Develop key indicators to inform management on the effectiveness of risk control measures. CC ID 12946 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk treatment plan. CC ID 11983 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 16991 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include time information in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 16993 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include allocation of resources in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 16989 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the date of the risk assessment in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 16321 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the release status of the risk assessment in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 16320 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Identify the planned actions and controls that address high risk in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 12835 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Identify the current actions and controls that address high risk in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 12834 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Include the risk treatment strategy in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 12159 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Revise the risk treatment strategies in the risk treatment plan, as necessary. CC ID 12552 Establish/Maintain Documentation Corrective
    Include an overview of the migration project plan in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 11982 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include change control processes in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 11981 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a description of the processes to check for new vulnerabilities in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 11980 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the implemented risk management controls in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 11979 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include requirements for monitoring and reporting in the risk treatment plan, as necessary. CC ID 13620 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include risk assessment results in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 11978 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a description of usage in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 11977 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document all constraints applied to the risk treatment plan, as necessary. CC ID 13619 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the risk treatment plan to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15694 Communicate Preventive
    Approve the risk treatment plan. CC ID 13495 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Integrate the corrective action plan based on the risk assessment findings with other risk management activities. CC ID 06457 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document and communicate a corrective action plan based on the risk assessment findings. CC ID 00705 Establish/Maintain Documentation Corrective
    Review and approve the risk assessment findings. CC ID 06485 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include risk responses in the risk management program. CC ID 13195 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document residual risk in a residual risk report. CC ID 13664 Establish/Maintain Documentation Corrective
    Review and approve material risks documented in the residual risk report, as necessary. CC ID 13672 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an artificial intelligence risk management program. CC ID 16220
    [On and after February 1, 2026, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall use reasonable care to protect consumers from any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination arising from the intended and contracted uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. In any enforcement action brought on or after February 1, 2026, by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1706, there is a rebuttable presumption that a developer used reasonable care as required under this section if the developer complied with this section and any additional requirements or obligations as set forth in rules promulgated by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1707. 6-1-1702. (1)
    {risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall use reasonable care to protect consumers from any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. In any enforcement action brought on or after February 1, 2026, by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1706, there is a rebuttable presumption that a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system used reasonable care as required under this section if the deployer complied with this section and any additional requirements or obligations as set forth in rules promulgated by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1707. 6-1-1703. (1)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a developer shall make available, in a manner that is clear and readily available on the developer's website or in a public use case inventory, a statement summarizing: How the developer manages known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination that may arise from the development or intentional and substantial modification of the types of high-risk artificial intelligence systems described in accordance with subsection (4)(a)(I) of this section. 6-1-1702. (4)(a)(II)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall disclose to the attorney general, in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, and to all known deployers or other developers of the high-risk artificial intelligence system, any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination arising from the intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system without unreasonable delay but no later than ninety days after the date on which: 6-1-1702. (5)
    The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The requirements for the affirmative defense set forth in section 6-1-1706 (3), including the process by which the attorney general will recognize any other nationally or internationally recognized risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems. 6-1-1707. (1)(f)
    {algorithmic discrimination} {risk management} The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The requirements for the rebuttable presumptions set forth in sections 6-1-1702 and 6-1-1703; and 6-1-1707. (1)(e)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The size and un">complexityspan> of the deployer; 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(II)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The nature and scope of the rm_primary-noun">high-risk artificial intelligence systems
    deployed by the deployer, including the intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence systems; and 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(III)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The nature and scope of the rm_primary-noun">high-risk artificial intelligence systems deployed by the deployer, including the intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence systems; and 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(III)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The sensitivity and volume of data processed in connection with the le="background-color:#F0BBBC;" class="term_primary-noun">high-risk artificial intelligence systems e="background-color:#CBD0E5;" class="term_secondary-verb">deployed by the deployer. 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(IV)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The sensitivity and volume of data processed in connection with the le="background-color:#F0BBBC;" class="term_primary-noun">high-risk artificial intelligence systems e="background-color:#CBD0E5;" class="term_secondary-verb">deployed by the deployer. 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(IV)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include diversity and equal opportunity in the artificial intelligence risk management program. CC ID 16255 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Analyze the impact of artificial intelligence systems on business operations. CC ID 16356 Business Processes Preventive
    Analyze the impact of artificial intelligence systems on society. CC ID 16317 Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Analyze the impact of artificial intelligence systems on individuals. CC ID 16316 Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a cybersecurity risk management program. CC ID 16827 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Include a commitment to continuous improvement In the cybersecurity risk management program. CC ID 16839 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Monitor the effectiveness of the cybersecurity risk management program. CC ID 16831 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a cybersecurity risk management policy. CC ID 16834 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the cybersecurity risk management policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16832 Communicate Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the cybersecurity risk management program to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16829 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a cybersecurity risk management strategy. CC ID 11991 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a risk prioritization approach in the Cybersecurity Risk Management Strategy. CC ID 12276 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include defense in depth strategies in the cybersecurity risk management strategy. CC ID 15582 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the cybersecurity risk management strategy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16825 Communicate Preventive
    Evaluate the cyber insurance market. CC ID 12695 Business Processes Preventive
    Evaluate the usefulness of cyber insurance to the organization. CC ID 12694 Business Processes Preventive
    Acquire cyber insurance, as necessary. CC ID 12693 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a cybersecurity supply chain risk management program. CC ID 16826 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain cybersecurity supply chain risk management procedures. CC ID 16830 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Monitor the effectiveness of the cybersecurity supply chain risk management program. CC ID 16828 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14663 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include compliance requirements in the supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14711 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14710 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include management commitment in the supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14709 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14708 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the scope in the supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14707 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the purpose in the supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14706 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the supply chain risk management policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14662 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a supply chain risk management plan. CC ID 14713 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include processes for monitoring and reporting in the supply chain risk management plan. CC ID 15619 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include dates in the supply chain risk management plan. CC ID 15617 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include implementation milestones in the supply chain risk management plan. CC ID 15615 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the supply chain risk management plan. CC ID 15613 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include supply chain risk management procedures in the risk management program. CC ID 13190 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the supply chain risk management procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14712 Communicate Preventive
    Assign key stakeholders to review and approve supply chain risk management procedures. CC ID 13199 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Analyze supply chain risk management procedures, as necessary. CC ID 13198 Process or Activity Detective
    Disseminate and communicate the risk management policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 13792 Communicate Preventive
  • Harmonization Methods and Manual of Style
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Harmonization Methods and Manual of Style CC ID 06095 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain organizational documents. CC ID 16202 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Write organizational documents using clear and conspicuous language. CC ID 16281
    [Except as provided in subsection (4)(c)(ii) of this section, a deployer shall provide the notice, statement, contact information, and description required by subsections (4)(a) and (4)(b) of this section: In plain language; 6-1-1703. (4)(c)(I)(B)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Write organizational documents using information that is free from bias. CC ID 16341 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Structure the language of compliance documents. CC ID 06098 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Standardize word usage. CC ID 06104 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Write policies and instructions using clear and conspicuous language. CC ID 16286
    [Except as provided in subsection (4)(c)(ii) of this section, a deployer shall provide the notice, statement, contact information, and description required by subsections (4)(a) and (4)(b) of this section: In all languages in which the deployer, in the ordinary course of the deployer's business, provides contracts, disclaimers, sale announcements, and other information to consumers; and 6-1-1703. (4)(c)(I)(C)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
  • Leadership and high level objectives
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Leadership and high level objectives CC ID 00597 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Analyze organizational objectives, functions, and activities. CC ID 00598 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain data governance and management practices. CC ID 14998
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: The data governance measures used to cover the training datasets and the measures used to examine the suitability of data sources, possible biases, and appropriate mitigation; 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(II)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Address shortcomings of the data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15087 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include any shortcomings of the data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15086 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include bias for data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15085
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: The data governance measures used to cover the training datasets and the measures used to examine the suitability of data sources, possible biases, and appropriate mitigation; 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(II)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the data source in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 17211 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include a data strategy in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15304 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include data monitoring in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15303 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include an assessment of the data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15084 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include assumptions for the formulation of data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15083 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include data collection for data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15082 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include data preparations for data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15081
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: The data governance measures used to cover the training datasets and the measures used to examine the suitability of data sources, possible biases, and appropriate mitigation; 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(II)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include design choices for data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15080 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish and maintain the scope of the organizational compliance framework and Information Assurance controls. CC ID 01241 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a policy and procedure management program. CC ID 06285
    [The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: 6-1-1707. (1)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include contact information in the organization's policies, standards, and procedures. CC ID 17167
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and no later than the time that a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer, the deployer shall: Provide to the consumer a statement disclosing the purpose of the high-risk artificial intelligence system and the nature of the consequential decision; the contact information for the deployer; a description, in plain language, of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and instructions on how to access the statement required by subsection (5)(a) of this section; and 6-1-1703. (4)(a)(II)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include requirements in the organization’s policies, standards, and procedures. CC ID 12956
    [The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The documentation and requirements for developers pursuant to section 6-1-1702 (2); 6-1-1707. (1)(a)
    The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The contents of and requirements for the notices and disclosures required by sections 6-1-1702 (5) and (7); 6-1-1703 (4), (5), (7), and (9); and 6-1-1704; 6-1-1707. (1)(b)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the effective date on all organizational policies. CC ID 06820 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include threats in the organization’s policies, standards, and procedures. CC ID 12953 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Analyze organizational policies, as necessary. CC ID 14037 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Assess the impact of changes to organizational policies, standards, and procedures, as necessary. CC ID 14824 Business Processes Preventive
    Include opportunities in the organization’s policies, standards, and procedures. CC ID 12945 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish and maintain an Authority Document list. CC ID 07113 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Map in scope assets and in scope records to external requirements. CC ID 12189 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Document organizational procedures that harmonize external requirements, including all legal requirements. CC ID 00623 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain full documentation of all policies, standards, and procedures that support the organization's compliance framework. CC ID 01636 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the organization’s policies, standards, and procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 12901 Communicate Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the list of Authority Documents that support the organization's compliance framework to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 01312 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Classify controls according to their preventive, detective, or corrective status. CC ID 06436 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Publish, disseminate, and communicate a Statement on Internal Control, as necessary. CC ID 06727 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include signatures of c-level executives in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 14778 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include management's assertions on the effectiveness of internal control in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 14771 Establish/Maintain Documentation Corrective
    Include confirmation of any significant weaknesses in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 06861 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 14774 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include an assurance statement regarding the counterterror protective security plan in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 06866 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include limitations of internal control systems in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 14773 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a description of the methodology used to evaluate internal controls in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 14772 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the counterterror protective security plan test results in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 06867 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Assign legislative body jurisdiction to the organization's assets, as necessary. CC ID 06956 Establish Roles Preventive
    Approve all compliance documents. CC ID 06286 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Align the Authority Document list with external requirements. CC ID 06288 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Assign the appropriate roles to all applicable compliance documents. CC ID 06284 Establish Roles Preventive
    Identify and document the Designated Approval Authority for compliance documents. CC ID 07114 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a compliance exception standard. CC ID 01628 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the authority for granting exemptions in the compliance exception standard. CC ID 14329 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include all compliance exceptions in the compliance exception standard. CC ID 01630 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Include explanations, compensating controls, or risk acceptance in the compliance exceptions Exceptions document. CC ID 01631 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Review the compliance exceptions in the exceptions document, as necessary. CC ID 01632 Business Processes Preventive
    Include when exemptions expire in the compliance exception standard. CC ID 14330 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Assign the approval of compliance exceptions to the appropriate roles inside the organization. CC ID 06443 Establish Roles Preventive
    Include management of the exemption register in the compliance exception standard. CC ID 14328 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate compliance exceptions to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16945 Communicate Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate compliance documents to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 06282 Behavior Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate any compliance document changes when the documents are updated to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 06283 Behavior Preventive
  • Monitoring and measurement
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Monitoring and measurement CC ID 00636 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Monitor the usage and capacity of critical assets. CC ID 14825 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Monitor the usage and capacity of Information Technology assets. CC ID 00668
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: How the high-risk artificial intelligence system should be used, not be used, and be monitored by an individual when the high-risk artificial intelligence system is used to make, or is a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision; and 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(V)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: Any additional documentation that is reasonably necessary to assist the deployer in understanding the outputs and monitor the performance of the high-risk artificial intelligence system for risks of algorithmic discrimination. 6-1-1702. (2)(d)]
    Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Monitor all outbound traffic from all systems. CC ID 12970 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Notify the interested personnel and affected parties before the storage unit will reach maximum capacity. CC ID 06773 Behavior Detective
    Monitor systems for errors and faults. CC ID 04544 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Report errors and faults to the appropriate personnel, as necessary. CC ID 14296 Communicate Corrective
    Compare system performance metrics to organizational standards and industry benchmarks. CC ID 00667 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a testing program. CC ID 00654 Behavior Preventive
    Correct or mitigate vulnerabilities. CC ID 12497
    [{risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)]
    Technical Security Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain an exception management process for vulnerabilities that cannot be remediated. CC ID 13859 Technical Security Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a compliance monitoring policy. CC ID 00671 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a metrics policy. CC ID 01654 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an approach for compliance monitoring. CC ID 01653 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Monitor personnel and third parties for compliance to the organizational compliance framework. CC ID 04726 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Correct compliance violations. CC ID 13515
    [In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: Discovers and cures a violation of this part 17 as a result of: 6-1-1706. (3)(a)
    In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: discovers and cures a violation of this part 17 as a result of: Feedback that the developer, deployer, or other person encourages deployers or users to provide to the developer, deployer, or other person; 6-1-1706. (3)(a)(I)
    In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: discovers and cures a violation of this part 17 as a result of: Adversarial testing or red teaming, as those terms are defined or used by the national institute of standards and technology; or 6-1-1706. (3)(a)(II)
    In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: discovers and cures a violation of this part 17 as a result of: An internal review process; and 6-1-1706. (3)(a)(III)]
    Process or Activity Corrective
  • Operational and Systems Continuity
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Operational and Systems Continuity CC ID 00731 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain a business continuity program. CC ID 13210 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system continuity plan strategies. CC ID 00735 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include website continuity procedures in the continuity plan. CC ID 01380 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Post all required information on organizational websites and ensure all hyperlinks are working. CC ID 04579
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer shall make available, in a manner that is clear and readily available on the deployer's website, a statement summarizing: The types of high-risk artificial intelligence systems that are currently deployed by the deployer; 6-1-1703. (5)(a)(I)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer shall make available, in a manner that is clear and readily available on the deployer's website, a statement summarizing: How the deployer manages known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination that may arise from the deployment of each high-risk artificial intelligence system described pursuant to subsection (5)(a)(I) of this section; and 6-1-1703. (5)(a)(II)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer shall make available, in a manner that is clear and readily available on the deployer's website, a statement summarizing: In detail, the nature, source, and extent of the information collected and used by the deployer. 6-1-1703. (5)(a)(III)
    {high-risk artificial intelligence system} A deployer shall periodically update the statement described in subsection (5)(a) of this section. 6-1-1703. (5)(b)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a developer shall make available, in a manner that is clear and readily available on the developer's website or in a public use case inventory, a statement summarizing: The types of high-risk artificial intelligence systems that the developer has developed or intentionally and substantially modified and currently makes available to a deployer or other developer; and 6-1-1702. (4)(a)(I)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and no later than the time that a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer, the deployer shall: Provide to the consumer a statement disclosing the purpose of the high-risk artificial intelligence system and the nature of the consequential decision; the contact information for the deployer; a description, in plain language, of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and instructions on how to access the statement required by subsection (5)(a) of this section; and 6-1-1703. (4)(a)(II)]
    Data and Information Management Preventive
  • Operational management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Operational management CC ID 00805 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 01406 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an information security program. CC ID 00812 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain operational control procedures. CC ID 00831 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Standard Operating Procedures Manual. CC ID 00826 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include system use information in the standard operating procedures manual. CC ID 17240
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: A general statement describing the reasonably foreseeable uses and known harmful or inappropriate uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1702. (2)(a)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation disclosing: The intended benefits and uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and 6-1-1702. (2)(b)(IV)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the intended purpose in the standard operating procedures manual. CC ID 14967
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation disclosing: The purpose of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1702. (2)(b)(III)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The nature and scope of the high-risk artificial intelligence systems deployed by the deployer, including the intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence systems; and 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(III)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The nature and scope of the high-risk artificial intelligence systems deployed by the deployer, including the intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence systems; and 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(III)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include information on system performance in the standard operating procedures manual. CC ID 14965
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation disclosing: The intended benefits and uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and 6-1-1702. (2)(b)(IV)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Intellectual Property Right program. CC ID 00821 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain Intellectual Property Rights protection procedures. CC ID 11512
    [{refrain from requiring} Nothing in subsections (2) to (5) and (7) of this section requires a deployer to disclose a trade secret or information protected from disclosure by state or federal law. To the extent that a deployer withholds information pursuant to this subsection (8) or section 6-1-1705 (5), the deployer shall notify the consumer and provide a basis for the withholding. 6-1-1703. (8)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Implement and comply with the Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 00818 Business Processes Preventive
    Comply with all implemented policies in the organization's compliance framework. CC ID 06384
    [On and after February 1, 2026, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall use reasonable care to protect consumers from any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination arising from the intended and contracted uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. In any enforcement action brought on or after February 1, 2026, by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1706, there is a rebuttable presumption that a developer used reasonable care as required under this section if the developer complied with this section and any additional requirements or obligations as set forth in rules promulgated by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1707. 6-1-1702. (1)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall use reasonable care to protect consumers from any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. In any enforcement action brought on or after February 1, 2026, by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1706, there is a rebuttable presumption that a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system used reasonable care as required under this section if the deployer complied with this section and any additional requirements or obligations as set forth in rules promulgated by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1707. 6-1-1703. (1)
    If a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, completes an impact assessment for the purpose of complying with another applicable law or regulation, the impact assessment satisfies the requirements established in this subsection (3) if the impact assessment is reasonably similar in scope and effect to the impact assessment that would otherwise be completed pursuant to this subsection (3). 6-1-1703. (3)(e)
    {high-risk artificial intelligence system} On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a developer disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the statement or documentation described in subsection (2) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate such statement or documentation to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the statement or documentation is not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (7), a developer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the statement or documentation includes information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1702. (7)
    In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: is otherwise in compliance with: The latest version of the "Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework" published by the national institute of standards and technology in the United States department of commerce and standard ISO/IEC 42001 of the International Organization for Standardization; 6-1-1706. (3)(b)(I)
    In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: is otherwise in compliance with: Another nationally or internationally recognized risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems, if the standards are substantially equivalent to or more stringent than the requirements of this part 17; or 6-1-1706. (3)(b)(II)
    In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: is otherwise in compliance with: Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate and, if designated, shall publicly disseminate. 6-1-1706. (3)(b)(III)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a customer service program. CC ID 00846 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Incident Management program. CC ID 00853 Business Processes Preventive
    Include incident monitoring procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01207 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include incident recovery procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01758 Establish/Maintain Documentation Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain compromised system reaccreditation procedures. CC ID 00592 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Detect any potentially undiscovered security vulnerabilities on previously compromised systems. CC ID 06265
    [In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: Discovers and cures a violation of this part 17 as a result of: 6-1-1706. (3)(a)]
    Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a disability accessibility program. CC ID 06191 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Follow disability accessibility standards when designing and building content. CC ID 06193
    [{be accessible} Except as provided in subsection (4)(c)(ii) of this section, a deployer shall provide the notice, statement, contact information, and description required by subsections (4)(a) and (4)(b) of this section: In a format that is accessible to consumers with disabilities. 6-1-1703. (4)(c)(I)(D)]
    Testing Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain an artificial intelligence system. CC ID 14943
    [{risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)
    {high-risk artificial intelligence system} A developer shall update the statement described in subsection (4)(a) of this section: 6-1-1702. (4)(b)]
    Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Provide affected parties with the role of artificial intelligence in decision making. CC ID 17236
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and no later than the time that a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer, the deployer shall: Notify the consumer that the deployer has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision before the decision is made; 6-1-1703. (4)(a)(I)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and no later than the time that a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer, the deployer shall: Provide to the consumer a statement disclosing the purpose of the high-risk artificial intelligence system and the nature of the consequential decision; the contact information for the deployer; a description, in plain language, of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and instructions on how to access the statement required by subsection (5)(a) of this section; and 6-1-1703. (4)(a)(II)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: The degree to which, and manner in which, the high-risk artificial intelligence system contributed to the consequential decision; 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(I)(A)]
    Communicate Preventive
    Provide the reasons for adverse decisions made by artificial intelligence systems. CC ID 17253
    [On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(I)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: The type of data that was processed by the high-risk artificial intelligence system in making the consequential decision; and 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(I)(B)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: The source or sources of the data described in subsection (4)(b)(I)(B) of this section; 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(I)(C)]
    Process or Activity Preventive
    Authorize artificial intelligence systems for use under defined conditions. CC ID 17210
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: How the high-risk artificial intelligence system should be used, not be used, and be monitored by an individual when the high-risk artificial intelligence system is used to make, or is a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision; and 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(V)]
    Process or Activity Preventive
    Refrain from notifying users when images, videos, or audio have been artificially generated or manipulated if use of the artificial intelligence system is authorized by law. CC ID 15051
    [Disclosure is not required under subsection (1) of this section under circumstances in which it would be obvious to a reasonable person that the person is interacting with an artificial intelligence system. 6-1-1704. (2)]
    Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a post-market monitoring system. CC ID 15050 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Include mitigation measures to address biased output during the development of artificial intelligence systems. CC ID 15047 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Corrective
    Limit artificial intelligence systems authorizations to the time period until conformity assessment procedures are complete. CC ID 15043 Business Processes Preventive
    Terminate authorizations for artificial intelligence systems when conformity assessment procedures are complete. CC ID 15042 Business Processes Preventive
    Authorize artificial intelligence systems to be put into service for exceptional reasons while conformity assessment procedures are being conducted. CC ID 15039 Business Processes Preventive
    Discard the outputs of the artificial intelligence system when authorizations are denied. CC ID 17225 Process or Activity Preventive
    Assess the trustworthiness of artificial intelligence systems. CC ID 16319 Business Processes Detective
    Authorize artificial intelligence systems to be placed on the market for exceptional reasons while conformity assessment procedures are being conducted. CC ID 15037 Business Processes Preventive
    Withdraw authorizations that are unjustified. CC ID 15035 Business Processes Corrective
    Ensure the transport conditions for artificial intelligence systems refrain from compromising compliance. CC ID 15031 Business Processes Detective
    Ensure the storage conditions for artificial intelligence systems refrain from compromising compliance. CC ID 15030 Physical and Environmental Protection Detective
    Prohibit artificial intelligence systems from being placed on the market when it is not in compliance with the requirements. CC ID 15029 Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services Preventive
    Ensure the artificial intelligence system performs at an acceptable level of accuracy, robustness, and cybersecurity. CC ID 15024 Process or Activity Preventive
    Implement an acceptable level of accuracy, robustness, and cybersecurity in the development of artificial intelligence systems. CC ID 15022 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Take into account the nature of the situation when determining the possibility of using 'real-time’ remote biometric identification systems in publicly accessible spaces for law enforcement. CC ID 15020 Process or Activity Preventive
    Notify users when images, videos, or audio on the artificial intelligence system has been artificially generated or manipulated. CC ID 15019 Communicate Preventive
    Refrain from notifying users of artificial intelligence systems using biometric categorization for law enforcement. CC ID 15017 Communicate Preventive
    Use a remote biometric identification system under defined conditions. CC ID 15016 Process or Activity Preventive
    Notify users when they are using an artificial intelligence system. CC ID 15015
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, a deployer or other developer that deploys, offers, sells, leases, licenses, gives, or otherwise makes available an artificial intelligence system that is intended to interact with consumers shall ensure the disclosure to each consumer who interacts with the artificial intelligence system that the consumer is interacting with an artificial intelligence system. 6-1-1704. (1)]
    Communicate Preventive
    Receive prior authorization for the use of a remote biometric identification system. CC ID 15014 Business Processes Preventive
    Prohibit artificial intelligence systems that deploys subliminal techniques from being placed on the market. CC ID 15012 Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services Preventive
    Prohibit artificial intelligence systems that use social scores for unfavorable treatment from being placed on the market. CC ID 15010 Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services Preventive
    Prohibit artificial intelligence systems that evaluate or classify the trustworthiness of individuals from being placed on the market. CC ID 15008 Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services Preventive
    Prohibit artificial intelligence systems that exploits vulnerabilities of a specific group of persons from being placed on the market. CC ID 15006 Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services Preventive
    Refrain from making a decision based on system output unless verified by at least two natural persons. CC ID 15004 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain human oversight over artificial intelligence systems. CC ID 15003
    [On or before February 1, 2026, and at least annually thereafter, a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, must review the deployment of each high-risk artificial intelligence system deployed by the deployer to ensure that the high-risk artificial intelligence system is not causing algorithmic discrimination. 6-1-1703. (3)(g)]
    Behavior Preventive
    Implement measures to enable personnel assigned to human oversight to intervene or interrupt the operation of the artificial intelligence system. CC ID 15093 Process or Activity Preventive
    Implement measures to enable personnel assigned to human oversight to be aware of the possibility of automatically relying or over-relying on outputs to make decisions. CC ID 15091 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Implement measures to enable personnel assigned to human oversight to interpret output correctly. CC ID 15089 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Implement measures to enable personnel assigned to human oversight to decide to refrain from using the artificial intelligence system or override disregard, or reverse the output. CC ID 15079 Behavior Preventive
    Enable users to interpret the artificial intelligence system's output and use. CC ID 15002 Business Processes Preventive
    Develop artificial intelligence systems involving the training of models with data sets that meet the quality criteria. CC ID 14996 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Withdraw the technical documentation assessment certificate when the artificial intelligence system is not in compliance with requirements. CC ID 15099 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Reassess the designation of artificial intelligence systems. CC ID 17230 Process or Activity Preventive
    Define a high-risk artificial intelligence system. CC ID 14959 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Take into account the consequences for the rights and freedoms of persons when using ‘real-time’ remote biometric identification systems for law enforcement. CC ID 14957 Process or Activity Preventive
    Allow the use of 'real-time' remote biometric identification systems for law enforcement under defined conditions. CC ID 14955 Process or Activity Preventive
    Document the use of remote biometric identification systems. CC ID 17215 Business Processes Preventive
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of the use of remote biometric identification systems. CC ID 17216 Communicate Preventive
    Refrain from using remote biometric identification systems under defined conditions. CC ID 14953 Process or Activity Preventive
    Prohibit the use of artificial intelligence systems under defined conditions. CC ID 14951
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: How the high-risk artificial intelligence system should be used, not be used, and be monitored by an individual when the high-risk artificial intelligence system is used to make, or is a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision; and 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(V)]
    Process or Activity Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a declaration of conformity. CC ID 15038 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a statement that the artificial intelligence system meets all requirements in the declaration of conformity. CC ID 15100
    [A developer, a deployer, or other person bears the burden of demonstrating to the attorney general that the requirements established in subsection (3) of this section have been satisfied. 6-1-1706. (4)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
  • Privacy protection for information and data
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Privacy protection for information and data CC ID 00008 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain a privacy framework that protects restricted data. CC ID 11850 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a personal data transparency program. CC ID 00375
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A description of any transparency measures taken concerning the high-risk artificial intelligence system, including any measures taken to disclose to a consumer that the high-risk artificial intelligence system is in use when the high-risk artificial intelligence system is in use; and 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(VI)]
    Data and Information Management Preventive
    Establish and maintain privacy notices, as necessary. CC ID 13443 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the purpose of the privacy notice in the privacy notice. CC ID 13526 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the processing purpose in the privacy notice. CC ID 16543 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the record types which may not be used or disclosed unless required by law in the privacy notice. CC ID 17258 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include contact information in the privacy notice. CC ID 14432 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the data subject's choices for data collection, data processing, data disclosure, and data retention in the privacy notice. CC ID 13503 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the right to opt out of personal data disclosure in the privacy notice. CC ID 13460 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include instructions on how to opt out of personal data disclosure in the privacy notice. CC ID 13461 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the uses or disclosures that require authorizations in the privacy notice. CC ID 17257 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include prohibitions of use or disclosure in the privacy notice. CC ID 17252 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the types of third parties to which personal data is disclosed in the privacy notice. CC ID 13459 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the organization's policies, standards, and procedures in the privacy notice. CC ID 13455 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the organization's privacy framework in the privacy notice, as necessary. CC ID 13456 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the personal data collection categories in the privacy notice. CC ID 13457 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include disclosure exceptions in the privacy notice. CC ID 13447 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the types of personal data disclosed in the privacy notice. CC ID 13446 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include descriptions of each type of personal data disclosed in the privacy notice. CC ID 13458 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Specify the time frame that notice will be given. CC ID 00385 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the information about the appeal process in the privacy notice. CC ID 15312 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Combine privacy notices into a joint notification with suppliers, as necessary. CC ID 13468 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Refrain from delivering privacy notices to data subjects, as necessary. CC ID 13445 Communicate Preventive
    Deliver privacy notices to data subjects, as necessary. CC ID 13444 Communicate Preventive
    Deliver a short-form initial notification along with an opt-out notice as an alternate to delivering a privacy notice, as necessary. CC ID 13464 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Update privacy notices, as necessary. CC ID 13474 Communicate Preventive
    Redeliver privacy notices, as necessary. CC ID 14850 Communicate Preventive
    Deliver privacy notices to third parties, as necessary. CC ID 13473 Communicate Preventive
    Obtain acknowledgment of receipt of the privacy notice. CC ID 14435 Communicate Preventive
    Document any reasons acknowledgment of the privacy notice was not received. CC ID 14434 Establish/Maintain Documentation Corrective
    Establish and maintain short-form initial notifications of privacy notices that are clear and conspicuous. CC ID 13466 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the organization's privacy framework in the short-form initial notification, as necessary. CC ID 13472 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the methodology for accessing the privacy notice in the short-form initial notification. CC ID 13471 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include that the privacy notice is available upon request in the short-form initial notification. CC ID 13470 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain opt-out notices. CC ID 13448 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include how opt out directions for joint consumers are treated in the opt-out notice. CC ID 13465 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the opt out method for data subjects in the opt-out notice. CC ID 13467 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the data subject's right to opt out of personal data disclosure in the opt-out notice. CC ID 13463
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and no later than the time that a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer, the deployer shall: Provide to the consumer information, if applicable, regarding the consumer's right to opt out of the processing of personal data concerning the consumer for purposes of profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning the consumer under section 6-1-1306 (1)(a)(I)(C). 6-1-1703. (4)(a)(III)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Explain the right to opt out in the opt-out notice. CC ID 13462 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the organization's right to share personal data in the opt-out notice. CC ID 13450 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Deliver opt-out notices, as necessary. CC ID 13449 Communicate Preventive
    Include an initial privacy notification when delivering the opt-out notice. CC ID 13453 Communicate Preventive
    Provide a copy of the organization's privacy program to statutory authorities, as necessary. CC ID 12376 Communicate Preventive
    Affirm adequate protection of personal data to applicable statutory authorities if the organization is not a member of a privacy program. CC ID 12372 Communicate Preventive
    Notify statutory authorities of the organization's withdrawal from the privacy program. CC ID 12391 Communicate Preventive
    Notify statutory authorities about how restricted data will be handled following withdrawal from the privacy program. CC ID 16819 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Notify statutory authorities concerned with the privacy program if the surviving organization will continue in the privacy program. CC ID 12393 Communicate Preventive
    Notify data subjects about the organization's external requirements relevant to the privacy program. CC ID 12354 Communicate Preventive
    Provide the data subject with a notice of participation procedures. CC ID 06241 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Deliver notices to the intended parties. CC ID 06240
    [{make available} {be reasonable} If the deployer is unable to provide the notice, statement, contact information, and description required by subsections (4)(a) and (4)(b) of this section directly to the consumer, the deployer shall make the notice, statement, contact information, and description available in a manner that is reasonably calculated to ensure that the consumer receives the notice, statement, contact information, and description. 6-1-1703. (4)(c)(II)]
    Data and Information Management Preventive
    Notify data subjects about their privacy rights. CC ID 12989 Communicate Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the critical third party list with relevance to the privacy program to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 12352 Communicate Preventive
    Require a data protection impact assessment when profiling the data subject. CC ID 12680 Process or Activity Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain adequate openness procedures. CC ID 00377 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Provide public proof the organization participates in a privacy program. CC ID 12349 Communicate Preventive
    Publish a description of processing activities in an official register. CC ID 00379 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish and maintain a records request manual. CC ID 00381 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish and maintain a description of voluntary disclosure and automatic availability of certain records. CC ID 00382 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Register with public bodies and notify the Data Commissioner before processing personal data. CC ID 00383 Behavior Preventive
    Define what is included in registration notices. CC ID 00386 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the registration notice. CC ID 16803 Establish Roles Preventive
    Include the verification method in the registration notice. CC ID 16798 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the statutory authority in the registration notice. CC ID 16799 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the address where the file or hardware supporting the data processing is located in the registration notice. CC ID 00387 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a purpose specification description in the registration notice. CC ID 00388 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include information about the dispute resolution body in the registration notice. CC ID 16800 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the data subject category being processed in the registration notice. CC ID 00389 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the time period for data processing in the registration notice. CC ID 00390 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include procedures for when the registration notice for processing personal data is insufficient in the registration notice. CC ID 00392 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Provide legal authorities access to personal data, upon request. CC ID 06818 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Provide the data subject with information about automated decision-making during personal data processing. CC ID 12609 Process or Activity Preventive
    Provide the data subject with information about obtaining automated decision-making used during personal data processing. CC ID 12618 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Provide the data subject with the name, title, and address of the individual accountable for the organizational policies. CC ID 00394 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Provide the data subject with a copy of any brochures or other information that explain policies, standards, or codes. CC ID 00398
    [Except as provided in subsection (4)(c)(ii) of this section, a deployer shall provide the notice, statement, contact information, and description required by subsections (4)(a) and (4)(b) of this section: Directly to the consumer; 6-1-1703. (4)(c)(I)(A)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Provide the data subject with contractual requirements requiring the provision of personal data. CC ID 12588 Process or Activity Preventive
    Document the countries where restricted data may be stored. CC ID 12750 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Protect the rights of students and their parents or legal representatives. CC ID 00222 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Refrain from allowing access rights to education records maintained by another educational institution. CC ID 13014 Technical Security Preventive
    Refrain from allowing students the right to inspect the financial records of their parent or legal representative. CC ID 13025 Records Management Preventive
    Refrain from allowing students the right to inspect confidential letters and confidential letters of recommendation. CC ID 13019 Records Management Preventive
    Amend education records within a reasonable period after receiving a record amendment request. CC ID 12998 Records Management Corrective
    Decide whether to amend education records based on evidence presented during a hearing. CC ID 13020 Records Management Corrective
    Define the criteria for waivers of data subjects' rights. CC ID 16858 Behavior Preventive
    Revoke waivers of data subject's rights, as necessary. CC ID 16859 Behavior Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the notification of rights to students and their parent or legal representative. CC ID 12996 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the criteria for determining what constitutes a legitimate educational interest in the notification of rights. CC ID 13004 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the criteria for determining what constitutes a school official in the notification of rights. CC ID 13003 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disclose educational data, as necessary. CC ID 00223 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Grant access to education records in support of educational program audits. CC ID 13032 Records Management Preventive
    Grant access to education records in support of external requirements. CC ID 13033 Records Management Preventive
    Disclose statements added to education records, as necessary. CC ID 12990 Communicate Preventive
    Obtain explicit consent from students or their parent or legal representative prior to using or disclosing educational data. CC ID 00220 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Disclose education records when written consent is received. CC ID 00224 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Specify the parties to whom education records may be disclosed in the written consent. CC ID 13002 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Specify the purpose of the disclosure in the written consent. CC ID 13001 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Specify which education records may be disclosed in the written consent. CC ID 13000 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document the conditions when consent is not required to disclose educational data. CC ID 00225 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent when disclosure is in connection with a disciplinary proceeding. CC ID 13005 Communicate Preventive
    Refrain from disclosing disciplinary proceeding results unless the student has violated the institution's rules or policies. CC ID 13023 Communicate Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent when it concerns sex offenders. CC ID 13013 Communicate Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent to other school officials. CC ID 00226 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent to another institution's school officials. CC ID 00227 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent in connection with financial aid. CC ID 00229 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent to organizations conducting studies on tests. CC ID 00230 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent to organizations conducting studies if educational data is destroyed when no longer required. CC ID 12995 Communicate Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent to accrediting organizations. CC ID 00231 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent to a dependent student's parent or legal representative. CC ID 00232 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent in order to comply with a judicial order. CC ID 00233 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent for a health and safety emergency. CC ID 00234 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent when it is merely directory information. CC ID 00235 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent to a crime victim. CC ID 00236 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Record the health and safety threats of students when disclosing personal data. CC ID 12997 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject, as necessary. CC ID 12625 Communicate Preventive
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when it is forbidden by law. CC ID 12651 Communicate Preventive
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when it proves impossible due to statistical purposes. CC ID 12645 Communicate Preventive
    Provide the data subject with information about lifting any restriction of processing, as necessary. CC ID 12634 Communicate Preventive
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when it proves impossible due to historical research purposes. CC ID 12633 Communicate Preventive
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when it proves impossible due to scientific research purposes. CC ID 12632 Communicate Preventive
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when it proves impossible due to archival purposes. CC ID 12631 Communicate Preventive
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when providing information involves disproportionate effort. CC ID 12629 Communicate Preventive
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when the data subject has the information. CC ID 12628 Communicate Preventive
    Provide adequate structures, policies, procedures, and mechanisms to support direct access by the data subject to personal data that is provided upon request. CC ID 00393 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Provide the data subject with the data retention period for personal data. CC ID 12587 Process or Activity Preventive
    Provide the data subject with the criteria used to determine the data retention period for personal data. CC ID 12589 Process or Activity Preventive
    Provide the data subject with the adequacy decision. CC ID 12586 Process or Activity Preventive
    Provide the data subject with references to the appropriate safeguards used to protect the privacy of personal data. CC ID 12585 Process or Activity Preventive
    Provide the data subject with copies of the appropriate safeguards used to protect the privacy of personal data. CC ID 12608 Process or Activity Preventive
    Provide the data subject with the means of gaining access to personal data held by the organization. CC ID 00396 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Refrain from requiring the data subject to create an account in order to submit a consumer request. CC ID 13780 Business Processes Preventive
    Provide the data subject with the data protection officer's contact information. CC ID 12573 Business Processes Preventive
    Notify the data subject of the right to data portability. CC ID 12603 Process or Activity Preventive
    Provide the data subject with information about the right to erasure. CC ID 12602 Process or Activity Preventive
    Provide the data subject with a description of the type of information held by the organization and a general account of its use. CC ID 00397 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Provide the data subject with what personal data is made available to related organizations or subsidiaries. CC ID 00399 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include individual's names to whom restricted data may be disclosed in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 13027 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish and maintain a disclosure accounting record. CC ID 13022 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the official authorities that are allowed to disclose restricted data absent consent in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 13029 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the legitimate interests for accessing restricted data in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 13028 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include what information was disclosed and to whom in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 04680 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the personal data the organization refrained from disclosing in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 13769 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the sale of personal data in the disclosure accounting record, as necessary. CC ID 13768 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the disclosure date in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07133 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the disclosure recipient in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07134 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the disclosure purpose in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07135 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the frequency, periodicity, or number of disclosures made during the accounting period in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07136 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the final date of multiple disclosures in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07137 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include how personal data was used for research purposes in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07138 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the research activity or research protocol in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07139 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the record selection criteria for research activities in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07140 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the contact information of the organization that sponsored the research activity in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07141 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the types of third parties to whom restricted data may be disclosed in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 16860 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the disclosure accounting record to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14433 Communicate Preventive
    Provide shareholders with electronic messages regarding the shareholder meetings. CC ID 04586 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Provide shareholders access to electronic messages via electronic means. CC ID 11855 Process or Activity Preventive
    Make telephone directory information available to the public. CC ID 08698 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Display warning screens and confirmation screens for all payment transactions. CC ID 06409 Technical Security Preventive
    Define the acceptable data modifications before presenting the data to a data subject. CC ID 00400 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Provide the data subject with information about the legitimate interests associated with personal data processing. CC ID 12614 Process or Activity Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a personal data accountability program. CC ID 13432 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Require data controllers to be accountable for their actions. CC ID 00470 Establish Roles Preventive
    Notify the supervisory authority. CC ID 00472
    [If a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system on or after February 1, 2026, and subsequently discovers that the high-risk artificial intelligence system has caused algorithmic discrimination, the deployer, without unreasonable delay, but no later than ninety days after the date of the discovery, shall send to the attorney general, in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, a notice disclosing the discovery. 6-1-1703. (7)]
    Behavior Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain approval applications. CC ID 16778 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define the requirements for approving or denying approval applications. CC ID 16780 Business Processes Preventive
    Submit approval applications to the supervisory authority. CC ID 16627 Communicate Preventive
    Include required information in the approval application. CC ID 16628 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Extend the time limit for approving or denying approval applications. CC ID 16779 Business Processes Preventive
    Approve the approval application unless applicant has been convicted. CC ID 16603 Process or Activity Preventive
    Provide the supervisory authority with any information requested by the supervisory authority. CC ID 12606
    [{high-risk artificial intelligence system} On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a developer disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the statement or documentation described in subsection (2) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate such statement or documentation to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the statement or documentation is not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (7), a developer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the statement or documentation includes information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1702. (7)]
    Process or Activity Preventive
    Notify the supervisory authority of the safeguards employed to protect the data subject's rights. CC ID 12605 Communicate Preventive
    Respond to questions about submissions in a timely manner. CC ID 16930 Communicate Preventive
    Include any reasons for delay if notifying the supervisory authority after the time limit. CC ID 12675 Communicate Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a personal data use limitation program. CC ID 13428 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain data disclosure procedures. CC ID 00133
    [{high-risk artificial intelligence system} On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a developer disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the statement or documentation described in subsection (2) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate such statement or documentation to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the statement or documentation is not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (7), a developer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the statement or documentation includes information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1702. (7)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the disclosure requirements to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16901 Communicate Preventive
    Identify any adverse effects the disclosure of personal data will have on the data subject. CC ID 15298 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Review personal data disclosure requests. CC ID 07129 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Notify the data subject of the disclosure purpose. CC ID 15268 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain data request denial procedures. CC ID 00434 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include frivolous requests or vexatious requests as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00435 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include when the required information is unavailable as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00436 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include when the disclosure of personal data constitutes contempt of court or contempt of House of Representatives as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00437 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would identify suppliers or breaches an express promise of privacy or implied promise of privacy as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00438 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would compromise National Security as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00439 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include information that is protected by attorney-client privilege as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00440 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would reveal trade secrets, commercial information, or harmful financial information as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00441
    [{refrain from requiring} Nothing in subsections (2) to (5) and (7) of this section requires a deployer to disclose a trade secret or information protected from disclosure by state or federal law. To the extent that a deployer withholds information pursuant to this subsection (8) or section 6-1-1705 (5), the deployer shall notify the consumer and provide a basis for the withholding. 6-1-1703. (8)
    {refrain from requiring} Nothing in subsections (2) to (5) of this section requires a developer to disclose a trade secret, information protected from disclosure by state or federal law, or information that would create a security risk to the developer. 6-1-1702. (6)]
    Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would threaten an individual's life or an individual's security as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00442 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would have an unreasonable impact on another individual's privacy as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00443 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would threaten facilities, property, transport, or communication systems as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 08702 Process or Activity Preventive
    Include responding to access requests after the time limit as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 13600 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include information that was generated from a formal dispute as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00444 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include personal data that is used solely for scientific research, scholarly research, statistical research, library purposes, museum purposes, or archival purposes as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00445 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include personal data that is for the state's economic interest as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00446 Data and Information Management Detective
    Include personal data that is for protecting the civil rights or other's freedoms as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00447 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that constitutes a state secret as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00448 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would result in interference with the operation of public functions as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00449 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would interrupt criminal investigation and surveillance or other legal purposes as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00450 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include when a country's laws prevent disclosure as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00451 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would interfere with grievance proceeding or employee security investigations as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 06873 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would interfere with commercial acquisitions or reorganizations as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 06874 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include if the cost or burden of disclosing the personal data is disproportionate as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 06875 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of the reasons the data access request was refused. CC ID 00453
    [{refrain from requiring} Nothing in subsections (2) to (5) and (7) of this section requires a deployer to disclose a trade secret or information protected from disclosure by state or federal law. To the extent that a deployer withholds information pursuant to this subsection (8) or section 6-1-1705 (5), the deployer shall notify the consumer and provide a basis for the withholding. 6-1-1703. (8)]
    Data and Information Management Preventive
    Notify the individual of the organization's legal rights to refuse the personal data access request, as necessary. CC ID 13509 Communicate Preventive
    Notify individuals of their right to challenge a refusal to a data access request. CC ID 00454 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include if the record would constitute an action for breach of a duty of confidence as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 08700 Process or Activity Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate personal data to the individual that it relates to. CC ID 00428 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Provide personal data to an individual after the individual's identity has been confirmed. CC ID 06876 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Notify that data subject of any exclusions to requested personal data. CC ID 15271 Communicate Preventive
    Provide data or records in a reasonable time frame. CC ID 00429 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Notify individuals of the new time limit for responding to an access request in a notice of extension. CC ID 13599 Communicate Preventive
    Extend the time limit for providing personal data in order to convert it to an alternative format. CC ID 13591 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Extend the time limit for providing personal data if the time is impracticable to respond to the access request. CC ID 13590 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Extend the time limit for providing data if it would unreasonably interfere with the organization's activities. CC ID 13589 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Provide data at a cost that is not excessive. CC ID 00430 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Provide records or data in a reasonable manner. CC ID 00431 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Provide personal data in a form that is intelligible. CC ID 00432 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Provide restricted data that would threaten the life or security of another individual after that information has been redacted. CC ID 13604 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Provide restricted data that would reveal confidential commercial information after that information has been redacted. CC ID 13602 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Remove data pertaining to third parties before giving the requestor access to the information. CC ID 13601 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Document that a data search was conducted in case the requested data cannot be found. CC ID 06953 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a data handling program. CC ID 13427 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain data handling policies. CC ID 00353 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain data and information confidentiality policies. CC ID 00361
    [{high-risk artificial intelligence system} On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a developer disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the statement or documentation described in subsection (2) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate such statement or documentation to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the statement or documentation is not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (7), a developer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the statement or documentation includes information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1702. (7)
    {high-risk artificial intelligence system} On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a developer disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the statement or documentation described in subsection (2) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate such statement or documentation to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the statement or documentation is not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (7), a developer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the statement or documentation includes information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1702. (7)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The sensitivity and volume of data processed in connection with the le="background-color:#F0BBBC;" class="term_primary-noun">high-risk artificial intelligence systems e="background-color:#CBD0E5;" class="term_secondary-verb">deployed by the deployer. 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(IV)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The sensitivity and volume of data processed in connection with the le="background-color:#F0BBBC;" class="term_primary-noun">high-risk artificial intelligence systems e="background-color:#CBD0E5;" class="term_secondary-verb">deployed by the deployer. 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(IV)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Prohibit personal data from being sent by e-mail or instant messaging. CC ID 00565 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Protect electronic messaging information. CC ID 12022 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain record structures to support information confidentiality. CC ID 00360 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include passwords, Personal Identification Numbers, and card security codes in the personal data definition. CC ID 04699 Configuration Preventive
    Refrain from storing data elements containing payment card full magnetic stripe data. CC ID 04757 Testing Detective
    Store payment card data in secure chips, if possible. CC ID 13065 Configuration Preventive
    Refrain from storing data elements containing sensitive authentication data after authorization is approved. CC ID 04758 Configuration Preventive
    Render unrecoverable sensitive authentication data after authorization is approved. CC ID 11952 Technical Security Preventive
    Automate the disposition process for records that contain "do not store" data or "delete after transaction process" data. CC ID 06083 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Log the disclosure of personal data. CC ID 06628 Log Management Preventive
    Log the modification of personal data. CC ID 11844 Log Management Preventive
    Encrypt, truncate, or tokenize data fields, as necessary. CC ID 06850 Technical Security Preventive
    Implement security measures to protect personal data. CC ID 13606 Technical Security Preventive
    Implement physical controls to protect personal data. CC ID 00355 Testing Preventive
    Limit data leakage. CC ID 00356 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Conduct personal data risk assessments. CC ID 00357 Testing Detective
    Identify potential red flags to alert the organization before a data leakage has occurred. CC ID 04654 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain Consumer Reporting Agency notification procedures. CC ID 04851 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain suspicious document procedures. CC ID 04852 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain suspicious personal data procedures. CC ID 04853 Data and Information Management Detective
    Compare certain personal data such as name, date of birth, address, driver's license, or other identification against personal data on file for the applicant. CC ID 04855 Data and Information Management Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain suspicious user account activity procedures. CC ID 04854 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Perform an identity check prior to approving an account change request. CC ID 13670 Investigate Detective
    Use the contact information on file to contact the individual identified in an account change request. CC ID 04857 Behavior Detective
    Match consumer reports with current accounts on file to ensure account misuse or information misuse has not occurred. CC ID 04873 Data and Information Management Detective
    Log account access dates and report when dormant accounts suddenly exhibit unusual activity. CC ID 04874 Log Management Detective
    Report fraudulent account activity, unauthorized transactions, or discrepancies with current accounts. CC ID 04875 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Corrective
    Log dates for account name changes or address changes. CC ID 04876 Log Management Detective
    Review accounts that are changed for additional user requests. CC ID 11846 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Send change notices for change of address requests to the old address and the new address. CC ID 04877 Data and Information Management Detective
    Acquire enough insurance to cover the liability for damages due to data leakage. CC ID 06408 Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services Preventive
    Search the Internet for evidence of data leakage. CC ID 10419 Process or Activity Detective
    Alert appropriate personnel when data leakage is detected. CC ID 14715 Process or Activity Preventive
    Review monitored websites for data leakage. CC ID 10593 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Take appropriate action when a data leakage is discovered. CC ID 14716 Process or Activity Corrective
    Develop remedies and sanctions for privacy policy violations. CC ID 00474 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Change or destroy any personal data that is incorrect. CC ID 00462
    [On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: An opportunity to correct any incorrect personal data that the high-risk artificial intelligence system processed in making, or as a substantial factor in making, the consequential decision; and 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(II)]
    Data and Information Management Corrective
    Notify the data subject of changes made to personal data as the result of a dispute. CC ID 00463 Behavior Corrective
    Refrain from updating personal data on a regular basis, unless it is necessary for the purposes it was collected. CC ID 13610 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Escalate the appeal process to change personal data when the data controller fails to make changes to the disputed data. CC ID 00465 Data and Information Management Corrective
    Define the appeal process based on the applicable law. CC ID 00506
    [On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: An opportunity to appeal an adverse consequential decision concerning the consumer arising from the deployment of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, which appeal must, if technically feasible, allow for human review unless providing the opportunity for appeal is not in the best interest of the consumer, including in instances in which any delay might pose a risk to the life or safety of such consumer. 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(III)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define the fee structure for the appeal process. CC ID 16532 Process or Activity Preventive
    Define the time requirements for the appeal process. CC ID 16531 Process or Activity Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate instructions for the appeal process to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16544
    [On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: An opportunity to appeal an adverse consequential decision concerning the consumer arising from the deployment of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, which appeal must, if technically feasible, allow for human review unless providing the opportunity for appeal is not in the best interest of the consumer, including in instances in which any delay might pose a risk to the life or safety of such consumer. 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(III)]
    Communicate Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate a written explanation of the reasons for appeal decisions to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16542 Communicate Preventive
  • Records management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Records management CC ID 00902 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain records management policies. CC ID 00903 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define each system's preservation requirements for records and logs. CC ID 00904 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Determine how long to keep records and logs before disposing them. CC ID 11661 Process or Activity Preventive
    Retain records in accordance with applicable requirements. CC ID 00968
    [A deployer shall maintain the most recently completed impact assessment for a high-risk artificial intelligence system as required under this subsection (3), all records concerning each impact assessment, and all prior impact assessments, if any, for at least three years following the final deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. 6-1-1703. (3)(f)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)]
    Records Management Preventive
  • Systems design, build, and implementation
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Systems design, build, and implementation CC ID 00989 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish and maintain technical documentation. CC ID 15005
    [A developer that also serves as a deployer for a high-risk artificial intelligence system is not required to generate the documentation required by this section unless the high-risk artificial intelligence system is provided to an unaffiliated entity acting as a deployer. 6-1-1702. (3)(b)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Retain technical documentation on the premises where the artificial intelligence system is located. CC ID 15104 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the risk mitigation measures in the technical documentation. CC ID 17246
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: The measures the developer has taken to mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination that may arise from the reasonably foreseeable deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(IV)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the intended outputs of the system in the technical documentation. CC ID 17245
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: The intended outputs of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(III)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: Any additional documentation that is reasonably necessary to assist the deployer in understanding the outputs and monitor the performance of the high-risk artificial intelligence system for risks of algorithmic discrimination. 6-1-1702. (2)(d)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the limitations of the system in the technical documentation. CC ID 17242
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation disclosing: Known or reasonably foreseeable limitations of the high-risk artificial intelligence system, including known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination arising from the intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1702. (2)(b)(II)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the types of data used to train the artificial intelligence system in the technical documentation. CC ID 17241
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: High-level summaries of the type of data used to train the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1702. (2)(b)(I)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include all required information in the technical documentation. CC ID 15094
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation disclosing: All other information necessary to allow the deployer to comply with the requirements of section 6-1-1703; 6-1-1702. (2)(b)(V)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include information that demonstrates compliance with requirements in the technical documentation. CC ID 15088 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate technical documentation to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 17229
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and no later than the time that a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer, the deployer shall: Provide to the consumer a statement disclosing the purpose of the high-risk artificial intelligence system and the nature of the consequential decision; the contact information for the deployer; a description, in plain language, of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and instructions on how to access the statement required by subsection (5)(a) of this section; and 6-1-1703. (4)(a)(II)]
    Communicate Preventive
Common Controls and
mandates by Type
65 Mandated Controls - bold    
52 Implied Controls - italic     549 Implementation

Each Common Control is assigned a meta-data type to help you determine the objective of the Control and associated Authority Document mandates aligned with it. These types include behavioral controls, process controls, records management, technical security, configuration management, etc. They are provided as another tool to dissect the Authority Document’s mandates and assign them effectively within your organization.

Number of Controls
666 Total
  • Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Purchase insurance on behalf of interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16571 Audits and risk management Corrective
    Prohibit artificial intelligence systems from being placed on the market when it is not in compliance with the requirements. CC ID 15029 Operational management Preventive
    Prohibit artificial intelligence systems that deploys subliminal techniques from being placed on the market. CC ID 15012 Operational management Preventive
    Prohibit artificial intelligence systems that use social scores for unfavorable treatment from being placed on the market. CC ID 15010 Operational management Preventive
    Prohibit artificial intelligence systems that evaluate or classify the trustworthiness of individuals from being placed on the market. CC ID 15008 Operational management Preventive
    Prohibit artificial intelligence systems that exploits vulnerabilities of a specific group of persons from being placed on the market. CC ID 15006 Operational management Preventive
    Acquire enough insurance to cover the liability for damages due to data leakage. CC ID 06408 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
  • Actionable Reports or Measurements
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with natural disasters. CC ID 06470 Audits and risk management Detective
  • Audits and Risk Management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Take into account if the system will be accessed by or have an impact on children in the risk management program. CC ID 14992 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Analyze the risk management strategy for addressing requirements. CC ID 12926 Audits and risk management Detective
    Analyze the risk management strategy for addressing threats. CC ID 12925
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: How the high-risk artificial intelligence system was evaluated for performance and mitigation of algorithmic discrimination before the high-risk artificial intelligence system was offered, sold, leased, licensed, given, or otherwise made available to the deployer; 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(I)]
    Audits and risk management Detective
    Analyze the risk management strategy for addressing opportunities. CC ID 12924 Audits and risk management Detective
    Address past incidents in the risk assessment program. CC ID 12743 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish and maintain the factors and context for risk to the organization. CC ID 12230 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain fundamental rights impact assessments. CC ID 17217
    [Except as provided in subsections (3)(d), (3)(e), and (6) of this section: On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, shall complete an impact assessment for a deployed high-risk artificial intelligence system at least annually and within ninety days after any intentional and substantial modification to the high-risk artificial intelligence system is made available. 6-1-1703. (3)(a)(II)
    Except as provided in subsections (3)(d), (3)(e), and (6) of this section: A deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, that deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system on or after February 1, 2026, shall complete an impact assessment for the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and 6-1-1703. (3)(a)(I)
    Except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer that offers, sells, leases, licenses, gives, or otherwise makes available to a deployer or other developer a high-risk artificial intelligence system on or after February 1, 2026, shall make available to the deployer or other developer, to the extent feasible, the documentation and information, through artifacts such as model cards, dataset cards, or other impact assessments, necessary for a deployer, or for a third party contracted by a deployer, to complete an impact assessment pursuant to section 6-1-1703 (3). 6-1-1702. (3)(a)
    An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: An analysis of whether the deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system poses any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination and, if so, the nature of the algorithmic discrimination and the steps that have been taken to mitigate the risks; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(II)
    The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The content and requirements of the impact assessments required by section 6-1-1703 (3); 6-1-1707. (1)(d)
    A single impact assessment may address a comparable set of high-risk artificial intelligence systems deployed by a deployer. 6-1-1703. (3)(d)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)]
    Audits and risk management Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that take into account risk factors. CC ID 16560 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Categorize the systems, information, and data by risk profile in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 01443 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Review the risk profiles, as necessary. CC ID 16561 Audits and risk management Detective
    Include risks to critical personnel and assets in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 00698 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Assign a probability of occurrence to all types of threats in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 01173 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain risk profiling procedures for internal risk assessments. CC ID 01157 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Automate as much of the risk assessment program, as necessary. CC ID 06459 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Approve the results of the risk assessment as documented in the risk assessment report. CC ID 07109 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Review risks to the organization's audit function when changes in the supply chain occur. CC ID 01154 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Review the risk to the audit function when the audit personnel status changes. CC ID 01153 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Conduct external audits of risk assessments, as necessary. CC ID 13308 Audits and risk management Detective
    Correlate the business impact of identified risks in the risk assessment report. CC ID 00686 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Conduct a Business Impact Analysis, as necessary. CC ID 01147 Audits and risk management Detective
    Analyze and quantify the risks to in scope systems and information. CC ID 00701 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish and maintain a Risk Scoping and Measurement Definitions Document. CC ID 00703 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Identify the material risks in the risk assessment report. CC ID 06482 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with each business process. CC ID 06463 Audits and risk management Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with the business environment. CC ID 06464 Audits and risk management Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with business information of in scope systems. CC ID 06465 Audits and risk management Detective
    Assess the potential business impact risk of in scope systems caused by deliberate threats to their confidentiality, integrity, and availability. CC ID 06466 Audits and risk management Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk caused by accidental threats to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of critical systems. CC ID 06467 Audits and risk management Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with reputational damage. CC ID 15335 Audits and risk management Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with insider threats. CC ID 06468 Audits and risk management Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with external entities. CC ID 06469 Audits and risk management Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with control weaknesses. CC ID 06471 Audits and risk management Detective
    Prioritize and select controls based on the risk assessment findings. CC ID 00707 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Prioritize and categorize the effects of opportunities, threats and requirements on control activities. CC ID 12822 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Develop key indicators to inform management on the effectiveness of risk control measures. CC ID 12946 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the release status of the risk assessment in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 16320 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Identify the planned actions and controls that address high risk in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 12835 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Identify the current actions and controls that address high risk in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 12834 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Approve the risk treatment plan. CC ID 13495 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Analyze the impact of artificial intelligence systems on society. CC ID 16317 Audits and risk management Detective
    Analyze the impact of artificial intelligence systems on individuals. CC ID 16316 Audits and risk management Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a cybersecurity risk management program. CC ID 16827 Audits and risk management Preventive
  • Behavior
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Disseminate and communicate compliance documents to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 06282 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate any compliance document changes when the documents are updated to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 06283 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Notify the interested personnel and affected parties before the storage unit will reach maximum capacity. CC ID 06773 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a testing program. CC ID 00654 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Use the risk taxonomy when managing risk. CC ID 12280 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate information about risks to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 06718 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the risk acceptance level in the risk treatment plan to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 06849 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain human oversight over artificial intelligence systems. CC ID 15003
    [On or before February 1, 2026, and at least annually thereafter, a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, must review the deployment of each high-risk artificial intelligence system deployed by the deployer to ensure that the high-risk artificial intelligence system is not causing algorithmic discrimination. 6-1-1703. (3)(g)]
    Operational management Preventive
    Implement measures to enable personnel assigned to human oversight to decide to refrain from using the artificial intelligence system or override disregard, or reverse the output. CC ID 15079 Operational management Preventive
    Register with public bodies and notify the Data Commissioner before processing personal data. CC ID 00383 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Define the criteria for waivers of data subjects' rights. CC ID 16858 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Revoke waivers of data subject's rights, as necessary. CC ID 16859 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Notify the supervisory authority. CC ID 00472
    [If a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system on or after February 1, 2026, and subsequently discovers that the high-risk artificial intelligence system has caused algorithmic discrimination, the deployer, without unreasonable delay, but no later than ninety days after the date of the discovery, shall send to the attorney general, in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, a notice disclosing the discovery. 6-1-1703. (7)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Use the contact information on file to contact the individual identified in an account change request. CC ID 04857 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Notify the data subject of changes made to personal data as the result of a dispute. CC ID 00463 Privacy protection for information and data Corrective
  • Business Processes
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Assess the impact of changes to organizational policies, standards, and procedures, as necessary. CC ID 14824 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Review the compliance exceptions in the exceptions document, as necessary. CC ID 01632 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Document and justify any exclusions from the scope of the risk management activities in the risk management program. CC ID 15336 Audits and risk management Detective
    Integrate the risk management program with the organization's business activities. CC ID 13661 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Integrate the risk management program into daily business decision-making. CC ID 13659 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include regular updating in the risk management system. CC ID 14990 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Design a portfolio of insurance options in accordance with risk decision-making criteria. CC ID 12878 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Design a portfolio of loans in accordance with risk decision-making criteria. CC ID 12877 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Design a portfolio of risk limiting and mitigating approaches in organizational contracts in accordance with risk decision-making criteria. CC ID 12903 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Approve the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 15693 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk assessment awareness and training program. CC ID 06453 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Align organizational risk tolerance to that of industry peers in the risk register. CC ID 09962 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Review the Business Impact Analysis, as necessary. CC ID 12774 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Review and approve material risks documented in the residual risk report, as necessary. CC ID 13672 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Analyze the impact of artificial intelligence systems on business operations. CC ID 16356 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Evaluate the cyber insurance market. CC ID 12695 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Evaluate the usefulness of cyber insurance to the organization. CC ID 12694 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Acquire cyber insurance, as necessary. CC ID 12693 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Implement and comply with the Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 00818 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Incident Management program. CC ID 00853 Operational management Preventive
    Limit artificial intelligence systems authorizations to the time period until conformity assessment procedures are complete. CC ID 15043 Operational management Preventive
    Terminate authorizations for artificial intelligence systems when conformity assessment procedures are complete. CC ID 15042 Operational management Preventive
    Authorize artificial intelligence systems to be put into service for exceptional reasons while conformity assessment procedures are being conducted. CC ID 15039 Operational management Preventive
    Assess the trustworthiness of artificial intelligence systems. CC ID 16319 Operational management Detective
    Authorize artificial intelligence systems to be placed on the market for exceptional reasons while conformity assessment procedures are being conducted. CC ID 15037 Operational management Preventive
    Withdraw authorizations that are unjustified. CC ID 15035 Operational management Corrective
    Ensure the transport conditions for artificial intelligence systems refrain from compromising compliance. CC ID 15031 Operational management Detective
    Receive prior authorization for the use of a remote biometric identification system. CC ID 15014 Operational management Preventive
    Refrain from making a decision based on system output unless verified by at least two natural persons. CC ID 15004 Operational management Preventive
    Enable users to interpret the artificial intelligence system's output and use. CC ID 15002 Operational management Preventive
    Document the use of remote biometric identification systems. CC ID 17215 Operational management Preventive
    Refrain from requiring the data subject to create an account in order to submit a consumer request. CC ID 13780 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide the data subject with the data protection officer's contact information. CC ID 12573 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Define the requirements for approving or denying approval applications. CC ID 16780 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Extend the time limit for approving or denying approval applications. CC ID 16779 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain Consumer Reporting Agency notification procedures. CC ID 04851 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
  • Communicate
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Disseminate and communicate the organization’s policies, standards, and procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 12901 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate compliance exceptions to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16945 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Report errors and faults to the appropriate personnel, as necessary. CC ID 14296 Monitoring and measurement Corrective
    Disseminate and communicate insurance options to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16572 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate insurance requirements to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16567 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the Data Protection Impact Assessment to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15313 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the risk assessment policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14115 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the risk assessment procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14136 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the approved risk assessment report to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 10633 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Notify the organization upon completion of the external audits of the organization's risk assessment. CC ID 13313 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the Business Impact Analysis to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15300 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the risk treatment plan to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15694 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the cybersecurity risk management policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16832 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the cybersecurity risk management program to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16829 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the cybersecurity risk management strategy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16825 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the supply chain risk management policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14662 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the supply chain risk management procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14712 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the risk management policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 13792 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Provide affected parties with the role of artificial intelligence in decision making. CC ID 17236
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and no later than the time that a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer, the deployer shall: Notify the consumer that the deployer has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision before the decision is made; 6-1-1703. (4)(a)(I)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and no later than the time that a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer, the deployer shall: Provide to the consumer a statement disclosing the purpose of the high-risk artificial intelligence system and the nature of the consequential decision; the contact information for the deployer; a description, in plain language, of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and instructions on how to access the statement required by subsection (5)(a) of this section; and 6-1-1703. (4)(a)(II)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: The degree to which, and manner in which, the high-risk artificial intelligence system contributed to the consequential decision; 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(I)(A)]
    Operational management Preventive
    Refrain from notifying users when images, videos, or audio have been artificially generated or manipulated if use of the artificial intelligence system is authorized by law. CC ID 15051
    [Disclosure is not required under subsection (1) of this section under circumstances in which it would be obvious to a reasonable person that the person is interacting with an artificial intelligence system. 6-1-1704. (2)]
    Operational management Preventive
    Notify users when images, videos, or audio on the artificial intelligence system has been artificially generated or manipulated. CC ID 15019 Operational management Preventive
    Refrain from notifying users of artificial intelligence systems using biometric categorization for law enforcement. CC ID 15017 Operational management Preventive
    Notify users when they are using an artificial intelligence system. CC ID 15015
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, a deployer or other developer that deploys, offers, sells, leases, licenses, gives, or otherwise makes available an artificial intelligence system that is intended to interact with consumers shall ensure the disclosure to each consumer who interacts with the artificial intelligence system that the consumer is interacting with an artificial intelligence system. 6-1-1704. (1)]
    Operational management Preventive
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of the use of remote biometric identification systems. CC ID 17216 Operational management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate technical documentation to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 17229
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and no later than the time that a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer, the deployer shall: Provide to the consumer a statement disclosing the purpose of the high-risk artificial intelligence system and the nature of the consequential decision; the contact information for the deployer; a description, in plain language, of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and instructions on how to access the statement required by subsection (5)(a) of this section; and 6-1-1703. (4)(a)(II)]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Refrain from delivering privacy notices to data subjects, as necessary. CC ID 13445 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Deliver privacy notices to data subjects, as necessary. CC ID 13444 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Update privacy notices, as necessary. CC ID 13474 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Redeliver privacy notices, as necessary. CC ID 14850 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Deliver privacy notices to third parties, as necessary. CC ID 13473 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Obtain acknowledgment of receipt of the privacy notice. CC ID 14435 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Deliver opt-out notices, as necessary. CC ID 13449 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include an initial privacy notification when delivering the opt-out notice. CC ID 13453 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide a copy of the organization's privacy program to statutory authorities, as necessary. CC ID 12376 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Affirm adequate protection of personal data to applicable statutory authorities if the organization is not a member of a privacy program. CC ID 12372 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Notify statutory authorities of the organization's withdrawal from the privacy program. CC ID 12391 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Notify statutory authorities concerned with the privacy program if the surviving organization will continue in the privacy program. CC ID 12393 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Notify data subjects about the organization's external requirements relevant to the privacy program. CC ID 12354 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Notify data subjects about their privacy rights. CC ID 12989 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the critical third party list with relevance to the privacy program to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 12352 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide public proof the organization participates in a privacy program. CC ID 12349 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disclose statements added to education records, as necessary. CC ID 12990 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent when disclosure is in connection with a disciplinary proceeding. CC ID 13005 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Refrain from disclosing disciplinary proceeding results unless the student has violated the institution's rules or policies. CC ID 13023 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent when it concerns sex offenders. CC ID 13013 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent to organizations conducting studies if educational data is destroyed when no longer required. CC ID 12995 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject, as necessary. CC ID 12625 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when it is forbidden by law. CC ID 12651 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when it proves impossible due to statistical purposes. CC ID 12645 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide the data subject with information about lifting any restriction of processing, as necessary. CC ID 12634 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when it proves impossible due to historical research purposes. CC ID 12633 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when it proves impossible due to scientific research purposes. CC ID 12632 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when it proves impossible due to archival purposes. CC ID 12631 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when providing information involves disproportionate effort. CC ID 12629 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when the data subject has the information. CC ID 12628 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the disclosure accounting record to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14433 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Submit approval applications to the supervisory authority. CC ID 16627 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Notify the supervisory authority of the safeguards employed to protect the data subject's rights. CC ID 12605 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Respond to questions about submissions in a timely manner. CC ID 16930 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include any reasons for delay if notifying the supervisory authority after the time limit. CC ID 12675 Privacy protection for information and data Corrective
    Disseminate and communicate the disclosure requirements to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16901 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Notify the data subject of the disclosure purpose. CC ID 15268 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Notify the individual of the organization's legal rights to refuse the personal data access request, as necessary. CC ID 13509 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Notify that data subject of any exclusions to requested personal data. CC ID 15271 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Notify individuals of the new time limit for responding to an access request in a notice of extension. CC ID 13599 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate instructions for the appeal process to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16544
    [On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: An opportunity to appeal an adverse consequential decision concerning the consumer arising from the deployment of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, which appeal must, if technically feasible, allow for human review unless providing the opportunity for appeal is not in the best interest of the consumer, including in instances in which any delay might pose a risk to the life or safety of such consumer. 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(III)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate a written explanation of the reasons for appeal decisions to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16542 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
  • Configuration
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Include passwords, Personal Identification Numbers, and card security codes in the personal data definition. CC ID 04699 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Store payment card data in secure chips, if possible. CC ID 13065 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Refrain from storing data elements containing sensitive authentication data after authorization is approved. CC ID 04758 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
  • Data and Information Management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Include the data source in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 17211 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include data quality in the risk management strategies. CC ID 15308 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Post all required information on organizational websites and ensure all hyperlinks are working. CC ID 04579
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer shall make available, in a manner that is clear and readily available on the deployer's website, a statement summarizing: The types of high-risk artificial intelligence systems that are currently deployed by the deployer; 6-1-1703. (5)(a)(I)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer shall make available, in a manner that is clear and readily available on the deployer's website, a statement summarizing: How the deployer manages known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination that may arise from the deployment of each high-risk artificial intelligence system described pursuant to subsection (5)(a)(I) of this section; and 6-1-1703. (5)(a)(II)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer shall make available, in a manner that is clear and readily available on the deployer's website, a statement summarizing: In detail, the nature, source, and extent of the information collected and used by the deployer. 6-1-1703. (5)(a)(III)
    {high-risk artificial intelligence system} A deployer shall periodically update the statement described in subsection (5)(a) of this section. 6-1-1703. (5)(b)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a developer shall make available, in a manner that is clear and readily available on the developer's website or in a public use case inventory, a statement summarizing: The types of high-risk artificial intelligence systems that the developer has developed or intentionally and substantially modified and currently makes available to a deployer or other developer; and 6-1-1702. (4)(a)(I)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and no later than the time that a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer, the deployer shall: Provide to the consumer a statement disclosing the purpose of the high-risk artificial intelligence system and the nature of the consequential decision; the contact information for the deployer; a description, in plain language, of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and instructions on how to access the statement required by subsection (5)(a) of this section; and 6-1-1703. (4)(a)(II)]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Implement measures to enable personnel assigned to human oversight to interpret output correctly. CC ID 15089 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a personal data transparency program. CC ID 00375
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A description of any transparency measures taken concerning the high-risk artificial intelligence system, including any measures taken to disclose to a consumer that the high-risk artificial intelligence system is in use when the high-risk artificial intelligence system is in use; and 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(VI)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Notify statutory authorities about how restricted data will be handled following withdrawal from the privacy program. CC ID 16819 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Deliver notices to the intended parties. CC ID 06240
    [{make available} {be reasonable} If the deployer is unable to provide the notice, statement, contact information, and description required by subsections (4)(a) and (4)(b) of this section directly to the consumer, the deployer shall make the notice, statement, contact information, and description available in a manner that is reasonably calculated to ensure that the consumer receives the notice, statement, contact information, and description. 6-1-1703. (4)(c)(II)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain adequate openness procedures. CC ID 00377 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide legal authorities access to personal data, upon request. CC ID 06818 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Document the countries where restricted data may be stored. CC ID 12750 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Protect the rights of students and their parents or legal representatives. CC ID 00222 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disclose educational data, as necessary. CC ID 00223 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Obtain explicit consent from students or their parent or legal representative prior to using or disclosing educational data. CC ID 00220 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disclose education records when written consent is received. CC ID 00224 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent to other school officials. CC ID 00226 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent to another institution's school officials. CC ID 00227 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent in connection with financial aid. CC ID 00229 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent to organizations conducting studies on tests. CC ID 00230 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent to accrediting organizations. CC ID 00231 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent to a dependent student's parent or legal representative. CC ID 00232 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent in order to comply with a judicial order. CC ID 00233 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent for a health and safety emergency. CC ID 00234 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent when it is merely directory information. CC ID 00235 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disclose educational data absent consent to a crime victim. CC ID 00236 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide the data subject with the means of gaining access to personal data held by the organization. CC ID 00396 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide the data subject with what personal data is made available to related organizations or subsidiaries. CC ID 00399 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the types of third parties to whom restricted data may be disclosed in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 16860 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Identify any adverse effects the disclosure of personal data will have on the data subject. CC ID 15298 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Review personal data disclosure requests. CC ID 07129 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include frivolous requests or vexatious requests as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00435 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include when the required information is unavailable as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00436 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include when the disclosure of personal data constitutes contempt of court or contempt of House of Representatives as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00437 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would identify suppliers or breaches an express promise of privacy or implied promise of privacy as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00438 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would compromise National Security as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00439 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include information that is protected by attorney-client privilege as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00440 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would reveal trade secrets, commercial information, or harmful financial information as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00441
    [{refrain from requiring} Nothing in subsections (2) to (5) and (7) of this section requires a deployer to disclose a trade secret or information protected from disclosure by state or federal law. To the extent that a deployer withholds information pursuant to this subsection (8) or section 6-1-1705 (5), the deployer shall notify the consumer and provide a basis for the withholding. 6-1-1703. (8)
    {refrain from requiring} Nothing in subsections (2) to (5) of this section requires a developer to disclose a trade secret, information protected from disclosure by state or federal law, or information that would create a security risk to the developer. 6-1-1702. (6)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would threaten an individual's life or an individual's security as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00442 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would have an unreasonable impact on another individual's privacy as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00443 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include responding to access requests after the time limit as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 13600 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include information that was generated from a formal dispute as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00444 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include personal data that is used solely for scientific research, scholarly research, statistical research, library purposes, museum purposes, or archival purposes as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00445 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include personal data that is for the state's economic interest as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00446 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Include personal data that is for protecting the civil rights or other's freedoms as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00447 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that constitutes a state secret as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00448 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would result in interference with the operation of public functions as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00449 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would interrupt criminal investigation and surveillance or other legal purposes as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00450 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include when a country's laws prevent disclosure as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00451 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would interfere with grievance proceeding or employee security investigations as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 06873 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would interfere with commercial acquisitions or reorganizations as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 06874 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include if the cost or burden of disclosing the personal data is disproportionate as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 06875 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of the reasons the data access request was refused. CC ID 00453
    [{refrain from requiring} Nothing in subsections (2) to (5) and (7) of this section requires a deployer to disclose a trade secret or information protected from disclosure by state or federal law. To the extent that a deployer withholds information pursuant to this subsection (8) or section 6-1-1705 (5), the deployer shall notify the consumer and provide a basis for the withholding. 6-1-1703. (8)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Notify individuals of their right to challenge a refusal to a data access request. CC ID 00454 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate personal data to the individual that it relates to. CC ID 00428 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide personal data to an individual after the individual's identity has been confirmed. CC ID 06876 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide data or records in a reasonable time frame. CC ID 00429 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Extend the time limit for providing personal data in order to convert it to an alternative format. CC ID 13591 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Extend the time limit for providing personal data if the time is impracticable to respond to the access request. CC ID 13590 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Extend the time limit for providing data if it would unreasonably interfere with the organization's activities. CC ID 13589 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide data at a cost that is not excessive. CC ID 00430 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide records or data in a reasonable manner. CC ID 00431 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide personal data in a form that is intelligible. CC ID 00432 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide restricted data that would threaten the life or security of another individual after that information has been redacted. CC ID 13604 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide restricted data that would reveal confidential commercial information after that information has been redacted. CC ID 13602 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Remove data pertaining to third parties before giving the requestor access to the information. CC ID 13601 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Prohibit personal data from being sent by e-mail or instant messaging. CC ID 00565 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain record structures to support information confidentiality. CC ID 00360 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Automate the disposition process for records that contain "do not store" data or "delete after transaction process" data. CC ID 06083 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Limit data leakage. CC ID 00356 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain suspicious personal data procedures. CC ID 04853 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Compare certain personal data such as name, date of birth, address, driver's license, or other identification against personal data on file for the applicant. CC ID 04855 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Match consumer reports with current accounts on file to ensure account misuse or information misuse has not occurred. CC ID 04873 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Send change notices for change of address requests to the old address and the new address. CC ID 04877 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Develop remedies and sanctions for privacy policy violations. CC ID 00474 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Change or destroy any personal data that is incorrect. CC ID 00462
    [On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: An opportunity to correct any incorrect personal data that the high-risk artificial intelligence system processed in making, or as a substantial factor in making, the consequential decision; and 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(II)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Corrective
    Refrain from updating personal data on a regular basis, unless it is necessary for the purposes it was collected. CC ID 13610 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Escalate the appeal process to change personal data when the data controller fails to make changes to the disputed data. CC ID 00465 Privacy protection for information and data Corrective
  • Establish Roles
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Assign legislative body jurisdiction to the organization's assets, as necessary. CC ID 06956 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Assign the appropriate roles to all applicable compliance documents. CC ID 06284 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Assign the approval of compliance exceptions to the appropriate roles inside the organization. CC ID 06443 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Define and assign the roles and responsibilities for the risk assessment framework, as necessary. CC ID 06456 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the registration notice. CC ID 16803 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Require data controllers to be accountable for their actions. CC ID 00470 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
  • Establish/Maintain Documentation
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Establish, implement, and maintain data governance and management practices. CC ID 14998
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: The data governance measures used to cover the training datasets and the measures used to examine the suitability of data sources, possible biases, and appropriate mitigation; 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(II)]
    Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Address shortcomings of the data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15087 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include any shortcomings of the data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15086 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include bias for data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15085
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: The data governance measures used to cover the training datasets and the measures used to examine the suitability of data sources, possible biases, and appropriate mitigation; 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(II)]
    Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include a data strategy in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15304 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include data monitoring in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15303 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include an assessment of the data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15084 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include assumptions for the formulation of data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15083 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include data collection for data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15082 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include data preparations for data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15081
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: The data governance measures used to cover the training datasets and the measures used to examine the suitability of data sources, possible biases, and appropriate mitigation; 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(II)]
    Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include design choices for data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15080 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Establish and maintain the scope of the organizational compliance framework and Information Assurance controls. CC ID 01241 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a policy and procedure management program. CC ID 06285
    [The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: 6-1-1707. (1)]
    Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include contact information in the organization's policies, standards, and procedures. CC ID 17167
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and no later than the time that a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer, the deployer shall: Provide to the consumer a statement disclosing the purpose of the high-risk artificial intelligence system and the nature of the consequential decision; the contact information for the deployer; a description, in plain language, of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and instructions on how to access the statement required by subsection (5)(a) of this section; and 6-1-1703. (4)(a)(II)]
    Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include requirements in the organization’s policies, standards, and procedures. CC ID 12956
    [The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The documentation and requirements for developers pursuant to section 6-1-1702 (2); 6-1-1707. (1)(a)
    The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The contents of and requirements for the notices and disclosures required by sections 6-1-1702 (5) and (7); 6-1-1703 (4), (5), (7), and (9); and 6-1-1704; 6-1-1707. (1)(b)]
    Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include the effective date on all organizational policies. CC ID 06820 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include threats in the organization’s policies, standards, and procedures. CC ID 12953 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Analyze organizational policies, as necessary. CC ID 14037 Leadership and high level objectives Detective
    Include opportunities in the organization’s policies, standards, and procedures. CC ID 12945 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Establish and maintain an Authority Document list. CC ID 07113 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Map in scope assets and in scope records to external requirements. CC ID 12189 Leadership and high level objectives Detective
    Document organizational procedures that harmonize external requirements, including all legal requirements. CC ID 00623 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain full documentation of all policies, standards, and procedures that support the organization's compliance framework. CC ID 01636 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the list of Authority Documents that support the organization's compliance framework to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 01312 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Classify controls according to their preventive, detective, or corrective status. CC ID 06436 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Publish, disseminate, and communicate a Statement on Internal Control, as necessary. CC ID 06727 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include signatures of c-level executives in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 14778 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include management's assertions on the effectiveness of internal control in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 14771 Leadership and high level objectives Corrective
    Include confirmation of any significant weaknesses in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 06861 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 14774 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include an assurance statement regarding the counterterror protective security plan in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 06866 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include limitations of internal control systems in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 14773 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include a description of the methodology used to evaluate internal controls in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 14772 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include the counterterror protective security plan test results in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 06867 Leadership and high level objectives Detective
    Approve all compliance documents. CC ID 06286 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Align the Authority Document list with external requirements. CC ID 06288 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Identify and document the Designated Approval Authority for compliance documents. CC ID 07114 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a compliance exception standard. CC ID 01628 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include the authority for granting exemptions in the compliance exception standard. CC ID 14329 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include all compliance exceptions in the compliance exception standard. CC ID 01630 Leadership and high level objectives Detective
    Include explanations, compensating controls, or risk acceptance in the compliance exceptions Exceptions document. CC ID 01631 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include when exemptions expire in the compliance exception standard. CC ID 14330 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include management of the exemption register in the compliance exception standard. CC ID 14328 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a compliance monitoring policy. CC ID 00671 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a metrics policy. CC ID 01654 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an approach for compliance monitoring. CC ID 01653 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk management program. CC ID 12051
    [{risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)
    {risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)
    {risk management program} The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The content and requirements of the risk management policy and program required by section 6-1-1703 (2); 6-1-1707. (1)(c)]
    Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the scope of risk management activities in the risk management program. CC ID 13658 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include managing mobile risks in the risk management program. CC ID 13535 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk management policy. CC ID 17192
    [{risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)
    {risk management program} The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The content and requirements of the risk management policy and program required by section 6-1-1703 (2); 6-1-1707. (1)(c)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)]
    Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain risk management strategies. CC ID 13209
    [{risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)]
    Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include off-site storage of supplies in the risk management strategies. CC ID 13221 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the use of alternate service providers in the risk management strategies. CC ID 13217 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include minimizing service interruptions in the risk management strategies. CC ID 13215 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include off-site storage in the risk mitigation strategies. CC ID 13213 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain the risk assessment framework. CC ID 00685 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk assessment program. CC ID 00687 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the need for risk assessments in the risk assessment program. CC ID 06447 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the information flow of restricted data in the risk assessment program. CC ID 12339 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a financial plan to support the risk management strategy. CC ID 12786 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain insurance requirements. CC ID 16562 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Address cybersecurity risks in the risk assessment program. CC ID 13193 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the categories of data used by the system in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17248
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: If the deployer used data to customize the high-risk artificial intelligence system, an overview of the categories of data the deployer used to customize the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(IV)
    An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A description of the categories of data the high-risk artificial intelligence system processes as inputs and the outputs the high-risk artificial intelligence system produces; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(III)]
    Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include metrics in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17249
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: Any metrics used to evaluate the performance and known limitations of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(V)]
    Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the benefits of the system in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17244
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A statement by the deployer disclosing the purpose, intended use cases, and deployment context of, and benefits afforded by, the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(I)]
    Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include user safeguards in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17255
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A description of the post-deployment monitoring and user safeguards provided concerning the high-risk artificial intelligence system, including the oversight, use, and learning process established by the deployer to address issues arising from the deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(VII)]
    Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the outputs produced by the system in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17247
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A description of the categories of data the high-risk artificial intelligence system processes as inputs and the outputs the high-risk artificial intelligence system produces; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(III)]
    Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the purpose in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17243
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A statement by the deployer disclosing the purpose, intended use cases, and deployment context of, and benefits afforded by, the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(I)]
    Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include monitoring procedures in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17254
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A description of the post-deployment monitoring and user safeguards provided concerning the high-risk artificial intelligence system, including the oversight, use, and learning process established by the deployer to address issues arising from the deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(VII)]
    Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include risk management measures in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17224
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: An analysis of whether the deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system poses any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination and, if so, the nature of the algorithmic discrimination and the steps that have been taken to mitigate the risks; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(II)]
    Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include human oversight measures in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17223 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include risks in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17222
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: An analysis of whether the deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system poses any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination and, if so, the nature of the algorithmic discrimination and the steps that have been taken to mitigate the risks; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(II)]
    Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include affected parties in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17221 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the frequency in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17220 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the usage duration in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17219 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include system use in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17218
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A statement by the deployer disclosing the purpose, intended use cases, and deployment context of, and benefits afforded by, the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(I)
    An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A statement by the deployer disclosing the purpose, intended use cases, and deployment context of, and benefits afforded by, the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(I)
    In addition to the information required under subsection (3)(b) of this section, an impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) following an intentional and substantial modification to a high-risk artificial intelligence system on or after February 1, 2026, must include a statement disclosing the extent to which the high-risk artificial intelligence system was used in a manner that was consistent with, or varied from, the developer's intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. 6-1-1703. (3)(c)]
    Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include a Data Protection Impact Assessment in the risk assessment program. CC ID 12630 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include an assessment of the necessity and proportionality of the processing operations in relation to the purposes in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 12681 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include an assessment of the relationship between the data subject and the parties processing the data in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 16371 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include a risk assessment of data subject's rights in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 12674 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the description and purpose of processing restricted data in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 12673 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include consideration of the data subject's expectations in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 16370 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include monitoring unsecured areas in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 12671 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include security measures for protecting restricted data in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 12635 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk assessment policy. CC ID 14026 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include compliance requirements in the risk assessment policy. CC ID 14121 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the risk assessment policy. CC ID 14120 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include management commitment in the risk assessment policy. CC ID 14119 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the risk assessment policy. CC ID 14118 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the scope in the risk assessment policy. CC ID 14117 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the purpose in the risk assessment policy. CC ID 14116 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain risk assessment procedures. CC ID 06446 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that follow legal requirements and contractual obligations when risk profiling. CC ID 06472 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that follow standards and best practices, as necessary. CC ID 06473 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Document cybersecurity risks. CC ID 12281 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that take into account both electronic records and printed records. CC ID 06476 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that take into account information classification. CC ID 06477 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that align with strategic objectives. CC ID 06474 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that take into account prior risk assessment findings of the same scope. CC ID 06478 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that take into account the target environment. CC ID 06479 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that take into account incidents associated with the target environment. CC ID 06480 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include compliance with disposition requirements in the risk assessment procedures. CC ID 12342 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include compliance with retention requirements in the risk assessment procedures. CC ID 12341 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Employ risk assessment procedures that include appropriate risk treatment options for each identified risk. CC ID 06484 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 07183 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Document organizational risk criteria. CC ID 12277 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the traceability of malicious code in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 06600 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include language that is easy to understand in the risk assessment report. CC ID 06461 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the environments that call for risk assessments in the risk assessment program. CC ID 06448 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the process for defining the scope of each risk assessment in the risk assessment program. CC ID 06462 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the circumstances that call for risk assessments in the risk assessment program. CC ID 06449 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the roles and responsibilities involved in risk assessments in the risk assessment program. CC ID 06450 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the methods of managing and responding to the risk assessment report in the risk assessment program. CC ID 06451 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Approve the risk assessment program and associated risk assessment procedures at the senior management level. CC ID 06458 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the probability and potential impact of pandemics in the scope of the risk assessment. CC ID 13241 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include physical assets in the scope of the risk assessment. CC ID 13075 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the results of the risk assessment in the risk assessment report. CC ID 06481 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Update the risk assessment upon discovery of a new threat. CC ID 00708 Audits and risk management Detective
    Update the risk assessment upon changes to the risk profile. CC ID 11627 Audits and risk management Detective
    Document any reasons for modifying or refraining from modifying the organization's risk assessment when the risk assessment has been reviewed. CC ID 13312 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Create a risk assessment report based on the risk assessment results. CC ID 15695 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include recovery of the critical path in the Business Impact Analysis. CC ID 13224 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include acceptable levels of data loss in the Business Impact Analysis. CC ID 13264 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include Recovery Point Objectives in the Business Impact Analysis. CC ID 13223 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the Recovery Time Objectives in the Business Impact Analysis. CC ID 13222 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include pandemic risks in the Business Impact Analysis. CC ID 13219 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include tolerance to downtime in the Business Impact Analysis report. CC ID 01172 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk register. CC ID 14828 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Document organizational risk tolerance in a risk register. CC ID 09961 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish a risk acceptance level that is appropriate to the organization's risk appetite. CC ID 00706 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Select the appropriate risk treatment option for each identified risk in the risk register. CC ID 06483 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Perform a gap analysis to review in scope controls for identified risks and implement new controls, as necessary. CC ID 00704 Audits and risk management Detective
    Document the results of the gap analysis. CC ID 16271 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk treatment plan. CC ID 11983 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 16991 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include time information in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 16993 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include allocation of resources in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 16989 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the date of the risk assessment in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 16321 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the risk treatment strategy in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 12159 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Revise the risk treatment strategies in the risk treatment plan, as necessary. CC ID 12552 Audits and risk management Corrective
    Include an overview of the migration project plan in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 11982 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include change control processes in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 11981 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include a description of the processes to check for new vulnerabilities in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 11980 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the implemented risk management controls in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 11979 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include requirements for monitoring and reporting in the risk treatment plan, as necessary. CC ID 13620 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include risk assessment results in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 11978 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include a description of usage in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 11977 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Document all constraints applied to the risk treatment plan, as necessary. CC ID 13619 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Integrate the corrective action plan based on the risk assessment findings with other risk management activities. CC ID 06457 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Document and communicate a corrective action plan based on the risk assessment findings. CC ID 00705 Audits and risk management Corrective
    Review and approve the risk assessment findings. CC ID 06485 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include risk responses in the risk management program. CC ID 13195 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Document residual risk in a residual risk report. CC ID 13664 Audits and risk management Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain an artificial intelligence risk management program. CC ID 16220
    [On and after February 1, 2026, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall use reasonable care to protect consumers from any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination arising from the intended and contracted uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. In any enforcement action brought on or after February 1, 2026, by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1706, there is a rebuttable presumption that a developer used reasonable care as required under this section if the developer complied with this section and any additional requirements or obligations as set forth in rules promulgated by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1707. 6-1-1702. (1)
    {risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall use reasonable care to protect consumers from any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. In any enforcement action brought on or after February 1, 2026, by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1706, there is a rebuttable presumption that a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system used reasonable care as required under this section if the deployer complied with this section and any additional requirements or obligations as set forth in rules promulgated by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1707. 6-1-1703. (1)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a developer shall make available, in a manner that is clear and readily available on the developer's website or in a public use case inventory, a statement summarizing: How the developer manages known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination that may arise from the development or intentional and substantial modification of the types of high-risk artificial intelligence systems described in accordance with subsection (4)(a)(I) of this section. 6-1-1702. (4)(a)(II)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall disclose to the attorney general, in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, and to all known deployers or other developers of the high-risk artificial intelligence system, any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination arising from the intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system without unreasonable delay but no later than ninety days after the date on which: 6-1-1702. (5)
    The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The requirements for the affirmative defense set forth in section 6-1-1706 (3), including the process by which the attorney general will recognize any other nationally or internationally recognized risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems. 6-1-1707. (1)(f)
    {algorithmic discrimination} {risk management} The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The requirements for the rebuttable presumptions set forth in sections 6-1-1702 and 6-1-1703; and 6-1-1707. (1)(e)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The size and un">complexityspan> of the deployer; 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(II)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The nature and scope of the rm_primary-noun">high-risk artificial intelligence systems
    deployed by the deployer, including the intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence systems; and 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(III)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The nature and scope of the rm_primary-noun">high-risk artificial intelligence systems deployed by the deployer, including the intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence systems; and 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(III)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The sensitivity and volume of data processed in connection with the le="background-color:#F0BBBC;" class="term_primary-noun">high-risk artificial intelligence systems e="background-color:#CBD0E5;" class="term_secondary-verb">deployed by the deployer. 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(IV)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The sensitivity and volume of data processed in connection with the le="background-color:#F0BBBC;" class="term_primary-noun">high-risk artificial intelligence systems e="background-color:#CBD0E5;" class="term_secondary-verb">deployed by the deployer. 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(IV)]
    Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include diversity and equal opportunity in the artificial intelligence risk management program. CC ID 16255 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include a commitment to continuous improvement In the cybersecurity risk management program. CC ID 16839 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a cybersecurity risk management policy. CC ID 16834 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a cybersecurity risk management strategy. CC ID 11991 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include a risk prioritization approach in the Cybersecurity Risk Management Strategy. CC ID 12276 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include defense in depth strategies in the cybersecurity risk management strategy. CC ID 15582 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a cybersecurity supply chain risk management program. CC ID 16826 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain cybersecurity supply chain risk management procedures. CC ID 16830 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14663 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include compliance requirements in the supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14711 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14710 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include management commitment in the supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14709 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14708 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the scope in the supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14707 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the purpose in the supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14706 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a supply chain risk management plan. CC ID 14713 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include processes for monitoring and reporting in the supply chain risk management plan. CC ID 15619 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include dates in the supply chain risk management plan. CC ID 15617 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include implementation milestones in the supply chain risk management plan. CC ID 15615 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the supply chain risk management plan. CC ID 15613 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include supply chain risk management procedures in the risk management program. CC ID 13190 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a business continuity program. CC ID 13210 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system continuity plan strategies. CC ID 00735 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Include website continuity procedures in the continuity plan. CC ID 01380 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 01406 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an information security program. CC ID 00812 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain operational control procedures. CC ID 00831 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Standard Operating Procedures Manual. CC ID 00826 Operational management Preventive
    Include system use information in the standard operating procedures manual. CC ID 17240
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: A general statement describing the reasonably foreseeable uses and known harmful or inappropriate uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1702. (2)(a)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation disclosing: The intended benefits and uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and 6-1-1702. (2)(b)(IV)]
    Operational management Preventive
    Include the intended purpose in the standard operating procedures manual. CC ID 14967
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation disclosing: The purpose of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1702. (2)(b)(III)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The nature and scope of the high-risk artificial intelligence systems deployed by the deployer, including the intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence systems; and 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(III)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The nature and scope of the high-risk artificial intelligence systems deployed by the deployer, including the intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence systems; and 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(III)]
    Operational management Preventive
    Include information on system performance in the standard operating procedures manual. CC ID 14965
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation disclosing: The intended benefits and uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and 6-1-1702. (2)(b)(IV)]
    Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Intellectual Property Right program. CC ID 00821 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain Intellectual Property Rights protection procedures. CC ID 11512
    [{refrain from requiring} Nothing in subsections (2) to (5) and (7) of this section requires a deployer to disclose a trade secret or information protected from disclosure by state or federal law. To the extent that a deployer withholds information pursuant to this subsection (8) or section 6-1-1705 (5), the deployer shall notify the consumer and provide a basis for the withholding. 6-1-1703. (8)]
    Operational management Preventive
    Comply with all implemented policies in the organization's compliance framework. CC ID 06384
    [On and after February 1, 2026, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall use reasonable care to protect consumers from any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination arising from the intended and contracted uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. In any enforcement action brought on or after February 1, 2026, by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1706, there is a rebuttable presumption that a developer used reasonable care as required under this section if the developer complied with this section and any additional requirements or obligations as set forth in rules promulgated by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1707. 6-1-1702. (1)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall use reasonable care to protect consumers from any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. In any enforcement action brought on or after February 1, 2026, by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1706, there is a rebuttable presumption that a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system used reasonable care as required under this section if the deployer complied with this section and any additional requirements or obligations as set forth in rules promulgated by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1707. 6-1-1703. (1)
    If a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, completes an impact assessment for the purpose of complying with another applicable law or regulation, the impact assessment satisfies the requirements established in this subsection (3) if the impact assessment is reasonably similar in scope and effect to the impact assessment that would otherwise be completed pursuant to this subsection (3). 6-1-1703. (3)(e)
    {high-risk artificial intelligence system} On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a developer disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the statement or documentation described in subsection (2) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate such statement or documentation to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the statement or documentation is not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (7), a developer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the statement or documentation includes information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1702. (7)
    In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: is otherwise in compliance with: The latest version of the "Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework" published by the national institute of standards and technology in the United States department of commerce and standard ISO/IEC 42001 of the International Organization for Standardization; 6-1-1706. (3)(b)(I)
    In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: is otherwise in compliance with: Another nationally or internationally recognized risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems, if the standards are substantially equivalent to or more stringent than the requirements of this part 17; or 6-1-1706. (3)(b)(II)
    In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: is otherwise in compliance with: Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate and, if designated, shall publicly disseminate. 6-1-1706. (3)(b)(III)]
    Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a customer service program. CC ID 00846 Operational management Preventive
    Include incident monitoring procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01207 Operational management Preventive
    Include incident recovery procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01758 Operational management Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain compromised system reaccreditation procedures. CC ID 00592 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a disability accessibility program. CC ID 06191 Operational management Preventive
    Withdraw the technical documentation assessment certificate when the artificial intelligence system is not in compliance with requirements. CC ID 15099 Operational management Preventive
    Define a high-risk artificial intelligence system. CC ID 14959 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a declaration of conformity. CC ID 15038 Operational management Preventive
    Include a statement that the artificial intelligence system meets all requirements in the declaration of conformity. CC ID 15100
    [A developer, a deployer, or other person bears the burden of demonstrating to the attorney general that the requirements established in subsection (3) of this section have been satisfied. 6-1-1706. (4)]
    Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain records management policies. CC ID 00903 Records management Preventive
    Define each system's preservation requirements for records and logs. CC ID 00904 Records management Detective
    Establish and maintain technical documentation. CC ID 15005
    [A developer that also serves as a deployer for a high-risk artificial intelligence system is not required to generate the documentation required by this section unless the high-risk artificial intelligence system is provided to an unaffiliated entity acting as a deployer. 6-1-1702. (3)(b)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Retain technical documentation on the premises where the artificial intelligence system is located. CC ID 15104 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include the risk mitigation measures in the technical documentation. CC ID 17246
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: The measures the developer has taken to mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination that may arise from the reasonably foreseeable deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(IV)]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include the intended outputs of the system in the technical documentation. CC ID 17245
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: The intended outputs of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(III)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: Any additional documentation that is reasonably necessary to assist the deployer in understanding the outputs and monitor the performance of the high-risk artificial intelligence system for risks of algorithmic discrimination. 6-1-1702. (2)(d)]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include the limitations of the system in the technical documentation. CC ID 17242
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation disclosing: Known or reasonably foreseeable limitations of the high-risk artificial intelligence system, including known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination arising from the intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1702. (2)(b)(II)]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include the types of data used to train the artificial intelligence system in the technical documentation. CC ID 17241
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: High-level summaries of the type of data used to train the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1702. (2)(b)(I)]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include all required information in the technical documentation. CC ID 15094
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation disclosing: All other information necessary to allow the deployer to comply with the requirements of section 6-1-1703; 6-1-1702. (2)(b)(V)]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include information that demonstrates compliance with requirements in the technical documentation. CC ID 15088 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a privacy framework that protects restricted data. CC ID 11850 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish and maintain privacy notices, as necessary. CC ID 13443 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the purpose of the privacy notice in the privacy notice. CC ID 13526 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the processing purpose in the privacy notice. CC ID 16543 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the record types which may not be used or disclosed unless required by law in the privacy notice. CC ID 17258 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include contact information in the privacy notice. CC ID 14432 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the data subject's choices for data collection, data processing, data disclosure, and data retention in the privacy notice. CC ID 13503 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the right to opt out of personal data disclosure in the privacy notice. CC ID 13460 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include instructions on how to opt out of personal data disclosure in the privacy notice. CC ID 13461 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the uses or disclosures that require authorizations in the privacy notice. CC ID 17257 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include prohibitions of use or disclosure in the privacy notice. CC ID 17252 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the types of third parties to which personal data is disclosed in the privacy notice. CC ID 13459 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the organization's policies, standards, and procedures in the privacy notice. CC ID 13455 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the organization's privacy framework in the privacy notice, as necessary. CC ID 13456 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the personal data collection categories in the privacy notice. CC ID 13457 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include disclosure exceptions in the privacy notice. CC ID 13447 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the types of personal data disclosed in the privacy notice. CC ID 13446 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include descriptions of each type of personal data disclosed in the privacy notice. CC ID 13458 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Specify the time frame that notice will be given. CC ID 00385 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the information about the appeal process in the privacy notice. CC ID 15312 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Combine privacy notices into a joint notification with suppliers, as necessary. CC ID 13468 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Deliver a short-form initial notification along with an opt-out notice as an alternate to delivering a privacy notice, as necessary. CC ID 13464 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Document any reasons acknowledgment of the privacy notice was not received. CC ID 14434 Privacy protection for information and data Corrective
    Establish and maintain short-form initial notifications of privacy notices that are clear and conspicuous. CC ID 13466 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the organization's privacy framework in the short-form initial notification, as necessary. CC ID 13472 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the methodology for accessing the privacy notice in the short-form initial notification. CC ID 13471 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include that the privacy notice is available upon request in the short-form initial notification. CC ID 13470 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain opt-out notices. CC ID 13448 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include how opt out directions for joint consumers are treated in the opt-out notice. CC ID 13465 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the opt out method for data subjects in the opt-out notice. CC ID 13467 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the data subject's right to opt out of personal data disclosure in the opt-out notice. CC ID 13463
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and no later than the time that a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer, the deployer shall: Provide to the consumer information, if applicable, regarding the consumer's right to opt out of the processing of personal data concerning the consumer for purposes of profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning the consumer under section 6-1-1306 (1)(a)(I)(C). 6-1-1703. (4)(a)(III)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Explain the right to opt out in the opt-out notice. CC ID 13462 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the organization's right to share personal data in the opt-out notice. CC ID 13450 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide the data subject with a notice of participation procedures. CC ID 06241 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Publish a description of processing activities in an official register. CC ID 00379 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish and maintain a records request manual. CC ID 00381 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish and maintain a description of voluntary disclosure and automatic availability of certain records. CC ID 00382 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Define what is included in registration notices. CC ID 00386 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the verification method in the registration notice. CC ID 16798 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the statutory authority in the registration notice. CC ID 16799 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the address where the file or hardware supporting the data processing is located in the registration notice. CC ID 00387 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include a purpose specification description in the registration notice. CC ID 00388 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include information about the dispute resolution body in the registration notice. CC ID 16800 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the data subject category being processed in the registration notice. CC ID 00389 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the time period for data processing in the registration notice. CC ID 00390 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include procedures for when the registration notice for processing personal data is insufficient in the registration notice. CC ID 00392 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide the data subject with information about obtaining automated decision-making used during personal data processing. CC ID 12618 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide the data subject with the name, title, and address of the individual accountable for the organizational policies. CC ID 00394 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide the data subject with a copy of any brochures or other information that explain policies, standards, or codes. CC ID 00398
    [Except as provided in subsection (4)(c)(ii) of this section, a deployer shall provide the notice, statement, contact information, and description required by subsections (4)(a) and (4)(b) of this section: Directly to the consumer; 6-1-1703. (4)(c)(I)(A)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the notification of rights to students and their parent or legal representative. CC ID 12996 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the criteria for determining what constitutes a legitimate educational interest in the notification of rights. CC ID 13004 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the criteria for determining what constitutes a school official in the notification of rights. CC ID 13003 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Specify the parties to whom education records may be disclosed in the written consent. CC ID 13002 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Specify the purpose of the disclosure in the written consent. CC ID 13001 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Specify which education records may be disclosed in the written consent. CC ID 13000 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Document the conditions when consent is not required to disclose educational data. CC ID 00225 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Record the health and safety threats of students when disclosing personal data. CC ID 12997 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide adequate structures, policies, procedures, and mechanisms to support direct access by the data subject to personal data that is provided upon request. CC ID 00393 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide the data subject with a description of the type of information held by the organization and a general account of its use. CC ID 00397 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include individual's names to whom restricted data may be disclosed in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 13027 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish and maintain a disclosure accounting record. CC ID 13022 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the official authorities that are allowed to disclose restricted data absent consent in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 13029 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the legitimate interests for accessing restricted data in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 13028 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include what information was disclosed and to whom in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 04680 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the personal data the organization refrained from disclosing in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 13769 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the sale of personal data in the disclosure accounting record, as necessary. CC ID 13768 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the disclosure date in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07133 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the disclosure recipient in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07134 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the disclosure purpose in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07135 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the frequency, periodicity, or number of disclosures made during the accounting period in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07136 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the final date of multiple disclosures in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07137 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include how personal data was used for research purposes in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07138 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the research activity or research protocol in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07139 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the record selection criteria for research activities in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07140 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include the contact information of the organization that sponsored the research activity in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07141 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide shareholders with electronic messages regarding the shareholder meetings. CC ID 04586 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Make telephone directory information available to the public. CC ID 08698 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Define the acceptable data modifications before presenting the data to a data subject. CC ID 00400 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a personal data accountability program. CC ID 13432 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain approval applications. CC ID 16778 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include required information in the approval application. CC ID 16628 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a personal data use limitation program. CC ID 13428 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain data disclosure procedures. CC ID 00133
    [{high-risk artificial intelligence system} On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a developer disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the statement or documentation described in subsection (2) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate such statement or documentation to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the statement or documentation is not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (7), a developer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the statement or documentation includes information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1702. (7)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain data request denial procedures. CC ID 00434 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Document that a data search was conducted in case the requested data cannot be found. CC ID 06953 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a data handling program. CC ID 13427 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain data handling policies. CC ID 00353 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain data and information confidentiality policies. CC ID 00361
    [{high-risk artificial intelligence system} On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a developer disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the statement or documentation described in subsection (2) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate such statement or documentation to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the statement or documentation is not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (7), a developer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the statement or documentation includes information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1702. (7)
    {high-risk artificial intelligence system} On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a developer disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the statement or documentation described in subsection (2) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate such statement or documentation to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the statement or documentation is not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (7), a developer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the statement or documentation includes information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1702. (7)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The sensitivity and volume of data processed in connection with the le="background-color:#F0BBBC;" class="term_primary-noun">high-risk artificial intelligence systems e="background-color:#CBD0E5;" class="term_secondary-verb">deployed by the deployer. 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(IV)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The sensitivity and volume of data processed in connection with the le="background-color:#F0BBBC;" class="term_primary-noun">high-risk artificial intelligence systems e="background-color:#CBD0E5;" class="term_secondary-verb">deployed by the deployer. 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(IV)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain suspicious document procedures. CC ID 04852 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Define the appeal process based on the applicable law. CC ID 00506
    [On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: An opportunity to appeal an adverse consequential decision concerning the consumer arising from the deployment of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, which appeal must, if technically feasible, allow for human review unless providing the opportunity for appeal is not in the best interest of the consumer, including in instances in which any delay might pose a risk to the life or safety of such consumer. 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(III)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain organizational documents. CC ID 16202 Harmonization Methods and Manual of Style Preventive
    Write organizational documents using clear and conspicuous language. CC ID 16281
    [Except as provided in subsection (4)(c)(ii) of this section, a deployer shall provide the notice, statement, contact information, and description required by subsections (4)(a) and (4)(b) of this section: In plain language; 6-1-1703. (4)(c)(I)(B)]
    Harmonization Methods and Manual of Style Preventive
    Write organizational documents using information that is free from bias. CC ID 16341 Harmonization Methods and Manual of Style Preventive
    Structure the language of compliance documents. CC ID 06098 Harmonization Methods and Manual of Style Preventive
    Standardize word usage. CC ID 06104 Harmonization Methods and Manual of Style Preventive
    Write policies and instructions using clear and conspicuous language. CC ID 16286
    [Except as provided in subsection (4)(c)(ii) of this section, a deployer shall provide the notice, statement, contact information, and description required by subsections (4)(a) and (4)(b) of this section: In all languages in which the deployer, in the ordinary course of the deployer's business, provides contracts, disclaimers, sale announcements, and other information to consumers; and 6-1-1703. (4)(c)(I)(C)]
    Harmonization Methods and Manual of Style Preventive
  • Human Resources Management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Employ third parties when implementing a risk assessment, as necessary. CC ID 16306 Audits and risk management Detective
    Engage appropriate parties to assist with risk assessments, as necessary. CC ID 12153 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Assign key stakeholders to review and approve supply chain risk management procedures. CC ID 13199 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Implement measures to enable personnel assigned to human oversight to be aware of the possibility of automatically relying or over-relying on outputs to make decisions. CC ID 15091 Operational management Preventive
  • IT Impact Zone
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Leadership and high level objectives CC ID 00597 Leadership and high level objectives IT Impact Zone
    Monitoring and measurement CC ID 00636 Monitoring and measurement IT Impact Zone
    Audits and risk management CC ID 00677 Audits and risk management IT Impact Zone
    Operational and Systems Continuity CC ID 00731 Operational and Systems Continuity IT Impact Zone
    Operational management CC ID 00805 Operational management IT Impact Zone
    Records management CC ID 00902 Records management IT Impact Zone
    Systems design, build, and implementation CC ID 00989 Systems design, build, and implementation IT Impact Zone
    Privacy protection for information and data CC ID 00008 Privacy protection for information and data IT Impact Zone
    Harmonization Methods and Manual of Style CC ID 06095 Harmonization Methods and Manual of Style IT Impact Zone
  • Investigate
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Include an analysis of system interdependencies in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 13056 Audits and risk management Detective
    Evaluate the effectiveness of threat and vulnerability management procedures. CC ID 13491 Audits and risk management Detective
    Identify changes to in scope systems that could threaten communication between business units. CC ID 13173 Audits and risk management Detective
    Investigate alternative risk control strategies appropriate to the organization's risk appetite. CC ID 12887 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Perform an identity check prior to approving an account change request. CC ID 13670 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
  • Log Management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Log the disclosure of personal data. CC ID 06628 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Log the modification of personal data. CC ID 11844 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Log account access dates and report when dormant accounts suddenly exhibit unusual activity. CC ID 04874 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Log dates for account name changes or address changes. CC ID 04876 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
  • Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Analyze organizational objectives, functions, and activities. CC ID 00598 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Monitor the usage and capacity of critical assets. CC ID 14825 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Monitor the usage and capacity of Information Technology assets. CC ID 00668
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: How the high-risk artificial intelligence system should be used, not be used, and be monitored by an individual when the high-risk artificial intelligence system is used to make, or is a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision; and 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(V)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: Any additional documentation that is reasonably necessary to assist the deployer in understanding the outputs and monitor the performance of the high-risk artificial intelligence system for risks of algorithmic discrimination. 6-1-1702. (2)(d)]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Monitor all outbound traffic from all systems. CC ID 12970 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Monitor systems for errors and faults. CC ID 04544 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Compare system performance metrics to organizational standards and industry benchmarks. CC ID 00667 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Monitor personnel and third parties for compliance to the organizational compliance framework. CC ID 04726 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Monitor the effectiveness of the cybersecurity risk management program. CC ID 16831 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Monitor the effectiveness of the cybersecurity supply chain risk management program. CC ID 16828 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Detect any potentially undiscovered security vulnerabilities on previously compromised systems. CC ID 06265
    [In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: Discovers and cures a violation of this part 17 as a result of: 6-1-1706. (3)(a)]
    Operational management Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a post-market monitoring system. CC ID 15050 Operational management Preventive
    Identify potential red flags to alert the organization before a data leakage has occurred. CC ID 04654 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain suspicious user account activity procedures. CC ID 04854 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Report fraudulent account activity, unauthorized transactions, or discrepancies with current accounts. CC ID 04875 Privacy protection for information and data Corrective
    Review accounts that are changed for additional user requests. CC ID 11846 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Review monitored websites for data leakage. CC ID 10593 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
  • Physical and Environmental Protection
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Ensure the storage conditions for artificial intelligence systems refrain from compromising compliance. CC ID 15030 Operational management Detective
  • Process or Activity
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Correct compliance violations. CC ID 13515
    [In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: Discovers and cures a violation of this part 17 as a result of: 6-1-1706. (3)(a)
    In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: discovers and cures a violation of this part 17 as a result of: Feedback that the developer, deployer, or other person encourages deployers or users to provide to the developer, deployer, or other person; 6-1-1706. (3)(a)(I)
    In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: discovers and cures a violation of this part 17 as a result of: Adversarial testing or red teaming, as those terms are defined or used by the national institute of standards and technology; or 6-1-1706. (3)(a)(II)
    In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: discovers and cures a violation of this part 17 as a result of: An internal review process; and 6-1-1706. (3)(a)(III)]
    Monitoring and measurement Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain Data Protection Impact Assessments. CC ID 14830 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with the loss of personnel. CC ID 17172 Audits and risk management Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with individuals. CC ID 17170 Audits and risk management Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with non-compliance. CC ID 17169 Audits and risk management Detective
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with the natural environment. CC ID 17171 Audits and risk management Detective
    Approve the risk acceptance level, as necessary. CC ID 17168 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Analyze the effect of threats on organizational strategies and objectives. CC ID 12850 Audits and risk management Detective
    Analyze the effect of opportunities on organizational strategies and objectives. CC ID 12849 Audits and risk management Detective
    Analyze supply chain risk management procedures, as necessary. CC ID 13198 Audits and risk management Detective
    Provide the reasons for adverse decisions made by artificial intelligence systems. CC ID 17253
    [On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(I)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: The type of data that was processed by the high-risk artificial intelligence system in making the consequential decision; and 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(I)(B)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: The source or sources of the data described in subsection (4)(b)(I)(B) of this section; 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(I)(C)]
    Operational management Preventive
    Authorize artificial intelligence systems for use under defined conditions. CC ID 17210
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: How the high-risk artificial intelligence system should be used, not be used, and be monitored by an individual when the high-risk artificial intelligence system is used to make, or is a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision; and 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(V)]
    Operational management Preventive
    Discard the outputs of the artificial intelligence system when authorizations are denied. CC ID 17225 Operational management Preventive
    Ensure the artificial intelligence system performs at an acceptable level of accuracy, robustness, and cybersecurity. CC ID 15024 Operational management Preventive
    Take into account the nature of the situation when determining the possibility of using 'real-time’ remote biometric identification systems in publicly accessible spaces for law enforcement. CC ID 15020 Operational management Preventive
    Use a remote biometric identification system under defined conditions. CC ID 15016 Operational management Preventive
    Implement measures to enable personnel assigned to human oversight to intervene or interrupt the operation of the artificial intelligence system. CC ID 15093 Operational management Preventive
    Reassess the designation of artificial intelligence systems. CC ID 17230 Operational management Preventive
    Take into account the consequences for the rights and freedoms of persons when using ‘real-time’ remote biometric identification systems for law enforcement. CC ID 14957 Operational management Preventive
    Allow the use of 'real-time' remote biometric identification systems for law enforcement under defined conditions. CC ID 14955 Operational management Preventive
    Refrain from using remote biometric identification systems under defined conditions. CC ID 14953 Operational management Preventive
    Prohibit the use of artificial intelligence systems under defined conditions. CC ID 14951
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: How the high-risk artificial intelligence system should be used, not be used, and be monitored by an individual when the high-risk artificial intelligence system is used to make, or is a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision; and 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(V)]
    Operational management Preventive
    Determine how long to keep records and logs before disposing them. CC ID 11661 Records management Preventive
    Require a data protection impact assessment when profiling the data subject. CC ID 12680 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Provide the data subject with information about automated decision-making during personal data processing. CC ID 12609 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide the data subject with contractual requirements requiring the provision of personal data. CC ID 12588 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide the data subject with the data retention period for personal data. CC ID 12587 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide the data subject with the criteria used to determine the data retention period for personal data. CC ID 12589 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide the data subject with the adequacy decision. CC ID 12586 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide the data subject with references to the appropriate safeguards used to protect the privacy of personal data. CC ID 12585 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide the data subject with copies of the appropriate safeguards used to protect the privacy of personal data. CC ID 12608 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Notify the data subject of the right to data portability. CC ID 12603 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide the data subject with information about the right to erasure. CC ID 12602 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide shareholders access to electronic messages via electronic means. CC ID 11855 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide the data subject with information about the legitimate interests associated with personal data processing. CC ID 12614 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Approve the approval application unless applicant has been convicted. CC ID 16603 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Provide the supervisory authority with any information requested by the supervisory authority. CC ID 12606
    [{high-risk artificial intelligence system} On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a developer disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the statement or documentation described in subsection (2) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate such statement or documentation to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the statement or documentation is not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (7), a developer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the statement or documentation includes information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1702. (7)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include disclosing personal data that would threaten facilities, property, transport, or communication systems as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 08702 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include if the record would constitute an action for breach of a duty of confidence as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 08700 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Search the Internet for evidence of data leakage. CC ID 10419 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Alert appropriate personnel when data leakage is detected. CC ID 14715 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Take appropriate action when a data leakage is discovered. CC ID 14716 Privacy protection for information and data Corrective
    Define the fee structure for the appeal process. CC ID 16532 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Define the time requirements for the appeal process. CC ID 16531 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
  • Records Management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Retain records in accordance with applicable requirements. CC ID 00968
    [A deployer shall maintain the most recently completed impact assessment for a high-risk artificial intelligence system as required under this subsection (3), all records concerning each impact assessment, and all prior impact assessments, if any, for at least three years following the final deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. 6-1-1703. (3)(f)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)]
    Records management Preventive
    Refrain from allowing students the right to inspect the financial records of their parent or legal representative. CC ID 13025 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Refrain from allowing students the right to inspect confidential letters and confidential letters of recommendation. CC ID 13019 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Amend education records within a reasonable period after receiving a record amendment request. CC ID 12998 Privacy protection for information and data Corrective
    Decide whether to amend education records based on evidence presented during a hearing. CC ID 13020 Privacy protection for information and data Corrective
    Grant access to education records in support of educational program audits. CC ID 13032 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Grant access to education records in support of external requirements. CC ID 13033 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
  • Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Establish, implement, and maintain an artificial intelligence system. CC ID 14943
    [{risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)
    {high-risk artificial intelligence system} A developer shall update the statement described in subsection (4)(a) of this section: 6-1-1702. (4)(b)]
    Operational management Preventive
    Include mitigation measures to address biased output during the development of artificial intelligence systems. CC ID 15047 Operational management Corrective
    Implement an acceptable level of accuracy, robustness, and cybersecurity in the development of artificial intelligence systems. CC ID 15022 Operational management Preventive
    Develop artificial intelligence systems involving the training of models with data sets that meet the quality criteria. CC ID 14996 Operational management Preventive
  • Technical Security
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Correct or mitigate vulnerabilities. CC ID 12497
    [{risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)]
    Monitoring and measurement Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain an exception management process for vulnerabilities that cannot be remediated. CC ID 13859 Monitoring and measurement Corrective
    Analyze the organization's information security environment. CC ID 13122 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include security threats and vulnerabilities in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 00699 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Refrain from allowing access rights to education records maintained by another educational institution. CC ID 13014 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Display warning screens and confirmation screens for all payment transactions. CC ID 06409 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Protect electronic messaging information. CC ID 12022 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Render unrecoverable sensitive authentication data after authorization is approved. CC ID 11952 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Encrypt, truncate, or tokenize data fields, as necessary. CC ID 06850 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Implement security measures to protect personal data. CC ID 13606 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
  • Testing
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Perform risk assessments for all target environments, as necessary. CC ID 06452 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Determine the effectiveness of risk control measures. CC ID 06601 Audits and risk management Detective
    Follow disability accessibility standards when designing and building content. CC ID 06193
    [{be accessible} Except as provided in subsection (4)(c)(ii) of this section, a deployer shall provide the notice, statement, contact information, and description required by subsections (4)(a) and (4)(b) of this section: In a format that is accessible to consumers with disabilities. 6-1-1703. (4)(c)(I)(D)]
    Operational management Detective
    Refrain from storing data elements containing payment card full magnetic stripe data. CC ID 04757 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Implement physical controls to protect personal data. CC ID 00355 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Conduct personal data risk assessments. CC ID 00357 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
Common Controls and
mandates by Classification
65 Mandated Controls - bold    
52 Implied Controls - italic     549 Implementation

There are three types of Common Control classifications; corrective, detective, and preventive. Common Controls at the top level have the default assignment of Impact Zone.

Number of Controls
666 Total
  • Corrective
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE TYPE
    Include management's assertions on the effectiveness of internal control in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 14771 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Report errors and faults to the appropriate personnel, as necessary. CC ID 14296 Monitoring and measurement Communicate
    Correct or mitigate vulnerabilities. CC ID 12497
    [{risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)]
    Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain an exception management process for vulnerabilities that cannot be remediated. CC ID 13859 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Correct compliance violations. CC ID 13515
    [In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: Discovers and cures a violation of this part 17 as a result of: 6-1-1706. (3)(a)
    In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: discovers and cures a violation of this part 17 as a result of: Feedback that the developer, deployer, or other person encourages deployers or users to provide to the developer, deployer, or other person; 6-1-1706. (3)(a)(I)
    In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: discovers and cures a violation of this part 17 as a result of: Adversarial testing or red teaming, as those terms are defined or used by the national institute of standards and technology; or 6-1-1706. (3)(a)(II)
    In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: discovers and cures a violation of this part 17 as a result of: An internal review process; and 6-1-1706. (3)(a)(III)]
    Monitoring and measurement Process or Activity
    Purchase insurance on behalf of interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16571 Audits and risk management Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services
    Revise the risk treatment strategies in the risk treatment plan, as necessary. CC ID 12552 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document and communicate a corrective action plan based on the risk assessment findings. CC ID 00705 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document residual risk in a residual risk report. CC ID 13664 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include incident recovery procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01758 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include mitigation measures to address biased output during the development of artificial intelligence systems. CC ID 15047 Operational management Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Withdraw authorizations that are unjustified. CC ID 15035 Operational management Business Processes
    Document any reasons acknowledgment of the privacy notice was not received. CC ID 14434 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Amend education records within a reasonable period after receiving a record amendment request. CC ID 12998 Privacy protection for information and data Records Management
    Decide whether to amend education records based on evidence presented during a hearing. CC ID 13020 Privacy protection for information and data Records Management
    Include any reasons for delay if notifying the supervisory authority after the time limit. CC ID 12675 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Report fraudulent account activity, unauthorized transactions, or discrepancies with current accounts. CC ID 04875 Privacy protection for information and data Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Take appropriate action when a data leakage is discovered. CC ID 14716 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Change or destroy any personal data that is incorrect. CC ID 00462
    [On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: An opportunity to correct any incorrect personal data that the high-risk artificial intelligence system processed in making, or as a substantial factor in making, the consequential decision; and 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(II)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Notify the data subject of changes made to personal data as the result of a dispute. CC ID 00463 Privacy protection for information and data Behavior
    Escalate the appeal process to change personal data when the data controller fails to make changes to the disputed data. CC ID 00465 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
  • Detective
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE TYPE
    Analyze organizational policies, as necessary. CC ID 14037 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Map in scope assets and in scope records to external requirements. CC ID 12189 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the counterterror protective security plan test results in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 06867 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include all compliance exceptions in the compliance exception standard. CC ID 01630 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Monitor the usage and capacity of critical assets. CC ID 14825 Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Monitor the usage and capacity of Information Technology assets. CC ID 00668
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: How the high-risk artificial intelligence system should be used, not be used, and be monitored by an individual when the high-risk artificial intelligence system is used to make, or is a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision; and 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(V)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: Any additional documentation that is reasonably necessary to assist the deployer in understanding the outputs and monitor the performance of the high-risk artificial intelligence system for risks of algorithmic discrimination. 6-1-1702. (2)(d)]
    Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Notify the interested personnel and affected parties before the storage unit will reach maximum capacity. CC ID 06773 Monitoring and measurement Behavior
    Monitor systems for errors and faults. CC ID 04544 Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Compare system performance metrics to organizational standards and industry benchmarks. CC ID 00667 Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Monitor personnel and third parties for compliance to the organizational compliance framework. CC ID 04726 Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Document and justify any exclusions from the scope of the risk management activities in the risk management program. CC ID 15336 Audits and risk management Business Processes
    Analyze the risk management strategy for addressing requirements. CC ID 12926 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Analyze the risk management strategy for addressing threats. CC ID 12925
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: How the high-risk artificial intelligence system was evaluated for performance and mitigation of algorithmic discrimination before the high-risk artificial intelligence system was offered, sold, leased, licensed, given, or otherwise made available to the deployer; 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(I)]
    Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Analyze the risk management strategy for addressing opportunities. CC ID 12924 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Employ third parties when implementing a risk assessment, as necessary. CC ID 16306 Audits and risk management Human Resources Management
    Include an analysis of system interdependencies in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 13056 Audits and risk management Investigate
    Review the risk profiles, as necessary. CC ID 16561 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Update the risk assessment upon discovery of a new threat. CC ID 00708 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Update the risk assessment upon changes to the risk profile. CC ID 11627 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Conduct external audits of risk assessments, as necessary. CC ID 13308 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Evaluate the effectiveness of threat and vulnerability management procedures. CC ID 13491 Audits and risk management Investigate
    Conduct a Business Impact Analysis, as necessary. CC ID 01147 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with the loss of personnel. CC ID 17172 Audits and risk management Process or Activity
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with individuals. CC ID 17170 Audits and risk management Process or Activity
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with each business process. CC ID 06463 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with the business environment. CC ID 06464 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with business information of in scope systems. CC ID 06465 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Identify changes to in scope systems that could threaten communication between business units. CC ID 13173 Audits and risk management Investigate
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with non-compliance. CC ID 17169 Audits and risk management Process or Activity
    Assess the potential business impact risk of in scope systems caused by deliberate threats to their confidentiality, integrity, and availability. CC ID 06466 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk caused by accidental threats to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of critical systems. CC ID 06467 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with reputational damage. CC ID 15335 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with insider threats. CC ID 06468 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with the natural environment. CC ID 17171 Audits and risk management Process or Activity
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with external entities. CC ID 06469 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with natural disasters. CC ID 06470 Audits and risk management Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Assess the potential level of business impact risk associated with control weaknesses. CC ID 06471 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Perform a gap analysis to review in scope controls for identified risks and implement new controls, as necessary. CC ID 00704 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Analyze the effect of threats on organizational strategies and objectives. CC ID 12850 Audits and risk management Process or Activity
    Analyze the effect of opportunities on organizational strategies and objectives. CC ID 12849 Audits and risk management Process or Activity
    Determine the effectiveness of risk control measures. CC ID 06601 Audits and risk management Testing
    Analyze the impact of artificial intelligence systems on society. CC ID 16317 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Analyze the impact of artificial intelligence systems on individuals. CC ID 16316 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Analyze supply chain risk management procedures, as necessary. CC ID 13198 Audits and risk management Process or Activity
    Detect any potentially undiscovered security vulnerabilities on previously compromised systems. CC ID 06265
    [In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: Discovers and cures a violation of this part 17 as a result of: 6-1-1706. (3)(a)]
    Operational management Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Follow disability accessibility standards when designing and building content. CC ID 06193
    [{be accessible} Except as provided in subsection (4)(c)(ii) of this section, a deployer shall provide the notice, statement, contact information, and description required by subsections (4)(a) and (4)(b) of this section: In a format that is accessible to consumers with disabilities. 6-1-1703. (4)(c)(I)(D)]
    Operational management Testing
    Assess the trustworthiness of artificial intelligence systems. CC ID 16319 Operational management Business Processes
    Ensure the transport conditions for artificial intelligence systems refrain from compromising compliance. CC ID 15031 Operational management Business Processes
    Ensure the storage conditions for artificial intelligence systems refrain from compromising compliance. CC ID 15030 Operational management Physical and Environmental Protection
    Define each system's preservation requirements for records and logs. CC ID 00904 Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Require a data protection impact assessment when profiling the data subject. CC ID 12680 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Include personal data that is for the state's economic interest as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00446 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Refrain from storing data elements containing payment card full magnetic stripe data. CC ID 04757 Privacy protection for information and data Testing
    Conduct personal data risk assessments. CC ID 00357 Privacy protection for information and data Testing
    Establish, implement, and maintain suspicious document procedures. CC ID 04852 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain suspicious personal data procedures. CC ID 04853 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Compare certain personal data such as name, date of birth, address, driver's license, or other identification against personal data on file for the applicant. CC ID 04855 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain suspicious user account activity procedures. CC ID 04854 Privacy protection for information and data Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Perform an identity check prior to approving an account change request. CC ID 13670 Privacy protection for information and data Investigate
    Use the contact information on file to contact the individual identified in an account change request. CC ID 04857 Privacy protection for information and data Behavior
    Match consumer reports with current accounts on file to ensure account misuse or information misuse has not occurred. CC ID 04873 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Log account access dates and report when dormant accounts suddenly exhibit unusual activity. CC ID 04874 Privacy protection for information and data Log Management
    Log dates for account name changes or address changes. CC ID 04876 Privacy protection for information and data Log Management
    Review accounts that are changed for additional user requests. CC ID 11846 Privacy protection for information and data Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Send change notices for change of address requests to the old address and the new address. CC ID 04877 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Search the Internet for evidence of data leakage. CC ID 10419 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Review monitored websites for data leakage. CC ID 10593 Privacy protection for information and data Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
  • IT Impact Zone
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE TYPE
    Leadership and high level objectives CC ID 00597 Leadership and high level objectives IT Impact Zone
    Monitoring and measurement CC ID 00636 Monitoring and measurement IT Impact Zone
    Audits and risk management CC ID 00677 Audits and risk management IT Impact Zone
    Operational and Systems Continuity CC ID 00731 Operational and Systems Continuity IT Impact Zone
    Operational management CC ID 00805 Operational management IT Impact Zone
    Records management CC ID 00902 Records management IT Impact Zone
    Systems design, build, and implementation CC ID 00989 Systems design, build, and implementation IT Impact Zone
    Privacy protection for information and data CC ID 00008 Privacy protection for information and data IT Impact Zone
    Harmonization Methods and Manual of Style CC ID 06095 Harmonization Methods and Manual of Style IT Impact Zone
  • Preventive
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE TYPE
    Analyze organizational objectives, functions, and activities. CC ID 00598 Leadership and high level objectives Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Establish, implement, and maintain data governance and management practices. CC ID 14998
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: The data governance measures used to cover the training datasets and the measures used to examine the suitability of data sources, possible biases, and appropriate mitigation; 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(II)]
    Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Address shortcomings of the data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15087 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include any shortcomings of the data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15086 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include bias for data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15085
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: The data governance measures used to cover the training datasets and the measures used to examine the suitability of data sources, possible biases, and appropriate mitigation; 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(II)]
    Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the data source in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 17211 Leadership and high level objectives Data and Information Management
    Include a data strategy in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15304 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include data monitoring in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15303 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include an assessment of the data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15084 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include assumptions for the formulation of data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15083 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include data collection for data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15082 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include data preparations for data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15081
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: The data governance measures used to cover the training datasets and the measures used to examine the suitability of data sources, possible biases, and appropriate mitigation; 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(II)]
    Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include design choices for data sets in the data governance and management practices. CC ID 15080 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain the scope of the organizational compliance framework and Information Assurance controls. CC ID 01241 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a policy and procedure management program. CC ID 06285
    [The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: 6-1-1707. (1)]
    Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include contact information in the organization's policies, standards, and procedures. CC ID 17167
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and no later than the time that a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer, the deployer shall: Provide to the consumer a statement disclosing the purpose of the high-risk artificial intelligence system and the nature of the consequential decision; the contact information for the deployer; a description, in plain language, of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and instructions on how to access the statement required by subsection (5)(a) of this section; and 6-1-1703. (4)(a)(II)]
    Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include requirements in the organization’s policies, standards, and procedures. CC ID 12956
    [The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The documentation and requirements for developers pursuant to section 6-1-1702 (2); 6-1-1707. (1)(a)
    The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The contents of and requirements for the notices and disclosures required by sections 6-1-1702 (5) and (7); 6-1-1703 (4), (5), (7), and (9); and 6-1-1704; 6-1-1707. (1)(b)]
    Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the effective date on all organizational policies. CC ID 06820 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include threats in the organization’s policies, standards, and procedures. CC ID 12953 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Assess the impact of changes to organizational policies, standards, and procedures, as necessary. CC ID 14824 Leadership and high level objectives Business Processes
    Include opportunities in the organization’s policies, standards, and procedures. CC ID 12945 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain an Authority Document list. CC ID 07113 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document organizational procedures that harmonize external requirements, including all legal requirements. CC ID 00623 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain full documentation of all policies, standards, and procedures that support the organization's compliance framework. CC ID 01636 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the organization’s policies, standards, and procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 12901 Leadership and high level objectives Communicate
    Disseminate and communicate the list of Authority Documents that support the organization's compliance framework to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 01312 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Classify controls according to their preventive, detective, or corrective status. CC ID 06436 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Publish, disseminate, and communicate a Statement on Internal Control, as necessary. CC ID 06727 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include signatures of c-level executives in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 14778 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include confirmation of any significant weaknesses in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 06861 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include roles and responsibilities in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 14774 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include an assurance statement regarding the counterterror protective security plan in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 06866 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include limitations of internal control systems in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 14773 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a description of the methodology used to evaluate internal controls in the Statement on Internal Control. CC ID 14772 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Assign legislative body jurisdiction to the organization's assets, as necessary. CC ID 06956 Leadership and high level objectives Establish Roles
    Approve all compliance documents. CC ID 06286 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Align the Authority Document list with external requirements. CC ID 06288 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Assign the appropriate roles to all applicable compliance documents. CC ID 06284 Leadership and high level objectives Establish Roles
    Identify and document the Designated Approval Authority for compliance documents. CC ID 07114 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a compliance exception standard. CC ID 01628 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the authority for granting exemptions in the compliance exception standard. CC ID 14329 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include explanations, compensating controls, or risk acceptance in the compliance exceptions Exceptions document. CC ID 01631 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Review the compliance exceptions in the exceptions document, as necessary. CC ID 01632 Leadership and high level objectives Business Processes
    Include when exemptions expire in the compliance exception standard. CC ID 14330 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Assign the approval of compliance exceptions to the appropriate roles inside the organization. CC ID 06443 Leadership and high level objectives Establish Roles
    Include management of the exemption register in the compliance exception standard. CC ID 14328 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate compliance exceptions to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16945 Leadership and high level objectives Communicate
    Disseminate and communicate compliance documents to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 06282 Leadership and high level objectives Behavior
    Disseminate and communicate any compliance document changes when the documents are updated to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 06283 Leadership and high level objectives Behavior
    Monitor all outbound traffic from all systems. CC ID 12970 Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Establish, implement, and maintain a testing program. CC ID 00654 Monitoring and measurement Behavior
    Establish, implement, and maintain a compliance monitoring policy. CC ID 00671 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a metrics policy. CC ID 01654 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain an approach for compliance monitoring. CC ID 01653 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk management program. CC ID 12051
    [{risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)
    {risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)
    {risk management program} The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The content and requirements of the risk management policy and program required by section 6-1-1703 (2); 6-1-1707. (1)(c)]
    Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the scope of risk management activities in the risk management program. CC ID 13658 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Integrate the risk management program with the organization's business activities. CC ID 13661 Audits and risk management Business Processes
    Integrate the risk management program into daily business decision-making. CC ID 13659 Audits and risk management Business Processes
    Include managing mobile risks in the risk management program. CC ID 13535 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Take into account if the system will be accessed by or have an impact on children in the risk management program. CC ID 14992 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Include regular updating in the risk management system. CC ID 14990 Audits and risk management Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk management policy. CC ID 17192
    [{risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)
    {risk management program} The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The content and requirements of the risk management policy and program required by section 6-1-1703 (2); 6-1-1707. (1)(c)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)]
    Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain risk management strategies. CC ID 13209
    [{risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)]
    Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include off-site storage of supplies in the risk management strategies. CC ID 13221 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include data quality in the risk management strategies. CC ID 15308 Audits and risk management Data and Information Management
    Include the use of alternate service providers in the risk management strategies. CC ID 13217 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include minimizing service interruptions in the risk management strategies. CC ID 13215 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include off-site storage in the risk mitigation strategies. CC ID 13213 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain the risk assessment framework. CC ID 00685 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Define and assign the roles and responsibilities for the risk assessment framework, as necessary. CC ID 06456 Audits and risk management Establish Roles
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk assessment program. CC ID 00687 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Address past incidents in the risk assessment program. CC ID 12743 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Include the need for risk assessments in the risk assessment program. CC ID 06447 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the information flow of restricted data in the risk assessment program. CC ID 12339 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain the factors and context for risk to the organization. CC ID 12230 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain a financial plan to support the risk management strategy. CC ID 12786 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain insurance requirements. CC ID 16562 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate insurance options to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16572 Audits and risk management Communicate
    Disseminate and communicate insurance requirements to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16567 Audits and risk management Communicate
    Design a portfolio of insurance options in accordance with risk decision-making criteria. CC ID 12878 Audits and risk management Business Processes
    Design a portfolio of loans in accordance with risk decision-making criteria. CC ID 12877 Audits and risk management Business Processes
    Design a portfolio of risk limiting and mitigating approaches in organizational contracts in accordance with risk decision-making criteria. CC ID 12903 Audits and risk management Business Processes
    Address cybersecurity risks in the risk assessment program. CC ID 13193 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain fundamental rights impact assessments. CC ID 17217
    [Except as provided in subsections (3)(d), (3)(e), and (6) of this section: On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, shall complete an impact assessment for a deployed high-risk artificial intelligence system at least annually and within ninety days after any intentional and substantial modification to the high-risk artificial intelligence system is made available. 6-1-1703. (3)(a)(II)
    Except as provided in subsections (3)(d), (3)(e), and (6) of this section: A deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, that deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system on or after February 1, 2026, shall complete an impact assessment for the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and 6-1-1703. (3)(a)(I)
    Except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer that offers, sells, leases, licenses, gives, or otherwise makes available to a deployer or other developer a high-risk artificial intelligence system on or after February 1, 2026, shall make available to the deployer or other developer, to the extent feasible, the documentation and information, through artifacts such as model cards, dataset cards, or other impact assessments, necessary for a deployer, or for a third party contracted by a deployer, to complete an impact assessment pursuant to section 6-1-1703 (3). 6-1-1702. (3)(a)
    An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: An analysis of whether the deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system poses any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination and, if so, the nature of the algorithmic discrimination and the steps that have been taken to mitigate the risks; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(II)
    The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The content and requirements of the impact assessments required by section 6-1-1703 (3); 6-1-1707. (1)(d)
    A single impact assessment may address a comparable set of high-risk artificial intelligence systems deployed by a deployer. 6-1-1703. (3)(d)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)]
    Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Include the categories of data used by the system in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17248
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: If the deployer used data to customize the high-risk artificial intelligence system, an overview of the categories of data the deployer used to customize the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(IV)
    An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A description of the categories of data the high-risk artificial intelligence system processes as inputs and the outputs the high-risk artificial intelligence system produces; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(III)]
    Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include metrics in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17249
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: Any metrics used to evaluate the performance and known limitations of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(V)]
    Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the benefits of the system in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17244
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A statement by the deployer disclosing the purpose, intended use cases, and deployment context of, and benefits afforded by, the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(I)]
    Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include user safeguards in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17255
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A description of the post-deployment monitoring and user safeguards provided concerning the high-risk artificial intelligence system, including the oversight, use, and learning process established by the deployer to address issues arising from the deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(VII)]
    Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the outputs produced by the system in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17247
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A description of the categories of data the high-risk artificial intelligence system processes as inputs and the outputs the high-risk artificial intelligence system produces; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(III)]
    Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the purpose in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17243
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A statement by the deployer disclosing the purpose, intended use cases, and deployment context of, and benefits afforded by, the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(I)]
    Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include monitoring procedures in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17254
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A description of the post-deployment monitoring and user safeguards provided concerning the high-risk artificial intelligence system, including the oversight, use, and learning process established by the deployer to address issues arising from the deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(VII)]
    Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include risk management measures in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17224
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: An analysis of whether the deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system poses any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination and, if so, the nature of the algorithmic discrimination and the steps that have been taken to mitigate the risks; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(II)]
    Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include human oversight measures in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17223 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include risks in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17222
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: An analysis of whether the deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system poses any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination and, if so, the nature of the algorithmic discrimination and the steps that have been taken to mitigate the risks; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(II)]
    Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include affected parties in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17221 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the frequency in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17220 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the usage duration in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17219 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include system use in the fundamental rights impact assessment. CC ID 17218
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A statement by the deployer disclosing the purpose, intended use cases, and deployment context of, and benefits afforded by, the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(I)
    An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A statement by the deployer disclosing the purpose, intended use cases, and deployment context of, and benefits afforded by, the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(I)
    In addition to the information required under subsection (3)(b) of this section, an impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) following an intentional and substantial modification to a high-risk artificial intelligence system on or after February 1, 2026, must include a statement disclosing the extent to which the high-risk artificial intelligence system was used in a manner that was consistent with, or varied from, the developer's intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. 6-1-1703. (3)(c)]
    Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain Data Protection Impact Assessments. CC ID 14830 Audits and risk management Process or Activity
    Include a Data Protection Impact Assessment in the risk assessment program. CC ID 12630 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include an assessment of the necessity and proportionality of the processing operations in relation to the purposes in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 12681 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include an assessment of the relationship between the data subject and the parties processing the data in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 16371 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a risk assessment of data subject's rights in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 12674 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the description and purpose of processing restricted data in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 12673 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the Data Protection Impact Assessment to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15313 Audits and risk management Communicate
    Include consideration of the data subject's expectations in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 16370 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include monitoring unsecured areas in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 12671 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include security measures for protecting restricted data in the Data Protection Impact Assessment. CC ID 12635 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Use the risk taxonomy when managing risk. CC ID 12280 Audits and risk management Behavior
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk assessment policy. CC ID 14026 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include compliance requirements in the risk assessment policy. CC ID 14121 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include coordination amongst entities in the risk assessment policy. CC ID 14120 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include management commitment in the risk assessment policy. CC ID 14119 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include roles and responsibilities in the risk assessment policy. CC ID 14118 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the scope in the risk assessment policy. CC ID 14117 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the purpose in the risk assessment policy. CC ID 14116 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the risk assessment policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14115 Audits and risk management Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain risk assessment procedures. CC ID 06446 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Employ risk assessment procedures that follow legal requirements and contractual obligations when risk profiling. CC ID 06472 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Analyze the organization's information security environment. CC ID 13122 Audits and risk management Technical Security
    Employ risk assessment procedures that follow standards and best practices, as necessary. CC ID 06473 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document cybersecurity risks. CC ID 12281 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Employ risk assessment procedures that take into account both electronic records and printed records. CC ID 06476 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Employ risk assessment procedures that take into account information classification. CC ID 06477 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Employ risk assessment procedures that align with strategic objectives. CC ID 06474 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Engage appropriate parties to assist with risk assessments, as necessary. CC ID 12153 Audits and risk management Human Resources Management
    Employ risk assessment procedures that take into account prior risk assessment findings of the same scope. CC ID 06478 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Employ risk assessment procedures that take into account the target environment. CC ID 06479 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Employ risk assessment procedures that take into account incidents associated with the target environment. CC ID 06480 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Employ risk assessment procedures that take into account risk factors. CC ID 16560 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Include compliance with disposition requirements in the risk assessment procedures. CC ID 12342 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include compliance with retention requirements in the risk assessment procedures. CC ID 12341 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Employ risk assessment procedures that include appropriate risk treatment options for each identified risk. CC ID 06484 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 07183 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document organizational risk criteria. CC ID 12277 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include security threats and vulnerabilities in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 00699 Audits and risk management Technical Security
    Categorize the systems, information, and data by risk profile in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 01443 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Include risks to critical personnel and assets in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 00698 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Include the traceability of malicious code in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 06600 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Assign a probability of occurrence to all types of threats in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 01173 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Approve the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 15693 Audits and risk management Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain risk profiling procedures for internal risk assessments. CC ID 01157 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Include language that is easy to understand in the risk assessment report. CC ID 06461 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the environments that call for risk assessments in the risk assessment program. CC ID 06448 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the process for defining the scope of each risk assessment in the risk assessment program. CC ID 06462 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the circumstances that call for risk assessments in the risk assessment program. CC ID 06449 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the roles and responsibilities involved in risk assessments in the risk assessment program. CC ID 06450 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the methods of managing and responding to the risk assessment report in the risk assessment program. CC ID 06451 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Automate as much of the risk assessment program, as necessary. CC ID 06459 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Disseminate and communicate the risk assessment procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14136 Audits and risk management Communicate
    Approve the risk assessment program and associated risk assessment procedures at the senior management level. CC ID 06458 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Perform risk assessments for all target environments, as necessary. CC ID 06452 Audits and risk management Testing
    Include the probability and potential impact of pandemics in the scope of the risk assessment. CC ID 13241 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include physical assets in the scope of the risk assessment. CC ID 13075 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the results of the risk assessment in the risk assessment report. CC ID 06481 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Approve the results of the risk assessment as documented in the risk assessment report. CC ID 07109 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Review risks to the organization's audit function when changes in the supply chain occur. CC ID 01154 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Review the risk to the audit function when the audit personnel status changes. CC ID 01153 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Document any reasons for modifying or refraining from modifying the organization's risk assessment when the risk assessment has been reviewed. CC ID 13312 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Create a risk assessment report based on the risk assessment results. CC ID 15695 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the approved risk assessment report to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 10633 Audits and risk management Communicate
    Notify the organization upon completion of the external audits of the organization's risk assessment. CC ID 13313 Audits and risk management Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk assessment awareness and training program. CC ID 06453 Audits and risk management Business Processes
    Disseminate and communicate information about risks to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 06718 Audits and risk management Behavior
    Correlate the business impact of identified risks in the risk assessment report. CC ID 00686 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Include recovery of the critical path in the Business Impact Analysis. CC ID 13224 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include acceptable levels of data loss in the Business Impact Analysis. CC ID 13264 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include Recovery Point Objectives in the Business Impact Analysis. CC ID 13223 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the Recovery Time Objectives in the Business Impact Analysis. CC ID 13222 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include pandemic risks in the Business Impact Analysis. CC ID 13219 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include tolerance to downtime in the Business Impact Analysis report. CC ID 01172 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the Business Impact Analysis to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15300 Audits and risk management Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk register. CC ID 14828 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document organizational risk tolerance in a risk register. CC ID 09961 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Align organizational risk tolerance to that of industry peers in the risk register. CC ID 09962 Audits and risk management Business Processes
    Review the Business Impact Analysis, as necessary. CC ID 12774 Audits and risk management Business Processes
    Analyze and quantify the risks to in scope systems and information. CC ID 00701 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Establish and maintain a Risk Scoping and Measurement Definitions Document. CC ID 00703 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Identify the material risks in the risk assessment report. CC ID 06482 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Establish a risk acceptance level that is appropriate to the organization's risk appetite. CC ID 00706 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Investigate alternative risk control strategies appropriate to the organization's risk appetite. CC ID 12887 Audits and risk management Investigate
    Select the appropriate risk treatment option for each identified risk in the risk register. CC ID 06483 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Approve the risk acceptance level, as necessary. CC ID 17168 Audits and risk management Process or Activity
    Disseminate and communicate the risk acceptance level in the risk treatment plan to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 06849 Audits and risk management Behavior
    Document the results of the gap analysis. CC ID 16271 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Prioritize and select controls based on the risk assessment findings. CC ID 00707 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Prioritize and categorize the effects of opportunities, threats and requirements on control activities. CC ID 12822 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Develop key indicators to inform management on the effectiveness of risk control measures. CC ID 12946 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk treatment plan. CC ID 11983 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include roles and responsibilities in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 16991 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include time information in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 16993 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include allocation of resources in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 16989 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the date of the risk assessment in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 16321 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the release status of the risk assessment in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 16320 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Identify the planned actions and controls that address high risk in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 12835 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Identify the current actions and controls that address high risk in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 12834 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Include the risk treatment strategy in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 12159 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include an overview of the migration project plan in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 11982 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include change control processes in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 11981 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a description of the processes to check for new vulnerabilities in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 11980 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the implemented risk management controls in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 11979 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include requirements for monitoring and reporting in the risk treatment plan, as necessary. CC ID 13620 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include risk assessment results in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 11978 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a description of usage in the risk treatment plan. CC ID 11977 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document all constraints applied to the risk treatment plan, as necessary. CC ID 13619 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the risk treatment plan to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15694 Audits and risk management Communicate
    Approve the risk treatment plan. CC ID 13495 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Integrate the corrective action plan based on the risk assessment findings with other risk management activities. CC ID 06457 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Review and approve the risk assessment findings. CC ID 06485 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include risk responses in the risk management program. CC ID 13195 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Review and approve material risks documented in the residual risk report, as necessary. CC ID 13672 Audits and risk management Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain an artificial intelligence risk management program. CC ID 16220
    [On and after February 1, 2026, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall use reasonable care to protect consumers from any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination arising from the intended and contracted uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. In any enforcement action brought on or after February 1, 2026, by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1706, there is a rebuttable presumption that a developer used reasonable care as required under this section if the developer complied with this section and any additional requirements or obligations as set forth in rules promulgated by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1707. 6-1-1702. (1)
    {risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall use reasonable care to protect consumers from any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. In any enforcement action brought on or after February 1, 2026, by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1706, there is a rebuttable presumption that a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system used reasonable care as required under this section if the deployer complied with this section and any additional requirements or obligations as set forth in rules promulgated by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1707. 6-1-1703. (1)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a developer shall make available, in a manner that is clear and readily available on the developer's website or in a public use case inventory, a statement summarizing: How the developer manages known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination that may arise from the development or intentional and substantial modification of the types of high-risk artificial intelligence systems described in accordance with subsection (4)(a)(I) of this section. 6-1-1702. (4)(a)(II)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall disclose to the attorney general, in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, and to all known deployers or other developers of the high-risk artificial intelligence system, any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination arising from the intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system without unreasonable delay but no later than ninety days after the date on which: 6-1-1702. (5)
    The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The requirements for the affirmative defense set forth in section 6-1-1706 (3), including the process by which the attorney general will recognize any other nationally or internationally recognized risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems. 6-1-1707. (1)(f)
    {algorithmic discrimination} {risk management} The attorney general may promulgate rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this part 17, including: The requirements for the rebuttable presumptions set forth in sections 6-1-1702 and 6-1-1703; and 6-1-1707. (1)(e)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The size and un">complexityspan> of the deployer; 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(II)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The nature and scope of the rm_primary-noun">high-risk artificial intelligence systems
    deployed by the deployer, including the intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence systems; and 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(III)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The nature and scope of the rm_primary-noun">high-risk artificial intelligence systems deployed by the deployer, including the intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence systems; and 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(III)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The sensitivity and volume of data processed in connection with the le="background-color:#F0BBBC;" class="term_primary-noun">high-risk artificial intelligence systems e="background-color:#CBD0E5;" class="term_secondary-verb">deployed by the deployer. 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(IV)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The sensitivity and volume of data processed in connection with the le="background-color:#F0BBBC;" class="term_primary-noun">high-risk artificial intelligence systems e="background-color:#CBD0E5;" class="term_secondary-verb">deployed by the deployer. 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(IV)]
    Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include diversity and equal opportunity in the artificial intelligence risk management program. CC ID 16255 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Analyze the impact of artificial intelligence systems on business operations. CC ID 16356 Audits and risk management Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain a cybersecurity risk management program. CC ID 16827 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Include a commitment to continuous improvement In the cybersecurity risk management program. CC ID 16839 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Monitor the effectiveness of the cybersecurity risk management program. CC ID 16831 Audits and risk management Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Establish, implement, and maintain a cybersecurity risk management policy. CC ID 16834 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the cybersecurity risk management policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16832 Audits and risk management Communicate
    Disseminate and communicate the cybersecurity risk management program to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16829 Audits and risk management Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain a cybersecurity risk management strategy. CC ID 11991 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a risk prioritization approach in the Cybersecurity Risk Management Strategy. CC ID 12276 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include defense in depth strategies in the cybersecurity risk management strategy. CC ID 15582 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the cybersecurity risk management strategy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16825 Audits and risk management Communicate
    Evaluate the cyber insurance market. CC ID 12695 Audits and risk management Business Processes
    Evaluate the usefulness of cyber insurance to the organization. CC ID 12694 Audits and risk management Business Processes
    Acquire cyber insurance, as necessary. CC ID 12693 Audits and risk management Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain a cybersecurity supply chain risk management program. CC ID 16826 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain cybersecurity supply chain risk management procedures. CC ID 16830 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Monitor the effectiveness of the cybersecurity supply chain risk management program. CC ID 16828 Audits and risk management Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Establish, implement, and maintain a supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14663 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include compliance requirements in the supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14711 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include coordination amongst entities in the supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14710 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include management commitment in the supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14709 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include roles and responsibilities in the supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14708 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the scope in the supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14707 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the purpose in the supply chain risk management policy. CC ID 14706 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the supply chain risk management policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14662 Audits and risk management Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain a supply chain risk management plan. CC ID 14713 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include processes for monitoring and reporting in the supply chain risk management plan. CC ID 15619 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include dates in the supply chain risk management plan. CC ID 15617 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include implementation milestones in the supply chain risk management plan. CC ID 15615 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include roles and responsibilities in the supply chain risk management plan. CC ID 15613 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include supply chain risk management procedures in the risk management program. CC ID 13190 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the supply chain risk management procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14712 Audits and risk management Communicate
    Assign key stakeholders to review and approve supply chain risk management procedures. CC ID 13199 Audits and risk management Human Resources Management
    Disseminate and communicate the risk management policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 13792 Audits and risk management Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain a business continuity program. CC ID 13210 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain system continuity plan strategies. CC ID 00735 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include website continuity procedures in the continuity plan. CC ID 01380 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Post all required information on organizational websites and ensure all hyperlinks are working. CC ID 04579
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer shall make available, in a manner that is clear and readily available on the deployer's website, a statement summarizing: The types of high-risk artificial intelligence systems that are currently deployed by the deployer; 6-1-1703. (5)(a)(I)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer shall make available, in a manner that is clear and readily available on the deployer's website, a statement summarizing: How the deployer manages known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination that may arise from the deployment of each high-risk artificial intelligence system described pursuant to subsection (5)(a)(I) of this section; and 6-1-1703. (5)(a)(II)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer shall make available, in a manner that is clear and readily available on the deployer's website, a statement summarizing: In detail, the nature, source, and extent of the information collected and used by the deployer. 6-1-1703. (5)(a)(III)
    {high-risk artificial intelligence system} A deployer shall periodically update the statement described in subsection (5)(a) of this section. 6-1-1703. (5)(b)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a developer shall make available, in a manner that is clear and readily available on the developer's website or in a public use case inventory, a statement summarizing: The types of high-risk artificial intelligence systems that the developer has developed or intentionally and substantially modified and currently makes available to a deployer or other developer; and 6-1-1702. (4)(a)(I)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and no later than the time that a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer, the deployer shall: Provide to the consumer a statement disclosing the purpose of the high-risk artificial intelligence system and the nature of the consequential decision; the contact information for the deployer; a description, in plain language, of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and instructions on how to access the statement required by subsection (5)(a) of this section; and 6-1-1703. (4)(a)(II)]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Data and Information Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 01406 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain an information security program. CC ID 00812 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain operational control procedures. CC ID 00831 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Standard Operating Procedures Manual. CC ID 00826 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include system use information in the standard operating procedures manual. CC ID 17240
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: A general statement describing the reasonably foreseeable uses and known harmful or inappropriate uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1702. (2)(a)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation disclosing: The intended benefits and uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and 6-1-1702. (2)(b)(IV)]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the intended purpose in the standard operating procedures manual. CC ID 14967
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation disclosing: The purpose of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1702. (2)(b)(III)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The nature and scope of the high-risk artificial intelligence systems deployed by the deployer, including the intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence systems; and 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(III)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The nature and scope of the high-risk artificial intelligence systems deployed by the deployer, including the intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence systems; and 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(III)]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include information on system performance in the standard operating procedures manual. CC ID 14965
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation disclosing: The intended benefits and uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and 6-1-1702. (2)(b)(IV)]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Intellectual Property Right program. CC ID 00821 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain Intellectual Property Rights protection procedures. CC ID 11512
    [{refrain from requiring} Nothing in subsections (2) to (5) and (7) of this section requires a deployer to disclose a trade secret or information protected from disclosure by state or federal law. To the extent that a deployer withholds information pursuant to this subsection (8) or section 6-1-1705 (5), the deployer shall notify the consumer and provide a basis for the withholding. 6-1-1703. (8)]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Implement and comply with the Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 00818 Operational management Business Processes
    Comply with all implemented policies in the organization's compliance framework. CC ID 06384
    [On and after February 1, 2026, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall use reasonable care to protect consumers from any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination arising from the intended and contracted uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. In any enforcement action brought on or after February 1, 2026, by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1706, there is a rebuttable presumption that a developer used reasonable care as required under this section if the developer complied with this section and any additional requirements or obligations as set forth in rules promulgated by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1707. 6-1-1702. (1)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall use reasonable care to protect consumers from any known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. In any enforcement action brought on or after February 1, 2026, by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1706, there is a rebuttable presumption that a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system used reasonable care as required under this section if the deployer complied with this section and any additional requirements or obligations as set forth in rules promulgated by the attorney general pursuant to section 6-1-1707. 6-1-1703. (1)
    If a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, completes an impact assessment for the purpose of complying with another applicable law or regulation, the impact assessment satisfies the requirements established in this subsection (3) if the impact assessment is reasonably similar in scope and effect to the impact assessment that would otherwise be completed pursuant to this subsection (3). 6-1-1703. (3)(e)
    {high-risk artificial intelligence system} On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a developer disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the statement or documentation described in subsection (2) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate such statement or documentation to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the statement or documentation is not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (7), a developer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the statement or documentation includes information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1702. (7)
    In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: is otherwise in compliance with: The latest version of the "Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework" published by the national institute of standards and technology in the United States department of commerce and standard ISO/IEC 42001 of the International Organization for Standardization; 6-1-1706. (3)(b)(I)
    In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: is otherwise in compliance with: Another nationally or internationally recognized risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems, if the standards are substantially equivalent to or more stringent than the requirements of this part 17; or 6-1-1706. (3)(b)(II)
    In any action commenced by the attorney general to enforce this part 17, it is an affirmative defense that the developer, deployer, or other person: is otherwise in compliance with: Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate and, if designated, shall publicly disseminate. 6-1-1706. (3)(b)(III)]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a customer service program. CC ID 00846 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Incident Management program. CC ID 00853 Operational management Business Processes
    Include incident monitoring procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01207 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain compromised system reaccreditation procedures. CC ID 00592 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a disability accessibility program. CC ID 06191 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain an artificial intelligence system. CC ID 14943
    [{risk management program} On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a deployer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall implement a risk management policy and program to govern the deployer's deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. The risk management policy and program must specify and incorporate the principles, processes, and personnel that the deployer uses to identify, document, and mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination. The risk management policy and program must be an iterative process planned, implemented, and regularly and systematically reviewed and updated over the life cycle of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, requiring regular, systematic review and updates. A risk management policy and program implemented and maintained pursuant to this subsection (2) must be reasonable considering: 6-1-1703. (2)(a)
    {high-risk artificial intelligence system} A developer shall update the statement described in subsection (4)(a) of this section: 6-1-1702. (4)(b)]
    Operational management Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Provide affected parties with the role of artificial intelligence in decision making. CC ID 17236
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and no later than the time that a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer, the deployer shall: Notify the consumer that the deployer has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision before the decision is made; 6-1-1703. (4)(a)(I)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and no later than the time that a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer, the deployer shall: Provide to the consumer a statement disclosing the purpose of the high-risk artificial intelligence system and the nature of the consequential decision; the contact information for the deployer; a description, in plain language, of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and instructions on how to access the statement required by subsection (5)(a) of this section; and 6-1-1703. (4)(a)(II)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: The degree to which, and manner in which, the high-risk artificial intelligence system contributed to the consequential decision; 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(I)(A)]
    Operational management Communicate
    Provide the reasons for adverse decisions made by artificial intelligence systems. CC ID 17253
    [On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(I)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: The type of data that was processed by the high-risk artificial intelligence system in making the consequential decision; and 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(I)(B)
    On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: The source or sources of the data described in subsection (4)(b)(I)(B) of this section; 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(I)(C)]
    Operational management Process or Activity
    Authorize artificial intelligence systems for use under defined conditions. CC ID 17210
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: How the high-risk artificial intelligence system should be used, not be used, and be monitored by an individual when the high-risk artificial intelligence system is used to make, or is a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision; and 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(V)]
    Operational management Process or Activity
    Refrain from notifying users when images, videos, or audio have been artificially generated or manipulated if use of the artificial intelligence system is authorized by law. CC ID 15051
    [Disclosure is not required under subsection (1) of this section under circumstances in which it would be obvious to a reasonable person that the person is interacting with an artificial intelligence system. 6-1-1704. (2)]
    Operational management Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain a post-market monitoring system. CC ID 15050 Operational management Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Limit artificial intelligence systems authorizations to the time period until conformity assessment procedures are complete. CC ID 15043 Operational management Business Processes
    Terminate authorizations for artificial intelligence systems when conformity assessment procedures are complete. CC ID 15042 Operational management Business Processes
    Authorize artificial intelligence systems to be put into service for exceptional reasons while conformity assessment procedures are being conducted. CC ID 15039 Operational management Business Processes
    Discard the outputs of the artificial intelligence system when authorizations are denied. CC ID 17225 Operational management Process or Activity
    Authorize artificial intelligence systems to be placed on the market for exceptional reasons while conformity assessment procedures are being conducted. CC ID 15037 Operational management Business Processes
    Prohibit artificial intelligence systems from being placed on the market when it is not in compliance with the requirements. CC ID 15029 Operational management Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services
    Ensure the artificial intelligence system performs at an acceptable level of accuracy, robustness, and cybersecurity. CC ID 15024 Operational management Process or Activity
    Implement an acceptable level of accuracy, robustness, and cybersecurity in the development of artificial intelligence systems. CC ID 15022 Operational management Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Take into account the nature of the situation when determining the possibility of using 'real-time’ remote biometric identification systems in publicly accessible spaces for law enforcement. CC ID 15020 Operational management Process or Activity
    Notify users when images, videos, or audio on the artificial intelligence system has been artificially generated or manipulated. CC ID 15019 Operational management Communicate
    Refrain from notifying users of artificial intelligence systems using biometric categorization for law enforcement. CC ID 15017 Operational management Communicate
    Use a remote biometric identification system under defined conditions. CC ID 15016 Operational management Process or Activity
    Notify users when they are using an artificial intelligence system. CC ID 15015
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, a deployer or other developer that deploys, offers, sells, leases, licenses, gives, or otherwise makes available an artificial intelligence system that is intended to interact with consumers shall ensure the disclosure to each consumer who interacts with the artificial intelligence system that the consumer is interacting with an artificial intelligence system. 6-1-1704. (1)]
    Operational management Communicate
    Receive prior authorization for the use of a remote biometric identification system. CC ID 15014 Operational management Business Processes
    Prohibit artificial intelligence systems that deploys subliminal techniques from being placed on the market. CC ID 15012 Operational management Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services
    Prohibit artificial intelligence systems that use social scores for unfavorable treatment from being placed on the market. CC ID 15010 Operational management Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services
    Prohibit artificial intelligence systems that evaluate or classify the trustworthiness of individuals from being placed on the market. CC ID 15008 Operational management Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services
    Prohibit artificial intelligence systems that exploits vulnerabilities of a specific group of persons from being placed on the market. CC ID 15006 Operational management Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services
    Refrain from making a decision based on system output unless verified by at least two natural persons. CC ID 15004 Operational management Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain human oversight over artificial intelligence systems. CC ID 15003
    [On or before February 1, 2026, and at least annually thereafter, a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, must review the deployment of each high-risk artificial intelligence system deployed by the deployer to ensure that the high-risk artificial intelligence system is not causing algorithmic discrimination. 6-1-1703. (3)(g)]
    Operational management Behavior
    Implement measures to enable personnel assigned to human oversight to intervene or interrupt the operation of the artificial intelligence system. CC ID 15093 Operational management Process or Activity
    Implement measures to enable personnel assigned to human oversight to be aware of the possibility of automatically relying or over-relying on outputs to make decisions. CC ID 15091 Operational management Human Resources Management
    Implement measures to enable personnel assigned to human oversight to interpret output correctly. CC ID 15089 Operational management Data and Information Management
    Implement measures to enable personnel assigned to human oversight to decide to refrain from using the artificial intelligence system or override disregard, or reverse the output. CC ID 15079 Operational management Behavior
    Enable users to interpret the artificial intelligence system's output and use. CC ID 15002 Operational management Business Processes
    Develop artificial intelligence systems involving the training of models with data sets that meet the quality criteria. CC ID 14996 Operational management Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Withdraw the technical documentation assessment certificate when the artificial intelligence system is not in compliance with requirements. CC ID 15099 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Reassess the designation of artificial intelligence systems. CC ID 17230 Operational management Process or Activity
    Define a high-risk artificial intelligence system. CC ID 14959 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Take into account the consequences for the rights and freedoms of persons when using ‘real-time’ remote biometric identification systems for law enforcement. CC ID 14957 Operational management Process or Activity
    Allow the use of 'real-time' remote biometric identification systems for law enforcement under defined conditions. CC ID 14955 Operational management Process or Activity
    Document the use of remote biometric identification systems. CC ID 17215 Operational management Business Processes
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of the use of remote biometric identification systems. CC ID 17216 Operational management Communicate
    Refrain from using remote biometric identification systems under defined conditions. CC ID 14953 Operational management Process or Activity
    Prohibit the use of artificial intelligence systems under defined conditions. CC ID 14951
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: How the high-risk artificial intelligence system should be used, not be used, and be monitored by an individual when the high-risk artificial intelligence system is used to make, or is a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision; and 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(V)]
    Operational management Process or Activity
    Establish, implement, and maintain a declaration of conformity. CC ID 15038 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a statement that the artificial intelligence system meets all requirements in the declaration of conformity. CC ID 15100
    [A developer, a deployer, or other person bears the burden of demonstrating to the attorney general that the requirements established in subsection (3) of this section have been satisfied. 6-1-1706. (4)]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain records management policies. CC ID 00903 Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Determine how long to keep records and logs before disposing them. CC ID 11661 Records management Process or Activity
    Retain records in accordance with applicable requirements. CC ID 00968
    [A deployer shall maintain the most recently completed impact assessment for a high-risk artificial intelligence system as required under this subsection (3), all records concerning each impact assessment, and all prior impact assessments, if any, for at least three years following the final deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system. 6-1-1703. (3)(f)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)]
    Records management Records Management
    Establish and maintain technical documentation. CC ID 15005
    [A developer that also serves as a deployer for a high-risk artificial intelligence system is not required to generate the documentation required by this section unless the high-risk artificial intelligence system is provided to an unaffiliated entity acting as a deployer. 6-1-1702. (3)(b)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Retain technical documentation on the premises where the artificial intelligence system is located. CC ID 15104 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the risk mitigation measures in the technical documentation. CC ID 17246
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: The measures the developer has taken to mitigate known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination that may arise from the reasonably foreseeable deployment of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(IV)]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the intended outputs of the system in the technical documentation. CC ID 17245
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation describing: The intended outputs of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1702. (2)(c)(III)
    On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: Any additional documentation that is reasonably necessary to assist the deployer in understanding the outputs and monitor the performance of the high-risk artificial intelligence system for risks of algorithmic discrimination. 6-1-1702. (2)(d)]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the limitations of the system in the technical documentation. CC ID 17242
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation disclosing: Known or reasonably foreseeable limitations of the high-risk artificial intelligence system, including known or reasonably foreseeable risks of algorithmic discrimination arising from the intended uses of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1702. (2)(b)(II)]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the types of data used to train the artificial intelligence system in the technical documentation. CC ID 17241
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: High-level summaries of the type of data used to train the high-risk artificial intelligence system; 6-1-1702. (2)(b)(I)]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include all required information in the technical documentation. CC ID 15094
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and except as provided in subsection (6) of this section, a developer of a high-risk artificial intelligence system shall make available to the deployer or other developer of the high-risk artificial intelligence system: documentation disclosing: All other information necessary to allow the deployer to comply with the requirements of section 6-1-1703; 6-1-1702. (2)(b)(V)]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include information that demonstrates compliance with requirements in the technical documentation. CC ID 15088 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate technical documentation to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 17229
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and no later than the time that a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer, the deployer shall: Provide to the consumer a statement disclosing the purpose of the high-risk artificial intelligence system and the nature of the consequential decision; the contact information for the deployer; a description, in plain language, of the high-risk artificial intelligence system; and instructions on how to access the statement required by subsection (5)(a) of this section; and 6-1-1703. (4)(a)(II)]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain a privacy framework that protects restricted data. CC ID 11850 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a personal data transparency program. CC ID 00375
    [An impact assessment completed pursuant to this subsection (3) must include, at a minimum, and to the extent reasonably known by or available to the deployer: A description of any transparency measures taken concerning the high-risk artificial intelligence system, including any measures taken to disclose to a consumer that the high-risk artificial intelligence system is in use when the high-risk artificial intelligence system is in use; and 6-1-1703. (3)(b)(VI)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Establish and maintain privacy notices, as necessary. CC ID 13443 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the purpose of the privacy notice in the privacy notice. CC ID 13526 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the processing purpose in the privacy notice. CC ID 16543 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the record types which may not be used or disclosed unless required by law in the privacy notice. CC ID 17258 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include contact information in the privacy notice. CC ID 14432 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the data subject's choices for data collection, data processing, data disclosure, and data retention in the privacy notice. CC ID 13503 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the right to opt out of personal data disclosure in the privacy notice. CC ID 13460 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include instructions on how to opt out of personal data disclosure in the privacy notice. CC ID 13461 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the uses or disclosures that require authorizations in the privacy notice. CC ID 17257 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include prohibitions of use or disclosure in the privacy notice. CC ID 17252 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the types of third parties to which personal data is disclosed in the privacy notice. CC ID 13459 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the organization's policies, standards, and procedures in the privacy notice. CC ID 13455 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the organization's privacy framework in the privacy notice, as necessary. CC ID 13456 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the personal data collection categories in the privacy notice. CC ID 13457 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include disclosure exceptions in the privacy notice. CC ID 13447 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the types of personal data disclosed in the privacy notice. CC ID 13446 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include descriptions of each type of personal data disclosed in the privacy notice. CC ID 13458 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Specify the time frame that notice will be given. CC ID 00385 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the information about the appeal process in the privacy notice. CC ID 15312 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Combine privacy notices into a joint notification with suppliers, as necessary. CC ID 13468 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Refrain from delivering privacy notices to data subjects, as necessary. CC ID 13445 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Deliver privacy notices to data subjects, as necessary. CC ID 13444 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Deliver a short-form initial notification along with an opt-out notice as an alternate to delivering a privacy notice, as necessary. CC ID 13464 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Update privacy notices, as necessary. CC ID 13474 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Redeliver privacy notices, as necessary. CC ID 14850 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Deliver privacy notices to third parties, as necessary. CC ID 13473 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Obtain acknowledgment of receipt of the privacy notice. CC ID 14435 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Establish and maintain short-form initial notifications of privacy notices that are clear and conspicuous. CC ID 13466 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the organization's privacy framework in the short-form initial notification, as necessary. CC ID 13472 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the methodology for accessing the privacy notice in the short-form initial notification. CC ID 13471 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include that the privacy notice is available upon request in the short-form initial notification. CC ID 13470 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain opt-out notices. CC ID 13448 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include how opt out directions for joint consumers are treated in the opt-out notice. CC ID 13465 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the opt out method for data subjects in the opt-out notice. CC ID 13467 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the data subject's right to opt out of personal data disclosure in the opt-out notice. CC ID 13463
    [On and after February 1, 2026, and no later than the time that a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer, the deployer shall: Provide to the consumer information, if applicable, regarding the consumer's right to opt out of the processing of personal data concerning the consumer for purposes of profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning the consumer under section 6-1-1306 (1)(a)(I)(C). 6-1-1703. (4)(a)(III)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Explain the right to opt out in the opt-out notice. CC ID 13462 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the organization's right to share personal data in the opt-out notice. CC ID 13450 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Deliver opt-out notices, as necessary. CC ID 13449 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Include an initial privacy notification when delivering the opt-out notice. CC ID 13453 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Provide a copy of the organization's privacy program to statutory authorities, as necessary. CC ID 12376 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Affirm adequate protection of personal data to applicable statutory authorities if the organization is not a member of a privacy program. CC ID 12372 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Notify statutory authorities of the organization's withdrawal from the privacy program. CC ID 12391 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Notify statutory authorities about how restricted data will be handled following withdrawal from the privacy program. CC ID 16819 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Notify statutory authorities concerned with the privacy program if the surviving organization will continue in the privacy program. CC ID 12393 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Notify data subjects about the organization's external requirements relevant to the privacy program. CC ID 12354 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Provide the data subject with a notice of participation procedures. CC ID 06241 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Deliver notices to the intended parties. CC ID 06240
    [{make available} {be reasonable} If the deployer is unable to provide the notice, statement, contact information, and description required by subsections (4)(a) and (4)(b) of this section directly to the consumer, the deployer shall make the notice, statement, contact information, and description available in a manner that is reasonably calculated to ensure that the consumer receives the notice, statement, contact information, and description. 6-1-1703. (4)(c)(II)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Notify data subjects about their privacy rights. CC ID 12989 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Disseminate and communicate the critical third party list with relevance to the privacy program to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 12352 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain adequate openness procedures. CC ID 00377 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Provide public proof the organization participates in a privacy program. CC ID 12349 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Publish a description of processing activities in an official register. CC ID 00379 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain a records request manual. CC ID 00381 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain a description of voluntary disclosure and automatic availability of certain records. CC ID 00382 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Register with public bodies and notify the Data Commissioner before processing personal data. CC ID 00383 Privacy protection for information and data Behavior
    Define what is included in registration notices. CC ID 00386 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include roles and responsibilities in the registration notice. CC ID 16803 Privacy protection for information and data Establish Roles
    Include the verification method in the registration notice. CC ID 16798 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the statutory authority in the registration notice. CC ID 16799 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the address where the file or hardware supporting the data processing is located in the registration notice. CC ID 00387 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a purpose specification description in the registration notice. CC ID 00388 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include information about the dispute resolution body in the registration notice. CC ID 16800 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the data subject category being processed in the registration notice. CC ID 00389 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the time period for data processing in the registration notice. CC ID 00390 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include procedures for when the registration notice for processing personal data is insufficient in the registration notice. CC ID 00392 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Provide legal authorities access to personal data, upon request. CC ID 06818 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Provide the data subject with information about automated decision-making during personal data processing. CC ID 12609 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Provide the data subject with information about obtaining automated decision-making used during personal data processing. CC ID 12618 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Provide the data subject with the name, title, and address of the individual accountable for the organizational policies. CC ID 00394 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Provide the data subject with a copy of any brochures or other information that explain policies, standards, or codes. CC ID 00398
    [Except as provided in subsection (4)(c)(ii) of this section, a deployer shall provide the notice, statement, contact information, and description required by subsections (4)(a) and (4)(b) of this section: Directly to the consumer; 6-1-1703. (4)(c)(I)(A)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Provide the data subject with contractual requirements requiring the provision of personal data. CC ID 12588 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Document the countries where restricted data may be stored. CC ID 12750 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Protect the rights of students and their parents or legal representatives. CC ID 00222 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Refrain from allowing access rights to education records maintained by another educational institution. CC ID 13014 Privacy protection for information and data Technical Security
    Refrain from allowing students the right to inspect the financial records of their parent or legal representative. CC ID 13025 Privacy protection for information and data Records Management
    Refrain from allowing students the right to inspect confidential letters and confidential letters of recommendation. CC ID 13019 Privacy protection for information and data Records Management
    Define the criteria for waivers of data subjects' rights. CC ID 16858 Privacy protection for information and data Behavior
    Revoke waivers of data subject's rights, as necessary. CC ID 16859 Privacy protection for information and data Behavior
    Disseminate and communicate the notification of rights to students and their parent or legal representative. CC ID 12996 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the criteria for determining what constitutes a legitimate educational interest in the notification of rights. CC ID 13004 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the criteria for determining what constitutes a school official in the notification of rights. CC ID 13003 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disclose educational data, as necessary. CC ID 00223 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Grant access to education records in support of educational program audits. CC ID 13032 Privacy protection for information and data Records Management
    Grant access to education records in support of external requirements. CC ID 13033 Privacy protection for information and data Records Management
    Disclose statements added to education records, as necessary. CC ID 12990 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Obtain explicit consent from students or their parent or legal representative prior to using or disclosing educational data. CC ID 00220 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Disclose education records when written consent is received. CC ID 00224 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Specify the parties to whom education records may be disclosed in the written consent. CC ID 13002 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Specify the purpose of the disclosure in the written consent. CC ID 13001 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Specify which education records may be disclosed in the written consent. CC ID 13000 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document the conditions when consent is not required to disclose educational data. CC ID 00225 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disclose educational data absent consent when disclosure is in connection with a disciplinary proceeding. CC ID 13005 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Refrain from disclosing disciplinary proceeding results unless the student has violated the institution's rules or policies. CC ID 13023 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Disclose educational data absent consent when it concerns sex offenders. CC ID 13013 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Disclose educational data absent consent to other school officials. CC ID 00226 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Disclose educational data absent consent to another institution's school officials. CC ID 00227 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Disclose educational data absent consent in connection with financial aid. CC ID 00229 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Disclose educational data absent consent to organizations conducting studies on tests. CC ID 00230 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Disclose educational data absent consent to organizations conducting studies if educational data is destroyed when no longer required. CC ID 12995 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Disclose educational data absent consent to accrediting organizations. CC ID 00231 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Disclose educational data absent consent to a dependent student's parent or legal representative. CC ID 00232 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Disclose educational data absent consent in order to comply with a judicial order. CC ID 00233 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Disclose educational data absent consent for a health and safety emergency. CC ID 00234 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Disclose educational data absent consent when it is merely directory information. CC ID 00235 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Disclose educational data absent consent to a crime victim. CC ID 00236 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Record the health and safety threats of students when disclosing personal data. CC ID 12997 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject, as necessary. CC ID 12625 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when it is forbidden by law. CC ID 12651 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when it proves impossible due to statistical purposes. CC ID 12645 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Provide the data subject with information about lifting any restriction of processing, as necessary. CC ID 12634 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when it proves impossible due to historical research purposes. CC ID 12633 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when it proves impossible due to scientific research purposes. CC ID 12632 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when it proves impossible due to archival purposes. CC ID 12631 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when providing information involves disproportionate effort. CC ID 12629 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Refrain from providing information to the data subject when the data subject has the information. CC ID 12628 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Provide adequate structures, policies, procedures, and mechanisms to support direct access by the data subject to personal data that is provided upon request. CC ID 00393 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Provide the data subject with the data retention period for personal data. CC ID 12587 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Provide the data subject with the criteria used to determine the data retention period for personal data. CC ID 12589 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Provide the data subject with the adequacy decision. CC ID 12586 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Provide the data subject with references to the appropriate safeguards used to protect the privacy of personal data. CC ID 12585 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Provide the data subject with copies of the appropriate safeguards used to protect the privacy of personal data. CC ID 12608 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Provide the data subject with the means of gaining access to personal data held by the organization. CC ID 00396 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Refrain from requiring the data subject to create an account in order to submit a consumer request. CC ID 13780 Privacy protection for information and data Business Processes
    Provide the data subject with the data protection officer's contact information. CC ID 12573 Privacy protection for information and data Business Processes
    Notify the data subject of the right to data portability. CC ID 12603 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Provide the data subject with information about the right to erasure. CC ID 12602 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Provide the data subject with a description of the type of information held by the organization and a general account of its use. CC ID 00397 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Provide the data subject with what personal data is made available to related organizations or subsidiaries. CC ID 00399 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include individual's names to whom restricted data may be disclosed in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 13027 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain a disclosure accounting record. CC ID 13022 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the official authorities that are allowed to disclose restricted data absent consent in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 13029 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the legitimate interests for accessing restricted data in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 13028 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include what information was disclosed and to whom in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 04680 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the personal data the organization refrained from disclosing in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 13769 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the sale of personal data in the disclosure accounting record, as necessary. CC ID 13768 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the disclosure date in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07133 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the disclosure recipient in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07134 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the disclosure purpose in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07135 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the frequency, periodicity, or number of disclosures made during the accounting period in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07136 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the final date of multiple disclosures in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07137 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include how personal data was used for research purposes in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07138 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the research activity or research protocol in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07139 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the record selection criteria for research activities in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07140 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the contact information of the organization that sponsored the research activity in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 07141 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the types of third parties to whom restricted data may be disclosed in the disclosure accounting record. CC ID 16860 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Disseminate and communicate the disclosure accounting record to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14433 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Provide shareholders with electronic messages regarding the shareholder meetings. CC ID 04586 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Provide shareholders access to electronic messages via electronic means. CC ID 11855 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Make telephone directory information available to the public. CC ID 08698 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Display warning screens and confirmation screens for all payment transactions. CC ID 06409 Privacy protection for information and data Technical Security
    Define the acceptable data modifications before presenting the data to a data subject. CC ID 00400 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Provide the data subject with information about the legitimate interests associated with personal data processing. CC ID 12614 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Establish, implement, and maintain a personal data accountability program. CC ID 13432 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Require data controllers to be accountable for their actions. CC ID 00470 Privacy protection for information and data Establish Roles
    Notify the supervisory authority. CC ID 00472
    [If a deployer deploys a high-risk artificial intelligence system on or after February 1, 2026, and subsequently discovers that the high-risk artificial intelligence system has caused algorithmic discrimination, the deployer, without unreasonable delay, but no later than ninety days after the date of the discovery, shall send to the attorney general, in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, a notice disclosing the discovery. 6-1-1703. (7)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Behavior
    Establish, implement, and maintain approval applications. CC ID 16778 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Define the requirements for approving or denying approval applications. CC ID 16780 Privacy protection for information and data Business Processes
    Submit approval applications to the supervisory authority. CC ID 16627 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Include required information in the approval application. CC ID 16628 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Extend the time limit for approving or denying approval applications. CC ID 16779 Privacy protection for information and data Business Processes
    Approve the approval application unless applicant has been convicted. CC ID 16603 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Provide the supervisory authority with any information requested by the supervisory authority. CC ID 12606
    [{high-risk artificial intelligence system} On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a developer disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the statement or documentation described in subsection (2) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate such statement or documentation to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the statement or documentation is not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (7), a developer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the statement or documentation includes information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1702. (7)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Notify the supervisory authority of the safeguards employed to protect the data subject's rights. CC ID 12605 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Respond to questions about submissions in a timely manner. CC ID 16930 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain a personal data use limitation program. CC ID 13428 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain data disclosure procedures. CC ID 00133
    [{high-risk artificial intelligence system} On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a developer disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the statement or documentation described in subsection (2) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate such statement or documentation to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the statement or documentation is not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (7), a developer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the statement or documentation includes information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1702. (7)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the disclosure requirements to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16901 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Identify any adverse effects the disclosure of personal data will have on the data subject. CC ID 15298 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Review personal data disclosure requests. CC ID 07129 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Notify the data subject of the disclosure purpose. CC ID 15268 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain data request denial procedures. CC ID 00434 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include frivolous requests or vexatious requests as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00435 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include when the required information is unavailable as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00436 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include when the disclosure of personal data constitutes contempt of court or contempt of House of Representatives as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00437 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include disclosing personal data that would identify suppliers or breaches an express promise of privacy or implied promise of privacy as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00438 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include disclosing personal data that would compromise National Security as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00439 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include information that is protected by attorney-client privilege as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00440 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include disclosing personal data that would reveal trade secrets, commercial information, or harmful financial information as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00441
    [{refrain from requiring} Nothing in subsections (2) to (5) and (7) of this section requires a deployer to disclose a trade secret or information protected from disclosure by state or federal law. To the extent that a deployer withholds information pursuant to this subsection (8) or section 6-1-1705 (5), the deployer shall notify the consumer and provide a basis for the withholding. 6-1-1703. (8)
    {refrain from requiring} Nothing in subsections (2) to (5) of this section requires a developer to disclose a trade secret, information protected from disclosure by state or federal law, or information that would create a security risk to the developer. 6-1-1702. (6)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include disclosing personal data that would threaten an individual's life or an individual's security as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00442 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include disclosing personal data that would have an unreasonable impact on another individual's privacy as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00443 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include disclosing personal data that would threaten facilities, property, transport, or communication systems as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 08702 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Include responding to access requests after the time limit as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 13600 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include information that was generated from a formal dispute as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00444 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include personal data that is used solely for scientific research, scholarly research, statistical research, library purposes, museum purposes, or archival purposes as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00445 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include personal data that is for protecting the civil rights or other's freedoms as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00447 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include disclosing personal data that constitutes a state secret as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00448 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include disclosing personal data that would result in interference with the operation of public functions as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00449 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include disclosing personal data that would interrupt criminal investigation and surveillance or other legal purposes as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00450 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include when a country's laws prevent disclosure as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 00451 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include disclosing personal data that would interfere with grievance proceeding or employee security investigations as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 06873 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include disclosing personal data that would interfere with commercial acquisitions or reorganizations as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 06874 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include if the cost or burden of disclosing the personal data is disproportionate as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 06875 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of the reasons the data access request was refused. CC ID 00453
    [{refrain from requiring} Nothing in subsections (2) to (5) and (7) of this section requires a deployer to disclose a trade secret or information protected from disclosure by state or federal law. To the extent that a deployer withholds information pursuant to this subsection (8) or section 6-1-1705 (5), the deployer shall notify the consumer and provide a basis for the withholding. 6-1-1703. (8)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Notify the individual of the organization's legal rights to refuse the personal data access request, as necessary. CC ID 13509 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Notify individuals of their right to challenge a refusal to a data access request. CC ID 00454 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include if the record would constitute an action for breach of a duty of confidence as a reason for denial in the personal data request denial procedures. CC ID 08700 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Disseminate and communicate personal data to the individual that it relates to. CC ID 00428 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Provide personal data to an individual after the individual's identity has been confirmed. CC ID 06876 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Notify that data subject of any exclusions to requested personal data. CC ID 15271 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Provide data or records in a reasonable time frame. CC ID 00429 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Notify individuals of the new time limit for responding to an access request in a notice of extension. CC ID 13599 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Extend the time limit for providing personal data in order to convert it to an alternative format. CC ID 13591 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Extend the time limit for providing personal data if the time is impracticable to respond to the access request. CC ID 13590 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Extend the time limit for providing data if it would unreasonably interfere with the organization's activities. CC ID 13589 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Provide data at a cost that is not excessive. CC ID 00430 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Provide records or data in a reasonable manner. CC ID 00431 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Provide personal data in a form that is intelligible. CC ID 00432 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Provide restricted data that would threaten the life or security of another individual after that information has been redacted. CC ID 13604 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Provide restricted data that would reveal confidential commercial information after that information has been redacted. CC ID 13602 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Remove data pertaining to third parties before giving the requestor access to the information. CC ID 13601 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Document that a data search was conducted in case the requested data cannot be found. CC ID 06953 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a data handling program. CC ID 13427 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain data handling policies. CC ID 00353 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain data and information confidentiality policies. CC ID 00361
    [{high-risk artificial intelligence system} On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a developer disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the statement or documentation described in subsection (2) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate such statement or documentation to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the statement or documentation is not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (7), a developer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the statement or documentation includes information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1702. (7)
    {high-risk artificial intelligence system} On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a developer disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the statement or documentation described in subsection (2) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate such statement or documentation to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the statement or documentation is not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (7), a developer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the statement or documentation includes information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1702. (7)
    On and after February 1, 2026, the attorney general may require that a deployer, or a third party contracted by the deployer, disclose to the attorney general, no later than ninety days after the request and in a form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, the risk management policy implemented pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the impact assessment completed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, or the records maintained pursuant to subsection (3)(f) of this section. The attorney general may evaluate the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records to ensure compliance with this part 17, and the risk management policy, impact assessment, and records are not subject to disclosure under the "Colorado Open Records Act", part 2 of article 72 of title 24. In a disclosure pursuant to this subsection (9), a deployer may designate the statement or documentation as including proprietary information or a trade secret. To the extent that any information contained in the risk management policy, impact assessment, or records include information subject to attorney-client privilege or work-product protection, the disclosure does not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection. 6-1-1703. (9)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The sensitivity and volume of data processed in connection with the le="background-color:#F0BBBC;" class="term_primary-noun">high-risk artificial intelligence systems e="background-color:#CBD0E5;" class="term_secondary-verb">deployed by the deployer. 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(IV)
    Any risk management framework for artificial intelligence systems that the attorney general, in the attorney general's discretion, may designate; The sensitivity and volume of data processed in connection with the le="background-color:#F0BBBC;" class="term_primary-noun">high-risk artificial intelligence systems e="background-color:#CBD0E5;" class="term_secondary-verb">deployed by the deployer. 6-1-1703. (2)(a)(IV)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Prohibit personal data from being sent by e-mail or instant messaging. CC ID 00565 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Protect electronic messaging information. CC ID 12022 Privacy protection for information and data Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain record structures to support information confidentiality. CC ID 00360 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include passwords, Personal Identification Numbers, and card security codes in the personal data definition. CC ID 04699 Privacy protection for information and data Configuration
    Store payment card data in secure chips, if possible. CC ID 13065 Privacy protection for information and data Configuration
    Refrain from storing data elements containing sensitive authentication data after authorization is approved. CC ID 04758 Privacy protection for information and data Configuration
    Render unrecoverable sensitive authentication data after authorization is approved. CC ID 11952 Privacy protection for information and data Technical Security
    Automate the disposition process for records that contain "do not store" data or "delete after transaction process" data. CC ID 06083 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Log the disclosure of personal data. CC ID 06628 Privacy protection for information and data Log Management
    Log the modification of personal data. CC ID 11844 Privacy protection for information and data Log Management
    Encrypt, truncate, or tokenize data fields, as necessary. CC ID 06850 Privacy protection for information and data Technical Security
    Implement security measures to protect personal data. CC ID 13606 Privacy protection for information and data Technical Security
    Implement physical controls to protect personal data. CC ID 00355 Privacy protection for information and data Testing
    Limit data leakage. CC ID 00356 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Identify potential red flags to alert the organization before a data leakage has occurred. CC ID 04654 Privacy protection for information and data Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Establish, implement, and maintain Consumer Reporting Agency notification procedures. CC ID 04851 Privacy protection for information and data Business Processes
    Acquire enough insurance to cover the liability for damages due to data leakage. CC ID 06408 Privacy protection for information and data Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services
    Alert appropriate personnel when data leakage is detected. CC ID 14715 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Develop remedies and sanctions for privacy policy violations. CC ID 00474 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Refrain from updating personal data on a regular basis, unless it is necessary for the purposes it was collected. CC ID 13610 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Define the appeal process based on the applicable law. CC ID 00506
    [On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: An opportunity to appeal an adverse consequential decision concerning the consumer arising from the deployment of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, which appeal must, if technically feasible, allow for human review unless providing the opportunity for appeal is not in the best interest of the consumer, including in instances in which any delay might pose a risk to the life or safety of such consumer. 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(III)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Define the fee structure for the appeal process. CC ID 16532 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Define the time requirements for the appeal process. CC ID 16531 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Disseminate and communicate instructions for the appeal process to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16544
    [On and after February 1, 2026, a deployer that has deployed a high-risk artificial intelligence system to make, or be a substantial factor in making, a consequential decision concerning a consumer shall, if the consequential decision is adverse to the consumer, provide to the consumer: A statement disclosing the principal reason or reasons for the consequential decision, including: An opportunity to appeal an adverse consequential decision concerning the consumer arising from the deployment of a high-risk artificial intelligence system, which appeal must, if technically feasible, allow for human review unless providing the opportunity for appeal is not in the best interest of the consumer, including in instances in which any delay might pose a risk to the life or safety of such consumer. 6-1-1703. (4)(b)(III)]
    Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Disseminate and communicate a written explanation of the reasons for appeal decisions to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16542 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain organizational documents. CC ID 16202 Harmonization Methods and Manual of Style Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Write organizational documents using clear and conspicuous language. CC ID 16281
    [Except as provided in subsection (4)(c)(ii) of this section, a deployer shall provide the notice, statement, contact information, and description required by subsections (4)(a) and (4)(b) of this section: In plain language; 6-1-1703. (4)(c)(I)(B)]
    Harmonization Methods and Manual of Style Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Write organizational documents using information that is free from bias. CC ID 16341 Harmonization Methods and Manual of Style Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Structure the language of compliance documents. CC ID 06098 Harmonization Methods and Manual of Style Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Standardize word usage. CC ID 06104 Harmonization Methods and Manual of Style Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Write policies and instructions using clear and conspicuous language. CC ID 16286
    [Except as provided in subsection (4)(c)(ii) of this section, a deployer shall provide the notice, statement, contact information, and description required by subsections (4)(a) and (4)(b) of this section: In all languages in which the deployer, in the ordinary course of the deployer's business, provides contracts, disclaimers, sale announcements, and other information to consumers; and 6-1-1703. (4)(c)(I)(C)]
    Harmonization Methods and Manual of Style Establish/Maintain Documentation