
Europe > European Union

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1773 of 13 March 2024 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the detailed content of the policy regarding contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers




Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1773 of 13 March 2024 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the detailed content of the policy regarding contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers


European Union






Regulations specifying criteria (policy) for the critical ICT third-party service providers in the financial sector

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1773 of 13 March 2024 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the detailed content of the policy regarding contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers




The document as a whole was last reviewed and released on 2024-09-06T00:00:00-0700.






European Union





Regulations specifying criteria (policy) for the critical ICT third-party service providers in the financial sector

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1773 of 13 March 2024 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the detailed content of the policy regarding contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers




The document as a whole was last reviewed and released on 2024-09-06T00:00:00-0700.

Important Notice

This Authority Document In Depth Report is copyrighted - © 2024 - Network Frontiers LLC. All rights reserved. Copyright in the Authority Document analyzed herein is held by its authors. Network Frontiers makes no claims of copyright in this Authority Document.

This Authority Document In Depth Report is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute, and should not be construed as, legal advice. The reader is encouraged to consult with an attorney experienced in these areas for further explanation and advice.

This Authority Document In Depth Report provides analysis and guidance for use and implementation of the Authority Document but it is not a substitute for the original authority document itself. Readers should refer to the original authority document as the definitive resource on obligations and compliance requirements.

The process we used to tag and map this document

This document has been mapped into the Unified Compliance Framework using a patented methodology and patented tools (you can research our patents HERE). The mapping team has taken every effort to ensure the quality of mapping is of the highest degree. To learn more about the process we use to map Authority Documents, or to become involved in that process, click HERE.

Controls and asociated Citations breakdown

When the UCF Mapping Teams tag Citations and their associated mandates within an Authority Document, those Citations and Mandates are tied to Common Controls. In addition, and by virtue of those Citations and mandates being tied to Common Controls, there are three sets of meta data that are associated with each Citation; Controls by Impact Zone, Controls by Type, and Controls by Classification.

The online version of the mapping analysis you see here is just a fraction of the work the UCF Mapping Team has done. The downloadable version of this document, available within the Common Controls Hub (available HERE) contains the following:

Document implementation analysis – statistics about the document’s alignment with Common Controls as compared to other Authority Documents and statistics on usage of key terms and non-standard terms.

Citation and Mandate Tagging and Mapping – A complete listing of each and every Citation we found within Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1773 of 13 March 2024 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the detailed content of the policy regarding contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers that have been tagged with their primary and secondary nouns and primary and secondary verbs in three column format. The first column shows the Citation (the marker within the Authority Document that points to where we found the guidance). The second column shows the Citation guidance per se, along with the tagging for the mandate we found within the Citation. The third column shows the Common Control ID that the mandate is linked to, and the final column gives us the Common Control itself.

Dictionary Terms – The dictionary terms listed for Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1773 of 13 March 2024 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the detailed content of the policy regarding contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers are based upon terms either found within the Authority Document’s defined terms section(which most legal documents have), its glossary, and for the most part, as tagged within each mandate. The terms with links are terms that are the standardized version of the term.

Common Controls and
mandates by Impact Zone
35 Mandated Controls - bold    
29 Implied Controls - italic     90 Implementation

An Impact Zone is a hierarchical way of organizing our suite of Common Controls — it is a taxonomy. The top levels of the UCF hierarchy are called Impact Zones. Common Controls are mapped within the UCF’s Impact Zones and are maintained in a legal hierarchy within that Impact Zone. Each Impact Zone deals with a separate area of policies, standards, and procedures: technology acquisition, physical security, continuity, records management, etc.

The UCF created its taxonomy by looking at the corpus of standards and regulations through the lens of unification and a view toward how the controls impact the organization. Thus, we created a hierarchical structure for each impact zone that takes into account regulatory and standards bodies, doctrines, and language.

Number of Controls
154 Total
  • Audits and risk management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Audits and risk management CC ID 00677 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Define the roles and responsibilities for personnel assigned to tasks in the Audit function. CC ID 00678 Establish Roles Preventive
    Manage supply chain audits. CC ID 01203
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third party service providers are subject to independent review and are included in the audit plan. Article 3: Governance arrangements 7.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify that the relevant contractual arrangements are to include the right for the financial entity to access information, to carry out inspections and audits, and to perform tests on ICT. For that purpose, the policy shall require that the financial entity uses the following methods, without prejudice to the ultimate responsibility of the financial entity: its own internal audit or an audit by an appointed third party; Article 8: Contractual clauses 2. (a)]
    Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Review the external auditors involvement in assessing Information Technology controls. CC ID 01204 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an audit program. CC ID 00684 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Assess the quality of the audit program in regards to its documentation. CC ID 11622 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain the audit plan. CC ID 01156
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third party service providers are subject to independent review and are included in the audit plan. Article 3: Governance arrangements 7.]
    Testing Detective
    Include the audit criteria in the audit plan. CC ID 15262 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a list of reference documents in the audit plan. CC ID 15260 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the languages to be used for the audit in the audit plan. CC ID 15252 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the allocation of resources in the audit plan. CC ID 15251 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include communication protocols in the audit plan. CC ID 15247 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the level of audit sampling necessary to collect sufficient audit evidence in the audit plan. CC ID 15246 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include meeting schedules in the audit plan. CC ID 15245 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the time frames for the audit in the audit plan. CC ID 15244 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the time frames for conducting the audit in the audit plan. CC ID 15243 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the locations to be audited in the audit plan. CC ID 15242 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the processes to be audited in the audit plan. CC ID 15241 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include audit objectives in the audit plan. CC ID 15240 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the risks associated with audit activities in the audit plan. CC ID 15239 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the audit plan to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15238 Communicate Preventive
  • Human Resources management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Human Resources management CC ID 00763 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain high level operational roles and responsibilities. CC ID 00806 Establish Roles Preventive
    Define and assign the Board of Directors roles and responsibilities and senior management roles and responsibilities, including signing off on key policies and procedures. CC ID 00807
    [{supply chain management policy} {be responsible} The policy shall clearly identify the role or member of senior management responsible for monitoring the relevant contractual arrangements. The policy shall specify how that role or member of senior management shall cooperate with the control functions, unless it is part of it, and shall set out the reporting lines to the management body, including the nature of the information to report and the documents to provide. It shall also set out the frequency of such reporting. Article 3: Governance arrangements 5.
    {supply chain management policy} {be responsible} The policy shall clearly identify the role or member of senior management responsible for monitoring the relevant contractual arrangements. The policy shall specify how that role or member of senior management shall cooperate with the control functions, unless it is part of it, and shall set out the reporting lines to the management body, including the nature of the information to report and the documents to provide. It shall also set out the frequency of such reporting. Article 3: Governance arrangements 5.]
    Establish Roles Preventive
    Establish and maintain board committees, as necessary. CC ID 14789 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Define and assign the roles and responsibilities of the chairman of the board. CC ID 14786 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Assign oversight of C-level executives to the Board of Directors. CC ID 14784 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain candidate selection procedures to the board of directors. CC ID 14782 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the criteria of mixed experiences and skills in the candidate selection procedures. CC ID 14791 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Assign oversight of the financial management program to the board of directors. CC ID 14781 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Assign senior management to the role of supporting Quality Management. CC ID 13692 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Assign senior management to the role of authorizing official. CC ID 14238 Establish Roles Preventive
    Assign members who are independent from management to the Board of Directors. CC ID 12395 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Assign ownership of risks to the Board of Directors or senior management. CC ID 13662 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Assign the organization's board and senior management to oversee the continuity planning process. CC ID 12991 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Rotate members of the board of directors, as necessary. CC ID 14803 Human Resources Management Corrective
  • Leadership and high level objectives
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Leadership and high level objectives CC ID 00597 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish and maintain the scope of the organizational compliance framework and Information Assurance controls. CC ID 01241 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a policy and procedure management program. CC ID 06285 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate compliance documents to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 06282 Behavior Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate any compliance document changes when the documents are updated to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 06283
    [{supply chain management policy} The management body shall review the policy at least once a year and update it where necessary. Changes made to the policy shall be implemented in a timely manner and as soon as it is possible within the relevant contractual arrangements. The financial entity shall document the planned timeline for the implementation. Article 3: Governance arrangements 1.]
    Behavior Preventive
  • Operational and Systems Continuity
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Operational and Systems Continuity CC ID 00731 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain a business continuity program. CC ID 13210 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a continuity plan. CC ID 00752 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Coordinate and incorporate supply chain members' continuity plans, as necessary. CC ID 13242
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall ensure that the contractual arrangements are consistent with the following: the ICT business continuity policy referred to in Article 11 of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554; Article 3: Governance arrangements 6. (c)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
  • Operational management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Operational management CC ID 00805 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 01406 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an information security program. CC ID 00812 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include risk management in the information security program. CC ID 12378 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include mitigating supply chain risks in the information security program. CC ID 13352
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall ensure that the contractual arrangements are consistent with the following: the information security policy referred to in Article 9(4) of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554; Article 3: Governance arrangements 6. (b)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Implement and comply with the Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 00818 Business Processes Preventive
    Comply with all implemented policies in the organization's compliance framework. CC ID 06384
    [{supply chain management policy} Where this Regulation applies on a sub-consolidated or consolidated basis, the parent undertaking that is responsible for providing the consolidated or sub-consolidated financial statements for the group shall ensure that the policy is implemented consistently in all financial entities that are part of the group and is adequate for the effective application of this Regulation at all relevant levels of the group. Article 2: Group application ¶ 1]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a change control program. CC ID 00886 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Implement changes according to the change control program. CC ID 11776
    [{supply chain management policy} The management body shall review the policy at least once a year and update it where necessary. Changes made to the policy shall be implemented in a timely manner and as soon as it is possible within the relevant contractual arrangements. The financial entity shall document the planned timeline for the implementation. Article 3: Governance arrangements 1.]
    Business Processes Preventive
    Provide audit trails for all approved changes. CC ID 13120 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
  • Third Party and supply chain oversight
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Third Party and supply chain oversight CC ID 08807 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain a supply chain management program. CC ID 11742 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain procedures for establishing, maintaining, and terminating third party contracts. CC ID 00796
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the requirements, including the rules, the responsibilities and the processes, for each main phase of the lifecycle of the contractual arrangement, covering at least the following: Article 4: Main phases of the life cycle for the adoption and use of contractual arrangements ¶ 1
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the requirements, including the rules, the responsibilities and the processes, for each main phase of the lifecycle of the contractual arrangement, covering at least the following: the implementation, monitoring and management of contractual arrangements as referred to in Articles 7, 8 and 9, including at consolidated and sub-consolidated level, where applicable; Article 4: Main phases of the life cycle for the adoption and use of contractual arrangements ¶ 1 (d)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the requirements, including the rules, the responsibilities and the processes, for each main phase of the lifecycle of the contractual arrangement, covering at least the following: the planning of contractual arrangements, including the risk assessment, the due diligence as set out in Articles 5 and 6 and the approval process regarding new or material changes to contractual arrangements as set out in Article 8(4); Article 4: Main phases of the life cycle for the adoption and use of contractual arrangements ¶ 1 (b)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall ensure that material changes to the contractual agreement are to be formalised in a written document which is dated and signed by all parties and shall specify the renewal process for the contractual arrangements. Article 8: Contractual clauses 4.]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Review and update all contracts, as necessary. CC ID 11612 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Formalize client and third party relationships with contracts or nondisclosure agreements. CC ID 00794
    [{supply chain management policy} {external requirement} {Digital Operational Resilience Act} The policy shall specify that the relevant contractual arrangement are to be in written form and are to include all the elements referred to in Article 30(2) and (3) of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554. The policy shall also include elements regarding requirements referred to in Article 1(1), point (a), of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554, as well as other relevant Union and national law as appropriate. Article 8: Contractual clauses 1.]
    Process or Activity Detective
    Include a description of the data or information to be covered in third party contracts. CC ID 06510 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include text about access, use, disclosure, and transfer of data or information in third party contracts. CC ID 11610
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall explicitly specify that the contractual arrangements: are to require that the financial entity, its auditors, and competent authorities have effective access to data and premises relating to the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions. Article 3: Governance arrangements 8. (d)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify that the relevant contractual arrangements are to include the right for the financial entity to access information, to carry out inspections and audits, and to perform tests on ICT. For that purpose, the policy shall require that the financial entity uses the following methods, without prejudice to the ultimate responsibility of the financial entity: Article 8: Contractual clauses 2.]
    Business Processes Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in third party contracts. CC ID 13487
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the requirements, including the rules, the responsibilities and the processes, for each main phase of the lifecycle of the contractual arrangement, covering at least the following: the involvement of business units, internal controls and other relevant units in respect of contractual arrangements; Article 4: Main phases of the life cycle for the adoption and use of contractual arrangements ¶ 1 (c)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall explicitly specify that the contractual arrangements: do not relieve the financial entity and its management body of its regulatory obligations and its responsibilities to its clients; Article 3: Governance arrangements 8. (a)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include text that organizations must meet organizational compliance requirements in third party contracts. CC ID 06506
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall explicitly specify that the contractual arrangements: are not to prevent effective supervision of a financial entity and are not to contravene any supervisory restrictions on services and activities; Article 3: Governance arrangements 8. (b)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall explicitly specify that the contractual arrangements: do not relieve the financial entity and its management body of its regulatory obligations and its responsibilities to its clients; Article 3: Governance arrangements 8. (a)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include compliance with the organization's access policy as a requirement in third party contracts. CC ID 06507 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include compliance with the organization's breach notification policy as a requirement in third party contracts. CC ID 06508 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include compliance with the organization's monitoring policies as a requirement in third party contracts. CC ID 06513
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that the contractual arrangements specify the measures and key indicators to monitor, on an ongoing basis, the performance of ICT third party service providers, including measures to monitor compliance with requirements regarding the confidentiality, availability, integrity and authenticity of data and information, and the compliance of the ICT third-party service providers with the financial entity's relevant policies and procedures. The policy shall also specify measures that apply when service level agreements are not met, including contractual penalties where appropriate. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 1.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that the contractual arrangements specify the measures and key indicators to monitor, on an ongoing basis, the performance of ICT third party service providers, including measures to monitor compliance with requirements regarding the confidentiality, availability, integrity and authenticity of data and information, and the compliance of the ICT third-party service providers with the financial entity's relevant policies and procedures. The policy shall also specify measures that apply when service level agreements are not met, including contractual penalties where appropriate. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 1.]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include compliance with the organization's incident response policy and incident notification policy in third party contracts. CC ID 06515
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify how the financial entity is to assess whether the ICT third-party service providers used for the ICT services supporting critical or important functions meet appropriate performance and quality standards in line with the contractual arrangement and the financial entity's own policies. The policy shall, in particular, ensure the following: that the financial entity is notified, where appropriate, of ICT-related incidents and operational or security payment-related incidents; Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 2. (d)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include text about the expected actions to be taken in case of a breach of contract in third party contracts. CC ID 06504 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include compliance with the organization's privacy policy in third party contracts. CC ID 06518 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include compliance with the organization's media handling policy in third party contracts. CC ID 06525 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include third party responsibilities for compliance awareness in third party contracts. CC ID 06530 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include compliance with the organization's data usage policies in third party contracts. CC ID 16413 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include compliance with the organization's system hardening framework in third party contracts. CC ID 06531 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include compliance with the organization's physical access policy in third party contracts. CC ID 06878 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the right of the organization to conduct compliance audits in third party contracts. CC ID 06514
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall explicitly specify that the contractual arrangements: are not to prevent effective supervision of a financial entity and are not to contravene any supervisory restrictions on services and activities; Article 3: Governance arrangements 8. (b)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: consents to contractual arrangements that ensure that it is effectively possible to conduct audits at the ICT third-party service provider, including onsite, by the financial entity itself, appointed third parties, and competent authorities; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (e)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify that the relevant contractual arrangements are to include the right for the financial entity to access information, to carry out inspections and audits, and to perform tests on ICT. For that purpose, the policy shall require that the financial entity uses the following methods, without prejudice to the ultimate responsibility of the financial entity: Article 8: Contractual clauses 2.
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: has the contractual right to request, with a frequency that is reasonable and legitimate from a risk management perspective, modifications of the scope of the certifications or audit reports to other relevant systems and controls; Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (g)
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: has the contractual right to perform individual and pooled audits at its discretion with regard to the contractual arrangements and execute those rights in line with the agreed frequency. Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (h)
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: has the contractual right to perform individual and pooled audits at its discretion with regard to the contractual arrangements and execute those rights in line with the agreed frequency. Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (h)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include incident management procedures and incident reporting procedures in third party contracts. CC ID 01214
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall ensure that the contractual arrangements are consistent with the following: the requirements on incident reporting set out in Article 19 of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554. Article 3: Governance arrangements 6. (d)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include third party acknowledgment of their data protection responsibilities in third party contracts. CC ID 01364
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the requirements, including the rules, the responsibilities and the processes, for each main phase of the lifecycle of the contractual arrangement, covering at least the following: the documentation and record-keeping, taking into account the requirements with regard to the register of information laid down in Article 28(3) of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554; Article 4: Main phases of the life cycle for the adoption and use of contractual arrangements ¶ 1 (e)]
    Testing Detective
    Include auditing third party security controls and compliance controls in third party contracts. CC ID 01366
    [{supply chain management policy} {internal audit report} The policy shall specify that the relevant contractual arrangements are to include the right for the financial entity to access information, to carry out inspections and audits, and to perform tests on ICT. For that purpose, the policy shall require that the financial entity uses the following methods, without prejudice to the ultimate responsibility of the financial entity: where appropriate, internal or third-party audit reports made available by the ICT third-party service provider. Article 8: Contractual clauses 2. (d)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that the contractual arrangements specify the measures and key indicators to monitor, on an ongoing basis, the performance of ICT third party service providers, including measures to monitor compliance with requirements regarding the confidentiality, availability, integrity and authenticity of data and information, and the compliance of the ICT third-party service providers with the financial entity's relevant policies and procedures. The policy shall also specify measures that apply when service level agreements are not met, including contractual penalties where appropriate. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 1.]
    Testing Detective
    Include responding to privacy rights violation complaints in third party contracts. CC ID 12432 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish the third party's service continuity. CC ID 00797 Testing Detective
    Approve or deny third party recovery plans, as necessary. CC ID 17124 Systems Continuity Preventive
    Review third party recovery plans. CC ID 17123 Systems Continuity Detective
    Determine the adequacy of a third party's alternate site preparations. CC ID 06879 Testing Detective
    Employ access controls that meet the organization's compliance requirements on third party systems with access to the organization's restricted data. CC ID 04264 Data and Information Management Detective
    Maintain the third party's compliance framework to be equivalent to that of the organization's compliance requirements. CC ID 06087 Testing Detective
    Document the organization's supply chain in the supply chain management program. CC ID 09958 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish and maintain a Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 12480
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: whether the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions are concentrated to a single ICT third-party service provider or a small number of such service providers; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (h)
    {supply chain management policy} {absent authorization} {absent authentication} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: the use of ICT third-party service providers that are authorised, registered or subject to supervision or oversight by a supervisory authority in a third country, and the use of ICT third-party service providers that are not; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (g)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include required information in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14429 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include subcontractors in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14425 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include alternate service providers in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14420 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the Third Party Service Provider list to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14422 Communicate Preventive
    Include contact information of the Service Provider in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14430 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include all contract dates in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14421 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the services provided by each supplier in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 12481
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: the type of ICT services included in the contractual arrangement on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'contractual arrangement') between the financial entity and the ICT third-party service provider; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (a)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include criticality of services in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14428 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a description of data used in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14427 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the location of services provided in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14423
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: the location of the ICT third-party service provider or the location of its parent company; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (b)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: whether the ICT services supporting critical or important functions are provided by an ICT third-party service provider located within a Member State or in a third country, also considering the location from where the ICT services are provided and the location where the data is processed and stored; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (c)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: whether the ICT services supporting critical or important functions are provided by an ICT third-party service provider located within a Member State or in a third country, also considering the location from where the ICT services are provided and the location where the data is processed and stored; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (c)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: is located, or processes or stores the data in a third country and, if this is the case, whether this practice affects the level of operational or reputational risks or the risk of being affected by restrictive measures, including embargos and sanctions, that may impact the ability of the ICT third-party service provider to provide the ICT services or the financial entity to receive those ICT services; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (d)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Categorize all suppliers in the supply chain management program. CC ID 00792
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: whether the ICT third-party service provider is part of the same group as the financial entity to which the services are provided; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (e)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include risk management procedures in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08811
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall ensure that the contractual arrangements are consistent with the following: the ICT risk management framework referred to in Article 6 of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554; Article 3: Governance arrangements 6. (a)
    {supply chain management policy} {financial resource} {human resource} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: has the business reputation, sufficient abilities, expertise and adequate financial, human and technical resources, information security standards, appropriate organisational structure, risk management and internal controls and, if applicable, the required authorisations or registrations to provide the ICT services supporting the critical or important function in a reliable and professional manner; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (a)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the required level of assurance concerning the effectiveness of ICT third-party service providers' risk management framework for the ICT services supporting critical or important functions to be provided by an ICT third-party service provider. The policy shall require that the due diligence process includes an assessment of the existence of risk mitigation and business continuity measures and of how their functioning within the ICT third-party service provider is ensured. Article 6: Due diligence 2.]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Perform risk assessments of third parties, as necessary. CC ID 06454
    [{supply chain management policy} Without prejudice to the final responsibility of the financial entity to effectively oversee relevant contractual arrangements, the policy shall require that the ICT third party service provider is assessed to have sufficient resources to ensure that the financial entity complies with all its legal and regulatory requirements regarding the ICT services supporting critical or important functions that are provided. Article 3: Governance arrangements 4.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that a risk assessment is conducted at financial entity level and, where applicable, at consolidated and sub-consolidated level before a contractual arrangement is concluded Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 1]
    Testing Detective
    Include a determination of the complexity of the third party relationships in the supply chain risk assessment. CC ID 10024
    [The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1]
    Business Processes Preventive
    Include a determination of financial benefits over actual costs of third party relationships in the supply chain risk assessment report. CC ID 10025 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a determination of how third party relationships affect strategic initiatives in the supply chain risk assessment report. CC ID 10026 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a determination if the third party relationship will affect employees in the supply chain risk assessment report. CC ID 10027 Business Processes Preventive
    Include a determination of customer interactions with third parties in the supply chain risk assessment report. CC ID 10028 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a determination on the risks third parties pose to Information Security in the supply chain risk assessment report. CC ID 10029
    [The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: ICT concentration risks at entity level. Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (i)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: ICT risks; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (c)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: reputational risks; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (d)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: risks linked to the location of the ICT third-party service provider; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (h)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: risks linked to the location where the data is processed and stored; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (g)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: risks linked to the location where the data is processed and stored; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (g)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: risks linked to the -noun">availability of data; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (f)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: risks linked to the protection of confidential or :#F0BBBC;" class="term_primary-noun">personal data; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (e)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by I-verb">CT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: legal risks; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (b)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by I-verb">CT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: operational risks; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (a)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Re-evaluate risk assessments of third parties, as necessary. CC ID 12158 Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a supply chain management policy. CC ID 08808
    [{supply chain management policy} The management body shall review the policy at least once a year and update it where necessary. Changes made to the policy shall be implemented in a timely manner and as soon as it is possible within the relevant contractual arrangements. The financial entity shall document the planned timeline for the implementation. Article 3: Governance arrangements 1.
    {supply chain management policy} The management body shall review the policy at least once a year and update it where necessary. Changes made to the policy shall be implemented in a timely manner and as soon as it is possible within the relevant contractual arrangements. The financial entity shall document the planned timeline for the implementation. Article 3: Governance arrangements 1.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall establish or refer to a methodology for determining which ICT services support critical or important functions. The policy shall also specify when this assessment is to be conducted and reviewed. Article 3: Governance arrangements 2.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify that the assessment referred to in paragraph 2 is to be documented and its results to be used to update the financial entity's risk assessment referred to in Article 6. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 3.]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Require supply chain members to accept and sign the organization's code of conduct. CC ID 12397 Business Processes Preventive
    Require third parties to employ a Chief Information Security Officer. CC ID 12057 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Include supplier assessment principles in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08809
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall establish or refer to a methodology for determining which ICT services support critical or important functions. The policy shall also specify when this assessment is to be conducted and reviewed. Article 3: Governance arrangements 2.]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the third party selection process in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 13132
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: Article 6: Due diligence 1.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall determine the due diligence process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers and shall indicate which of the following elements are to be used for the required level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance: Article 6: Due diligence 3.]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Select suppliers based on their qualifications. CC ID 00795
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: the use of ICT third-party service providers that are authorised, registered or subject to supervision or oversight by a competent authority in a Member State or subject to the oversight framework under Chapter V, Section II, of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554, and the use of ICT third-party service providers that are not; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (f)
    {supply chain management policy} {absent authorization} {absent authentication} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: the use of ICT third-party service providers that are authorised, registered or subject to supervision or oversight by a supervisory authority in a third country, and the use of ICT third-party service providers that are not; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (g)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include refraining from depending on any individual third party in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 13133 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a clear management process in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08810 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 15499
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the requirements, including the rules, the responsibilities and the processes, for each main phase of the lifecycle of the contractual arrangement, covering at least the following: the responsibilities of the management body, including its involvement, as appropriate, in the decision-making process on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers; Article 4: Main phases of the life cycle for the adoption and use of contractual arrangements ¶ 1 (a)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall clearly assign the internal responsibilities for the approval, management, control, and documentation of relevant contractual arrangements and shall ensure that appropriate skills, experience and knowledge are maintained within the financial entity to effectively oversee the relevant contractual arrangements, including the ICT services provided under those arrangements. Article 3: Governance arrangements 3.
    {supply chain management policy} {be responsible} The policy shall clearly identify the role or member of senior management responsible for monitoring the relevant contractual arrangements. The policy shall specify how that role or member of senior management shall cooperate with the control functions, unless it is part of it, and shall set out the reporting lines to the management body, including the nature of the information to report and the documents to provide. It shall also set out the frequency of such reporting. Article 3: Governance arrangements 5.]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include third party due diligence standards in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08812 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the supply chain management policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15493 Communicate Preventive
    Require suppliers to commit to the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08813
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that the business needs of the financial entity are defined before a contractual arrangement is concluded. Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 1.]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Support third parties in building their capabilities. CC ID 08814 Business Processes Preventive
    Implement measurable improvement plans with all third parties. CC ID 08815 Business Processes Preventive
    Post a list of compliant third parties on the organization's website. CC ID 08817 Business Processes Preventive
    Use third parties that are compliant with the applicable requirements. CC ID 08818 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08943 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a statement of avoided areas from receiving minerals in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08944 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include all in scope materials in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08945 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include adherence to international transportation regulations in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08946 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include all applicable authority documents in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08947 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the conflict minerals policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 08948 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Make the conflict minerals policy Publicly Available Information. CC ID 08949 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Establish and maintain a conflict materials report. CC ID 08823 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define documentation requirements for each potential conflict material's source of origin. CC ID 08820 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define documentation requirements for smelted minerals and legacy refined materials sources of origin. CC ID 08821 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Identify supply sources for secondary materials. CC ID 08822 Business Processes Preventive
    Deal directly with third parties that provide any material listed in the conflict materials report. CC ID 08891 Business Processes Preventive
    Conduct all parts of the supply chain due diligence process. CC ID 08854
    [{supply chain management policy} {be ethical} {be responsible} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: acts in an ethical and socially responsible manner, respects human rights and children's rights, including the prohibition of child labour, respects applicable principles on environmental protection, and ensures appropriate working conditions. Article 6: Due diligence 1. (f)]
    Business Processes Preventive
    Assess third parties' relevant experience during due diligence. CC ID 12070
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall clearly assign the internal responsibilities for the approval, management, control, and documentation of relevant contractual arrangements and shall ensure that appropriate skills, experience and knowledge are maintained within the financial entity to effectively oversee the relevant contractual arrangements, including the ICT services provided under those arrangements. Article 3: Governance arrangements 3.
    {supply chain management policy} {financial resource} {human resource} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: has the business reputation, sufficient abilities, expertise and adequate financial, human and technical resources, information security standards, appropriate organisational structure, risk management and internal controls and, if applicable, the required authorisations or registrations to provide the ICT services supporting the critical or important function in a reliable and professional manner; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (a)]
    Business Processes Detective
    Assess third parties' business continuity capabilities during due diligence. CC ID 12077
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: the potential impact of disruptions in the provision of the ICT services supporting critical or important functions on the continuity of the financial entity's activities and on the availability of its services. Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (j)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the required level of assurance concerning the effectiveness of ICT third-party service providers' risk management framework for the ICT services supporting critical or important functions to be provided by an ICT third-party service provider. The policy shall require that the due diligence process includes an assessment of the existence of risk mitigation and business continuity measures and of how their functioning within the ICT third-party service provider is ensured. Article 6: Due diligence 2.]
    Business Processes Detective
    Review third parties' backup policies. CC ID 13043 Systems Continuity Detective
    Assess third parties' abilities to provide services during due diligence. CC ID 12074
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall establish or refer to a methodology for determining which ICT services support critical or important functions. The policy shall also specify when this assessment is to be conducted and reviewed. Article 3: Governance arrangements 2.
    {supply chain management policy} {financial resource} {human resource} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: has the business reputation, sufficient abilities, expertise and adequate financial, human and technical resources, information security standards, appropriate organisational structure, risk management and internal controls and, if applicable, the required authorisations or registrations to provide the ICT services supporting the critical or important function in a reliable and professional manner; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (a)
    {supply chain management policy} {financial resource} {human resource} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: has the business reputation, sufficient abilities, expertise and adequate financial, human and technical resources, information security standards, appropriate organisational structure, risk management and internal controls and, if applicable, the required authorisations or registrations to provide the ICT services supporting the critical or important function in a reliable and professional manner; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (a)
    {supply chain management policy} {financial resource} {human resource} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: has the business reputation, sufficient abilities, expertise and adequate financial, human and technical resources, information security standards, appropriate organisational structure, risk management and internal controls and, if applicable, the required authorisations or registrations to provide the ICT services supporting the critical or important function in a reliable and professional manner; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (a)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the required level of assurance concerning the effectiveness of ICT third-party service providers' risk management framework for the ICT services supporting critical or important functions to be provided by an ICT third-party service provider. The policy shall require that the due diligence process includes an assessment of the existence of risk mitigation and business continuity measures and of how their functioning within the ICT third-party service provider is ensured. Article 6: Due diligence 2.]
    Business Processes Detective
    Assess third parties' compliance environment during due diligence. CC ID 13134
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall determine the due diligence process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers and shall indicate which of the following elements are to be used for the required level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance: audits or independent assessments performed by the financial entity itself or on its behalf; Article 6: Due diligence 3. (a)
    {supply chain management policy} {independent audit} The policy shall specify how the financial entity is to assess whether the ICT third-party service providers used for the ICT services supporting critical or important functions meet appropriate performance and quality standards in line with the contractual arrangement and the financial entity's own policies. The policy shall, in particular, ensure the following: that an independent review and audits verifying compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and policies are performed. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 2. (e)
    {supply chain management policy} {be ethical} {be responsible} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: acts in an ethical and socially responsible manner, respects human rights and children's rights, including the prohibition of child labour, respects applicable principles on environmental protection, and ensures appropriate working conditions. Article 6: Due diligence 1. (f)]
    Process or Activity Detective
    Request attestation of compliance from third parties. CC ID 12067
    [{supply chain management policy} Where this Regulation applies on a sub-consolidated or consolidated basis, the parent undertaking that is responsible for providing the consolidated or sub-consolidated financial statements for the group shall ensure that the policy is implemented consistently in all financial entities that are part of the group and is adequate for the effective application of this Regulation at all relevant levels of the group. Article 2: Group application ¶ 1
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall determine the due diligence process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers and shall indicate which of the following elements are to be used for the required level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance: the use of audit reports made by the internal audit function of the ICT third-party service provider; Article 6: Due diligence 3. (c)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall determine the due diligence process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers and shall indicate which of the following elements are to be used for the required level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance: the use of appropriate third-party certifications; Article 6: Due diligence 3. (d)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify that the relevant contractual arrangements are to include the right for the financial entity to access information, to carry out inspections and audits, and to perform tests on ICT. For that purpose, the policy shall require that the financial entity uses the following methods, without prejudice to the ultimate responsibility of the financial entity: where appropriate, third-party certifications; Article 8: Contractual clauses 2. (c)
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: is satisfied that the certifications are issued, and the audits are performed against widely recognised relevant professional standards and include a test of the operational effectiveness of the key controls in place; Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (f)]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Allow third parties to provide Self-Assessment Reports, as necessary. CC ID 12229
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall determine the due diligence process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers and shall indicate which of the following elements are to be used for the required level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance: the use of independent audit reports made on request by the ICT third-party service provider; Article 6: Due diligence 3. (b)]
    Business Processes Detective
    Require individual attestations of compliance from each location a third party operates in. CC ID 12228 Business Processes Preventive
    Assess third parties' compliance with the organization's third party security policies during due diligence. CC ID 12075
    [{supply chain management policy} {security practice} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: has the ability to monitor relevant technological developments and identify ICT security leading practices and implement them where appropriate to have an effective and sound digital operational resilience framework; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (b)]
    Business Processes Detective
    Document the third parties compliance with the organization's system hardening framework. CC ID 04263 Technical Security Detective
    Validate the third parties' compliance to organizationally mandated compliance requirements. CC ID 08819
    [{supply chain management policy} Without prejudice to the final responsibility of the financial entity to effectively oversee relevant contractual arrangements, the policy shall require that the ICT third party service provider is assessed to have sufficient resources to ensure that the financial entity complies with all its legal and regulatory requirements regarding the ICT services supporting critical or important functions that are provided. Article 3: Governance arrangements 4.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall determine the due diligence process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers and shall indicate which of the following elements are to be used for the required level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance: the use of other relevant information available to the financial entity or other information provided by the ICT third-party service provider. Article 6: Due diligence 3. (e)
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: Article 8: Contractual clauses 3.
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: ensures that the scope of the certifications or audit reports cover the systems and key controls identified by it and ensures compliance with relevant regulatory requirements; Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (b)
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: thoroughly assesses the content of the certifications or audit reports on an ongoing basis and verifies that the reports or certifications are not obsolete; Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (c)
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: thoroughly assesses the content of the certifications or audit reports on an ongoing basis and verifies that the reports or certifications are not obsolete; Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (c)]
    Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain third party reporting requirements. CC ID 13289 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define timeliness factors for third party reporting requirements. CC ID 13304
    [{supply chain management policy} {be responsible} The policy shall clearly identify the role or member of senior management responsible for monitoring the relevant contractual arrangements. The policy shall specify how that role or member of senior management shall cooperate with the control functions, unless it is part of it, and shall set out the reporting lines to the management body, including the nature of the information to report and the documents to provide. It shall also set out the frequency of such reporting. Article 3: Governance arrangements 5.]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Assess the effectiveness of third party services provided to the organization. CC ID 13142
    [{audit} {independent assessment} {independent audit report} {audit report} Financial entities shall ensure an appropriate level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance, taking into account the elements listed in paragraph 3, points (a) to (e). Where appropriate, more than one element listed in those points shall be used. Article 6: Due diligence 4.]
    Business Processes Detective
    Monitor third parties for performance and effectiveness, as necessary. CC ID 00799
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify how the financial entity is to assess whether the ICT third-party service providers used for the ICT services supporting critical or important functions meet appropriate performance and quality standards in line with the contractual arrangement and the financial entity's own policies. The policy shall, in particular, ensure the following: that the performance of ICT third-party service providers is assessed with key performance indicators, key control indicators, audits, self-certifications and independent reviews in line with the financial entity's ICT risk management framework; Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 2. (b)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that the contractual arrangements specify the measures and key indicators to monitor, on an ongoing basis, the performance of ICT third party service providers, including measures to monitor compliance with requirements regarding the confidentiality, availability, integrity and authenticity of data and information, and the compliance of the ICT third-party service providers with the financial entity's relevant policies and procedures. The policy shall also specify measures that apply when service level agreements are not met, including contractual penalties where appropriate. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 1.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall establish the appropriate measures that the financial entity is to adopt if it identifies shortcomings of the ICT third-party service providers, including ICT-related incidents and operational or security payment related incidents, in the provision of the ICT services supporting critical or important functions or in the compliance with contractual arrangements or legal requirements. It shall also specify how the implementation of such measures is to be monitored in order to ensure that they are effectively complied with within a defined timeframe, taking into account the materiality of the shortcomings. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 4.]
    Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Monitor third parties' financial conditions. CC ID 13170 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Review the supply chain's service delivery on a regular basis. CC ID 12010
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall contain requirements for a documented exit plan for each contractual arrangement and for the periodic review and testing of the documented exit plan. When establishing the exit plan, the following shall be taken into account: inappropriate or failed service delivery; Article 10: Exit from and termination of the contractual arrangements ¶ 1 (b)]
    Business Processes Preventive
Common Controls and
mandates by Type
35 Mandated Controls - bold    
29 Implied Controls - italic     90 Implementation

Each Common Control is assigned a meta-data type to help you determine the objective of the Control and associated Authority Document mandates aligned with it. These types include behavioral controls, process controls, records management, technical security, configuration management, etc. They are provided as another tool to dissect the Authority Document’s mandates and assign them effectively within your organization.

Number of Controls
154 Total
  • Audits and Risk Management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Manage supply chain audits. CC ID 01203
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third party service providers are subject to independent review and are included in the audit plan. Article 3: Governance arrangements 7.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify that the relevant contractual arrangements are to include the right for the financial entity to access information, to carry out inspections and audits, and to perform tests on ICT. For that purpose, the policy shall require that the financial entity uses the following methods, without prejudice to the ultimate responsibility of the financial entity: its own internal audit or an audit by an appointed third party; Article 8: Contractual clauses 2. (a)]
    Audits and risk management Preventive
    Review the external auditors involvement in assessing Information Technology controls. CC ID 01204 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Assess the quality of the audit program in regards to its documentation. CC ID 11622 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Re-evaluate risk assessments of third parties, as necessary. CC ID 12158 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
  • Behavior
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Disseminate and communicate compliance documents to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 06282 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate any compliance document changes when the documents are updated to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 06283
    [{supply chain management policy} The management body shall review the policy at least once a year and update it where necessary. Changes made to the policy shall be implemented in a timely manner and as soon as it is possible within the relevant contractual arrangements. The financial entity shall document the planned timeline for the implementation. Article 3: Governance arrangements 1.]
    Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
  • Business Processes
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Implement and comply with the Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 00818 Operational management Preventive
    Implement changes according to the change control program. CC ID 11776
    [{supply chain management policy} The management body shall review the policy at least once a year and update it where necessary. Changes made to the policy shall be implemented in a timely manner and as soon as it is possible within the relevant contractual arrangements. The financial entity shall document the planned timeline for the implementation. Article 3: Governance arrangements 1.]
    Operational management Preventive
    Include text about access, use, disclosure, and transfer of data or information in third party contracts. CC ID 11610
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall explicitly specify that the contractual arrangements: are to require that the financial entity, its auditors, and competent authorities have effective access to data and premises relating to the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions. Article 3: Governance arrangements 8. (d)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify that the relevant contractual arrangements are to include the right for the financial entity to access information, to carry out inspections and audits, and to perform tests on ICT. For that purpose, the policy shall require that the financial entity uses the following methods, without prejudice to the ultimate responsibility of the financial entity: Article 8: Contractual clauses 2.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include a determination of the complexity of the third party relationships in the supply chain risk assessment. CC ID 10024
    [The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include a determination if the third party relationship will affect employees in the supply chain risk assessment report. CC ID 10027 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Require supply chain members to accept and sign the organization's code of conduct. CC ID 12397 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Support third parties in building their capabilities. CC ID 08814 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Implement measurable improvement plans with all third parties. CC ID 08815 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Post a list of compliant third parties on the organization's website. CC ID 08817 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Use third parties that are compliant with the applicable requirements. CC ID 08818 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Identify supply sources for secondary materials. CC ID 08822 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Deal directly with third parties that provide any material listed in the conflict materials report. CC ID 08891 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Conduct all parts of the supply chain due diligence process. CC ID 08854
    [{supply chain management policy} {be ethical} {be responsible} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: acts in an ethical and socially responsible manner, respects human rights and children's rights, including the prohibition of child labour, respects applicable principles on environmental protection, and ensures appropriate working conditions. Article 6: Due diligence 1. (f)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Assess third parties' relevant experience during due diligence. CC ID 12070
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall clearly assign the internal responsibilities for the approval, management, control, and documentation of relevant contractual arrangements and shall ensure that appropriate skills, experience and knowledge are maintained within the financial entity to effectively oversee the relevant contractual arrangements, including the ICT services provided under those arrangements. Article 3: Governance arrangements 3.
    {supply chain management policy} {financial resource} {human resource} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: has the business reputation, sufficient abilities, expertise and adequate financial, human and technical resources, information security standards, appropriate organisational structure, risk management and internal controls and, if applicable, the required authorisations or registrations to provide the ICT services supporting the critical or important function in a reliable and professional manner; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (a)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Assess third parties' business continuity capabilities during due diligence. CC ID 12077
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: the potential impact of disruptions in the provision of the ICT services supporting critical or important functions on the continuity of the financial entity's activities and on the availability of its services. Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (j)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the required level of assurance concerning the effectiveness of ICT third-party service providers' risk management framework for the ICT services supporting critical or important functions to be provided by an ICT third-party service provider. The policy shall require that the due diligence process includes an assessment of the existence of risk mitigation and business continuity measures and of how their functioning within the ICT third-party service provider is ensured. Article 6: Due diligence 2.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Assess third parties' abilities to provide services during due diligence. CC ID 12074
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall establish or refer to a methodology for determining which ICT services support critical or important functions. The policy shall also specify when this assessment is to be conducted and reviewed. Article 3: Governance arrangements 2.
    {supply chain management policy} {financial resource} {human resource} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: has the business reputation, sufficient abilities, expertise and adequate financial, human and technical resources, information security standards, appropriate organisational structure, risk management and internal controls and, if applicable, the required authorisations or registrations to provide the ICT services supporting the critical or important function in a reliable and professional manner; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (a)
    {supply chain management policy} {financial resource} {human resource} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: has the business reputation, sufficient abilities, expertise and adequate financial, human and technical resources, information security standards, appropriate organisational structure, risk management and internal controls and, if applicable, the required authorisations or registrations to provide the ICT services supporting the critical or important function in a reliable and professional manner; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (a)
    {supply chain management policy} {financial resource} {human resource} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: has the business reputation, sufficient abilities, expertise and adequate financial, human and technical resources, information security standards, appropriate organisational structure, risk management and internal controls and, if applicable, the required authorisations or registrations to provide the ICT services supporting the critical or important function in a reliable and professional manner; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (a)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the required level of assurance concerning the effectiveness of ICT third-party service providers' risk management framework for the ICT services supporting critical or important functions to be provided by an ICT third-party service provider. The policy shall require that the due diligence process includes an assessment of the existence of risk mitigation and business continuity measures and of how their functioning within the ICT third-party service provider is ensured. Article 6: Due diligence 2.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Allow third parties to provide Self-Assessment Reports, as necessary. CC ID 12229
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall determine the due diligence process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers and shall indicate which of the following elements are to be used for the required level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance: the use of independent audit reports made on request by the ICT third-party service provider; Article 6: Due diligence 3. (b)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Require individual attestations of compliance from each location a third party operates in. CC ID 12228 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Assess third parties' compliance with the organization's third party security policies during due diligence. CC ID 12075
    [{supply chain management policy} {security practice} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: has the ability to monitor relevant technological developments and identify ICT security leading practices and implement them where appropriate to have an effective and sound digital operational resilience framework; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (b)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Validate the third parties' compliance to organizationally mandated compliance requirements. CC ID 08819
    [{supply chain management policy} Without prejudice to the final responsibility of the financial entity to effectively oversee relevant contractual arrangements, the policy shall require that the ICT third party service provider is assessed to have sufficient resources to ensure that the financial entity complies with all its legal and regulatory requirements regarding the ICT services supporting critical or important functions that are provided. Article 3: Governance arrangements 4.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall determine the due diligence process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers and shall indicate which of the following elements are to be used for the required level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance: the use of other relevant information available to the financial entity or other information provided by the ICT third-party service provider. Article 6: Due diligence 3. (e)
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: Article 8: Contractual clauses 3.
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: ensures that the scope of the certifications or audit reports cover the systems and key controls identified by it and ensures compliance with relevant regulatory requirements; Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (b)
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: thoroughly assesses the content of the certifications or audit reports on an ongoing basis and verifies that the reports or certifications are not obsolete; Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (c)
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: thoroughly assesses the content of the certifications or audit reports on an ongoing basis and verifies that the reports or certifications are not obsolete; Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (c)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Assess the effectiveness of third party services provided to the organization. CC ID 13142
    [{audit} {independent assessment} {independent audit report} {audit report} Financial entities shall ensure an appropriate level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance, taking into account the elements listed in paragraph 3, points (a) to (e). Where appropriate, more than one element listed in those points shall be used. Article 6: Due diligence 4.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Review the supply chain's service delivery on a regular basis. CC ID 12010
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall contain requirements for a documented exit plan for each contractual arrangement and for the periodic review and testing of the documented exit plan. When establishing the exit plan, the following shall be taken into account: inappropriate or failed service delivery; Article 10: Exit from and termination of the contractual arrangements ¶ 1 (b)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
  • Communicate
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Disseminate and communicate the audit plan to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15238 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the Third Party Service Provider list to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14422 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the supply chain management policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15493 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
  • Data and Information Management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Employ access controls that meet the organization's compliance requirements on third party systems with access to the organization's restricted data. CC ID 04264 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Make the conflict minerals policy Publicly Available Information. CC ID 08949 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
  • Establish Roles
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Define the roles and responsibilities for personnel assigned to tasks in the Audit function. CC ID 00678 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain high level operational roles and responsibilities. CC ID 00806 Human Resources management Preventive
    Define and assign the Board of Directors roles and responsibilities and senior management roles and responsibilities, including signing off on key policies and procedures. CC ID 00807
    [{supply chain management policy} {be responsible} The policy shall clearly identify the role or member of senior management responsible for monitoring the relevant contractual arrangements. The policy shall specify how that role or member of senior management shall cooperate with the control functions, unless it is part of it, and shall set out the reporting lines to the management body, including the nature of the information to report and the documents to provide. It shall also set out the frequency of such reporting. Article 3: Governance arrangements 5.
    {supply chain management policy} {be responsible} The policy shall clearly identify the role or member of senior management responsible for monitoring the relevant contractual arrangements. The policy shall specify how that role or member of senior management shall cooperate with the control functions, unless it is part of it, and shall set out the reporting lines to the management body, including the nature of the information to report and the documents to provide. It shall also set out the frequency of such reporting. Article 3: Governance arrangements 5.]
    Human Resources management Preventive
    Assign senior management to the role of authorizing official. CC ID 14238 Human Resources management Preventive
  • Establish/Maintain Documentation
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Establish and maintain the scope of the organizational compliance framework and Information Assurance controls. CC ID 01241 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a policy and procedure management program. CC ID 06285 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an audit program. CC ID 00684 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the audit criteria in the audit plan. CC ID 15262 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include a list of reference documents in the audit plan. CC ID 15260 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the languages to be used for the audit in the audit plan. CC ID 15252 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the allocation of resources in the audit plan. CC ID 15251 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include communication protocols in the audit plan. CC ID 15247 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the level of audit sampling necessary to collect sufficient audit evidence in the audit plan. CC ID 15246 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include meeting schedules in the audit plan. CC ID 15245 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the time frames for the audit in the audit plan. CC ID 15244 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the time frames for conducting the audit in the audit plan. CC ID 15243 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the locations to be audited in the audit plan. CC ID 15242 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the processes to be audited in the audit plan. CC ID 15241 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include audit objectives in the audit plan. CC ID 15240 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Include the risks associated with audit activities in the audit plan. CC ID 15239 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a business continuity program. CC ID 13210 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a continuity plan. CC ID 00752 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Coordinate and incorporate supply chain members' continuity plans, as necessary. CC ID 13242
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall ensure that the contractual arrangements are consistent with the following: the ICT business continuity policy referred to in Article 11 of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554; Article 3: Governance arrangements 6. (c)]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Define and assign the roles and responsibilities of the chairman of the board. CC ID 14786 Human Resources management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain candidate selection procedures to the board of directors. CC ID 14782 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include the criteria of mixed experiences and skills in the candidate selection procedures. CC ID 14791 Human Resources management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 01406 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an information security program. CC ID 00812 Operational management Preventive
    Include risk management in the information security program. CC ID 12378 Operational management Preventive
    Include mitigating supply chain risks in the information security program. CC ID 13352
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall ensure that the contractual arrangements are consistent with the following: the information security policy referred to in Article 9(4) of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554; Article 3: Governance arrangements 6. (b)]
    Operational management Preventive
    Comply with all implemented policies in the organization's compliance framework. CC ID 06384
    [{supply chain management policy} Where this Regulation applies on a sub-consolidated or consolidated basis, the parent undertaking that is responsible for providing the consolidated or sub-consolidated financial statements for the group shall ensure that the policy is implemented consistently in all financial entities that are part of the group and is adequate for the effective application of this Regulation at all relevant levels of the group. Article 2: Group application ¶ 1]
    Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a change control program. CC ID 00886 Operational management Preventive
    Provide audit trails for all approved changes. CC ID 13120 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a supply chain management program. CC ID 11742 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain procedures for establishing, maintaining, and terminating third party contracts. CC ID 00796
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the requirements, including the rules, the responsibilities and the processes, for each main phase of the lifecycle of the contractual arrangement, covering at least the following: Article 4: Main phases of the life cycle for the adoption and use of contractual arrangements ¶ 1
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the requirements, including the rules, the responsibilities and the processes, for each main phase of the lifecycle of the contractual arrangement, covering at least the following: the implementation, monitoring and management of contractual arrangements as referred to in Articles 7, 8 and 9, including at consolidated and sub-consolidated level, where applicable; Article 4: Main phases of the life cycle for the adoption and use of contractual arrangements ¶ 1 (d)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the requirements, including the rules, the responsibilities and the processes, for each main phase of the lifecycle of the contractual arrangement, covering at least the following: the planning of contractual arrangements, including the risk assessment, the due diligence as set out in Articles 5 and 6 and the approval process regarding new or material changes to contractual arrangements as set out in Article 8(4); Article 4: Main phases of the life cycle for the adoption and use of contractual arrangements ¶ 1 (b)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall ensure that material changes to the contractual agreement are to be formalised in a written document which is dated and signed by all parties and shall specify the renewal process for the contractual arrangements. Article 8: Contractual clauses 4.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Review and update all contracts, as necessary. CC ID 11612 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include a description of the data or information to be covered in third party contracts. CC ID 06510 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in third party contracts. CC ID 13487
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the requirements, including the rules, the responsibilities and the processes, for each main phase of the lifecycle of the contractual arrangement, covering at least the following: the involvement of business units, internal controls and other relevant units in respect of contractual arrangements; Article 4: Main phases of the life cycle for the adoption and use of contractual arrangements ¶ 1 (c)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall explicitly specify that the contractual arrangements: do not relieve the financial entity and its management body of its regulatory obligations and its responsibilities to its clients; Article 3: Governance arrangements 8. (a)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include text that organizations must meet organizational compliance requirements in third party contracts. CC ID 06506
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall explicitly specify that the contractual arrangements: are not to prevent effective supervision of a financial entity and are not to contravene any supervisory restrictions on services and activities; Article 3: Governance arrangements 8. (b)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall explicitly specify that the contractual arrangements: do not relieve the financial entity and its management body of its regulatory obligations and its responsibilities to its clients; Article 3: Governance arrangements 8. (a)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include compliance with the organization's access policy as a requirement in third party contracts. CC ID 06507 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include compliance with the organization's breach notification policy as a requirement in third party contracts. CC ID 06508 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include compliance with the organization's monitoring policies as a requirement in third party contracts. CC ID 06513
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that the contractual arrangements specify the measures and key indicators to monitor, on an ongoing basis, the performance of ICT third party service providers, including measures to monitor compliance with requirements regarding the confidentiality, availability, integrity and authenticity of data and information, and the compliance of the ICT third-party service providers with the financial entity's relevant policies and procedures. The policy shall also specify measures that apply when service level agreements are not met, including contractual penalties where appropriate. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 1.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that the contractual arrangements specify the measures and key indicators to monitor, on an ongoing basis, the performance of ICT third party service providers, including measures to monitor compliance with requirements regarding the confidentiality, availability, integrity and authenticity of data and information, and the compliance of the ICT third-party service providers with the financial entity's relevant policies and procedures. The policy shall also specify measures that apply when service level agreements are not met, including contractual penalties where appropriate. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 1.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include compliance with the organization's incident response policy and incident notification policy in third party contracts. CC ID 06515
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify how the financial entity is to assess whether the ICT third-party service providers used for the ICT services supporting critical or important functions meet appropriate performance and quality standards in line with the contractual arrangement and the financial entity's own policies. The policy shall, in particular, ensure the following: that the financial entity is notified, where appropriate, of ICT-related incidents and operational or security payment-related incidents; Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 2. (d)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include text about the expected actions to be taken in case of a breach of contract in third party contracts. CC ID 06504 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include compliance with the organization's privacy policy in third party contracts. CC ID 06518 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include compliance with the organization's media handling policy in third party contracts. CC ID 06525 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include third party responsibilities for compliance awareness in third party contracts. CC ID 06530 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include compliance with the organization's data usage policies in third party contracts. CC ID 16413 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include compliance with the organization's system hardening framework in third party contracts. CC ID 06531 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include compliance with the organization's physical access policy in third party contracts. CC ID 06878 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include the right of the organization to conduct compliance audits in third party contracts. CC ID 06514
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall explicitly specify that the contractual arrangements: are not to prevent effective supervision of a financial entity and are not to contravene any supervisory restrictions on services and activities; Article 3: Governance arrangements 8. (b)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: consents to contractual arrangements that ensure that it is effectively possible to conduct audits at the ICT third-party service provider, including onsite, by the financial entity itself, appointed third parties, and competent authorities; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (e)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify that the relevant contractual arrangements are to include the right for the financial entity to access information, to carry out inspections and audits, and to perform tests on ICT. For that purpose, the policy shall require that the financial entity uses the following methods, without prejudice to the ultimate responsibility of the financial entity: Article 8: Contractual clauses 2.
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: has the contractual right to request, with a frequency that is reasonable and legitimate from a risk management perspective, modifications of the scope of the certifications or audit reports to other relevant systems and controls; Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (g)
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: has the contractual right to perform individual and pooled audits at its discretion with regard to the contractual arrangements and execute those rights in line with the agreed frequency. Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (h)
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: has the contractual right to perform individual and pooled audits at its discretion with regard to the contractual arrangements and execute those rights in line with the agreed frequency. Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (h)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include incident management procedures and incident reporting procedures in third party contracts. CC ID 01214
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall ensure that the contractual arrangements are consistent with the following: the requirements on incident reporting set out in Article 19 of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554. Article 3: Governance arrangements 6. (d)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include responding to privacy rights violation complaints in third party contracts. CC ID 12432 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Document the organization's supply chain in the supply chain management program. CC ID 09958 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Establish and maintain a Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 12480
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: whether the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions are concentrated to a single ICT third-party service provider or a small number of such service providers; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (h)
    {supply chain management policy} {absent authorization} {absent authentication} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: the use of ICT third-party service providers that are authorised, registered or subject to supervision or oversight by a supervisory authority in a third country, and the use of ICT third-party service providers that are not; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (g)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include required information in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14429 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include subcontractors in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14425 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include alternate service providers in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14420 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include contact information of the Service Provider in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14430 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include all contract dates in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14421 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include the services provided by each supplier in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 12481
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: the type of ICT services included in the contractual arrangement on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'contractual arrangement') between the financial entity and the ICT third-party service provider; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (a)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include criticality of services in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14428 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include a description of data used in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14427 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include the location of services provided in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14423
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: the location of the ICT third-party service provider or the location of its parent company; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (b)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: whether the ICT services supporting critical or important functions are provided by an ICT third-party service provider located within a Member State or in a third country, also considering the location from where the ICT services are provided and the location where the data is processed and stored; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (c)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: whether the ICT services supporting critical or important functions are provided by an ICT third-party service provider located within a Member State or in a third country, also considering the location from where the ICT services are provided and the location where the data is processed and stored; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (c)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: is located, or processes or stores the data in a third country and, if this is the case, whether this practice affects the level of operational or reputational risks or the risk of being affected by restrictive measures, including embargos and sanctions, that may impact the ability of the ICT third-party service provider to provide the ICT services or the financial entity to receive those ICT services; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (d)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Categorize all suppliers in the supply chain management program. CC ID 00792
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: whether the ICT third-party service provider is part of the same group as the financial entity to which the services are provided; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (e)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include risk management procedures in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08811
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall ensure that the contractual arrangements are consistent with the following: the ICT risk management framework referred to in Article 6 of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554; Article 3: Governance arrangements 6. (a)
    {supply chain management policy} {financial resource} {human resource} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: has the business reputation, sufficient abilities, expertise and adequate financial, human and technical resources, information security standards, appropriate organisational structure, risk management and internal controls and, if applicable, the required authorisations or registrations to provide the ICT services supporting the critical or important function in a reliable and professional manner; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (a)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the required level of assurance concerning the effectiveness of ICT third-party service providers' risk management framework for the ICT services supporting critical or important functions to be provided by an ICT third-party service provider. The policy shall require that the due diligence process includes an assessment of the existence of risk mitigation and business continuity measures and of how their functioning within the ICT third-party service provider is ensured. Article 6: Due diligence 2.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include a determination of financial benefits over actual costs of third party relationships in the supply chain risk assessment report. CC ID 10025 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include a determination of how third party relationships affect strategic initiatives in the supply chain risk assessment report. CC ID 10026 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include a determination of customer interactions with third parties in the supply chain risk assessment report. CC ID 10028 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include a determination on the risks third parties pose to Information Security in the supply chain risk assessment report. CC ID 10029
    [The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: ICT concentration risks at entity level. Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (i)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: ICT risks; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (c)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: reputational risks; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (d)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: risks linked to the location of the ICT third-party service provider; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (h)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: risks linked to the location where the data is processed and stored; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (g)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: risks linked to the location where the data is processed and stored; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (g)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: risks linked to the -noun">availability of data; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (f)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: risks linked to the protection of confidential or :#F0BBBC;" class="term_primary-noun">personal data; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (e)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by I-verb">CT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: legal risks; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (b)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by I-verb">CT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: operational risks; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (a)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a supply chain management policy. CC ID 08808
    [{supply chain management policy} The management body shall review the policy at least once a year and update it where necessary. Changes made to the policy shall be implemented in a timely manner and as soon as it is possible within the relevant contractual arrangements. The financial entity shall document the planned timeline for the implementation. Article 3: Governance arrangements 1.
    {supply chain management policy} The management body shall review the policy at least once a year and update it where necessary. Changes made to the policy shall be implemented in a timely manner and as soon as it is possible within the relevant contractual arrangements. The financial entity shall document the planned timeline for the implementation. Article 3: Governance arrangements 1.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall establish or refer to a methodology for determining which ICT services support critical or important functions. The policy shall also specify when this assessment is to be conducted and reviewed. Article 3: Governance arrangements 2.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify that the assessment referred to in paragraph 2 is to be documented and its results to be used to update the financial entity's risk assessment referred to in Article 6. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 3.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include supplier assessment principles in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08809
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall establish or refer to a methodology for determining which ICT services support critical or important functions. The policy shall also specify when this assessment is to be conducted and reviewed. Article 3: Governance arrangements 2.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include the third party selection process in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 13132
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: Article 6: Due diligence 1.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall determine the due diligence process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers and shall indicate which of the following elements are to be used for the required level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance: Article 6: Due diligence 3.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Select suppliers based on their qualifications. CC ID 00795
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: the use of ICT third-party service providers that are authorised, registered or subject to supervision or oversight by a competent authority in a Member State or subject to the oversight framework under Chapter V, Section II, of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554, and the use of ICT third-party service providers that are not; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (f)
    {supply chain management policy} {absent authorization} {absent authentication} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: the use of ICT third-party service providers that are authorised, registered or subject to supervision or oversight by a supervisory authority in a third country, and the use of ICT third-party service providers that are not; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (g)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include refraining from depending on any individual third party in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 13133 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include a clear management process in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08810 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 15499
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the requirements, including the rules, the responsibilities and the processes, for each main phase of the lifecycle of the contractual arrangement, covering at least the following: the responsibilities of the management body, including its involvement, as appropriate, in the decision-making process on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers; Article 4: Main phases of the life cycle for the adoption and use of contractual arrangements ¶ 1 (a)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall clearly assign the internal responsibilities for the approval, management, control, and documentation of relevant contractual arrangements and shall ensure that appropriate skills, experience and knowledge are maintained within the financial entity to effectively oversee the relevant contractual arrangements, including the ICT services provided under those arrangements. Article 3: Governance arrangements 3.
    {supply chain management policy} {be responsible} The policy shall clearly identify the role or member of senior management responsible for monitoring the relevant contractual arrangements. The policy shall specify how that role or member of senior management shall cooperate with the control functions, unless it is part of it, and shall set out the reporting lines to the management body, including the nature of the information to report and the documents to provide. It shall also set out the frequency of such reporting. Article 3: Governance arrangements 5.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include third party due diligence standards in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08812 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Require suppliers to commit to the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08813
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that the business needs of the financial entity are defined before a contractual arrangement is concluded. Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 1.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08943 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include a statement of avoided areas from receiving minerals in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08944 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include all in scope materials in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08945 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include adherence to international transportation regulations in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08946 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include all applicable authority documents in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08947 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the conflict minerals policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 08948 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Establish and maintain a conflict materials report. CC ID 08823 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Define documentation requirements for each potential conflict material's source of origin. CC ID 08820 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Define documentation requirements for smelted minerals and legacy refined materials sources of origin. CC ID 08821 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Request attestation of compliance from third parties. CC ID 12067
    [{supply chain management policy} Where this Regulation applies on a sub-consolidated or consolidated basis, the parent undertaking that is responsible for providing the consolidated or sub-consolidated financial statements for the group shall ensure that the policy is implemented consistently in all financial entities that are part of the group and is adequate for the effective application of this Regulation at all relevant levels of the group. Article 2: Group application ¶ 1
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall determine the due diligence process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers and shall indicate which of the following elements are to be used for the required level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance: the use of audit reports made by the internal audit function of the ICT third-party service provider; Article 6: Due diligence 3. (c)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall determine the due diligence process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers and shall indicate which of the following elements are to be used for the required level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance: the use of appropriate third-party certifications; Article 6: Due diligence 3. (d)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify that the relevant contractual arrangements are to include the right for the financial entity to access information, to carry out inspections and audits, and to perform tests on ICT. For that purpose, the policy shall require that the financial entity uses the following methods, without prejudice to the ultimate responsibility of the financial entity: where appropriate, third-party certifications; Article 8: Contractual clauses 2. (c)
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: is satisfied that the certifications are issued, and the audits are performed against widely recognised relevant professional standards and include a test of the operational effectiveness of the key controls in place; Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (f)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain third party reporting requirements. CC ID 13289 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Define timeliness factors for third party reporting requirements. CC ID 13304
    [{supply chain management policy} {be responsible} The policy shall clearly identify the role or member of senior management responsible for monitoring the relevant contractual arrangements. The policy shall specify how that role or member of senior management shall cooperate with the control functions, unless it is part of it, and shall set out the reporting lines to the management body, including the nature of the information to report and the documents to provide. It shall also set out the frequency of such reporting. Article 3: Governance arrangements 5.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
  • Human Resources Management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Establish and maintain board committees, as necessary. CC ID 14789 Human Resources management Preventive
    Assign oversight of C-level executives to the Board of Directors. CC ID 14784 Human Resources management Preventive
    Assign oversight of the financial management program to the board of directors. CC ID 14781 Human Resources management Preventive
    Assign senior management to the role of supporting Quality Management. CC ID 13692 Human Resources management Preventive
    Assign members who are independent from management to the Board of Directors. CC ID 12395 Human Resources management Preventive
    Assign ownership of risks to the Board of Directors or senior management. CC ID 13662 Human Resources management Preventive
    Assign the organization's board and senior management to oversee the continuity planning process. CC ID 12991 Human Resources management Preventive
    Rotate members of the board of directors, as necessary. CC ID 14803 Human Resources management Corrective
    Require third parties to employ a Chief Information Security Officer. CC ID 12057 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
  • IT Impact Zone
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Leadership and high level objectives CC ID 00597 Leadership and high level objectives IT Impact Zone
    Audits and risk management CC ID 00677 Audits and risk management IT Impact Zone
    Operational and Systems Continuity CC ID 00731 Operational and Systems Continuity IT Impact Zone
    Human Resources management CC ID 00763 Human Resources management IT Impact Zone
    Operational management CC ID 00805 Operational management IT Impact Zone
    Third Party and supply chain oversight CC ID 08807 Third Party and supply chain oversight IT Impact Zone
  • Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Monitor third parties for performance and effectiveness, as necessary. CC ID 00799
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify how the financial entity is to assess whether the ICT third-party service providers used for the ICT services supporting critical or important functions meet appropriate performance and quality standards in line with the contractual arrangement and the financial entity's own policies. The policy shall, in particular, ensure the following: that the performance of ICT third-party service providers is assessed with key performance indicators, key control indicators, audits, self-certifications and independent reviews in line with the financial entity's ICT risk management framework; Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 2. (b)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that the contractual arrangements specify the measures and key indicators to monitor, on an ongoing basis, the performance of ICT third party service providers, including measures to monitor compliance with requirements regarding the confidentiality, availability, integrity and authenticity of data and information, and the compliance of the ICT third-party service providers with the financial entity's relevant policies and procedures. The policy shall also specify measures that apply when service level agreements are not met, including contractual penalties where appropriate. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 1.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall establish the appropriate measures that the financial entity is to adopt if it identifies shortcomings of the ICT third-party service providers, including ICT-related incidents and operational or security payment related incidents, in the provision of the ICT services supporting critical or important functions or in the compliance with contractual arrangements or legal requirements. It shall also specify how the implementation of such measures is to be monitored in order to ensure that they are effectively complied with within a defined timeframe, taking into account the materiality of the shortcomings. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 4.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Monitor third parties' financial conditions. CC ID 13170 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
  • Process or Activity
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Formalize client and third party relationships with contracts or nondisclosure agreements. CC ID 00794
    [{supply chain management policy} {external requirement} {Digital Operational Resilience Act} The policy shall specify that the relevant contractual arrangement are to be in written form and are to include all the elements referred to in Article 30(2) and (3) of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554. The policy shall also include elements regarding requirements referred to in Article 1(1), point (a), of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554, as well as other relevant Union and national law as appropriate. Article 8: Contractual clauses 1.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Assess third parties' compliance environment during due diligence. CC ID 13134
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall determine the due diligence process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers and shall indicate which of the following elements are to be used for the required level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance: audits or independent assessments performed by the financial entity itself or on its behalf; Article 6: Due diligence 3. (a)
    {supply chain management policy} {independent audit} The policy shall specify how the financial entity is to assess whether the ICT third-party service providers used for the ICT services supporting critical or important functions meet appropriate performance and quality standards in line with the contractual arrangement and the financial entity's own policies. The policy shall, in particular, ensure the following: that an independent review and audits verifying compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and policies are performed. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 2. (e)
    {supply chain management policy} {be ethical} {be responsible} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: acts in an ethical and socially responsible manner, respects human rights and children's rights, including the prohibition of child labour, respects applicable principles on environmental protection, and ensures appropriate working conditions. Article 6: Due diligence 1. (f)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
  • Systems Continuity
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Approve or deny third party recovery plans, as necessary. CC ID 17124 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Review third party recovery plans. CC ID 17123 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Review third parties' backup policies. CC ID 13043 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
  • Technical Security
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Document the third parties compliance with the organization's system hardening framework. CC ID 04263 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
  • Testing
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Establish, implement, and maintain the audit plan. CC ID 01156
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third party service providers are subject to independent review and are included in the audit plan. Article 3: Governance arrangements 7.]
    Audits and risk management Detective
    Include third party acknowledgment of their data protection responsibilities in third party contracts. CC ID 01364
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the requirements, including the rules, the responsibilities and the processes, for each main phase of the lifecycle of the contractual arrangement, covering at least the following: the documentation and record-keeping, taking into account the requirements with regard to the register of information laid down in Article 28(3) of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554; Article 4: Main phases of the life cycle for the adoption and use of contractual arrangements ¶ 1 (e)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Include auditing third party security controls and compliance controls in third party contracts. CC ID 01366
    [{supply chain management policy} {internal audit report} The policy shall specify that the relevant contractual arrangements are to include the right for the financial entity to access information, to carry out inspections and audits, and to perform tests on ICT. For that purpose, the policy shall require that the financial entity uses the following methods, without prejudice to the ultimate responsibility of the financial entity: where appropriate, internal or third-party audit reports made available by the ICT third-party service provider. Article 8: Contractual clauses 2. (d)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that the contractual arrangements specify the measures and key indicators to monitor, on an ongoing basis, the performance of ICT third party service providers, including measures to monitor compliance with requirements regarding the confidentiality, availability, integrity and authenticity of data and information, and the compliance of the ICT third-party service providers with the financial entity's relevant policies and procedures. The policy shall also specify measures that apply when service level agreements are not met, including contractual penalties where appropriate. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 1.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Establish the third party's service continuity. CC ID 00797 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Determine the adequacy of a third party's alternate site preparations. CC ID 06879 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Maintain the third party's compliance framework to be equivalent to that of the organization's compliance requirements. CC ID 06087 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Perform risk assessments of third parties, as necessary. CC ID 06454
    [{supply chain management policy} Without prejudice to the final responsibility of the financial entity to effectively oversee relevant contractual arrangements, the policy shall require that the ICT third party service provider is assessed to have sufficient resources to ensure that the financial entity complies with all its legal and regulatory requirements regarding the ICT services supporting critical or important functions that are provided. Article 3: Governance arrangements 4.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that a risk assessment is conducted at financial entity level and, where applicable, at consolidated and sub-consolidated level before a contractual arrangement is concluded Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 1]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
Common Controls and
mandates by Classification
35 Mandated Controls - bold    
29 Implied Controls - italic     90 Implementation

There are three types of Common Control classifications; corrective, detective, and preventive. Common Controls at the top level have the default assignment of Impact Zone.

Number of Controls
154 Total
  • Corrective
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE TYPE
    Rotate members of the board of directors, as necessary. CC ID 14803 Human Resources management Human Resources Management
  • Detective
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE TYPE
    Establish, implement, and maintain the audit plan. CC ID 01156
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third party service providers are subject to independent review and are included in the audit plan. Article 3: Governance arrangements 7.]
    Audits and risk management Testing
    Formalize client and third party relationships with contracts or nondisclosure agreements. CC ID 00794
    [{supply chain management policy} {external requirement} {Digital Operational Resilience Act} The policy shall specify that the relevant contractual arrangement are to be in written form and are to include all the elements referred to in Article 30(2) and (3) of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554. The policy shall also include elements regarding requirements referred to in Article 1(1), point (a), of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554, as well as other relevant Union and national law as appropriate. Article 8: Contractual clauses 1.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Process or Activity
    Include third party acknowledgment of their data protection responsibilities in third party contracts. CC ID 01364
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the requirements, including the rules, the responsibilities and the processes, for each main phase of the lifecycle of the contractual arrangement, covering at least the following: the documentation and record-keeping, taking into account the requirements with regard to the register of information laid down in Article 28(3) of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554; Article 4: Main phases of the life cycle for the adoption and use of contractual arrangements ¶ 1 (e)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Testing
    Include auditing third party security controls and compliance controls in third party contracts. CC ID 01366
    [{supply chain management policy} {internal audit report} The policy shall specify that the relevant contractual arrangements are to include the right for the financial entity to access information, to carry out inspections and audits, and to perform tests on ICT. For that purpose, the policy shall require that the financial entity uses the following methods, without prejudice to the ultimate responsibility of the financial entity: where appropriate, internal or third-party audit reports made available by the ICT third-party service provider. Article 8: Contractual clauses 2. (d)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that the contractual arrangements specify the measures and key indicators to monitor, on an ongoing basis, the performance of ICT third party service providers, including measures to monitor compliance with requirements regarding the confidentiality, availability, integrity and authenticity of data and information, and the compliance of the ICT third-party service providers with the financial entity's relevant policies and procedures. The policy shall also specify measures that apply when service level agreements are not met, including contractual penalties where appropriate. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 1.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Testing
    Establish the third party's service continuity. CC ID 00797 Third Party and supply chain oversight Testing
    Review third party recovery plans. CC ID 17123 Third Party and supply chain oversight Systems Continuity
    Determine the adequacy of a third party's alternate site preparations. CC ID 06879 Third Party and supply chain oversight Testing
    Employ access controls that meet the organization's compliance requirements on third party systems with access to the organization's restricted data. CC ID 04264 Third Party and supply chain oversight Data and Information Management
    Maintain the third party's compliance framework to be equivalent to that of the organization's compliance requirements. CC ID 06087 Third Party and supply chain oversight Testing
    Perform risk assessments of third parties, as necessary. CC ID 06454
    [{supply chain management policy} Without prejudice to the final responsibility of the financial entity to effectively oversee relevant contractual arrangements, the policy shall require that the ICT third party service provider is assessed to have sufficient resources to ensure that the financial entity complies with all its legal and regulatory requirements regarding the ICT services supporting critical or important functions that are provided. Article 3: Governance arrangements 4.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that a risk assessment is conducted at financial entity level and, where applicable, at consolidated and sub-consolidated level before a contractual arrangement is concluded Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 1]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Testing
    Re-evaluate risk assessments of third parties, as necessary. CC ID 12158 Third Party and supply chain oversight Audits and Risk Management
    Assess third parties' relevant experience during due diligence. CC ID 12070
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall clearly assign the internal responsibilities for the approval, management, control, and documentation of relevant contractual arrangements and shall ensure that appropriate skills, experience and knowledge are maintained within the financial entity to effectively oversee the relevant contractual arrangements, including the ICT services provided under those arrangements. Article 3: Governance arrangements 3.
    {supply chain management policy} {financial resource} {human resource} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: has the business reputation, sufficient abilities, expertise and adequate financial, human and technical resources, information security standards, appropriate organisational structure, risk management and internal controls and, if applicable, the required authorisations or registrations to provide the ICT services supporting the critical or important function in a reliable and professional manner; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (a)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Assess third parties' business continuity capabilities during due diligence. CC ID 12077
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: the potential impact of disruptions in the provision of the ICT services supporting critical or important functions on the continuity of the financial entity's activities and on the availability of its services. Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (j)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the required level of assurance concerning the effectiveness of ICT third-party service providers' risk management framework for the ICT services supporting critical or important functions to be provided by an ICT third-party service provider. The policy shall require that the due diligence process includes an assessment of the existence of risk mitigation and business continuity measures and of how their functioning within the ICT third-party service provider is ensured. Article 6: Due diligence 2.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Review third parties' backup policies. CC ID 13043 Third Party and supply chain oversight Systems Continuity
    Assess third parties' abilities to provide services during due diligence. CC ID 12074
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall establish or refer to a methodology for determining which ICT services support critical or important functions. The policy shall also specify when this assessment is to be conducted and reviewed. Article 3: Governance arrangements 2.
    {supply chain management policy} {financial resource} {human resource} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: has the business reputation, sufficient abilities, expertise and adequate financial, human and technical resources, information security standards, appropriate organisational structure, risk management and internal controls and, if applicable, the required authorisations or registrations to provide the ICT services supporting the critical or important function in a reliable and professional manner; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (a)
    {supply chain management policy} {financial resource} {human resource} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: has the business reputation, sufficient abilities, expertise and adequate financial, human and technical resources, information security standards, appropriate organisational structure, risk management and internal controls and, if applicable, the required authorisations or registrations to provide the ICT services supporting the critical or important function in a reliable and professional manner; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (a)
    {supply chain management policy} {financial resource} {human resource} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: has the business reputation, sufficient abilities, expertise and adequate financial, human and technical resources, information security standards, appropriate organisational structure, risk management and internal controls and, if applicable, the required authorisations or registrations to provide the ICT services supporting the critical or important function in a reliable and professional manner; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (a)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the required level of assurance concerning the effectiveness of ICT third-party service providers' risk management framework for the ICT services supporting critical or important functions to be provided by an ICT third-party service provider. The policy shall require that the due diligence process includes an assessment of the existence of risk mitigation and business continuity measures and of how their functioning within the ICT third-party service provider is ensured. Article 6: Due diligence 2.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Assess third parties' compliance environment during due diligence. CC ID 13134
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall determine the due diligence process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers and shall indicate which of the following elements are to be used for the required level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance: audits or independent assessments performed by the financial entity itself or on its behalf; Article 6: Due diligence 3. (a)
    {supply chain management policy} {independent audit} The policy shall specify how the financial entity is to assess whether the ICT third-party service providers used for the ICT services supporting critical or important functions meet appropriate performance and quality standards in line with the contractual arrangement and the financial entity's own policies. The policy shall, in particular, ensure the following: that an independent review and audits verifying compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and policies are performed. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 2. (e)
    {supply chain management policy} {be ethical} {be responsible} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: acts in an ethical and socially responsible manner, respects human rights and children's rights, including the prohibition of child labour, respects applicable principles on environmental protection, and ensures appropriate working conditions. Article 6: Due diligence 1. (f)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Process or Activity
    Request attestation of compliance from third parties. CC ID 12067
    [{supply chain management policy} Where this Regulation applies on a sub-consolidated or consolidated basis, the parent undertaking that is responsible for providing the consolidated or sub-consolidated financial statements for the group shall ensure that the policy is implemented consistently in all financial entities that are part of the group and is adequate for the effective application of this Regulation at all relevant levels of the group. Article 2: Group application ¶ 1
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall determine the due diligence process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers and shall indicate which of the following elements are to be used for the required level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance: the use of audit reports made by the internal audit function of the ICT third-party service provider; Article 6: Due diligence 3. (c)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall determine the due diligence process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers and shall indicate which of the following elements are to be used for the required level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance: the use of appropriate third-party certifications; Article 6: Due diligence 3. (d)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify that the relevant contractual arrangements are to include the right for the financial entity to access information, to carry out inspections and audits, and to perform tests on ICT. For that purpose, the policy shall require that the financial entity uses the following methods, without prejudice to the ultimate responsibility of the financial entity: where appropriate, third-party certifications; Article 8: Contractual clauses 2. (c)
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: is satisfied that the certifications are issued, and the audits are performed against widely recognised relevant professional standards and include a test of the operational effectiveness of the key controls in place; Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (f)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Allow third parties to provide Self-Assessment Reports, as necessary. CC ID 12229
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall determine the due diligence process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers and shall indicate which of the following elements are to be used for the required level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance: the use of independent audit reports made on request by the ICT third-party service provider; Article 6: Due diligence 3. (b)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Assess third parties' compliance with the organization's third party security policies during due diligence. CC ID 12075
    [{supply chain management policy} {security practice} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: has the ability to monitor relevant technological developments and identify ICT security leading practices and implement them where appropriate to have an effective and sound digital operational resilience framework; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (b)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Document the third parties compliance with the organization's system hardening framework. CC ID 04263 Third Party and supply chain oversight Technical Security
    Assess the effectiveness of third party services provided to the organization. CC ID 13142
    [{audit} {independent assessment} {independent audit report} {audit report} Financial entities shall ensure an appropriate level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance, taking into account the elements listed in paragraph 3, points (a) to (e). Where appropriate, more than one element listed in those points shall be used. Article 6: Due diligence 4.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Monitor third parties for performance and effectiveness, as necessary. CC ID 00799
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify how the financial entity is to assess whether the ICT third-party service providers used for the ICT services supporting critical or important functions meet appropriate performance and quality standards in line with the contractual arrangement and the financial entity's own policies. The policy shall, in particular, ensure the following: that the performance of ICT third-party service providers is assessed with key performance indicators, key control indicators, audits, self-certifications and independent reviews in line with the financial entity's ICT risk management framework; Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 2. (b)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that the contractual arrangements specify the measures and key indicators to monitor, on an ongoing basis, the performance of ICT third party service providers, including measures to monitor compliance with requirements regarding the confidentiality, availability, integrity and authenticity of data and information, and the compliance of the ICT third-party service providers with the financial entity's relevant policies and procedures. The policy shall also specify measures that apply when service level agreements are not met, including contractual penalties where appropriate. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 1.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall establish the appropriate measures that the financial entity is to adopt if it identifies shortcomings of the ICT third-party service providers, including ICT-related incidents and operational or security payment related incidents, in the provision of the ICT services supporting critical or important functions or in the compliance with contractual arrangements or legal requirements. It shall also specify how the implementation of such measures is to be monitored in order to ensure that they are effectively complied with within a defined timeframe, taking into account the materiality of the shortcomings. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 4.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Monitor third parties' financial conditions. CC ID 13170 Third Party and supply chain oversight Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
  • IT Impact Zone
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE TYPE
    Leadership and high level objectives CC ID 00597 Leadership and high level objectives IT Impact Zone
    Audits and risk management CC ID 00677 Audits and risk management IT Impact Zone
    Operational and Systems Continuity CC ID 00731 Operational and Systems Continuity IT Impact Zone
    Human Resources management CC ID 00763 Human Resources management IT Impact Zone
    Operational management CC ID 00805 Operational management IT Impact Zone
    Third Party and supply chain oversight CC ID 08807 Third Party and supply chain oversight IT Impact Zone
  • Preventive
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE TYPE
    Establish and maintain the scope of the organizational compliance framework and Information Assurance controls. CC ID 01241 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a policy and procedure management program. CC ID 06285 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate compliance documents to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 06282 Leadership and high level objectives Behavior
    Disseminate and communicate any compliance document changes when the documents are updated to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 06283
    [{supply chain management policy} The management body shall review the policy at least once a year and update it where necessary. Changes made to the policy shall be implemented in a timely manner and as soon as it is possible within the relevant contractual arrangements. The financial entity shall document the planned timeline for the implementation. Article 3: Governance arrangements 1.]
    Leadership and high level objectives Behavior
    Define the roles and responsibilities for personnel assigned to tasks in the Audit function. CC ID 00678 Audits and risk management Establish Roles
    Manage supply chain audits. CC ID 01203
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third party service providers are subject to independent review and are included in the audit plan. Article 3: Governance arrangements 7.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify that the relevant contractual arrangements are to include the right for the financial entity to access information, to carry out inspections and audits, and to perform tests on ICT. For that purpose, the policy shall require that the financial entity uses the following methods, without prejudice to the ultimate responsibility of the financial entity: its own internal audit or an audit by an appointed third party; Article 8: Contractual clauses 2. (a)]
    Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Review the external auditors involvement in assessing Information Technology controls. CC ID 01204 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain an audit program. CC ID 00684 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Assess the quality of the audit program in regards to its documentation. CC ID 11622 Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Include the audit criteria in the audit plan. CC ID 15262 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a list of reference documents in the audit plan. CC ID 15260 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the languages to be used for the audit in the audit plan. CC ID 15252 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the allocation of resources in the audit plan. CC ID 15251 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include communication protocols in the audit plan. CC ID 15247 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the level of audit sampling necessary to collect sufficient audit evidence in the audit plan. CC ID 15246 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include meeting schedules in the audit plan. CC ID 15245 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the time frames for the audit in the audit plan. CC ID 15244 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the time frames for conducting the audit in the audit plan. CC ID 15243 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the locations to be audited in the audit plan. CC ID 15242 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the processes to be audited in the audit plan. CC ID 15241 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include audit objectives in the audit plan. CC ID 15240 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the risks associated with audit activities in the audit plan. CC ID 15239 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the audit plan to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15238 Audits and risk management Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain a business continuity program. CC ID 13210 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a continuity plan. CC ID 00752 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Coordinate and incorporate supply chain members' continuity plans, as necessary. CC ID 13242
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall ensure that the contractual arrangements are consistent with the following: the ICT business continuity policy referred to in Article 11 of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554; Article 3: Governance arrangements 6. (c)]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain high level operational roles and responsibilities. CC ID 00806 Human Resources management Establish Roles
    Define and assign the Board of Directors roles and responsibilities and senior management roles and responsibilities, including signing off on key policies and procedures. CC ID 00807
    [{supply chain management policy} {be responsible} The policy shall clearly identify the role or member of senior management responsible for monitoring the relevant contractual arrangements. The policy shall specify how that role or member of senior management shall cooperate with the control functions, unless it is part of it, and shall set out the reporting lines to the management body, including the nature of the information to report and the documents to provide. It shall also set out the frequency of such reporting. Article 3: Governance arrangements 5.
    {supply chain management policy} {be responsible} The policy shall clearly identify the role or member of senior management responsible for monitoring the relevant contractual arrangements. The policy shall specify how that role or member of senior management shall cooperate with the control functions, unless it is part of it, and shall set out the reporting lines to the management body, including the nature of the information to report and the documents to provide. It shall also set out the frequency of such reporting. Article 3: Governance arrangements 5.]
    Human Resources management Establish Roles
    Establish and maintain board committees, as necessary. CC ID 14789 Human Resources management Human Resources Management
    Define and assign the roles and responsibilities of the chairman of the board. CC ID 14786 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Assign oversight of C-level executives to the Board of Directors. CC ID 14784 Human Resources management Human Resources Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain candidate selection procedures to the board of directors. CC ID 14782 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the criteria of mixed experiences and skills in the candidate selection procedures. CC ID 14791 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Assign oversight of the financial management program to the board of directors. CC ID 14781 Human Resources management Human Resources Management
    Assign senior management to the role of supporting Quality Management. CC ID 13692 Human Resources management Human Resources Management
    Assign senior management to the role of authorizing official. CC ID 14238 Human Resources management Establish Roles
    Assign members who are independent from management to the Board of Directors. CC ID 12395 Human Resources management Human Resources Management
    Assign ownership of risks to the Board of Directors or senior management. CC ID 13662 Human Resources management Human Resources Management
    Assign the organization's board and senior management to oversee the continuity planning process. CC ID 12991 Human Resources management Human Resources Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 01406 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain an information security program. CC ID 00812 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include risk management in the information security program. CC ID 12378 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include mitigating supply chain risks in the information security program. CC ID 13352
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall ensure that the contractual arrangements are consistent with the following: the information security policy referred to in Article 9(4) of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554; Article 3: Governance arrangements 6. (b)]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Implement and comply with the Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 00818 Operational management Business Processes
    Comply with all implemented policies in the organization's compliance framework. CC ID 06384
    [{supply chain management policy} Where this Regulation applies on a sub-consolidated or consolidated basis, the parent undertaking that is responsible for providing the consolidated or sub-consolidated financial statements for the group shall ensure that the policy is implemented consistently in all financial entities that are part of the group and is adequate for the effective application of this Regulation at all relevant levels of the group. Article 2: Group application ¶ 1]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a change control program. CC ID 00886 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Implement changes according to the change control program. CC ID 11776
    [{supply chain management policy} The management body shall review the policy at least once a year and update it where necessary. Changes made to the policy shall be implemented in a timely manner and as soon as it is possible within the relevant contractual arrangements. The financial entity shall document the planned timeline for the implementation. Article 3: Governance arrangements 1.]
    Operational management Business Processes
    Provide audit trails for all approved changes. CC ID 13120 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a supply chain management program. CC ID 11742 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain procedures for establishing, maintaining, and terminating third party contracts. CC ID 00796
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the requirements, including the rules, the responsibilities and the processes, for each main phase of the lifecycle of the contractual arrangement, covering at least the following: Article 4: Main phases of the life cycle for the adoption and use of contractual arrangements ¶ 1
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the requirements, including the rules, the responsibilities and the processes, for each main phase of the lifecycle of the contractual arrangement, covering at least the following: the implementation, monitoring and management of contractual arrangements as referred to in Articles 7, 8 and 9, including at consolidated and sub-consolidated level, where applicable; Article 4: Main phases of the life cycle for the adoption and use of contractual arrangements ¶ 1 (d)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the requirements, including the rules, the responsibilities and the processes, for each main phase of the lifecycle of the contractual arrangement, covering at least the following: the planning of contractual arrangements, including the risk assessment, the due diligence as set out in Articles 5 and 6 and the approval process regarding new or material changes to contractual arrangements as set out in Article 8(4); Article 4: Main phases of the life cycle for the adoption and use of contractual arrangements ¶ 1 (b)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall ensure that material changes to the contractual agreement are to be formalised in a written document which is dated and signed by all parties and shall specify the renewal process for the contractual arrangements. Article 8: Contractual clauses 4.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Review and update all contracts, as necessary. CC ID 11612 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a description of the data or information to be covered in third party contracts. CC ID 06510 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include text about access, use, disclosure, and transfer of data or information in third party contracts. CC ID 11610
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall explicitly specify that the contractual arrangements: are to require that the financial entity, its auditors, and competent authorities have effective access to data and premises relating to the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions. Article 3: Governance arrangements 8. (d)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify that the relevant contractual arrangements are to include the right for the financial entity to access information, to carry out inspections and audits, and to perform tests on ICT. For that purpose, the policy shall require that the financial entity uses the following methods, without prejudice to the ultimate responsibility of the financial entity: Article 8: Contractual clauses 2.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Include roles and responsibilities in third party contracts. CC ID 13487
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the requirements, including the rules, the responsibilities and the processes, for each main phase of the lifecycle of the contractual arrangement, covering at least the following: the involvement of business units, internal controls and other relevant units in respect of contractual arrangements; Article 4: Main phases of the life cycle for the adoption and use of contractual arrangements ¶ 1 (c)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall explicitly specify that the contractual arrangements: do not relieve the financial entity and its management body of its regulatory obligations and its responsibilities to its clients; Article 3: Governance arrangements 8. (a)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include text that organizations must meet organizational compliance requirements in third party contracts. CC ID 06506
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall explicitly specify that the contractual arrangements: are not to prevent effective supervision of a financial entity and are not to contravene any supervisory restrictions on services and activities; Article 3: Governance arrangements 8. (b)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall explicitly specify that the contractual arrangements: do not relieve the financial entity and its management body of its regulatory obligations and its responsibilities to its clients; Article 3: Governance arrangements 8. (a)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include compliance with the organization's access policy as a requirement in third party contracts. CC ID 06507 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include compliance with the organization's breach notification policy as a requirement in third party contracts. CC ID 06508 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include compliance with the organization's monitoring policies as a requirement in third party contracts. CC ID 06513
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that the contractual arrangements specify the measures and key indicators to monitor, on an ongoing basis, the performance of ICT third party service providers, including measures to monitor compliance with requirements regarding the confidentiality, availability, integrity and authenticity of data and information, and the compliance of the ICT third-party service providers with the financial entity's relevant policies and procedures. The policy shall also specify measures that apply when service level agreements are not met, including contractual penalties where appropriate. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 1.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that the contractual arrangements specify the measures and key indicators to monitor, on an ongoing basis, the performance of ICT third party service providers, including measures to monitor compliance with requirements regarding the confidentiality, availability, integrity and authenticity of data and information, and the compliance of the ICT third-party service providers with the financial entity's relevant policies and procedures. The policy shall also specify measures that apply when service level agreements are not met, including contractual penalties where appropriate. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 1.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include compliance with the organization's incident response policy and incident notification policy in third party contracts. CC ID 06515
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify how the financial entity is to assess whether the ICT third-party service providers used for the ICT services supporting critical or important functions meet appropriate performance and quality standards in line with the contractual arrangement and the financial entity's own policies. The policy shall, in particular, ensure the following: that the financial entity is notified, where appropriate, of ICT-related incidents and operational or security payment-related incidents; Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 2. (d)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include text about the expected actions to be taken in case of a breach of contract in third party contracts. CC ID 06504 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include compliance with the organization's privacy policy in third party contracts. CC ID 06518 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include compliance with the organization's media handling policy in third party contracts. CC ID 06525 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include third party responsibilities for compliance awareness in third party contracts. CC ID 06530 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include compliance with the organization's data usage policies in third party contracts. CC ID 16413 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include compliance with the organization's system hardening framework in third party contracts. CC ID 06531 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include compliance with the organization's physical access policy in third party contracts. CC ID 06878 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the right of the organization to conduct compliance audits in third party contracts. CC ID 06514
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall explicitly specify that the contractual arrangements: are not to prevent effective supervision of a financial entity and are not to contravene any supervisory restrictions on services and activities; Article 3: Governance arrangements 8. (b)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: consents to contractual arrangements that ensure that it is effectively possible to conduct audits at the ICT third-party service provider, including onsite, by the financial entity itself, appointed third parties, and competent authorities; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (e)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify that the relevant contractual arrangements are to include the right for the financial entity to access information, to carry out inspections and audits, and to perform tests on ICT. For that purpose, the policy shall require that the financial entity uses the following methods, without prejudice to the ultimate responsibility of the financial entity: Article 8: Contractual clauses 2.
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: has the contractual right to request, with a frequency that is reasonable and legitimate from a risk management perspective, modifications of the scope of the certifications or audit reports to other relevant systems and controls; Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (g)
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: has the contractual right to perform individual and pooled audits at its discretion with regard to the contractual arrangements and execute those rights in line with the agreed frequency. Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (h)
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: has the contractual right to perform individual and pooled audits at its discretion with regard to the contractual arrangements and execute those rights in line with the agreed frequency. Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (h)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include incident management procedures and incident reporting procedures in third party contracts. CC ID 01214
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall ensure that the contractual arrangements are consistent with the following: the requirements on incident reporting set out in Article 19 of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554. Article 3: Governance arrangements 6. (d)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include responding to privacy rights violation complaints in third party contracts. CC ID 12432 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Approve or deny third party recovery plans, as necessary. CC ID 17124 Third Party and supply chain oversight Systems Continuity
    Document the organization's supply chain in the supply chain management program. CC ID 09958 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain a Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 12480
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: whether the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions are concentrated to a single ICT third-party service provider or a small number of such service providers; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (h)
    {supply chain management policy} {absent authorization} {absent authentication} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: the use of ICT third-party service providers that are authorised, registered or subject to supervision or oversight by a supervisory authority in a third country, and the use of ICT third-party service providers that are not; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (g)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include required information in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14429 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include subcontractors in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14425 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include alternate service providers in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14420 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the Third Party Service Provider list to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14422 Third Party and supply chain oversight Communicate
    Include contact information of the Service Provider in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14430 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include all contract dates in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14421 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the services provided by each supplier in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 12481
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: the type of ICT services included in the contractual arrangement on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'contractual arrangement') between the financial entity and the ICT third-party service provider; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (a)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include criticality of services in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14428 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a description of data used in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14427 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the location of services provided in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14423
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: the location of the ICT third-party service provider or the location of its parent company; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (b)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: whether the ICT services supporting critical or important functions are provided by an ICT third-party service provider located within a Member State or in a third country, also considering the location from where the ICT services are provided and the location where the data is processed and stored; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (c)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: whether the ICT services supporting critical or important functions are provided by an ICT third-party service provider located within a Member State or in a third country, also considering the location from where the ICT services are provided and the location where the data is processed and stored; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (c)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: is located, or processes or stores the data in a third country and, if this is the case, whether this practice affects the level of operational or reputational risks or the risk of being affected by restrictive measures, including embargos and sanctions, that may impact the ability of the ICT third-party service provider to provide the ICT services or the financial entity to receive those ICT services; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (d)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Categorize all suppliers in the supply chain management program. CC ID 00792
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: whether the ICT third-party service provider is part of the same group as the financial entity to which the services are provided; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (e)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include risk management procedures in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08811
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall ensure that the contractual arrangements are consistent with the following: the ICT risk management framework referred to in Article 6 of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554; Article 3: Governance arrangements 6. (a)
    {supply chain management policy} {financial resource} {human resource} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: has the business reputation, sufficient abilities, expertise and adequate financial, human and technical resources, information security standards, appropriate organisational structure, risk management and internal controls and, if applicable, the required authorisations or registrations to provide the ICT services supporting the critical or important function in a reliable and professional manner; Article 6: Due diligence 1. (a)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the required level of assurance concerning the effectiveness of ICT third-party service providers' risk management framework for the ICT services supporting critical or important functions to be provided by an ICT third-party service provider. The policy shall require that the due diligence process includes an assessment of the existence of risk mitigation and business continuity measures and of how their functioning within the ICT third-party service provider is ensured. Article 6: Due diligence 2.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a determination of the complexity of the third party relationships in the supply chain risk assessment. CC ID 10024
    [The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Include a determination of financial benefits over actual costs of third party relationships in the supply chain risk assessment report. CC ID 10025 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a determination of how third party relationships affect strategic initiatives in the supply chain risk assessment report. CC ID 10026 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a determination if the third party relationship will affect employees in the supply chain risk assessment report. CC ID 10027 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Include a determination of customer interactions with third parties in the supply chain risk assessment report. CC ID 10028 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a determination on the risks third parties pose to Information Security in the supply chain risk assessment report. CC ID 10029
    [The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: ICT concentration risks at entity level. Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (i)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: ICT risks; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (c)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: reputational risks; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (d)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: risks linked to the location of the ICT third-party service provider; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (h)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: risks linked to the location where the data is processed and stored; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (g)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: risks linked to the location where the data is processed and stored; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (g)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: risks linked to the -noun">availability of data; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (f)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: risks linked to the protection of confidential or :#F0BBBC;" class="term_primary-noun">personal data; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (e)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by I-verb">CT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: legal risks; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (b)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by I-verb">CT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: operational risks; Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2 (a)
    The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: The risk assessment shall take into account all the relevant requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 and applicable sectoral Union legislation. It shall consider, in particular, the impact of the provision of ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers on the financial entity and all the risks posed by the provision of those ICT services supporting critical or important functions by ICT third-party service providers, including the following: Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 2. ¶ 2]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a supply chain management policy. CC ID 08808
    [{supply chain management policy} The management body shall review the policy at least once a year and update it where necessary. Changes made to the policy shall be implemented in a timely manner and as soon as it is possible within the relevant contractual arrangements. The financial entity shall document the planned timeline for the implementation. Article 3: Governance arrangements 1.
    {supply chain management policy} The management body shall review the policy at least once a year and update it where necessary. Changes made to the policy shall be implemented in a timely manner and as soon as it is possible within the relevant contractual arrangements. The financial entity shall document the planned timeline for the implementation. Article 3: Governance arrangements 1.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall establish or refer to a methodology for determining which ICT services support critical or important functions. The policy shall also specify when this assessment is to be conducted and reviewed. Article 3: Governance arrangements 2.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify that the assessment referred to in paragraph 2 is to be documented and its results to be used to update the financial entity's risk assessment referred to in Article 6. Article 9: Monitoring of the contractual arrangements 3.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Require supply chain members to accept and sign the organization's code of conduct. CC ID 12397 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Require third parties to employ a Chief Information Security Officer. CC ID 12057 Third Party and supply chain oversight Human Resources Management
    Include supplier assessment principles in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08809
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall establish or refer to a methodology for determining which ICT services support critical or important functions. The policy shall also specify when this assessment is to be conducted and reviewed. Article 3: Governance arrangements 2.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the third party selection process in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 13132
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: Article 6: Due diligence 1.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall determine the due diligence process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers and shall indicate which of the following elements are to be used for the required level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance: Article 6: Due diligence 3.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Select suppliers based on their qualifications. CC ID 00795
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: the use of ICT third-party service providers that are authorised, registered or subject to supervision or oversight by a competent authority in a Member State or subject to the oversight framework under Chapter V, Section II, of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554, and the use of ICT third-party service providers that are not; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (f)
    {supply chain management policy} {absent authorization} {absent authentication} The policy on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers (the 'policy') shall take into account the size and the overall risk profile of the financial entity, and the nature, scale and elements of increased or reduced complexity of its services, activities and operations, including elements relating to: the use of ICT third-party service providers that are authorised, registered or subject to supervision or oversight by a supervisory authority in a third country, and the use of ICT third-party service providers that are not; Article 1: Overall risk profile and complexity ¶ 1 (g)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include refraining from depending on any individual third party in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 13133 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a clear management process in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08810 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include roles and responsibilities in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 15499
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall specify the requirements, including the rules, the responsibilities and the processes, for each main phase of the lifecycle of the contractual arrangement, covering at least the following: the responsibilities of the management body, including its involvement, as appropriate, in the decision-making process on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers; Article 4: Main phases of the life cycle for the adoption and use of contractual arrangements ¶ 1 (a)
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall clearly assign the internal responsibilities for the approval, management, control, and documentation of relevant contractual arrangements and shall ensure that appropriate skills, experience and knowledge are maintained within the financial entity to effectively oversee the relevant contractual arrangements, including the ICT services provided under those arrangements. Article 3: Governance arrangements 3.
    {supply chain management policy} {be responsible} The policy shall clearly identify the role or member of senior management responsible for monitoring the relevant contractual arrangements. The policy shall specify how that role or member of senior management shall cooperate with the control functions, unless it is part of it, and shall set out the reporting lines to the management body, including the nature of the information to report and the documents to provide. It shall also set out the frequency of such reporting. Article 3: Governance arrangements 5.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include third party due diligence standards in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08812 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the supply chain management policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15493 Third Party and supply chain oversight Communicate
    Require suppliers to commit to the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08813
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall require that the business needs of the financial entity are defined before a contractual arrangement is concluded. Article 5: Ex-ante risk assessment 1.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Support third parties in building their capabilities. CC ID 08814 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Implement measurable improvement plans with all third parties. CC ID 08815 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Post a list of compliant third parties on the organization's website. CC ID 08817 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Use third parties that are compliant with the applicable requirements. CC ID 08818 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain a conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08943 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a statement of avoided areas from receiving minerals in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08944 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include all in scope materials in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08945 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include adherence to international transportation regulations in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08946 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include all applicable authority documents in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08947 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the conflict minerals policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 08948 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Make the conflict minerals policy Publicly Available Information. CC ID 08949 Third Party and supply chain oversight Data and Information Management
    Establish and maintain a conflict materials report. CC ID 08823 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Define documentation requirements for each potential conflict material's source of origin. CC ID 08820 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Define documentation requirements for smelted minerals and legacy refined materials sources of origin. CC ID 08821 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Identify supply sources for secondary materials. CC ID 08822 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Deal directly with third parties that provide any material listed in the conflict materials report. CC ID 08891 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Conduct all parts of the supply chain due diligence process. CC ID 08854
    [{supply chain management policy} {be ethical} {be responsible} The policy shall set out an appropriate and proportionate process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers taking into account whether or not the ICT third party service provider is an intragroup ICT service provider, and shall require that the financial entity assesses, before entering into a contractual arrangement, whether the ICT third-party service provider: acts in an ethical and socially responsible manner, respects human rights and children's rights, including the prohibition of child labour, respects applicable principles on environmental protection, and ensures appropriate working conditions. Article 6: Due diligence 1. (f)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Require individual attestations of compliance from each location a third party operates in. CC ID 12228 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Validate the third parties' compliance to organizationally mandated compliance requirements. CC ID 08819
    [{supply chain management policy} Without prejudice to the final responsibility of the financial entity to effectively oversee relevant contractual arrangements, the policy shall require that the ICT third party service provider is assessed to have sufficient resources to ensure that the financial entity complies with all its legal and regulatory requirements regarding the ICT services supporting critical or important functions that are provided. Article 3: Governance arrangements 4.
    {supply chain management policy} The policy shall determine the due diligence process for selecting and assessing the prospective ICT third-party service providers and shall indicate which of the following elements are to be used for the required level of assurance on the ICT third-party service provider's performance: the use of other relevant information available to the financial entity or other information provided by the ICT third-party service provider. Article 6: Due diligence 3. (e)
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: Article 8: Contractual clauses 3.
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: ensures that the scope of the certifications or audit reports cover the systems and key controls identified by it and ensures compliance with relevant regulatory requirements; Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (b)
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: thoroughly assesses the content of the certifications or audit reports on an ongoing basis and verifies that the reports or certifications are not obsolete; Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (c)
    {supply chain management policy} {third-party certification} {audit report} The financial entity shall not over time rely solely on certifications referred to in paragraph 2, point (c), or audit reports referred to in point (d) of that paragraph. The policy shall only permit the use of the methods referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d), where the financial entity: thoroughly assesses the content of the certifications or audit reports on an ongoing basis and verifies that the reports or certifications are not obsolete; Article 8: Contractual clauses 3. (c)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain third party reporting requirements. CC ID 13289 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Define timeliness factors for third party reporting requirements. CC ID 13304
    [{supply chain management policy} {be responsible} The policy shall clearly identify the role or member of senior management responsible for monitoring the relevant contractual arrangements. The policy shall specify how that role or member of senior management shall cooperate with the control functions, unless it is part of it, and shall set out the reporting lines to the management body, including the nature of the information to report and the documents to provide. It shall also set out the frequency of such reporting. Article 3: Governance arrangements 5.]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Review the supply chain's service delivery on a regular basis. CC ID 12010
    [{supply chain management policy} The policy shall contain requirements for a documented exit plan for each contractual arrangement and for the periodic review and testing of the documented exit plan. When establishing the exit plan, the following shall be taken into account: inappropriate or failed service delivery; Article 10: Exit from and termination of the contractual arrangements ¶ 1 (b)]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes