
International > The Center for Internet Security

CIS Critical Security Controls, Version 8.1




CIS Critical Security Controls, Version 8.1


The Center for Internet Security


Best Practice Guideline




CIS Controls Version 8.1

CIS Critical Security Controls




The document as a whole was last reviewed and released on 2024-08-01T00:00:00-0700.






The Center for Internet Security


Best Practice Guideline



CIS Controls Version 8.1

CIS Critical Security Controls




The document as a whole was last reviewed and released on 2024-08-01T00:00:00-0700.

Important Notice

This Authority Document In Depth Report is copyrighted - © 2024 - Network Frontiers LLC. All rights reserved. Copyright in the Authority Document analyzed herein is held by its authors. Network Frontiers makes no claims of copyright in this Authority Document.

This Authority Document In Depth Report is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute, and should not be construed as, legal advice. The reader is encouraged to consult with an attorney experienced in these areas for further explanation and advice.

This Authority Document In Depth Report provides analysis and guidance for use and implementation of the Authority Document but it is not a substitute for the original authority document itself. Readers should refer to the original authority document as the definitive resource on obligations and compliance requirements.

The process we used to tag and map this document

This document has been mapped into the Unified Compliance Framework using a patented methodology and patented tools (you can research our patents HERE). The mapping team has taken every effort to ensure the quality of mapping is of the highest degree. To learn more about the process we use to map Authority Documents, or to become involved in that process, click HERE.

Controls and asociated Citations breakdown

When the UCF Mapping Teams tag Citations and their associated mandates within an Authority Document, those Citations and Mandates are tied to Common Controls. In addition, and by virtue of those Citations and mandates being tied to Common Controls, there are three sets of meta data that are associated with each Citation; Controls by Impact Zone, Controls by Type, and Controls by Classification.

The online version of the mapping analysis you see here is just a fraction of the work the UCF Mapping Team has done. The downloadable version of this document, available within the Common Controls Hub (available HERE) contains the following:

Document implementation analysis – statistics about the document’s alignment with Common Controls as compared to other Authority Documents and statistics on usage of key terms and non-standard terms.

Citation and Mandate Tagging and Mapping – A complete listing of each and every Citation we found within CIS Critical Security Controls, Version 8.1 that have been tagged with their primary and secondary nouns and primary and secondary verbs in three column format. The first column shows the Citation (the marker within the Authority Document that points to where we found the guidance). The second column shows the Citation guidance per se, along with the tagging for the mandate we found within the Citation. The third column shows the Common Control ID that the mandate is linked to, and the final column gives us the Common Control itself.

Dictionary Terms – The dictionary terms listed for CIS Critical Security Controls, Version 8.1 are based upon terms either found within the Authority Document’s defined terms section(which most legal documents have), its glossary, and for the most part, as tagged within each mandate. The terms with links are terms that are the standardized version of the term.

Common Controls and
mandates by Impact Zone
278 Mandated Controls - bold    
156 Implied Controls - italic     2646 Implementation

An Impact Zone is a hierarchical way of organizing our suite of Common Controls — it is a taxonomy. The top levels of the UCF hierarchy are called Impact Zones. Common Controls are mapped within the UCF’s Impact Zones and are maintained in a legal hierarchy within that Impact Zone. Each Impact Zone deals with a separate area of policies, standards, and procedures: technology acquisition, physical security, continuity, records management, etc.

The UCF created its taxonomy by looking at the corpus of standards and regulations through the lens of unification and a view toward how the controls impact the organization. Thus, we created a hierarchical structure for each impact zone that takes into account regulatory and standards bodies, doctrines, and language.

Number of Controls
3080 Total
  • Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services CC ID 01123 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Plan for acquiring facilities, technology, or services. CC ID 06892 Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system acquisition contracts. CC ID 14758 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include security requirements in system acquisition contracts. CC ID 01124
    [{be up to date} Use up-to-date and trusted third-party software components. When possible, choose established and proven frameworks and libraries that provide adequate security. Acquire these components from trusted sources or evaluate the software for vulnerabilities before use. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.5 Use Up-to-Date and Trusted Third-Party Software Components]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include operational requirements in system acquisition contracts. CC ID 00825 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Provide suppliers with operational requirement information needed to define required service levels in system acquisition contracts. CC ID 06890 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include required service levels in system acquisition contracts. CC ID 11652 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include security controls in system acquisition contracts. CC ID 01125 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the cost effectiveness of security controls in system acquisition contracts. CC ID 11653 Technical Security Detective
    Obtain system documentation before acquiring products and services. CC ID 01445 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a description of the use and maintenance of security functions in the administration documentation. CC ID 14309 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a description of the known vulnerabilities for administrative functions in the administration documentation. CC ID 14302 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the system documentation to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14285 Communicate Preventive
    Document attempts to obtain system documentation. CC ID 14284 Process or Activity Corrective
    Obtain user documentation before acquiring products and services. CC ID 14283 Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services Preventive
    Include instructions on how to use the security functions in the user documentation. CC ID 14314 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include security functions in the user documentation. CC ID 14313 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include user responsibilities for maintaining system security in the user documentation. CC ID 14312 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a description of user interactions in the user documentation. CC ID 14311 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Require the information system developer to create a continuous monitoring plan. CC ID 14307 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Provide a Configuration Management plan by the Information System developer for all newly acquired assets. CC ID 01446 Testing Detective
    Require the Information System developer to create a Security Testing and Evaluation plan, implement the test, and provide the test results for all newly acquired assets. CC ID 01447 Testing Detective
    Establish and maintain a register of approved third parties, technologies and tools. CC ID 06836
    [{monthly basis} Establish and manage an updated inventory of third-party components used in development, often referred to as a "bill of materials," as well as components slated for future use. This inventory is to include any risks that each third-party component could pose. Evaluate the list at least monthly to identify any changes or updates to these components, and validate that the component is still supported. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.4 Establish and Manage an Inventory of Third-Party Software Components
    {monthly basis} Establish and manage an updated inventory of third-party components used in development, often referred to as a "bill of materials," as well as components slated for future use. This inventory is to include any risks that each third-party component could pose. Evaluate the list at least monthly to identify any changes or updates to these components, and validate that the component is still supported. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.4 Establish and Manage an Inventory of Third-Party Software Components
    {be up to date} Use up-to-date and trusted third-party software components. When possible, choose established and proven frameworks and libraries that provide adequate security. Acquire these components from trusted sources or evaluate the software for vulnerabilities before use. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.5 Use Up-to-Date and Trusted Third-Party Software Components
    {be up to date} Use up-to-date and trusted third-party software components. When possible, choose established and proven frameworks and libraries that provide adequate security. Acquire these components from trusted sources or evaluate the software for vulnerabilities before use. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.5 Use Up-to-Date and Trusted Third-Party Software Components]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Install software that originates from approved third parties. CC ID 12184 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain facilities, assets, and services acceptance procedures. CC ID 01144 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Test new hardware or upgraded hardware and software for implementation of security controls. CC ID 06743 Testing Detective
    Test new software or upgraded software for security vulnerabilities. CC ID 01898
    [{be up to date} Use up-to-date and trusted third-party software components. When possible, choose established and proven frameworks and libraries that provide adequate security. Acquire these components from trusted sources or evaluate the software for vulnerabilities before use. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.5 Use Up-to-Date and Trusted Third-Party Software Components]
    Testing Detective
  • Audits and risk management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Audits and risk management CC ID 00677 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk management program. CC ID 12051 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain the risk assessment framework. CC ID 00685 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk assessment program. CC ID 00687 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain risk assessment procedures. CC ID 06446 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 07183 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include risks to critical personnel and assets in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 00698
    [{monthly basis} Establish and manage an updated inventory of third-party components used in development, often referred to as a "bill of materials," as well as components slated for future use. This inventory is to include any risks that each third-party component could pose. Evaluate the list at least monthly to identify any changes or updates to these components, and validate that the component is still supported. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.4 Establish and Manage an Inventory of Third-Party Software Components]
    Audits and Risk Management Preventive
  • Human Resources management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Human Resources management CC ID 00763 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain a personnel management program. CC ID 14018 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain onboarding procedures for new hires. CC ID 11760 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Train all new hires, as necessary. CC ID 06673
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a security awareness program. The purpose of a security awareness program is to educate the enterprise's workforce on how to interact with enterprise assets and data in a secure manner. Conduct training at hire and, at a minimum, annually. Review and update content annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.1 Establish and Maintain a Security Awareness Program]
    Behavior Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain personnel status change and termination procedures. CC ID 06549 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Terminate user accounts when notified that an individual is terminated. CC ID 11614
    [Establish and follow a process, preferably automated, for revoking access to enterprise assets, through disabling accounts immediately upon termination, rights revocation, or role change of a user. Disabling accounts, instead of deleting accounts, may be necessary to preserve audit trails. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.2 Establish an Access Revoking Process]
    Technical Security Corrective
    Terminate access rights when notified of a personnel status change or an individual is terminated. CC ID 11826
    [{user account}{administrator account} Use processes and tools to create, assign, manage, and revoke access credentials and privileges for user, administrator, and service accounts for enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 6: Access Control Management
    Establish and follow a process, preferably automated, for revoking access to enterprise assets, through disabling accounts immediately upon termination, rights revocation, or role change of a user. Disabling accounts, instead of deleting accounts, may be necessary to preserve audit trails. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.2 Establish an Access Revoking Process]
    Technical Security Corrective
    Establish and maintain the staff structure in line with the strategic plan. CC ID 00764
    [Designate one key person, and at least one backup, who will manage the enterprise's incident handling process. Management personnel are responsible for the coordination and documentation of incident response and recovery efforts and can consist of employees internal to the enterprise, service providers, or a hybrid approach. If using a service provider, designate at least one person internal to the enterprise to oversee any third-party work. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.1 Designate Personnel to Manage Incident Handling
    {annual basis} Assign key roles and responsibilities for incident response, including staff from incident responders, analysts, and relevant third parties. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.5 Assign Key Roles and Responsibilities]
    Establish Roles Preventive
    Document and communicate role descriptions to all applicable personnel. CC ID 00776 Establish Roles Detective
    Assign and staff all roles appropriately. CC ID 00784 Testing Detective
    Delegate authority for specific processes, as necessary. CC ID 06780 Behavior Preventive
    Implement a staff rotation plan. CC ID 12772 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Rotate duties amongst the critical roles and positions. CC ID 06554 Establish Roles Preventive
    Place Information Technology operations in a position to support the business model. CC ID 00766 Business Processes Preventive
    Review organizational personnel successes. CC ID 00767 Business Processes Preventive
    Implement personnel supervisory practices. CC ID 00773 Behavior Preventive
    Implement segregation of duties in roles and responsibilities. CC ID 00774 Testing Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain segregation of duties compensating controls if segregation of duties is not practical. CC ID 06960 Technical Security Preventive
    Evaluate the staffing requirements regularly. CC ID 00775 Business Processes Detective
    Establish and maintain relationships with critical stakeholders, business functions, and leadership outside the in scope staff. CC ID 00779 Behavior Preventive
    Train all personnel and third parties, as necessary. CC ID 00785 Behavior Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an education methodology. CC ID 06671 Business Processes Preventive
    Retrain all personnel, as necessary. CC ID 01362
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a security awareness program. The purpose of a security awareness program is to educate the enterprise's workforce on how to interact with enterprise assets and data in a secure manner. Conduct training at hire and, at a minimum, annually. Review and update content annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.1 Establish and Maintain a Security Awareness Program
    {annual basis} Ensure that all software development personnel receive training in writing secure code for their specific development environment and responsibilities. Training can include general security principles and application security standard practices. Conduct training at least annually and design in a way to promote security within the development team, and build a culture of security among the developers. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.9 Train Developers in Application Security Concepts and Secure Coding]
    Behavior Preventive
    Tailor training to meet published guidance on the subject being taught. CC ID 02217
    [{annual basis} Ensure that all software development personnel receive training in writing secure code for their specific development environment and responsibilities. Training can include general security principles and application security standard practices. Conduct training at least annually and design in a way to promote security within the development team, and build a culture of security among the developers. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.9 Train Developers in Application Security Concepts and Secure Coding]
    Behavior Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain training plans. CC ID 00828 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a security awareness program. CC ID 11746
    [Establish and maintain a security awareness program to influence behavior among the workforce to be security conscious and properly skilled to reduce cybersecurity risks to the enterprise. CIS Control 14: Security Awareness and Skills Training
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a security awareness program. The purpose of a security awareness program is to educate the enterprise's workforce on how to interact with enterprise assets and data in a secure manner. Conduct training at hire and, at a minimum, annually. Review and update content annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.1 Establish and Maintain a Security Awareness Program
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a security awareness program. The purpose of a security awareness program is to educate the enterprise's workforce on how to interact with enterprise assets and data in a secure manner. Conduct training at hire and, at a minimum, annually. Review and update content annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.1 Establish and Maintain a Security Awareness Program]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Complete security awareness training prior to being granted access to information systems or data. CC ID 17009 Training Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14022 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include compliance requirements in the security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14092 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14091 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain security awareness and training procedures. CC ID 14054 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the security awareness and training procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14138 Communicate Preventive
    Include management commitment in the security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14049 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14048 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the scope in the security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14047 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the purpose in the security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14045 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include configuration management procedures in the security awareness program. CC ID 13967 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include media protection in the security awareness program. CC ID 16368 Training Preventive
    Document security awareness requirements. CC ID 12146 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include safeguards for information systems in the security awareness program. CC ID 13046
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a security awareness program. The purpose of a security awareness program is to educate the enterprise's workforce on how to interact with enterprise assets and data in a secure manner. Conduct training at hire and, at a minimum, annually. Review and update content annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.1 Establish and Maintain a Security Awareness Program]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include identity and access management in the security awareness program. CC ID 17013 Training Preventive
    Include the encryption process in the security awareness program. CC ID 17014 Training Preventive
    Include security policies and security standards in the security awareness program. CC ID 13045
    [Train workforce members on authentication best practices. Example topics include MFA, password composition, and credential management. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.3 Train Workforce Members on Authentication Best Practices
    Train workforce members on how to identify and properly store, transfer, archive, and destroy sensitive data. This also includes training workforce members on clear screen and desk best practices, such as locking their screen when they step away from their enterprise asset, erasing physical and virtual whiteboards at the end of meetings, and storing data and assets securely. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.4 Train Workforce on Data Handling Best Practices]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include physical security in the security awareness program. CC ID 16369 Training Preventive
    Include data management in the security awareness program. CC ID 17010 Training Preventive
    Include e-mail and electronic messaging in the security awareness program. CC ID 17012 Training Preventive
    Include mobile device security guidelines in the security awareness program. CC ID 11803 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include updates on emerging issues in the security awareness program. CC ID 13184 Training Preventive
    Include cybersecurity in the security awareness program. CC ID 13183
    [Train workforce members on how to identify and properly store, transfer, archive, and destroy sensitive data. This also includes training workforce members on clear screen and desk best practices, such as locking their screen when they step away from their enterprise asset, erasing physical and virtual whiteboards at the end of meetings, and storing data and assets securely. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.4 Train Workforce on Data Handling Best Practices
    Train workforce members on the dangers of connecting to, and transmitting data over, insecure networks for enterprise activities. If the enterprise has remote workers, training must include guidance to ensure that all users securely configure their home network infrastructure. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.8 Train Workforce on the Dangers of Connecting to and Transmitting Enterprise Data Over Insecure Networks]
    Training Preventive
    Include implications of non-compliance in the security awareness program. CC ID 16425 Training Preventive
    Include social networking in the security awareness program. CC ID 17011 Training Preventive
    Include the acceptable use policy in the security awareness program. CC ID 15487 Training Preventive
    Include training based on the participants' level of responsibility and access level in the security awareness program. CC ID 11802
    [Train workforce members to be aware of causes for unintentional data exposure. Example topics include mis-delivery of sensitive data, losing a portable end-user device, or publishing data to unintended audiences. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.5 Train Workforce Members on Causes of Unintentional Data Exposure
    Conduct role-specific security awareness and skills training. Example implementations include secure system administration courses for IT professionals, OWASP® Top 10 vulnerability awareness and prevention training for web application developers, and advanced social engineering awareness training for high-profile roles. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.9 Conduct Role-Specific Security Awareness and Skills Training]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a requirement to train all new hires and interested personnel in the security awareness program. CC ID 11800 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include remote access in the security awareness program. CC ID 13892
    [Train workforce members on the dangers of connecting to, and transmitting data over, insecure networks for enterprise activities. If the enterprise has remote workers, training must include guidance to ensure that all users securely configure their home network infrastructure. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.8 Train Workforce on the Dangers of Connecting to and Transmitting Enterprise Data Over Insecure Networks]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document the goals of the security awareness program. CC ID 12145 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Compare current security awareness assessment reports to the security awareness baseline. CC ID 12150 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish and maintain management's commitment to supporting the security awareness program. CC ID 12151 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Establish and maintain a steering committee to guide the security awareness program. CC ID 12149 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Document the scope of the security awareness program. CC ID 12148 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a security awareness baseline. CC ID 12147 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Encourage interested personnel to obtain security certification. CC ID 11804 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the security awareness program to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 00823 Behavior Preventive
    Train all personnel and third parties on how to recognize and report security incidents. CC ID 01211
    [Train workforce members to be able to recognize a potential incident and be able to report such an incident. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.6 Train Workforce Members on Recognizing and Reporting Security Incidents
    Train workforce members to recognize social engineering attacks, such as phishing, business email compromise (BEC), pretexting, and tailgating. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.2 Train Workforce Members to Recognize Social Engineering Attacks]
    Behavior Preventive
    Train all personnel and third parties on how to recognize and report system failures. CC ID 13475
    [Train workforce to understand how to verify and report out-of-date software patches or any failures in automated processes and tools. Part of this training should include notifying IT personnel of any failures in automated processes and tools. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.7 Train Workforce on How to Identify and Report if Their Enterprise Assets are Missing Security Updates
    Train workforce to understand how to verify and report out-of-date software patches or any failures in automated processes and tools. Part of this training should include notifying IT personnel of any failures in automated processes and tools. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.7 Train Workforce on How to Identify and Report if Their Enterprise Assets are Missing Security Updates]
    Training Preventive
    Require personnel to acknowledge, through writing their signature, that they have read and understand the organization's security policies. CC ID 01363 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Monitor and measure the effectiveness of security awareness. CC ID 06262 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Conduct secure coding and development training for developers. CC ID 06822
    [{annual basis} Ensure that all software development personnel receive training in writing secure code for their specific development environment and responsibilities. Training can include general security principles and application security standard practices. Conduct training at least annually and design in a way to promote security within the development team, and build a culture of security among the developers. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.9 Train Developers in Application Security Concepts and Secure Coding
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Behavior Corrective
  • Leadership and high level objectives
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Leadership and high level objectives CC ID 00597 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain a reporting methodology program. CC ID 02072
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1]
    Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain communication protocols. CC ID 12245 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an alternative communication protocol. CC ID 17097 Communicate Preventive
    Use secure communication protocols for telecommunications. CC ID 16458 Business Processes Preventive
    Align the information being disseminated and communicated with the communication requirements according to the organization's communication protocol. CC ID 12419 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Assess the effectiveness of the communication methods used in the communication protocol. CC ID 12691 Process or Activity Detective
    Include external requirements in the organization's communication protocol. CC ID 12418 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include disseminating and communicating events surrounding instances of desirable conduct and undesirable conduct in the communication protocols. CC ID 12824 Communicate Preventive
    Include input from interested personnel and affected parties as a part of the organization’s communication protocol. CC ID 12417
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a corrective action plan to address barriers to stakeholder engagement. CC ID 15677 Process or Activity Preventive
    Identify barriers to stakeholder engagement. CC ID 15676 Process or Activity Preventive
    Identify alternative measures for collecting stakeholder input, as necessary. CC ID 15672 Communicate Preventive
    Include disseminating and communicating conditions surrounding instances of desirable conduct and undesirable conduct in the communication protocols. CC ID 12804 Communicate Preventive
    Include methods to obtain information from interested personnel and affected parties about performance variances in the communication protocol. CC ID 12856 Process or Activity Preventive
    Include disseminating and communicating desirable conduct in the communication protocols. CC ID 12803 Communicate Preventive
    Include disseminating and communicating undesirable conduct in communication protocols. CC ID 12802 Communicate Preventive
    Route notifications, as necessary. CC ID 12832 Process or Activity Preventive
    Substantiate notifications, as necessary. CC ID 12831 Process or Activity Preventive
    Analyze the flow of information to ensure it is being received by the correct processes. CC ID 12860 Business Processes Preventive
    Prioritize notifications, as necessary. CC ID 12830 Process or Activity Preventive
    Report to management and stakeholders on the findings and information gathered from all types of inquiries. CC ID 12797 Actionable Reports or Measurements Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate internal controls with supply chain members. CC ID 12416 Communicate Preventive
    Establish and maintain the organization's survey method. CC ID 12869 Process or Activity Preventive
    Document the findings from surveys. CC ID 16309 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Provide a consolidated view of information in the organization's survey method. CC ID 12894 Process or Activity Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain warning procedures. CC ID 12407 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain alert procedures. CC ID 12406 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the criteria for notifications in the notification system. CC ID 17139 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the capturing and alerting of compliance violations in the notification system. CC ID 12962 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Include the capturing and alerting of unethical conduct in the notification system. CC ID 12932 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Include the capturing and alerting of performance variances in the notification system. CC ID 12929 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Include the capturing and alerting of weaknesses in the notification system. CC ID 12928 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Include the capturing and alerting of account activity in the notification system. CC ID 15314 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an internal reporting program. CC ID 12409 Business Processes Preventive
    Include transactions and events as a part of internal reporting. CC ID 12413 Business Processes Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate management's choices for managing the organization as a part of internal reporting. CC ID 12412 Communicate Preventive
    Enforce a precision level for non-financial reporting based on user need and appropriate supply chain criteria. CC ID 12399 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define the thresholds for escalation in the internal reporting program. CC ID 14332 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define the thresholds for reporting in the internal reporting program. CC ID 14331 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an external reporting program. CC ID 12876 Communicate Preventive
    Provide identifying information about the organization to the responsible party. CC ID 16715 Communicate Preventive
    Identify the material topics required to be reported on. CC ID 15654 Business Processes Preventive
    Check the list of material topics for completeness. CC ID 15692 Investigate Preventive
    Prioritize material topics used in reporting. CC ID 15678 Communicate Preventive
    Review and approve the material topics, as necessary. CC ID 15670 Process or Activity Preventive
    Define the thresholds for reporting in the external reporting program. CC ID 15679 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include time requirements in the external reporting program. CC ID 16566 Communicate Preventive
    Include information about the organizational culture in the external reporting program. CC ID 15610 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Submit certification letters to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16969 Communicate Preventive
    Include reporting to governing bodies in the external reporting plan. CC ID 12923 Communicate Preventive
    Submit confidential treatment applications to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16592 Communicate Preventive
    Include the reasons for objections to public disclosure in confidential treatment applications. CC ID 16594 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include contact information for the interested personnel and affected parties the report was filed with in the confidential treatment application. CC ID 16595 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the information that was omitted in the confidential treatment application. CC ID 16593 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Request extensions for submissions to governing bodies, as necessary. CC ID 16955 Process or Activity Preventive
    Analyze organizational objectives, functions, and activities. CC ID 00598 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a data classification scheme. CC ID 11628
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an overall data classification scheme for the enterprise. Enterprises may use labels, such as "Sensitive," "Confidential," and "Public," and classify their data according to those labels. Review and update the classification scheme annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.7 Establish and Maintain a Data Classification Scheme
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain an overall data classification scheme for the enterprise. Enterprises may use labels, such as "Sensitive," "Confidential," and "Public," and classify their data according to those labels. Review and update the classification scheme annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.7 Establish and Maintain a Data Classification Scheme]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Take into account the characteristics of the geographical, behavioral and functional setting for all datasets. CC ID 15046 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Approve the data classification scheme. CC ID 13858 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Disseminate and communicate the data classification scheme to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16804 Communicate Preventive
    Monitor regulatory trends to maintain compliance. CC ID 00604 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Subscribe to a threat intelligence service to receive notification of emerging threats. CC ID 12135
    [Develop a plan to continuously assess and track vulnerabilities on all enterprise assets within the enterprise's infrastructure, in order to remediate, and minimize, the window of opportunity for attackers. Monitor public and private industry sources for new threat and vulnerability information. CIS Control 7: Continuous Vulnerability Management]
    Technical Security Detective
    Establish and maintain the scope of the organizational compliance framework and Information Assurance controls. CC ID 01241 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a policy and procedure management program. CC ID 06285 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Approve all compliance documents. CC ID 06286 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a compliance exception standard. CC ID 01628 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include all compliance exceptions in the compliance exception standard. CC ID 01630
    [{monthly basis} Ensure that unauthorized software is either removed from use on enterprise assets or receives a documented exception. Review monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.3 Address Unauthorized Software
    {unauthorized software}{monthly basis} Ensure that only currently supported software is designated as authorized in the software inventory for enterprise assets. If software is unsupported, yet necessary for the fulfillment of the enterprise's mission, document an exception detailing mitigating controls and residual risk acceptance. For any unsupported software without an exception documentation, designate as unauthorized. Review the software list to verify software support at least monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.2 Ensure Authorized Software is Currently Supported]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Include explanations, compensating controls, or risk acceptance in the compliance exceptions Exceptions document. CC ID 01631
    [{unauthorized software}{monthly basis} Ensure that only currently supported software is designated as authorized in the software inventory for enterprise assets. If software is unsupported, yet necessary for the fulfillment of the enterprise's mission, document an exception detailing mitigating controls and residual risk acceptance. For any unsupported software without an exception documentation, designate as unauthorized. Review the software list to verify software support at least monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.2 Ensure Authorized Software is Currently Supported]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a strategic plan. CC ID 12784 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a decision management strategy. CC ID 06913 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document and evaluate the decision outcomes from the decision-making process. CC ID 06918
    [Plan and conduct routine incident response exercises and scenarios for key personnel involved in the incident response process to prepare for responding to real-world incidents. Exercises need to test communication channels, decision-making, and workflows. Conduct testing on an annual basis, at a minimum. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.7 Conduct Routine Incident Response Exercises]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
  • Monitoring and measurement
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Monitoring and measurement CC ID 00636 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain logging and monitoring operations. CC ID 00637 Log Management Detective
    Enable monitoring and logging operations on all assets that meet the organizational criteria to maintain event logs. CC ID 06312
    [Collect audit logs. Ensure that logging, per the enterprise's audit log management process, has been enabled across enterprise assets. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.2 Collect Audit Logs
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented audit log management process that defines the enterprise's logging requirements. At a minimum, address the collection, review, and retention of audit logs for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.1 Establish and Maintain an Audit Log Management Process]
    Log Management Preventive
    Review and approve the use of continuous security management systems. CC ID 13181 Process or Activity Preventive
    Protect continuous security management systems from unauthorized use. CC ID 13097 Configuration Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain intrusion management operations. CC ID 00580 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Install and maintain an Intrusion Detection System and/or Intrusion Prevention System. CC ID 00581
    [Deploy a host-based intrusion prevention solution on enterprise assets, where appropriate and/or supported. Example implementations include use of an Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) client or host-based IPS agent. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.7 Deploy a Host-Based Intrusion Prevention Solution
    Deploy a host-based intrusion detection solution on enterprise assets, where appropriate and/or supported. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.2 Deploy a Host-Based Intrusion Detection Solution
    Deploy a network intrusion detection solution on enterprise assets, where appropriate. Example implementations include the use of a Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) or equivalent cloud service provider (CSP) service. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.3 Deploy a Network Intrusion Detection Solution
    Deploy a network intrusion prevention solution, where appropriate. Example implementations include the use of a Network Intrusion Prevention System (NIPS) or equivalent CSP service. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.8 Deploy a Network Intrusion Prevention Solution]
    Configuration Preventive
    Monitor systems for inappropriate usage and other security violations. CC ID 00585
    [Improve protections and detections of threats from email and web vectors, as these are opportunities for attackers to manipulate human behavior through direct engagement. CIS Control 9: Email and Web Browser Protections]
    Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Monitor systems for blended attacks and multiple component incidents. CC ID 01225 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Monitor systems for Denial of Service attacks. CC ID 01222 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Monitor systems for unauthorized data transfers. CC ID 12971 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Address operational anomalies within the incident management system. CC ID 11633 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Monitor systems for access to restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 04721 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Assign roles and responsibilities for overseeing access to restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 11950 Human Resources Management Detective
    Detect unauthorized access to systems. CC ID 06798 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Incorporate potential red flags into the organization's incident management system. CC ID 04652 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Identity Theft Prevention Program. CC ID 11634 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Prohibit the sale or transfer of a debt caused by identity theft. CC ID 16983 Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services Preventive
    Alert interested personnel when suspicious activity is detected by an Intrusion Detection System or Intrusion Prevention System. CC ID 06430 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Alert interested personnel and affected parties when an incident causes an outage. CC ID 06808 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Monitor systems for unauthorized mobile code. CC ID 10034 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Operationalize key monitoring and logging concepts to ensure the audit trails capture sufficient information. CC ID 00638 Log Management Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain event logging procedures. CC ID 01335
    [Collect command-line audit logs. Example implementations include collecting audit logs from PowerShell®, BASHTM, and remote administrative terminals. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.8 Collect Command-Line Audit Logs
    Collect service provider logs, where supported. Example implementations include collecting authentication and authorization events, data creation and disposal events, and user management events. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.12 Collect Service Provider Logs]
    Log Management Detective
    Include the system components that generate audit records in the event logging procedures. CC ID 16426 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include a standard to collect and interpret event logs in the event logging procedures. CC ID 00643
    [Collect audit logs. Ensure that logging, per the enterprise's audit log management process, has been enabled across enterprise assets. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.2 Collect Audit Logs
    {weekly basis} Conduct reviews of audit logs to detect anomalies or abnormal events that could indicate a potential threat. Conduct reviews on a weekly, or more frequent, basis. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.11 Conduct Audit Log Reviews]
    Log Management Preventive
    Protect the event logs from failure. CC ID 06290 Log Management Preventive
    Overwrite the oldest records when audit logging fails. CC ID 14308 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Supply each in scope asset with audit reduction tool and report generation capabilities to support after-the-fact investigations without altering the event logs. CC ID 01427 Testing Preventive
    Provide predefined suspicious activity reports for suspicious activity discovered in the event log. CC ID 06774 Establish/Maintain Documentation Corrective
    Include identity information of suspects in the suspicious activity report. CC ID 16648 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Compile the event logs of multiple components into a system-wide time-correlated audit trail. CC ID 01424
    [Centralize security event alerting across enterprise assets for log correlation and analysis. Best practice implementation requires the use of a SIEM, which includes vendor-defined event correlation alerts. A log analytics platform configured with security-relevant correlation alerts also satisfies this Safeguard. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.1 Centralize Security Event Alerting
    Centralize security event alerting across enterprise assets for log correlation and analysis. Best practice implementation requires the use of a SIEM, which includes vendor-defined event correlation alerts. A log analytics platform configured with security-relevant correlation alerts also satisfies this Safeguard. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.1 Centralize Security Event Alerting
    Centralize, to the extent possible, audit log collection and retention across enterprise assets in accordance with the documented audit log management process. Example implementations include leveraging a SIEM tool to centralize multiple log sources. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.9 Centralize Audit Logs]
    Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain log analysis tools. CC ID 17056 Technical Security Preventive
    Review and update event logs and audit logs, as necessary. CC ID 00596
    [{weekly basis} Conduct reviews of audit logs to detect anomalies or abnormal events that could indicate a potential threat. Conduct reviews on a weekly, or more frequent, basis. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.11 Conduct Audit Log Reviews
    {weekly basis} Use DHCP logging on all DHCP servers or Internet Protocol (IP) address management tools to update the enterprise's asset inventory. Review and use logs to update the enterprise's asset inventory weekly, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.4 Use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Logging to Update Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented audit log management process that defines the enterprise's logging requirements. At a minimum, address the collection, review, and retention of audit logs for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.1 Establish and Maintain an Audit Log Management Process]
    Log Management Detective
    Eliminate false positives in event logs and audit logs. CC ID 07047 Log Management Corrective
    Correlate log entries to security controls to verify the security control's effectiveness. CC ID 13207 Log Management Detective
    Identify cybersecurity events in event logs and audit logs. CC ID 13206
    [Collect, alert, review, and retain audit logs of events that could help detect, understand, or recover from an attack. CIS Control 8: Audit Log Management]
    Technical Security Detective
    Follow up exceptions and anomalies identified when reviewing logs. CC ID 11925 Investigate Corrective
    Reproduce the event log if a log failure is captured. CC ID 01426 Log Management Preventive
    Enable logging for all systems that meet a traceability criteria. CC ID 00640 Log Management Detective
    Enable and configure logging on network access controls in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 01963
    [Operate processes and tooling to establish and maintain comprehensive network monitoring and defense against security threats across the enterprise's network infrastructure and user base. CIS Control 13: Network Monitoring and Defense
    Collect network traffic flow logs and/or network traffic to review and alert upon from network devices. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.6 Collect Network Traffic Flow Logs]
    Configuration Preventive
    Analyze firewall logs for the correct capturing of data. CC ID 00549 Log Management Detective
    Synchronize system clocks to an accurate and universal time source on all devices. CC ID 01340
    [{stipulated amount} Standardize time synchronization. Configure at least two synchronized time sources across enterprise assets, where supported. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.4 Standardize Time Synchronization
    {stipulated amount} Standardize time synchronization. Configure at least two synchronized time sources across enterprise assets, where supported. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.4 Standardize Time Synchronization]
    Configuration Preventive
    Centralize network time servers to as few as practical. CC ID 06308 Configuration Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate information to customers about clock synchronization methods used by the organization. CC ID 13044 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk monitoring program. CC ID 00658 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system security plan. CC ID 01922 Testing Preventive
    Create specific test plans to test each system component. CC ID 00661 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the scope in the test plans. CC ID 14293
    [Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Validate all testing assumptions in the test plans. CC ID 00663
    [Validate security measures after each penetration test. If deemed necessary, modify rulesets and capabilities to detect the techniques used during testing. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.4 Validate Security Measures]
    Testing Detective
    Document validated testing processes in the testing procedures. CC ID 06200 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Require testing procedures to be complete. CC ID 00664 Testing Detective
    Include error details, identifying the root causes, and mitigation actions in the testing procedures. CC ID 11827
    [Perform root cause analysis on security vulnerabilities. When reviewing vulnerabilities, root cause analysis is the task of evaluating underlying issues that create vulnerabilities in code, and allows development teams to move beyond just fixing individual vulnerabilities as they arise. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.3 Perform Root Cause Analysis on Security Vulnerabilities]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Determine the appropriate assessment method for each testing process in the test plan. CC ID 00665 Testing Preventive
    Implement automated audit tools. CC ID 04882 Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services Preventive
    Assign senior management to approve test plans. CC ID 13071 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a testing program. CC ID 00654 Behavior Preventive
    Define the test requirements for each testing program. CC ID 13177
    [Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program
    Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include test requirements for the use of human subjects in the testing program. CC ID 16222 Testing Preventive
    Scan organizational networks for rogue devices. CC ID 00536
    [{weekly basis} Use a passive discovery tool to identify assets connected to the enterprise's network. Review and use scans to update the enterprise's asset inventory at least weekly, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.5 Use a Passive Asset Discovery Tool]
    Testing Detective
    Scan the network for wireless access points. CC ID 00370 Testing Detective
    Document the business need justification for authorized wireless access points. CC ID 12044 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Scan wireless networks for rogue devices. CC ID 11623 Technical Security Detective
    Test the wireless device scanner's ability to detect rogue devices. CC ID 06859 Testing Detective
    Implement incident response procedures when rogue devices are discovered. CC ID 11880 Technical Security Corrective
    Alert appropriate personnel when rogue devices are discovered on the network. CC ID 06428 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Corrective
    Deny network access to rogue devices until network access approval has been received. CC ID 11852
    [Ensure that a process exists to address unauthorized assets on a weekly basis. The enterprise may choose to remove the asset from the network, deny the asset from connecting remotely to the network, or quarantine the asset. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.2 Address Unauthorized Assets]
    Configuration Preventive
    Isolate rogue devices after a rogue device has been detected. CC ID 07061
    [Ensure that a process exists to address unauthorized assets on a weekly basis. The enterprise may choose to remove the asset from the network, deny the asset from connecting remotely to the network, or quarantine the asset. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.2 Address Unauthorized Assets
    Ensure that a process exists to address unauthorized assets on a weekly basis. The enterprise may choose to remove the asset from the network, deny the asset from connecting remotely to the network, or quarantine the asset. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.2 Address Unauthorized Assets
    {unauthorized asset} Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile; network devices; non-computing/Internet of Things (IoT) devices; and servers) connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments, to accurately know the totality of assets that need to be monitored and protected within the enterprise. This will also support identifying unauthorized and unmanaged assets to remove or remediate. CIS Control 1: Inventory and Control of Enterprise Assets]
    Configuration Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a penetration test program. CC ID 01105
    [Validate security measures after each penetration test. If deemed necessary, modify rulesets and capabilities to detect the techniques used during testing. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.4 Validate Security Measures
    Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program]
    Behavior Preventive
    Align the penetration test program with industry standards. CC ID 12469 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Assign penetration testing to a qualified internal resource or external third party. CC ID 06429
    [{annual basis} Perform periodic external penetration tests based on program requirements, no less than annually. External penetration testing must include enterprise and environmental reconnaissance to detect exploitable information. Penetration testing requires specialized skills and experience and must be conducted through a qualified party. The testing may be clear box or opaque box. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.2 Perform Periodic External Penetration Tests
    Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program]
    Establish Roles Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a penetration testing methodology that validates scope-reduction controls through network segmentation. CC ID 11958 Testing Preventive
    Retain penetration test results according to internal policy. CC ID 10049 Records Management Preventive
    Retain penetration test remediation action records according to internal policy. CC ID 11629 Records Management Preventive
    Use dedicated user accounts when conducting penetration testing. CC ID 13728 Testing Detective
    Remove dedicated user accounts after penetration testing is concluded. CC ID 13729 Testing Corrective
    Perform penetration tests, as necessary. CC ID 00655
    [Test the effectiveness and resiliency of enterprise assets through identifying and exploiting weaknesses in controls (people, processes, and technology), and simulating the objectives and actions of an attacker. CIS Control 18: Penetration Testing]
    Testing Detective
    Perform internal penetration tests, as necessary. CC ID 12471
    [{annual basis} Perform periodic internal penetration tests based on program requirements, no less than annually. The testing may be clear box or opaque box. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.5 Perform Periodic Internal Penetration Tests]
    Technical Security Detective
    Perform external penetration tests, as necessary. CC ID 12470
    [{annual basis} Perform periodic external penetration tests based on program requirements, no less than annually. External penetration testing must include enterprise and environmental reconnaissance to detect exploitable information. Penetration testing requires specialized skills and experience and must be conducted through a qualified party. The testing may be clear box or opaque box. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.2 Perform Periodic External Penetration Tests]
    Technical Security Detective
    Include coverage of all in scope systems during penetration testing. CC ID 11957
    [{annual basis} Perform periodic external penetration tests based on program requirements, no less than annually. External penetration testing must include enterprise and environmental reconnaissance to detect exploitable information. Penetration testing requires specialized skills and experience and must be conducted through a qualified party. The testing may be clear box or opaque box. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.2 Perform Periodic External Penetration Tests]
    Testing Detective
    Test the system for broken access controls. CC ID 01319 Testing Detective
    Test the system for broken authentication and session management. CC ID 01320 Testing Detective
    Test the system for insecure communications. CC ID 00535 Testing Detective
    Test the system for cross-site scripting attacks. CC ID 01321 Testing Detective
    Test the system for buffer overflows. CC ID 01322 Testing Detective
    Test the system for injection flaws. CC ID 01323 Testing Detective
    Ensure protocols are free from injection flaws. CC ID 16401 Process or Activity Preventive
    Test the system for Denial of Service. CC ID 01326 Testing Detective
    Test the system for insecure configuration management. CC ID 01327 Testing Detective
    Perform network-layer penetration testing on all systems, as necessary. CC ID 01277 Testing Detective
    Test the system for cross-site request forgery. CC ID 06296 Testing Detective
    Perform application-layer penetration testing on all systems, as necessary. CC ID 11630
    [Conduct application penetration testing. For critical applications, authenticated penetration testing is better suited to finding business logic vulnerabilities than code scanning and automated security testing. Penetration testing relies on the skill of the tester to manually manipulate an application as an authenticated and unauthenticated user. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.13 Conduct Application Penetration Testing]
    Technical Security Detective
    Perform penetration testing on segmentation controls, as necessary. CC ID 12498 Technical Security Detective
    Verify segmentation controls are operational and effective. CC ID 12545 Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Repeat penetration testing, as necessary. CC ID 06860 Testing Detective
    Test the system for covert channels. CC ID 10652 Testing Detective
    Prevent adversaries from disabling or compromising security controls. CC ID 17057 Technical Security Preventive
    Estimate the maximum bandwidth of any covert channels. CC ID 10653 Technical Security Detective
    Reduce the maximum bandwidth of covert channels. CC ID 10655 Technical Security Corrective
    Test systems to determine which covert channels might be exploited. CC ID 10654 Testing Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a vulnerability management program. CC ID 15721 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a vulnerability assessment program. CC ID 11636
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented vulnerability management process for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.1 Establish and Maintain a Vulnerability Management Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented vulnerability management process for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.1 Establish and Maintain a Vulnerability Management Process
    Develop a plan to continuously assess and track vulnerabilities on all enterprise assets within the enterprise's infrastructure, in order to remediate, and minimize, the window of opportunity for attackers. Monitor public and private industry sources for new threat and vulnerability information. CIS Control 7: Continuous Vulnerability Management
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a severity rating system and process for application vulnerabilities that facilitates prioritizing the order in which discovered vulnerabilities are fixed. This process includes setting a minimum level of security acceptability for releasing code or applications. Severity ratings bring a systematic way of triaging vulnerabilities that improves risk management and helps ensure the most severe bugs are fixed first. Review and update the system and process annually. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.6 Establish and Maintain a Severity Rating System and Process for Application Vulnerabilities]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Perform vulnerability scans, as necessary. CC ID 11637
    [{quarterly basis} {authenticated vulnerability scan} {unauthenticated vulnerability scan} Perform automated vulnerability scans of internal enterprise assets on a quarterly, or more frequent, basis. Conduct both authenticated and unauthenticated scans. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.5 Perform Automated Vulnerability Scans of Internal Enterprise Assets]
    Technical Security Detective
    Conduct scanning activities in a test environment. CC ID 17036 Testing Preventive
    Repeat vulnerability scanning, as necessary. CC ID 11646
    [{monthly basis} Perform automated vulnerability scans of externally-exposed enterprise assets. Perform scans on a monthly, or more frequent, basis. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.6 Perform Automated Vulnerability Scans of Externally-Exposed Enterprise Assets]
    Testing Detective
    Identify and document security vulnerabilities. CC ID 11857 Technical Security Detective
    Rank discovered vulnerabilities. CC ID 11940
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a severity rating system and process for application vulnerabilities that facilitates prioritizing the order in which discovered vulnerabilities are fixed. This process includes setting a minimum level of security acceptability for releasing code or applications. Severity ratings bring a systematic way of triaging vulnerabilities that improves risk management and helps ensure the most severe bugs are fixed first. Review and update the system and process annually. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.6 Establish and Maintain a Severity Rating System and Process for Application Vulnerabilities]
    Investigate Detective
    Use dedicated user accounts when conducting vulnerability scans. CC ID 12098 Technical Security Preventive
    Assign vulnerability scanning to qualified personnel or external third parties. CC ID 11638
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1]
    Technical Security Detective
    Record the vulnerability scanning activity in the vulnerability scan report. CC ID 12097 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the vulnerability scan results to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16418 Communicate Preventive
    Maintain vulnerability scan reports as organizational records. CC ID 12092 Records Management Preventive
    Correlate vulnerability scan reports from the various systems. CC ID 10636 Technical Security Detective
    Perform internal vulnerability scans, as necessary. CC ID 00656
    [{monthly basis} Perform automated vulnerability scans of externally-exposed enterprise assets. Perform scans on a monthly, or more frequent, basis. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.6 Perform Automated Vulnerability Scans of Externally-Exposed Enterprise Assets]
    Testing Detective
    Perform vulnerability scans prior to installing payment applications. CC ID 12192 Technical Security Detective
    Implement scanning tools, as necessary. CC ID 14282 Technical Security Detective
    Update the vulnerability scanners' vulnerability list. CC ID 10634 Configuration Corrective
    Repeat vulnerability scanning after an approved change occurs. CC ID 12468 Technical Security Detective
    Perform external vulnerability scans, as necessary. CC ID 11624 Technical Security Detective
    Employ an approved third party to perform external vulnerability scans on the organization's systems. CC ID 12467 Business Processes Preventive
    Meet the requirements for a passing score during an external vulnerability scan or rescan. CC ID 12039 Testing Preventive
    Use automated mechanisms to compare new vulnerability scan reports with past vulnerability scan reports. CC ID 10635 Technical Security Detective
    Notify the interested personnel and affected parties after the failure of an automated security test. CC ID 06748 Behavior Corrective
    Perform vulnerability assessments, as necessary. CC ID 11828 Technical Security Corrective
    Review applications for security vulnerabilities after the application is updated. CC ID 11938
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1]
    Technical Security Detective
    Test the system for unvalidated input. CC ID 01318 Testing Detective
    Test the system for proper error handling. CC ID 01324 Testing Detective
    Test the system for insecure data storage. CC ID 01325 Testing Detective
    Test the system for access control enforcement in all Uniform Resource Locators. CC ID 06297 Testing Detective
    Recommend mitigation techniques based on vulnerability scan reports. CC ID 11639
    [Remediate penetration test findings based on the enterprise's documented vulnerability remediation process. This should include determining a timeline and level of effort based on the impact and prioritization of each identified finding. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.3 Remediate Penetration Test Findings]
    Technical Security Corrective
    Disallow the use of payment applications when a vulnerability scan report indicates vulnerabilities are present. CC ID 12188 Configuration Corrective
    Correct or mitigate vulnerabilities. CC ID 12497
    [{monthly basis} Remediate detected vulnerabilities in software through processes and tooling on a monthly, or more frequent, basis, based on the remediation process. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.7 Remediate Detected Vulnerabilities
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1
    Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program
    Remediate penetration test findings based on the enterprise's documented vulnerability remediation process. This should include determining a timeline and level of effort based on the impact and prioritization of each identified finding. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.3 Remediate Penetration Test Findings]
    Technical Security Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain an exception management process for vulnerabilities that cannot be remediated. CC ID 13859 Technical Security Corrective
    Define the test frequency for each testing program. CC ID 13176
    [Plan and conduct routine incident response exercises and scenarios for key personnel involved in the incident response process to prepare for responding to real-world incidents. Exercises need to test communication channels, decision-making, and workflows. Conduct testing on an annual basis, at a minimum. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.7 Conduct Routine Incident Response Exercises
    Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a compliance monitoring policy. CC ID 00671 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a technical measurement metrics policy. CC ID 01655 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Security Information and Event Management metrics program. CC ID 02078
    [{monthly basis} Tune security event alerting thresholds monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.11 Tune Security Event Alerting Thresholds]
    Log Management Preventive
    Report on the percentage of systems for which event logging has been implemented. CC ID 02102 Log Management Detective
    Report on the percentage of systems for which event logs are monitored and reviewed. CC ID 02103 Log Management Detective
    Report on the percentage of systems for which log capacity and log retention schedules have been implemented. CC ID 02104 Log Management Detective
    Report on the percentage of systems that generate warnings about anomalous activity or potentially unauthorized activity. CC ID 02105 Actionable Reports or Measurements Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain an incident management and vulnerability management metrics program. CC ID 02085
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1]
    Business Processes Preventive
    Report on the estimated damage or loss resulting from all security incidents. CC ID 01674 Actionable Reports or Measurements Detective
    Report on the percentage of security incidents that did not cause confidentiality, integrity, or availability losses beyond the Service Level Agreement thresholds. CC ID 01673 Actionable Reports or Measurements Detective
    Report on the percentage of operational time that critical services were unavailable due to security incidents. CC ID 02124 Actionable Reports or Measurements Detective
    Report on the percentage of security incidents that exploited existing security vulnerabilities with known solutions, patches, or workarounds. CC ID 02125 Actionable Reports or Measurements Detective
    Report on the percentage of systems affected by security incidents that exploited existing security vulnerabilities with known solutions, patches, or workarounds. CC ID 02126 Actionable Reports or Measurements Detective
    Report on the percentage of security incidents that were managed according to established policies, procedures, and processes. CC ID 02127 Actionable Reports or Measurements Detective
    Report on the number of security incidents reported to FedCIRC, NIPC, the Payment Card Industry, or local law enforcement. CC ID 02154 Actionable Reports or Measurements Detective
    Report on the percentage of systems with critical information assets or critical functions that have been assessed for security vulnerabilities. CC ID 02128 Actionable Reports or Measurements Detective
    Report on the percentage of vulnerability assessment findings that have been addressed since the last reporting period. CC ID 02129 Actionable Reports or Measurements Detective
    Report on the average elapsed time between the discovery of a new vulnerability and implementing corrective action. CC ID 02140 Actionable Reports or Measurements Detective
    Report on the percentage of physical security incidents that involved entry into a facility containing Information Systems. CC ID 04564 Actionable Reports or Measurements Detective
    Delay the reporting of incident management metrics, as necessary. CC ID 15501 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a log management program. CC ID 00673
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented audit log management process that defines the enterprise's logging requirements. At a minimum, address the collection, review, and retention of audit logs for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.1 Establish and Maintain an Audit Log Management Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented audit log management process that defines the enterprise's logging requirements. At a minimum, address the collection, review, and retention of audit logs for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.1 Establish and Maintain an Audit Log Management Process]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include transfer procedures in the log management program. CC ID 17077 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Deploy log normalization tools, as necessary. CC ID 12141 Technical Security Preventive
    Restrict access to logs to authorized individuals. CC ID 01342 Log Management Preventive
    Restrict access to audit trails to a need to know basis. CC ID 11641 Technical Security Preventive
    Refrain from recording unnecessary restricted data in logs. CC ID 06318 Log Management Preventive
    Back up audit trails according to backup procedures. CC ID 11642 Systems Continuity Preventive
    Back up logs according to backup procedures. CC ID 01344 Log Management Preventive
    Copy logs from all predefined hosts onto a log management infrastructure. CC ID 01346 Log Management Preventive
    Identify hosts with logs that are not being stored. CC ID 06314 Log Management Preventive
    Identify hosts with logs that are being stored at the system level only. CC ID 06315 Log Management Preventive
    Identify hosts with logs that should be stored at both the system level and the infrastructure level. CC ID 06316 Log Management Preventive
    Identify hosts with logs that are being stored at the infrastructure level only. CC ID 06317 Log Management Preventive
    Protect logs from unauthorized activity. CC ID 01345 Log Management Preventive
    Perform testing and validating activities on all logs. CC ID 06322 Log Management Preventive
    Archive the audit trail in accordance with compliance requirements. CC ID 00674 Log Management Preventive
    Enforce dual authorization as a part of information flow control for logs. CC ID 10098 Configuration Preventive
    Preserve the identity of individuals in audit trails. CC ID 10594 Log Management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a cross-organizational audit sharing agreement. CC ID 10595 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Provide cross-organizational audit information based on the cross-organizational audit sharing agreement. CC ID 10596 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a corrective action plan. CC ID 00675
    [{monthly basis} Establish and maintain a risk-based remediation strategy documented in a remediation process, with monthly, or more frequent, reviews. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.2 Establish and Maintain Remediation Process]
    Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Align corrective actions with the level of environmental impact. CC ID 15193 Business Processes Preventive
    Include evidence of the closure of findings in the corrective action plan. CC ID 16978 Actionable Reports or Measurements Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the corrective action plan. CC ID 16926 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include risks and opportunities in the corrective action plan. CC ID 15178 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include actions taken to resolve issues in the corrective action plan. CC ID 16884 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include environmental aspects in the corrective action plan. CC ID 15177 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the completion date in the corrective action plan. CC ID 13272 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include monitoring in the corrective action plan. CC ID 11645
    [{monthly basis} Establish and maintain a risk-based remediation strategy documented in a remediation process, with monthly, or more frequent, reviews. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.2 Establish and Maintain Remediation Process]
    Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Disseminate and communicate the corrective action plan to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16883 Communicate Preventive
  • Operational and Systems Continuity
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Operational and Systems Continuity CC ID 00731 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain a business continuity program. CC ID 13210 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a continuity plan. CC ID 00752 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a recovery plan. CC ID 13288
    [Establish and maintain data recovery practices sufficient to restore in-scope enterprise assets to a pre-incident and trusted state. CIS Control 11: Data Recovery
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data recovery process. In the process, address the scope of data recovery activities, recovery prioritization, and the security of backup data. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Recovery Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data recovery process. In the process, address the scope of data recovery activities, recovery prioritization, and the security of backup data. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Recovery Process]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of updates to the recovery plan. CC ID 13302 Communicate Preventive
    Include procedures to restore system interconnections in the recovery plan. CC ID 17100 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include procedures to restore network connectivity in the recovery plan. CC ID 16250 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include addressing backup failures in the recovery plan. CC ID 13298 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include voltage and frequency requirements in the recovery plan. CC ID 17098 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include procedures to verify completion of the data backup procedure in the recovery plan. CC ID 13297 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the roles and responsibilities of responders in the recovery plan. CC ID 13296 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Include the procedures for the storage of information necessary to recover functionality in the recovery plan. CC ID 13295
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data recovery process. In the process, address the scope of data recovery activities, recovery prioritization, and the security of backup data. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Recovery Process]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the backup procedures for information necessary to recover functionality in the recovery plan. CC ID 13294 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the criteria for activation in the recovery plan. CC ID 13293 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include escalation procedures in the recovery plan. CC ID 16248 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include procedures to preserve data before beginning the recovery process in the recovery plan. CC ID 13292
    [{be equivalent} Protect recovery data with equivalent controls to the original data. Reference encryption or data separation, based on requirements. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.3 Protect Recovery Data]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Determine the cause for the activation of the recovery plan. CC ID 13291 Investigate Detective
    Test the recovery plan, as necessary. CC ID 13290
    [{quarterly basis} Test backup recovery quarterly, or more frequently, for a sampling of in-scope enterprise assets. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.5 Test Data Recovery]
    Testing Detective
    Test the backup information, as necessary. CC ID 13303 Testing Detective
    Document lessons learned from testing the recovery plan or an actual event. CC ID 13301 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Disseminate and communicate the recovery plan to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14859 Communicate Preventive
    Include restoration procedures in the continuity plan. CC ID 01169 Establish Roles Preventive
    Include risk prioritized recovery procedures for each business unit in the recovery plan. CC ID 01166
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data recovery process. In the process, address the scope of data recovery activities, recovery prioritization, and the security of backup data. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Recovery Process]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system continuity plan strategies. CC ID 00735 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the protection of personnel in the continuity plan. CC ID 06378 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a critical personnel list. CC ID 00739
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain contact information for parties that need to be informed of security incidents. Contacts may include internal staff, service providers, law enforcement, cyber insurance providers, relevant government agencies, Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) partners, or other stakeholders. Verify contacts annually to ensure that information is up-to-date. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.2 Establish and Maintain Contact Information for Reporting Security Incidents]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Identify alternate personnel for each person on the critical personnel list. CC ID 12771 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Define the triggering events for when to activate the pandemic plan. CC ID 06801 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include technical preparation considerations for backup operations in the continuity plan. CC ID 01250 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain backup procedures for in scope systems. CC ID 01258 Systems Continuity Preventive
    Document the backup method and backup frequency on a case-by-case basis in the backup procedures. CC ID 01384
    [{weekly basis} Perform automated backups of in-scope enterprise assets. Run backups weekly, or more frequently, based on the sensitivity of the data. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.2 Perform Automated Backups]
    Systems Continuity Preventive
    Perform backup procedures for in scope systems. CC ID 11692
    [{weekly basis} Perform automated backups of in-scope enterprise assets. Run backups weekly, or more frequently, based on the sensitivity of the data. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.2 Perform Automated Backups]
    Process or Activity Preventive
    Perform full backups in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16376 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Perform incremental backups in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16375 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Back up all records. CC ID 11974 Systems Continuity Preventive
    Use virtual machine snapshots for full backups and changed block tracking (CBT) for incremental backups. CC ID 16374 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Document the Recovery Point Objective for triggering backup operations and restoration operations. CC ID 01259 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Encrypt backup data. CC ID 00958
    [{be equivalent} Protect recovery data with equivalent controls to the original data. Reference encryption or data separation, based on requirements. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.3 Protect Recovery Data]
    Configuration Preventive
    Log the execution of each backup. CC ID 00956 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Test backup media for media integrity and information integrity, as necessary. CC ID 01401 Testing Detective
    Test backup media at the alternate facility in addition to testing at the primary facility. CC ID 06375 Testing Detective
    Test each restored system for media integrity and information integrity. CC ID 01920 Testing Detective
    Include stakeholders when testing restored systems, as necessary. CC ID 13066 Testing Corrective
    Digitally sign disk images, as necessary. CC ID 06814 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Prepare the alternate facility for an emergency offsite relocation. CC ID 00744 Systems Continuity Preventive
    Protect backup systems and restoration systems at the alternate facility. CC ID 04883
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data recovery process. In the process, address the scope of data recovery activities, recovery prioritization, and the security of backup data. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Recovery Process]
    Systems Continuity Preventive
  • Operational management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Operational management CC ID 00805 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 01406 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a positive information control environment. CC ID 00813
    [{annual basis} Ensure that all software development personnel receive training in writing secure code for their specific development environment and responsibilities. Training can include general security principles and application security standard practices. Conduct training at least annually and design in a way to promote security within the development team, and build a culture of security among the developers. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.9 Train Developers in Application Security Concepts and Secure Coding]
    Business Processes Preventive
    Make compliance and governance decisions in a timely manner. CC ID 06490 Behavior Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an internal control framework. CC ID 00820 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include vulnerability management and risk assessment in the internal control framework. CC ID 13102
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Automate vulnerability management, as necessary. CC ID 11730 Configuration Preventive
    Include continuous user account management procedures in the internal control framework. CC ID 01360
    [Manage default accounts on enterprise assets and software, such as root, administrator, and other pre-configured vendor accounts. Example implementations can include: disabling default accounts or making them unusable. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.7 Manage Default Accounts on Enterprise Assets and Software
    Centralize account management through a directory or identity service. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.6 Centralize Account Management]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Implement and comply with the Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 00818 Business Processes Preventive
    Comply with all implemented policies in the organization's compliance framework. CC ID 06384
    [{annual basis} Document data flows. Data flow documentation includes service provider data flows and should be based on the enterprise's data management process. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.8 Document Data Flows
    {annual basis} Ensure service provider contracts include security requirements. Example requirements may include minimum security program requirements, security incident and/or data breach notification and response, data encryption requirements, and data disposal commitments. These security requirements must be consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Review service provider contracts annually to ensure contracts are not missing security requirements. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.4 Ensure Service Provider Contracts Include Security Requirements]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a network management program. CC ID 13123
    [{monthly basis} Ensure network infrastructure is kept up-to-date. Example implementations include running the latest stable release of software and/or using currently supported network-as-a-service (NaaS) offerings. Review software versions monthly, or more frequently, to verify software support. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.1 Ensure Network Infrastructure is Up-to-Date
    Securely manage network infrastructure. Example implementations include version-controlled-infrastructure-as-code, and the use of secure network protocols, such as SSH and HTTPS. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.3 Securely Manage Network Infrastructure]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include quality of service requirements in the network management program. CC ID 16429 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document the network design in the network management program. CC ID 13135 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain network documentation. CC ID 16497 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the network standard to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 13129 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Asset Management program. CC ID 06630
    [{unauthorized asset} Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile; network devices; non-computing/Internet of Things (IoT) devices; and servers) connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments, to accurately know the totality of assets that need to be monitored and protected within the enterprise. This will also support identifying unauthorized and unmanaged assets to remove or remediate. CIS Control 1: Inventory and Control of Enterprise Assets
    Securely manage enterprise assets and software. Example implementations include managing configuration through version-controlled Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) and accessing administrative interfaces over secure network protocols, such as Secure Shell (SSH) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). Do not use insecure management protocols, such as Telnet (Teletype Network) and HTTP, unless operationally essential. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.6 Securely Manage Enterprise Assets and Software]
    Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an asset management policy. CC ID 15219 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the asset management policy. CC ID 16424 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain asset management procedures. CC ID 16748 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Assign an information owner to organizational assets, as necessary. CC ID 12729 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Define the requirements for where assets can be located. CC ID 17051 Business Processes Preventive
    Define and prioritize the importance of each asset in the asset management program. CC ID 16837 Business Processes Preventive
    Include life cycle requirements in the security management program. CC ID 16392 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include program objectives in the asset management program. CC ID 14413 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a commitment to continual improvement in the asset management program. CC ID 14412 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include compliance with applicable requirements in the asset management program. CC ID 14411 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain administrative controls over all assets. CC ID 16400 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain classification schemes for all systems and assets. CC ID 01902 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Apply security controls to each level of the information classification standard. CC ID 01903 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain the systems' confidentiality level. CC ID 01904 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define confidentiality controls. CC ID 01908 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain the systems' availability level. CC ID 01905
    [Design and maintain a secure network architecture. A secure network architecture must address segmentation, least privilege, and availability, at a minimum. Example implementations may include documentation, policy, and design components. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.2 Establish and Maintain a Secure Network Architecture]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Restrict unscheduled downtime in order to maintain high availability for critical systems. CC ID 12742 Process or Activity Preventive
    Define integrity controls. CC ID 01909 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain the systems' integrity level. CC ID 01906 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define availability controls. CC ID 01911 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish safety classifications for systems according to their potential harmful effects to operators or end users. CC ID 06603 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an asset safety classification scheme. CC ID 06604 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain the Asset Classification Policy. CC ID 06642 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the Asset Classification Policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14851 Communicate Preventive
    Classify assets according to the Asset Classification Policy. CC ID 07186 Establish Roles Preventive
    Classify virtual systems by type and purpose. CC ID 16332 Business Processes Preventive
    Document the decision for assigning an asset to a specific asset classification in the Asset Classification Policy. CC ID 07185 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Apply asset protection mechanisms for all assets according to their assigned Asset Classification Policy. CC ID 07184 Establish Roles Preventive
    Disallow systems from processing information, disseminating and communicating information, or storing information that is above the system's assigned asset classification. CC ID 06606
    [{data storage}{be lower than} Segment data processing and storage based on the sensitivity of the data. Do not process sensitive data on enterprise assets intended for lower sensitivity data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.12 Segment Data Processing and Storage Based on Sensitivity]
    Configuration Preventive
    Assign decomposed system components the same asset classification as the originating system. CC ID 06605 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an asset inventory. CC ID 06631
    [{annual basis}{authentication system} Establish and maintain an inventory of the enterprise's authentication and authorization systems, including those hosted on-site or at a remote service provider. Review and update the inventory, at a minimum, annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.6 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Authentication and Authorization Systems
    {biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {weekly basis} Use DHCP logging on all DHCP servers or Internet Protocol (IP) address management tools to update the enterprise's asset inventory. Review and use logs to update the enterprise's asset inventory weekly, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.4 Use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Logging to Update Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Information Technology inventory with asset discovery audit trails. CC ID 00689
    [{weekly basis} Use a passive discovery tool to identify assets connected to the enterprise's network. Review and use scans to update the enterprise's asset inventory at least weekly, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.5 Use a Passive Asset Discovery Tool
    {biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include all account types in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 13311
    [{user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include each Information System's system boundaries in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 00695 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Identify processes, Information Systems, and third parties that transmit, process, or store restricted data. CC ID 06289 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include each Information System's major applications in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 01407
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Categorize all major applications according to the business information they process. CC ID 07182 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document the resources, hazards, and Evaluation Assurance Levels for each major application. CC ID 01164 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the General Support Systems and security support structure in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 01408 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include each Information System's minor applications in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 01409 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Conduct environmental surveys. CC ID 00690 Physical and Environmental Protection Preventive
    Categorize facilities in the Information Technology inventory according to their environmental risks. CC ID 06729 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a hardware asset inventory. CC ID 00691
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include network equipment in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 00693
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include mobile devices that store restricted data or restricted information in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 04719 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include interconnected systems and Software as a Service in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 04885
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Process or Activity Preventive
    Include software in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 00692 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish and maintain a list of authorized software and versions required for each system. CC ID 12093
    [{unauthorized software} Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all software (operating systems and applications) on the network so that only authorized software is installed and can execute, and that unauthorized and unmanaged software is found and prevented from installation or execution. CIS Control 2: Inventory and Control of Software Assets
    {monthly basis} Ensure network infrastructure is kept up-to-date. Example implementations include running the latest stable release of software and/or using currently supported network-as-a-service (NaaS) offerings. Review software versions monthly, or more frequently, to verify software support. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.1 Ensure Network Infrastructure is Up-to-Date
    {unauthorized software}{monthly basis} Ensure that only currently supported software is designated as authorized in the software inventory for enterprise assets. If software is unsupported, yet necessary for the fulfillment of the enterprise's mission, document an exception detailing mitigating controls and residual risk acceptance. For any unsupported software without an exception documentation, designate as unauthorized. Review the software list to verify software support at least monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.2 Ensure Authorized Software is Currently Supported
    {unauthorized software}{monthly basis} Ensure that only currently supported software is designated as authorized in the software inventory for enterprise assets. If software is unsupported, yet necessary for the fulfillment of the enterprise's mission, document an exception detailing mitigating controls and residual risk acceptance. For any unsupported software without an exception documentation, designate as unauthorized. Review the software list to verify software support at least monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.2 Ensure Authorized Software is Currently Supported
    {biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a storage media inventory. CC ID 00694 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include all electronic storage media containing restricted data or restricted information in the storage media inventory. CC ID 00962 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a records inventory and database inventory. CC ID 01260
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a data inventory based on the enterprise's data management process. Inventory sensitive data, at a minimum. Review and update inventory annually, at a minimum, with a priority on sensitive data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.2 Establish and Maintain a Data Inventory
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a data inventory based on the enterprise's data management process. Inventory sensitive data, at a minimum. Review and update inventory annually, at a minimum, with a priority on sensitive data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.2 Establish and Maintain a Data Inventory
    Implement an automated tool, such as a host-based Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tool to identify all sensitive data stored, processed, or transmitted through enterprise assets, including those located onsite or at a remote service provider, and update the enterprise's data inventory. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.13 Deploy a Data Loss Prevention Solution]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Add inventoried assets to the asset register database, as necessary. CC ID 07051 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Identify discrepancies between the asset register database and the Information Technology inventory, as necessary. CC ID 07052 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Corrective
    Investigate and resolve discrepancies between the asset register database and the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 07053 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Corrective
    Organize the asset register database by grouping objects according to an organizational information classification standard. CC ID 07181 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Use automated tools to collect Information Technology inventory information, as necessary. CC ID 07054
    [{daily basis} Utilize an active discovery tool to identify assets connected to the enterprise's network. Configure the active discovery tool to execute daily, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.3 Utilize an Active Discovery Tool
    Utilize software inventory tools, when possible, throughout the enterprise to automate the discovery and documentation of installed software. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.4 Utilize Automated Software Inventory Tools]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Link the authentication system to the asset inventory. CC ID 13718 Technical Security Preventive
    Record a unique name for each asset in the asset inventory. CC ID 16305 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Record the decommission date for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 14920
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record the status of information systems in the asset inventory. CC ID 16304 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Record the communication interfaces for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 16301 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Record the Uniform Resource Locator for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 14918
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include source code in the asset inventory. CC ID 14858 Records Management Preventive
    Assign ownership of maintaining the asset inventory, as necessary. CC ID 12344 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Employ Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server logging to detect systems not in the asset inventory. CC ID 12110 Technical Security Detective
    Record the review date for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 14919
    [{quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, must contain department owner, review date, and purpose. Perform service account reviews to validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.5 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Accounts]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record software license information for each asset in the asset inventory. CC ID 11736
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory
    {biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Data and Information Management Preventive
    Record services for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13733 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record protocols for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13734 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record the software version in the asset inventory. CC ID 12196
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record the publisher for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13725
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record the authentication system in the asset inventory. CC ID 13724
    [{annual basis}{authentication system} Establish and maintain an inventory of the enterprise's authentication and authorization systems, including those hosted on-site or at a remote service provider. Review and update the inventory, at a minimum, annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.6 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Authentication and Authorization Systems]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Tag unsupported assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13723 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record the install date for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13720
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record the make, model of device for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 12465 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record the asset tag for physical assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06632 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record the host name of applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13722
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record network ports for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13730 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record the MAC address for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13721
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record the operating system version for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 11748 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Record the operating system type for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06633 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record rooms at external locations in the asset inventory. CC ID 16302 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Record the department associated with the asset in the asset inventory. CC ID 12084
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record the physical location for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06634 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record the manufacturer's serial number for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06635 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record the firmware version for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 12195 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record the related business function for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06636
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, must contain department owner, review date, and purpose. Perform service account reviews to validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.5 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Accounts
    {biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record the deployment environment for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06637
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record the Internet Protocol address for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06638
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record trusted keys and certificates in the asset inventory. CC ID 15486 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Record cipher suites and protocols in the asset inventory. CC ID 15489 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Link the software asset inventory to the hardware asset inventory. CC ID 12085 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record the owner for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06640
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, must contain department owner, review date, and purpose. Perform service account reviews to validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.5 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Accounts]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record all compliance requirements for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 15696 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record all changes to assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 12190 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record cloud service derived data in the asset inventory. CC ID 13007 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include cloud service customer data in the asset inventory. CC ID 13006 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a software accountability policy. CC ID 00868 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain software asset management procedures. CC ID 00895
    [{unauthorized software} Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all software (operating systems and applications) on the network so that only authorized software is installed and can execute, and that unauthorized and unmanaged software is found and prevented from installation or execution. CIS Control 2: Inventory and Control of Software Assets
    Securely manage enterprise assets and software. Example implementations include managing configuration through version-controlled Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) and accessing administrative interfaces over secure network protocols, such as Secure Shell (SSH) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). Do not use insecure management protocols, such as Telnet (Teletype Network) and HTTP, unless operationally essential. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.6 Securely Manage Enterprise Assets and Software]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Prevent users from disabling required software. CC ID 16417 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain software archives procedures. CC ID 00866 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain software distribution procedures. CC ID 00894 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain software documentation management procedures. CC ID 06395 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain software license management procedures. CC ID 06639 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Automate software license monitoring, as necessary. CC ID 07057 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain digital legacy procedures. CC ID 16524 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system redeployment program. CC ID 06276 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Test systems for malicious code prior to when the system will be redeployed. CC ID 06339 Testing Detective
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties prior to when the system is redeployed or the system is disposed. CC ID 06400 Behavior Preventive
    Wipe all data on systems prior to when the system is redeployed or the system is disposed. CC ID 06401 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Reset systems to the default configuration prior to when the system is redeployed or the system is disposed. CC ID 16968 Configuration Preventive
    Transfer legal ownership of assets when the system is redeployed to a third party. CC ID 06698 Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services Preventive
    Document the staff's operating knowledge of the system prior to a personnel status change. CC ID 06937 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Redeploy systems to other organizational units, as necessary. CC ID 11452 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system disposal program. CC ID 14431 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain disposal procedures. CC ID 16513 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain asset sanitization procedures. CC ID 16511 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Destroy systems in accordance with the system disposal program. CC ID 16457 Business Processes Preventive
    Approve the release of systems and waste material into the public domain. CC ID 16461 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system destruction procedures. CC ID 16474 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain printer and multifunction device disposition procedures. CC ID 15216 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system preventive maintenance program. CC ID 00885 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish and maintain maintenance reports. CC ID 11749 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a list of assets that were removed or replaced during maintenance in the maintenance report. CC ID 17088 Maintenance Preventive
    Include a description of the maintenance performed in the maintenance report. CC ID 17087 Maintenance Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the maintenance report. CC ID 17086 Maintenance Preventive
    Include the date and time of maintenance in the maintenance report. CC ID 17085 Maintenance Preventive
    Establish and maintain system inspection reports. CC ID 06346 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system maintenance policy. CC ID 14032 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include compliance requirements in the system maintenance policy. CC ID 14217 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include management commitment in the system maintenance policy. CC ID 14216 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the system maintenance policy. CC ID 14215 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the scope in the system maintenance policy. CC ID 14214 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the system maintenance policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14213 Communicate Preventive
    Include the purpose in the system maintenance policy. CC ID 14187 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the system maintenance policy. CC ID 14181 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system maintenance procedures. CC ID 14059 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the system maintenance procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14194 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a technology refresh plan. CC ID 13061
    [Manage the security life cycle of in-house developed, hosted, or acquired software to prevent, detect, and remediate security weaknesses before they can impact the enterprise. CIS Control 16: Application Software Security]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a technology refresh schedule. CC ID 16940 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Provide advice regarding the establishment and implementation of an information technology refresh plan. CC ID 16938 Communicate Preventive
    Plan and conduct maintenance so that it does not interfere with scheduled operations. CC ID 06389 Physical and Environmental Protection Preventive
    Maintain contact with the device manufacturer or component manufacturer for maintenance requests. CC ID 06388 Behavior Preventive
    Use system components only when third party support is available. CC ID 10644 Maintenance Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain compensating controls for system components when third party support is no longer available. CC ID 17174 Process or Activity Preventive
    Obtain justification for the continued use of system components when third party support is no longer available. CC ID 10645 Maintenance Preventive
    Control and monitor all maintenance tools. CC ID 01432 Physical and Environmental Protection Detective
    Obtain approval before removing maintenance tools from the facility. CC ID 14298 Business Processes Preventive
    Control remote maintenance according to the system's asset classification. CC ID 01433 Technical Security Preventive
    Separate remote maintenance sessions from other network sessions with a logically separate communications path based upon encryption. CC ID 10614 Configuration Preventive
    Approve all remote maintenance sessions. CC ID 10615 Technical Security Preventive
    Log the performance of all remote maintenance. CC ID 13202 Log Management Preventive
    Terminate remote maintenance sessions when the remote maintenance is complete. CC ID 12083 Technical Security Preventive
    Conduct offsite maintenance in authorized facilities. CC ID 16473 Maintenance Preventive
    Conduct maintenance with authorized personnel. CC ID 01434 Testing Detective
    Disconnect non-volatile media from information systems prior to performing maintenance with uncleared personnel. CC ID 14295 Maintenance Preventive
    Sanitize volatile media in information systems prior to performing maintenance with uncleared personnel. CC ID 14291 Maintenance Preventive
    Respond to maintenance requests inside the organizationally established time frame. CC ID 04878 Behavior Preventive
    Establish and maintain an archive of maintenance reports in a maintenance log. CC ID 06202 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Acquire spare parts prior to when maintenance requests are scheduled. CC ID 11833 Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services Preventive
    Perform periodic maintenance according to organizational standards. CC ID 01435 Behavior Preventive
    Restart systems on a periodic basis. CC ID 16498 Maintenance Preventive
    Remove components being serviced from the information system prior to performing maintenance. CC ID 14251 Maintenance Preventive
    Employ dedicated systems during system maintenance. CC ID 12108
    [Establish and maintain dedicated computing resources, either physically or logically separated, for all administrative tasks or tasks requiring administrative access. The computing resources should be segmented from the enterprise's primary network and not be allowed internet access. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.8 Establish and Maintain Dedicated Computing Resources for All Administrative Work]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Isolate dedicated systems used for system maintenance from Internet access. CC ID 12114
    [Establish and maintain dedicated computing resources, either physically or logically separated, for all administrative tasks or tasks requiring administrative access. The computing resources should be segmented from the enterprise's primary network and not be allowed internet access. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.8 Establish and Maintain Dedicated Computing Resources for All Administrative Work]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Control granting access to appropriate parties performing maintenance on organizational assets. CC ID 11873 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Identify and authenticate appropriate parties prior to granting access to maintain assets. CC ID 11874 Physical and Environmental Protection Preventive
    Calibrate assets according to the calibration procedures for the asset. CC ID 06203 Testing Detective
    Post calibration limits or calibration tolerances on or near assets requiring calibration. CC ID 06204 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Implement automated mechanisms to transfer predictive maintenance data to a maintenance management system. CC ID 10616 Process or Activity Preventive
    Refrain from protecting physical assets when no longer required. CC ID 13484 Physical and Environmental Protection Corrective
    Disassemble and shut down unnecessary systems or unused systems. CC ID 06280 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an end-of-life management process. CC ID 16540 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate end-of-life information for system components to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16937 Communicate Preventive
    Dispose of hardware and software at their life cycle end. CC ID 06278 Business Processes Preventive
    Refrain from placing assets being disposed into organizational dumpsters. CC ID 12200 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain disposal contracts. CC ID 12199 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include disposal procedures in disposal contracts. CC ID 13905 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Remove asset tags prior to disposal of an asset. CC ID 12198 Business Processes Preventive
    Document the storage information for all systems that are stored instead of being disposed or redeployed. CC ID 06936 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Test for detrimental environmental factors after a system is disposed. CC ID 06938 Testing Detective
    Review each system's operational readiness. CC ID 06275 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a data stewardship policy. CC ID 06657 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish and maintain an unauthorized software list. CC ID 10601
    [{monthly basis} Ensure that unauthorized software is either removed from use on enterprise assets or receives a documented exception. Review monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.3 Address Unauthorized Software
    {unauthorized software}{monthly basis} Ensure that only currently supported software is designated as authorized in the software inventory for enterprise assets. If software is unsupported, yet necessary for the fulfillment of the enterprise's mission, document an exception detailing mitigating controls and residual risk acceptance. For any unsupported software without an exception documentation, designate as unauthorized. Review the software list to verify software support at least monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.2 Ensure Authorized Software is Currently Supported]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a customer service program. CC ID 00846 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Incident Management program. CC ID 00853
    [{annual basis} Determine which primary and secondary mechanisms will be used to communicate and report during a security incident. Mechanisms can include phone calls, emails, secure chat, or notification letters. Keep in mind that certain mechanisms, such as emails, can be affected during a security incident. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.6 Define Mechanisms for Communicating During Incident Response]
    Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an incident management policy. CC ID 16414 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the incident management policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16885 Communicate Preventive
    Define and assign the roles and responsibilities for Incident Management program. CC ID 13055
    [Designate one key person, and at least one backup, who will manage the enterprise's incident handling process. Management personnel are responsible for the coordination and documentation of incident response and recovery efforts and can consist of employees internal to the enterprise, service providers, or a hybrid approach. If using a service provider, designate at least one person internal to the enterprise to oversee any third-party work. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.1 Designate Personnel to Manage Incident Handling]
    Human Resources Management Preventive
    Define the uses and capabilities of the Incident Management program. CC ID 00854 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include incident escalation procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 00856 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define the characteristics of the Incident Management program. CC ID 00855 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the criteria for a data loss event in the Incident Management program. CC ID 12179
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain security incident thresholds, including, at a minimum, differentiating between an incident and an event. Examples can include: abnormal activity, security vulnerability, security weakness, data breach, privacy incident, etc. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.9 Establish and Maintain Security Incident Thresholds]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the criteria for an incident in the Incident Management program. CC ID 12173
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain security incident thresholds, including, at a minimum, differentiating between an incident and an event. Examples can include: abnormal activity, security vulnerability, security weakness, data breach, privacy incident, etc. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.9 Establish and Maintain Security Incident Thresholds]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include references to, or portions of, the Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework in the incident management program, as necessary. CC ID 13504 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an anti-money laundering program. CC ID 13675 Business Processes Detective
    Include incident monitoring procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01207 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Categorize the incident following an incident response. CC ID 13208 Technical Security Preventive
    Define and document impact thresholds to be used in categorizing incidents. CC ID 10033
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain security incident thresholds, including, at a minimum, differentiating between an incident and an event. Examples can include: abnormal activity, security vulnerability, security weakness, data breach, privacy incident, etc. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.9 Establish and Maintain Security Incident Thresholds
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain security incident thresholds, including, at a minimum, differentiating between an incident and an event. Examples can include: abnormal activity, security vulnerability, security weakness, data breach, privacy incident, etc. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.9 Establish and Maintain Security Incident Thresholds]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Determine the incident severity level when assessing the security incidents. CC ID 01650 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Corrective
    Require personnel to monitor for and report known or suspected compromise of assets. CC ID 16453 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Require personnel to monitor for and report suspicious account activity. CC ID 16462 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Identify root causes of incidents that force system changes. CC ID 13482 Investigate Detective
    Respond to and triage when an incident is detected. CC ID 06942 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Document the incident and any relevant evidence in the incident report. CC ID 08659 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Escalate incidents, as necessary. CC ID 14861 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Corrective
    Include support from law enforcement authorities when conducting incident response activities, as necessary. CC ID 13197 Process or Activity Corrective
    Respond to all alerts from security systems in a timely manner. CC ID 06434 Behavior Corrective
    Coordinate incident response activities with interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 13196 Process or Activity Corrective
    Contain the incident to prevent further loss. CC ID 01751 Process or Activity Corrective
    Wipe data and memory after an incident has been detected. CC ID 16850 Technical Security Corrective
    Refrain from accessing compromised systems. CC ID 01752 Technical Security Corrective
    Isolate compromised systems from the network. CC ID 01753 Technical Security Corrective
    Store system logs for in scope systems as digital forensic evidence after a security incident has been detected. CC ID 01754 Log Management Corrective
    Change authenticators after a security incident has been detected. CC ID 06789 Technical Security Corrective
    Refrain from turning on any in scope devices that are turned off when a security incident is detected. CC ID 08677 Investigate Detective
    Record actions taken by investigators during a forensic investigation in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 07095 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the investigation methodology in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 17071 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include corrective actions in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 17070 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the investigation results in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 17069 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include where the digital forensic evidence was found in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08674 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Include the condition of the digital forensic evidence in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08678 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Assess all incidents to determine what information was accessed. CC ID 01226 Testing Corrective
    Check the precursors and indicators when assessing the security incidents. CC ID 01761 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Corrective
    Analyze the incident response process following an incident response. CC ID 13179 Investigate Detective
    Share incident information with interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 01212 Data and Information Management Corrective
    Share data loss event information with the media. CC ID 01759 Behavior Corrective
    Comply with privacy regulations and civil liberties requirements when sharing data loss event information. CC ID 10036 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Share data loss event information with interconnected system owners. CC ID 01209 Establish/Maintain Documentation Corrective
    Redact restricted data before sharing incident information. CC ID 16994 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of an extortion payment in the event of a cybersecurity event. CC ID 16539 Communicate Preventive
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of the reasons for the extortion payment, along with any alternative solutions. CC ID 16538 Communicate Preventive
    Document the justification for not reporting incidents to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16547 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Report data loss event information to breach notification organizations. CC ID 01210 Data and Information Management Corrective
    Submit an incident management audit log to the proper authorities for each security breach that affects a predefined number of individuals, as necessary. CC ID 06326 Log Management Detective
    Report to breach notification organizations the reasons for a delay in sending breach notifications. CC ID 16797 Communicate Preventive
    Report to breach notification organizations the distribution list to which the organization will send data loss event notifications. CC ID 16782 Communicate Preventive
    Report to breach notification organizations the time frame in which the organization will send data loss event notifications to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 04731 Behavior Corrective
    Remediate security violations according to organizational standards. CC ID 12338 Business Processes Preventive
    Include data loss event notifications in the Incident Response program. CC ID 00364 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include legal requirements for data loss event notifications in the Incident Response program. CC ID 11954 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of the privacy breach that affects their personal data. CC ID 00365 Behavior Corrective
    Determine whether or not incident response notifications are necessary during the privacy breach investigation. CC ID 00801 Behavior Detective
    Delay sending incident response notifications under predetermined conditions. CC ID 00804 Behavior Corrective
    Include required information in the written request to delay the notification to affected parties. CC ID 16785 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Submit written requests to delay the notification of affected parties. CC ID 16783 Communicate Preventive
    Revoke the written request to delay the notification. CC ID 16843 Process or Activity Preventive
    Design the text of the notice for all incident response notifications to be no smaller than 10-point type. CC ID 12985 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Avoid false positive incident response notifications. CC ID 04732 Behavior Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain incident response notifications. CC ID 12975 Establish/Maintain Documentation Corrective
    Refrain from charging for providing incident response notifications. CC ID 13876 Business Processes Preventive
    Include information required by law in incident response notifications. CC ID 00802
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Title breach notifications "Notice of Data Breach". CC ID 12977 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Display titles of incident response notifications clearly and conspicuously. CC ID 12986 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Display headings in incident response notifications clearly and conspicuously. CC ID 12987 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Design the incident response notification to call attention to its nature and significance. CC ID 12984 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Use plain language to write incident response notifications. CC ID 12976 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include directions for changing the user's authenticator or security questions and answers in the breach notification. CC ID 12983 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Refrain from including restricted information in the incident response notification. CC ID 16806 Actionable Reports or Measurements Preventive
    Include the affected parties rights in the incident response notification. CC ID 16811 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include details of the investigation in incident response notifications. CC ID 12296 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the issuer's name in incident response notifications. CC ID 12062 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a "What Happened" heading in breach notifications. CC ID 12978 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a general description of the data loss event in incident response notifications. CC ID 04734 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include time information in incident response notifications. CC ID 04745 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the identification of the data source in incident response notifications. CC ID 12305 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a "What Information Was Involved" heading in the breach notification. CC ID 12979 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the type of information that was lost in incident response notifications. CC ID 04735 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the type of information the organization maintains about the affected parties in incident response notifications. CC ID 04776 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a "What We Are Doing" heading in the breach notification. CC ID 12982 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include what the organization has done to enhance data protection controls in incident response notifications. CC ID 04736 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include what the organization is offering or has already done to assist affected parties in incident response notifications. CC ID 04737 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a "For More Information" heading in breach notifications. CC ID 12981 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include details of the companies and persons involved in incident response notifications. CC ID 12295 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the credit reporting agencies' contact information in incident response notifications. CC ID 04744 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the reporting individual's contact information in incident response notifications. CC ID 12297 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include any consequences in the incident response notifications. CC ID 12604 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include whether the notification was delayed due to a law enforcement investigation in incident response notifications. CC ID 04746 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a "What You Can Do" heading in the breach notification. CC ID 12980 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include how the affected parties can protect themselves from identity theft in incident response notifications. CC ID 04738 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Provide enrollment information for identity theft prevention services or identity theft mitigation services. CC ID 13767 Communicate Corrective
    Offer identity theft prevention services or identity theft mitigation services at no cost to the affected parties. CC ID 13766 Business Processes Corrective
    Include contact information in incident response notifications. CC ID 04739 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a copy of the incident response notification in breach notifications, as necessary. CC ID 13085 Communicate Preventive
    Send paper incident response notifications to affected parties, as necessary. CC ID 00366 Behavior Corrective
    Post the incident response notification on the organization's website. CC ID 16809 Process or Activity Preventive
    Determine if a substitute incident response notification is permitted if notifying affected parties. CC ID 00803 Behavior Corrective
    Document the determination for providing a substitute incident response notification. CC ID 16841 Process or Activity Preventive
    Use a substitute incident response notification to notify interested personnel and affected parties of the privacy breach that affects their personal data. CC ID 00368 Behavior Corrective
    Telephone incident response notifications to affected parties, as necessary. CC ID 04650 Behavior Corrective
    Send electronic substitute incident response notifications to affected parties, as necessary. CC ID 04747 Behavior Preventive
    Include contact information in the substitute incident response notification. CC ID 16776 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Post substitute incident response notifications to the organization's website, as necessary. CC ID 04748 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Send substitute incident response notifications to breach notification organizations, as necessary. CC ID 04750 Behavior Preventive
    Publish the incident response notification in a general circulation periodical. CC ID 04651 Behavior Corrective
    Publish the substitute incident response notification in a general circulation periodical, as necessary. CC ID 04769 Behavior Preventive
    Send electronic incident response notifications to affected parties, as necessary. CC ID 00367 Behavior Corrective
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of the privacy breach about any recovered restricted data. CC ID 13347 Communicate Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a containment strategy. CC ID 13480 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the containment approach in the containment strategy. CC ID 13486 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include response times in the containment strategy. CC ID 13485 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include incident recovery procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01758 Establish/Maintain Documentation Corrective
    Change wireless access variables after a data loss event has been detected. CC ID 01756 Technical Security Corrective
    Eradicate the cause of the incident after the incident has been contained. CC ID 01757 Business Processes Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a restoration log. CC ID 12745 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a description of the restored data that was restored manually in the restoration log. CC ID 15463 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include a description of the restored data in the restoration log. CC ID 15462 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Implement security controls for personnel that have accessed information absent authorization. CC ID 10611 Human Resources Management Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain compromised system reaccreditation procedures. CC ID 00592 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Detect any potentially undiscovered security vulnerabilities on previously compromised systems. CC ID 06265 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Re-image compromised systems with secure builds. CC ID 12086 Technical Security Corrective
    Analyze security violations in Suspicious Activity Reports. CC ID 00591 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include lessons learned from analyzing security violations in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01234 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Provide progress reports of the incident investigation to the appropriate roles, as necessary. CC ID 12298 Investigate Preventive
    Update the incident response procedures using the lessons learned. CC ID 01233 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Test incident monitoring procedures. CC ID 13194 Testing Detective
    Include incident response procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01218 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Integrate configuration management procedures into the incident management program. CC ID 13647 Technical Security Preventive
    Include incident management procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 12689
    [Designate one key person, and at least one backup, who will manage the enterprise's incident handling process. Management personnel are responsible for the coordination and documentation of incident response and recovery efforts and can consist of employees internal to the enterprise, service providers, or a hybrid approach. If using a service provider, designate at least one person internal to the enterprise to oversee any third-party work. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.1 Designate Personnel to Manage Incident Handling]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain temporary and emergency access authorization procedures. CC ID 00858 Establish/Maintain Documentation Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain temporary and emergency access revocation procedures. CC ID 15334 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include after-action analysis procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01219
    [Conduct post-incident reviews. Post-incident reviews help prevent incident recurrence through identifying lessons learned and follow-up action. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.8 Conduct Post-Incident Reviews]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain security and breach investigation procedures. CC ID 16844 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Conduct incident investigations, as necessary. CC ID 13826 Process or Activity Detective
    Analyze the behaviors of individuals involved in the incident during incident investigations. CC ID 14042 Investigate Detective
    Identify the affected parties during incident investigations. CC ID 16781 Investigate Detective
    Interview suspects during incident investigations, as necessary. CC ID 14041 Investigate Detective
    Interview victims and witnesses during incident investigations, as necessary. CC ID 14038 Investigate Detective
    Document any potential harm in the incident finding when concluding the incident investigation. CC ID 13830 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Destroy investigative materials, as necessary. CC ID 17082 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain incident management audit logs. CC ID 13514 Records Management Preventive
    Log incidents in the Incident Management audit log. CC ID 00857 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include who the incident was reported to in the incident management audit log. CC ID 16487 Log Management Preventive
    Include the information that was exchanged in the incident management audit log. CC ID 16995 Log Management Preventive
    Include corrective actions in the incident management audit log. CC ID 16466 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the organizational functions affected by disruption in the Incident Management audit log. CC ID 12238 Log Management Corrective
    Include the organization's business products and services affected by disruptions in the Incident Management audit log. CC ID 12234 Log Management Preventive
    Include emergency processing priorities in the Incident Management program. CC ID 00859 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include user's responsibilities for when a theft has occurred in the Incident Management program. CC ID 06387 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include incident record closure procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01620 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include incident reporting procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 11772
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents
    {annual basis} Determine which primary and secondary mechanisms will be used to communicate and report during a security incident. Mechanisms can include phone calls, emails, secure chat, or notification letters. Keep in mind that certain mechanisms, such as emails, can be affected during a security incident. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.6 Define Mechanisms for Communicating During Incident Response]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain incident reporting time frame standards. CC ID 12142
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents]
    Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Incident Response program. CC ID 00579
    [Establish a program to develop and maintain an incident response capability (e.g., policies, plans, procedures, defined roles, training, and communications) to prepare, detect, and quickly respond to an attack. CIS Control 17: Incident Response Management]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Create an incident response report. CC ID 12700 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include how the incident was discovered in the incident response report. CC ID 16987 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the categories of data that were compromised in the incident response report. CC ID 16985 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include disciplinary actions taken in the incident response report. CC ID 16810 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the persons responsible for the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 16808 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the number of individuals the incident response notification was sent to in the incident response report. CC ID 16789 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include any consequences to organizational reputation and confidence due to the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12728 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the number of customers that were affected by the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12727 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include investments associated with the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12726 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include costs associated with the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12725 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include losses due to the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12724 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a description of the impact the incident had on customer service in the incident response report. CC ID 12735 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include foregone revenue from the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12723 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the magnitude of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12722 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include implications of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12721 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include measures to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the incident response report. CC ID 12720 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include breaches of regulatory requirements due to the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12719 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include information on all affected assets in the incident response report. CC ID 12718 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the scope of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12717 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the duration of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12716 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the extent of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12715 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include measures to mitigate the root causes of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12714 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the reasons the incident occurred in the incident response report. CC ID 12711 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the frequency of similar incidents occurring in the incident response report. CC ID 12712 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include lessons learned from the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12713
    [Conduct post-incident reviews. Post-incident reviews help prevent incident recurrence through identifying lessons learned and follow-up action. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.8 Conduct Post-Incident Reviews]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include where the incident occurred in the incident response report. CC ID 12710 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include when the incident occurred in the incident response report. CC ID 12709 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include corrective action taken to eradicate the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12708
    [Conduct post-incident reviews. Post-incident reviews help prevent incident recurrence through identifying lessons learned and follow-up action. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.8 Conduct Post-Incident Reviews]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a description of the impact the incident had on regulatory compliance in the incident response report. CC ID 12704 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a description of the impact the incident had on operations in the incident response report. CC ID 12703 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include an executive summary of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12702 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a root cause analysis of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12701 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Submit the incident response report to the proper authorities in a timely manner. CC ID 12705 Communicate Preventive
    Employ tools and mechanisms to support the organization's Incident Response program. CC ID 13182 Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services Preventive
    Define target resolution times for incident response in the Incident Response program. CC ID 13072 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Analyze and respond to security alerts. CC ID 12504 Business Processes Detective
    Mitigate reported incidents. CC ID 12973 Actionable Reports or Measurements Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an incident response plan. CC ID 12056 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include addressing external communications in the incident response plan. CC ID 13351 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include addressing internal communications in the incident response plan. CC ID 13350 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include change control procedures in the incident response plan. CC ID 15479 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include addressing information sharing in the incident response plan. CC ID 13349 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include dynamic reconfiguration in the incident response plan. CC ID 14306 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a definition of reportable incidents in the incident response plan. CC ID 14303 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the management support needed for incident response in the incident response plan. CC ID 14300 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include root cause analysis in the incident response plan. CC ID 16423 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include how incident response fits into the organization in the incident response plan. CC ID 14294 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the resources needed for incident response in the incident response plan. CC ID 14292 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a cyber incident response plan. CC ID 13286 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the cyber incident response plan to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16838 Communicate Preventive
    Include incident response team structures in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01237 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the incident response team member's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01652
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented incident response process that addresses roles and responsibilities, compliance requirements, and a communication plan. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.4 Establish and Maintain an Incident Response Process
    {annual basis} Assign key roles and responsibilities for incident response, including staff from incident responders, analysts, and relevant third parties. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.5 Assign Key Roles and Responsibilities
    {annual basis} Assign key roles and responsibilities for incident response, including staff from incident responders, analysts, and relevant third parties. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.5 Assign Key Roles and Responsibilities]
    Establish Roles Preventive
    Include the incident response point of contact's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01877 Establish Roles Preventive
    Open a priority incident request after a security breach is detected. CC ID 04838 Testing Corrective
    Activate the incident response notification procedures after a security breach is detected. CC ID 04839 Testing Corrective
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties that a security breach was detected. CC ID 11788 Communicate Corrective
    Include the head of information security's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01878 Establish Roles Preventive
    Include the customer database owner's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01879 Establish Roles Preventive
    Include the online sales department's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01880 Establish Roles Preventive
    Include the incident response point of contact for credit card payment system's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01881 Establish Roles Preventive
    Include the organizational legal counsel's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01882 Establish Roles Preventive
    Include the Human Resources point of contact's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01883 Establish Roles Preventive
    Include the organizational incident response network architecture point of contact's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01884 Establish Roles Preventive
    Include the organizational incident response public relations point of contact's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01885 Establish Roles Preventive
    Include the organizational incident response location manager's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01886 Establish Roles Preventive
    Assign the distribution of security alerts to the appropriate role in the incident response program. CC ID 11887 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Assign monitoring and analyzing the security alert when a security alert is received to the appropriate role in the incident response program. CC ID 11886
    [{annual basis} Assign key roles and responsibilities for incident response, including staff from incident responders, analysts, and relevant third parties. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.5 Assign Key Roles and Responsibilities]
    Investigate Detective
    Assign establishing, implementing, and maintaining incident response procedures to the appropriate role in the incident response program. CC ID 12473 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Assign the distribution of incident response procedures to the appropriate role in the incident response program. CC ID 12474 Communicate Preventive
    Include personnel contact information in the event of an incident in the Incident Response program. CC ID 06385
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain contact information for parties that need to be informed of security incidents. Contacts may include internal staff, service providers, law enforcement, cyber insurance providers, relevant government agencies, Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) partners, or other stakeholders. Verify contacts annually to ensure that information is up-to-date. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.2 Establish and Maintain Contact Information for Reporting Security Incidents
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include what information interested personnel and affected parties need in the event of an incident in the Incident Response program. CC ID 11789 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include identifying remediation actions in the incident response plan. CC ID 13354 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include procedures for providing updated status information to the crisis management team in the incident response plan. CC ID 12776 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include log management procedures in the incident response program. CC ID 17081 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include coverage of all system components in the Incident Response program. CC ID 11955 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Prepare for incident response notifications. CC ID 00584 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include incident response team services in the Incident Response program. CC ID 11766 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the incident response training program in the Incident Response program. CC ID 06750 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Incorporate simulated events into the incident response training program. CC ID 06751 Behavior Preventive
    Incorporate realistic exercises that are tested into the incident response training program. CC ID 06753 Behavior Preventive
    Conduct incident response training. CC ID 11889
    [Plan and conduct routine incident response exercises and scenarios for key personnel involved in the incident response process to prepare for responding to real-world incidents. Exercises need to test communication channels, decision-making, and workflows. Conduct testing on an annual basis, at a minimum. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.7 Conduct Routine Incident Response Exercises]
    Training Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an incident response policy. CC ID 14024 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include compliance requirements in the incident response policy. CC ID 14108
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented incident response process that addresses roles and responsibilities, compliance requirements, and a communication plan. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.4 Establish and Maintain an Incident Response Process]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the incident response policy. CC ID 14107
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented incident response process that addresses roles and responsibilities, compliance requirements, and a communication plan. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.4 Establish and Maintain an Incident Response Process]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include management commitment in the incident response policy. CC ID 14106 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the incident response policy. CC ID 14105 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the scope in the incident response policy. CC ID 14104 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the purpose in the incident response policy. CC ID 14101 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the incident response policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14099 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain incident response procedures. CC ID 01206
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented incident response process that addresses roles and responsibilities, compliance requirements, and a communication plan. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.4 Establish and Maintain an Incident Response Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented incident response process that addresses roles and responsibilities, compliance requirements, and a communication plan. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.4 Establish and Maintain an Incident Response Process]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Include references to industry best practices in the incident response procedures. CC ID 11956 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include responding to alerts from security monitoring systems in the incident response procedures. CC ID 11949 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Respond when an integrity violation is detected, as necessary. CC ID 10678 Technical Security Corrective
    Shut down systems when an integrity violation is detected, as necessary. CC ID 10679 Technical Security Corrective
    Restart systems when an integrity violation is detected, as necessary. CC ID 10680 Technical Security Corrective
    Maintain contact with breach notification organizations for notification purposes in the event a privacy breach has occurred. CC ID 01213 Behavior Preventive
    Include business continuity procedures in the Incident Response program. CC ID 06433 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Coordinate backup procedures as defined in the system continuity plan with backup procedures necessary for incident response procedures. CC ID 06432 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include consumer protection procedures in the Incident Response program. CC ID 12755 Systems Continuity Preventive
    Include the reimbursement of customers for financial losses due to incidents in the Incident Response program. CC ID 12756 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish trust between the incident response team and the end user community during an incident. CC ID 01217 Testing Detective
    Include business recovery procedures in the Incident Response program. CC ID 11774 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a digital forensic evidence framework. CC ID 08652 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Retain collected evidence for potential future legal actions. CC ID 01235 Records Management Preventive
    Protect devices containing digital forensic evidence during transport. CC ID 08687 Investigate Detective
    Protect devices containing digital forensic evidence in sealed containers. CC ID 08685 Investigate Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a chain of custody for all devices containing digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08686 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Include time information in the chain of custody. CC ID 17068 Log Management Preventive
    Include actions performed on evidence in the chain of custody. CC ID 17067 Log Management Preventive
    Include individuals who had custody of evidence in the chain of custody. CC ID 17066 Log Management Preventive
    Define the business scenarios that require digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08653 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define the circumstances for collecting digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08657 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Conduct forensic investigations in the event of a security compromise. CC ID 11951 Investigate Corrective
    Contact affected parties to participate in forensic investigations, as necessary. CC ID 12343 Communicate Detective
    Identify potential sources of digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08651 Investigate Preventive
    Document the legal requirements for evidence collection. CC ID 08654 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a digital forensic evidence collection program. CC ID 08655 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the digital forensic evidence collection program. CC ID 15724 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain secure storage and handling of evidence procedures. CC ID 08656 Records Management Preventive
    Prepare digital forensic equipment. CC ID 08688 Investigate Detective
    Use digital forensic equipment suitable to the circumstances. CC ID 08690 Investigate Detective
    Provide relevant user manuals for digital forensic equipment during use. CC ID 08691 Investigate Detective
    Include the hardware configuration and software configuration of the digital forensic equipment in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08693 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Test the operation of the digital forensic equipment prior to use. CC ID 08694 Testing Detective
    Maintain digital forensic equipment for proper performance. CC ID 08689 Investigate Detective
    Collect evidence from the incident scene. CC ID 02236 Business Processes Corrective
    Include documentation of the system containing and surrounding digital forensic evidence in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08679 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Include the configuration settings of devices associated with digital forensic evidence in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08676 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Include the external connections to systems containing digital forensic evidence in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08680 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Include the electronic media storage devices containing digital forensic evidence in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08695 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Include all system components of systems containing digital forensic evidence in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08696 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Refrain from altering the state of compromised systems when collecting digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08671 Investigate Detective
    Follow all applicable laws and principles when collecting digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08672 Investigate Detective
    Remove everyone except interested personnel and affected parties from the proximity of digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08675 Investigate Detective
    Secure devices containing digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08681 Investigate Detective
    Use a write blocker to prevent digital forensic evidence from being modified. CC ID 08692 Investigate Detective
    Capture volatile information from devices containing digital forensic evidence prior to shutdown. CC ID 08684 Investigate Detective
    Create a system image of the device before collecting digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08673 Investigate Detective
    Shut down stand alone devices containing digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08682 Investigate Detective
    Disconnect electronic media storage devices of systems containing digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08697 Investigate Detective
    Place evidence tape over devices containing digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08683 Investigate Detective
    Disseminate and communicate the incident response procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 01215
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the final incident report, which includes the investigation results and any remediation activity results. CC ID 12306 Actionable Reports or Measurements Preventive
    Test the incident response procedures. CC ID 01216
    [Plan and conduct routine incident response exercises and scenarios for key personnel involved in the incident response process to prepare for responding to real-world incidents. Exercises need to test communication channels, decision-making, and workflows. Conduct testing on an annual basis, at a minimum. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.7 Conduct Routine Incident Response Exercises
    Plan and conduct routine incident response exercises and scenarios for key personnel involved in the incident response process to prepare for responding to real-world incidents. Exercises need to test communication channels, decision-making, and workflows. Conduct testing on an annual basis, at a minimum. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.7 Conduct Routine Incident Response Exercises]
    Testing Detective
    Document the results of incident response tests and provide them to senior management. CC ID 14857 Actionable Reports or Measurements Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a change control program. CC ID 00886 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a patch management program. CC ID 00896 Process or Activity Preventive
    Deploy software patches in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 07032 Configuration Corrective
    Patch software. CC ID 11825
    [{monthly basis} Perform application updates on enterprise assets through automated patch management on a monthly, or more frequent, basis. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.4 Perform Automated Application Patch Management]
    Technical Security Corrective
    Patch the operating system, as necessary. CC ID 11824
    [{monthly basis} Perform operating system updates on enterprise assets through automated patch management on a monthly, or more frequent, basis. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.3 Perform Operating System Patch Management]
    Technical Security Corrective
  • Physical and environmental protection
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Physical and environmental protection CC ID 00709 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain a physical security program. CC ID 11757 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain physical security controls for distributed assets. CC ID 00718 Physical and Environmental Protection Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain removable storage media controls. CC ID 06680 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Separate duplicate originals and backup media from the original electronic storage media. CC ID 00961
    [Establish and maintain an isolated instance of recovery data. Example implementations include version controlling backup destinations through offline, cloud, or off-site systems or services. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.4 Establish and Maintain an Isolated Instance of Recovery Data]
    Records Management Preventive
    Protect distributed assets against theft. CC ID 06799 Physical and Environmental Protection Preventive
    Remote wipe any distributed asset reported lost or stolen. CC ID 12197
    [{be appropriate} Remotely wipe enterprise data from enterprise-owned portable end-user devices when deemed appropriate such as lost or stolen devices, or when an individual no longer supports the enterprise. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.11 Enforce Remote Wipe Capability on Portable End-User Devices]
    Process or Activity Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 04723
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a "Return to Sender" text file on mobile devices. CC ID 17075 Process or Activity Preventive
    Include usage restrictions for untrusted networks in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 17076 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Require users to refrain from leaving mobile devices unattended. CC ID 16446 Business Processes Preventive
    Include the expectation of data loss in the event of sanitizing the mobile device in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 12292 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include legal requirements in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 12291 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the use of privacy filters in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 16452 Physical and Environmental Protection Preventive
    Include prohibiting the usage of unapproved application stores in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 12290 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include requiring users to create data backups in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 12289 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the definition of mobile devices in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 12288 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Refrain from responding to unsolicited Personal Identification Number requests. CC ID 12430 Physical and Environmental Protection Preventive
    Wipe information from mobile devices after a predetermined number of unsuccessful logon attempts. CC ID 14242 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Refrain from pairing Bluetooth devices in unsecured areas. CC ID 12429 Physical and Environmental Protection Preventive
    Encrypt information stored on mobile devices. CC ID 01422 Data and Information Management Preventive
  • Privacy protection for information and data
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Privacy protection for information and data CC ID 00008 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain a privacy framework that protects restricted data. CC ID 11850 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a data handling program. CC ID 13427
    [Develop processes and technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data. CIS Control 3: Data Protection
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain data handling policies. CC ID 00353 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain data and information confidentiality policies. CC ID 00361 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Prohibit personal data from being sent by e-mail or instant messaging. CC ID 00565 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Protect electronic messaging information. CC ID 12022 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain record structures to support information confidentiality. CC ID 00360 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include passwords, Personal Identification Numbers, and card security codes in the personal data definition. CC ID 04699 Configuration Preventive
    Refrain from storing data elements containing payment card full magnetic stripe data. CC ID 04757 Testing Detective
    Store payment card data in secure chips, if possible. CC ID 13065 Configuration Preventive
    Refrain from storing data elements containing sensitive authentication data after authorization is approved. CC ID 04758 Configuration Preventive
    Render unrecoverable sensitive authentication data after authorization is approved. CC ID 11952 Technical Security Preventive
    Automate the disposition process for records that contain "do not store" data or "delete after transaction process" data. CC ID 06083 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Log the disclosure of personal data. CC ID 06628 Log Management Preventive
    Log the modification of personal data. CC ID 11844 Log Management Preventive
    Encrypt, truncate, or tokenize data fields, as necessary. CC ID 06850 Technical Security Preventive
    Implement security measures to protect personal data. CC ID 13606 Technical Security Preventive
    Implement physical controls to protect personal data. CC ID 00355 Testing Preventive
    Limit data leakage. CC ID 00356 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Conduct personal data risk assessments. CC ID 00357 Testing Detective
    Identify potential red flags to alert the organization before a data leakage has occurred. CC ID 04654 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain Consumer Reporting Agency notification procedures. CC ID 04851 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain suspicious document procedures. CC ID 04852 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain suspicious personal data procedures. CC ID 04853 Data and Information Management Detective
    Compare certain personal data such as name, date of birth, address, driver's license, or other identification against personal data on file for the applicant. CC ID 04855 Data and Information Management Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain suspicious user account activity procedures. CC ID 04854 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Perform an identity check prior to approving an account change request. CC ID 13670 Investigate Detective
    Use the contact information on file to contact the individual identified in an account change request. CC ID 04857 Behavior Detective
    Match consumer reports with current accounts on file to ensure account misuse or information misuse has not occurred. CC ID 04873 Data and Information Management Detective
    Log account access dates and report when dormant accounts suddenly exhibit unusual activity. CC ID 04874 Log Management Detective
    Report fraudulent account activity, unauthorized transactions, or discrepancies with current accounts. CC ID 04875 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Corrective
    Log dates for account name changes or address changes. CC ID 04876 Log Management Detective
    Review accounts that are changed for additional user requests. CC ID 11846 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Send change notices for change of address requests to the old address and the new address. CC ID 04877 Data and Information Management Detective
    Acquire enough insurance to cover the liability for damages due to data leakage. CC ID 06408 Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services Preventive
    Search the Internet for evidence of data leakage. CC ID 10419
    [Monitor service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Monitoring may include periodic reassessment of service provider compliance, monitoring service provider release notes, and dark web monitoring. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.6 Monitor Service Providers]
    Process or Activity Detective
    Alert appropriate personnel when data leakage is detected. CC ID 14715 Process or Activity Preventive
    Review monitored websites for data leakage. CC ID 10593 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Take appropriate action when a data leakage is discovered. CC ID 14716 Process or Activity Corrective
    Include text about data ownership in the data handling policy. CC ID 15720 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a telephone systems usage policy. CC ID 15170 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain call metadata controls. CC ID 04790 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain de-identifying and re-identifying procedures. CC ID 07126 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Use de-identifying code and re-identifying code that is not derived from or related to information about the data subject. CC ID 07127 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Store de-identifying code and re-identifying code separately. CC ID 16535 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Prevent the disclosure of de-identifying code and re-identifying code. CC ID 07128 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the data handling policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15465 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain data handling procedures. CC ID 11756 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define personal data that falls under breach notification rules. CC ID 00800 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's name combined with account numbers or other identifying information as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04662 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's legal surname prior to marriage as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04669 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's date of birth as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04771 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's address as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04671 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's telephone number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04672 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's fingerprints as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04670 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's Social Security Number or Personal Identification Number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04656 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's driver's license number or an individual's state identification card number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04657 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's passport number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04774 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's Alien Registration Number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04775 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's Taxpayer Identification Number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04764 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's financial account number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04658 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's financial account number with associated password or password hint as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04660 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's electronic identification name or number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04663 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain electronic signatures as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04666 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's biometric data as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04667 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's account number, password, or password hint as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04668 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's payment card information as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04752 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's credit card number or an individual's debit card number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04659 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's payment card service code as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04754 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's payment card expiration date as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04756 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's payment card full magnetic stripe data as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04759 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's payment card security codes (Card Authentication Value 2/Card Validation Code Value 2/Card Verification Value 2/Card Identification Number) as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04760 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's payment card associated password or password hint as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04661 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's Individually Identifiable Health Information as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04673 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's medical history as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04674 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's medical treatment as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04675 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's medical diagnosis as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04676 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's mental condition or physical condition as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04682 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's health insurance information as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04681 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's health insurance policy number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04683 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's health insurance application and health insurance claims history (including appeals) as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04684 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's employment information as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04772 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's Employee Identification Number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04773 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's place of employment as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04788 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Define an out of scope privacy breach. CC ID 04677 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include personal data that is publicly available information as an out of scope privacy breach. CC ID 04678 Business Processes Preventive
    Include personal data that is encrypted or redacted as an out of scope privacy breach. CC ID 04679 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Include cryptographic keys not being accessed during a privacy breach as an out of scope privacy breach. CC ID 04761 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Include any personal data that is on an encrypted mobile device as an out of scope privacy breach, if the encryption keys were not accessed and the mobile device was recovered. CC ID 04762 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Conduct internal data processing audits. CC ID 00374 Testing Detective
    Disseminate and communicate the data handling procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15466 Communicate Preventive
  • Records management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Records management CC ID 00902 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain an information management program. CC ID 14315
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Ensure data sets have the appropriate characteristics. CC ID 15000 Data and Information Management Detective
    Ensure data sets are complete, are accurate, and are relevant. CC ID 14999 Data and Information Management Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain records management policies. CC ID 00903 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define each system's preservation requirements for records and logs. CC ID 00904 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a data retention program. CC ID 00906
    [Develop processes and technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data. CIS Control 3: Data Protection
    Retain data according to the enterprise's documented data management process. Data retention must include both minimum and maximum timelines. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.4 Enforce Data Retention]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Store records and data in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16439 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Remove dormant data from systems, as necessary. CC ID 13726 Process or Activity Preventive
    Select the appropriate format for archived data and records. CC ID 06320 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Archive appropriate records, logs, and database tables. CC ID 06321 Records Management Preventive
    Maintain continued integrity for all stored data and stored records. CC ID 00969 Testing Detective
    Archive document metadata in a fashion that allows for future reading of the metadata. CC ID 10060 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Store personal data that is retained for long periods after use on a separate server or media. CC ID 12314 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Determine how long to keep records and logs before disposing them. CC ID 11661
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process
    Retain data according to the enterprise's documented data management process. Data retention must include both minimum and maximum timelines. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.4 Enforce Data Retention
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented audit log management process that defines the enterprise's logging requirements. At a minimum, address the collection, review, and retention of audit logs for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.1 Establish and Maintain an Audit Log Management Process]
    Process or Activity Preventive
    Retain records in accordance with applicable requirements. CC ID 00968
    [Collect, alert, review, and retain audit logs of events that could help detect, understand, or recover from an attack. CIS Control 8: Audit Log Management
    {stipulated time frame} Retain audit logs across enterprise assets for a minimum of 90 days. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.10 Retain Audit Logs]
    Records Management Preventive
    Define each system's disposition requirements for records and logs. CC ID 11651
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process]
    Process or Activity Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain records disposition procedures. CC ID 00971
    [Develop processes and technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data. CIS Control 3: Data Protection
    {disposal method} Securely dispose of data as outlined in the enterprise's documented data management process. Ensure the disposal process and method are commensurate with the data sensitivity. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.5 Securely Dispose of Data]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Manage the disposition status for all records. CC ID 00972
    [{disposal method} Securely dispose of data as outlined in the enterprise's documented data management process. Ensure the disposal process and method are commensurate with the data sensitivity. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.5 Securely Dispose of Data]
    Records Management Preventive
    Require authorized individuals be present to witness records disposition. CC ID 12313 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Remove and/or destroy records according to the records' retention event and retention period schedule. CC ID 06621 Records Management Preventive
    Place printed records awaiting destruction into secure containers. CC ID 12464 Physical and Environmental Protection Preventive
    Destroy printed records so they cannot be reconstructed. CC ID 11779 Physical and Environmental Protection Preventive
    Automate a programmatic process to remove stored data and records that exceed retention requirements. CC ID 06082 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include methods to identify records that meet or exceed the record's retention event in the records disposition procedures. CC ID 11962 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Maintain disposal records or redeployment records. CC ID 01644 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the sanitization method in the disposal record. CC ID 17073 Log Management Preventive
    Include time information in the disposal record. CC ID 17072 Log Management Preventive
    Include the name of the signing officer in the disposal record. CC ID 15710 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate disposal records to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16891 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain records management procedures. CC ID 11619 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Capture the records required by organizational compliance requirements. CC ID 00912
    [Develop processes and technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data. CIS Control 3: Data Protection]
    Records Management Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain authorization records. CC ID 14367 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the reasons for granting the authorization in the authorization records. CC ID 14371 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the date and time the authorization was granted in the authorization records. CC ID 14370 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the person's name who approved the authorization in the authorization records. CC ID 14369 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Assign the appropriate information classification to records imported into the Records Management system. CC ID 04555
    [Develop processes and technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data. CIS Control 3: Data Protection]
    Data and Information Management Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain electronic health records. CC ID 14436 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include Individually Identifiable Health Information in the patient's electronic health record. CC ID 14437 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Review and update Individually Identifiable Health Information in the patient's electronic health records, as necessary. CC ID 14438 Records Management Preventive
    Display required information automatically in electronic health records. CC ID 14442 Process or Activity Preventive
    Create summary of care records in accordance with applicable standards. CC ID 14440 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Provide the patient with a summary of care record, as necessary. CC ID 14441 Actionable Reports or Measurements Preventive
    Create export summaries, as necessary. CC ID 14446 Process or Activity Preventive
    Import data files into a patient's electronic health record. CC ID 14448 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Export requested sections of the electronic health record. CC ID 14447 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Identify patient-specific education resources. CC ID 14439 Process or Activity Detective
    Establish and maintain an implantable device list. CC ID 14444 Records Management Preventive
    Display the implantable device list to authorized users. CC ID 14445 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain decision support interventions. CC ID 14443 Business Processes Preventive
    Include attributes in the decision support intervention. CC ID 16766 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a recordkeeping system. CC ID 15709 Records Management Preventive
    Log the termination date in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 16181 Records Management Preventive
    Log the name of the requestor in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 15712 Records Management Preventive
    Log the date and time each item is accessed in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 15711 Records Management Preventive
    Log records as being received into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11696 Records Management Preventive
    Log the date and time each item is received into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11709 Log Management Preventive
    Log the date and time each item is made available into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11710 Log Management Preventive
    Log the number of routine items received into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11701 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Log the number of routine items in the organization's possession at the close of business for the month in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11707 Log Management Preventive
    Log the number of routine items received during the month that were turned around in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11705 Log Management Preventive
    Log the number of routine items received during the month that were not turned around within three business days of receipt in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11703 Log Management Preventive
    Log the date and time when a notice of refusal to perform the registrar function is received in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11711 Log Management Preventive
    Log inquiries concerning items in the recordkeeping system, annotating the date received. CC ID 11718 Log Management Preventive
    Log responses to inquiries, annotating the send date for each response into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11719 Log Management Preventive
    Log the number of non-routine items received into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11706 Log Management Preventive
    Log the documentation of determination that items received are not routine into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11716 Log Management Preventive
    Log the number of non-routine items in the organization's possession at the close of business for the month in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11708 Log Management Preventive
    Log the number of non-routine items received during the month that were turned around in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11704 Log Management Preventive
    Log performance monitoring into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11724 Log Management Preventive
    Log the number of inquiries pending as of the close of business into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11728 Log Management Preventive
    Log the number of inquiries received but not responded to within the required time frame into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11727 Log Management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a transfer journal. CC ID 11729 Records Management Preventive
    Log any notices filed by the organization into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11725 Log Management Preventive
    Log telephone responses into a telephone log, annotating the date of each response, in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11723 Log Management Preventive
    Log the date each certificate is made available to interested personnel and affected parties into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11720 Log Management Preventive
    Log the number of items not processed within the required time frame into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11717 Log Management Preventive
    Provide a receipt of records logged into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11697 Records Management Preventive
    Log the appointments and termination of appointments of registered transfer agents into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11712 Log Management Preventive
    Log any stop orders or notices of adverse claims into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11726 Log Management Preventive
    Log the number of items processed within the required time frame into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11715 Log Management Preventive
    Classify restricted data or restricted information in Records Management systems according to the data or information's sensitivity. CC ID 04720
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an overall data classification scheme for the enterprise. Enterprises may use labels, such as "Sensitive," "Confidential," and "Public," and classify their data according to those labels. Review and update the classification scheme annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.7 Establish and Maintain a Data Classification Scheme
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process]
    Data and Information Management Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain electronic storage media management procedures. CC ID 00931 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain online storage controls. CC ID 00942 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain security controls appropriate to the record types and electronic storage media. CC ID 00943 Records Management Preventive
    Provide encryption for different types of electronic storage media. CC ID 00945
    [Encrypt data on removable media. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.9 Encrypt Data on Removable Media]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Assign ownership for all electronic records. CC ID 14814
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Attribute electronic records, as necessary. CC ID 14820 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
  • System hardening through configuration management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    System hardening through configuration management CC ID 00860 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Configuration Management program. CC ID 00867
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented secure configuration process for enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers) and software (operating systems and applications). Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Configuration Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented secure configuration process for network devices. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.2 Establish and Maintain a Secure Configuration Process for Network Infrastructure]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain configuration control and Configuration Status Accounting. CC ID 00863 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain appropriate system labeling. CC ID 01900 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the identification number of the third party who performed the conformity assessment procedures on all promotional materials. CC ID 15041 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the identification number of the third party who conducted the conformity assessment procedures after the CE marking of conformity. CC ID 15040 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Verify configuration files requiring passwords for automation do not contain those passwords after the installation process is complete. CC ID 06555 Configuration Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a configuration management policy. CC ID 14023 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain configuration management procedures. CC ID 14074 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the configuration management procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14139 Communicate Preventive
    Include compliance requirements in the configuration management policy. CC ID 14072 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the configuration management policy. CC ID 14071 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include management commitment in the configuration management policy. CC ID 14070 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the configuration management policy. CC ID 14069 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the scope in the configuration management policy. CC ID 14068 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the purpose in the configuration management policy. CC ID 14067 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the configuration management policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14066 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a configuration management plan. CC ID 01901 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include configuration management procedures in the configuration management plan. CC ID 14248
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented secure configuration process for enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers) and software (operating systems and applications). Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Configuration Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented secure configuration process for network devices. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.2 Establish and Maintain a Secure Configuration Process for Network Infrastructure]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the configuration management plan. CC ID 14247 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Approve the configuration management plan. CC ID 14717 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system tracking documentation. CC ID 15266 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include prioritization codes in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15283 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the type and category of the request in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15281 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include contact information in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15280 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the username in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15278 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a problem description in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15276 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include affected systems in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15275 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include root causes in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15274 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the name of who is responsible for resolution in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15273 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include current status in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15272 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Employ the Configuration Management program. CC ID 11904 Configuration Preventive
    Record Configuration Management items in the Configuration Management database. CC ID 00861 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Test network access controls for proper Configuration Management settings. CC ID 01281 Testing Detective
    Disseminate and communicate the configuration management program to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 11946 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Configuration Management Database with accessible reporting capabilities. CC ID 02132 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document external connections for all systems. CC ID 06415 Configuration Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a configuration baseline based on the least functionality principle. CC ID 00862
    [Establish and maintain the secure configuration of enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile; network devices; non-computing/IoT devices; and servers) and software (operating systems and applications). CIS Control 4: Secure Configuration of Enterprise Assets and Software]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the measures used to account for any differences in operation between the test environments and production environments in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13285 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the differences between test environments and production environments in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13284 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the applied security patches in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13271 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the installed application software and version numbers in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13270 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include installed custom software in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13274
    [Use standard, industry-recommended hardening configuration templates for application infrastructure components. This includes underlying servers, databases, and web servers, and applies to cloud containers, Platform as a Service (PaaS) components, and SaaS components. Do not allow in-house developed software to weaken configuration hardening. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.7 Use Standard Hardening Configuration Templates for Application Infrastructure]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include network ports in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13273 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the operating systems and version numbers in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13269 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include backup procedures in the Configuration Management policy. CC ID 01314 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system hardening standard. CC ID 00876 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain configuration standards. CC ID 11953
    [{biannual basis} Use technical controls, such as digital signatures and version control, to ensure that only authorized scripts, such as specific .ps1, and .py files are allowed to execute. Block unauthorized scripts from executing. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.7 Allowlist Authorized Scripts]
    Configuration Preventive
    Include common security parameter settings in the configuration standards for all systems. CC ID 12544 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Apply configuration standards to all systems, as necessary. CC ID 12503
    [{daily basis} Utilize an active discovery tool to identify assets connected to the enterprise's network. Configure the active discovery tool to execute daily, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.3 Utilize an Active Discovery Tool
    Use standard, industry-recommended hardening configuration templates for application infrastructure components. This includes underlying servers, databases, and web servers, and applies to cloud containers, Platform as a Service (PaaS) components, and SaaS components. Do not allow in-house developed software to weaken configuration hardening. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.7 Use Standard Hardening Configuration Templates for Application Infrastructure]
    Configuration Preventive
    Document and justify system hardening standard exceptions. CC ID 06845 Configuration Preventive
    Configure security parameter settings on all system components appropriately. CC ID 12041
    [{biannual basis} Use technical controls, such as digital signatures and version control, to ensure that only authorized scripts, such as specific .ps1, and .py files are allowed to execute. Block unauthorized scripts from executing. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.7 Allowlist Authorized Scripts]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Provide documentation verifying devices are not susceptible to known exploits. CC ID 11987 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system hardening procedures. CC ID 12001 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure session timeout and reauthentication settings according to organizational standards. CC ID 12460
    [{stipulated timeframe} Configure automatic session locking on enterprise assets after a defined period of inactivity. For general purpose operating systems, the period must not exceed 15 minutes. For mobile end-user devices, the period must not exceed 2 minutes. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.3 Configure Automatic Session Locking on Enterprise Assets
    {stipulated timeframe} Configure automatic session locking on enterprise assets after a defined period of inactivity. For general purpose operating systems, the period must not exceed 15 minutes. For mobile end-user devices, the period must not exceed 2 minutes. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.3 Configure Automatic Session Locking on Enterprise Assets]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Terminate all dependent sessions upon session termination. CC ID 16984 Technical Security Preventive
    Configure automatic logoff to terminate the sessions based on inactivity according to organizational standards. CC ID 04490
    [{stipulated timeframe} Configure automatic session locking on enterprise assets after a defined period of inactivity. For general purpose operating systems, the period must not exceed 15 minutes. For mobile end-user devices, the period must not exceed 2 minutes. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.3 Configure Automatic Session Locking on Enterprise Assets]
    Configuration Preventive
    Display an explicit logout message when disconnecting an authenticated communications session. CC ID 10093 Configuration Preventive
    Invalidate session identifiers upon session termination. CC ID 10649 Technical Security Preventive
    Block and/or remove unnecessary software and unauthorized software. CC ID 00865
    [{unauthorized software} Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all software (operating systems and applications) on the network so that only authorized software is installed and can execute, and that unauthorized and unmanaged software is found and prevented from installation or execution. CIS Control 2: Inventory and Control of Software Assets
    {monthly basis} Ensure that unauthorized software is either removed from use on enterprise assets or receives a documented exception. Review monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.3 Address Unauthorized Software
    {insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures
    {unauthorized software library} {biannual basis} Use technical controls to ensure that only authorized software libraries, such as specific .dll, .ocx, and .so files, are allowed to load into a system process. Block unauthorized libraries from loading into a system process. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.6 Allowlist Authorized Libraries]
    Configuration Preventive
    Use the latest approved version of all assets. CC ID 00897
    [Ensure only fully supported browsers and email clients are allowed to execute in the enterprise, only using the latest version of browsers and email clients provided through the vendor. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.1 Ensure Use of Only Fully Supported Browsers and Email Clients]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Install the most current Windows Service Pack. CC ID 01695 Configuration Preventive
    Install critical security updates and important security updates in a timely manner. CC ID 01696
    [{blacklist website} Enforce and update network-based URL filters to limit an enterprise asset from connecting to potentially malicious or unapproved websites. Example implementations include category-based filtering, reputation-based filtering, or through the use of block lists. Enforce filters for all enterprise assets. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.3 Maintain and Enforce Network-Based URL Filters]
    Configuration Preventive
    Include risk information when communicating critical security updates. CC ID 14948 Communicate Preventive
    Configure virtual networks in accordance with the information security policy. CC ID 13165
    [Require users to authenticate to enterprise-managed VPN and authentication services prior to accessing enterprise resources on end-user devices. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.7 Ensue Remote Devices Utilize a VPN and are Connecting to an Enterprise's AAA Infrastructure]
    Configuration Preventive
    Remove all unnecessary functionality. CC ID 00882
    [{insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures]
    Configuration Preventive
    Document that all enabled functions support secure configurations. CC ID 11985 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Find and eradicate unauthorized world writable files. CC ID 01541 Configuration Preventive
    Strip dangerous/unneeded SUID/SGID system executables. CC ID 01542 Configuration Preventive
    Find and eradicate unauthorized SUID/SGID system executables. CC ID 01543 Configuration Preventive
    Find and eradicate unowned files and unowned directories. CC ID 01544 Configuration Preventive
    Disable logon prompts on serial ports. CC ID 01553 Configuration Preventive
    Disable "nobody" access for Secure RPC. CC ID 01554 Configuration Preventive
    Disable all unnecessary interfaces. CC ID 04826 Configuration Preventive
    Enable or disable all unused USB ports as appropriate. CC ID 06042 Configuration Preventive
    Disable all user-mounted removable file systems. CC ID 01536 Configuration Preventive
    Set the Bluetooth Security Mode to the organizational standard. CC ID 00587 Configuration Preventive
    Secure the Bluetooth headset connections. CC ID 00593 Configuration Preventive
    Verify wireless peripherals meet organizational security requirements. CC ID 00657 Testing Detective
    Disable automatic dial-in access to computers that have installed modems. CC ID 02036 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off AutoPlay" setting. CC ID 01787 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Devices: Restrict floppy access to locally logged on users only" setting. CC ID 01732 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Devices: Restrict CD-ROM access to locally logged on users" setting. CC ID 01731 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Remove CD Burning features" setting. CC ID 04379 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Autorun. CC ID 01790
    [Disable autorun and autoplay auto-execute functionality for removable media. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.3 Disable Autorun and Autoplay for Removable Media]
    Configuration Preventive
    Disable USB devices (aka hotplugger). CC ID 01545 Configuration Preventive
    Enable or disable all unused auxiliary ports as appropriate. CC ID 06414 Configuration Preventive
    Remove rhosts support unless absolutely necessary. CC ID 01555 Configuration Preventive
    Remove weak authentication services from Pluggable Authentication Modules. CC ID 01556 Configuration Preventive
    Remove the /etc/hosts.equiv file. CC ID 01559 Configuration Preventive
    Create the /etc/ftpd/ftpusers file. CC ID 01560 Configuration Preventive
    Remove the X Wrapper and enable the X Display Manager. CC ID 01564 Configuration Preventive
    Remove empty crontab files and restrict file permissions to the file. CC ID 01571 Configuration Preventive
    Remove all compilers and assemblers from the system. CC ID 01594 Configuration Preventive
    Disable all unnecessary applications unless otherwise noted in a policy exception. CC ID 04827
    [{refrain from authorizing}{refrain from requiring} Restrict, either through uninstalling or disabling, any unauthorized or unnecessary browser or email client plugins, extensions, and add-on applications. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.4 Restrict Unnecessary or Unauthorized and Email Client Extensions]
    Configuration Preventive
    Restrict and control the use of privileged utility programs. CC ID 12030 Technical Security Preventive
    Disable the storing of movies in cache in Apple's QuickTime. CC ID 04489 Configuration Preventive
    Install and enable file sharing utilities, as necessary. CC ID 02174 Configuration Preventive
    Disable boot services unless boot services are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01481 Configuration Preventive
    Disable File Services for Macintosh unless File Services for Macintosh are absolutely necessary. CC ID 04279 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Trivial FTP Daemon service to organizational standards. CC ID 01484 Configuration Preventive
    Disable printer daemons or the printer service unless printer daemons or the printer service is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01487 Configuration Preventive
    Disable web server unless web server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01490 Configuration Preventive
    Disable portmapper unless portmapper is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01492 Configuration Preventive
    Disable writesrv, pmd, and httpdlite unless writesrv, pmd, and httpdlite are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01498 Configuration Preventive
    Disable hwscan hardware detection unless hwscan hardware detection is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01504 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the “xinetd” service to organizational standards. CC ID 01509 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the /etc/xinetd.conf file permissions as appropriate. CC ID 01568 Configuration Preventive
    Disable inetd unless inetd is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01508 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Network Computing System unless it is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01497 Configuration Preventive
    Disable print server for macintosh unless print server for macintosh is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04284 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Print Server unless Print Server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01488 Configuration Preventive
    Disable ruser/remote login/remote shell/rcp command, unless it is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01480 Configuration Preventive
    Disable xfsmd unless xfsmd is absolutely necessary. CC ID 02179 Configuration Preventive
    Disable RPC-based services unless RPC-based services are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01455 Configuration Preventive
    Disable netfs script unless netfs script is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01495 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Remote Procedure Calls unless Remote Procedure Calls are absolutely necessary and if enabled, set restrictions. CC ID 01456 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "RPC Endpoint Mapper Client Authentication" setting. CC ID 04327 Configuration Preventive
    Disable ncpfs Script unless ncpfs Script is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01494 Configuration Preventive
    Disable sendmail server unless sendmail server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01511 Configuration Preventive
    Disable postfix unless postfix is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01512 Configuration Preventive
    Disable directory server unless directory server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01464 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Windows-compatibility client processes unless Windows-compatibility client processes are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01471 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Windows-compatibility servers unless Windows-compatibility servers are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01470 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the “Network File System” server to organizational standards CC ID 01472 Configuration Preventive
    Configure NFS to respond or not as appropriate to NFS client requests that do not include a User ID. CC ID 05981 Configuration Preventive
    Configure NFS with appropriate authentication methods. CC ID 05982 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "AUTH_DES authentication mechanism" for "NFS server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08971 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "AUTH_KERB authentication mechanism" for "NFS server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08972 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "AUTH_NONE authentication mechanism" for "NFS server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08973 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "AUTH_UNIX authentication mechanism" for "NFS server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08974 Configuration Preventive
    Disable webmin processes unless the webmin process is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01501 Configuration Preventive
    Disable automount daemon unless automount daemon is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01476 Configuration Preventive
    Disable CDE-related daemons unless CDE-related daemons are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01474 Configuration Preventive
    Disable finger unless finger is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01505 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Rexec unless Rexec is absolutely necessary. CC ID 02164 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Squid cache server unless Squid cache server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01502 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Kudzu hardware detection unless Kudzu hardware detection is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01503 Configuration Preventive
    Install and enable public Instant Messaging clients as necessary. CC ID 02173 Configuration Preventive
    Disable x font server unless x font server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01499 Configuration Preventive
    Validate, approve, and document all UNIX shells prior to use. CC ID 02161 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disable NFS client processes unless NFS client processes are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01475 Configuration Preventive
    Disable the use of removable storage media for systems that process restricted data or restricted information, as necessary. CC ID 06681 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Disable removable storage media daemon unless the removable storage media daemon is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01477 Configuration Preventive
    Disable GSS daemon unless GSS daemon is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01465 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Computer Browser unless Computer Browser is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01814 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Computer Browser ResetBrowser Frames as appropriate. CC ID 05984 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the /etc/samba/smb.conf file file permissions as appropriate. CC ID 05989 Configuration Preventive
    Disable NetMeeting remote desktop sharing unless NetMeeting remote desktop sharing is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01821 Configuration Preventive
    Disable web directory browsing on all web-enabled devices. CC ID 01874 Configuration Preventive
    Disable WWW publishing services unless WWW publishing services are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01833 Configuration Preventive
    Install and enable samba, as necessary. CC ID 02175 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the samba hosts allow option with an appropriate set of networks. CC ID 05985 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the samba security option option as appropriate. CC ID 05986 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the samba encrypt passwords option as appropriate. CC ID 05987 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Samba 'smb passwd file' option with an appropriate password file or no password file. CC ID 05988 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Usenet Internet news package file capabilities unless Usenet Internet news package file capabilities are absolutely necessary. CC ID 02176 Configuration Preventive
    Disable iPlanet Web Server unless iPlanet Web Server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 02172 Configuration Preventive
    Disable volume manager unless volume manager is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01469 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Solaris Management Console unless Solaris Management Console is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01468 Configuration Preventive
    Disable the Graphical User Interface unless it is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01466 Configuration Preventive
    Disable help and support unless help and support is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04280 Configuration Preventive
    Disable speech recognition unless speech recognition is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04491 Configuration Preventive
    Disable or secure the NetWare QuickFinder search engine. CC ID 04453 Configuration Preventive
    Disable messenger unless messenger is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01819 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Do not allow Windows Messenger to be run" setting. CC ID 04516 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Do not automatically start Windows Messenger initially" setting. CC ID 04517 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off the Windows Messenger Customer Experience Improvement Program" setting. CC ID 04330 Configuration Preventive
    Disable automatic updates unless automatic updates are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01811 Configuration Preventive
    Configure automatic update installation and shutdown/restart options and shutdown/restart procedures to organizational standards. CC ID 05979 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Name Service Cache Daemon unless Name Service Cache Daemon is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04846 Configuration Preventive
    Prohibit R-command files from existing for root or administrator. CC ID 16322 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /bin/rsh file exists or not, as appropriate. CC ID 05101 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /sbin/rsh file exists or not, as appropriate. CC ID 05102 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /usr/bin/rsh file exists or not, as appropriate. CC ID 05103 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/ftpusers file exists or not, as appropriate. CC ID 05104 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/rsh file exists or not, as appropriate. CC ID 05105 Configuration Preventive
    Install or uninstall the AIDE package, as appropriate. CC ID 05106 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the GNOME automounter (gnome-volume-manager) as necessary. CC ID 05107 Configuration Preventive
    Install or uninstall the setroubleshoot package, as appropriate. CC ID 05108 Configuration Preventive
    Configure Avahi properly. CC ID 05109 Configuration Preventive
    Install or uninstall OpenNTPD, as appropriate. CC ID 05110 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "httpd" service to organizational standards. CC ID 05111 Configuration Preventive
    Install or uninstall the net-smtp package properly. CC ID 05112 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the apache web service properly. CC ID 05113 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the vlock package properly. CC ID 05114 Configuration Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain service accounts. CC ID 13861 Technical Security Preventive
    Review the ownership of service accounts, as necessary. CC ID 13863 Technical Security Detective
    Manage access credentials for service accounts. CC ID 13862
    [Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 5: Account Management]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Configure the daemon account properly. CC ID 05115 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the bin account properly. CC ID 05116 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the nuucp account properly. CC ID 05117 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the smmsp account properly. CC ID 05118 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the listen account properly. CC ID 05119 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the gdm account properly. CC ID 05120 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the webservd account properly. CC ID 05121 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the nobody account properly. CC ID 05122 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the noaccess account properly. CC ID 05123 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the nobody4 account properly. CC ID 05124 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the sys account properly. CC ID 05125 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the adm account properly. CC ID 05126 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the lp account properly. CC ID 05127 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the uucp account properly. CC ID 05128 Configuration Preventive
    Install or uninstall the tftp-server package, as appropriate. CC ID 05130 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the web console as necessary. CC ID 05131 Configuration Preventive
    Enable rlogin auth by Pluggable Authentication Modules or pam.d properly. CC ID 05132 Configuration Preventive
    Enable rsh auth by Pluggable Authentication Modules properly. CC ID 05133 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the listening sendmail daemon, as appropriate. CC ID 05134 Configuration Preventive
    Configure Squid properly. CC ID 05135 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "global Package signature checking" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08735 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure the "Package signature checking" setting for "all configured repositories" to organizational standards. CC ID 08736 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure the "verify against the package database" setting for "all installed software packages" to organizational standards. CC ID 08737 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure the "isdn4k-utils" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08738 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure the "postfix" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08739 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure the "vsftpd" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08740 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure the "net-snmpd" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08741 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure the "rsyslog" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08742 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure the "ipsec-tools" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08743 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure the "pam_ccreds" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08744 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure the "talk-server" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08745 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure the "talk" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08746 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure the "irda-utils" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08747 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure the "/etc/shells" file to organizational standards. CC ID 08978 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the LDAP package to organizational standards. CC ID 09937 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "FTP server" package to organizational standards. CC ID 09938 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "HTTP Proxy Server" package to organizational standards. CC ID 09939 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "prelink" package to organizational standards. CC ID 11379 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Network Information Service (NIS) package to organizational standards. CC ID 11380 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "time" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11381 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "biosdevname" package to organizational standards. CC ID 11383 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "ufw" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11384 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Devices: Allow undock without having to log on" setting. CC ID 01728 Configuration Preventive
    Limit the user roles that are allowed to format and eject removable storage media. CC ID 01729 Configuration Preventive
    Prevent users from installing printer drivers. CC ID 01730 Configuration Preventive
    Minimize the inetd.conf file and set the file to the appropriate permissions. CC ID 01506 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the unsigned driver installation behavior. CC ID 01733 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the unsigned non-driver installation behavior. CC ID 02038 Configuration Preventive
    Remove all demonstration applications on the system. CC ID 01875 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the system to disallow optional Subsystems. CC ID 04265 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Remove Security tab" setting. CC ID 04380 Configuration Preventive
    Disable all unnecessary services unless otherwise noted in a policy exception. CC ID 00880
    [Uninstall or disable unnecessary services on enterprise assets and software, such as an unused file sharing service, web application module, or service function. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.8 Uninstall or Disable Unnecessary Services on Enterprise Assets and Software
    {insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures
    Securely manage enterprise assets and software. Example implementations include managing configuration through version-controlled Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) and accessing administrative interfaces over secure network protocols, such as Secure Shell (SSH) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). Do not use insecure management protocols, such as Telnet (Teletype Network) and HTTP, unless operationally essential. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.6 Securely Manage Enterprise Assets and Software]
    Configuration Preventive
    Disable rquotad unless rquotad is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01473 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the rquotad service to use a static port or a dynamic portmapper port as appropriate. CC ID 05983 Configuration Preventive
    Disable telnet unless telnet use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01478 Configuration Preventive
    Disable File Transfer Protocol unless File Transfer Protocol use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01479 Configuration Preventive
    Configure anonymous FTP to restrict the use of restricted data. CC ID 16314 Configuration Preventive
    Disable anonymous access to File Transfer Protocol. CC ID 06739 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Internet Message Access Protocol unless Internet Message Access Protocol use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01485 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Post Office Protocol unless its use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01486 Configuration Preventive
    Disable SQLServer processes unless SQLServer processes use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01500 Configuration Preventive
    Disable alerter unless alerter use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01810 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Background Intelligent Transfer Service unless Background Intelligent Transfer Service use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01812 Configuration Preventive
    Disable ClipBook unless ClipBook use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01813 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Fax Service unless Fax Service use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01815 Configuration Preventive
    Disable IIS admin service unless IIS admin service use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01817 Configuration Preventive
    Disable indexing service unless indexing service use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01818 Configuration Preventive
    Disable net logon unless net logon use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01820 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Remote Desktop Help Session Manager unless Remote Desktop Help Session Manager use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01822 Configuration Preventive
    Disable the "Offer Remote Assistance" setting. CC ID 04325 Configuration Preventive
    Disable the "Solicited Remote Assistance" setting. CC ID 04326 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Remote Registry Service unless Remote Registry Service use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01823 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Routing and Remote Access unless Routing and Remote Access use is necessary. CC ID 01824 Configuration Preventive
    Disable task scheduler unless task scheduler use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01829 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Terminal Services unless Terminal Services use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01831 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Universal Plug and Play device host unless Universal Plug and Play device host use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01832 Configuration Preventive
    Disable File Service Protocol. CC ID 02167 Configuration Preventive
    Disable the License Logging Service unless unless it is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04282 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Remote Access Auto Connection Manager unless Remote Access Auto Connection Manager use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04285 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Remote Access Connection Manager unless Remote Access Connection Manager use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04286 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Remote Administration Service unless remote administration management is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04287 Configuration Preventive
    Disable remote installation unless remote installation is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04288 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Remote Server Manager unless Remote Server Manager is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04289 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Remote Server Monitor unless Remote Server Monitor use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04290 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Remote Storage Notification unless Remote Storage Notification use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04291 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Remote Storage Server unless Remote Storage Server use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04292 Configuration Preventive
    Disable telephony services unless telephony services use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04293 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Wireless Zero Configuration service unless Wireless Zero Configuration service use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04294 Configuration Preventive
    Disable SSDP/UPnp unless SSDP/UPnP is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04315 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "ntpd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04911 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "echo service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04912 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "echo-dgram service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09927 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "echo-stream service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09928 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "AllowTcpForwarding" to organizational standards. CC ID 15327 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "tcpmux-server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09929 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "netstat service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04913 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "character generator protocol (chargen)" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04914 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "tftpd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04915 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "walld service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04916 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "rstatd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04917 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "sprayd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04918 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "rusersd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04919 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "inn service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04920 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "font service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04921 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "ident service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04922 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "rexd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04923 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "daytime service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04924 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "dtspc (cde-spc) service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04925 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "cmsd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04926 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "ToolTalk service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04927 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "discard service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04928 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "vino-server service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04929 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "bind service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04930 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "nfsd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04931 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "mountd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04932 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "statd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04933 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "lockd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04934 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the lockd service to use a static port or a dynamic portmapper port for User Datagram Protocol as appropriate. CC ID 05980 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "decode sendmail alias" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04935 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the sendmail vrfy command, as appropriate. CC ID 04936 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the sendmail expn command, as appropriate. CC ID 04937 Configuration Preventive
    Configure .netrc with an appropriate set of services. CC ID 04938 Configuration Preventive
    Enable NFS insecure locks as necessary. CC ID 04939 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "X server ac" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04940 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "X server core" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04941 Configuration Preventive
    Enable or disable the setroubleshoot service, as appropriate. CC ID 05540 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "X server nolock" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04942 Configuration Preventive
    Enable or disable the mcstrans service, as appropriate. CC ID 05541 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "PAM console" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04943 Configuration Preventive
    Enable or disable the restorecond service, as appropriate. CC ID 05542 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the rhnsd service as necessary. CC ID 04944 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the yum-updatesd service as necessary. CC ID 04945 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the autofs service as necessary. CC ID 04946 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the ip6tables service as necessary. CC ID 04947 Configuration Preventive
    Configure syslog to organizational standards. CC ID 04949 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the auditd service as necessary. CC ID 04950 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the logwatch service as necessary. CC ID 04951 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the logrotate (syslog rotator) service as necessary. CC ID 04952 Configuration Preventive
    Install or uninstall the telnet server package, only if absolutely necessary. CC ID 04953 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the ypbind service as necessary. CC ID 04954 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the ypserv service as necessary. CC ID 04955 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the firstboot service as necessary. CC ID 04956 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the gpm service as necessary. CC ID 04957 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the irqbalance service as necessary. CC ID 04958 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the isdn service as necessary. CC ID 04959 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the kdump service as necessary. CC ID 04960 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the mdmonitor service as necessary. CC ID 04961 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the microcode_ctl service as necessary. CC ID 04962 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the pcscd service as necessary. CC ID 04963 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the smartd service as necessary. CC ID 04964 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the readahead_early service as necessary. CC ID 04965 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the readahead_later service as necessary. CC ID 04966 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the messagebus service as necessary. CC ID 04967 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the haldaemon service as necessary. CC ID 04968 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the apmd service as necessary. CC ID 04969 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the acpid service as necessary. CC ID 04970 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the cpuspeed service as necessary. CC ID 04971 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the network service as necessary. CC ID 04972 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the hidd service as necessary. CC ID 04973 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the crond service as necessary. CC ID 04974 Configuration Preventive
    Install and enable the anacron service as necessary. CC ID 04975 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the xfs service as necessary. CC ID 04976 Configuration Preventive
    Install and enable the Avahi daemon service, as necessary. CC ID 04977 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the CUPS service, as necessary. CC ID 04978 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the hplip service as necessary. CC ID 04979 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the dhcpd service as necessary. CC ID 04980 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the nfslock service as necessary. CC ID 04981 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the rpcgssd service as necessary. CC ID 04982 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the rpcidmapd service as necessary. CC ID 04983 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the rpcsvcgssd service as necessary. CC ID 04985 Configuration Preventive
    Configure root squashing for all NFS shares, as appropriate. CC ID 04986 Configuration Preventive
    Configure write access to NFS shares, as appropriate. CC ID 04987 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the named service, as appropriate. CC ID 04988 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the vsftpd service, as appropriate. CC ID 04989 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the “dovecot” service to organizational standards. CC ID 04990 Configuration Preventive
    Configure Server Message Block (SMB) to organizational standards. CC ID 04991 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the snmpd service as necessary. CC ID 04992 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the calendar manager as necessary. CC ID 04993 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the GNOME logon service as necessary. CC ID 04994 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the WBEM services as necessary. CC ID 04995 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the keyserv service as necessary. CC ID 04996 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the Generic Security Service daemon as necessary. CC ID 04997 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the volfs service as necessary. CC ID 04998 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the smserver service as necessary. CC ID 04999 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the mpxio-upgrade service as necessary. CC ID 05000 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the metainit service as necessary. CC ID 05001 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the meta service as necessary. CC ID 05003 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the metaed service as necessary. CC ID 05004 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the metamh service as necessary. CC ID 05005 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the Local RPC Port Mapping Service as necessary. CC ID 05006 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the Kerberos kadmind service as necessary. CC ID 05007 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the Kerberos krb5kdc service as necessary. CC ID 05008 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the Kerberos kpropd service as necessary. CC ID 05009 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the Kerberos ktkt_warnd service as necessary. CC ID 05010 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the sadmin service as necessary. CC ID 05011 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the IPP listener as necessary. CC ID 05012 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the serial port listener as necessary. CC ID 05013 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the Smart Card Helper service as necessary. CC ID 05014 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the Application Management service as necessary. CC ID 05015 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) Provider service as necessary. CC ID 05016 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the Network News Transport Protocol service as necessary. CC ID 05017 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the network Dynamic Data Exchange service as necessary. CC ID 05018 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the Distributed Link Tracking Server service as necessary. CC ID 05019 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the RARP service as necessary. CC ID 05020 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the ".NET Framework service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 05021 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the Network DDE Share Database Manager service as necessary. CC ID 05022 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the Certificate Services service as necessary. CC ID 05023 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the ATI hotkey poller service properly. CC ID 05024 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Interix Subsystem Startup service properly. CC ID 05025 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Cluster Service service properly. CC ID 05026 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the IAS Jet Database Access service properly. CC ID 05027 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the IAS service properly. CC ID 05028 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the IP Version 6 Helper service properly. CC ID 05029 Configuration Preventive
    Configure "Message Queuing service" to organizational standards. CC ID 05030 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Message Queuing Down Level Clients service properly. CC ID 05031 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions service properly. CC ID 05033 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service properly. CC ID 05034 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Utility Manager service properly. CC ID 05035 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the secondary logon service properly. CC ID 05036 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Windows Management Instrumentation service properly. CC ID 05037 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Workstation service properly. CC ID 05038 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Windows Installer service properly. CC ID 05039 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Windows System Resource Manager service properly. CC ID 05040 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service properly. CC ID 05041 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Services for Unix Client for NFS service properly. CC ID 05042 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Services for Unix Server for PCNFS service properly. CC ID 05043 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Services for Unix Perl Socket service properly. CC ID 05044 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Services for Unix User Name Mapping service properly. CC ID 05045 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Services for Unix Windows Cron service properly. CC ID 05046 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Windows Media Services service properly. CC ID 05047 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Services for Netware Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) Agent properly. CC ID 05048 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Web Element Manager service properly. CC ID 05049 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Remote Installation Services Single Instance Storage (SIS) Groveler service properly. CC ID 05050 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Terminal Services Licensing service properly. CC ID 05051 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the COM+ Event System service properly. CC ID 05052 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Event Log service properly. CC ID 05053 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Infrared Monitor service properly. CC ID 05054 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Services for Unix Server for NFS service properly. CC ID 05055 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the System Event Notification Service properly. CC ID 05056 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the NTLM Security Support Provider service properly. CC ID 05057 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Performance Logs and Alerts service properly. CC ID 05058 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Protected Storage service properly. CC ID 05059 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the QoS Admission Control (RSVP) service properly. CC ID 05060 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Remote Procedure Call service properly. CC ID 05061 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Removable Storage service properly. CC ID 05062 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Server service properly. CC ID 05063 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Security Accounts Manager service properly. CC ID 05064 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the “Network Connections” service to organizational standards. CC ID 05065 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Logical Disk Manager service properly. CC ID 05066 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service properly. CC ID 05067 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the File Replication service properly. CC ID 05068 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Kerberos Key Distribution Center service properly. CC ID 05069 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Intersite Messaging service properly. CC ID 05070 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Remote Procedure Call locator service properly. CC ID 05071 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Distributed File System service properly. CC ID 05072 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Windows Internet Name Service service properly. CC ID 05073 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the FTP Publishing Service properly. CC ID 05074 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Windows Search service properly. CC ID 05075 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Microsoft Peer-to-Peer Networking Services service properly. CC ID 05076 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Remote Shell service properly. CC ID 05077 Configuration Preventive
    Configure Simple TCP/IP services to organizational standards. CC ID 05078 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Print Services for Unix service properly. CC ID 05079 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the File Shares service to organizational standards. CC ID 05080 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the NetMeeting service properly. CC ID 05081 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Application Layer Gateway service properly. CC ID 05082 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Cryptographic Services service properly. CC ID 05083 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Help and Support Service properly. CC ID 05084 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Human Interface Device Access service properly. CC ID 05085 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the IMAPI CD-Burning COM service properly. CC ID 05086 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the MS Software Shadow Copy Provider service properly. CC ID 05087 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Network Location Awareness service properly. CC ID 05088 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Portable Media Serial Number Service service properly. CC ID 05089 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the System Restore Service service properly. CC ID 05090 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Themes service properly. CC ID 05091 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Uninterruptible Power Supply service properly. CC ID 05092 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Upload Manager service properly. CC ID 05093 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Volume Shadow Copy Service properly. CC ID 05094 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the WebClient service properly. CC ID 05095 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Windows Audio service properly. CC ID 05096 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Windows Image Acquisition service properly. CC ID 05097 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the WMI Performance Adapter service properly. CC ID 05098 Configuration Preventive
    Enable file uploads via vsftpd service, as appropriate. CC ID 05100 Configuration Preventive
    Disable or remove sadmind unless use of sadmind is absolutely necessary. CC ID 06885 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "SNMP version 1" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08976 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "xdmcp service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08985 Configuration Preventive
    Disable the automatic display of remote images in HTML-formatted e-mail. CC ID 04494 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Remote Apply Events unless Remote Apply Events are absolutely necessary. CC ID 04495 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Xgrid unless Xgrid is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04496 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Do Not Show First Use Dialog Boxes" setting for Windows Media Player properly. CC ID 05136 Configuration Preventive
    Disable Core dumps unless absolutely necessary. CC ID 01507 Configuration Preventive
    Set hard core dump size limits, as appropriate. CC ID 05990 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Prevent Desktop Shortcut Creation" setting for Windows Media Player properly. CC ID 05137 Configuration Preventive
    Set the Squid EUID and Squid GUID to an appropriate user and group. CC ID 05138 Configuration Preventive
    Verify groups referenced in /etc/passwd are included in /etc/group, as appropriate. CC ID 05139 Configuration Preventive
    Use of the cron.allow file should be enabled or disabled as appropriate. CC ID 06014 Configuration Preventive
    Use of the at.allow file should be enabled or disabled as appropriate. CC ID 06015 Configuration Preventive
    Enable or disable the Dynamic DNS feature of the DHCP Server as appropriate. CC ID 06039 Configuration Preventive
    Enable or disable each user's Screen saver software, as necessary. CC ID 06050 Configuration Preventive
    Disable any unnecessary scripting languages, as necessary. CC ID 12137
    [{biannual basis} Use technical controls, such as digital signatures and version control, to ensure that only authorized scripts, such as specific .ps1, and .py files are allowed to execute. Block unauthorized scripts from executing. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.7 Allowlist Authorized Scripts]
    Configuration Preventive
    Configure the system security parameters to prevent system misuse or information misappropriation. CC ID 00881
    [Improve protections and detections of threats from email and web vectors, as these are opportunities for attackers to manipulate human behavior through direct engagement. CIS Control 9: Email and Web Browser Protections]
    Configuration Preventive
    Configure Hypertext Transfer Protocol headers in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16851 Configuration Preventive
    Configure Hypertext Transfer Protocol security headers in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16488 Configuration Preventive
    Configure "Enable Structured Exception Handling Overwrite Protection (SEHOP)" to organizational standards. CC ID 15385 Configuration Preventive
    Configure Microsoft Attack Surface Reduction rules in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16478 Configuration Preventive
    Configure "Remote host allows delegation of non-exportable credentials" to organizational standards. CC ID 15379 Configuration Preventive
    Configure "Configure enhanced anti-spoofing" to organizational standards. CC ID 15376 Configuration Preventive
    Configure "Block user from showing account details on sign-in" to organizational standards. CC ID 15374 Configuration Preventive
    Configure "Configure Attack Surface Reduction rules" to organizational standards. CC ID 15370 Configuration Preventive
    Configure "Turn on e-mail scanning" to organizational standards. CC ID 15361 Configuration Preventive
    Configure "Prevent users and apps from accessing dangerous websites" to organizational standards. CC ID 15359 Configuration Preventive
    Configure "Enumeration policy for external devices incompatible with Kernel DMA Protection" to organizational standards. CC ID 15352 Configuration Preventive
    Configure "Prevent Internet Explorer security prompt for Windows Installer scripts" to organizational standards. CC ID 15351 Configuration Preventive
    Store state information from applications and software separately. CC ID 14767 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "aufs storage" to organizational standards. CC ID 14461 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "AppArmor Profile" to organizational standards. CC ID 14496 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "device" argument to organizational standards. CC ID 14536 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Docker" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 14495 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Docker" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 14505 Configuration Preventive
    Configure "Allow upload of User Activities" to organizational standards. CC ID 15338 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the system to restrict Core dumps to a protected directory. CC ID 01513 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the system to enable Stack protection. CC ID 01514 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the system to restrict NFS client requests to privileged ports. CC ID 01515 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the system to use better TCP Sequence Numbers. CC ID 01516 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the system to a default secure level. CC ID 01519 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the system to block users from viewing un-owned processes. CC ID 01520 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the system to block users from viewing processes in other groups. CC ID 01521 Configuration Preventive
    Add the "nosuid" option to /etc/rmmount.conf. CC ID 01532 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the system to block non-privileged mountd requests. CC ID 01533 Configuration Preventive
    Use host-based or Internet Protocol-based export lists for mountd. CC ID 06887 Configuration Preventive
    Add the "nodev" option to the appropriate partitions in /etc/fstab. CC ID 01534 Configuration Preventive
    Add the "nosuid" option and "nodev" option for removable storage media in the /etc/fstab file. CC ID 01535 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the sticky bit on world-writable directories. CC ID 01540 Configuration Preventive
    Verify system files are not world-writable. CC ID 01546 Technical Security Preventive
    Verify backup directories containing patches are not accessible. CC ID 01547 Technical Security Preventive
    Run hp_checkperms. CC ID 01548 Configuration Preventive
    Run fix-modes. CC ID 01549 Configuration Preventive
    Convert the system to "Trusted Mode", if possible. CC ID 01550 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the sadmind service to a higher Security level. CC ID 01551 Configuration Preventive
    Use host-based or Internet Protocol-based export lists for sadmind. CC ID 06886 Configuration Preventive
    Find files and directories with extended attributes. CC ID 01552 Technical Security Detective
    Configure all.rhosts files to be readable only by their owners. CC ID 01557 Configuration Preventive
    Set the symlink /etc/hosts.equiv file to /dev/null. CC ID 01558 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the default locking Screen saver timeout to a predetermined time period. CC ID 01570 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Security Center (Domain PCs only). CC ID 01967 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the system to immediately protect the computer after the Screen saver is activated by setting the time before the Screen saver grace period expires to a predefined amount. CC ID 04276 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the system to require a password before it unlocks the Screen saver software. CC ID 04443 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the safe DLL search mode. CC ID 04273 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the computer to stop generating 8.3 filename formats. CC ID 04274 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the system to use certificate rules for software restriction policies. CC ID 04266 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Do not allow drive redirection" setting. CC ID 04316 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off the 'Publish to Web' task for files and folders" setting. CC ID 04328 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Internet download for Web publishing and online ordering wizards" setting. CC ID 04329 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Search Companion content file updates" setting. CC ID 04331 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off printing over HTTP" setting. CC ID 04332 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off downloading of print drivers over HTTP" setting. CC ID 04333 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Windows Update device driver searching" setting. CC ID 04334 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Display Error Notification" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04335 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Windows error reporting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04336 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Disable software update shell notifications on program launch" setting. CC ID 04339 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Make proxy settings per-machine (rather than per-user)" setting. CC ID 04341 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Security Zones: Do not allow users to add/delete sites" setting. CC ID 04342 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Security Zones: Do not allow users to change policies" setting. CC ID 04343 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Security Zones: Use only machine settings" setting. CC ID 04344 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Allow software to run or install even if the signature is invalid" setting. CC ID 04346 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "internet explorer processes (scripted window security restrictions)" setting. CC ID 04350 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "internet explorer processes (zone elevation protection)" setting. CC ID 04351 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Prevent access to registry editing tools" setting. CC ID 04355 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Do not preserve zone information in file attachments" setting. CC ID 04357 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Hide mechanisms to remove zone information" setting. CC ID 04358 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Notify antivirus programs when opening attachments" setting. CC ID 04359 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Configure Outlook Express" setting. CC ID 04360 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Disable Changing Automatic Configuration settings" setting. CC ID 04361 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Disable changing certificate settings" setting. CC ID 04362 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Disable changing connection settings" setting. CC ID 04363 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Disable changing proxy settings" setting. CC ID 04364 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on the auto-complete feature for user names and passwords on forms" setting. CC ID 04365 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the NetWare bindery contexts. CC ID 04444 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the NetWare console's SECURE.NCF settings. CC ID 04445 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the CPU Hog Timeout setting. CC ID 04446 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Check Equivalent to Me" setting. CC ID 04463 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the /etc/sshd_config file. CC ID 04475 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the .Mac preferences. CC ID 04484 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Fast User Switching setting. CC ID 04485 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Recent Items List (servers, applications, documents) setting. CC ID 04486 Configuration Preventive
    Configure Apple's Dock preferences. CC ID 04487 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "ulimit" to organizational standards. CC ID 14499 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Energy Saver preferences. CC ID 04488 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the local system search preferences to directories that do not contain restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 04492 Configuration Preventive
    Digitally sign and encrypt e-mail, as necessary. CC ID 04493 Technical Security Preventive
    Manage temporary files, as necessary. CC ID 04847 Technical Security Preventive
    Configure the computer-wide, rather than per-user, use of Microsoft Spynet Reporting for Windows Defender properly. CC ID 05282 Configuration Preventive
    Enable or disable the ability of users to perform interactive startups, as appropriate. CC ID 05283 Configuration Preventive
    Set the /etc/passwd file's NIS file inclusions properly. CC ID 05284 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Help Ratings" setting. CC ID 05285 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Decoy Admin Account Not Disabled" policy properly. CC ID 05286 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Additional restrictions for anonymous connections" policy properly. CC ID 05287 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Anonymous access to the registry" policy properly. CC ID 05288 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the File System Checker and Popups setting. CC ID 05289 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the System File Checker setting. CC ID 05290 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the System File Checker Progress Meter setting. CC ID 05291 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Protect Kernel object attributes properly. CC ID 05292 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Deleted Cached Copies of Roaming Profiles" policy properly. CC ID 05293 Configuration Preventive
    Verify that the X*.hosts file lists all authorized X-clients. CC ID 05294 Configuration Preventive
    Verify all files are owned by an existing account and group. CC ID 05295 Configuration Preventive
    Verify programs executed through the aliases file are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05296 Configuration Preventive
    Verify programs executed through the aliases file are stored in a directory with an appropriate owner. CC ID 05297 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the at directory is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05298 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the at.allow file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05299 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the at.deny file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05300 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the crontab directories are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05302 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the cron.allow file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05303 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the cron.deny file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05304 Configuration Preventive
    Verify crontab files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05305 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/resolv.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05306 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/named.boot file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05307 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/named.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05308 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05309 Configuration Preventive
    Verify home directories are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05310 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the inetd.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05311 Configuration Preventive
    Verify /etc/exports are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05312 Configuration Preventive
    Verify exported files and exported directories are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05313 Configuration Preventive
    Restrict the exporting of files and directories, as necessary. CC ID 16315 Technical Security Preventive
    Verify the /etc/services file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05314 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/notrouter file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05315 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/samba/smb.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05316 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the smbpasswd file and smbpasswd executable are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05317 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the aliases file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05318 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the log file configured to capture critical sendmail messages is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05319 Log Management Preventive
    Verify Shell files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05320 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the snmpd.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05321 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/syslog.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05322 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the traceroute executable is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05323 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /usr/lib/sendmail file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05324 Technical Security Preventive
    Verify the /etc/passwd file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05325 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/shadow file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05326 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/security/audit/config file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05327 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/securit/audit/events file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05328 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/security/audit/objects file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05329 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /usr/lib/trcload file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05330 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /usr/lib/semutil file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05331 Configuration Preventive
    Verify system files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05332 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the default/skeleton dot files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05333 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the global initialization files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05334 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/rc.config.d/auditing file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05335 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/init.d file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05336 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/hosts.lpd file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05337 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/auto.master file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05338 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/auto.misc file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05339 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/ file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05340 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the boot/grub/grub.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05341 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/lilo.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05342 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/login.access file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05343 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/security/access.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05344 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/sysctl.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05345 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "secure_redirects" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09941 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09942 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "rp_filter" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09943 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/securetty file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05346 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/audit/auditd.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05347 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the audit.rules file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05348 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/group file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05349 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/gshadow file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05350 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /usr/sbin/userhelper file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05351 Configuration Preventive
    Verify all syslog log files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05352 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/anacrontab file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05353 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/pki/tls/ldap file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05354 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/pki/tls/ldap/serverkey.pem file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05355 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/pki/tls/CA/cacert.pem file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05356 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/pki/tls/ldap/servercert.pem file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05357 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the var/lib/ldap/* files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05358 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/httpd/conf/* files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05359 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/auto_* file is owned by an appropriate user. CC ID 05360 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/rmmount.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05361 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /var/log/pamlog log is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05362 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/security/audit_control file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05363 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/security/audit_class file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05364 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /etc/security/audit_event file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05365 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the ASET userlist file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05366 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /var directory is owned by an appropriate user. CC ID 05367 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /var/log directory is owned by an appropriate user. CC ID 05368 Configuration Preventive
    Verify the /var/adm directory is owned by an appropriate user. CC ID 05369 Configuration Preventive
    Restrict the debug level daemon logging file owner and daemon debug group owner. CC ID 05370 Configuration Preventive
    Restrict the Cron log file owner and Cron group owner. CC ID 05371 Configuration Preventive
    Restrict the system accounting file owner and system accounting group owner. CC ID 05372 Configuration Preventive
    Restrict audit log file ownership and audit group ownership. CC ID 05373 Configuration Preventive
    Set the X server timeout properly. CC ID 05374 Configuration Preventive
    Configure each user's authentication mechanism (system attribute) properly. CC ID 05375 Configuration Preventive
    Enable or disable SeLinux, as appropriate. CC ID 05376 Configuration Preventive
    Set the SELinux state properly. CC ID 05377 Configuration Preventive
    Set the SELinux policy properly. CC ID 05378 Configuration Preventive
    Configure Dovecot properly. CC ID 05379 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Prohibit Access of the Windows Connect Now Wizards" setting. CC ID 05380 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Allow remote access to the PnP interface" setting. CC ID 05381 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Do not create system restore point when new device driver installed" setting. CC ID 05382 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn Off Access to All Windows Update Feature" setting. CC ID 05383 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn Off Automatic Root Certificates Update" setting. CC ID 05384 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn Off Event Views 'Events.asp' Links" setting. CC ID 05385 Configuration Preventive
    Configure "Turn Off Handwriting Recognition Error Reporting" to organizational standards. CC ID 05386 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Help and Support Center 'Did You Know?' content" setting. CC ID 05387 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn Off Help and Support Center Microsoft Knowledge Base Search" setting. CC ID 05388 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn Off Internet File Association Service" setting. CC ID 05389 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn Off Registration if URL Connection is Referring to" setting. CC ID 05390 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off the 'Order Prints' Picture task" setting. CC ID 05391 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn Off Windows Movie Maker Online Web Links" setting. CC ID 05392 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn Off Windows Movie Maker Saving to Online Video Hosting Provider" setting. CC ID 05393 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Don't Display the Getting Started Welcome Screen at Logon" setting. CC ID 05394 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Windows Startup Sound" setting. CC ID 05395 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Allow only Vista or later connections" setting. CC ID 05396 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on bandwidth optimization" setting. CC ID 05397 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Prevent IIS Installation" setting. CC ID 05398 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Active Help" setting. CC ID 05399 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Untrusted Content" setting. CC ID 05400 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off downloading of enclosures" setting. CC ID 05401 Configuration Preventive
    Configure "Allow indexing of encrypted files" to organizational standards. CC ID 05402 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Prevent indexing uncached Exchange folders" setting. CC ID 05403 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Windows Calendar" setting. CC ID 05404 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Windows Defender" setting. CC ID 05405 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Heap termination on corruption" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 05406 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off shell protocol protected mode" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 05407 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Prohibit non-administrators from applying vendor signed updates" setting. CC ID 05408 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Report when logon server was not available during user logon" setting. CC ID 05409 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off the communication features" setting. CC ID 05410 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Windows Mail application" setting. CC ID 05411 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Prevent Windows Media DRM Internet Access" setting. CC ID 05412 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Windows Meeting Space" setting. CC ID 05413 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on Windows Meeting Space auditing" setting. CC ID 05414 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Disable unpacking and installation of gadgets that are not digitally signed" setting. CC ID 05415 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Override the More Gadgets Link" setting. CC ID 05416 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn Off User Installed Windows Sidebar Gadgets" setting. CC ID 05417 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Do not allow Digital Locker to run" setting. CC ID 05418 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Downloading of Game Information" setting. CC ID 05419 Configuration Preventive
    Configure "Turn on Responder (RSPNDR) driver" to organizational standards. CC ID 05420 Configuration Preventive
    Verify ExecShield has been randomly placed in Virtual Memory regions. CC ID 05436 Configuration Preventive
    Enable the ExecShield, as appropriate. CC ID 05421 Configuration Preventive
    Configure Kernel support for the XD/NX processor feature, as appropriate. CC ID 05422 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the XD/NX processor feature in the BIOS, as appropriate. CC ID 05423 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the bin account properly. CC ID 05424 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the nuucp account properly. CC ID 05425 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the smmsp account properly. CC ID 05426 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the listen account properly. CC ID 05427 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the gdm account properly. CC ID 05428 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the webservd account properly. CC ID 05429 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the nobody account properly. CC ID 05430 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the noaccess account properly. CC ID 05431 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the nobody4 account properly. CC ID 05432 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the adm account properly. CC ID 05433 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the lp account properly. CC ID 05434 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the uucp account properly. CC ID 05435 Configuration Preventive
    Set the noexec_user_stack parameter properly. CC ID 05437 Configuration Preventive
    Set the no_exec_user_stack_log parameter properly. CC ID 05438 Configuration Preventive
    Set the noexec_user_stack flag on the user stack properly. CC ID 05439 Configuration Preventive
    Set the TCP max connection limit properly. CC ID 05440 Configuration Preventive
    Set the TCP abort interval properly. CC ID 05441 Configuration Preventive
    Enable or disable the GNOME screenlock, as appropriate. CC ID 05442 Configuration Preventive
    Set the ARP cache cleanup interval properly. CC ID 05443 Configuration Preventive
    Set the ARP IRE scan rate properly. CC ID 05444 Configuration Preventive
    Disable The "proxy ARP" configurable item on all interfaces. CC ID 06570 Configuration Preventive
    Set the FileSpaceSwitch variable to an appropriate value. CC ID 05445 Configuration Preventive
    Set the wakeup switchpoint frequency to an appropriate time interval. CC ID 05446 Configuration Preventive
    Enable or disable the setuid option on removable storage media, as appropriate. CC ID 05447 Configuration Preventive
    Configure TCP/IP PMTU Discovery, as appropriate. CC ID 05991 Configuration Preventive
    Configure Secure Shell to enable or disable empty passwords, as appropriate. CC ID 06016 Configuration Preventive
    Configure each user's Screen Saver Executable Name. CC ID 06027 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the NIS+ server to operate at an appropriate security level. CC ID 06038 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "restrict guest access to system log" policy, as appropriate. CC ID 06047 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Block saving of Open XML file types" setting, as appropriate. CC ID 06048 Configuration Preventive
    Enable or disable user-initiated system crashes via the CTRL+SCROLL LOCK+SCROLL LOCK sequence for keyboards. CC ID 06051 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Syskey mode" to organizational standards. CC ID 06052 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) platform validation profile, as appropriate. CC ID 06056 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Allow Remote Shell Access" setting, as appropriate. CC ID 06057 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Prevent the computer from joining a homegroup" setting, as appropriate. CC ID 06058 Configuration Preventive
    Enable or disable the authenticator requirement after waking, as appropriate. CC ID 06059 Configuration Preventive
    Enable or disable the standby states, as appropriate. CC ID 06060 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Trusted Platform Module startup options properly. CC ID 06061 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the system to purge Policy Caches. CC ID 06569 Configuration Preventive
    Separate authenticator files and application system data on different file systems. CC ID 06790 Configuration Preventive
    Configure Application Programming Interfaces to limit or shut down interactivity based upon a rate limit. CC ID 06811 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "all world-writable directories" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08714 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure the "all rsyslog log" files group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08715 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure the "all rsyslog log" files user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08716 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure the "Executable stack" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08969 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "smbpasswd executable" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08975 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "traceroute executable" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08980 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "traceroute executable" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08981 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Apache configuration" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08991 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Apache configuration" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08992 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "/var/log/httpd/" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09027 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "/etc/httpd/conf.d" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09028 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "/etc/httpd/conf/passwd" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09029 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "/usr/sbin/apachectl" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09030 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "/usr/sbin/httpd" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09031 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "/var/www/html" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09032 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "log files" the "/var/log/httpd/" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09034 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "/etc/httpd/conf.d" file ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09035 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "/etc/httpd/conf/passwd" file ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09036 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "/usr/sbin/apachectl" file ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09037 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "/usr/sbin/httpd" file ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09038 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "/var/www/html" file ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09039 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "httpd.conf" file user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09055 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "httpd.conf" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09056 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "htpasswd" file user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09058 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "htpasswd" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09059 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "files specified by CustomLog" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09074 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "files specified by CustomLog" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09075 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "files specified by ErrorLog" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09076 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "files specified by ErrorLog" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09077 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by ScriptAlias" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09079 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by ScriptAlias" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09080 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by ScriptAliasMatch" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09082 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by ScriptAliasMatch" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09083 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by DocumentRoot" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09085 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by DocumentRoot" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09086 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by Alias" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09088 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by Alias" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09089 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by ServerRoot" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09091 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by ServerRoot" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09092 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "apache /bin" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09094 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "apache /bin" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09095 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "apache /logs" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09097 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "apache /logs" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09098 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "apache /htdocs" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09100 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "apache /htdocs" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09101 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "apache /cgi-bin" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09104 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "User-specific directories" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09123 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "apache process ID" file user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09125 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "apache process ID" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09126 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "apache scoreboard" file user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09128 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "apache scoreboard" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09129 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Ownership of the asymmetric keys" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09289 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "SQLServer2005ReportServerUser" registry key permissions to organizational standards. CC ID 09326 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "SQLServerADHelperUser" registry key permissions to organizational standards. CC ID 09329 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Tomcat home" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09772 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "group" setting for the "Tomcat installation" to organizational standards. CC ID 09773 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "tomcat conf/" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09774 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "tomcat conf/" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09775 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "tomcat-users.xml" file user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09776 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "tomcat-users.xml" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09777 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "group membership" setting for "Tomcat" to organizational standards. CC ID 09793 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Tomcat home" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09798 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Tomcat home/conf/" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09800 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Tomcat home/conf/" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09801 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "system" files permissions to organizational standards. CC ID 09922 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "size limit" setting for the "application log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10063 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "restrict guest access to security log" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10064 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "size limit" setting for the "system log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10065 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Automatic Update service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10066 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Safe DLL Search Mode" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10067 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "screensaver" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10068 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "screensaver" setting for the "default" user to organizational standards. CC ID 10069 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Enable User Control Over Installs" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10070 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Enable User to Browser for Source While Elevated" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10071 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Enable User to Use Media Source While Elevated" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10072 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Allow Administrator to Install from Terminal Services Session" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10073 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Enable User to Patch Elevated Products" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10074 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Cache Transforms in Secure Location" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10075 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Disable Media Player for automatic updates" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10076 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Internet access for Windows Messenger" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10077 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Do Not Automatically Start Windows Messenger" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10078 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Hide Property Pages" setting for the "task scheduler" to organizational standards. CC ID 10079 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Prohibit New Task Creation" setting for the "task scheduler" to organizational standards. CC ID 10080 Configuration Preventive
    Configure "Set time limit for disconnected sessions" to organizational standards. CC ID 10081 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Set time limit for idle sessions" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10082 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Enable Keep-Alive Messages" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10083 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Automatic Updates detection frequency" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10084 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "TCPMaxPortsExhausted" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10085 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "built-in Administrator" account to organizational standards. CC ID 10086 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Prevent System Maintenance of Computer Account Password" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10087 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Digitally Sign Client Communication (When Possible)" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10088 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "number of SYN-ACK retransmissions sent when attempting to respond to a SYN request" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10089 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "warning level" setting for the "audit log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10090 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Change Password" setting for the "Ctrl+Alt+Del dialog" to organizational standards. CC ID 10091 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "account description" setting for the "built-in Administrator" account to organizational standards. CC ID 10092 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Decoy Admin Account Not Disabled" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10201 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "when maximum log size is reached" setting for the "Application log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10202 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "password filtering DLL" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10203 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Anonymous access to the registry" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10204 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Automatic Execution" setting for the "System Debugger" to organizational standards. CC ID 10205 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "CD-ROM Autorun" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10206 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "ResetBrowser Frames" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10207 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Dr. Watson Crash Dumps" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10208 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "File System Checker and Popups" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10209 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "System File Checker" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10210 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "System File Checker Progress Meter" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10211 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "number of TCP/IP Maximum Half-open Sockets" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10212 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "number of TCP/IP Maximum Retried Half-open Sockets" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10213 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Protect Kernel object attributes" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10214 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Unsigned Non-Driver Installation Behavior" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10215 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Automatically Log Off Users When Logon Time Expires (local)" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10216 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Local volumes" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10217 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Unused USB Ports" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10218 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Set Safe for Scripting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10219 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Use of the Recycle Bin on file deletion" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10220 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Membership in the Power Users group" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10224 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "AutoBackupLogFiles" setting for the "security log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10225 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "AutoBackupLogFiles" setting for the "application log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10226 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "AutoBackupLogFiles" setting for the "system log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10227 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Syskey Encryption Key location and password method" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10228 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Os2LibPath environmental variable" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10229 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "path to the Microsoft OS/2 version 1.x library" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10230 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "location of the OS/2 subsystem" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10231 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "location of the POSIX subsystem" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10232 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "path to the debugger used for Just-In-Time debugging" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10234 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM)" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10235 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "The "encryption algorithm" setting for "EFS"" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10236 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Interix Subsystem Startup service startup type" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10238 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Services for Unix Perl Socket service startup type" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10247 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Services for Unix Windows Cron service startup type" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10248 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "fDisableCdm" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10259 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "fDisableClip" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10260 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Inheritance of the shadow setting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10261 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "remote control configuration" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10262 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "fDisableCam" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10263 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "fDisableCcm" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10264 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "fDisableLPT" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10265 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "ActiveX installation policy for sites in Trusted zones" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10691 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Add the Administrators security group to roaming user profiles" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10694 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Administratively assigned offline files" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10695 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Apply policy to removable media" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10756 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Baseline file cache maximum size" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10763 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Check for New Signatures Before Scheduled Scans" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10770 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Check published state" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10771 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Communities" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10772 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Computer location" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10773 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Background Sync" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10775 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Corporate Windows Error Reporting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10777 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Corrupted File Recovery Behavior" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10778 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Default consent" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10780 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "list of IEEE 1667 silos usable on your computer" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10792 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Microsoft SpyNet Reporting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10794 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "MSI Corrupted File Recovery Behavior" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10795 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Reliability WMI Providers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10804 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Report Archive" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10805 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Report Queue" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10806 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "root certificate clean up" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10807 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Security Policy for Scripted Diagnostics" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10816 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "list of blocked TPM commands" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10822 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "refresh interval for Server Manager" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10823 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "server address, refresh interval, and issuer certificate authority of a target Subscription Manager" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10824 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Customize consent settings" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10837 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Default behavior for AutoRun" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10839 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Define Activation Security Check exemptions" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10841 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Define host name-to-Kerberos realm mappings" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10842 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Define interoperable Kerberos V5 realm settings" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10843 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Delay Restart for scheduled installations" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10844 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Delete cached copies of roaming profiles" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10845 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Delete user profiles older than a specified number of days on system restart" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10847 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Diagnostics: Configure scenario retention" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10857 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Directory pruning interval" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10858 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Directory pruning priority" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10859 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Directory pruning retry" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10860 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Disk Diagnostic: Configure custom alert text" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10882 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Display Shutdown Event Tracker" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10888 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Display string when smart card is blocked" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10889 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Do not automatically encrypt files moved to encrypted folders" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10924 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Do not check for user ownership of Roaming Profile Folders" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10925 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Do not process incoming mailslot messages used for domain controller location based on NetBIOS domain names" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10932 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Do not send additional data" machine setting should be configured correctly. to organizational standards. CC ID 10934 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Domain Controller Address Type Returned" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10939 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Domain Location Determination URL" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10940 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Don't set the always do this checkbox" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10941 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Download missing COM components" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10942 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Dynamic Update" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10944 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Enable client-side targeting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10946 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Enable NTFS pagefile encryption" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10948 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Enable Persistent Time Stamp" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10949 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Enable Transparent Caching" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10950 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Enable Windows NTP Client" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10951 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Enable Windows NTP Server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10952 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Encrypt the Offline Files cache" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10955 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Enforce upgrade component rules" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10958 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Events.asp program" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10959 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Events.asp program command line parameters" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10960 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Events.asp URL" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10961 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Exclude credential providers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10962 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Exclude files from being cached" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10963 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Final DC Discovery Retry Setting for Background Callers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10968 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "For tablet pen input, don't show the Input Panel icon" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10973 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "For touch input, don't show the Input Panel icon" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10974 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Force Rediscovery Interval" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10975 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Force selected system UI language to overwrite the user UI language" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10976 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Force the reading of all certificates from the smart card" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10977 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "ForwarderResourceUsage" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10978 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Global Configuration Settings" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10979 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Hash Publication for BranchCache" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10986 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Hide entry points for Fast User Switching" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10987 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Hide notifications about RD Licensing problems that affect the RD Session Host server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10988 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Hide previous versions list for local files" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10989 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Hide previous versions of files on backup location" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10991 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Ignore custom consent settings" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10992 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Ignore Delegation Failure" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10993 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Ignore the default list of blocked TPM commands" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10994 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Ignore the local list of blocked TPM commands" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10995 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Include rarely used Chinese, Kanji, or Hanja characters" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10996 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Initial DC Discovery Retry Setting for Background Callers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10997 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "IP-HTTPS State" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11000 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "ISATAP Router Name" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11001 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "ISATAP State" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11002 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "License server security group" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11005 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "List of applications to be excluded" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11023 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Lock Enhanced Storage when the computer is locked" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11025 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Make Parental Controls control panel visible on a Domain" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11039 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "MaxConcurrentUsers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11040 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Maximum DC Discovery Retry Interval Setting for Background Callers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11041 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool: Turn on MSDT interactive communication with Support Provider" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11045 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Negative DC Discovery Cache Setting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11047 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Non-conforming packets" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11053 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Notify blocked drivers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11054 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Notify user of successful smart card driver installation" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11055 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Permitted Managers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11062 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Positive Periodic DC Cache Refresh for Background Callers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11063 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Positive Periodic DC Cache Refresh for Non-Background Callers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11064 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Prioritize all digitally signed drivers equally during the driver ranking and selection process" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11098 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Prompt for credentials on the client computer" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11108 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Propagation of extended error information" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11110 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Register PTR Records" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11121 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Registration Refresh Interval" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11122 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Remove Program Compatibility Property Page" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11128 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Remove users ability to invoke machine policy refresh" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11129 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Remove Windows Security item from Start menu" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11130 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Re-prompt for restart with scheduled installations" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11131 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Require secure RPC communication" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11134 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Require strict KDC validation" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11135 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Reverse the subject name stored in a certificate when displaying" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11148 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "RPC Troubleshooting State Information" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11150 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Run shutdown scripts visible" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11152 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Run startup scripts asynchronously" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11153 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Run startup scripts visible" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11154 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Scavenge Interval" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11158 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Server Authentication Certificate Template" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11170 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Set BranchCache Distributed Cache mode" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11172 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Set BranchCache Hosted Cache mode" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11173 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Set compression algorithm for RDP data" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11174 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Set percentage of disk space used for client computer cache" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11177 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Set PNRP cloud to resolve only" setting for "IPv6 Global" to organizational standards. CC ID 11178 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Set PNRP cloud to resolve only" setting for "IPv6 Site Local" to organizational standards. CC ID 11180 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Set the Email IDs to which notifications are to be sent" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11184 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Set the map update interval for NIS subordinate servers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11186 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Set the Seed Server" setting for "IPv6 Global" to organizational standards. CC ID 11189 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Set the Seed Server" setting for "IPv6 Site Local" to organizational standards. CC ID 11191 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Set the SMTP Server used to send notifications" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11192 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Set timer resolution" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11196 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Sets how often a DFS Client discovers DC's" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11199 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Short name creation options" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11200 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Site Name" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11201 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Specify a default color" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11208 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Specify idle Timeout" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11210 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Specify maximum amount of memory in MB per Shell" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11211 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Specify maximum number of processes per Shell" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11212 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Specify Shell Timeout" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11216 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Specify Windows installation file location" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11225 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Specify Windows Service Pack installation file location" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11226 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "SSL Cipher Suite Order" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11227 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Switch to the Simplified Chinese (PRC) gestures" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11230 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Sysvol share compatibility" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11231 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Tag Windows Customer Experience Improvement data with Study Identifier" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11232 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Teredo Client Port" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11236 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Teredo Default Qualified" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11237 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Teredo Refresh Rate" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11238 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Teredo Server Name" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11239 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Teredo State" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11240 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Time (in seconds) to force reboot" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11242 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Time (in seconds) to force reboot when required for policy changes to take effect" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11243 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Timeout for fast user switching events" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11244 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Traps for public community" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11246 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Trusted Hosts" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11249 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Try Next Closest Site" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11250 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "TTL Set in the A and PTR records" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11251 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on Accounting for WSRM" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11333 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on BranchCache" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11334 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on certificate propagation from smart card" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11335 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn On Compatibility HTTP Listener" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11336 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn On Compatibility HTTPS Listener" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11337 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on definition updates through both WSUS and the Microsoft Malware Protection Center" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11338 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on definition updates through both WSUS and Windows Update" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11339 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on economical application of administratively assigned Offline Files" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11342 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on Mapper I/O (LLTDIO) driver" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11346 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on recommended updates via Automatic Updates" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11347 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on root certificate propagation from smart card" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11349 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on Software Notifications" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11352 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on TPM backup to Active Directory Domain Services" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11356 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Use forest search order" setting for "Key Distribution Center (KDC) searches" to organizational standards. CC ID 11359 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Use forest search order" setting for "Kerberos client searches" to organizational standards. CC ID 11360 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Use IP Address Redirection" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11361 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Use localized subfolder names when redirecting Start Menu and My Documents" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11362 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Use mandatory profiles on the RD Session Host server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11363 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Verbose vs normal status messages" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11368 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Verify old and new Folder Redirection targets point to the same share before redirecting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11369 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Windows Scaling Heuristics State" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11372 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Obtain Software Package Updates with apt-get" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11375 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "display a banner before authentication" setting for "LightDM" to organizational standards. CC ID 11385 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "shadow" group to organizational standards. CC ID 11386 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "AppArmor" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11387 Configuration Preventive
    Disable or configure the e-mail server, as necessary. CC ID 06563 Configuration Preventive
    Configure e-mail servers to enable receiver-side verification. CC ID 12223
    [{spoofed e-mail message} To lower the chance of spoofed or modified emails from valid domains, implement DMARC policy and verification, starting with implementing the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) standards. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.5 Implement DMARC
    {spoofed e-mail message} To lower the chance of spoofed or modified emails from valid domains, implement DMARC policy and verification, starting with implementing the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) standards. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.5 Implement DMARC]
    Configuration Preventive
    Configure the system account settings and the permission settings in accordance with the organizational standards. CC ID 01538 Configuration Preventive
    Configure user accounts. CC ID 07036 Configuration Preventive
    Remove unnecessary default accounts. CC ID 01539
    [{insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures]
    Configuration Preventive
    Disable or delete shared User IDs. CC ID 12478 Configuration Corrective
    Verify that no UID 0 accounts exist other than root. CC ID 01585 Configuration Detective
    Disable or delete generic user IDs. CC ID 12479 Configuration Corrective
    Disable all unnecessary user identifiers. CC ID 02185 Configuration Preventive
    Remove unnecessary user credentials. CC ID 16409 Configuration Preventive
    Remove the root user as appropriate. CC ID 01582 Configuration Preventive
    Disable or remove the null account. CC ID 06572 Configuration Preventive
    Configure accounts with administrative privilege. CC ID 07033
    [Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 5: Account Management
    Restrict administrator privileges to dedicated administrator accounts on enterprise assets. Conduct general computing activities, such as internet browsing, email, and productivity suite use, from the user's primary, non-privileged account. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.4 Restrict Administrator Privileges to Dedicated Administrator Accounts]
    Configuration Preventive
    Employ multifactor authentication for accounts with administrative privilege. CC ID 12496
    [Require MFA for all administrative access accounts, where supported, on all enterprise assets, whether managed on-site or through a service provider. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.5 Require MFA for Administrative Access]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Disable root logons or limit the logons to the system console. CC ID 01573 Configuration Preventive
    Encrypt non-console administrative access. CC ID 00883 Configuration Preventive
    Invoke a strong encryption method before requesting an authenticator. CC ID 11986 Technical Security Preventive
    Configure the default group for the root user. CC ID 01586 Configuration Preventive
    Rename or disable the Administrator Account. CC ID 01721 Configuration Preventive
    Create a backup administrator account. CC ID 04497 Configuration Preventive
    Configure mobile device settings in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 04600 Configuration Preventive
    Configure mobile devices to organizational standards. CC ID 04639
    [Ensure separate enterprise workspaces are used on mobile end-user devices, where supported. Example implementations include using an Apple® Configuration Profile or AndroidTM Work Profile to separate enterprise applications and data from personal applications and data. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.12 Separate Enterprise Workspaces on Mobile End-User Devices]
    Configuration Preventive
    Configure mobile devices to separate organizational data from personal data. CC ID 16463 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the mobile device properties to organizational standards. CC ID 04640 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the mobile device menu items to organizational standards. CC ID 04641 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the BlackBerry handheld device driver settings. CC ID 04642 Configuration Preventive
    Configure e-mail security settings in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 07055
    [Improve protections and detections of threats from email and web vectors, as these are opportunities for attackers to manipulate human behavior through direct engagement. CIS Control 9: Email and Web Browser Protections]
    Configuration Preventive
    Configure e-mail to limit the number of recipients per message. CC ID 07056 Configuration Preventive
    Configure Logging settings in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 07611 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the storage parameters for all logs. CC ID 06330
    [{be adequate} Ensure that logging destinations maintain adequate storage to comply with the enterprise's audit log management process. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.3 Ensure Adequate Audit Log Storage]
    Configuration Preventive
    Configure sufficient log storage capacity and prevent the capacity from being exceeded. CC ID 01425 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log retention method. CC ID 01715 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log retention size. CC ID 01716 Configuration Preventive
    Configure syslogd to send logs to a Remote LogHost. CC ID 01526 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the detailed data elements to be captured for all logs so that events are identified by type, location, subject, user, what data was accessed, etc. CC ID 06331
    [Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs
    Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs
    Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs
    Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs]
    Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture creates, reads, updates, or deletes of records containing personal data. CC ID 11890 Log Management Detective
    Configure the log to capture the information referent when personal data is being accessed. CC ID 11968 Log Management Detective
    Configure the log to capture the user's identification. CC ID 01334
    [Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs]
    Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture a date and time stamp. CC ID 01336
    [Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs
    Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs]
    Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture each auditable event's origination. CC ID 01338
    [Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs]
    Log Management Detective
    Configure the log to uniquely identify each asset. CC ID 01339 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture remote access information. CC ID 05596 Configuration Detective
    Configure the log to capture the type of each event. CC ID 06423 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture the details of electronic signature transactions. CC ID 16910 Log Management Preventive
    Configure the log to uniquely identify each accessed record. CC ID 16909 Log Management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture each event's success or failure indication. CC ID 06424 Configuration Preventive
    Configure all logs to capture auditable events or actionable events. CC ID 06332
    [Log sensitive data access, including modification and disposal. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.14 Log Sensitive Data Access]
    Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture the amount of data uploaded and downloaded. CC ID 16494 Log Management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture startups and shutdowns. CC ID 16491 Log Management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture user queries and searches. CC ID 16479 Log Management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture Internet Protocol addresses. CC ID 16495 Log Management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture error messages. CC ID 16477 Log Management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture system failures. CC ID 16475 Log Management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture account lockouts. CC ID 16470 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture execution events. CC ID 16469 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture attempts to bypass or circumvent security controls. CC ID 17078 Log Management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture AWS Organizations changes. CC ID 15445 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture Identity and Access Management policy changes. CC ID 15442 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture management console sign-in without multi-factor authentication. CC ID 15441 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture route table changes. CC ID 15439 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture virtual private cloud changes. CC ID 15435 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture changes to encryption keys. CC ID 15432 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture unauthorized API calls. CC ID 15429 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture changes to network gateways. CC ID 15421 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture all malicious code that has been discovered, quarantined, and/or eradicated. CC ID 00577 Log Management Detective
    Configure the log to capture all spoofed addresses. CC ID 01313 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "logging level" to organizational standards. CC ID 14456 Configuration Detective
    Capture successful operating system access and successful software access. CC ID 00527 Log Management Detective
    Configure the log to capture hardware and software access attempts. CC ID 01220 Log Management Detective
    Configure the log to capture all URL requests. CC ID 12138
    [Collect URL request audit logs on enterprise assets, where appropriate and supported. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.7 Collect URL Request Audit Logs]
    Technical Security Detective
    Configure inetd tracing. CC ID 01523 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the system to capture messages sent to the syslog AUTH facility. CC ID 01525 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture logons, logouts, logon attempts, and logout attempts. CC ID 01915 Log Management Detective
    Configure Cron logging. CC ID 01528 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the kernel level auditing setting. CC ID 01530 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "audit successful file system mounts" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09923 Configuration Preventive
    Configure system accounting/system events. CC ID 01529 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the privilege use auditing setting. CC ID 01699 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to record the Denial of Access that results from an excessive number of unsuccessful logon attempts. CC ID 01919 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Audit Process Tracking setting. CC ID 01700 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture access to restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 00644
    [Log sensitive data access, including modification and disposal. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.14 Log Sensitive Data Access]
    Log Management Detective
    Configure the EEPROM security-mode accesses and EEPROM log-failed accesses. CC ID 01575 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture user identifier, address, port blocking or blacklisting. CC ID 01918 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture actions taken by individuals with root privileges or administrative privileges and add logging option to the root file system. CC ID 00645 Log Management Detective
    Configure the log to capture identification and authentication mechanism use. CC ID 00648 Log Management Detective
    Configure the log to capture all access to the audit trail. CC ID 00646 Log Management Detective
    Configure the log to capture Object access to key directories or key files. CC ID 01697 Log Management Detective
    Configure the log to capture both access and access attempts to security-relevant objects and security-relevant directories. CC ID 01916 Log Management Detective
    Configure the log to capture system level object creation and deletion. CC ID 00650 Log Management Detective
    Enable directory service access events, as appropriate. CC ID 05616 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture failed transactions. CC ID 06334 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture successful transactions. CC ID 06335 Configuration Preventive
    Audit non attributable events (na class). CC ID 05604 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture configuration changes. CC ID 06881 Configuration Preventive
    Log, monitor, and review all changes to time settings on critical systems. CC ID 11608 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture changes to User privileges, audit policies, and trust policies by enabling audit policy changes. CC ID 01698 Log Management Detective
    Configure the log to capture user account additions, modifications, and deletions. CC ID 16482 Log Management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture all changes to certificates. CC ID 05595 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the log to capture user authenticator changes. CC ID 01917 Log Management Detective
    Configure the "inetd logging" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08970 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "audit sudoers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09950 Configuration Preventive
    Configure Key, Certificate, Password, Authentication and Identity Management settings in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 07621 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "Minimum password length" to organizational standards. CC ID 07711
    [{minimum number of characters} Use unique passwords for all enterprise assets. Best practice implementation includes, at a minimum, an 8-character password for accounts using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and a 14-character password for accounts not using MFA. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.2 Use Unique Passwords]
    Configuration Preventive
    Configure security and protection software according to Organizational Standards. CC ID 11917 Configuration Preventive
    Configure security and protection software to check for up-to-date signature files. CC ID 00576
    [Configure automatic updates for anti-malware signature files on all enterprise assets. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.2 Configure Automatic Anti-Malware Signature Updates]
    Testing Detective
    Configure security and protection software to check e-mail attachments. CC ID 11860
    [Block unnecessary file types attempting to enter the enterprise's email gateway. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.6 Block Unnecessary File Types]
    Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Domain Name System in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 12202
    [Configure trusted DNS servers on network infrastructure. Example implementations include configuring network devices to use enterprise-controlled DNS servers and/or reputable externally accessible DNS servers. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.9 Configure Trusted DNS Servers on Enterprise Assets]
    Configuration Preventive
    Configure the Domain Name System query logging to organizational standards. CC ID 12210
    [Collect DNS query audit logs on enterprise assets, where appropriate and supported. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.6 Collect DNS Query Audit Logs]
    Configuration Preventive
    Configure the secure name/address resolution service (recursive or caching resolver). CC ID 01625 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the secure name/address resolution service (authoritative source). CC ID 01624 Configuration Preventive
    Configure DNS records in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 17083 Configuration Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Configuration Baseline Documentation Record. CC ID 02130
    [Use standard, industry-recommended hardening configuration templates for application infrastructure components. This includes underlying servers, databases, and web servers, and applies to cloud containers, Platform as a Service (PaaS) components, and SaaS components. Do not allow in-house developed software to weaken configuration hardening. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.7 Use Standard Hardening Configuration Templates for Application Infrastructure]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document and approve any changes to the Configuration Baseline Documentation Record. CC ID 12104 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Create a hardened image of the baseline configuration to be used for building new systems. CC ID 07063 Configuration Preventive
    Store master images on securely configured servers. CC ID 12089 Technical Security Preventive
    Test systems to ensure they conform to configuration baselines. CC ID 13062 Testing Detective
    Update the security configuration of hardened images, as necessary. CC ID 12088 Technical Security Corrective
  • Systems design, build, and implementation
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Systems design, build, and implementation CC ID 00989 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Initiate the System Development Life Cycle planning phase. CC ID 06266 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system design principles and system design guidelines. CC ID 01057 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define and assign the system development project team roles and responsibilities. CC ID 01061
    [Conduct threat modeling. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. It is conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. The goal is to map out the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its weaknesses. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.14 Conduct Threat Modeling]
    Establish Roles Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate system development roles and responsibilities to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 01062 Establish Roles Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate system development roles and responsibilities to business unit leaders. CC ID 01063 Establish Roles Preventive
    Restrict system architects from being assigned as Administrators. CC ID 01064 Testing Detective
    Restrict the development team from having access to the production environment. CC ID 01066 Testing Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain security design principles. CC ID 14718
    [{insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include reduced complexity of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14753 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include self-reliant trustworthiness of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14752 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include partially ordered dependencies of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14751 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include modularity and layering of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14750 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include secure evolvability of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14749 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include continuous protection of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14748 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include least common mechanisms between systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14747 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include secure system modification of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14746
    [{insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures]
    Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include clear abstractions of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14745 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include secure failure and recovery of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14744 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include repeatable and documented procedures for systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14743 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include least privilege of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14742
    [{insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures]
    Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include minimized sharing of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14741 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include acceptable security of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14740 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include minimized security elements in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14739 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include hierarchical protection in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14738 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include self-analysis of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14737 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include inverse modification thresholds in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14736 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include efficiently mediated access to systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14735 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include secure distributed composition of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14734 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include minimization of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14733 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include secure defaults in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14732 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include trusted communications channels for systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14731 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include economic security in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14730 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include trusted components of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14729 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include procedural rigor in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14728 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include accountability and traceability of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14727 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include hierarchical trust in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14726 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include sufficient documentation for systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14725 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include performance security of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14724 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include human factored security in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14723 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include secure metadata management of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14722 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include predicate permission of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14721 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system design project management framework. CC ID 00990 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain project management standards. CC ID 00992 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Perform a risk assessment for each system development project. CC ID 01000
    [Conduct threat modeling. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. It is conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. The goal is to map out the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its weaknesses. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.14 Conduct Threat Modeling]
    Testing Detective
    Separate the design and development environment from the production environment. CC ID 06088
    [{production system} Maintain separate environments for production and non-production systems. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.8 Separate Production and Non-Production Systems]
    Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Specify appropriate tools for the system development project. CC ID 06830 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Implement security controls in development endpoints. CC ID 16389 Testing Preventive
    Initiate the System Development Life Cycle development phase or System Development Life Cycle build phase. CC ID 06267 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Develop systems in accordance with the system design specifications and system design standards. CC ID 01094 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain outsourced development procedures. CC ID 01141 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Supervise and monitor outsourced development projects. CC ID 01096
    [Monitor service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Monitoring may include periodic reassessment of service provider compliance, monitoring service provider release notes, and dark web monitoring. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.6 Monitor Service Providers]
    Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Develop new products based on best practices. CC ID 01095 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system design specification. CC ID 04557
    [Conduct threat modeling. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. It is conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. The goal is to map out the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its weaknesses. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.14 Conduct Threat Modeling]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document the system architecture in the system design specification. CC ID 12287 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include hardware requirements in the system design specification. CC ID 08666 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include communication links in the system design specification. CC ID 08665 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a description of each module and asset in the system design specification. CC ID 11734 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include supporting software requirements in the system design specification. CC ID 08664 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish and maintain Application Programming Interface documentation. CC ID 12203 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include configuration options in the Application Programming Interface documentation. CC ID 12205 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the logical data flows and process steps in the system design specification. CC ID 08668 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish and maintain the system design specification in a manner that is clear and easy to read. CC ID 12286 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include threat models in the system design specification. CC ID 06829
    [Conduct threat modeling. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. It is conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. The goal is to map out the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its weaknesses. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.14 Conduct Threat Modeling
    Conduct threat modeling. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. It is conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. The goal is to map out the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its weaknesses. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.14 Conduct Threat Modeling]
    Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include security requirements in the system design specification. CC ID 06826 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain access control procedures for the test environment that match those of the production environment. CC ID 06793 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include anti-tamper technologies and anti-tamper techniques in the system design specification. CC ID 10639 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 06591 Process or Activity Preventive
    Define the physical requirements for identification cards or badges in the identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 06592 Process or Activity Preventive
    Define the mandatory items that must appear on identification cards or badges in the identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 06593 Process or Activity Preventive
    Define the data elements to be stored on identification cards or badges in the identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 15427 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Define the optional items that may appear on identification cards or badges in the identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 06594 Process or Activity Preventive
    Include security measures in the identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 15423 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include the logical credential data model for identification cards or badges in the identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 06595 Process or Activity Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a CAPTCHA design specification. CC ID 17092 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain payment card architectural designs. CC ID 16132 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain coding guidelines. CC ID 08661 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Nest elements appropriately in website content using markup languages. CC ID 15154 Configuration Preventive
    Use valid HTML or other markup languages. CC ID 15153 Configuration Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain human interface guidelines. CC ID 08662 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Ensure users can navigate content. CC ID 15163 Configuration Preventive
    Create text content using language that is readable and is understandable. CC ID 15167 Configuration Preventive
    Ensure user interface components are operable. CC ID 15162 Configuration Preventive
    Implement mechanisms to review, confirm, and correct user submissions. CC ID 15160 Configuration Preventive
    Allow users to reverse submissions. CC ID 15168 Configuration Preventive
    Provide a mechanism to control audio. CC ID 15158 Configuration Preventive
    Allow modification of style properties without loss of content or functionality. CC ID 15156 Configuration Preventive
    Programmatically determine the name and role of user interface components. CC ID 15148 Configuration Preventive
    Programmatically determine the language of content. CC ID 15137 Configuration Preventive
    Provide a mechanism to dismiss content triggered by mouseover or keyboard focus. CC ID 15164 Configuration Preventive
    Configure repeated navigational mechanisms to occur in the same order unless overridden by the user. CC ID 15166 Configuration Preventive
    Refrain from activating a change of context when changing the setting of user interface components, as necessary. CC ID 15165 Configuration Preventive
    Provide users a mechanism to remap keyboard shortcuts. CC ID 15133 Configuration Preventive
    Identify the components in a set of web pages that consistently have the same functionality. CC ID 15116 Process or Activity Preventive
    Provide captions for live audio content. CC ID 15120 Configuration Preventive
    Programmatically determine the purpose of each data field that collects information from the user. CC ID 15114 Configuration Preventive
    Provide labels or instructions when content requires user input. CC ID 15077 Configuration Preventive
    Allow users to control auto-updating information, as necessary. CC ID 15159 Configuration Preventive
    Use headings on all web pages and labels in all content that describes the topic or purpose. CC ID 15070 Configuration Preventive
    Display website content triggered by mouseover or keyboard focus. CC ID 15152 Configuration Preventive
    Ensure the purpose of links can be determined through the link text. CC ID 15157 Configuration Preventive
    Use a unique title that describes the topic or purpose for each web page. CC ID 15069 Configuration Preventive
    Allow the use of time limits, as necessary. CC ID 15155 Configuration Preventive
    Include mechanisms for changing authenticators in human interface guidelines. CC ID 14944 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Refrain from activating a change of context in a user interface component. CC ID 15115 Configuration Preventive
    Include functionality for managing user data in human interface guidelines. CC ID 14928 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish and maintain User Interface documentation. CC ID 12204 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include system messages in human interface guidelines. CC ID 08663 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include measurable system performance requirements in the system design specification. CC ID 08667 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the data structure in the system design specification. CC ID 08669 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the input and output variables in the system design specification. CC ID 08670 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include data encryption information in the system design specification. CC ID 12209 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include records disposition information in the system design specification. CC ID 12208 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include how data is managed in each module in the system design specification. CC ID 12207 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include identifying restricted data in the system design specification. CC ID 12206 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Assign appropriate parties to approve the system design specification. CC ID 13070 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the system design specification to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15468 Communicate Preventive
    Implement security controls when developing systems. CC ID 06270
    [{static analysis tool} Apply static and dynamic analysis tools within the application life cycle to verify that secure coding practices are being followed. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.12 Implement Code-Level Security Checks
    Leverage vetted modules or services for application security components, such as identity management, encryption, and auditing and logging. Using platform features in critical security functions will reduce developers' workload and minimize the likelihood of design or implementation errors. Modern operating systems provide effective mechanisms for identification, authentication, and authorization and make those mechanisms available to applications. Use only standardized, currently accepted, and extensively reviewed encryption algorithms. Operating systems also provide mechanisms to create and maintain secure audit logs. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.11 Leverage Vetted Modules or Services for Application Security Components]
    Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include restricted data encryption and restricted information encryption in the security controls. CC ID 01083 Technical Security Preventive
    Require successful authentication before granting access to system functionality via network interfaces. CC ID 14926 Technical Security Preventive
    Audit all modifications to the application being developed. CC ID 01614 Testing Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain session security coding standards. CC ID 04584 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish and maintain a cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12476 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the algorithms used in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12483 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include an inventory of all protected areas in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12486 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a description of the key usage for each key in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12484 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include descriptions of all cryptographic keys in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12487 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include descriptions of the cryptographic key strength of all cryptographic keys in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12488 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include each cryptographic key's expiration date in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12489 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the protocols used in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12485 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Analyze and minimize attack surfaces when developing systems. CC ID 06828
    [{insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures]
    Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Implement a hardware security module, as necessary. CC ID 12222 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Require dual authentication when switching out of PCI mode in the hardware security module. CC ID 12274 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include an indicator to designate when the hardware security module is in PCI mode. CC ID 12273 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Design the random number generator to generate random numbers that are unpredictable. CC ID 12255 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Design the hardware security module to enforce the separation between applications. CC ID 12254 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Protect sensitive data when transiting sensitive services in the hardware security module. CC ID 12253 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Design the hardware security module to automatically clear its internal buffers of sensitive information prior to reuse of the buffer. CC ID 12233 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Design the hardware security module to automatically clear its internal buffers of sensitive information after it recovers from an error condition. CC ID 12252 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Design the hardware security module to automatically clear its internal buffers of sensitive information when it has timed out. CC ID 12251 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Design the hardware security module to erase sensitive data when compromised. CC ID 12275 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Restrict key-usage information for cryptographic keys in the hardware security module. CC ID 12232 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Prevent cryptographic keys in the hardware security module from making unauthorized changes to data. CC ID 12231 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Include in the system documentation methodologies for authenticating the hardware security module. CC ID 12258 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Protect sensitive information within the hardware security module from unauthorized changes. CC ID 12225 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Prohibit sensitive functions from working outside of protected areas of the hardware security module. CC ID 12224 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an acceptable use policy for the hardware security module. CC ID 12247 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the acceptable use policy for the hardware security module. CC ID 12264 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the environmental requirements in the acceptable use policy for the hardware security module. CC ID 12263 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include device identification in the acceptable use policy for the hardware security module. CC ID 12262 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include device functionality in the acceptable use policy for the hardware security module. CC ID 12261 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include administrative responsibilities in the acceptable use policy for the hardware security module. CC ID 12260 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Install secret information into the hardware security module during manufacturing. CC ID 12249 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Install secret information into the hardware security module so that it can only be verified by the initial-key-loading facility. CC ID 12272 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Install secret information under dual control into the hardware security module. CC ID 12257 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Design the security architecture. CC ID 06269 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Review and update the security architecture, as necessary. CC ID 14277
    [Conduct threat modeling. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. It is conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. The goal is to map out the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its weaknesses. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.14 Conduct Threat Modeling]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Corrective
    Develop new products based on secure coding techniques. CC ID 11733
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Establish and maintain a coding manual for secure coding techniques. CC ID 11863
    [Leverage vetted modules or services for application security components, such as identity management, encryption, and auditing and logging. Using platform features in critical security functions will reduce developers' workload and minimize the likelihood of design or implementation errors. Modern operating systems provide effective mechanisms for identification, authentication, and authorization and make those mechanisms available to applications. Use only standardized, currently accepted, and extensively reviewed encryption algorithms. Operating systems also provide mechanisms to create and maintain secure audit logs. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.11 Leverage Vetted Modules or Services for Application Security Components
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Protect applications from insufficient anti-automation through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 16854 Technical Security Preventive
    Protect applications from improper access control through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11959 Technical Security Preventive
    Protect applications from improper error handling through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11937 Technical Security Preventive
    Protect applications from insecure communications through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11936 Technical Security Preventive
    Protect applications from attacks on business logic through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 15472 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Protect applications from format string attacks through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 17091 Technical Security Preventive
    Protect applications from XML external entities through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 14806 Technical Security Preventive
    Protect applications from insecure deserialization through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 14805 Technical Security Preventive
    Refrain from hard-coding security parameters in source code. CC ID 14917 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Refrain from hard-coding usernames in source code. CC ID 06561 Technical Security Preventive
    Refrain from hard-coding authenticators in source code. CC ID 11829 Technical Security Preventive
    Refrain from hard-coding cryptographic keys in source code. CC ID 12307 Technical Security Preventive
    Protect applications from injection flaws through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11944 Technical Security Preventive
    Protect applications from attacks on data and data structures through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 15482 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Control user account management through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11909 Technical Security Preventive
    Restrict direct access of databases to the database administrator through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11933 Technical Security Preventive
    Protect applications from buffer overflows through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11943 Technical Security Preventive
    Protect applications from cross-site scripting through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11899 Process or Activity Preventive
    Protect against coding vulnerabilities through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11897
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Process or Activity Preventive
    Protect applications from broken authentication and session management through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11896 Process or Activity Preventive
    Protect applications from insecure cryptographic storage through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11935 Technical Security Preventive
    Protect applications from cross-site request forgery through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11895 Process or Activity Preventive
    Protect databases from unauthorized database management actions through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 12049 Technical Security Preventive
    Refrain from displaying error messages to end users through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 12166 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Configure software development tools in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16387 Configuration Preventive
    Address known coding vulnerabilities as a part of secure coding techniques. CC ID 12493 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Corrective
    Standardize Application Programming Interfaces. CC ID 12167 Technical Security Preventive
    Include all confidentiality, integrity, and availability functions in the system design specification. CC ID 04556 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the relationships and dependencies between modules in the system design specification. CC ID 04559 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a security policy model document. CC ID 04560 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Perform Quality Management on all newly developed or modified systems. CC ID 01100 Testing Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain system testing procedures. CC ID 11744 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Review and test custom code to identify potential coding vulnerabilities. CC ID 01316
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Testing Detective
    Review and test source code. CC ID 01086 Testing Detective
    Assign the review of custom code changes to individuals other than the code author. CC ID 06291 Establish Roles Preventive
    Evaluate and document all known code anomalies and code deficiencies. CC ID 06611 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Correct code anomalies and code deficiencies in custom code and retest before release. CC ID 06292 Testing Corrective
    Approve all custom code test results before code is released. CC ID 06293 Testing Detective
    Initiate the System Development Life Cycle implementation phase. CC ID 06268 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Perform a final system test prior to implementing a new system. CC ID 01108 Testing Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain system acceptance criteria. CC ID 06210
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a severity rating system and process for application vulnerabilities that facilitates prioritizing the order in which discovered vulnerabilities are fixed. This process includes setting a minimum level of security acceptability for releasing code or applications. Severity ratings bring a systematic way of triaging vulnerabilities that improves risk management and helps ensure the most severe bugs are fixed first. Review and update the system and process annually. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.6 Establish and Maintain a Severity Rating System and Process for Application Vulnerabilities]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
  • Technical security
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Technical security CC ID 00508 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain an access control program. CC ID 11702
    [Centralize access control for all enterprise assets through a directory service or SSO provider, where supported. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.7 Centralize Access Control]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include instructions to change authenticators as often as necessary in the access control program. CC ID 11931 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include guidance for how users should protect their authentication credentials in the access control program. CC ID 11929 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include guidance on selecting authentication credentials in the access control program. CC ID 11928 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain access control policies. CC ID 00512 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include compliance requirements in the access control policy. CC ID 14006 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the access control policy. CC ID 14005 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include management commitment in the access control policy. CC ID 14004 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the access control policy. CC ID 14003 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the scope in the access control policy. CC ID 14002 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the purpose in the access control policy. CC ID 14001 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document the business need justification for user accounts. CC ID 15490 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an instant messaging and chat system usage policy. CC ID 11815 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the access control policies to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 10061 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an access rights management plan. CC ID 00513 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Implement safeguards to protect access credentials from unauthorized access. CC ID 16433 Technical Security Preventive
    Inventory all user accounts. CC ID 13732
    [{quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, must contain department owner, review date, and purpose. Perform service account reviews to validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.5 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Accounts
    {user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Identify information system users. CC ID 12081
    [{user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts]
    Technical Security Detective
    Review user accounts. CC ID 00525
    [{quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, must contain department owner, review date, and purpose. Perform service account reviews to validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.5 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Accounts
    {user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts]
    Technical Security Detective
    Match user accounts to authorized parties. CC ID 12126
    [{user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts
    {user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts]
    Configuration Detective
    Identify and authenticate processes running on information systems that act on behalf of users. CC ID 12082 Technical Security Detective
    Establish and maintain contact information for user accounts, as necessary. CC ID 15418 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Review shared accounts. CC ID 11840 Technical Security Detective
    Control access rights to organizational assets. CC ID 00004
    [Configure data access control lists based on a user's need to know. Apply data access control lists, also known as access permissions, to local and remote file systems, databases, and applications. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.3 Configure Data Access Control Lists
    Establish and follow a documented process, preferably automated, for granting access to enterprise assets upon new hire or role change of a user. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.1 Establish an Access Granting Process]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Configure access control lists in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16465
    [Configure data access control lists based on a user's need to know. Apply data access control lists, also known as access permissions, to local and remote file systems, databases, and applications. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.3 Configure Data Access Control Lists]
    Configuration Preventive
    Add all devices requiring access control to the Access Control List. CC ID 06264 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Generate but refrain from storing authenticators or Personal Identification Numbers for systems involved in high risk activities. CC ID 06835 Technical Security Preventive
    Disallow application IDs from running as privileged users. CC ID 10050 Configuration Detective
    Define roles for information systems. CC ID 12454 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Define access needs for each role assigned to an information system. CC ID 12455 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Define access needs for each system component of an information system. CC ID 12456 Technical Security Preventive
    Define the level of privilege required for each system component of an information system. CC ID 12457 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish access rights based on least privilege. CC ID 01411
    [{annual basis} Define and maintain role-based access control, through determining and documenting the access rights necessary for each role within the enterprise to successfully carry out its assigned duties. Perform access control reviews of enterprise assets to validate that all privileges are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.8 Define and Maintain Role-Based Access Control
    Design and maintain a secure network architecture. A secure network architecture must address segmentation, least privilege, and availability, at a minimum. Example implementations may include documentation, policy, and design components. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.2 Establish and Maintain a Secure Network Architecture]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Assign user permissions based on job responsibilities. CC ID 00538 Technical Security Preventive
    Assign user privileges after they have management sign off. CC ID 00542 Technical Security Preventive
    Separate processing domains to segregate user privileges and enhance information flow control. CC ID 06767
    [{data storage}{be lower than} Segment data processing and storage based on the sensitivity of the data. Do not process sensitive data on enterprise assets intended for lower sensitivity data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.12 Segment Data Processing and Storage Based on Sensitivity]
    Configuration Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain lockout procedures or lockout mechanisms to be triggered after a predetermined number of consecutive logon attempts. CC ID 01412
    [Enforce automatic device lockout following a predetermined threshold of local failed authentication attempts on portable end-user devices, where supported. For laptops, do not allow more than 20 failed authentication attempts; for tablets and smartphones, no more than 10 failed authentication attempts. Example implementations include Microsoft® InTune Device Lock and Apple® Configuration Profile maxFailedAttempts. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.10 Enforce Automatic Device Lockout on Portable End-User Devices]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Configure the lockout procedure to disregard failed logon attempts after the user is authenticated. CC ID 13822 Configuration Preventive
    Notify appropriate parties when the maximum number of unsuccessful logon attempts is exceeded. CC ID 17164 Communicate Preventive
    Notify the user when an authentication is attempted using an expired authenticator. CC ID 13818 Communicate Corrective
    Disallow unlocking user accounts absent system administrator approval. CC ID 01413 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain session lock capabilities. CC ID 01417 Configuration Preventive
    Limit concurrent sessions according to account type. CC ID 01416 Configuration Preventive
    Establish session authenticity through Transport Layer Security. CC ID 01627 Technical Security Preventive
    Configure the "tlsverify" argument to organizational standards. CC ID 14460 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "tlscacert" argument to organizational standards. CC ID 14521 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "tlscert" argument to organizational standards. CC ID 14520 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the "tlskey" argument to organizational standards. CC ID 14519 Configuration Preventive
    Enable access control for objects and users on each system. CC ID 04553 Configuration Preventive
    Include all system components in the access control system. CC ID 11939 Technical Security Preventive
    Set access control for objects and users to "deny all" unless explicitly authorized. CC ID 06301 Process or Activity Preventive
    Enable access control for objects and users to match restrictions set by the system's security classification. CC ID 04850
    [{remote connection} Manage access control for assets remotely connecting to enterprise resources. Determine amount of access to enterprise resources based on: up-to-date anti-malware software installed, configuration compliance with the enterprise's secure configuration process, and ensuring the operating system and applications are up-to-date. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.5 Manage Access Control for Remote Assets]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Enable attribute-based access control for objects and users on information systems. CC ID 16351 Technical Security Preventive
    Enable role-based access control for objects and users on information systems. CC ID 12458
    [{annual basis} Define and maintain role-based access control, through determining and documenting the access rights necessary for each role within the enterprise to successfully carry out its assigned duties. Perform access control reviews of enterprise assets to validate that all privileges are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.8 Define and Maintain Role-Based Access Control]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Include the objects and users subject to access control in the security policy. CC ID 11836 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Assign Information System access authorizations if implementing segregation of duties. CC ID 06323 Establish Roles Preventive
    Enforce access restrictions for change control. CC ID 01428 Technical Security Preventive
    Enforce access restrictions for restricted data. CC ID 01921 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Permit a limited set of user actions absent identification and authentication. CC ID 04849 Technical Security Preventive
    Perform a risk assessment prior to activating third party access to the organization's critical systems. CC ID 06455 Testing Detective
    Activate third party maintenance accounts and user identifiers, as necessary. CC ID 04262 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system use agreement for each information system. CC ID 06500 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Accept and sign the system use agreement before data or system access is enabled. CC ID 06501 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Display a logon banner and appropriate logon message before granting access to the system. CC ID 06770 Technical Security Preventive
    Display previous logon information in the logon banner. CC ID 01415 Configuration Preventive
    Document actions that can be performed on an information system absent identification and authentication of the user. CC ID 06771 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Use automatic equipment identification as a method of connection authentication absent an individual's identification and authentication. CC ID 06964 Technical Security Preventive
    Control user privileges. CC ID 11665 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish and maintain a list of individuals authorized to perform privileged functions. CC ID 17005 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Review all user privileges, as necessary. CC ID 06784
    [{annual basis} Define and maintain role-based access control, through determining and documenting the access rights necessary for each role within the enterprise to successfully carry out its assigned duties. Perform access control reviews of enterprise assets to validate that all privileges are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.8 Define and Maintain Role-Based Access Control]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Revoke asset access when a personnel status change occurs or an individual is terminated. CC ID 00516 Behavior Corrective
    Encrypt files and move them to a secure file server when a user account is disabled. CC ID 07065 Configuration Preventive
    Review and update accounts and access rights when notified of personnel status changes. CC ID 00788 Behavior Corrective
    Review each user's access capabilities when their role changes. CC ID 00524 Technical Security Preventive
    Change authenticators after personnel status changes. CC ID 12284 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Establish and maintain a Digital Rights Management program. CC ID 07093 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Enable products restricted by Digital Rights Management to be used while offline. CC ID 07094 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain User Access Management procedures. CC ID 00514 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an authority for access authorization list. CC ID 06782 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Review and approve logical access to all assets based upon organizational policies. CC ID 06641 Technical Security Preventive
    Control the addition and modification of user identifiers, user credentials, or other authenticators. CC ID 00515
    [{user account}{administrator account} Use processes and tools to create, assign, manage, and revoke access credentials and privileges for user, administrator, and service accounts for enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 6: Access Control Management
    {user account}{administrator account} Use processes and tools to create, assign, manage, and revoke access credentials and privileges for user, administrator, and service accounts for enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 6: Access Control Management]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Assign roles and responsibilities for administering user account management. CC ID 11900 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Automate access control methods, as necessary. CC ID 11838 Technical Security Preventive
    Automate Access Control Systems, as necessary. CC ID 06854 Technical Security Preventive
    Refrain from storing logon credentials for third party applications. CC ID 13690 Technical Security Preventive
    Refrain from allowing user access to identifiers and authenticators used by applications. CC ID 10048 Technical Security Preventive
    Notify interested personnel when user accounts are added or deleted. CC ID 14327 Communicate Detective
    Remove inactive user accounts, as necessary. CC ID 00517
    [{stipulated timeframe} Delete or disable any dormant accounts after a period of 45 days of inactivity, where supported. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.3 Disable Dormant Accounts]
    Technical Security Corrective
    Remove temporary user accounts, as necessary. CC ID 11839 Technical Security Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a password policy. CC ID 16346 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Enforce the password policy. CC ID 16347 Technical Security Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the password policies and password procedures to all users who have access to restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 00518 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Limit superuser accounts to designated System Administrators. CC ID 06766 Configuration Preventive
    Enforce usage restrictions for superuser accounts. CC ID 07064 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain user accounts in accordance with the organizational Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 00526
    [Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 5: Account Management]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Protect and manage biometric systems and biometric data. CC ID 01261 Technical Security Preventive
    Maintain a log of the overrides of the biometric system. CC ID 17000 Log Management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain biometric collection procedures. CC ID 15419 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document the business need justification for authentication data storage. CC ID 06325 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain access control procedures. CC ID 11663 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Implement out-of-band authentication, as necessary. CC ID 10606 Technical Security Corrective
    Grant access to authorized personnel or systems. CC ID 12186 Configuration Preventive
    Document approving and granting access in the access control log. CC ID 06786 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the access control log to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16442 Communicate Preventive
    Include the user identifiers of all personnel who are authorized to access a system in the system record. CC ID 15171 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include identity information of all personnel who are authorized to access a system in the system record. CC ID 16406 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the user's location in the system record. CC ID 16996 Log Management Preventive
    Include the date and time that access was reviewed in the system record. CC ID 16416 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include the date and time that access rights were changed in the system record. CC ID 16415 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the access control procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14123 Communicate Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain an identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14033 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the purpose in the identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14234 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the scope in the identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14232 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14230 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include management commitment in the identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14229 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14227 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include compliance requirements in the identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14225 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish the requirements for Authentication Assurance Levels. CC ID 16958 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the identification and authentication policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14197 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain identification and authentication procedures. CC ID 14053 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Implement alternative authentication mechanisms when individuals cannot utilize primary authentication mechanisms. CC ID 17002 Technical Security Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the identification and authentication procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14223 Communicate Preventive
    Include digital identification procedures in the access control program. CC ID 11841 Technical Security Preventive
    Employ unique identifiers. CC ID 01273
    [{minimum number of characters} Use unique passwords for all enterprise assets. Best practice implementation includes, at a minimum, an 8-character password for accounts using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and a 14-character password for accounts not using MFA. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.2 Use Unique Passwords]
    Testing Detective
    Disseminate and communicate user identifiers and authenticators using secure communication protocols. CC ID 06791 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include instructions to refrain from using previously used authenticators in the access control program. CC ID 11930 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disallow the use of Personal Identification Numbers as user identifiers. CC ID 06785 Technical Security Preventive
    Define the activation requirements for identification cards or badges. CC ID 06583 Process or Activity Preventive
    Require multiple forms of personal identification prior to issuing user identifiers. CC ID 08712 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Authenticate user identities before unlocking an account. CC ID 11837 Testing Detective
    Authenticate user identities before manually resetting an authenticator. CC ID 04567 Testing Detective
    Require proper authentication for user identifiers. CC ID 11785 Technical Security Preventive
    Assign authenticators to user accounts. CC ID 06855 Configuration Preventive
    Assign authentication mechanisms for user account authentication. CC ID 06856
    [Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 5: Account Management
    Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 5: Account Management
    Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 5: Account Management
    {user account}{administrator account} Use processes and tools to create, assign, manage, and revoke access credentials and privileges for user, administrator, and service accounts for enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 6: Access Control Management]
    Configuration Preventive
    Refrain from allowing individuals to share authentication mechanisms. CC ID 11932 Technical Security Preventive
    Require individuals to report lost or damaged authentication mechanisms. CC ID 17035 Communicate Preventive
    Establish and maintain a memorized secret list. CC ID 13791 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Limit account credential reuse as a part of digital identification procedures. CC ID 12357 Configuration Preventive
    Refrain from assigning authentication mechanisms for shared accounts. CC ID 11910 Technical Security Preventive
    Use biometric authentication for identification and authentication, as necessary. CC ID 06857 Establish Roles Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a secure enrollment process for biometric systems. CC ID 17007 Process or Activity Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a fallback mechanism for when the biometric system fails. CC ID 17006 Technical Security Preventive
    Prevent the disclosure of the closeness of the biometric data during the biometric verification. CC ID 17003 Technical Security Preventive
    Employ live scans to verify biometric authentication. CC ID 06847 Technical Security Preventive
    Identify the user when enrolling them in the biometric system. CC ID 06882 Testing Detective
    Disallow self-enrollment of biometric information. CC ID 11834 Process or Activity Preventive
    Tune the biometric identification equipment, as necessary. CC ID 07077 Configuration Corrective
    Notify a user when an authenticator for a user account is changed. CC ID 13820 Communicate Preventive
    Identify and control all network access controls. CC ID 00529
    [Centralize network AAA. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.5 Centralize Network Authentication, Authorization, and Auditing (AAA)
    Deploy port-level access control. Port-level access control utilizes 802.1x, or similar network access control protocols, such as certificates, and may incorporate user and/or device authentication. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.9 Deploy Port-Level Access Control]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Place Intrusion Detection Systems and Intrusion Response Systems in network locations where they will be the most effective. CC ID 04589 Technical Security Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a network configuration standard. CC ID 00530 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain network segmentation requirements. CC ID 16380 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Enforce the network segmentation requirements. CC ID 16381 Process or Activity Preventive
    Protect system or device management and control planes from unwanted user plane traffic. CC ID 17063 Technical Security Preventive
    Ensure the data plane, control plane, and management plane have been segregated according to organizational standards. CC ID 16385 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a network security policy. CC ID 06440 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include compliance requirements in the network security policy. CC ID 14205 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the network security policy. CC ID 14204 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include management commitment in the network security policy. CC ID 14203 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the network security policy. CC ID 14202 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the scope in the network security policy. CC ID 14201 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the purpose in the network security policy. CC ID 14200 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the network security policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14199 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system and communications protection procedures. CC ID 14052 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the system and communications protection procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14206 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a wireless networking policy. CC ID 06732 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include usage restrictions for Bluetooth in the wireless networking policy. CC ID 16443 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Maintain up-to-date network diagrams. CC ID 00531
    [{annual basis}{network architecture diagram} Establish and maintain architecture diagram(s) and/or other network system documentation. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.4 Establish and Maintain Architecture Diagram(s)
    {annual basis}{network architecture diagram} Establish and maintain architecture diagram(s) and/or other network system documentation. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.4 Establish and Maintain Architecture Diagram(s)
    Design and maintain a secure network architecture. A secure network architecture must address segmentation, least privilege, and availability, at a minimum. Example implementations may include documentation, policy, and design components. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.2 Establish and Maintain a Secure Network Architecture]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the date of the most recent update on the network diagram. CC ID 14319 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include virtual systems in the network diagram. CC ID 16324 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include the organization's name in the network diagram. CC ID 14318 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Use a passive asset inventory discovery tool to identify assets when network mapping. CC ID 13735
    [{weekly basis} Use a passive discovery tool to identify assets connected to the enterprise's network. Review and use scans to update the enterprise's asset inventory at least weekly, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.5 Use a Passive Asset Discovery Tool]
    Process or Activity Detective
    Include Internet Protocol addresses in the network diagram. CC ID 16244 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include Domain Name System names in the network diagram. CC ID 16240 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Accept, by formal signature, the security implications of the network topology. CC ID 12323 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate network diagrams to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 13137 Communicate Preventive
    Maintain up-to-date data flow diagrams. CC ID 10059
    [{annual basis} Document data flows. Data flow documentation includes service provider data flows and should be based on the enterprise's data management process. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.8 Document Data Flows
    {annual basis} Document data flows. Data flow documentation includes service provider data flows and should be based on the enterprise's data management process. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.8 Document Data Flows]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Use an active asset inventory discovery tool to identify sensitive information for data flow diagrams. CC ID 13737 Process or Activity Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a sensitive information inventory. CC ID 13736
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a data inventory based on the enterprise's data management process. Inventory sensitive data, at a minimum. Review and update inventory annually, at a minimum, with a priority on sensitive data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.2 Establish and Maintain a Data Inventory]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Include information flows to third parties in the data flow diagram. CC ID 13185
    [{annual basis} Document data flows. Data flow documentation includes service provider data flows and should be based on the enterprise's data management process. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.8 Document Data Flows]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document where data-at-rest and data in transit is encrypted on the data flow diagram. CC ID 16412 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the data flow diagrams to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16407 Communicate Preventive
    Manage all internal network connections. CC ID 06329 Technical Security Preventive
    Employ Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server logging when assigning dynamic IP addresses using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. CC ID 12109
    [{weekly basis} Use DHCP logging on all DHCP servers or Internet Protocol (IP) address management tools to update the enterprise's asset inventory. Review and use logs to update the enterprise's asset inventory weekly, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.4 Use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Logging to Update Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain separate virtual private networks to transport sensitive information. CC ID 12124 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain separate virtual local area networks for untrusted devices. CC ID 12095 Technical Security Preventive
    Plan for and approve all network changes. CC ID 00534 Technical Security Preventive
    Manage all external network connections. CC ID 11842 Technical Security Preventive
    Route outbound Internet traffic through a proxy server that supports decrypting network traffic. CC ID 12116 Technical Security Preventive
    Prevent the insertion of unauthorized network traffic into secure networks. CC ID 17050 Technical Security Preventive
    Prohibit systems from connecting directly to external networks. CC ID 08709 Configuration Preventive
    Prohibit systems from connecting directly to internal networks outside the demilitarized zone (DMZ). CC ID 16360 Technical Security Preventive
    Secure the Domain Name System. CC ID 00540 Configuration Preventive
    Implement a fault-tolerant architecture. CC ID 01626 Technical Security Preventive
    Implement segregation of duties. CC ID 11843 Technical Security Preventive
    Configure the network to limit zone transfers to trusted servers. CC ID 01876 Configuration Preventive
    Register all Domain Names associated with the organization to the organization and not an individual. CC ID 07210 Testing Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Boundary Defense program. CC ID 00544
    [Operate processes and tooling to establish and maintain comprehensive network monitoring and defense against security threats across the enterprise's network infrastructure and user base. CIS Control 13: Network Monitoring and Defense
    Establish, implement, and actively manage (track, report, correct) network devices, in order to prevent attackers from exploiting vulnerable network services and access points. CIS Control 12: Network Infrastructure Management]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Refrain from disclosing Internet Protocol addresses, routing information, and DNS names, unless necessary. CC ID 11891 Technical Security Preventive
    Authorize the disclosure of private Internet Protocol addresses and routing information to external entities. CC ID 12034 Communicate Preventive
    Segregate systems in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 12546
    [Establish and maintain dedicated computing resources, either physically or logically separated, for all administrative tasks or tasks requiring administrative access. The computing resources should be segmented from the enterprise's primary network and not be allowed internet access. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.8 Establish and Maintain Dedicated Computing Resources for All Administrative Work
    Design and maintain a secure network architecture. A secure network architecture must address segmentation, least privilege, and availability, at a minimum. Example implementations may include documentation, policy, and design components. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.2 Establish and Maintain a Secure Network Architecture]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Implement gateways between security domains. CC ID 16493 Systems Design, Build, and Implementation Preventive
    Implement resource-isolation mechanisms in organizational networks. CC ID 16438 Technical Security Preventive
    Segregate servers that contain restricted data or restricted information from direct public access. CC ID 00533
    [{be equivalent} Protect recovery data with equivalent controls to the original data. Reference encryption or data separation, based on requirements. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.3 Protect Recovery Data]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Prevent logical access to dedicated networks from outside the secure areas. CC ID 12310 Technical Security Preventive
    Design Demilitarized Zones with proper isolation rules. CC ID 00532 Technical Security Preventive
    Restrict outbound network traffic out of the Demilitarized Zone. CC ID 16881 Technical Security Preventive
    Restrict inbound network traffic into the Demilitarized Zone. CC ID 01285 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Restrict inbound network traffic into the Demilitarized Zone to destination addresses within the Demilitarized Zone. CC ID 11998 Technical Security Preventive
    Restrict inbound Internet traffic within the Demilitarized Zone to system components that provide publicly accessible services, protocols, and ports. CC ID 11993 Technical Security Preventive
    Segregate applications and databases that contain restricted data or restricted information in an internal network zone. CC ID 01289
    [{data storage}{be lower than} Segment data processing and storage based on the sensitivity of the data. Do not process sensitive data on enterprise assets intended for lower sensitivity data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.12 Segment Data Processing and Storage Based on Sensitivity]
    Data and Information Management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a network access control standard. CC ID 00546 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include assigned roles and responsibilities in the network access control standard. CC ID 06410 Establish Roles Preventive
    Employ firewalls to secure network connections between networks of different security categorizations. CC ID 16373 Technical Security Preventive
    Employ firewalls to secure network connections between trusted networks and untrusted networks, as necessary. CC ID 11821
    [Implement and manage a firewall on servers, where supported. Example implementations include a virtual firewall, operating system firewall, or a third-party firewall agent. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.4 Implement and Manage a Firewall on Servers]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Place firewalls between security domains and between any Demilitarized Zone and internal network zones. CC ID 01274 Configuration Preventive
    Place firewalls between wireless networks and applications or databases that contain restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 01293 Configuration Preventive
    Place firewalls between all security domains and between any secure subnet and internal network zones. CC ID 11784 Configuration Preventive
    Separate the wireless access points and wireless bridges from the wired network via a firewall. CC ID 04588 Technical Security Preventive
    Include configuration management and rulesets in the network access control standard. CC ID 11845 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Secure the network access control standard against unauthorized changes. CC ID 11920 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Employ centralized management systems to configure and control networks, as necessary. CC ID 12540 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 00541 Configuration Preventive
    Include testing and approving all network connections through the firewall in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 01270 Process or Activity Detective
    Include compensating controls implemented for insecure protocols in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 11948 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include reviewing the rulesets for firewalls and routers in the firewall and router configuration standard, as necessary. CC ID 11903 Technical Security Corrective
    Include restricting inbound network traffic in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 11960 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include restricting outbound network traffic in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 11961 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include requirements for a firewall at each Internet connection and between any demilitarized zone and the internal network zone in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 12435 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include network diagrams that identify connections between all subnets and wireless networks in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 12434 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include network diagrams that identify storage or processing locations of all restricted data in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 12426 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Deny or strictly control wireless traffic to applications or databases that contain restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 11847 Configuration Preventive
    Include a protocols, ports, applications, and services list in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 00537
    [{secure network management protocol}{secure network communication protocol} Use secure network management and communication protocols (e.g., 802.1X, Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) Enterprise or greater). CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.6 Use Secure Network Management and Communication Protocols]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure network ports to organizational standards. CC ID 14007 Configuration Preventive
    Include approval of the protocols, ports, applications, and services list in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 12547 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the use of protocols above and beyond common information service protocols in the protocols, ports, applications, and services list in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 00539 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include justifying the use of risky protocols in the protocols, ports, applications, and services list in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 01280 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document and implement security features for each identified insecure service, protocol, and port in the protocols, ports, applications, and services list. CC ID 12033 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Identify the insecure services, protocols, and ports in the protocols, ports, applications, and services list in the firewall and router configuration. CC ID 12032 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the protocols, ports, applications, and services list to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 17089 Communicate Preventive
    Install and configure firewalls to be enabled on all mobile devices, if possible. CC ID 00550 Configuration Preventive
    Lock personal firewall configurations to prevent them from being disabled or changed by end users. CC ID 06420 Technical Security Preventive
    Configure network access and control points to protect restricted information and restricted functions. CC ID 01284 Configuration Preventive
    Protect data stored at external locations. CC ID 16333 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Configure security alerts in firewalls to include the source Internet protocol address and destination Internet protocol address associated with long sessions. CC ID 12174 Configuration Detective
    Protect the firewall's network connection interfaces. CC ID 01955 Technical Security Preventive
    Configure firewalls to deny all traffic by default, except explicitly designated traffic. CC ID 00547
    [Implement and manage a host-based firewall or port-filtering tool on end-user devices, with a default-deny rule that drops all traffic except those services and ports that are explicitly allowed. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.5 Implement and Manage a Firewall on End-User Devices]
    Configuration Preventive
    Allow local program exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01956 Configuration Preventive
    Allow remote administration exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01957 Configuration Preventive
    Allow file sharing exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01958 Configuration Preventive
    Allow printer sharing exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 11849 Configuration Preventive
    Allow Internet Control Message Protocol exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01959 Configuration Preventive
    Allow Remote Desktop Connection exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01960 Configuration Preventive
    Allow UPnP framework exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01961 Configuration Preventive
    Allow notification exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01962 Configuration Preventive
    Allow unicast response to multicast or broadcast exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01964 Configuration Preventive
    Allow protocol port exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01965 Configuration Preventive
    Allow local port exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01966 Configuration Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain internet protocol address filters on the firewall, as necessary CC ID 01287 Configuration Preventive
    Configure firewalls to perform dynamic packet filtering. CC ID 01288 Testing Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain packet filtering requirements. CC ID 16362 Technical Security Preventive
    Filter packets based on IPv6 header fields. CC ID 17048 Technical Security Preventive
    Configure firewall filtering to only permit established connections into the network. CC ID 12482
    [Use DNS filtering services on all end-user devices, including remote and on-premises assets, to block access to known malicious domains. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.2 Use DNS Filtering Services]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Restrict outbound network traffic from systems that contain restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 01295 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Filter traffic at firewalls based on application layer attributes. CC ID 17054 Technical Security Preventive
    Deny direct Internet access to databases that store restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 01271 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Synchronize and secure all router configuration files. CC ID 01291 Configuration Preventive
    Synchronize and secure all firewall configuration files. CC ID 11851 Configuration Preventive
    Configure firewalls to generate an audit log. CC ID 12038 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Configure firewalls to generate an alert when a potential security incident is detected. CC ID 12165 Configuration Preventive
    Record the configuration rules for network access and control points in the configuration management system. CC ID 12105 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record the duration of the business need associated with changes to the configuration rules for network access and control points in the configuration management system. CC ID 12107 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Record each individual's name and business need associated with changes to the configuration rules for network access and control points in the configuration management system. CC ID 12106 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure network access and control points to organizational standards. CC ID 12442 Configuration Detective
    Install and configure application layer firewalls for all key web-facing applications. CC ID 01450 Configuration Preventive
    Update application layer firewalls to the most current version. CC ID 12037 Process or Activity Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain Voice over Internet Protocol Configuration Management standards. CC ID 11853 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Wireless Local Area Network Configuration Management standard. CC ID 11854 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Configure third party Wireless Local Area Network services in accordance with organizational Information Assurance standards. CC ID 00751 Configuration Preventive
    Remove all unauthorized Wireless Local Area Networks. CC ID 06309 Configuration Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain Voice over Internet Protocol design specification. CC ID 01449 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Wireless Local Area Network Configuration Management program. CC ID 01646 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Distrust relying solely on Wired Equivalent Privacy encryption for Wireless Local Area Networks. CC ID 01647 Technical Security Preventive
    Refrain from using Wired Equivalent Privacy for Wireless Local Area Networks that use Wi-Fi Protected Access. CC ID 01648 Configuration Preventive
    Conduct a Wireless Local Area Network site survey to determine the proper location for wireless access points. CC ID 00605 Technical Security Preventive
    Configure Intrusion Detection Systems and Intrusion Prevention Systems to continuously check and send alerts for rogue devices connected to Wireless Local Area Networks. CC ID 04830 Configuration Preventive
    Remove all unauthorized wireless access points. CC ID 11856 Configuration Preventive
    Enforce information flow control. CC ID 11781 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain information flow control configuration standards. CC ID 01924 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Require the system to identify and authenticate approved devices before establishing a connection. CC ID 01429
    [Require users to authenticate to enterprise-managed VPN and authentication services prior to accessing enterprise resources on end-user devices. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.7 Ensue Remote Devices Utilize a VPN and are Connecting to an Enterprise's AAA Infrastructure]
    Testing Preventive
    Maintain a record of the challenge state during identification and authentication in an automated information exchange. CC ID 06629 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Perform content filtering scans on network traffic. CC ID 06761
    [Perform application layer filtering. Example implementations include a filtering proxy, application layer firewall, or gateway. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.10 Perform Application Layer Filtering
    Perform traffic filtering between network segments, where appropriate. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.4 Perform Traffic Filtering Between Network Segments]
    Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Develop and implement a content filtering word and phrase library. CC ID 07071 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Use content filtering scans to identify information flows by data type specification. CC ID 06762 Technical Security Preventive
    Use content filtering scans to identify information flows by data type usage. CC ID 11818 Technical Security Preventive
    Take appropriate action to address information flow anomalies. CC ID 12164 Investigate Corrective
    Document information flow anomalies that do not fit normal traffic patterns. CC ID 12163 Investigate Detective
    Prevent encrypted data from bypassing content filtering mechanisms. CC ID 06758 Technical Security Preventive
    Perform content filtering scans on incoming and outgoing e-mail. CC ID 06733
    [Improve protections and detections of threats from email and web vectors, as these are opportunities for attackers to manipulate human behavior through direct engagement. CIS Control 9: Email and Web Browser Protections]
    Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a data loss prevention solution to protect Access Control Lists. CC ID 12128
    [Implement an automated tool, such as a host-based Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tool to identify all sensitive data stored, processed, or transmitted through enterprise assets, including those located onsite or at a remote service provider, and update the enterprise's data inventory. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.13 Deploy a Data Loss Prevention Solution]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain information flow control policies inside the system and between interconnected systems. CC ID 01410 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain measures to detect and prevent the use of unsafe internet services. CC ID 13104 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain whitelists and blacklists of domain names. CC ID 07097 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Deploy sender policy framework records in the organization's Domain Name Servers. CC ID 12183
    [{spoofed e-mail message} To lower the chance of spoofed or modified emails from valid domains, implement DMARC policy and verification, starting with implementing the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) standards. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.5 Implement DMARC]
    Configuration Preventive
    Block uncategorized sites using URL filtering. CC ID 12140
    [{blacklist website} Enforce and update network-based URL filters to limit an enterprise asset from connecting to potentially malicious or unapproved websites. Example implementations include category-based filtering, reputation-based filtering, or through the use of block lists. Enforce filters for all enterprise assets. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.3 Maintain and Enforce Network-Based URL Filters]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain whitelists and blacklists of software. CC ID 11780
    [{biannual basis} Use technical controls, such as application allowlisting, to ensure that only authorized software can execute or be accessed. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.5 Allowlist Authorized Software
    {biannual basis} Use technical controls, such as application allowlisting, to ensure that only authorized software can execute or be accessed. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.5 Allowlist Authorized Software
    {unauthorized software library} {biannual basis} Use technical controls to ensure that only authorized software libraries, such as specific .dll, .ocx, and .so files, are allowed to load into a system process. Block unauthorized libraries from loading into a system process. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.6 Allowlist Authorized Libraries
    {unauthorized software library} {biannual basis} Use technical controls to ensure that only authorized software libraries, such as specific .dll, .ocx, and .so files, are allowed to load into a system process. Block unauthorized libraries from loading into a system process. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.6 Allowlist Authorized Libraries]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Secure access to each system component operating system. CC ID 00551 Configuration Preventive
    Separate user functionality from system management functionality. CC ID 11858
    [Restrict administrator privileges to dedicated administrator accounts on enterprise assets. Conduct general computing activities, such as internet browsing, email, and productivity suite use, from the user's primary, non-privileged account. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.4 Restrict Administrator Privileges to Dedicated Administrator Accounts]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Control all methods of remote access and teleworking. CC ID 00559
    [{remote connection} Manage access control for assets remotely connecting to enterprise resources. Determine amount of access to enterprise resources based on: up-to-date anti-malware software installed, configuration compliance with the enterprise's secure configuration process, and ensuring the operating system and applications are up-to-date. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.5 Manage Access Control for Remote Assets]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Assign virtual escorting to authorized personnel. CC ID 16440 Process or Activity Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a remote access and teleworking program. CC ID 04545 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include information security requirements in the remote access and teleworking program. CC ID 15704 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Refrain from allowing remote users to copy files to remote devices. CC ID 06792 Technical Security Preventive
    Control remote administration in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 04459 Configuration Preventive
    Scan the system to verify modems are disabled or removed, except the modems that are explicitly approved. CC ID 00560 Testing Detective
    Control remote access through a network access control. CC ID 01421 Technical Security Preventive
    Install and maintain remote control software and other remote control mechanisms on critical systems. CC ID 06371 Configuration Preventive
    Prohibit remote access to systems processing cleartext restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 12324 Technical Security Preventive
    Employ multifactor authentication for remote access to the organization's network. CC ID 12505
    [Require MFA for remote network access. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.4 Require MFA for Remote Network Access]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Implement multifactor authentication techniques. CC ID 00561
    [{externally-exposed enterprise application} Require all externally-exposed enterprise or third-party applications to enforce MFA, where supported. Enforcing MFA through a directory service or SSO provider is a satisfactory implementation of this Safeguard. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.3 Require MFA for Externally-Exposed Applications]
    Configuration Preventive
    Refrain from allowing individuals to self-enroll into multifactor authentication from untrusted devices. CC ID 17173 Technical Security Preventive
    Implement phishing-resistant multifactor authentication techniques. CC ID 16541 Technical Security Preventive
    Document and approve requests to bypass multifactor authentication. CC ID 15464 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Limit the source addresses from which remote administration is performed. CC ID 16393 Technical Security Preventive
    Protect remote access accounts with encryption. CC ID 00562 Configuration Preventive
    Monitor and evaluate all remote access usage. CC ID 00563 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Manage the use of encryption controls and cryptographic controls. CC ID 00570
    [Leverage vetted modules or services for application security components, such as identity management, encryption, and auditing and logging. Using platform features in critical security functions will reduce developers' workload and minimize the likelihood of design or implementation errors. Modern operating systems provide effective mechanisms for identification, authentication, and authorization and make those mechanisms available to applications. Use only standardized, currently accepted, and extensively reviewed encryption algorithms. Operating systems also provide mechanisms to create and maintain secure audit logs. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.11 Leverage Vetted Modules or Services for Application Security Components]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Comply with the encryption laws of the local country. CC ID 16377 Business Processes Preventive
    Define the cryptographic module security functions and the cryptographic module operational modes. CC ID 06542 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define the cryptographic boundaries. CC ID 06543 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish and maintain the documentation requirements for cryptographic modules. CC ID 06544 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish and maintain the security requirements for cryptographic module ports and cryptographic module interfaces. CC ID 06545 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Implement the documented cryptographic module security functions. CC ID 06755 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain documentation for the delivery and operation of cryptographic modules. CC ID 06547 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document the operation of the cryptographic module. CC ID 06546 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Employ cryptographic controls that comply with applicable requirements. CC ID 12491 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain digital signatures. CC ID 13828 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include the expiration date in digital signatures. CC ID 13833 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include audience restrictions in digital signatures. CC ID 13834 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include the subject in digital signatures. CC ID 13832 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include the issuer in digital signatures. CC ID 13831 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Include identifiers in the digital signature. CC ID 13829 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Generate and protect a secret random number for each digital signature. CC ID 06577 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish the security strength requirements for the digital signature process. CC ID 06578 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an encryption management and cryptographic controls policy. CC ID 04546 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Refrain from allowing the use of cleartext for input or output of restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 04823 Configuration Preventive
    Encrypt in scope data or in scope information, as necessary. CC ID 04824
    [Encrypt data on end-user devices containing sensitive data. Example implementations can include: Windows BitLocker®, Apple FileVault®, Linux® dm-crypt. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.6 Encrypt Data on End-User Devices
    Encrypt sensitive data at rest on servers, applications, and databases. Storage-layer encryption, also known as server-side encryption, meets the minimum requirement of this Safeguard. Additional encryption methods may include application-layer encryption, also known as client-side encryption, where access to the data storage device(s) does not permit access to the plain-text data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.11 Encrypt Sensitive Data at Rest]
    Data and Information Management Preventive
    Digitally sign records and data, as necessary. CC ID 16507 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Make key usage for data fields unique for each device. CC ID 04828 Technical Security Preventive
    Decrypt restricted data for the minimum time required. CC ID 12308 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Decrypt personal data only on dedicated networks, not on public networks. CC ID 12309 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Accept only trusted keys and/or certificates. CC ID 11988 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain cryptographic key creation domain parameter requirements. CC ID 06575 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Define the asymmetric signature field for the CHUID container on identification cards or badges. CC ID 06584 Process or Activity Preventive
    Implement cryptographic operations and support functions on identification cards or badges. CC ID 06585 Process or Activity Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the encryption management and cryptographic controls policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15476 Communicate Preventive
    Define the format of the biometric data on identification cards or badges. CC ID 06586 Process or Activity Preventive
    Protect salt values and hash values in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16471 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Provide guidance to customers on how to securely transmit, store, and update cryptographic keys. CC ID 12040 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the encryption management procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15477 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain encryption management procedures. CC ID 15475 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define and assign cryptographic, encryption and key management roles and responsibilities. CC ID 15470 Establish Roles Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain cryptographic key management procedures. CC ID 00571 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate cryptographic key management procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 13164 Communicate Preventive
    Bind keys to each identity. CC ID 12337 Technical Security Preventive
    Include recommended cryptographic key management procedures for cloud service providers in the cryptographic key management procedures. CC ID 13152 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include requesting cryptographic key types in the cryptographic key management procedures. CC ID 13151 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include cryptographic key expiration in the cryptographic key management procedures. CC ID 17079 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Recover encrypted data for lost cryptographic keys, compromised cryptographic keys, or damaged cryptographic keys. CC ID 01301 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Generate strong cryptographic keys. CC ID 01299 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Generate unique cryptographic keys for each user. CC ID 12169 Technical Security Preventive
    Use approved random number generators for creating cryptographic keys. CC ID 06574 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Implement decryption keys so that they are not linked to user accounts. CC ID 06851 Technical Security Preventive
    Include the establishment of cryptographic keys in the cryptographic key management procedures. CC ID 06540 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate cryptographic keys securely. CC ID 01300 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Control the input and output of cryptographic keys from a cryptographic module. CC ID 06541 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Store cryptographic keys securely. CC ID 01298 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Restrict access to cryptographic keys. CC ID 01297 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Store cryptographic keys in encrypted format. CC ID 06084 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Store key-encrypting keys and data-encrypting keys in different locations. CC ID 06085 Technical Security Preventive
    Include offsite backups of cryptographic keys in the cryptographic key management procedures. CC ID 13127 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Change cryptographic keys in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 01302 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties upon cryptographic key supersession. CC ID 17084 Communicate Preventive
    Destroy cryptographic keys promptly after the retention period. CC ID 01303 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Control cryptographic keys with split knowledge and dual control. CC ID 01304 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Prevent the unauthorized substitution of cryptographic keys. CC ID 01305 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Manage outdated cryptographic keys, compromised cryptographic keys, or revoked cryptographic keys. CC ID 06852 Technical Security Preventive
    Revoke old cryptographic keys or invalid cryptographic keys immediately. CC ID 01307 Data and Information Management Corrective
    Replace known or suspected compromised cryptographic keys immediately. CC ID 01306 Data and Information Management Corrective
    Archive outdated cryptographic keys. CC ID 06884 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Archive revoked cryptographic keys. CC ID 11819 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Require key custodians to sign the cryptographic key management policy. CC ID 01308 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Require key custodians to sign the key custodian's roles and responsibilities. CC ID 11820 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Test cryptographic key management applications, as necessary. CC ID 04829 Testing Detective
    Manage the digital signature cryptographic key pair. CC ID 06576 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain requirements for Personal Identity Verification authentication certificates. CC ID 06587 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain Public Key certificate application procedures. CC ID 07079 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish a Registration Authority to support the Public Key Infrastructure. CC ID 15725 Establish Roles Preventive
    Include the Identification and Authentication of individuals or entities in the Public Key certificate application procedures. CC ID 07080 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include approving or rejecting Public Key certificate applications in the Public Key certificate application procedure. CC ID 07081 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include revocation of Public Key certificates in the Public Key certificate procedures. CC ID 07082 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Publish revoked Public Key certificates in the Certificate Revocation List. CC ID 07089 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain Public Key renewal or rekeying request procedures. CC ID 07083 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include identification and authentication in Public Key renewal or rekeying request procedures. CC ID 11816 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Issue authentication mechanisms that support the Public Key Infrastructure. CC ID 07092 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish a Root Certification Authority to support the Public Key Infrastructure. CC ID 07084 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain Public Key certificate procedures. CC ID 07085 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include signing and issuing Public Key certificates in the Public Key certificate procedures. CC ID 11817 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include publishing Public Key certificates in the Public Key certificate procedures. CC ID 07087 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include access to issued Public Key certificates in the Public Key certificate procedures. CC ID 07086 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Connect the Public Key Infrastructure to the organization's identity and access management system. CC ID 07091 Technical Security Preventive
    Archive Public Key certificate records according to organizational Records Management rules. CC ID 07090 Records Management Preventive
    Refrain from storing encryption keys with cloud service providers when cryptographic key management services are in place locally. CC ID 13153 Technical Security Preventive
    Refrain from permitting cloud service providers to manage encryption keys when cryptographic key management services are in place locally. CC ID 13154 Technical Security Preventive
    Use strong data encryption to transmit in scope data or in scope information, as necessary. CC ID 00564
    [Encrypt sensitive data in transit. Example implementations can include: Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Open Secure Shell (OpenSSH). CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.10 Encrypt Sensitive Data in Transit]
    Technical Security Preventive
    Ensure restricted data or restricted information are encrypted prior to or at the time of transmission. CC ID 01749 Configuration Preventive
    Configure the encryption strength to be appropriate for the encryption methodology of the cryptographic controls. CC ID 12492 Technical Security Preventive
    Encrypt traffic over networks with trusted cryptographic keys. CC ID 12490 Technical Security Preventive
    Authorize transactions of data transmitted over public networks or shared data networks. CC ID 00566 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Implement non-repudiation for transactions. CC ID 00567 Testing Detective
    Treat data messages that do not receive an acknowledgment as never been sent. CC ID 14416 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish trusted paths to transmit restricted data or restricted information over public networks or wireless networks. CC ID 00568 Technical Security Preventive
    Protect application services information transmitted over a public network from unauthorized modification. CC ID 12021 Technical Security Preventive
    Protect application services information transmitted over a public network from unauthorized disclosure. CC ID 12020 Technical Security Preventive
    Protect application services information transmitted over a public network from contract disputes. CC ID 12019 Technical Security Preventive
    Protect application services information transmitted over a public network from fraudulent activity. CC ID 12018 Technical Security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a malicious code protection program. CC ID 00574
    [{malicious code}{malicious script} Prevent or control the installation, spread, and execution of malicious applications, code, or scripts on enterprise assets. CIS Control 10: Malware Defenses
    Centrally manage anti-malware software. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.6 Centrally Manage Anti-Malware Software]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the malicious code protection policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15485 Communicate Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the malicious code protection procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15484 Communicate Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain malicious code protection procedures. CC ID 15483 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a malicious code protection policy. CC ID 15478 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Restrict downloading to reduce malicious code attacks. CC ID 04576 Behavior Preventive
    Install security and protection software, as necessary. CC ID 00575
    [Enable anti-exploitation features on enterprise assets and software, where possible, such as Microsoft® Data Execution Prevention (DEP), Windows® Defender Exploit Guard (WDEG), or Apple® System Integrity Protection (SIP) and GatekeeperTM. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.5 Enable Anti-Exploitation Features
    Deploy and maintain email server anti-malware protections, such as attachment scanning and/or sandboxing. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.7 Deploy and Maintain Email Server Anti-Malware Protections
    Deploy and maintain anti-malware software on all enterprise assets. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.1 Deploy and Maintain Anti-Malware Software
    Use behavior-based anti-malware software. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.7 Use Behavior-Based Anti-Malware Software]
    Configuration Preventive
    Install and maintain container security solutions. CC ID 16178 Technical Security Preventive
    Scan for malicious code, as necessary. CC ID 11941 Investigate Detective
    Test all removable storage media for viruses and malicious code. CC ID 11861
    [Configure anti-malware software to automatically scan removable media. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.4 Configure Automatic Anti-Malware Scanning of Removable Media]
    Testing Detective
    Test all untrusted files or unverified files for viruses and malicious code. CC ID 01311 Testing Detective
    Remove malware when malicious code is discovered. CC ID 13691 Process or Activity Corrective
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties when malware is detected. CC ID 13689 Communicate Corrective
    Protect systems and devices from fragmentation based attacks and anomalies. CC ID 17058 Technical Security Preventive
    Protect the system against replay attacks. CC ID 04552 Technical Security Preventive
    Define and assign roles and responsibilities for malicious code protection. CC ID 15474 Establish Roles Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a malicious code outbreak recovery plan. CC ID 01310 Establish/Maintain Documentation Corrective
    Log and react to all malicious code activity. CC ID 07072 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Analyze the behavior and characteristics of the malicious code. CC ID 10672 Technical Security Detective
    Incorporate the malicious code analysis into the patch management program. CC ID 10673 Technical Security Corrective
    Lock antivirus configurations. CC ID 10047 Configuration Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an application security policy. CC ID 06438 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Conduct application security reviews, as necessary. CC ID 06298
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Testing Detective
    Include all vulnerabilities in the application security review. CC ID 12036 Process or Activity Preventive
    Assign application security reviews for web-facing applications to an organization that specializes in application security. CC ID 12035 Establish Roles Preventive
    Correct all found deficiencies according to organizational standards after a web application policy compliance review. CC ID 06299 Technical Security Corrective
    Re-evaluate the web application after deficiencies have been corrected. CC ID 06300 Technical Security Corrective
  • Third Party and supply chain oversight
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular TYPE CLASS
    Third Party and supply chain oversight CC ID 08807 IT Impact Zone IT Impact Zone
    Establish, implement, and maintain a supply chain management program. CC ID 11742 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain procedures for establishing, maintaining, and terminating third party contracts. CC ID 00796
    [{annual basis} Ensure service provider contracts include security requirements. Example requirements may include minimum security program requirements, security incident and/or data breach notification and response, data encryption requirements, and data disposal commitments. These security requirements must be consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Review service provider contracts annually to ensure contracts are not missing security requirements. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.4 Ensure Service Provider Contracts Include Security Requirements]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Review and update all contracts, as necessary. CC ID 11612 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Terminate supplier relationships, as necessary. CC ID 13489
    [{secure manner} Securely decommission service providers. Example considerations include user and service account deactivation, termination of data flows, and secure disposal of enterprise data within service provider systems. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.7 Securely Decommission Service Providers
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy]
    Business Processes Corrective
    Formalize client and third party relationships with contracts or nondisclosure agreements. CC ID 00794 Process or Activity Detective
    Include incident management procedures and incident reporting procedures in third party contracts. CC ID 01214
    [{annual basis} Assign key roles and responsibilities for incident response, including staff from incident responders, analysts, and relevant third parties. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.5 Assign Key Roles and Responsibilities]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include third party acknowledgment of their data protection responsibilities in third party contracts. CC ID 01364 Testing Detective
    Maintain the third party's compliance framework to be equivalent to that of the organization's compliance requirements. CC ID 06087
    [{process}{accept}{address}{reports}{software vulnerability} Third-party application developers need to consider this an externally-facing policy that helps to set expectations for outside stakeholders. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 2
    Monitor service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Monitoring may include periodic reassessment of service provider compliance, monitoring service provider release notes, and dark web monitoring. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.6 Monitor Service Providers]
    Testing Detective
    Document the organization's supply chain in the supply chain management program. CC ID 09958 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Establish and maintain a Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 12480
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service providers. The inventory is to list all known service providers, include classification(s), and designate an enterprise contact for each service provider. Review and update the inventory annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Providers
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service providers. The inventory is to list all known service providers, include classification(s), and designate an enterprise contact for each service provider. Review and update the inventory annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Providers
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service providers. The inventory is to list all known service providers, include classification(s), and designate an enterprise contact for each service provider. Review and update the inventory annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Providers
    {annual basis} Classify service providers. Classification consideration may include one or more characteristics, such as data sensitivity, data volume, availability requirements, applicable regulations, inherent risk, and mitigated risk. Update and review classifications annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.3 Classify Service Providers
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include required information in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14429 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include subcontractors in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14425 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include alternate service providers in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14420 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the Third Party Service Provider list to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14422 Communicate Preventive
    Include contact information of the Service Provider in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14430
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service providers. The inventory is to list all known service providers, include classification(s), and designate an enterprise contact for each service provider. Review and update the inventory annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Providers]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include all contract dates in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14421 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the services provided by each supplier in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 12481 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include criticality of services in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14428 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a description of data used in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14427 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the location of services provided in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14423 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Categorize all suppliers in the supply chain management program. CC ID 00792
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service providers. The inventory is to list all known service providers, include classification(s), and designate an enterprise contact for each service provider. Review and update the inventory annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Providers
    {annual basis} Classify service providers. Classification consideration may include one or more characteristics, such as data sensitivity, data volume, availability requirements, applicable regulations, inherent risk, and mitigated risk. Update and review classifications annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.3 Classify Service Providers
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include risk management procedures in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08811 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Re-evaluate risk assessments of third parties, as necessary. CC ID 12158
    [{annual basis} Assess service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Assessment scope may vary based on classification(s), and may include review of standardized assessment reports, such as Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) and Payment Card Industry (PCI) Attestation of Compliance (AoC), customized questionnaires, or other appropriately rigorous processes. Reassess service providers annually, at a minimum, or with new and renewed contracts. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.5 Assess Service Providers]
    Audits and Risk Management Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a supply chain management policy. CC ID 08808
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Require supply chain members to accept and sign the organization's code of conduct. CC ID 12397 Business Processes Preventive
    Require third parties to employ a Chief Information Security Officer. CC ID 12057 Human Resources Management Preventive
    Include supplier assessment principles in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08809
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include the third party selection process in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 13132 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Select suppliers based on their qualifications. CC ID 00795 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include refraining from depending on any individual third party in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 13133 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a clear management process in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08810 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 15499 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include third party due diligence standards in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08812 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the supply chain management policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15493 Communicate Preventive
    Require suppliers to commit to the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08813 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Support third parties in building their capabilities. CC ID 08814 Business Processes Preventive
    Implement measurable improvement plans with all third parties. CC ID 08815 Business Processes Preventive
    Post a list of compliant third parties on the organization's website. CC ID 08817 Business Processes Preventive
    Use third parties that are compliant with the applicable requirements. CC ID 08818 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08943 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include a statement of avoided areas from receiving minerals in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08944 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include all in scope materials in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08945 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include adherence to international transportation regulations in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08946 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Include all applicable authority documents in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08947 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the conflict minerals policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 08948 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Make the conflict minerals policy Publicly Available Information. CC ID 08949 Data and Information Management Preventive
    Establish and maintain a conflict materials report. CC ID 08823 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define documentation requirements for each potential conflict material's source of origin. CC ID 08820 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define documentation requirements for smelted minerals and legacy refined materials sources of origin. CC ID 08821 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Identify supply sources for secondary materials. CC ID 08822 Business Processes Preventive
    Deal directly with third parties that provide any material listed in the conflict materials report. CC ID 08891 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain supply chain due diligence standards. CC ID 08846
    [{annual basis} Assess service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Assessment scope may vary based on classification(s), and may include review of standardized assessment reports, such as Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) and Payment Card Industry (PCI) Attestation of Compliance (AoC), customized questionnaires, or other appropriately rigorous processes. Reassess service providers annually, at a minimum, or with new and renewed contracts. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.5 Assess Service Providers
    {annual basis} Assess service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Assessment scope may vary based on classification(s), and may include review of standardized assessment reports, such as Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) and Payment Card Industry (PCI) Attestation of Compliance (AoC), customized questionnaires, or other appropriately rigorous processes. Reassess service providers annually, at a minimum, or with new and renewed contracts. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.5 Assess Service Providers]
    Business Processes Preventive
    Provide management support for third party due diligence. CC ID 08847 Business Processes Preventive
    Commit to the supply chain due diligence process. CC ID 08849 Business Processes Preventive
    Structure the organization to support supply chain due diligence. CC ID 08850 Business Processes Preventive
    Schedule supply chain audits, as necessary. CC ID 10015 Audits and Risk Management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain internal accountability for the supply chain due diligence process. CC ID 08851 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain supply chain due diligence requirements. CC ID 08853 Business Processes Preventive
    Document and maintain records of supply chain transactions in a transaction file. CC ID 08858 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Cross-check the supply chain due diligence practices against the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08859 Business Processes Preventive
    Exclude suppliers that have passed the conflict-free smelter program from the conflict materials report. CC ID 10016 Business Processes Preventive
    Assign the appropriate individuals or groups to oversee and support supply chain due diligence. CC ID 08861 Business Processes Preventive
    Develop and implement supply chain due diligence capability training program. CC ID 08862 Business Processes Preventive
    Determine if additional supply chain due diligence processes are required. CC ID 08863 Business Processes Preventive
    Review transaction files for compliance with the supply chain audit standard. CC ID 08864 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Provide additional documentation to validate and approve the use of non-compliant materials. CC ID 08865 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Define ways a third party may be non-compliant with the organization's supply chain due diligence requirements. CC ID 08870 Business Processes Preventive
    Calculate and report the margin of error in the supply chain due diligence report. CC ID 08871 Business Processes Preventive
    Conduct all parts of the supply chain due diligence process. CC ID 08854
    [{annual basis} Assess service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Assessment scope may vary based on classification(s), and may include review of standardized assessment reports, such as Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) and Payment Card Industry (PCI) Attestation of Compliance (AoC), customized questionnaires, or other appropriately rigorous processes. Reassess service providers annually, at a minimum, or with new and renewed contracts. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.5 Assess Service Providers]
    Business Processes Preventive
    Identify all service providers in the supply chain. CC ID 12213 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain deduplication procedures for third party services. CC ID 13915 Business Processes Detective
    Assess third parties' relevant experience during due diligence. CC ID 12070 Business Processes Detective
    Assess third parties' legal risks to the organization during due diligence. CC ID 12078 Business Processes Detective
    Assess third parties' business continuity capabilities during due diligence. CC ID 12077 Business Processes Detective
    Review third parties' backup policies. CC ID 13043 Systems Continuity Detective
    Assess third parties' breach remediation status, as necessary, during due diligence. CC ID 12076 Business Processes Detective
    Assess third parties' abilities to provide services during due diligence. CC ID 12074 Business Processes Detective
    Assess third parties' financial stability during due diligence. CC ID 12066 Business Processes Detective
    Assess third parties' use of subcontractors during due diligence. CC ID 12073 Business Processes Detective
    Assess third parties' insurance coverage during due diligence. CC ID 12072 Business Processes Detective
    Assess the third parties' reputation during due diligence. CC ID 12068 Business Processes Detective
    Assess any litigation case files against third parties during due diligence. CC ID 12071 Business Processes Detective
    Assess complaints against third parties during due diligence. CC ID 12069 Business Processes Detective
    Disallow engaging service providers that are restricted from performing their duties. CC ID 12214 Business Processes Preventive
    Collect evidence of each supplier's supply chain due diligence processes. CC ID 08855 Business Processes Preventive
    Conduct spot checks of the supplier's supply chain due diligence processes as necessary. CC ID 08860 Business Processes Preventive
    Determine if suppliers can meet the organization's production requirements. CC ID 11559 Business Processes Preventive
    Require suppliers to meet the organization's manufacturing and integration requirements. CC ID 11560 Business Processes Preventive
    Evaluate the impact of the authentication element of the anti-counterfeit measures on the manufacturing process. CC ID 11557 Business Processes Preventive
    Include a provision in outsourcing contracts that requires supply chain members' security requirements comply with organizational security requirements. CC ID 00359
    [{annual basis} Ensure service provider contracts include security requirements. Example requirements may include minimum security program requirements, security incident and/or data breach notification and response, data encryption requirements, and data disposal commitments. These security requirements must be consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Review service provider contracts annually to ensure contracts are not missing security requirements. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.4 Ensure Service Provider Contracts Include Security Requirements]
    Testing Detective
    Include a requirement in outsourcing contracts that supply chain members must implement security controls to protect information. CC ID 13353 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Assess third parties' compliance environment during due diligence. CC ID 13134 Process or Activity Detective
    Document that supply chain members investigate security events. CC ID 13348 Investigate Detective
    Engage third parties to scope third party services' applicability to the organization's compliance requirements, as necessary. CC ID 12064 Process or Activity Detective
    Establish and maintain a list of compliance requirements managed by the organization and correlated with those managed by supply chain members. CC ID 11888 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Disseminate and communicate third parties' external audit reports to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 13139 Communicate Preventive
    Include the audit scope in the third party external audit report. CC ID 13138 Establish/Maintain Documentation Preventive
    Document whether the third party transmits, processes, or stores restricted data on behalf of the organization. CC ID 12063 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Document whether engaging the third party will impact the organization's compliance risk. CC ID 12065 Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Request attestation of compliance from third parties. CC ID 12067
    [{annual basis} Assess service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Assessment scope may vary based on classification(s), and may include review of standardized assessment reports, such as Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) and Payment Card Industry (PCI) Attestation of Compliance (AoC), customized questionnaires, or other appropriately rigorous processes. Reassess service providers annually, at a minimum, or with new and renewed contracts. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.5 Assess Service Providers]
    Establish/Maintain Documentation Detective
    Allow third parties to provide Self-Assessment Reports, as necessary. CC ID 12229 Business Processes Detective
    Require individual attestations of compliance from each location a third party operates in. CC ID 12228 Business Processes Preventive
    Assess third parties' compliance with the organization's third party security policies during due diligence. CC ID 12075
    [Develop a process to evaluate service providers who hold sensitive data, or are responsible for an enterprise's critical IT platforms or processes, to ensure these providers are protecting those platforms and data appropriately. CIS Control 15: Service Provider Management]
    Business Processes Detective
    Document the third parties compliance with the organization's system hardening framework. CC ID 04263 Technical Security Detective
    Validate the third parties' compliance to organizationally mandated compliance requirements. CC ID 08819 Business Processes Preventive
    Determine third party compliance with third party contracts. CC ID 08866 Business Processes Preventive
    Quarantine non-compliant material. CC ID 08867 Business Processes Preventive
    Refrain from quarantining conflict-free materials. CC ID 08868 Business Processes Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain disposition processes for non-compliant material. CC ID 08869 Business Processes Preventive
    Review the information collected about each supplier for the supply chain due diligence report. CC ID 08856 Business Processes Preventive
    Assess the effectiveness of third party services provided to the organization. CC ID 13142 Business Processes Detective
    Monitor third parties for performance and effectiveness, as necessary. CC ID 00799
    [Monitor service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Monitoring may include periodic reassessment of service provider compliance, monitoring service provider release notes, and dark web monitoring. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.6 Monitor Service Providers
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy
    Designate one key person, and at least one backup, who will manage the enterprise's incident handling process. Management personnel are responsible for the coordination and documentation of incident response and recovery efforts and can consist of employees internal to the enterprise, service providers, or a hybrid approach. If using a service provider, designate at least one person internal to the enterprise to oversee any third-party work. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.1 Designate Personnel to Manage Incident Handling]
    Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Monitor third parties' financial conditions. CC ID 13170 Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences Detective
    Review the supply chain's service delivery on a regular basis. CC ID 12010 Business Processes Preventive
Common Controls and
mandates by Type
278 Mandated Controls - bold    
156 Implied Controls - italic     2646 Implementation

Each Common Control is assigned a meta-data type to help you determine the objective of the Control and associated Authority Document mandates aligned with it. These types include behavioral controls, process controls, records management, technical security, configuration management, etc. They are provided as another tool to dissect the Authority Document’s mandates and assign them effectively within your organization.

Number of Controls
3080 Total
  • Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Prohibit the sale or transfer of a debt caused by identity theft. CC ID 16983 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Implement automated audit tools. CC ID 04882 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Transfer legal ownership of assets when the system is redeployed to a third party. CC ID 06698 Operational management Preventive
    Acquire spare parts prior to when maintenance requests are scheduled. CC ID 11833 Operational management Preventive
    Employ tools and mechanisms to support the organization's Incident Response program. CC ID 13182 Operational management Preventive
    Plan for acquiring facilities, technology, or services. CC ID 06892 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Obtain user documentation before acquiring products and services. CC ID 14283 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Acquire enough insurance to cover the liability for damages due to data leakage. CC ID 06408 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
  • Actionable Reports or Measurements
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Report to management and stakeholders on the findings and information gathered from all types of inquiries. CC ID 12797 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Report on the percentage of systems that generate warnings about anomalous activity or potentially unauthorized activity. CC ID 02105 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Report on the estimated damage or loss resulting from all security incidents. CC ID 01674 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Report on the percentage of security incidents that did not cause confidentiality, integrity, or availability losses beyond the Service Level Agreement thresholds. CC ID 01673 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Report on the percentage of operational time that critical services were unavailable due to security incidents. CC ID 02124 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Report on the percentage of security incidents that exploited existing security vulnerabilities with known solutions, patches, or workarounds. CC ID 02125 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Report on the percentage of systems affected by security incidents that exploited existing security vulnerabilities with known solutions, patches, or workarounds. CC ID 02126 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Report on the percentage of security incidents that were managed according to established policies, procedures, and processes. CC ID 02127 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Report on the number of security incidents reported to FedCIRC, NIPC, the Payment Card Industry, or local law enforcement. CC ID 02154 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Report on the percentage of systems with critical information assets or critical functions that have been assessed for security vulnerabilities. CC ID 02128 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Report on the percentage of vulnerability assessment findings that have been addressed since the last reporting period. CC ID 02129 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Report on the average elapsed time between the discovery of a new vulnerability and implementing corrective action. CC ID 02140 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Report on the percentage of physical security incidents that involved entry into a facility containing Information Systems. CC ID 04564 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Include evidence of the closure of findings in the corrective action plan. CC ID 16978 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Refrain from including restricted information in the incident response notification. CC ID 16806 Operational management Preventive
    Mitigate reported incidents. CC ID 12973 Operational management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the final incident report, which includes the investigation results and any remediation activity results. CC ID 12306 Operational management Preventive
    Document the results of incident response tests and provide them to senior management. CC ID 14857 Operational management Preventive
    Provide the patient with a summary of care record, as necessary. CC ID 14441 Records management Preventive
  • Audits and Risk Management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Address operational anomalies within the incident management system. CC ID 11633 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Identity Theft Prevention Program. CC ID 11634 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Compile the event logs of multiple components into a system-wide time-correlated audit trail. CC ID 01424
    [Centralize security event alerting across enterprise assets for log correlation and analysis. Best practice implementation requires the use of a SIEM, which includes vendor-defined event correlation alerts. A log analytics platform configured with security-relevant correlation alerts also satisfies this Safeguard. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.1 Centralize Security Event Alerting
    Centralize security event alerting across enterprise assets for log correlation and analysis. Best practice implementation requires the use of a SIEM, which includes vendor-defined event correlation alerts. A log analytics platform configured with security-relevant correlation alerts also satisfies this Safeguard. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.1 Centralize Security Event Alerting
    Centralize, to the extent possible, audit log collection and retention across enterprise assets in accordance with the documented audit log management process. Example implementations include leveraging a SIEM tool to centralize multiple log sources. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.9 Centralize Audit Logs]
    Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Verify segmentation controls are operational and effective. CC ID 12545 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Provide cross-organizational audit information based on the cross-organizational audit sharing agreement. CC ID 10596 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Include risks to critical personnel and assets in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 00698
    [{monthly basis} Establish and manage an updated inventory of third-party components used in development, often referred to as a "bill of materials," as well as components slated for future use. This inventory is to include any risks that each third-party component could pose. Evaluate the list at least monthly to identify any changes or updates to these components, and validate that the component is still supported. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.4 Establish and Manage an Inventory of Third-Party Software Components]
    Audits and risk management Preventive
    Configure firewalls to generate an audit log. CC ID 12038 Technical security Preventive
    Re-evaluate risk assessments of third parties, as necessary. CC ID 12158
    [{annual basis} Assess service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Assessment scope may vary based on classification(s), and may include review of standardized assessment reports, such as Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) and Payment Card Industry (PCI) Attestation of Compliance (AoC), customized questionnaires, or other appropriately rigorous processes. Reassess service providers annually, at a minimum, or with new and renewed contracts. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.5 Assess Service Providers]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Schedule supply chain audits, as necessary. CC ID 10015 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
  • Behavior
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Establish, implement, and maintain a testing program. CC ID 00654 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a penetration test program. CC ID 01105
    [Validate security measures after each penetration test. If deemed necessary, modify rulesets and capabilities to detect the techniques used during testing. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.4 Validate Security Measures
    Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program]
    Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Notify the interested personnel and affected parties after the failure of an automated security test. CC ID 06748 Monitoring and measurement Corrective
    Revoke asset access when a personnel status change occurs or an individual is terminated. CC ID 00516 Technical security Corrective
    Review and update accounts and access rights when notified of personnel status changes. CC ID 00788 Technical security Corrective
    Restrict downloading to reduce malicious code attacks. CC ID 04576 Technical security Preventive
    Train all new hires, as necessary. CC ID 06673
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a security awareness program. The purpose of a security awareness program is to educate the enterprise's workforce on how to interact with enterprise assets and data in a secure manner. Conduct training at hire and, at a minimum, annually. Review and update content annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.1 Establish and Maintain a Security Awareness Program]
    Human Resources management Preventive
    Delegate authority for specific processes, as necessary. CC ID 06780 Human Resources management Preventive
    Implement personnel supervisory practices. CC ID 00773 Human Resources management Preventive
    Establish and maintain relationships with critical stakeholders, business functions, and leadership outside the in scope staff. CC ID 00779 Human Resources management Preventive
    Train all personnel and third parties, as necessary. CC ID 00785 Human Resources management Preventive
    Retrain all personnel, as necessary. CC ID 01362
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a security awareness program. The purpose of a security awareness program is to educate the enterprise's workforce on how to interact with enterprise assets and data in a secure manner. Conduct training at hire and, at a minimum, annually. Review and update content annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.1 Establish and Maintain a Security Awareness Program
    {annual basis} Ensure that all software development personnel receive training in writing secure code for their specific development environment and responsibilities. Training can include general security principles and application security standard practices. Conduct training at least annually and design in a way to promote security within the development team, and build a culture of security among the developers. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.9 Train Developers in Application Security Concepts and Secure Coding]
    Human Resources management Preventive
    Tailor training to meet published guidance on the subject being taught. CC ID 02217
    [{annual basis} Ensure that all software development personnel receive training in writing secure code for their specific development environment and responsibilities. Training can include general security principles and application security standard practices. Conduct training at least annually and design in a way to promote security within the development team, and build a culture of security among the developers. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.9 Train Developers in Application Security Concepts and Secure Coding]
    Human Resources management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the security awareness program to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 00823 Human Resources management Preventive
    Train all personnel and third parties on how to recognize and report security incidents. CC ID 01211
    [Train workforce members to be able to recognize a potential incident and be able to report such an incident. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.6 Train Workforce Members on Recognizing and Reporting Security Incidents
    Train workforce members to recognize social engineering attacks, such as phishing, business email compromise (BEC), pretexting, and tailgating. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.2 Train Workforce Members to Recognize Social Engineering Attacks]
    Human Resources management Preventive
    Conduct secure coding and development training for developers. CC ID 06822
    [{annual basis} Ensure that all software development personnel receive training in writing secure code for their specific development environment and responsibilities. Training can include general security principles and application security standard practices. Conduct training at least annually and design in a way to promote security within the development team, and build a culture of security among the developers. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.9 Train Developers in Application Security Concepts and Secure Coding
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Human Resources management Corrective
    Make compliance and governance decisions in a timely manner. CC ID 06490 Operational management Preventive
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties prior to when the system is redeployed or the system is disposed. CC ID 06400 Operational management Preventive
    Maintain contact with the device manufacturer or component manufacturer for maintenance requests. CC ID 06388 Operational management Preventive
    Respond to maintenance requests inside the organizationally established time frame. CC ID 04878 Operational management Preventive
    Perform periodic maintenance according to organizational standards. CC ID 01435 Operational management Preventive
    Respond to all alerts from security systems in a timely manner. CC ID 06434 Operational management Corrective
    Share data loss event information with the media. CC ID 01759 Operational management Corrective
    Report to breach notification organizations the time frame in which the organization will send data loss event notifications to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 04731 Operational management Corrective
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of the privacy breach that affects their personal data. CC ID 00365 Operational management Corrective
    Determine whether or not incident response notifications are necessary during the privacy breach investigation. CC ID 00801 Operational management Detective
    Delay sending incident response notifications under predetermined conditions. CC ID 00804 Operational management Corrective
    Avoid false positive incident response notifications. CC ID 04732 Operational management Detective
    Send paper incident response notifications to affected parties, as necessary. CC ID 00366 Operational management Corrective
    Determine if a substitute incident response notification is permitted if notifying affected parties. CC ID 00803 Operational management Corrective
    Use a substitute incident response notification to notify interested personnel and affected parties of the privacy breach that affects their personal data. CC ID 00368 Operational management Corrective
    Telephone incident response notifications to affected parties, as necessary. CC ID 04650 Operational management Corrective
    Send electronic substitute incident response notifications to affected parties, as necessary. CC ID 04747 Operational management Preventive
    Send substitute incident response notifications to breach notification organizations, as necessary. CC ID 04750 Operational management Preventive
    Publish the incident response notification in a general circulation periodical. CC ID 04651 Operational management Corrective
    Publish the substitute incident response notification in a general circulation periodical, as necessary. CC ID 04769 Operational management Preventive
    Send electronic incident response notifications to affected parties, as necessary. CC ID 00367 Operational management Corrective
    Incorporate simulated events into the incident response training program. CC ID 06751 Operational management Preventive
    Incorporate realistic exercises that are tested into the incident response training program. CC ID 06753 Operational management Preventive
    Maintain contact with breach notification organizations for notification purposes in the event a privacy breach has occurred. CC ID 01213 Operational management Preventive
    Use the contact information on file to contact the individual identified in an account change request. CC ID 04857 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
  • Business Processes
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Establish, implement, and maintain a reporting methodology program. CC ID 02072
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1]
    Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Use secure communication protocols for telecommunications. CC ID 16458 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Analyze the flow of information to ensure it is being received by the correct processes. CC ID 12860 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an internal reporting program. CC ID 12409 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include transactions and events as a part of internal reporting. CC ID 12413 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Identify the material topics required to be reported on. CC ID 15654 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Employ an approved third party to perform external vulnerability scans on the organization's systems. CC ID 12467 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an incident management and vulnerability management metrics program. CC ID 02085
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1]
    Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Align corrective actions with the level of environmental impact. CC ID 15193 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Comply with the encryption laws of the local country. CC ID 16377 Technical security Preventive
    Require users to refrain from leaving mobile devices unattended. CC ID 16446 Physical and environmental protection Preventive
    Place Information Technology operations in a position to support the business model. CC ID 00766 Human Resources management Preventive
    Review organizational personnel successes. CC ID 00767 Human Resources management Preventive
    Evaluate the staffing requirements regularly. CC ID 00775 Human Resources management Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain an education methodology. CC ID 06671 Human Resources management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a positive information control environment. CC ID 00813
    [{annual basis} Ensure that all software development personnel receive training in writing secure code for their specific development environment and responsibilities. Training can include general security principles and application security standard practices. Conduct training at least annually and design in a way to promote security within the development team, and build a culture of security among the developers. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.9 Train Developers in Application Security Concepts and Secure Coding]
    Operational management Preventive
    Implement and comply with the Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 00818 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Asset Management program. CC ID 06630
    [{unauthorized asset} Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile; network devices; non-computing/Internet of Things (IoT) devices; and servers) connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments, to accurately know the totality of assets that need to be monitored and protected within the enterprise. This will also support identifying unauthorized and unmanaged assets to remove or remediate. CIS Control 1: Inventory and Control of Enterprise Assets
    Securely manage enterprise assets and software. Example implementations include managing configuration through version-controlled Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) and accessing administrative interfaces over secure network protocols, such as Secure Shell (SSH) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). Do not use insecure management protocols, such as Telnet (Teletype Network) and HTTP, unless operationally essential. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.6 Securely Manage Enterprise Assets and Software]
    Operational management Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the asset management policy. CC ID 16424 Operational management Preventive
    Define the requirements for where assets can be located. CC ID 17051 Operational management Preventive
    Define and prioritize the importance of each asset in the asset management program. CC ID 16837 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain administrative controls over all assets. CC ID 16400 Operational management Preventive
    Classify virtual systems by type and purpose. CC ID 16332 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an asset inventory. CC ID 06631
    [{annual basis}{authentication system} Establish and maintain an inventory of the enterprise's authentication and authorization systems, including those hosted on-site or at a remote service provider. Review and update the inventory, at a minimum, annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.6 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Authentication and Authorization Systems
    {biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {weekly basis} Use DHCP logging on all DHCP servers or Internet Protocol (IP) address management tools to update the enterprise's asset inventory. Review and use logs to update the enterprise's asset inventory weekly, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.4 Use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Logging to Update Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Operational management Preventive
    Destroy systems in accordance with the system disposal program. CC ID 16457 Operational management Preventive
    Approve the release of systems and waste material into the public domain. CC ID 16461 Operational management Preventive
    Obtain approval before removing maintenance tools from the facility. CC ID 14298 Operational management Preventive
    Disassemble and shut down unnecessary systems or unused systems. CC ID 06280 Operational management Preventive
    Dispose of hardware and software at their life cycle end. CC ID 06278 Operational management Preventive
    Refrain from placing assets being disposed into organizational dumpsters. CC ID 12200 Operational management Preventive
    Remove asset tags prior to disposal of an asset. CC ID 12198 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Incident Management program. CC ID 00853
    [{annual basis} Determine which primary and secondary mechanisms will be used to communicate and report during a security incident. Mechanisms can include phone calls, emails, secure chat, or notification letters. Keep in mind that certain mechanisms, such as emails, can be affected during a security incident. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.6 Define Mechanisms for Communicating During Incident Response]
    Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an anti-money laundering program. CC ID 13675 Operational management Detective
    Remediate security violations according to organizational standards. CC ID 12338 Operational management Preventive
    Refrain from charging for providing incident response notifications. CC ID 13876 Operational management Preventive
    Offer identity theft prevention services or identity theft mitigation services at no cost to the affected parties. CC ID 13766 Operational management Corrective
    Eradicate the cause of the incident after the incident has been contained. CC ID 01757 Operational management Corrective
    Analyze and respond to security alerts. CC ID 12504 Operational management Detective
    Include the reimbursement of customers for financial losses due to incidents in the Incident Response program. CC ID 12756 Operational management Preventive
    Collect evidence from the incident scene. CC ID 02236 Operational management Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain configuration control and Configuration Status Accounting. CC ID 00863 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Approve the configuration management plan. CC ID 14717 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain decision support interventions. CC ID 14443 Records management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain Consumer Reporting Agency notification procedures. CC ID 04851 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include personal data that is publicly available information as an out of scope privacy breach. CC ID 04678 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Terminate supplier relationships, as necessary. CC ID 13489
    [{secure manner} Securely decommission service providers. Example considerations include user and service account deactivation, termination of data flows, and secure disposal of enterprise data within service provider systems. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.7 Securely Decommission Service Providers
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Corrective
    Require supply chain members to accept and sign the organization's code of conduct. CC ID 12397 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Support third parties in building their capabilities. CC ID 08814 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Implement measurable improvement plans with all third parties. CC ID 08815 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Post a list of compliant third parties on the organization's website. CC ID 08817 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Use third parties that are compliant with the applicable requirements. CC ID 08818 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Identify supply sources for secondary materials. CC ID 08822 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Deal directly with third parties that provide any material listed in the conflict materials report. CC ID 08891 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain supply chain due diligence standards. CC ID 08846
    [{annual basis} Assess service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Assessment scope may vary based on classification(s), and may include review of standardized assessment reports, such as Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) and Payment Card Industry (PCI) Attestation of Compliance (AoC), customized questionnaires, or other appropriately rigorous processes. Reassess service providers annually, at a minimum, or with new and renewed contracts. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.5 Assess Service Providers
    {annual basis} Assess service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Assessment scope may vary based on classification(s), and may include review of standardized assessment reports, such as Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) and Payment Card Industry (PCI) Attestation of Compliance (AoC), customized questionnaires, or other appropriately rigorous processes. Reassess service providers annually, at a minimum, or with new and renewed contracts. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.5 Assess Service Providers]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Provide management support for third party due diligence. CC ID 08847 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Commit to the supply chain due diligence process. CC ID 08849 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Structure the organization to support supply chain due diligence. CC ID 08850 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain internal accountability for the supply chain due diligence process. CC ID 08851 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain supply chain due diligence requirements. CC ID 08853 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Cross-check the supply chain due diligence practices against the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08859 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Exclude suppliers that have passed the conflict-free smelter program from the conflict materials report. CC ID 10016 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Assign the appropriate individuals or groups to oversee and support supply chain due diligence. CC ID 08861 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Develop and implement supply chain due diligence capability training program. CC ID 08862 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Determine if additional supply chain due diligence processes are required. CC ID 08863 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Define ways a third party may be non-compliant with the organization's supply chain due diligence requirements. CC ID 08870 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Calculate and report the margin of error in the supply chain due diligence report. CC ID 08871 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Conduct all parts of the supply chain due diligence process. CC ID 08854
    [{annual basis} Assess service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Assessment scope may vary based on classification(s), and may include review of standardized assessment reports, such as Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) and Payment Card Industry (PCI) Attestation of Compliance (AoC), customized questionnaires, or other appropriately rigorous processes. Reassess service providers annually, at a minimum, or with new and renewed contracts. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.5 Assess Service Providers]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Identify all service providers in the supply chain. CC ID 12213 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain deduplication procedures for third party services. CC ID 13915 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Assess third parties' relevant experience during due diligence. CC ID 12070 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Assess third parties' legal risks to the organization during due diligence. CC ID 12078 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Assess third parties' business continuity capabilities during due diligence. CC ID 12077 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Assess third parties' breach remediation status, as necessary, during due diligence. CC ID 12076 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Assess third parties' abilities to provide services during due diligence. CC ID 12074 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Assess third parties' financial stability during due diligence. CC ID 12066 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Assess third parties' use of subcontractors during due diligence. CC ID 12073 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Assess third parties' insurance coverage during due diligence. CC ID 12072 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Assess the third parties' reputation during due diligence. CC ID 12068 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Assess any litigation case files against third parties during due diligence. CC ID 12071 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Assess complaints against third parties during due diligence. CC ID 12069 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Disallow engaging service providers that are restricted from performing their duties. CC ID 12214 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Collect evidence of each supplier's supply chain due diligence processes. CC ID 08855 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Conduct spot checks of the supplier's supply chain due diligence processes as necessary. CC ID 08860 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Determine if suppliers can meet the organization's production requirements. CC ID 11559 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Require suppliers to meet the organization's manufacturing and integration requirements. CC ID 11560 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Evaluate the impact of the authentication element of the anti-counterfeit measures on the manufacturing process. CC ID 11557 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Allow third parties to provide Self-Assessment Reports, as necessary. CC ID 12229 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Require individual attestations of compliance from each location a third party operates in. CC ID 12228 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Assess third parties' compliance with the organization's third party security policies during due diligence. CC ID 12075
    [Develop a process to evaluate service providers who hold sensitive data, or are responsible for an enterprise's critical IT platforms or processes, to ensure these providers are protecting those platforms and data appropriately. CIS Control 15: Service Provider Management]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Validate the third parties' compliance to organizationally mandated compliance requirements. CC ID 08819 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Determine third party compliance with third party contracts. CC ID 08866 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Quarantine non-compliant material. CC ID 08867 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Refrain from quarantining conflict-free materials. CC ID 08868 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain disposition processes for non-compliant material. CC ID 08869 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Review the information collected about each supplier for the supply chain due diligence report. CC ID 08856 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Assess the effectiveness of third party services provided to the organization. CC ID 13142 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Review the supply chain's service delivery on a regular basis. CC ID 12010 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
  • Communicate
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Establish, implement, and maintain an alternative communication protocol. CC ID 17097 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include disseminating and communicating events surrounding instances of desirable conduct and undesirable conduct in the communication protocols. CC ID 12824 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Identify alternative measures for collecting stakeholder input, as necessary. CC ID 15672 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include disseminating and communicating conditions surrounding instances of desirable conduct and undesirable conduct in the communication protocols. CC ID 12804 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include disseminating and communicating desirable conduct in the communication protocols. CC ID 12803 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include disseminating and communicating undesirable conduct in communication protocols. CC ID 12802 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate internal controls with supply chain members. CC ID 12416 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate management's choices for managing the organization as a part of internal reporting. CC ID 12412 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an external reporting program. CC ID 12876 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Provide identifying information about the organization to the responsible party. CC ID 16715 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Prioritize material topics used in reporting. CC ID 15678 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include time requirements in the external reporting program. CC ID 16566 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Submit certification letters to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16969 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include reporting to governing bodies in the external reporting plan. CC ID 12923 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Submit confidential treatment applications to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16592 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the data classification scheme to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16804 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate information to customers about clock synchronization methods used by the organization. CC ID 13044 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the vulnerability scan results to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16418 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Delay the reporting of incident management metrics, as necessary. CC ID 15501 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the corrective action plan to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16883 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Notify appropriate parties when the maximum number of unsuccessful logon attempts is exceeded. CC ID 17164 Technical security Preventive
    Notify the user when an authentication is attempted using an expired authenticator. CC ID 13818 Technical security Corrective
    Notify interested personnel when user accounts are added or deleted. CC ID 14327 Technical security Detective
    Disseminate and communicate the access control log to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16442 Technical security Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the access control procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14123 Technical security Corrective
    Disseminate and communicate the identification and authentication policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14197 Technical security Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the identification and authentication procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14223 Technical security Preventive
    Require individuals to report lost or damaged authentication mechanisms. CC ID 17035 Technical security Preventive
    Notify a user when an authenticator for a user account is changed. CC ID 13820 Technical security Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the network security policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14199 Technical security Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the system and communications protection procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14206 Technical security Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate network diagrams to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 13137 Technical security Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the data flow diagrams to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16407 Technical security Preventive
    Authorize the disclosure of private Internet Protocol addresses and routing information to external entities. CC ID 12034 Technical security Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the protocols, ports, applications, and services list to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 17089 Technical security Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the encryption management and cryptographic controls policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15476 Technical security Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the encryption management procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15477 Technical security Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate cryptographic key management procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 13164 Technical security Preventive
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties upon cryptographic key supersession. CC ID 17084 Technical security Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the malicious code protection policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15485 Technical security Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the malicious code protection procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15484 Technical security Preventive
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties when malware is detected. CC ID 13689 Technical security Corrective
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of updates to the recovery plan. CC ID 13302 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the recovery plan to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14859 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the security awareness and training procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14138 Human Resources management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the network standard to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 13129 Operational management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the Asset Classification Policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14851 Operational management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the system maintenance policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14213 Operational management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the system maintenance procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14194 Operational management Preventive
    Provide advice regarding the establishment and implementation of an information technology refresh plan. CC ID 16938 Operational management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate end-of-life information for system components to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16937 Operational management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the incident management policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16885 Operational management Preventive
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of an extortion payment in the event of a cybersecurity event. CC ID 16539 Operational management Preventive
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of the reasons for the extortion payment, along with any alternative solutions. CC ID 16538 Operational management Preventive
    Report to breach notification organizations the reasons for a delay in sending breach notifications. CC ID 16797 Operational management Preventive
    Report to breach notification organizations the distribution list to which the organization will send data loss event notifications. CC ID 16782 Operational management Preventive
    Submit written requests to delay the notification of affected parties. CC ID 16783 Operational management Preventive
    Provide enrollment information for identity theft prevention services or identity theft mitigation services. CC ID 13767 Operational management Corrective
    Include a copy of the incident response notification in breach notifications, as necessary. CC ID 13085 Operational management Preventive
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of the privacy breach about any recovered restricted data. CC ID 13347 Operational management Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain incident reporting time frame standards. CC ID 12142
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents]
    Operational management Preventive
    Submit the incident response report to the proper authorities in a timely manner. CC ID 12705 Operational management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the cyber incident response plan to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16838 Operational management Preventive
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties that a security breach was detected. CC ID 11788 Operational management Corrective
    Assign the distribution of incident response procedures to the appropriate role in the incident response program. CC ID 12474 Operational management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the incident response policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14099 Operational management Preventive
    Contact affected parties to participate in forensic investigations, as necessary. CC ID 12343 Operational management Detective
    Disseminate and communicate the configuration management procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14139 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the configuration management policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14066 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the configuration management program to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 11946 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include risk information when communicating critical security updates. CC ID 14948 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate disposal records to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16891 Records management Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the system design specification to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15468 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the system documentation to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14285 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the data handling policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15465 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the data handling procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15466 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the Third Party Service Provider list to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14422 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the supply chain management policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15493 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate third parties' external audit reports to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 13139 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
  • Configuration
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Protect continuous security management systems from unauthorized use. CC ID 13097 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Install and maintain an Intrusion Detection System and/or Intrusion Prevention System. CC ID 00581
    [Deploy a host-based intrusion prevention solution on enterprise assets, where appropriate and/or supported. Example implementations include use of an Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) client or host-based IPS agent. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.7 Deploy a Host-Based Intrusion Prevention Solution
    Deploy a host-based intrusion detection solution on enterprise assets, where appropriate and/or supported. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.2 Deploy a Host-Based Intrusion Detection Solution
    Deploy a network intrusion detection solution on enterprise assets, where appropriate. Example implementations include the use of a Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) or equivalent cloud service provider (CSP) service. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.3 Deploy a Network Intrusion Detection Solution
    Deploy a network intrusion prevention solution, where appropriate. Example implementations include the use of a Network Intrusion Prevention System (NIPS) or equivalent CSP service. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.8 Deploy a Network Intrusion Prevention Solution]
    Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Enable and configure logging on network access controls in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 01963
    [Operate processes and tooling to establish and maintain comprehensive network monitoring and defense against security threats across the enterprise's network infrastructure and user base. CIS Control 13: Network Monitoring and Defense
    Collect network traffic flow logs and/or network traffic to review and alert upon from network devices. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.6 Collect Network Traffic Flow Logs]
    Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Synchronize system clocks to an accurate and universal time source on all devices. CC ID 01340
    [{stipulated amount} Standardize time synchronization. Configure at least two synchronized time sources across enterprise assets, where supported. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.4 Standardize Time Synchronization
    {stipulated amount} Standardize time synchronization. Configure at least two synchronized time sources across enterprise assets, where supported. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.4 Standardize Time Synchronization]
    Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Centralize network time servers to as few as practical. CC ID 06308 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Deny network access to rogue devices until network access approval has been received. CC ID 11852
    [Ensure that a process exists to address unauthorized assets on a weekly basis. The enterprise may choose to remove the asset from the network, deny the asset from connecting remotely to the network, or quarantine the asset. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.2 Address Unauthorized Assets]
    Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Isolate rogue devices after a rogue device has been detected. CC ID 07061
    [Ensure that a process exists to address unauthorized assets on a weekly basis. The enterprise may choose to remove the asset from the network, deny the asset from connecting remotely to the network, or quarantine the asset. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.2 Address Unauthorized Assets
    Ensure that a process exists to address unauthorized assets on a weekly basis. The enterprise may choose to remove the asset from the network, deny the asset from connecting remotely to the network, or quarantine the asset. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.2 Address Unauthorized Assets
    {unauthorized asset} Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile; network devices; non-computing/Internet of Things (IoT) devices; and servers) connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments, to accurately know the totality of assets that need to be monitored and protected within the enterprise. This will also support identifying unauthorized and unmanaged assets to remove or remediate. CIS Control 1: Inventory and Control of Enterprise Assets]
    Monitoring and measurement Corrective
    Update the vulnerability scanners' vulnerability list. CC ID 10634 Monitoring and measurement Corrective
    Disallow the use of payment applications when a vulnerability scan report indicates vulnerabilities are present. CC ID 12188 Monitoring and measurement Corrective
    Enforce dual authorization as a part of information flow control for logs. CC ID 10098 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Match user accounts to authorized parties. CC ID 12126
    [{user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts
    {user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts]
    Technical security Detective
    Configure access control lists in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16465
    [Configure data access control lists based on a user's need to know. Apply data access control lists, also known as access permissions, to local and remote file systems, databases, and applications. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.3 Configure Data Access Control Lists]
    Technical security Preventive
    Disallow application IDs from running as privileged users. CC ID 10050 Technical security Detective
    Separate processing domains to segregate user privileges and enhance information flow control. CC ID 06767
    [{data storage}{be lower than} Segment data processing and storage based on the sensitivity of the data. Do not process sensitive data on enterprise assets intended for lower sensitivity data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.12 Segment Data Processing and Storage Based on Sensitivity]
    Technical security Preventive
    Configure the lockout procedure to disregard failed logon attempts after the user is authenticated. CC ID 13822 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain session lock capabilities. CC ID 01417 Technical security Preventive
    Limit concurrent sessions according to account type. CC ID 01416 Technical security Preventive
    Configure the "tlsverify" argument to organizational standards. CC ID 14460 Technical security Preventive
    Configure the "tlscacert" argument to organizational standards. CC ID 14521 Technical security Preventive
    Configure the "tlscert" argument to organizational standards. CC ID 14520 Technical security Preventive
    Configure the "tlskey" argument to organizational standards. CC ID 14519 Technical security Preventive
    Enable access control for objects and users on each system. CC ID 04553 Technical security Preventive
    Display previous logon information in the logon banner. CC ID 01415 Technical security Preventive
    Encrypt files and move them to a secure file server when a user account is disabled. CC ID 07065 Technical security Preventive
    Limit superuser accounts to designated System Administrators. CC ID 06766 Technical security Preventive
    Grant access to authorized personnel or systems. CC ID 12186 Technical security Preventive
    Assign authenticators to user accounts. CC ID 06855 Technical security Preventive
    Assign authentication mechanisms for user account authentication. CC ID 06856
    [Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 5: Account Management
    Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 5: Account Management
    Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 5: Account Management
    {user account}{administrator account} Use processes and tools to create, assign, manage, and revoke access credentials and privileges for user, administrator, and service accounts for enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 6: Access Control Management]
    Technical security Preventive
    Limit account credential reuse as a part of digital identification procedures. CC ID 12357 Technical security Preventive
    Tune the biometric identification equipment, as necessary. CC ID 07077 Technical security Corrective
    Prohibit systems from connecting directly to external networks. CC ID 08709 Technical security Preventive
    Secure the Domain Name System. CC ID 00540 Technical security Preventive
    Configure the network to limit zone transfers to trusted servers. CC ID 01876 Technical security Preventive
    Place firewalls between security domains and between any Demilitarized Zone and internal network zones. CC ID 01274 Technical security Preventive
    Place firewalls between wireless networks and applications or databases that contain restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 01293 Technical security Preventive
    Place firewalls between all security domains and between any secure subnet and internal network zones. CC ID 11784 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 00541 Technical security Preventive
    Deny or strictly control wireless traffic to applications or databases that contain restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 11847 Technical security Preventive
    Configure network ports to organizational standards. CC ID 14007 Technical security Preventive
    Install and configure firewalls to be enabled on all mobile devices, if possible. CC ID 00550 Technical security Preventive
    Configure network access and control points to protect restricted information and restricted functions. CC ID 01284 Technical security Preventive
    Configure security alerts in firewalls to include the source Internet protocol address and destination Internet protocol address associated with long sessions. CC ID 12174 Technical security Detective
    Configure firewalls to deny all traffic by default, except explicitly designated traffic. CC ID 00547
    [Implement and manage a host-based firewall or port-filtering tool on end-user devices, with a default-deny rule that drops all traffic except those services and ports that are explicitly allowed. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.5 Implement and Manage a Firewall on End-User Devices]
    Technical security Preventive
    Allow local program exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01956 Technical security Preventive
    Allow remote administration exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01957 Technical security Preventive
    Allow file sharing exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01958 Technical security Preventive
    Allow printer sharing exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 11849 Technical security Preventive
    Allow Internet Control Message Protocol exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01959 Technical security Preventive
    Allow Remote Desktop Connection exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01960 Technical security Preventive
    Allow UPnP framework exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01961 Technical security Preventive
    Allow notification exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01962 Technical security Preventive
    Allow unicast response to multicast or broadcast exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01964 Technical security Preventive
    Allow protocol port exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01965 Technical security Preventive
    Allow local port exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01966 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain internet protocol address filters on the firewall, as necessary CC ID 01287 Technical security Preventive
    Synchronize and secure all router configuration files. CC ID 01291 Technical security Preventive
    Synchronize and secure all firewall configuration files. CC ID 11851 Technical security Preventive
    Configure firewalls to generate an alert when a potential security incident is detected. CC ID 12165 Technical security Preventive
    Configure network access and control points to organizational standards. CC ID 12442 Technical security Detective
    Install and configure application layer firewalls for all key web-facing applications. CC ID 01450 Technical security Preventive
    Configure third party Wireless Local Area Network services in accordance with organizational Information Assurance standards. CC ID 00751 Technical security Preventive
    Remove all unauthorized Wireless Local Area Networks. CC ID 06309 Technical security Preventive
    Refrain from using Wired Equivalent Privacy for Wireless Local Area Networks that use Wi-Fi Protected Access. CC ID 01648 Technical security Preventive
    Configure Intrusion Detection Systems and Intrusion Prevention Systems to continuously check and send alerts for rogue devices connected to Wireless Local Area Networks. CC ID 04830 Technical security Preventive
    Remove all unauthorized wireless access points. CC ID 11856 Technical security Preventive
    Deploy sender policy framework records in the organization's Domain Name Servers. CC ID 12183
    [{spoofed e-mail message} To lower the chance of spoofed or modified emails from valid domains, implement DMARC policy and verification, starting with implementing the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) standards. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.5 Implement DMARC]
    Technical security Preventive
    Secure access to each system component operating system. CC ID 00551 Technical security Preventive
    Control remote administration in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 04459 Technical security Preventive
    Install and maintain remote control software and other remote control mechanisms on critical systems. CC ID 06371 Technical security Preventive
    Implement multifactor authentication techniques. CC ID 00561
    [{externally-exposed enterprise application} Require all externally-exposed enterprise or third-party applications to enforce MFA, where supported. Enforcing MFA through a directory service or SSO provider is a satisfactory implementation of this Safeguard. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.3 Require MFA for Externally-Exposed Applications]
    Technical security Preventive
    Protect remote access accounts with encryption. CC ID 00562 Technical security Preventive
    Refrain from allowing the use of cleartext for input or output of restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 04823 Technical security Preventive
    Ensure restricted data or restricted information are encrypted prior to or at the time of transmission. CC ID 01749 Technical security Preventive
    Install security and protection software, as necessary. CC ID 00575
    [Enable anti-exploitation features on enterprise assets and software, where possible, such as Microsoft® Data Execution Prevention (DEP), Windows® Defender Exploit Guard (WDEG), or Apple® System Integrity Protection (SIP) and GatekeeperTM. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.5 Enable Anti-Exploitation Features
    Deploy and maintain email server anti-malware protections, such as attachment scanning and/or sandboxing. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.7 Deploy and Maintain Email Server Anti-Malware Protections
    Deploy and maintain anti-malware software on all enterprise assets. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.1 Deploy and Maintain Anti-Malware Software
    Use behavior-based anti-malware software. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.7 Use Behavior-Based Anti-Malware Software]
    Technical security Preventive
    Lock antivirus configurations. CC ID 10047 Technical security Preventive
    Encrypt backup data. CC ID 00958
    [{be equivalent} Protect recovery data with equivalent controls to the original data. Reference encryption or data separation, based on requirements. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.3 Protect Recovery Data]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Automate vulnerability management, as necessary. CC ID 11730 Operational management Preventive
    Disallow systems from processing information, disseminating and communicating information, or storing information that is above the system's assigned asset classification. CC ID 06606
    [{data storage}{be lower than} Segment data processing and storage based on the sensitivity of the data. Do not process sensitive data on enterprise assets intended for lower sensitivity data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.12 Segment Data Processing and Storage Based on Sensitivity]
    Operational management Preventive
    Reset systems to the default configuration prior to when the system is redeployed or the system is disposed. CC ID 16968 Operational management Preventive
    Separate remote maintenance sessions from other network sessions with a logically separate communications path based upon encryption. CC ID 10614 Operational management Preventive
    Deploy software patches in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 07032 Operational management Corrective
    Verify configuration files requiring passwords for automation do not contain those passwords after the installation process is complete. CC ID 06555 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Employ the Configuration Management program. CC ID 11904 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Document external connections for all systems. CC ID 06415 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain configuration standards. CC ID 11953
    [{biannual basis} Use technical controls, such as digital signatures and version control, to ensure that only authorized scripts, such as specific .ps1, and .py files are allowed to execute. Block unauthorized scripts from executing. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.7 Allowlist Authorized Scripts]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Apply configuration standards to all systems, as necessary. CC ID 12503
    [{daily basis} Utilize an active discovery tool to identify assets connected to the enterprise's network. Configure the active discovery tool to execute daily, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.3 Utilize an Active Discovery Tool
    Use standard, industry-recommended hardening configuration templates for application infrastructure components. This includes underlying servers, databases, and web servers, and applies to cloud containers, Platform as a Service (PaaS) components, and SaaS components. Do not allow in-house developed software to weaken configuration hardening. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.7 Use Standard Hardening Configuration Templates for Application Infrastructure]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Document and justify system hardening standard exceptions. CC ID 06845 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure automatic logoff to terminate the sessions based on inactivity according to organizational standards. CC ID 04490
    [{stipulated timeframe} Configure automatic session locking on enterprise assets after a defined period of inactivity. For general purpose operating systems, the period must not exceed 15 minutes. For mobile end-user devices, the period must not exceed 2 minutes. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.3 Configure Automatic Session Locking on Enterprise Assets]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Display an explicit logout message when disconnecting an authenticated communications session. CC ID 10093 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Block and/or remove unnecessary software and unauthorized software. CC ID 00865
    [{unauthorized software} Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all software (operating systems and applications) on the network so that only authorized software is installed and can execute, and that unauthorized and unmanaged software is found and prevented from installation or execution. CIS Control 2: Inventory and Control of Software Assets
    {monthly basis} Ensure that unauthorized software is either removed from use on enterprise assets or receives a documented exception. Review monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.3 Address Unauthorized Software
    {insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures
    {unauthorized software library} {biannual basis} Use technical controls to ensure that only authorized software libraries, such as specific .dll, .ocx, and .so files, are allowed to load into a system process. Block unauthorized libraries from loading into a system process. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.6 Allowlist Authorized Libraries]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Install the most current Windows Service Pack. CC ID 01695 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Install critical security updates and important security updates in a timely manner. CC ID 01696
    [{blacklist website} Enforce and update network-based URL filters to limit an enterprise asset from connecting to potentially malicious or unapproved websites. Example implementations include category-based filtering, reputation-based filtering, or through the use of block lists. Enforce filters for all enterprise assets. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.3 Maintain and Enforce Network-Based URL Filters]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure virtual networks in accordance with the information security policy. CC ID 13165
    [Require users to authenticate to enterprise-managed VPN and authentication services prior to accessing enterprise resources on end-user devices. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.7 Ensue Remote Devices Utilize a VPN and are Connecting to an Enterprise's AAA Infrastructure]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Remove all unnecessary functionality. CC ID 00882
    [{insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Find and eradicate unauthorized world writable files. CC ID 01541 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Strip dangerous/unneeded SUID/SGID system executables. CC ID 01542 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Find and eradicate unauthorized SUID/SGID system executables. CC ID 01543 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Find and eradicate unowned files and unowned directories. CC ID 01544 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable logon prompts on serial ports. CC ID 01553 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable "nobody" access for Secure RPC. CC ID 01554 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable all unnecessary interfaces. CC ID 04826 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable or disable all unused USB ports as appropriate. CC ID 06042 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable all user-mounted removable file systems. CC ID 01536 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Set the Bluetooth Security Mode to the organizational standard. CC ID 00587 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Secure the Bluetooth headset connections. CC ID 00593 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable automatic dial-in access to computers that have installed modems. CC ID 02036 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off AutoPlay" setting. CC ID 01787 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Devices: Restrict floppy access to locally logged on users only" setting. CC ID 01732 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Devices: Restrict CD-ROM access to locally logged on users" setting. CC ID 01731 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Remove CD Burning features" setting. CC ID 04379 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Autorun. CC ID 01790
    [Disable autorun and autoplay auto-execute functionality for removable media. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.3 Disable Autorun and Autoplay for Removable Media]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable USB devices (aka hotplugger). CC ID 01545 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable or disable all unused auxiliary ports as appropriate. CC ID 06414 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Remove rhosts support unless absolutely necessary. CC ID 01555 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Remove weak authentication services from Pluggable Authentication Modules. CC ID 01556 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Remove the /etc/hosts.equiv file. CC ID 01559 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Create the /etc/ftpd/ftpusers file. CC ID 01560 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Remove the X Wrapper and enable the X Display Manager. CC ID 01564 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Remove empty crontab files and restrict file permissions to the file. CC ID 01571 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Remove all compilers and assemblers from the system. CC ID 01594 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable all unnecessary applications unless otherwise noted in a policy exception. CC ID 04827
    [{refrain from authorizing}{refrain from requiring} Restrict, either through uninstalling or disabling, any unauthorized or unnecessary browser or email client plugins, extensions, and add-on applications. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.4 Restrict Unnecessary or Unauthorized and Email Client Extensions]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable the storing of movies in cache in Apple's QuickTime. CC ID 04489 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Install and enable file sharing utilities, as necessary. CC ID 02174 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable boot services unless boot services are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01481 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable File Services for Macintosh unless File Services for Macintosh are absolutely necessary. CC ID 04279 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Trivial FTP Daemon service to organizational standards. CC ID 01484 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable printer daemons or the printer service unless printer daemons or the printer service is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01487 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable web server unless web server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01490 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable portmapper unless portmapper is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01492 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable writesrv, pmd, and httpdlite unless writesrv, pmd, and httpdlite are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01498 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable hwscan hardware detection unless hwscan hardware detection is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01504 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the “xinetd” service to organizational standards. CC ID 01509 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the /etc/xinetd.conf file permissions as appropriate. CC ID 01568 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable inetd unless inetd is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01508 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Network Computing System unless it is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01497 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable print server for macintosh unless print server for macintosh is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04284 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Print Server unless Print Server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01488 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable ruser/remote login/remote shell/rcp command, unless it is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01480 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable xfsmd unless xfsmd is absolutely necessary. CC ID 02179 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable RPC-based services unless RPC-based services are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01455 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable netfs script unless netfs script is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01495 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Remote Procedure Calls unless Remote Procedure Calls are absolutely necessary and if enabled, set restrictions. CC ID 01456 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "RPC Endpoint Mapper Client Authentication" setting. CC ID 04327 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable ncpfs Script unless ncpfs Script is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01494 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable sendmail server unless sendmail server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01511 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable postfix unless postfix is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01512 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable directory server unless directory server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01464 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Windows-compatibility client processes unless Windows-compatibility client processes are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01471 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Windows-compatibility servers unless Windows-compatibility servers are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01470 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the “Network File System” server to organizational standards CC ID 01472 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure NFS to respond or not as appropriate to NFS client requests that do not include a User ID. CC ID 05981 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure NFS with appropriate authentication methods. CC ID 05982 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "AUTH_DES authentication mechanism" for "NFS server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08971 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "AUTH_KERB authentication mechanism" for "NFS server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08972 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "AUTH_NONE authentication mechanism" for "NFS server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08973 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "AUTH_UNIX authentication mechanism" for "NFS server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08974 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable webmin processes unless the webmin process is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01501 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable automount daemon unless automount daemon is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01476 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable CDE-related daemons unless CDE-related daemons are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01474 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable finger unless finger is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01505 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Rexec unless Rexec is absolutely necessary. CC ID 02164 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Squid cache server unless Squid cache server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01502 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Kudzu hardware detection unless Kudzu hardware detection is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01503 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Install and enable public Instant Messaging clients as necessary. CC ID 02173 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable x font server unless x font server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01499 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable NFS client processes unless NFS client processes are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01475 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable removable storage media daemon unless the removable storage media daemon is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01477 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable GSS daemon unless GSS daemon is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01465 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Computer Browser unless Computer Browser is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01814 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Computer Browser ResetBrowser Frames as appropriate. CC ID 05984 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the /etc/samba/smb.conf file file permissions as appropriate. CC ID 05989 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable NetMeeting remote desktop sharing unless NetMeeting remote desktop sharing is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01821 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable web directory browsing on all web-enabled devices. CC ID 01874 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable WWW publishing services unless WWW publishing services are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01833 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Install and enable samba, as necessary. CC ID 02175 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the samba hosts allow option with an appropriate set of networks. CC ID 05985 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the samba security option option as appropriate. CC ID 05986 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the samba encrypt passwords option as appropriate. CC ID 05987 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Samba 'smb passwd file' option with an appropriate password file or no password file. CC ID 05988 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Usenet Internet news package file capabilities unless Usenet Internet news package file capabilities are absolutely necessary. CC ID 02176 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable iPlanet Web Server unless iPlanet Web Server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 02172 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable volume manager unless volume manager is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01469 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Solaris Management Console unless Solaris Management Console is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01468 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable the Graphical User Interface unless it is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01466 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable help and support unless help and support is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04280 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable speech recognition unless speech recognition is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04491 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable or secure the NetWare QuickFinder search engine. CC ID 04453 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable messenger unless messenger is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01819 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Do not allow Windows Messenger to be run" setting. CC ID 04516 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Do not automatically start Windows Messenger initially" setting. CC ID 04517 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off the Windows Messenger Customer Experience Improvement Program" setting. CC ID 04330 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable automatic updates unless automatic updates are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01811 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure automatic update installation and shutdown/restart options and shutdown/restart procedures to organizational standards. CC ID 05979 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Name Service Cache Daemon unless Name Service Cache Daemon is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04846 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Prohibit R-command files from existing for root or administrator. CC ID 16322 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /bin/rsh file exists or not, as appropriate. CC ID 05101 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /sbin/rsh file exists or not, as appropriate. CC ID 05102 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /usr/bin/rsh file exists or not, as appropriate. CC ID 05103 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/ftpusers file exists or not, as appropriate. CC ID 05104 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/rsh file exists or not, as appropriate. CC ID 05105 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Install or uninstall the AIDE package, as appropriate. CC ID 05106 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the GNOME automounter (gnome-volume-manager) as necessary. CC ID 05107 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Install or uninstall the setroubleshoot package, as appropriate. CC ID 05108 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure Avahi properly. CC ID 05109 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Install or uninstall OpenNTPD, as appropriate. CC ID 05110 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "httpd" service to organizational standards. CC ID 05111 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Install or uninstall the net-smtp package properly. CC ID 05112 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the apache web service properly. CC ID 05113 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the vlock package properly. CC ID 05114 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the daemon account properly. CC ID 05115 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the bin account properly. CC ID 05116 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the nuucp account properly. CC ID 05117 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the smmsp account properly. CC ID 05118 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the listen account properly. CC ID 05119 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the gdm account properly. CC ID 05120 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the webservd account properly. CC ID 05121 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the nobody account properly. CC ID 05122 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the noaccess account properly. CC ID 05123 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the nobody4 account properly. CC ID 05124 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the sys account properly. CC ID 05125 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the adm account properly. CC ID 05126 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the lp account properly. CC ID 05127 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the uucp account properly. CC ID 05128 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Install or uninstall the tftp-server package, as appropriate. CC ID 05130 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the web console as necessary. CC ID 05131 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable rlogin auth by Pluggable Authentication Modules or pam.d properly. CC ID 05132 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable rsh auth by Pluggable Authentication Modules properly. CC ID 05133 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the listening sendmail daemon, as appropriate. CC ID 05134 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure Squid properly. CC ID 05135 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "/etc/shells" file to organizational standards. CC ID 08978 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the LDAP package to organizational standards. CC ID 09937 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "FTP server" package to organizational standards. CC ID 09938 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "HTTP Proxy Server" package to organizational standards. CC ID 09939 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "prelink" package to organizational standards. CC ID 11379 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Network Information Service (NIS) package to organizational standards. CC ID 11380 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "time" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11381 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "biosdevname" package to organizational standards. CC ID 11383 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "ufw" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11384 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Devices: Allow undock without having to log on" setting. CC ID 01728 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Limit the user roles that are allowed to format and eject removable storage media. CC ID 01729 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Prevent users from installing printer drivers. CC ID 01730 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Minimize the inetd.conf file and set the file to the appropriate permissions. CC ID 01506 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the unsigned driver installation behavior. CC ID 01733 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the unsigned non-driver installation behavior. CC ID 02038 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Remove all demonstration applications on the system. CC ID 01875 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the system to disallow optional Subsystems. CC ID 04265 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Remove Security tab" setting. CC ID 04380 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable all unnecessary services unless otherwise noted in a policy exception. CC ID 00880
    [Uninstall or disable unnecessary services on enterprise assets and software, such as an unused file sharing service, web application module, or service function. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.8 Uninstall or Disable Unnecessary Services on Enterprise Assets and Software
    {insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures
    Securely manage enterprise assets and software. Example implementations include managing configuration through version-controlled Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) and accessing administrative interfaces over secure network protocols, such as Secure Shell (SSH) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). Do not use insecure management protocols, such as Telnet (Teletype Network) and HTTP, unless operationally essential. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.6 Securely Manage Enterprise Assets and Software]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable rquotad unless rquotad is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01473 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the rquotad service to use a static port or a dynamic portmapper port as appropriate. CC ID 05983 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable telnet unless telnet use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01478 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable File Transfer Protocol unless File Transfer Protocol use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01479 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure anonymous FTP to restrict the use of restricted data. CC ID 16314 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable anonymous access to File Transfer Protocol. CC ID 06739 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Internet Message Access Protocol unless Internet Message Access Protocol use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01485 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Post Office Protocol unless its use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01486 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable SQLServer processes unless SQLServer processes use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01500 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable alerter unless alerter use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01810 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Background Intelligent Transfer Service unless Background Intelligent Transfer Service use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01812 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable ClipBook unless ClipBook use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01813 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Fax Service unless Fax Service use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01815 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable IIS admin service unless IIS admin service use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01817 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable indexing service unless indexing service use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01818 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable net logon unless net logon use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01820 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Remote Desktop Help Session Manager unless Remote Desktop Help Session Manager use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01822 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable the "Offer Remote Assistance" setting. CC ID 04325 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable the "Solicited Remote Assistance" setting. CC ID 04326 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Remote Registry Service unless Remote Registry Service use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01823 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Routing and Remote Access unless Routing and Remote Access use is necessary. CC ID 01824 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable task scheduler unless task scheduler use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01829 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Terminal Services unless Terminal Services use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01831 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Universal Plug and Play device host unless Universal Plug and Play device host use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01832 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable File Service Protocol. CC ID 02167 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable the License Logging Service unless unless it is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04282 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Remote Access Auto Connection Manager unless Remote Access Auto Connection Manager use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04285 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Remote Access Connection Manager unless Remote Access Connection Manager use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04286 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Remote Administration Service unless remote administration management is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04287 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable remote installation unless remote installation is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04288 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Remote Server Manager unless Remote Server Manager is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04289 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Remote Server Monitor unless Remote Server Monitor use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04290 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Remote Storage Notification unless Remote Storage Notification use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04291 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Remote Storage Server unless Remote Storage Server use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04292 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable telephony services unless telephony services use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04293 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Wireless Zero Configuration service unless Wireless Zero Configuration service use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04294 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable SSDP/UPnp unless SSDP/UPnP is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04315 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "ntpd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04911 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "echo service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04912 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "echo-dgram service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09927 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "echo-stream service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09928 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "AllowTcpForwarding" to organizational standards. CC ID 15327 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "tcpmux-server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09929 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "netstat service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04913 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "character generator protocol (chargen)" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04914 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "tftpd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04915 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "walld service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04916 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "rstatd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04917 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "sprayd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04918 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "rusersd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04919 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "inn service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04920 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "font service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04921 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "ident service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04922 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "rexd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04923 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "daytime service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04924 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "dtspc (cde-spc) service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04925 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "cmsd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04926 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "ToolTalk service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04927 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "discard service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04928 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "vino-server service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04929 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "bind service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04930 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "nfsd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04931 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "mountd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04932 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "statd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04933 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "lockd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04934 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the lockd service to use a static port or a dynamic portmapper port for User Datagram Protocol as appropriate. CC ID 05980 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "decode sendmail alias" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04935 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the sendmail vrfy command, as appropriate. CC ID 04936 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the sendmail expn command, as appropriate. CC ID 04937 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure .netrc with an appropriate set of services. CC ID 04938 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable NFS insecure locks as necessary. CC ID 04939 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "X server ac" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04940 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "X server core" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04941 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable or disable the setroubleshoot service, as appropriate. CC ID 05540 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "X server nolock" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04942 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable or disable the mcstrans service, as appropriate. CC ID 05541 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "PAM console" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04943 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable or disable the restorecond service, as appropriate. CC ID 05542 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the rhnsd service as necessary. CC ID 04944 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the yum-updatesd service as necessary. CC ID 04945 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the autofs service as necessary. CC ID 04946 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the ip6tables service as necessary. CC ID 04947 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure syslog to organizational standards. CC ID 04949 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the auditd service as necessary. CC ID 04950 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the logwatch service as necessary. CC ID 04951 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the logrotate (syslog rotator) service as necessary. CC ID 04952 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Install or uninstall the telnet server package, only if absolutely necessary. CC ID 04953 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the ypbind service as necessary. CC ID 04954 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the ypserv service as necessary. CC ID 04955 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the firstboot service as necessary. CC ID 04956 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the gpm service as necessary. CC ID 04957 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the irqbalance service as necessary. CC ID 04958 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the isdn service as necessary. CC ID 04959 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the kdump service as necessary. CC ID 04960 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the mdmonitor service as necessary. CC ID 04961 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the microcode_ctl service as necessary. CC ID 04962 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the pcscd service as necessary. CC ID 04963 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the smartd service as necessary. CC ID 04964 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the readahead_early service as necessary. CC ID 04965 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the readahead_later service as necessary. CC ID 04966 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the messagebus service as necessary. CC ID 04967 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the haldaemon service as necessary. CC ID 04968 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the apmd service as necessary. CC ID 04969 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the acpid service as necessary. CC ID 04970 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the cpuspeed service as necessary. CC ID 04971 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the network service as necessary. CC ID 04972 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the hidd service as necessary. CC ID 04973 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the crond service as necessary. CC ID 04974 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Install and enable the anacron service as necessary. CC ID 04975 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the xfs service as necessary. CC ID 04976 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Install and enable the Avahi daemon service, as necessary. CC ID 04977 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the CUPS service, as necessary. CC ID 04978 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the hplip service as necessary. CC ID 04979 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the dhcpd service as necessary. CC ID 04980 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the nfslock service as necessary. CC ID 04981 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the rpcgssd service as necessary. CC ID 04982 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the rpcidmapd service as necessary. CC ID 04983 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the rpcsvcgssd service as necessary. CC ID 04985 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure root squashing for all NFS shares, as appropriate. CC ID 04986 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure write access to NFS shares, as appropriate. CC ID 04987 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the named service, as appropriate. CC ID 04988 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the vsftpd service, as appropriate. CC ID 04989 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the “dovecot” service to organizational standards. CC ID 04990 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure Server Message Block (SMB) to organizational standards. CC ID 04991 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the snmpd service as necessary. CC ID 04992 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the calendar manager as necessary. CC ID 04993 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the GNOME logon service as necessary. CC ID 04994 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the WBEM services as necessary. CC ID 04995 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the keyserv service as necessary. CC ID 04996 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the Generic Security Service daemon as necessary. CC ID 04997 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the volfs service as necessary. CC ID 04998 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the smserver service as necessary. CC ID 04999 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the mpxio-upgrade service as necessary. CC ID 05000 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the metainit service as necessary. CC ID 05001 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the meta service as necessary. CC ID 05003 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the metaed service as necessary. CC ID 05004 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the metamh service as necessary. CC ID 05005 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the Local RPC Port Mapping Service as necessary. CC ID 05006 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the Kerberos kadmind service as necessary. CC ID 05007 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the Kerberos krb5kdc service as necessary. CC ID 05008 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the Kerberos kpropd service as necessary. CC ID 05009 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the Kerberos ktkt_warnd service as necessary. CC ID 05010 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the sadmin service as necessary. CC ID 05011 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the IPP listener as necessary. CC ID 05012 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the serial port listener as necessary. CC ID 05013 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the Smart Card Helper service as necessary. CC ID 05014 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the Application Management service as necessary. CC ID 05015 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) Provider service as necessary. CC ID 05016 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the Network News Transport Protocol service as necessary. CC ID 05017 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the network Dynamic Data Exchange service as necessary. CC ID 05018 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the Distributed Link Tracking Server service as necessary. CC ID 05019 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the RARP service as necessary. CC ID 05020 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the ".NET Framework service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 05021 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the Network DDE Share Database Manager service as necessary. CC ID 05022 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the Certificate Services service as necessary. CC ID 05023 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the ATI hotkey poller service properly. CC ID 05024 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Interix Subsystem Startup service properly. CC ID 05025 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Cluster Service service properly. CC ID 05026 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the IAS Jet Database Access service properly. CC ID 05027 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the IAS service properly. CC ID 05028 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the IP Version 6 Helper service properly. CC ID 05029 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure "Message Queuing service" to organizational standards. CC ID 05030 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Message Queuing Down Level Clients service properly. CC ID 05031 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions service properly. CC ID 05033 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service properly. CC ID 05034 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Utility Manager service properly. CC ID 05035 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the secondary logon service properly. CC ID 05036 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Windows Management Instrumentation service properly. CC ID 05037 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Workstation service properly. CC ID 05038 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Windows Installer service properly. CC ID 05039 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Windows System Resource Manager service properly. CC ID 05040 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service properly. CC ID 05041 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Services for Unix Client for NFS service properly. CC ID 05042 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Services for Unix Server for PCNFS service properly. CC ID 05043 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Services for Unix Perl Socket service properly. CC ID 05044 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Services for Unix User Name Mapping service properly. CC ID 05045 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Services for Unix Windows Cron service properly. CC ID 05046 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Windows Media Services service properly. CC ID 05047 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Services for Netware Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) Agent properly. CC ID 05048 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Web Element Manager service properly. CC ID 05049 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Remote Installation Services Single Instance Storage (SIS) Groveler service properly. CC ID 05050 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Terminal Services Licensing service properly. CC ID 05051 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the COM+ Event System service properly. CC ID 05052 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Event Log service properly. CC ID 05053 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Infrared Monitor service properly. CC ID 05054 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Services for Unix Server for NFS service properly. CC ID 05055 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the System Event Notification Service properly. CC ID 05056 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the NTLM Security Support Provider service properly. CC ID 05057 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Performance Logs and Alerts service properly. CC ID 05058 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Protected Storage service properly. CC ID 05059 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the QoS Admission Control (RSVP) service properly. CC ID 05060 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Remote Procedure Call service properly. CC ID 05061 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Removable Storage service properly. CC ID 05062 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Server service properly. CC ID 05063 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Security Accounts Manager service properly. CC ID 05064 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the “Network Connections” service to organizational standards. CC ID 05065 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Logical Disk Manager service properly. CC ID 05066 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service properly. CC ID 05067 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the File Replication service properly. CC ID 05068 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Kerberos Key Distribution Center service properly. CC ID 05069 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Intersite Messaging service properly. CC ID 05070 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Remote Procedure Call locator service properly. CC ID 05071 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Distributed File System service properly. CC ID 05072 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Windows Internet Name Service service properly. CC ID 05073 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the FTP Publishing Service properly. CC ID 05074 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Windows Search service properly. CC ID 05075 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Microsoft Peer-to-Peer Networking Services service properly. CC ID 05076 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Remote Shell service properly. CC ID 05077 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure Simple TCP/IP services to organizational standards. CC ID 05078 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Print Services for Unix service properly. CC ID 05079 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the File Shares service to organizational standards. CC ID 05080 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the NetMeeting service properly. CC ID 05081 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Application Layer Gateway service properly. CC ID 05082 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Cryptographic Services service properly. CC ID 05083 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Help and Support Service properly. CC ID 05084 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Human Interface Device Access service properly. CC ID 05085 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the IMAPI CD-Burning COM service properly. CC ID 05086 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the MS Software Shadow Copy Provider service properly. CC ID 05087 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Network Location Awareness service properly. CC ID 05088 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Portable Media Serial Number Service service properly. CC ID 05089 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the System Restore Service service properly. CC ID 05090 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Themes service properly. CC ID 05091 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Uninterruptible Power Supply service properly. CC ID 05092 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Upload Manager service properly. CC ID 05093 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Volume Shadow Copy Service properly. CC ID 05094 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the WebClient service properly. CC ID 05095 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Windows Audio service properly. CC ID 05096 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Windows Image Acquisition service properly. CC ID 05097 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the WMI Performance Adapter service properly. CC ID 05098 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable file uploads via vsftpd service, as appropriate. CC ID 05100 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable or remove sadmind unless use of sadmind is absolutely necessary. CC ID 06885 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "SNMP version 1" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08976 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "xdmcp service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08985 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable the automatic display of remote images in HTML-formatted e-mail. CC ID 04494 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Remote Apply Events unless Remote Apply Events are absolutely necessary. CC ID 04495 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Xgrid unless Xgrid is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04496 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Do Not Show First Use Dialog Boxes" setting for Windows Media Player properly. CC ID 05136 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable Core dumps unless absolutely necessary. CC ID 01507 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Set hard core dump size limits, as appropriate. CC ID 05990 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Prevent Desktop Shortcut Creation" setting for Windows Media Player properly. CC ID 05137 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Set the Squid EUID and Squid GUID to an appropriate user and group. CC ID 05138 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify groups referenced in /etc/passwd are included in /etc/group, as appropriate. CC ID 05139 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Use of the cron.allow file should be enabled or disabled as appropriate. CC ID 06014 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Use of the at.allow file should be enabled or disabled as appropriate. CC ID 06015 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable or disable the Dynamic DNS feature of the DHCP Server as appropriate. CC ID 06039 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable or disable each user's Screen saver software, as necessary. CC ID 06050 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable any unnecessary scripting languages, as necessary. CC ID 12137
    [{biannual basis} Use technical controls, such as digital signatures and version control, to ensure that only authorized scripts, such as specific .ps1, and .py files are allowed to execute. Block unauthorized scripts from executing. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.7 Allowlist Authorized Scripts]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the system security parameters to prevent system misuse or information misappropriation. CC ID 00881
    [Improve protections and detections of threats from email and web vectors, as these are opportunities for attackers to manipulate human behavior through direct engagement. CIS Control 9: Email and Web Browser Protections]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure Hypertext Transfer Protocol headers in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16851 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure Hypertext Transfer Protocol security headers in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16488 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure "Enable Structured Exception Handling Overwrite Protection (SEHOP)" to organizational standards. CC ID 15385 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure Microsoft Attack Surface Reduction rules in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16478 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure "Remote host allows delegation of non-exportable credentials" to organizational standards. CC ID 15379 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure "Configure enhanced anti-spoofing" to organizational standards. CC ID 15376 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure "Block user from showing account details on sign-in" to organizational standards. CC ID 15374 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure "Configure Attack Surface Reduction rules" to organizational standards. CC ID 15370 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure "Turn on e-mail scanning" to organizational standards. CC ID 15361 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure "Prevent users and apps from accessing dangerous websites" to organizational standards. CC ID 15359 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure "Enumeration policy for external devices incompatible with Kernel DMA Protection" to organizational standards. CC ID 15352 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure "Prevent Internet Explorer security prompt for Windows Installer scripts" to organizational standards. CC ID 15351 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Store state information from applications and software separately. CC ID 14767 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "aufs storage" to organizational standards. CC ID 14461 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "AppArmor Profile" to organizational standards. CC ID 14496 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "device" argument to organizational standards. CC ID 14536 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Docker" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 14495 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Docker" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 14505 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure "Allow upload of User Activities" to organizational standards. CC ID 15338 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the system to restrict Core dumps to a protected directory. CC ID 01513 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the system to enable Stack protection. CC ID 01514 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the system to restrict NFS client requests to privileged ports. CC ID 01515 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the system to use better TCP Sequence Numbers. CC ID 01516 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the system to a default secure level. CC ID 01519 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the system to block users from viewing un-owned processes. CC ID 01520 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the system to block users from viewing processes in other groups. CC ID 01521 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Add the "nosuid" option to /etc/rmmount.conf. CC ID 01532 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the system to block non-privileged mountd requests. CC ID 01533 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Use host-based or Internet Protocol-based export lists for mountd. CC ID 06887 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Add the "nodev" option to the appropriate partitions in /etc/fstab. CC ID 01534 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Add the "nosuid" option and "nodev" option for removable storage media in the /etc/fstab file. CC ID 01535 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the sticky bit on world-writable directories. CC ID 01540 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Run hp_checkperms. CC ID 01548 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Run fix-modes. CC ID 01549 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Convert the system to "Trusted Mode", if possible. CC ID 01550 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the sadmind service to a higher Security level. CC ID 01551 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Use host-based or Internet Protocol-based export lists for sadmind. CC ID 06886 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure all.rhosts files to be readable only by their owners. CC ID 01557 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Set the symlink /etc/hosts.equiv file to /dev/null. CC ID 01558 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the default locking Screen saver timeout to a predetermined time period. CC ID 01570 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Security Center (Domain PCs only). CC ID 01967 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the system to immediately protect the computer after the Screen saver is activated by setting the time before the Screen saver grace period expires to a predefined amount. CC ID 04276 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the system to require a password before it unlocks the Screen saver software. CC ID 04443 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the safe DLL search mode. CC ID 04273 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the computer to stop generating 8.3 filename formats. CC ID 04274 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the system to use certificate rules for software restriction policies. CC ID 04266 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Do not allow drive redirection" setting. CC ID 04316 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off the 'Publish to Web' task for files and folders" setting. CC ID 04328 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Internet download for Web publishing and online ordering wizards" setting. CC ID 04329 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Search Companion content file updates" setting. CC ID 04331 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off printing over HTTP" setting. CC ID 04332 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off downloading of print drivers over HTTP" setting. CC ID 04333 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Windows Update device driver searching" setting. CC ID 04334 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Display Error Notification" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04335 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Windows error reporting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04336 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Disable software update shell notifications on program launch" setting. CC ID 04339 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Make proxy settings per-machine (rather than per-user)" setting. CC ID 04341 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Security Zones: Do not allow users to add/delete sites" setting. CC ID 04342 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Security Zones: Do not allow users to change policies" setting. CC ID 04343 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Security Zones: Use only machine settings" setting. CC ID 04344 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Allow software to run or install even if the signature is invalid" setting. CC ID 04346 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "internet explorer processes (scripted window security restrictions)" setting. CC ID 04350 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "internet explorer processes (zone elevation protection)" setting. CC ID 04351 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Prevent access to registry editing tools" setting. CC ID 04355 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Do not preserve zone information in file attachments" setting. CC ID 04357 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Hide mechanisms to remove zone information" setting. CC ID 04358 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Notify antivirus programs when opening attachments" setting. CC ID 04359 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Configure Outlook Express" setting. CC ID 04360 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Disable Changing Automatic Configuration settings" setting. CC ID 04361 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Disable changing certificate settings" setting. CC ID 04362 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Disable changing connection settings" setting. CC ID 04363 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Disable changing proxy settings" setting. CC ID 04364 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on the auto-complete feature for user names and passwords on forms" setting. CC ID 04365 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the NetWare bindery contexts. CC ID 04444 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the NetWare console's SECURE.NCF settings. CC ID 04445 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the CPU Hog Timeout setting. CC ID 04446 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Check Equivalent to Me" setting. CC ID 04463 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the /etc/sshd_config file. CC ID 04475 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the .Mac preferences. CC ID 04484 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Fast User Switching setting. CC ID 04485 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Recent Items List (servers, applications, documents) setting. CC ID 04486 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure Apple's Dock preferences. CC ID 04487 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "ulimit" to organizational standards. CC ID 14499 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Energy Saver preferences. CC ID 04488 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the local system search preferences to directories that do not contain restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 04492 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the computer-wide, rather than per-user, use of Microsoft Spynet Reporting for Windows Defender properly. CC ID 05282 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable or disable the ability of users to perform interactive startups, as appropriate. CC ID 05283 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Set the /etc/passwd file's NIS file inclusions properly. CC ID 05284 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Help Ratings" setting. CC ID 05285 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Decoy Admin Account Not Disabled" policy properly. CC ID 05286 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Additional restrictions for anonymous connections" policy properly. CC ID 05287 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Anonymous access to the registry" policy properly. CC ID 05288 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the File System Checker and Popups setting. CC ID 05289 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the System File Checker setting. CC ID 05290 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the System File Checker Progress Meter setting. CC ID 05291 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Protect Kernel object attributes properly. CC ID 05292 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Deleted Cached Copies of Roaming Profiles" policy properly. CC ID 05293 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify that the X*.hosts file lists all authorized X-clients. CC ID 05294 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify all files are owned by an existing account and group. CC ID 05295 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify programs executed through the aliases file are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05296 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify programs executed through the aliases file are stored in a directory with an appropriate owner. CC ID 05297 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the at directory is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05298 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the at.allow file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05299 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the at.deny file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05300 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the crontab directories are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05302 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the cron.allow file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05303 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the cron.deny file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05304 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify crontab files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05305 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/resolv.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05306 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/named.boot file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05307 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/named.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05308 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05309 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify home directories are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05310 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the inetd.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05311 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify /etc/exports are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05312 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify exported files and exported directories are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05313 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/services file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05314 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/notrouter file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05315 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/samba/smb.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05316 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the smbpasswd file and smbpasswd executable are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05317 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the aliases file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05318 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify Shell files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05320 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the snmpd.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05321 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/syslog.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05322 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the traceroute executable is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05323 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/passwd file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05325 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/shadow file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05326 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/security/audit/config file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05327 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/securit/audit/events file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05328 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/security/audit/objects file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05329 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /usr/lib/trcload file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05330 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /usr/lib/semutil file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05331 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify system files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05332 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the default/skeleton dot files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05333 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the global initialization files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05334 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/rc.config.d/auditing file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05335 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/init.d file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05336 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/hosts.lpd file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05337 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/auto.master file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05338 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/auto.misc file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05339 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/ file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05340 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the boot/grub/grub.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05341 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/lilo.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05342 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/login.access file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05343 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/security/access.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05344 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/sysctl.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05345 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "secure_redirects" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09941 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09942 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "rp_filter" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09943 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/securetty file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05346 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/audit/auditd.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05347 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the audit.rules file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05348 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/group file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05349 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/gshadow file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05350 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /usr/sbin/userhelper file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05351 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify all syslog log files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05352 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/anacrontab file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05353 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/pki/tls/ldap file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05354 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/pki/tls/ldap/serverkey.pem file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05355 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/pki/tls/CA/cacert.pem file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05356 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/pki/tls/ldap/servercert.pem file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05357 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the var/lib/ldap/* files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05358 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/httpd/conf/* files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05359 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/auto_* file is owned by an appropriate user. CC ID 05360 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/rmmount.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05361 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /var/log/pamlog log is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05362 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/security/audit_control file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05363 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/security/audit_class file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05364 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /etc/security/audit_event file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05365 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the ASET userlist file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05366 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /var directory is owned by an appropriate user. CC ID 05367 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /var/log directory is owned by an appropriate user. CC ID 05368 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /var/adm directory is owned by an appropriate user. CC ID 05369 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Restrict the debug level daemon logging file owner and daemon debug group owner. CC ID 05370 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Restrict the Cron log file owner and Cron group owner. CC ID 05371 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Restrict the system accounting file owner and system accounting group owner. CC ID 05372 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Restrict audit log file ownership and audit group ownership. CC ID 05373 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Set the X server timeout properly. CC ID 05374 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure each user's authentication mechanism (system attribute) properly. CC ID 05375 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable or disable SeLinux, as appropriate. CC ID 05376 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Set the SELinux state properly. CC ID 05377 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Set the SELinux policy properly. CC ID 05378 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure Dovecot properly. CC ID 05379 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Prohibit Access of the Windows Connect Now Wizards" setting. CC ID 05380 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Allow remote access to the PnP interface" setting. CC ID 05381 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Do not create system restore point when new device driver installed" setting. CC ID 05382 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn Off Access to All Windows Update Feature" setting. CC ID 05383 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn Off Automatic Root Certificates Update" setting. CC ID 05384 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn Off Event Views 'Events.asp' Links" setting. CC ID 05385 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure "Turn Off Handwriting Recognition Error Reporting" to organizational standards. CC ID 05386 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Help and Support Center 'Did You Know?' content" setting. CC ID 05387 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn Off Help and Support Center Microsoft Knowledge Base Search" setting. CC ID 05388 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn Off Internet File Association Service" setting. CC ID 05389 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn Off Registration if URL Connection is Referring to" setting. CC ID 05390 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off the 'Order Prints' Picture task" setting. CC ID 05391 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn Off Windows Movie Maker Online Web Links" setting. CC ID 05392 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn Off Windows Movie Maker Saving to Online Video Hosting Provider" setting. CC ID 05393 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Don't Display the Getting Started Welcome Screen at Logon" setting. CC ID 05394 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Windows Startup Sound" setting. CC ID 05395 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Allow only Vista or later connections" setting. CC ID 05396 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on bandwidth optimization" setting. CC ID 05397 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Prevent IIS Installation" setting. CC ID 05398 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Active Help" setting. CC ID 05399 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Untrusted Content" setting. CC ID 05400 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off downloading of enclosures" setting. CC ID 05401 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure "Allow indexing of encrypted files" to organizational standards. CC ID 05402 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Prevent indexing uncached Exchange folders" setting. CC ID 05403 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Windows Calendar" setting. CC ID 05404 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Windows Defender" setting. CC ID 05405 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Heap termination on corruption" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 05406 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off shell protocol protected mode" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 05407 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Prohibit non-administrators from applying vendor signed updates" setting. CC ID 05408 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Report when logon server was not available during user logon" setting. CC ID 05409 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off the communication features" setting. CC ID 05410 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Windows Mail application" setting. CC ID 05411 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Prevent Windows Media DRM Internet Access" setting. CC ID 05412 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Windows Meeting Space" setting. CC ID 05413 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on Windows Meeting Space auditing" setting. CC ID 05414 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Disable unpacking and installation of gadgets that are not digitally signed" setting. CC ID 05415 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Override the More Gadgets Link" setting. CC ID 05416 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn Off User Installed Windows Sidebar Gadgets" setting. CC ID 05417 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Do not allow Digital Locker to run" setting. CC ID 05418 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn off Downloading of Game Information" setting. CC ID 05419 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure "Turn on Responder (RSPNDR) driver" to organizational standards. CC ID 05420 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify ExecShield has been randomly placed in Virtual Memory regions. CC ID 05436 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable the ExecShield, as appropriate. CC ID 05421 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure Kernel support for the XD/NX processor feature, as appropriate. CC ID 05422 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the XD/NX processor feature in the BIOS, as appropriate. CC ID 05423 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the bin account properly. CC ID 05424 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the nuucp account properly. CC ID 05425 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the smmsp account properly. CC ID 05426 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the listen account properly. CC ID 05427 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the gdm account properly. CC ID 05428 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the webservd account properly. CC ID 05429 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the nobody account properly. CC ID 05430 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the noaccess account properly. CC ID 05431 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the nobody4 account properly. CC ID 05432 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the adm account properly. CC ID 05433 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the lp account properly. CC ID 05434 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Shell for the uucp account properly. CC ID 05435 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Set the noexec_user_stack parameter properly. CC ID 05437 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Set the no_exec_user_stack_log parameter properly. CC ID 05438 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Set the noexec_user_stack flag on the user stack properly. CC ID 05439 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Set the TCP max connection limit properly. CC ID 05440 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Set the TCP abort interval properly. CC ID 05441 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable or disable the GNOME screenlock, as appropriate. CC ID 05442 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Set the ARP cache cleanup interval properly. CC ID 05443 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Set the ARP IRE scan rate properly. CC ID 05444 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable The "proxy ARP" configurable item on all interfaces. CC ID 06570 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Set the FileSpaceSwitch variable to an appropriate value. CC ID 05445 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Set the wakeup switchpoint frequency to an appropriate time interval. CC ID 05446 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable or disable the setuid option on removable storage media, as appropriate. CC ID 05447 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure TCP/IP PMTU Discovery, as appropriate. CC ID 05991 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure Secure Shell to enable or disable empty passwords, as appropriate. CC ID 06016 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure each user's Screen Saver Executable Name. CC ID 06027 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the NIS+ server to operate at an appropriate security level. CC ID 06038 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "restrict guest access to system log" policy, as appropriate. CC ID 06047 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Block saving of Open XML file types" setting, as appropriate. CC ID 06048 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable or disable user-initiated system crashes via the CTRL+SCROLL LOCK+SCROLL LOCK sequence for keyboards. CC ID 06051 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Syskey mode" to organizational standards. CC ID 06052 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) platform validation profile, as appropriate. CC ID 06056 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Allow Remote Shell Access" setting, as appropriate. CC ID 06057 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Prevent the computer from joining a homegroup" setting, as appropriate. CC ID 06058 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable or disable the authenticator requirement after waking, as appropriate. CC ID 06059 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable or disable the standby states, as appropriate. CC ID 06060 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Trusted Platform Module startup options properly. CC ID 06061 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the system to purge Policy Caches. CC ID 06569 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Separate authenticator files and application system data on different file systems. CC ID 06790 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure Application Programming Interfaces to limit or shut down interactivity based upon a rate limit. CC ID 06811 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Executable stack" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08969 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "smbpasswd executable" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08975 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "traceroute executable" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08980 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "traceroute executable" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08981 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Apache configuration" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08991 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Apache configuration" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08992 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "/var/log/httpd/" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09027 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "/etc/httpd/conf.d" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09028 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "/etc/httpd/conf/passwd" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09029 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "/usr/sbin/apachectl" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09030 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "/usr/sbin/httpd" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09031 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "/var/www/html" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09032 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "log files" the "/var/log/httpd/" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09034 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "/etc/httpd/conf.d" file ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09035 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "/etc/httpd/conf/passwd" file ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09036 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "/usr/sbin/apachectl" file ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09037 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "/usr/sbin/httpd" file ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09038 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "/var/www/html" file ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09039 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "httpd.conf" file user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09055 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "httpd.conf" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09056 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "htpasswd" file user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09058 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "htpasswd" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09059 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "files specified by CustomLog" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09074 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "files specified by CustomLog" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09075 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "files specified by ErrorLog" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09076 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "files specified by ErrorLog" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09077 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by ScriptAlias" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09079 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by ScriptAlias" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09080 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by ScriptAliasMatch" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09082 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by ScriptAliasMatch" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09083 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by DocumentRoot" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09085 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by DocumentRoot" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09086 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by Alias" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09088 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by Alias" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09089 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by ServerRoot" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09091 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "directories specified by ServerRoot" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09092 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "apache /bin" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09094 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "apache /bin" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09095 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "apache /logs" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09097 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "apache /logs" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09098 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "apache /htdocs" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09100 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "apache /htdocs" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09101 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "apache /cgi-bin" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09104 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "User-specific directories" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09123 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "apache process ID" file user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09125 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "apache process ID" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09126 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "apache scoreboard" file user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09128 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "apache scoreboard" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09129 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Ownership of the asymmetric keys" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09289 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "SQLServer2005ReportServerUser" registry key permissions to organizational standards. CC ID 09326 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "SQLServerADHelperUser" registry key permissions to organizational standards. CC ID 09329 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Tomcat home" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09772 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "group" setting for the "Tomcat installation" to organizational standards. CC ID 09773 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "tomcat conf/" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09774 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "tomcat conf/" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09775 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "tomcat-users.xml" file user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09776 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "tomcat-users.xml" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09777 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "group membership" setting for "Tomcat" to organizational standards. CC ID 09793 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Tomcat home" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09798 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Tomcat home/conf/" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09800 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Tomcat home/conf/" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09801 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "system" files permissions to organizational standards. CC ID 09922 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "size limit" setting for the "application log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10063 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "restrict guest access to security log" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10064 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "size limit" setting for the "system log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10065 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Automatic Update service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10066 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Safe DLL Search Mode" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10067 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "screensaver" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10068 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "screensaver" setting for the "default" user to organizational standards. CC ID 10069 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Enable User Control Over Installs" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10070 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Enable User to Browser for Source While Elevated" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10071 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Enable User to Use Media Source While Elevated" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10072 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Allow Administrator to Install from Terminal Services Session" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10073 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Enable User to Patch Elevated Products" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10074 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Cache Transforms in Secure Location" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10075 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Disable Media Player for automatic updates" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10076 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Internet access for Windows Messenger" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10077 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Do Not Automatically Start Windows Messenger" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10078 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Hide Property Pages" setting for the "task scheduler" to organizational standards. CC ID 10079 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Prohibit New Task Creation" setting for the "task scheduler" to organizational standards. CC ID 10080 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure "Set time limit for disconnected sessions" to organizational standards. CC ID 10081 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Set time limit for idle sessions" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10082 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Enable Keep-Alive Messages" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10083 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Automatic Updates detection frequency" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10084 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "TCPMaxPortsExhausted" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10085 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "built-in Administrator" account to organizational standards. CC ID 10086 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Prevent System Maintenance of Computer Account Password" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10087 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Digitally Sign Client Communication (When Possible)" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10088 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "number of SYN-ACK retransmissions sent when attempting to respond to a SYN request" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10089 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "warning level" setting for the "audit log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10090 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Change Password" setting for the "Ctrl+Alt+Del dialog" to organizational standards. CC ID 10091 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "account description" setting for the "built-in Administrator" account to organizational standards. CC ID 10092 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Decoy Admin Account Not Disabled" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10201 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "when maximum log size is reached" setting for the "Application log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10202 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "password filtering DLL" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10203 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Anonymous access to the registry" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10204 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Automatic Execution" setting for the "System Debugger" to organizational standards. CC ID 10205 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "CD-ROM Autorun" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10206 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "ResetBrowser Frames" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10207 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Dr. Watson Crash Dumps" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10208 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "File System Checker and Popups" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10209 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "System File Checker" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10210 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "System File Checker Progress Meter" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10211 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "number of TCP/IP Maximum Half-open Sockets" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10212 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "number of TCP/IP Maximum Retried Half-open Sockets" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10213 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Protect Kernel object attributes" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10214 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Unsigned Non-Driver Installation Behavior" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10215 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Automatically Log Off Users When Logon Time Expires (local)" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10216 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Local volumes" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10217 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Unused USB Ports" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10218 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Set Safe for Scripting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10219 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Use of the Recycle Bin on file deletion" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10220 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Membership in the Power Users group" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10224 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "AutoBackupLogFiles" setting for the "security log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10225 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "AutoBackupLogFiles" setting for the "application log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10226 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "AutoBackupLogFiles" setting for the "system log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10227 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Syskey Encryption Key location and password method" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10228 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Os2LibPath environmental variable" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10229 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "path to the Microsoft OS/2 version 1.x library" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10230 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "location of the OS/2 subsystem" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10231 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "location of the POSIX subsystem" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10232 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "path to the debugger used for Just-In-Time debugging" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10234 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM)" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10235 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "The "encryption algorithm" setting for "EFS"" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10236 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Interix Subsystem Startup service startup type" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10238 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Services for Unix Perl Socket service startup type" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10247 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Services for Unix Windows Cron service startup type" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10248 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "fDisableCdm" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10259 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "fDisableClip" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10260 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Inheritance of the shadow setting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10261 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "remote control configuration" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10262 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "fDisableCam" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10263 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "fDisableCcm" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10264 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "fDisableLPT" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10265 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "ActiveX installation policy for sites in Trusted zones" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10691 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Add the Administrators security group to roaming user profiles" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10694 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Administratively assigned offline files" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10695 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Apply policy to removable media" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10756 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Baseline file cache maximum size" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10763 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Check for New Signatures Before Scheduled Scans" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10770 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Check published state" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10771 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Communities" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10772 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Computer location" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10773 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Background Sync" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10775 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Corporate Windows Error Reporting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10777 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Corrupted File Recovery Behavior" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10778 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Default consent" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10780 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "list of IEEE 1667 silos usable on your computer" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10792 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Microsoft SpyNet Reporting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10794 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "MSI Corrupted File Recovery Behavior" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10795 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Reliability WMI Providers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10804 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Report Archive" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10805 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Report Queue" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10806 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "root certificate clean up" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10807 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Security Policy for Scripted Diagnostics" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10816 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "list of blocked TPM commands" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10822 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "refresh interval for Server Manager" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10823 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "server address, refresh interval, and issuer certificate authority of a target Subscription Manager" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10824 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Customize consent settings" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10837 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Default behavior for AutoRun" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10839 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Define Activation Security Check exemptions" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10841 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Define host name-to-Kerberos realm mappings" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10842 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Define interoperable Kerberos V5 realm settings" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10843 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Delay Restart for scheduled installations" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10844 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Delete cached copies of roaming profiles" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10845 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Delete user profiles older than a specified number of days on system restart" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10847 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Diagnostics: Configure scenario retention" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10857 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Directory pruning interval" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10858 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Directory pruning priority" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10859 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Directory pruning retry" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10860 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Disk Diagnostic: Configure custom alert text" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10882 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Display Shutdown Event Tracker" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10888 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Display string when smart card is blocked" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10889 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Do not automatically encrypt files moved to encrypted folders" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10924 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Do not check for user ownership of Roaming Profile Folders" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10925 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Do not process incoming mailslot messages used for domain controller location based on NetBIOS domain names" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10932 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Do not send additional data" machine setting should be configured correctly. to organizational standards. CC ID 10934 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Domain Controller Address Type Returned" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10939 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Domain Location Determination URL" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10940 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Don't set the always do this checkbox" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10941 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Download missing COM components" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10942 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Dynamic Update" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10944 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Enable client-side targeting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10946 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Enable NTFS pagefile encryption" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10948 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Enable Persistent Time Stamp" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10949 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Enable Transparent Caching" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10950 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Enable Windows NTP Client" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10951 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Enable Windows NTP Server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10952 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Encrypt the Offline Files cache" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10955 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Enforce upgrade component rules" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10958 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Events.asp program" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10959 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Events.asp program command line parameters" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10960 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Events.asp URL" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10961 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Exclude credential providers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10962 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Exclude files from being cached" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10963 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Final DC Discovery Retry Setting for Background Callers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10968 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "For tablet pen input, don't show the Input Panel icon" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10973 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "For touch input, don't show the Input Panel icon" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10974 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Force Rediscovery Interval" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10975 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Force selected system UI language to overwrite the user UI language" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10976 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Force the reading of all certificates from the smart card" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10977 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "ForwarderResourceUsage" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10978 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Global Configuration Settings" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10979 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Hash Publication for BranchCache" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10986 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Hide entry points for Fast User Switching" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10987 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Hide notifications about RD Licensing problems that affect the RD Session Host server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10988 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Hide previous versions list for local files" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10989 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Hide previous versions of files on backup location" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10991 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Ignore custom consent settings" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10992 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Ignore Delegation Failure" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10993 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Ignore the default list of blocked TPM commands" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10994 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Ignore the local list of blocked TPM commands" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10995 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Include rarely used Chinese, Kanji, or Hanja characters" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10996 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Initial DC Discovery Retry Setting for Background Callers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10997 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "IP-HTTPS State" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11000 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "ISATAP Router Name" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11001 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "ISATAP State" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11002 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "License server security group" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11005 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "List of applications to be excluded" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11023 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Lock Enhanced Storage when the computer is locked" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11025 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Make Parental Controls control panel visible on a Domain" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11039 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "MaxConcurrentUsers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11040 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Maximum DC Discovery Retry Interval Setting for Background Callers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11041 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool: Turn on MSDT interactive communication with Support Provider" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11045 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Negative DC Discovery Cache Setting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11047 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Non-conforming packets" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11053 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Notify blocked drivers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11054 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Notify user of successful smart card driver installation" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11055 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Permitted Managers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11062 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Positive Periodic DC Cache Refresh for Background Callers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11063 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Positive Periodic DC Cache Refresh for Non-Background Callers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11064 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Prioritize all digitally signed drivers equally during the driver ranking and selection process" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11098 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Prompt for credentials on the client computer" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11108 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Propagation of extended error information" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11110 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Register PTR Records" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11121 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Registration Refresh Interval" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11122 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Remove Program Compatibility Property Page" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11128 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Remove users ability to invoke machine policy refresh" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11129 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Remove Windows Security item from Start menu" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11130 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Re-prompt for restart with scheduled installations" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11131 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Require secure RPC communication" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11134 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Require strict KDC validation" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11135 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Reverse the subject name stored in a certificate when displaying" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11148 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "RPC Troubleshooting State Information" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11150 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Run shutdown scripts visible" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11152 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Run startup scripts asynchronously" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11153 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Run startup scripts visible" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11154 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Scavenge Interval" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11158 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Server Authentication Certificate Template" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11170 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Set BranchCache Distributed Cache mode" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11172 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Set BranchCache Hosted Cache mode" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11173 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Set compression algorithm for RDP data" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11174 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Set percentage of disk space used for client computer cache" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11177 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Set PNRP cloud to resolve only" setting for "IPv6 Global" to organizational standards. CC ID 11178 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Set PNRP cloud to resolve only" setting for "IPv6 Site Local" to organizational standards. CC ID 11180 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Set the Email IDs to which notifications are to be sent" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11184 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Set the map update interval for NIS subordinate servers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11186 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Set the Seed Server" setting for "IPv6 Global" to organizational standards. CC ID 11189 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Set the Seed Server" setting for "IPv6 Site Local" to organizational standards. CC ID 11191 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Set the SMTP Server used to send notifications" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11192 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Set timer resolution" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11196 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Sets how often a DFS Client discovers DC's" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11199 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Short name creation options" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11200 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Site Name" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11201 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Specify a default color" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11208 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Specify idle Timeout" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11210 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Specify maximum amount of memory in MB per Shell" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11211 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Specify maximum number of processes per Shell" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11212 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Specify Shell Timeout" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11216 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Specify Windows installation file location" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11225 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Specify Windows Service Pack installation file location" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11226 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "SSL Cipher Suite Order" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11227 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Switch to the Simplified Chinese (PRC) gestures" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11230 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Sysvol share compatibility" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11231 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Tag Windows Customer Experience Improvement data with Study Identifier" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11232 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Teredo Client Port" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11236 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Teredo Default Qualified" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11237 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Teredo Refresh Rate" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11238 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Teredo Server Name" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11239 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Teredo State" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11240 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Time (in seconds) to force reboot" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11242 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Time (in seconds) to force reboot when required for policy changes to take effect" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11243 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Timeout for fast user switching events" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11244 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Traps for public community" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11246 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Trusted Hosts" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11249 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Try Next Closest Site" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11250 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "TTL Set in the A and PTR records" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11251 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on Accounting for WSRM" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11333 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on BranchCache" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11334 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on certificate propagation from smart card" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11335 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn On Compatibility HTTP Listener" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11336 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn On Compatibility HTTPS Listener" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11337 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on definition updates through both WSUS and the Microsoft Malware Protection Center" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11338 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on definition updates through both WSUS and Windows Update" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11339 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on economical application of administratively assigned Offline Files" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11342 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on Mapper I/O (LLTDIO) driver" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11346 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on recommended updates via Automatic Updates" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11347 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on root certificate propagation from smart card" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11349 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on Software Notifications" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11352 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Turn on TPM backup to Active Directory Domain Services" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11356 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Use forest search order" setting for "Key Distribution Center (KDC) searches" to organizational standards. CC ID 11359 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Use forest search order" setting for "Kerberos client searches" to organizational standards. CC ID 11360 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Use IP Address Redirection" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11361 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Use localized subfolder names when redirecting Start Menu and My Documents" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11362 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Use mandatory profiles on the RD Session Host server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11363 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Verbose vs normal status messages" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11368 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Verify old and new Folder Redirection targets point to the same share before redirecting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11369 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Windows Scaling Heuristics State" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11372 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Obtain Software Package Updates with apt-get" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11375 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "display a banner before authentication" setting for "LightDM" to organizational standards. CC ID 11385 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "shadow" group to organizational standards. CC ID 11386 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "AppArmor" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11387 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable or configure the e-mail server, as necessary. CC ID 06563 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure e-mail servers to enable receiver-side verification. CC ID 12223
    [{spoofed e-mail message} To lower the chance of spoofed or modified emails from valid domains, implement DMARC policy and verification, starting with implementing the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) standards. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.5 Implement DMARC
    {spoofed e-mail message} To lower the chance of spoofed or modified emails from valid domains, implement DMARC policy and verification, starting with implementing the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) standards. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.5 Implement DMARC]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the system account settings and the permission settings in accordance with the organizational standards. CC ID 01538 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure user accounts. CC ID 07036 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Remove unnecessary default accounts. CC ID 01539
    [{insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable or delete shared User IDs. CC ID 12478 System hardening through configuration management Corrective
    Verify that no UID 0 accounts exist other than root. CC ID 01585 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Disable or delete generic user IDs. CC ID 12479 System hardening through configuration management Corrective
    Disable all unnecessary user identifiers. CC ID 02185 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Remove unnecessary user credentials. CC ID 16409 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Remove the root user as appropriate. CC ID 01582 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable or remove the null account. CC ID 06572 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure accounts with administrative privilege. CC ID 07033
    [Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 5: Account Management
    Restrict administrator privileges to dedicated administrator accounts on enterprise assets. Conduct general computing activities, such as internet browsing, email, and productivity suite use, from the user's primary, non-privileged account. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.4 Restrict Administrator Privileges to Dedicated Administrator Accounts]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Disable root logons or limit the logons to the system console. CC ID 01573 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Encrypt non-console administrative access. CC ID 00883 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the default group for the root user. CC ID 01586 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Rename or disable the Administrator Account. CC ID 01721 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Create a backup administrator account. CC ID 04497 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure mobile device settings in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 04600 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure mobile devices to organizational standards. CC ID 04639
    [Ensure separate enterprise workspaces are used on mobile end-user devices, where supported. Example implementations include using an Apple® Configuration Profile or AndroidTM Work Profile to separate enterprise applications and data from personal applications and data. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.12 Separate Enterprise Workspaces on Mobile End-User Devices]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure mobile devices to separate organizational data from personal data. CC ID 16463 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the mobile device properties to organizational standards. CC ID 04640 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the mobile device menu items to organizational standards. CC ID 04641 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the BlackBerry handheld device driver settings. CC ID 04642 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure e-mail security settings in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 07055
    [Improve protections and detections of threats from email and web vectors, as these are opportunities for attackers to manipulate human behavior through direct engagement. CIS Control 9: Email and Web Browser Protections]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure e-mail to limit the number of recipients per message. CC ID 07056 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure Logging settings in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 07611 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the storage parameters for all logs. CC ID 06330
    [{be adequate} Ensure that logging destinations maintain adequate storage to comply with the enterprise's audit log management process. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.3 Ensure Adequate Audit Log Storage]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure sufficient log storage capacity and prevent the capacity from being exceeded. CC ID 01425 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log retention method. CC ID 01715 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log retention size. CC ID 01716 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure syslogd to send logs to a Remote LogHost. CC ID 01526 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the detailed data elements to be captured for all logs so that events are identified by type, location, subject, user, what data was accessed, etc. CC ID 06331
    [Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs
    Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs
    Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs
    Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture the user's identification. CC ID 01334
    [Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture a date and time stamp. CC ID 01336
    [Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs
    Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to uniquely identify each asset. CC ID 01339 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture remote access information. CC ID 05596 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Configure the log to capture the type of each event. CC ID 06423 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture each event's success or failure indication. CC ID 06424 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure all logs to capture auditable events or actionable events. CC ID 06332
    [Log sensitive data access, including modification and disposal. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.14 Log Sensitive Data Access]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture account lockouts. CC ID 16470 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture execution events. CC ID 16469 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture AWS Organizations changes. CC ID 15445 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture Identity and Access Management policy changes. CC ID 15442 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture management console sign-in without multi-factor authentication. CC ID 15441 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture route table changes. CC ID 15439 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture virtual private cloud changes. CC ID 15435 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture changes to encryption keys. CC ID 15432 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture unauthorized API calls. CC ID 15429 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture changes to network gateways. CC ID 15421 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture all spoofed addresses. CC ID 01313 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "logging level" to organizational standards. CC ID 14456 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Configure inetd tracing. CC ID 01523 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the system to capture messages sent to the syslog AUTH facility. CC ID 01525 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure Cron logging. CC ID 01528 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the kernel level auditing setting. CC ID 01530 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "audit successful file system mounts" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09923 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure system accounting/system events. CC ID 01529 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the privilege use auditing setting. CC ID 01699 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to record the Denial of Access that results from an excessive number of unsuccessful logon attempts. CC ID 01919 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Audit Process Tracking setting. CC ID 01700 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the EEPROM security-mode accesses and EEPROM log-failed accesses. CC ID 01575 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture user identifier, address, port blocking or blacklisting. CC ID 01918 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Enable directory service access events, as appropriate. CC ID 05616 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture failed transactions. CC ID 06334 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture successful transactions. CC ID 06335 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Audit non attributable events (na class). CC ID 05604 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture configuration changes. CC ID 06881 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Log, monitor, and review all changes to time settings on critical systems. CC ID 11608 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture all changes to certificates. CC ID 05595 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "inetd logging" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08970 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "audit sudoers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09950 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure Key, Certificate, Password, Authentication and Identity Management settings in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 07621 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Minimum password length" to organizational standards. CC ID 07711
    [{minimum number of characters} Use unique passwords for all enterprise assets. Best practice implementation includes, at a minimum, an 8-character password for accounts using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and a 14-character password for accounts not using MFA. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.2 Use Unique Passwords]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure security and protection software according to Organizational Standards. CC ID 11917 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure security and protection software to check e-mail attachments. CC ID 11860
    [Block unnecessary file types attempting to enter the enterprise's email gateway. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.6 Block Unnecessary File Types]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Domain Name System in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 12202
    [Configure trusted DNS servers on network infrastructure. Example implementations include configuring network devices to use enterprise-controlled DNS servers and/or reputable externally accessible DNS servers. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.9 Configure Trusted DNS Servers on Enterprise Assets]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the Domain Name System query logging to organizational standards. CC ID 12210
    [Collect DNS query audit logs on enterprise assets, where appropriate and supported. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.6 Collect DNS Query Audit Logs]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the secure name/address resolution service (recursive or caching resolver). CC ID 01625 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the secure name/address resolution service (authoritative source). CC ID 01624 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure DNS records in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 17083 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Create a hardened image of the baseline configuration to be used for building new systems. CC ID 07063 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Nest elements appropriately in website content using markup languages. CC ID 15154 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Use valid HTML or other markup languages. CC ID 15153 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Ensure users can navigate content. CC ID 15163 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Create text content using language that is readable and is understandable. CC ID 15167 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Ensure user interface components are operable. CC ID 15162 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Implement mechanisms to review, confirm, and correct user submissions. CC ID 15160 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Allow users to reverse submissions. CC ID 15168 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Provide a mechanism to control audio. CC ID 15158 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Allow modification of style properties without loss of content or functionality. CC ID 15156 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Programmatically determine the name and role of user interface components. CC ID 15148 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Programmatically determine the language of content. CC ID 15137 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Provide a mechanism to dismiss content triggered by mouseover or keyboard focus. CC ID 15164 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Configure repeated navigational mechanisms to occur in the same order unless overridden by the user. CC ID 15166 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Refrain from activating a change of context when changing the setting of user interface components, as necessary. CC ID 15165 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Provide users a mechanism to remap keyboard shortcuts. CC ID 15133 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Provide captions for live audio content. CC ID 15120 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Programmatically determine the purpose of each data field that collects information from the user. CC ID 15114 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Provide labels or instructions when content requires user input. CC ID 15077 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Allow users to control auto-updating information, as necessary. CC ID 15159 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Use headings on all web pages and labels in all content that describes the topic or purpose. CC ID 15070 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Display website content triggered by mouseover or keyboard focus. CC ID 15152 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Ensure the purpose of links can be determined through the link text. CC ID 15157 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Use a unique title that describes the topic or purpose for each web page. CC ID 15069 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Allow the use of time limits, as necessary. CC ID 15155 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Refrain from activating a change of context in a user interface component. CC ID 15115 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Configure software development tools in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16387 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include passwords, Personal Identification Numbers, and card security codes in the personal data definition. CC ID 04699 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Store payment card data in secure chips, if possible. CC ID 13065 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Refrain from storing data elements containing sensitive authentication data after authorization is approved. CC ID 04758 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
  • Data and Information Management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Take into account the characteristics of the geographical, behavioral and functional setting for all datasets. CC ID 15046 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include the system components that generate audit records in the event logging procedures. CC ID 16426 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Overwrite the oldest records when audit logging fails. CC ID 14308 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Establish and maintain contact information for user accounts, as necessary. CC ID 15418 Technical security Preventive
    Enforce access restrictions for restricted data. CC ID 01921 Technical security Preventive
    Include the date and time that access was reviewed in the system record. CC ID 16416 Technical security Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate user identifiers and authenticators using secure communication protocols. CC ID 06791 Technical security Preventive
    Include virtual systems in the network diagram. CC ID 16324 Technical security Preventive
    Restrict inbound network traffic into the Demilitarized Zone. CC ID 01285 Technical security Preventive
    Segregate applications and databases that contain restricted data or restricted information in an internal network zone. CC ID 01289
    [{data storage}{be lower than} Segment data processing and storage based on the sensitivity of the data. Do not process sensitive data on enterprise assets intended for lower sensitivity data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.12 Segment Data Processing and Storage Based on Sensitivity]
    Technical security Preventive
    Protect data stored at external locations. CC ID 16333 Technical security Preventive
    Restrict outbound network traffic from systems that contain restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 01295 Technical security Preventive
    Deny direct Internet access to databases that store restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 01271 Technical security Preventive
    Implement the documented cryptographic module security functions. CC ID 06755 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain digital signatures. CC ID 13828 Technical security Preventive
    Include the expiration date in digital signatures. CC ID 13833 Technical security Preventive
    Include audience restrictions in digital signatures. CC ID 13834 Technical security Preventive
    Include the subject in digital signatures. CC ID 13832 Technical security Preventive
    Include the issuer in digital signatures. CC ID 13831 Technical security Preventive
    Include identifiers in the digital signature. CC ID 13829 Technical security Preventive
    Encrypt in scope data or in scope information, as necessary. CC ID 04824
    [Encrypt data on end-user devices containing sensitive data. Example implementations can include: Windows BitLocker®, Apple FileVault®, Linux® dm-crypt. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.6 Encrypt Data on End-User Devices
    Encrypt sensitive data at rest on servers, applications, and databases. Storage-layer encryption, also known as server-side encryption, meets the minimum requirement of this Safeguard. Additional encryption methods may include application-layer encryption, also known as client-side encryption, where access to the data storage device(s) does not permit access to the plain-text data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.11 Encrypt Sensitive Data at Rest]
    Technical security Preventive
    Digitally sign records and data, as necessary. CC ID 16507 Technical security Preventive
    Decrypt restricted data for the minimum time required. CC ID 12308 Technical security Preventive
    Decrypt personal data only on dedicated networks, not on public networks. CC ID 12309 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain cryptographic key creation domain parameter requirements. CC ID 06575 Technical security Preventive
    Protect salt values and hash values in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16471 Technical security Preventive
    Recover encrypted data for lost cryptographic keys, compromised cryptographic keys, or damaged cryptographic keys. CC ID 01301 Technical security Preventive
    Generate strong cryptographic keys. CC ID 01299 Technical security Preventive
    Use approved random number generators for creating cryptographic keys. CC ID 06574 Technical security Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate cryptographic keys securely. CC ID 01300 Technical security Preventive
    Control the input and output of cryptographic keys from a cryptographic module. CC ID 06541 Technical security Preventive
    Store cryptographic keys securely. CC ID 01298 Technical security Preventive
    Restrict access to cryptographic keys. CC ID 01297 Technical security Preventive
    Store cryptographic keys in encrypted format. CC ID 06084 Technical security Preventive
    Change cryptographic keys in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 01302 Technical security Preventive
    Destroy cryptographic keys promptly after the retention period. CC ID 01303 Technical security Preventive
    Control cryptographic keys with split knowledge and dual control. CC ID 01304 Technical security Preventive
    Prevent the unauthorized substitution of cryptographic keys. CC ID 01305 Technical security Preventive
    Revoke old cryptographic keys or invalid cryptographic keys immediately. CC ID 01307 Technical security Corrective
    Replace known or suspected compromised cryptographic keys immediately. CC ID 01306 Technical security Corrective
    Archive outdated cryptographic keys. CC ID 06884 Technical security Preventive
    Archive revoked cryptographic keys. CC ID 11819 Technical security Preventive
    Manage the digital signature cryptographic key pair. CC ID 06576 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain removable storage media controls. CC ID 06680 Physical and environmental protection Preventive
    Wipe information from mobile devices after a predetermined number of unsuccessful logon attempts. CC ID 14242 Physical and environmental protection Preventive
    Encrypt information stored on mobile devices. CC ID 01422 Physical and environmental protection Preventive
    Perform full backups in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16376 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Perform incremental backups in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16375 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Use virtual machine snapshots for full backups and changed block tracking (CBT) for incremental backups. CC ID 16374 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Identify processes, Information Systems, and third parties that transmit, process, or store restricted data. CC ID 06289 Operational management Preventive
    Record a unique name for each asset in the asset inventory. CC ID 16305 Operational management Preventive
    Record the status of information systems in the asset inventory. CC ID 16304 Operational management Preventive
    Record the communication interfaces for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 16301 Operational management Preventive
    Record software license information for each asset in the asset inventory. CC ID 11736
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory
    {biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Preventive
    Record the operating system version for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 11748 Operational management Preventive
    Record rooms at external locations in the asset inventory. CC ID 16302 Operational management Preventive
    Record trusted keys and certificates in the asset inventory. CC ID 15486 Operational management Preventive
    Record cipher suites and protocols in the asset inventory. CC ID 15489 Operational management Preventive
    Wipe all data on systems prior to when the system is redeployed or the system is disposed. CC ID 06401 Operational management Preventive
    Share incident information with interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 01212 Operational management Corrective
    Comply with privacy regulations and civil liberties requirements when sharing data loss event information. CC ID 10036 Operational management Preventive
    Redact restricted data before sharing incident information. CC ID 16994 Operational management Preventive
    Report data loss event information to breach notification organizations. CC ID 01210 Operational management Corrective
    Include a description of the restored data that was restored manually in the restoration log. CC ID 15463 Operational management Preventive
    Include a description of the restored data in the restoration log. CC ID 15462 Operational management Preventive
    Destroy investigative materials, as necessary. CC ID 17082 Operational management Preventive
    Disable the use of removable storage media for systems that process restricted data or restricted information, as necessary. CC ID 06681 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Ensure data sets have the appropriate characteristics. CC ID 15000 Records management Detective
    Ensure data sets are complete, are accurate, and are relevant. CC ID 14999 Records management Detective
    Store records and data in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16439 Records management Preventive
    Select the appropriate format for archived data and records. CC ID 06320 Records management Preventive
    Archive document metadata in a fashion that allows for future reading of the metadata. CC ID 10060 Records management Preventive
    Store personal data that is retained for long periods after use on a separate server or media. CC ID 12314 Records management Preventive
    Require authorized individuals be present to witness records disposition. CC ID 12313 Records management Preventive
    Automate a programmatic process to remove stored data and records that exceed retention requirements. CC ID 06082 Records management Preventive
    Assign the appropriate information classification to records imported into the Records Management system. CC ID 04555
    [Develop processes and technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data. CIS Control 3: Data Protection]
    Records management Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain electronic health records. CC ID 14436 Records management Preventive
    Include Individually Identifiable Health Information in the patient's electronic health record. CC ID 14437 Records management Preventive
    Import data files into a patient's electronic health record. CC ID 14448 Records management Preventive
    Export requested sections of the electronic health record. CC ID 14447 Records management Preventive
    Display the implantable device list to authorized users. CC ID 14445 Records management Preventive
    Include attributes in the decision support intervention. CC ID 16766 Records management Preventive
    Classify restricted data or restricted information in Records Management systems according to the data or information's sensitivity. CC ID 04720
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an overall data classification scheme for the enterprise. Enterprises may use labels, such as "Sensitive," "Confidential," and "Public," and classify their data according to those labels. Review and update the classification scheme annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.7 Establish and Maintain a Data Classification Scheme
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process]
    Records management Detective
    Prohibit personal data from being sent by e-mail or instant messaging. CC ID 00565 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain record structures to support information confidentiality. CC ID 00360 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Automate the disposition process for records that contain "do not store" data or "delete after transaction process" data. CC ID 06083 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Limit data leakage. CC ID 00356 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain suspicious personal data procedures. CC ID 04853 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Compare certain personal data such as name, date of birth, address, driver's license, or other identification against personal data on file for the applicant. CC ID 04855 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Match consumer reports with current accounts on file to ensure account misuse or information misuse has not occurred. CC ID 04873 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Send change notices for change of address requests to the old address and the new address. CC ID 04877 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Include text about data ownership in the data handling policy. CC ID 15720 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain de-identifying and re-identifying procedures. CC ID 07126 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Use de-identifying code and re-identifying code that is not derived from or related to information about the data subject. CC ID 07127 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Store de-identifying code and re-identifying code separately. CC ID 16535 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Prevent the disclosure of de-identifying code and re-identifying code. CC ID 07128 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's name combined with account numbers or other identifying information as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04662 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's legal surname prior to marriage as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04669 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's date of birth as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04771 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's address as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04671 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's telephone number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04672 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's fingerprints as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04670 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's Social Security Number or Personal Identification Number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04656 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's driver's license number or an individual's state identification card number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04657 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's passport number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04774 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's Alien Registration Number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04775 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's Taxpayer Identification Number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04764 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's financial account number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04658 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's financial account number with associated password or password hint as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04660 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's electronic identification name or number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04663 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain electronic signatures as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04666 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's biometric data as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04667 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's account number, password, or password hint as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04668 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's payment card information as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04752 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's credit card number or an individual's debit card number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04659 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's payment card service code as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04754 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's payment card expiration date as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04756 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's payment card full magnetic stripe data as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04759 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's payment card security codes (Card Authentication Value 2/Card Validation Code Value 2/Card Verification Value 2/Card Identification Number) as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04760 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's payment card associated password or password hint as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04661 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's Individually Identifiable Health Information as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04673 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's medical history as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04674 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's medical treatment as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04675 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's medical diagnosis as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04676 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's mental condition or physical condition as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04682 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's health insurance information as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04681 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's health insurance policy number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04683 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's health insurance application and health insurance claims history (including appeals) as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04684 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's employment information as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04772 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's Employee Identification Number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04773 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include data elements that contain an individual's place of employment as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04788 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Make the conflict minerals policy Publicly Available Information. CC ID 08949 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
  • Establish Roles
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Assign penetration testing to a qualified internal resource or external third party. CC ID 06429
    [{annual basis} Perform periodic external penetration tests based on program requirements, no less than annually. External penetration testing must include enterprise and environmental reconnaissance to detect exploitable information. Penetration testing requires specialized skills and experience and must be conducted through a qualified party. The testing may be clear box or opaque box. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.2 Perform Periodic External Penetration Tests
    Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program]
    Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Assign Information System access authorizations if implementing segregation of duties. CC ID 06323 Technical security Preventive
    Use biometric authentication for identification and authentication, as necessary. CC ID 06857 Technical security Preventive
    Include assigned roles and responsibilities in the network access control standard. CC ID 06410 Technical security Preventive
    Define and assign cryptographic, encryption and key management roles and responsibilities. CC ID 15470 Technical security Preventive
    Establish a Registration Authority to support the Public Key Infrastructure. CC ID 15725 Technical security Preventive
    Define and assign roles and responsibilities for malicious code protection. CC ID 15474 Technical security Preventive
    Assign application security reviews for web-facing applications to an organization that specializes in application security. CC ID 12035 Technical security Preventive
    Include restoration procedures in the continuity plan. CC ID 01169 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Establish and maintain the staff structure in line with the strategic plan. CC ID 00764
    [Designate one key person, and at least one backup, who will manage the enterprise's incident handling process. Management personnel are responsible for the coordination and documentation of incident response and recovery efforts and can consist of employees internal to the enterprise, service providers, or a hybrid approach. If using a service provider, designate at least one person internal to the enterprise to oversee any third-party work. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.1 Designate Personnel to Manage Incident Handling
    {annual basis} Assign key roles and responsibilities for incident response, including staff from incident responders, analysts, and relevant third parties. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.5 Assign Key Roles and Responsibilities]
    Human Resources management Preventive
    Document and communicate role descriptions to all applicable personnel. CC ID 00776 Human Resources management Detective
    Rotate duties amongst the critical roles and positions. CC ID 06554 Human Resources management Preventive
    Classify assets according to the Asset Classification Policy. CC ID 07186 Operational management Preventive
    Apply asset protection mechanisms for all assets according to their assigned Asset Classification Policy. CC ID 07184 Operational management Preventive
    Include the incident response team member's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01652
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented incident response process that addresses roles and responsibilities, compliance requirements, and a communication plan. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.4 Establish and Maintain an Incident Response Process
    {annual basis} Assign key roles and responsibilities for incident response, including staff from incident responders, analysts, and relevant third parties. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.5 Assign Key Roles and Responsibilities
    {annual basis} Assign key roles and responsibilities for incident response, including staff from incident responders, analysts, and relevant third parties. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.5 Assign Key Roles and Responsibilities]
    Operational management Preventive
    Include the incident response point of contact's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01877 Operational management Preventive
    Include the head of information security's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01878 Operational management Preventive
    Include the customer database owner's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01879 Operational management Preventive
    Include the online sales department's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01880 Operational management Preventive
    Include the incident response point of contact for credit card payment system's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01881 Operational management Preventive
    Include the organizational legal counsel's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01882 Operational management Preventive
    Include the Human Resources point of contact's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01883 Operational management Preventive
    Include the organizational incident response network architecture point of contact's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01884 Operational management Preventive
    Include the organizational incident response public relations point of contact's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01885 Operational management Preventive
    Include the organizational incident response location manager's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01886 Operational management Preventive
    Define and assign the system development project team roles and responsibilities. CC ID 01061
    [Conduct threat modeling. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. It is conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. The goal is to map out the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its weaknesses. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.14 Conduct Threat Modeling]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate system development roles and responsibilities to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 01062 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate system development roles and responsibilities to business unit leaders. CC ID 01063 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Assign the review of custom code changes to individuals other than the code author. CC ID 06291 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
  • Establish/Maintain Documentation
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Establish, implement, and maintain communication protocols. CC ID 12245 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Align the information being disseminated and communicated with the communication requirements according to the organization's communication protocol. CC ID 12419 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include external requirements in the organization's communication protocol. CC ID 12418 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include input from interested personnel and affected parties as a part of the organization’s communication protocol. CC ID 12417
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1]
    Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Document the findings from surveys. CC ID 16309 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain warning procedures. CC ID 12407 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain alert procedures. CC ID 12406 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include the criteria for notifications in the notification system. CC ID 17139 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Enforce a precision level for non-financial reporting based on user need and appropriate supply chain criteria. CC ID 12399 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Define the thresholds for escalation in the internal reporting program. CC ID 14332 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Define the thresholds for reporting in the internal reporting program. CC ID 14331 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Define the thresholds for reporting in the external reporting program. CC ID 15679 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include information about the organizational culture in the external reporting program. CC ID 15610 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include the reasons for objections to public disclosure in confidential treatment applications. CC ID 16594 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include contact information for the interested personnel and affected parties the report was filed with in the confidential treatment application. CC ID 16595 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include the information that was omitted in the confidential treatment application. CC ID 16593 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a data classification scheme. CC ID 11628
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an overall data classification scheme for the enterprise. Enterprises may use labels, such as "Sensitive," "Confidential," and "Public," and classify their data according to those labels. Review and update the classification scheme annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.7 Establish and Maintain a Data Classification Scheme
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain an overall data classification scheme for the enterprise. Enterprises may use labels, such as "Sensitive," "Confidential," and "Public," and classify their data according to those labels. Review and update the classification scheme annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.7 Establish and Maintain a Data Classification Scheme]
    Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Approve the data classification scheme. CC ID 13858 Leadership and high level objectives Detective
    Establish and maintain the scope of the organizational compliance framework and Information Assurance controls. CC ID 01241 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a policy and procedure management program. CC ID 06285 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Approve all compliance documents. CC ID 06286 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a compliance exception standard. CC ID 01628 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include all compliance exceptions in the compliance exception standard. CC ID 01630
    [{monthly basis} Ensure that unauthorized software is either removed from use on enterprise assets or receives a documented exception. Review monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.3 Address Unauthorized Software
    {unauthorized software}{monthly basis} Ensure that only currently supported software is designated as authorized in the software inventory for enterprise assets. If software is unsupported, yet necessary for the fulfillment of the enterprise's mission, document an exception detailing mitigating controls and residual risk acceptance. For any unsupported software without an exception documentation, designate as unauthorized. Review the software list to verify software support at least monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.2 Ensure Authorized Software is Currently Supported]
    Leadership and high level objectives Detective
    Include explanations, compensating controls, or risk acceptance in the compliance exceptions Exceptions document. CC ID 01631
    [{unauthorized software}{monthly basis} Ensure that only currently supported software is designated as authorized in the software inventory for enterprise assets. If software is unsupported, yet necessary for the fulfillment of the enterprise's mission, document an exception detailing mitigating controls and residual risk acceptance. For any unsupported software without an exception documentation, designate as unauthorized. Review the software list to verify software support at least monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.2 Ensure Authorized Software is Currently Supported]
    Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a strategic plan. CC ID 12784 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a decision management strategy. CC ID 06913 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Document and evaluate the decision outcomes from the decision-making process. CC ID 06918
    [Plan and conduct routine incident response exercises and scenarios for key personnel involved in the incident response process to prepare for responding to real-world incidents. Exercises need to test communication channels, decision-making, and workflows. Conduct testing on an annual basis, at a minimum. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.7 Conduct Routine Incident Response Exercises]
    Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Provide predefined suspicious activity reports for suspicious activity discovered in the event log. CC ID 06774 Monitoring and measurement Corrective
    Include identity information of suspects in the suspicious activity report. CC ID 16648 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk monitoring program. CC ID 00658 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Create specific test plans to test each system component. CC ID 00661 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Include the scope in the test plans. CC ID 14293
    [Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program]
    Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Document validated testing processes in the testing procedures. CC ID 06200 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Include error details, identifying the root causes, and mitigation actions in the testing procedures. CC ID 11827
    [Perform root cause analysis on security vulnerabilities. When reviewing vulnerabilities, root cause analysis is the task of evaluating underlying issues that create vulnerabilities in code, and allows development teams to move beyond just fixing individual vulnerabilities as they arise. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.3 Perform Root Cause Analysis on Security Vulnerabilities]
    Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Define the test requirements for each testing program. CC ID 13177
    [Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program
    Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program]
    Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Document the business need justification for authorized wireless access points. CC ID 12044 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Align the penetration test program with industry standards. CC ID 12469 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a vulnerability management program. CC ID 15721 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a vulnerability assessment program. CC ID 11636
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented vulnerability management process for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.1 Establish and Maintain a Vulnerability Management Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented vulnerability management process for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.1 Establish and Maintain a Vulnerability Management Process
    Develop a plan to continuously assess and track vulnerabilities on all enterprise assets within the enterprise's infrastructure, in order to remediate, and minimize, the window of opportunity for attackers. Monitor public and private industry sources for new threat and vulnerability information. CIS Control 7: Continuous Vulnerability Management
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a severity rating system and process for application vulnerabilities that facilitates prioritizing the order in which discovered vulnerabilities are fixed. This process includes setting a minimum level of security acceptability for releasing code or applications. Severity ratings bring a systematic way of triaging vulnerabilities that improves risk management and helps ensure the most severe bugs are fixed first. Review and update the system and process annually. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.6 Establish and Maintain a Severity Rating System and Process for Application Vulnerabilities]
    Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Record the vulnerability scanning activity in the vulnerability scan report. CC ID 12097 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Define the test frequency for each testing program. CC ID 13176
    [Plan and conduct routine incident response exercises and scenarios for key personnel involved in the incident response process to prepare for responding to real-world incidents. Exercises need to test communication channels, decision-making, and workflows. Conduct testing on an annual basis, at a minimum. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.7 Conduct Routine Incident Response Exercises
    Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program]
    Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a compliance monitoring policy. CC ID 00671 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a technical measurement metrics policy. CC ID 01655 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a log management program. CC ID 00673
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented audit log management process that defines the enterprise's logging requirements. At a minimum, address the collection, review, and retention of audit logs for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.1 Establish and Maintain an Audit Log Management Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented audit log management process that defines the enterprise's logging requirements. At a minimum, address the collection, review, and retention of audit logs for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.1 Establish and Maintain an Audit Log Management Process]
    Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Include transfer procedures in the log management program. CC ID 17077 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a cross-organizational audit sharing agreement. CC ID 10595 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the corrective action plan. CC ID 16926 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Include risks and opportunities in the corrective action plan. CC ID 15178 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Include actions taken to resolve issues in the corrective action plan. CC ID 16884 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Include environmental aspects in the corrective action plan. CC ID 15177 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Include the completion date in the corrective action plan. CC ID 13272 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk management program. CC ID 12051 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain the risk assessment framework. CC ID 00685 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk assessment program. CC ID 00687 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain risk assessment procedures. CC ID 06446 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 07183 Audits and risk management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an access control program. CC ID 11702
    [Centralize access control for all enterprise assets through a directory service or SSO provider, where supported. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.7 Centralize Access Control]
    Technical security Preventive
    Include instructions to change authenticators as often as necessary in the access control program. CC ID 11931 Technical security Preventive
    Include guidance for how users should protect their authentication credentials in the access control program. CC ID 11929 Technical security Preventive
    Include guidance on selecting authentication credentials in the access control program. CC ID 11928 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain access control policies. CC ID 00512 Technical security Preventive
    Include compliance requirements in the access control policy. CC ID 14006 Technical security Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the access control policy. CC ID 14005 Technical security Preventive
    Include management commitment in the access control policy. CC ID 14004 Technical security Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the access control policy. CC ID 14003 Technical security Preventive
    Include the scope in the access control policy. CC ID 14002 Technical security Preventive
    Include the purpose in the access control policy. CC ID 14001 Technical security Preventive
    Document the business need justification for user accounts. CC ID 15490 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an instant messaging and chat system usage policy. CC ID 11815 Technical security Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the access control policies to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 10061 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an access rights management plan. CC ID 00513 Technical security Preventive
    Inventory all user accounts. CC ID 13732
    [{quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, must contain department owner, review date, and purpose. Perform service account reviews to validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.5 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Accounts
    {user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts]
    Technical security Preventive
    Add all devices requiring access control to the Access Control List. CC ID 06264 Technical security Preventive
    Include the objects and users subject to access control in the security policy. CC ID 11836 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system use agreement for each information system. CC ID 06500 Technical security Preventive
    Accept and sign the system use agreement before data or system access is enabled. CC ID 06501 Technical security Preventive
    Document actions that can be performed on an information system absent identification and authentication of the user. CC ID 06771 Technical security Preventive
    Establish and maintain a list of individuals authorized to perform privileged functions. CC ID 17005 Technical security Preventive
    Establish and maintain a Digital Rights Management program. CC ID 07093 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an authority for access authorization list. CC ID 06782 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a password policy. CC ID 16346 Technical security Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the password policies and password procedures to all users who have access to restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 00518 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain biometric collection procedures. CC ID 15419 Technical security Preventive
    Document the business need justification for authentication data storage. CC ID 06325 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain access control procedures. CC ID 11663 Technical security Preventive
    Document approving and granting access in the access control log. CC ID 06786 Technical security Preventive
    Include the user identifiers of all personnel who are authorized to access a system in the system record. CC ID 15171 Technical security Preventive
    Include identity information of all personnel who are authorized to access a system in the system record. CC ID 16406 Technical security Preventive
    Include the date and time that access rights were changed in the system record. CC ID 16415 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14033 Technical security Preventive
    Include the purpose in the identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14234 Technical security Preventive
    Include the scope in the identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14232 Technical security Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14230 Technical security Preventive
    Include management commitment in the identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14229 Technical security Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14227 Technical security Preventive
    Include compliance requirements in the identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14225 Technical security Preventive
    Establish the requirements for Authentication Assurance Levels. CC ID 16958 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain identification and authentication procedures. CC ID 14053 Technical security Preventive
    Include instructions to refrain from using previously used authenticators in the access control program. CC ID 11930 Technical security Preventive
    Establish and maintain a memorized secret list. CC ID 13791 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a network configuration standard. CC ID 00530 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain network segmentation requirements. CC ID 16380 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a network security policy. CC ID 06440 Technical security Preventive
    Include compliance requirements in the network security policy. CC ID 14205 Technical security Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the network security policy. CC ID 14204 Technical security Preventive
    Include management commitment in the network security policy. CC ID 14203 Technical security Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the network security policy. CC ID 14202 Technical security Preventive
    Include the scope in the network security policy. CC ID 14201 Technical security Preventive
    Include the purpose in the network security policy. CC ID 14200 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system and communications protection procedures. CC ID 14052 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a wireless networking policy. CC ID 06732 Technical security Preventive
    Include usage restrictions for Bluetooth in the wireless networking policy. CC ID 16443 Technical security Preventive
    Maintain up-to-date network diagrams. CC ID 00531
    [{annual basis}{network architecture diagram} Establish and maintain architecture diagram(s) and/or other network system documentation. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.4 Establish and Maintain Architecture Diagram(s)
    {annual basis}{network architecture diagram} Establish and maintain architecture diagram(s) and/or other network system documentation. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.4 Establish and Maintain Architecture Diagram(s)
    Design and maintain a secure network architecture. A secure network architecture must address segmentation, least privilege, and availability, at a minimum. Example implementations may include documentation, policy, and design components. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.2 Establish and Maintain a Secure Network Architecture]
    Technical security Preventive
    Include the date of the most recent update on the network diagram. CC ID 14319 Technical security Preventive
    Include the organization's name in the network diagram. CC ID 14318 Technical security Preventive
    Include Internet Protocol addresses in the network diagram. CC ID 16244 Technical security Preventive
    Include Domain Name System names in the network diagram. CC ID 16240 Technical security Preventive
    Accept, by formal signature, the security implications of the network topology. CC ID 12323 Technical security Preventive
    Maintain up-to-date data flow diagrams. CC ID 10059
    [{annual basis} Document data flows. Data flow documentation includes service provider data flows and should be based on the enterprise's data management process. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.8 Document Data Flows
    {annual basis} Document data flows. Data flow documentation includes service provider data flows and should be based on the enterprise's data management process. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.8 Document Data Flows]
    Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a sensitive information inventory. CC ID 13736
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a data inventory based on the enterprise's data management process. Inventory sensitive data, at a minimum. Review and update inventory annually, at a minimum, with a priority on sensitive data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.2 Establish and Maintain a Data Inventory]
    Technical security Detective
    Include information flows to third parties in the data flow diagram. CC ID 13185
    [{annual basis} Document data flows. Data flow documentation includes service provider data flows and should be based on the enterprise's data management process. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.8 Document Data Flows]
    Technical security Preventive
    Document where data-at-rest and data in transit is encrypted on the data flow diagram. CC ID 16412 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Boundary Defense program. CC ID 00544
    [Operate processes and tooling to establish and maintain comprehensive network monitoring and defense against security threats across the enterprise's network infrastructure and user base. CIS Control 13: Network Monitoring and Defense
    Establish, implement, and actively manage (track, report, correct) network devices, in order to prevent attackers from exploiting vulnerable network services and access points. CIS Control 12: Network Infrastructure Management]
    Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a network access control standard. CC ID 00546 Technical security Preventive
    Include configuration management and rulesets in the network access control standard. CC ID 11845 Technical security Preventive
    Secure the network access control standard against unauthorized changes. CC ID 11920 Technical security Preventive
    Include compensating controls implemented for insecure protocols in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 11948 Technical security Preventive
    Include restricting inbound network traffic in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 11960 Technical security Preventive
    Include restricting outbound network traffic in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 11961 Technical security Preventive
    Include requirements for a firewall at each Internet connection and between any demilitarized zone and the internal network zone in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 12435 Technical security Preventive
    Include network diagrams that identify connections between all subnets and wireless networks in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 12434 Technical security Preventive
    Include network diagrams that identify storage or processing locations of all restricted data in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 12426 Technical security Preventive
    Include a protocols, ports, applications, and services list in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 00537
    [{secure network management protocol}{secure network communication protocol} Use secure network management and communication protocols (e.g., 802.1X, Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) Enterprise or greater). CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.6 Use Secure Network Management and Communication Protocols]
    Technical security Preventive
    Include approval of the protocols, ports, applications, and services list in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 12547 Technical security Preventive
    Include the use of protocols above and beyond common information service protocols in the protocols, ports, applications, and services list in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 00539 Technical security Preventive
    Include justifying the use of risky protocols in the protocols, ports, applications, and services list in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 01280 Technical security Preventive
    Document and implement security features for each identified insecure service, protocol, and port in the protocols, ports, applications, and services list. CC ID 12033 Technical security Preventive
    Identify the insecure services, protocols, and ports in the protocols, ports, applications, and services list in the firewall and router configuration. CC ID 12032 Technical security Preventive
    Record the configuration rules for network access and control points in the configuration management system. CC ID 12105 Technical security Preventive
    Record the duration of the business need associated with changes to the configuration rules for network access and control points in the configuration management system. CC ID 12107 Technical security Preventive
    Record each individual's name and business need associated with changes to the configuration rules for network access and control points in the configuration management system. CC ID 12106 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain Voice over Internet Protocol Configuration Management standards. CC ID 11853 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Wireless Local Area Network Configuration Management standard. CC ID 11854 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain Voice over Internet Protocol design specification. CC ID 01449 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Wireless Local Area Network Configuration Management program. CC ID 01646 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain information flow control configuration standards. CC ID 01924 Technical security Preventive
    Maintain a record of the challenge state during identification and authentication in an automated information exchange. CC ID 06629 Technical security Preventive
    Develop and implement a content filtering word and phrase library. CC ID 07071 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain information flow control policies inside the system and between interconnected systems. CC ID 01410 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain whitelists and blacklists of domain names. CC ID 07097 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain whitelists and blacklists of software. CC ID 11780
    [{biannual basis} Use technical controls, such as application allowlisting, to ensure that only authorized software can execute or be accessed. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.5 Allowlist Authorized Software
    {biannual basis} Use technical controls, such as application allowlisting, to ensure that only authorized software can execute or be accessed. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.5 Allowlist Authorized Software
    {unauthorized software library} {biannual basis} Use technical controls to ensure that only authorized software libraries, such as specific .dll, .ocx, and .so files, are allowed to load into a system process. Block unauthorized libraries from loading into a system process. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.6 Allowlist Authorized Libraries
    {unauthorized software library} {biannual basis} Use technical controls to ensure that only authorized software libraries, such as specific .dll, .ocx, and .so files, are allowed to load into a system process. Block unauthorized libraries from loading into a system process. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.6 Allowlist Authorized Libraries]
    Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a remote access and teleworking program. CC ID 04545 Technical security Preventive
    Include information security requirements in the remote access and teleworking program. CC ID 15704 Technical security Preventive
    Document and approve requests to bypass multifactor authentication. CC ID 15464 Technical security Preventive
    Define the cryptographic module security functions and the cryptographic module operational modes. CC ID 06542 Technical security Preventive
    Define the cryptographic boundaries. CC ID 06543 Technical security Preventive
    Establish and maintain the documentation requirements for cryptographic modules. CC ID 06544 Technical security Preventive
    Establish and maintain the security requirements for cryptographic module ports and cryptographic module interfaces. CC ID 06545 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain documentation for the delivery and operation of cryptographic modules. CC ID 06547 Technical security Preventive
    Document the operation of the cryptographic module. CC ID 06546 Technical security Preventive
    Generate and protect a secret random number for each digital signature. CC ID 06577 Technical security Preventive
    Establish the security strength requirements for the digital signature process. CC ID 06578 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an encryption management and cryptographic controls policy. CC ID 04546 Technical security Preventive
    Provide guidance to customers on how to securely transmit, store, and update cryptographic keys. CC ID 12040 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain encryption management procedures. CC ID 15475 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain cryptographic key management procedures. CC ID 00571 Technical security Preventive
    Include recommended cryptographic key management procedures for cloud service providers in the cryptographic key management procedures. CC ID 13152 Technical security Preventive
    Include requesting cryptographic key types in the cryptographic key management procedures. CC ID 13151 Technical security Preventive
    Include cryptographic key expiration in the cryptographic key management procedures. CC ID 17079 Technical security Preventive
    Include the establishment of cryptographic keys in the cryptographic key management procedures. CC ID 06540 Technical security Preventive
    Include offsite backups of cryptographic keys in the cryptographic key management procedures. CC ID 13127 Technical security Preventive
    Require key custodians to sign the cryptographic key management policy. CC ID 01308 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain requirements for Personal Identity Verification authentication certificates. CC ID 06587 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain Public Key certificate application procedures. CC ID 07079 Technical security Preventive
    Include the Identification and Authentication of individuals or entities in the Public Key certificate application procedures. CC ID 07080 Technical security Preventive
    Include approving or rejecting Public Key certificate applications in the Public Key certificate application procedure. CC ID 07081 Technical security Preventive
    Include revocation of Public Key certificates in the Public Key certificate procedures. CC ID 07082 Technical security Preventive
    Publish revoked Public Key certificates in the Certificate Revocation List. CC ID 07089 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain Public Key renewal or rekeying request procedures. CC ID 07083 Technical security Preventive
    Include identification and authentication in Public Key renewal or rekeying request procedures. CC ID 11816 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain Public Key certificate procedures. CC ID 07085 Technical security Preventive
    Include signing and issuing Public Key certificates in the Public Key certificate procedures. CC ID 11817 Technical security Preventive
    Include publishing Public Key certificates in the Public Key certificate procedures. CC ID 07087 Technical security Preventive
    Include access to issued Public Key certificates in the Public Key certificate procedures. CC ID 07086 Technical security Preventive
    Authorize transactions of data transmitted over public networks or shared data networks. CC ID 00566 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a malicious code protection program. CC ID 00574
    [{malicious code}{malicious script} Prevent or control the installation, spread, and execution of malicious applications, code, or scripts on enterprise assets. CIS Control 10: Malware Defenses
    Centrally manage anti-malware software. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.6 Centrally Manage Anti-Malware Software]
    Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain malicious code protection procedures. CC ID 15483 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a malicious code protection policy. CC ID 15478 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a malicious code outbreak recovery plan. CC ID 01310 Technical security Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain an application security policy. CC ID 06438 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a physical security program. CC ID 11757 Physical and environmental protection Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 04723
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Physical and environmental protection Preventive
    Include usage restrictions for untrusted networks in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 17076 Physical and environmental protection Preventive
    Include the expectation of data loss in the event of sanitizing the mobile device in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 12292 Physical and environmental protection Preventive
    Include legal requirements in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 12291 Physical and environmental protection Preventive
    Include prohibiting the usage of unapproved application stores in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 12290 Physical and environmental protection Preventive
    Include requiring users to create data backups in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 12289 Physical and environmental protection Preventive
    Include the definition of mobile devices in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 12288 Physical and environmental protection Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a business continuity program. CC ID 13210 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a continuity plan. CC ID 00752 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a recovery plan. CC ID 13288
    [Establish and maintain data recovery practices sufficient to restore in-scope enterprise assets to a pre-incident and trusted state. CIS Control 11: Data Recovery
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data recovery process. In the process, address the scope of data recovery activities, recovery prioritization, and the security of backup data. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Recovery Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data recovery process. In the process, address the scope of data recovery activities, recovery prioritization, and the security of backup data. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Recovery Process]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Include procedures to restore system interconnections in the recovery plan. CC ID 17100 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Include procedures to restore network connectivity in the recovery plan. CC ID 16250 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Include addressing backup failures in the recovery plan. CC ID 13298 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Include voltage and frequency requirements in the recovery plan. CC ID 17098 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Include procedures to verify completion of the data backup procedure in the recovery plan. CC ID 13297 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Include the procedures for the storage of information necessary to recover functionality in the recovery plan. CC ID 13295
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data recovery process. In the process, address the scope of data recovery activities, recovery prioritization, and the security of backup data. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Recovery Process]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Include the backup procedures for information necessary to recover functionality in the recovery plan. CC ID 13294 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Include the criteria for activation in the recovery plan. CC ID 13293 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Include escalation procedures in the recovery plan. CC ID 16248 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Include procedures to preserve data before beginning the recovery process in the recovery plan. CC ID 13292
    [{be equivalent} Protect recovery data with equivalent controls to the original data. Reference encryption or data separation, based on requirements. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.3 Protect Recovery Data]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Document lessons learned from testing the recovery plan or an actual event. CC ID 13301 Operational and Systems Continuity Detective
    Include risk prioritized recovery procedures for each business unit in the recovery plan. CC ID 01166
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data recovery process. In the process, address the scope of data recovery activities, recovery prioritization, and the security of backup data. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Recovery Process]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system continuity plan strategies. CC ID 00735 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Include the protection of personnel in the continuity plan. CC ID 06378 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a critical personnel list. CC ID 00739
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain contact information for parties that need to be informed of security incidents. Contacts may include internal staff, service providers, law enforcement, cyber insurance providers, relevant government agencies, Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) partners, or other stakeholders. Verify contacts annually to ensure that information is up-to-date. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.2 Establish and Maintain Contact Information for Reporting Security Incidents]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Detective
    Define the triggering events for when to activate the pandemic plan. CC ID 06801 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Include technical preparation considerations for backup operations in the continuity plan. CC ID 01250 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Document the Recovery Point Objective for triggering backup operations and restoration operations. CC ID 01259 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Log the execution of each backup. CC ID 00956 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Digitally sign disk images, as necessary. CC ID 06814 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a personnel management program. CC ID 14018 Human Resources management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain onboarding procedures for new hires. CC ID 11760 Human Resources management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain personnel status change and termination procedures. CC ID 06549 Human Resources management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain training plans. CC ID 00828 Human Resources management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a security awareness program. CC ID 11746
    [Establish and maintain a security awareness program to influence behavior among the workforce to be security conscious and properly skilled to reduce cybersecurity risks to the enterprise. CIS Control 14: Security Awareness and Skills Training
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a security awareness program. The purpose of a security awareness program is to educate the enterprise's workforce on how to interact with enterprise assets and data in a secure manner. Conduct training at hire and, at a minimum, annually. Review and update content annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.1 Establish and Maintain a Security Awareness Program
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a security awareness program. The purpose of a security awareness program is to educate the enterprise's workforce on how to interact with enterprise assets and data in a secure manner. Conduct training at hire and, at a minimum, annually. Review and update content annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.1 Establish and Maintain a Security Awareness Program]
    Human Resources management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14022 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include compliance requirements in the security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14092 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14091 Human Resources management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain security awareness and training procedures. CC ID 14054 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include management commitment in the security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14049 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14048 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include the scope in the security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14047 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include the purpose in the security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14045 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include configuration management procedures in the security awareness program. CC ID 13967 Human Resources management Preventive
    Document security awareness requirements. CC ID 12146 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include safeguards for information systems in the security awareness program. CC ID 13046
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a security awareness program. The purpose of a security awareness program is to educate the enterprise's workforce on how to interact with enterprise assets and data in a secure manner. Conduct training at hire and, at a minimum, annually. Review and update content annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.1 Establish and Maintain a Security Awareness Program]
    Human Resources management Preventive
    Include security policies and security standards in the security awareness program. CC ID 13045
    [Train workforce members on authentication best practices. Example topics include MFA, password composition, and credential management. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.3 Train Workforce Members on Authentication Best Practices
    Train workforce members on how to identify and properly store, transfer, archive, and destroy sensitive data. This also includes training workforce members on clear screen and desk best practices, such as locking their screen when they step away from their enterprise asset, erasing physical and virtual whiteboards at the end of meetings, and storing data and assets securely. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.4 Train Workforce on Data Handling Best Practices]
    Human Resources management Preventive
    Include mobile device security guidelines in the security awareness program. CC ID 11803 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include training based on the participants' level of responsibility and access level in the security awareness program. CC ID 11802
    [Train workforce members to be aware of causes for unintentional data exposure. Example topics include mis-delivery of sensitive data, losing a portable end-user device, or publishing data to unintended audiences. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.5 Train Workforce Members on Causes of Unintentional Data Exposure
    Conduct role-specific security awareness and skills training. Example implementations include secure system administration courses for IT professionals, OWASP® Top 10 vulnerability awareness and prevention training for web application developers, and advanced social engineering awareness training for high-profile roles. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.9 Conduct Role-Specific Security Awareness and Skills Training]
    Human Resources management Preventive
    Include a requirement to train all new hires and interested personnel in the security awareness program. CC ID 11800 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include remote access in the security awareness program. CC ID 13892
    [Train workforce members on the dangers of connecting to, and transmitting data over, insecure networks for enterprise activities. If the enterprise has remote workers, training must include guidance to ensure that all users securely configure their home network infrastructure. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.8 Train Workforce on the Dangers of Connecting to and Transmitting Enterprise Data Over Insecure Networks]
    Human Resources management Preventive
    Document the goals of the security awareness program. CC ID 12145 Human Resources management Preventive
    Compare current security awareness assessment reports to the security awareness baseline. CC ID 12150 Human Resources management Preventive
    Document the scope of the security awareness program. CC ID 12148 Human Resources management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a security awareness baseline. CC ID 12147 Human Resources management Preventive
    Require personnel to acknowledge, through writing their signature, that they have read and understand the organization's security policies. CC ID 01363 Human Resources management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 01406 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an internal control framework. CC ID 00820 Operational management Preventive
    Include vulnerability management and risk assessment in the internal control framework. CC ID 13102
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1]
    Operational management Preventive
    Include continuous user account management procedures in the internal control framework. CC ID 01360
    [Manage default accounts on enterprise assets and software, such as root, administrator, and other pre-configured vendor accounts. Example implementations can include: disabling default accounts or making them unusable. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.7 Manage Default Accounts on Enterprise Assets and Software
    Centralize account management through a directory or identity service. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.6 Centralize Account Management]
    Operational management Preventive
    Comply with all implemented policies in the organization's compliance framework. CC ID 06384
    [{annual basis} Document data flows. Data flow documentation includes service provider data flows and should be based on the enterprise's data management process. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.8 Document Data Flows
    {annual basis} Ensure service provider contracts include security requirements. Example requirements may include minimum security program requirements, security incident and/or data breach notification and response, data encryption requirements, and data disposal commitments. These security requirements must be consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Review service provider contracts annually to ensure contracts are not missing security requirements. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.4 Ensure Service Provider Contracts Include Security Requirements]
    Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a network management program. CC ID 13123
    [{monthly basis} Ensure network infrastructure is kept up-to-date. Example implementations include running the latest stable release of software and/or using currently supported network-as-a-service (NaaS) offerings. Review software versions monthly, or more frequently, to verify software support. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.1 Ensure Network Infrastructure is Up-to-Date
    Securely manage network infrastructure. Example implementations include version-controlled-infrastructure-as-code, and the use of secure network protocols, such as SSH and HTTPS. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.3 Securely Manage Network Infrastructure]
    Operational management Preventive
    Include quality of service requirements in the network management program. CC ID 16429 Operational management Preventive
    Document the network design in the network management program. CC ID 13135 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain network documentation. CC ID 16497 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an asset management policy. CC ID 15219 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain asset management procedures. CC ID 16748 Operational management Preventive
    Include life cycle requirements in the security management program. CC ID 16392 Operational management Preventive
    Include program objectives in the asset management program. CC ID 14413 Operational management Preventive
    Include a commitment to continual improvement in the asset management program. CC ID 14412 Operational management Preventive
    Include compliance with applicable requirements in the asset management program. CC ID 14411 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain classification schemes for all systems and assets. CC ID 01902 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain the systems' confidentiality level. CC ID 01904 Operational management Preventive
    Define confidentiality controls. CC ID 01908 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain the systems' availability level. CC ID 01905
    [Design and maintain a secure network architecture. A secure network architecture must address segmentation, least privilege, and availability, at a minimum. Example implementations may include documentation, policy, and design components. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.2 Establish and Maintain a Secure Network Architecture]
    Operational management Preventive
    Define integrity controls. CC ID 01909 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain the systems' integrity level. CC ID 01906 Operational management Preventive
    Define availability controls. CC ID 01911 Operational management Preventive
    Establish safety classifications for systems according to their potential harmful effects to operators or end users. CC ID 06603 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an asset safety classification scheme. CC ID 06604 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain the Asset Classification Policy. CC ID 06642 Operational management Preventive
    Document the decision for assigning an asset to a specific asset classification in the Asset Classification Policy. CC ID 07185 Operational management Preventive
    Assign decomposed system components the same asset classification as the originating system. CC ID 06605 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Information Technology inventory with asset discovery audit trails. CC ID 00689
    [{weekly basis} Use a passive discovery tool to identify assets connected to the enterprise's network. Review and use scans to update the enterprise's asset inventory at least weekly, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.5 Use a Passive Asset Discovery Tool
    {biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Preventive
    Include all account types in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 13311
    [{user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts]
    Operational management Preventive
    Include each Information System's major applications in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 01407
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Preventive
    Categorize all major applications according to the business information they process. CC ID 07182 Operational management Preventive
    Document the resources, hazards, and Evaluation Assurance Levels for each major application. CC ID 01164 Operational management Preventive
    Include the General Support Systems and security support structure in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 01408 Operational management Preventive
    Include each Information System's minor applications in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 01409 Operational management Preventive
    Categorize facilities in the Information Technology inventory according to their environmental risks. CC ID 06729 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a hardware asset inventory. CC ID 00691
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Operational management Preventive
    Include network equipment in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 00693
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Operational management Preventive
    Include mobile devices that store restricted data or restricted information in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 04719 Operational management Preventive
    Include software in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 00692 Operational management Preventive
    Establish and maintain a list of authorized software and versions required for each system. CC ID 12093
    [{unauthorized software} Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all software (operating systems and applications) on the network so that only authorized software is installed and can execute, and that unauthorized and unmanaged software is found and prevented from installation or execution. CIS Control 2: Inventory and Control of Software Assets
    {monthly basis} Ensure network infrastructure is kept up-to-date. Example implementations include running the latest stable release of software and/or using currently supported network-as-a-service (NaaS) offerings. Review software versions monthly, or more frequently, to verify software support. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.1 Ensure Network Infrastructure is Up-to-Date
    {unauthorized software}{monthly basis} Ensure that only currently supported software is designated as authorized in the software inventory for enterprise assets. If software is unsupported, yet necessary for the fulfillment of the enterprise's mission, document an exception detailing mitigating controls and residual risk acceptance. For any unsupported software without an exception documentation, designate as unauthorized. Review the software list to verify software support at least monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.2 Ensure Authorized Software is Currently Supported
    {unauthorized software}{monthly basis} Ensure that only currently supported software is designated as authorized in the software inventory for enterprise assets. If software is unsupported, yet necessary for the fulfillment of the enterprise's mission, document an exception detailing mitigating controls and residual risk acceptance. For any unsupported software without an exception documentation, designate as unauthorized. Review the software list to verify software support at least monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.2 Ensure Authorized Software is Currently Supported
    {biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a storage media inventory. CC ID 00694 Operational management Preventive
    Include all electronic storage media containing restricted data or restricted information in the storage media inventory. CC ID 00962 Operational management Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a records inventory and database inventory. CC ID 01260
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a data inventory based on the enterprise's data management process. Inventory sensitive data, at a minimum. Review and update inventory annually, at a minimum, with a priority on sensitive data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.2 Establish and Maintain a Data Inventory
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a data inventory based on the enterprise's data management process. Inventory sensitive data, at a minimum. Review and update inventory annually, at a minimum, with a priority on sensitive data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.2 Establish and Maintain a Data Inventory
    Implement an automated tool, such as a host-based Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tool to identify all sensitive data stored, processed, or transmitted through enterprise assets, including those located onsite or at a remote service provider, and update the enterprise's data inventory. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.13 Deploy a Data Loss Prevention Solution]
    Operational management Preventive
    Add inventoried assets to the asset register database, as necessary. CC ID 07051 Operational management Preventive
    Organize the asset register database by grouping objects according to an organizational information classification standard. CC ID 07181 Operational management Preventive
    Record the decommission date for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 14920
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Preventive
    Record the Uniform Resource Locator for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 14918
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Preventive
    Record the review date for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 14919
    [{quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, must contain department owner, review date, and purpose. Perform service account reviews to validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.5 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Accounts]
    Operational management Preventive
    Record services for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13733 Operational management Preventive
    Record protocols for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13734 Operational management Preventive
    Record the software version in the asset inventory. CC ID 12196
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Preventive
    Record the publisher for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13725
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Preventive
    Record the authentication system in the asset inventory. CC ID 13724
    [{annual basis}{authentication system} Establish and maintain an inventory of the enterprise's authentication and authorization systems, including those hosted on-site or at a remote service provider. Review and update the inventory, at a minimum, annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.6 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Authentication and Authorization Systems]
    Operational management Preventive
    Tag unsupported assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13723 Operational management Preventive
    Record the install date for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13720
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Preventive
    Record the make, model of device for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 12465 Operational management Preventive
    Record the asset tag for physical assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06632 Operational management Preventive
    Record the host name of applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13722
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Operational management Preventive
    Record network ports for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13730 Operational management Preventive
    Record the MAC address for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13721
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Operational management Preventive
    Record the operating system type for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06633 Operational management Preventive
    Record the department associated with the asset in the asset inventory. CC ID 12084
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts]
    Operational management Preventive
    Record the physical location for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06634 Operational management Preventive
    Record the manufacturer's serial number for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06635 Operational management Preventive
    Record the firmware version for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 12195 Operational management Preventive
    Record the related business function for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06636
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, must contain department owner, review date, and purpose. Perform service account reviews to validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.5 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Accounts
    {biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Preventive
    Record the deployment environment for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06637
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Preventive
    Record the Internet Protocol address for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06638
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Operational management Preventive
    Link the software asset inventory to the hardware asset inventory. CC ID 12085 Operational management Preventive
    Record the owner for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06640
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, must contain department owner, review date, and purpose. Perform service account reviews to validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.5 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Accounts]
    Operational management Preventive
    Record all compliance requirements for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 15696 Operational management Preventive
    Record all changes to assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 12190 Operational management Preventive
    Record cloud service derived data in the asset inventory. CC ID 13007 Operational management Preventive
    Include cloud service customer data in the asset inventory. CC ID 13006 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a software accountability policy. CC ID 00868 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain software asset management procedures. CC ID 00895
    [{unauthorized software} Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all software (operating systems and applications) on the network so that only authorized software is installed and can execute, and that unauthorized and unmanaged software is found and prevented from installation or execution. CIS Control 2: Inventory and Control of Software Assets
    Securely manage enterprise assets and software. Example implementations include managing configuration through version-controlled Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) and accessing administrative interfaces over secure network protocols, such as Secure Shell (SSH) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). Do not use insecure management protocols, such as Telnet (Teletype Network) and HTTP, unless operationally essential. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.6 Securely Manage Enterprise Assets and Software]
    Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain software archives procedures. CC ID 00866 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain software distribution procedures. CC ID 00894 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain software documentation management procedures. CC ID 06395 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain software license management procedures. CC ID 06639 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain digital legacy procedures. CC ID 16524 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system redeployment program. CC ID 06276 Operational management Preventive
    Document the staff's operating knowledge of the system prior to a personnel status change. CC ID 06937 Operational management Preventive
    Redeploy systems to other organizational units, as necessary. CC ID 11452 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system disposal program. CC ID 14431 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain disposal procedures. CC ID 16513 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain asset sanitization procedures. CC ID 16511 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system destruction procedures. CC ID 16474 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain printer and multifunction device disposition procedures. CC ID 15216 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system preventive maintenance program. CC ID 00885 Operational management Preventive
    Establish and maintain maintenance reports. CC ID 11749 Operational management Preventive
    Establish and maintain system inspection reports. CC ID 06346 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system maintenance policy. CC ID 14032 Operational management Preventive
    Include compliance requirements in the system maintenance policy. CC ID 14217 Operational management Preventive
    Include management commitment in the system maintenance policy. CC ID 14216 Operational management Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the system maintenance policy. CC ID 14215 Operational management Preventive
    Include the scope in the system maintenance policy. CC ID 14214 Operational management Preventive
    Include the purpose in the system maintenance policy. CC ID 14187 Operational management Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the system maintenance policy. CC ID 14181 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system maintenance procedures. CC ID 14059 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a technology refresh plan. CC ID 13061
    [Manage the security life cycle of in-house developed, hosted, or acquired software to prevent, detect, and remediate security weaknesses before they can impact the enterprise. CIS Control 16: Application Software Security]
    Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a technology refresh schedule. CC ID 16940 Operational management Preventive
    Establish and maintain an archive of maintenance reports in a maintenance log. CC ID 06202 Operational management Preventive
    Post calibration limits or calibration tolerances on or near assets requiring calibration. CC ID 06204 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an end-of-life management process. CC ID 16540 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain disposal contracts. CC ID 12199 Operational management Preventive
    Include disposal procedures in disposal contracts. CC ID 13905 Operational management Preventive
    Document the storage information for all systems that are stored instead of being disposed or redeployed. CC ID 06936 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a data stewardship policy. CC ID 06657 Operational management Preventive
    Establish and maintain an unauthorized software list. CC ID 10601
    [{monthly basis} Ensure that unauthorized software is either removed from use on enterprise assets or receives a documented exception. Review monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.3 Address Unauthorized Software
    {unauthorized software}{monthly basis} Ensure that only currently supported software is designated as authorized in the software inventory for enterprise assets. If software is unsupported, yet necessary for the fulfillment of the enterprise's mission, document an exception detailing mitigating controls and residual risk acceptance. For any unsupported software without an exception documentation, designate as unauthorized. Review the software list to verify software support at least monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.2 Ensure Authorized Software is Currently Supported]
    Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a customer service program. CC ID 00846 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an incident management policy. CC ID 16414 Operational management Preventive
    Define the uses and capabilities of the Incident Management program. CC ID 00854 Operational management Preventive
    Include incident escalation procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 00856 Operational management Preventive
    Define the characteristics of the Incident Management program. CC ID 00855 Operational management Preventive
    Include the criteria for a data loss event in the Incident Management program. CC ID 12179
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain security incident thresholds, including, at a minimum, differentiating between an incident and an event. Examples can include: abnormal activity, security vulnerability, security weakness, data breach, privacy incident, etc. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.9 Establish and Maintain Security Incident Thresholds]
    Operational management Preventive
    Include the criteria for an incident in the Incident Management program. CC ID 12173
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain security incident thresholds, including, at a minimum, differentiating between an incident and an event. Examples can include: abnormal activity, security vulnerability, security weakness, data breach, privacy incident, etc. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.9 Establish and Maintain Security Incident Thresholds]
    Operational management Preventive
    Include references to, or portions of, the Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework in the incident management program, as necessary. CC ID 13504 Operational management Preventive
    Include incident monitoring procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01207 Operational management Preventive
    Define and document impact thresholds to be used in categorizing incidents. CC ID 10033
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain security incident thresholds, including, at a minimum, differentiating between an incident and an event. Examples can include: abnormal activity, security vulnerability, security weakness, data breach, privacy incident, etc. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.9 Establish and Maintain Security Incident Thresholds
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain security incident thresholds, including, at a minimum, differentiating between an incident and an event. Examples can include: abnormal activity, security vulnerability, security weakness, data breach, privacy incident, etc. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.9 Establish and Maintain Security Incident Thresholds]
    Operational management Preventive
    Document the incident and any relevant evidence in the incident report. CC ID 08659 Operational management Detective
    Record actions taken by investigators during a forensic investigation in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 07095 Operational management Preventive
    Include the investigation methodology in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 17071 Operational management Preventive
    Include corrective actions in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 17070 Operational management Preventive
    Include the investigation results in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 17069 Operational management Preventive
    Include where the digital forensic evidence was found in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08674 Operational management Detective
    Include the condition of the digital forensic evidence in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08678 Operational management Detective
    Share data loss event information with interconnected system owners. CC ID 01209 Operational management Corrective
    Document the justification for not reporting incidents to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16547 Operational management Preventive
    Include data loss event notifications in the Incident Response program. CC ID 00364 Operational management Preventive
    Include legal requirements for data loss event notifications in the Incident Response program. CC ID 11954 Operational management Preventive
    Include required information in the written request to delay the notification to affected parties. CC ID 16785 Operational management Preventive
    Design the text of the notice for all incident response notifications to be no smaller than 10-point type. CC ID 12985 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain incident response notifications. CC ID 12975 Operational management Corrective
    Include information required by law in incident response notifications. CC ID 00802
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents]
    Operational management Detective
    Title breach notifications "Notice of Data Breach". CC ID 12977 Operational management Preventive
    Display titles of incident response notifications clearly and conspicuously. CC ID 12986 Operational management Preventive
    Display headings in incident response notifications clearly and conspicuously. CC ID 12987 Operational management Preventive
    Design the incident response notification to call attention to its nature and significance. CC ID 12984 Operational management Preventive
    Use plain language to write incident response notifications. CC ID 12976 Operational management Preventive
    Include directions for changing the user's authenticator or security questions and answers in the breach notification. CC ID 12983 Operational management Preventive
    Include the affected parties rights in the incident response notification. CC ID 16811 Operational management Preventive
    Include details of the investigation in incident response notifications. CC ID 12296 Operational management Preventive
    Include the issuer's name in incident response notifications. CC ID 12062 Operational management Preventive
    Include a "What Happened" heading in breach notifications. CC ID 12978 Operational management Preventive
    Include a general description of the data loss event in incident response notifications. CC ID 04734 Operational management Preventive
    Include time information in incident response notifications. CC ID 04745 Operational management Preventive
    Include the identification of the data source in incident response notifications. CC ID 12305 Operational management Preventive
    Include a "What Information Was Involved" heading in the breach notification. CC ID 12979 Operational management Preventive
    Include the type of information that was lost in incident response notifications. CC ID 04735 Operational management Preventive
    Include the type of information the organization maintains about the affected parties in incident response notifications. CC ID 04776 Operational management Preventive
    Include a "What We Are Doing" heading in the breach notification. CC ID 12982 Operational management Preventive
    Include what the organization has done to enhance data protection controls in incident response notifications. CC ID 04736 Operational management Preventive
    Include what the organization is offering or has already done to assist affected parties in incident response notifications. CC ID 04737 Operational management Preventive
    Include a "For More Information" heading in breach notifications. CC ID 12981 Operational management Preventive
    Include details of the companies and persons involved in incident response notifications. CC ID 12295 Operational management Preventive
    Include the credit reporting agencies' contact information in incident response notifications. CC ID 04744 Operational management Preventive
    Include the reporting individual's contact information in incident response notifications. CC ID 12297 Operational management Preventive
    Include any consequences in the incident response notifications. CC ID 12604 Operational management Preventive
    Include whether the notification was delayed due to a law enforcement investigation in incident response notifications. CC ID 04746 Operational management Preventive
    Include a "What You Can Do" heading in the breach notification. CC ID 12980 Operational management Preventive
    Include how the affected parties can protect themselves from identity theft in incident response notifications. CC ID 04738 Operational management Detective
    Include contact information in incident response notifications. CC ID 04739 Operational management Preventive
    Include contact information in the substitute incident response notification. CC ID 16776 Operational management Preventive
    Post substitute incident response notifications to the organization's website, as necessary. CC ID 04748 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a containment strategy. CC ID 13480 Operational management Preventive
    Include the containment approach in the containment strategy. CC ID 13486 Operational management Preventive
    Include response times in the containment strategy. CC ID 13485 Operational management Preventive
    Include incident recovery procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01758 Operational management Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a restoration log. CC ID 12745 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain compromised system reaccreditation procedures. CC ID 00592 Operational management Preventive
    Analyze security violations in Suspicious Activity Reports. CC ID 00591 Operational management Preventive
    Update the incident response procedures using the lessons learned. CC ID 01233 Operational management Preventive
    Include incident response procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01218 Operational management Preventive
    Include incident management procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 12689
    [Designate one key person, and at least one backup, who will manage the enterprise's incident handling process. Management personnel are responsible for the coordination and documentation of incident response and recovery efforts and can consist of employees internal to the enterprise, service providers, or a hybrid approach. If using a service provider, designate at least one person internal to the enterprise to oversee any third-party work. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.1 Designate Personnel to Manage Incident Handling]
    Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain temporary and emergency access authorization procedures. CC ID 00858 Operational management Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain temporary and emergency access revocation procedures. CC ID 15334 Operational management Preventive
    Include after-action analysis procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01219
    [Conduct post-incident reviews. Post-incident reviews help prevent incident recurrence through identifying lessons learned and follow-up action. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.8 Conduct Post-Incident Reviews]
    Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain security and breach investigation procedures. CC ID 16844 Operational management Preventive
    Document any potential harm in the incident finding when concluding the incident investigation. CC ID 13830 Operational management Preventive
    Log incidents in the Incident Management audit log. CC ID 00857 Operational management Preventive
    Include corrective actions in the incident management audit log. CC ID 16466 Operational management Preventive
    Include emergency processing priorities in the Incident Management program. CC ID 00859 Operational management Preventive
    Include user's responsibilities for when a theft has occurred in the Incident Management program. CC ID 06387 Operational management Preventive
    Include incident record closure procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01620 Operational management Preventive
    Include incident reporting procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 11772
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents
    {annual basis} Determine which primary and secondary mechanisms will be used to communicate and report during a security incident. Mechanisms can include phone calls, emails, secure chat, or notification letters. Keep in mind that certain mechanisms, such as emails, can be affected during a security incident. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.6 Define Mechanisms for Communicating During Incident Response]
    Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Incident Response program. CC ID 00579
    [Establish a program to develop and maintain an incident response capability (e.g., policies, plans, procedures, defined roles, training, and communications) to prepare, detect, and quickly respond to an attack. CIS Control 17: Incident Response Management]
    Operational management Preventive
    Create an incident response report. CC ID 12700 Operational management Preventive
    Include how the incident was discovered in the incident response report. CC ID 16987 Operational management Preventive
    Include the categories of data that were compromised in the incident response report. CC ID 16985 Operational management Preventive
    Include disciplinary actions taken in the incident response report. CC ID 16810 Operational management Preventive
    Include the persons responsible for the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 16808 Operational management Preventive
    Include the number of individuals the incident response notification was sent to in the incident response report. CC ID 16789 Operational management Preventive
    Include any consequences to organizational reputation and confidence due to the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12728 Operational management Preventive
    Include the number of customers that were affected by the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12727 Operational management Preventive
    Include investments associated with the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12726 Operational management Preventive
    Include costs associated with the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12725 Operational management Preventive
    Include losses due to the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12724 Operational management Preventive
    Include a description of the impact the incident had on customer service in the incident response report. CC ID 12735 Operational management Preventive
    Include foregone revenue from the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12723 Operational management Preventive
    Include the magnitude of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12722 Operational management Preventive
    Include implications of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12721 Operational management Preventive
    Include measures to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the incident response report. CC ID 12720 Operational management Preventive
    Include breaches of regulatory requirements due to the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12719 Operational management Preventive
    Include information on all affected assets in the incident response report. CC ID 12718 Operational management Preventive
    Include the scope of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12717 Operational management Preventive
    Include the duration of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12716 Operational management Preventive
    Include the extent of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12715 Operational management Preventive
    Include measures to mitigate the root causes of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12714 Operational management Preventive
    Include the reasons the incident occurred in the incident response report. CC ID 12711 Operational management Preventive
    Include the frequency of similar incidents occurring in the incident response report. CC ID 12712 Operational management Preventive
    Include lessons learned from the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12713
    [Conduct post-incident reviews. Post-incident reviews help prevent incident recurrence through identifying lessons learned and follow-up action. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.8 Conduct Post-Incident Reviews]
    Operational management Preventive
    Include where the incident occurred in the incident response report. CC ID 12710 Operational management Preventive
    Include when the incident occurred in the incident response report. CC ID 12709 Operational management Preventive
    Include corrective action taken to eradicate the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12708
    [Conduct post-incident reviews. Post-incident reviews help prevent incident recurrence through identifying lessons learned and follow-up action. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.8 Conduct Post-Incident Reviews]
    Operational management Preventive
    Include a description of the impact the incident had on regulatory compliance in the incident response report. CC ID 12704 Operational management Preventive
    Include a description of the impact the incident had on operations in the incident response report. CC ID 12703 Operational management Preventive
    Include an executive summary of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12702 Operational management Preventive
    Include a root cause analysis of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12701 Operational management Preventive
    Define target resolution times for incident response in the Incident Response program. CC ID 13072 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an incident response plan. CC ID 12056 Operational management Preventive
    Include addressing external communications in the incident response plan. CC ID 13351 Operational management Preventive
    Include addressing internal communications in the incident response plan. CC ID 13350 Operational management Preventive
    Include change control procedures in the incident response plan. CC ID 15479 Operational management Preventive
    Include addressing information sharing in the incident response plan. CC ID 13349 Operational management Preventive
    Include dynamic reconfiguration in the incident response plan. CC ID 14306 Operational management Preventive
    Include a definition of reportable incidents in the incident response plan. CC ID 14303 Operational management Preventive
    Include the management support needed for incident response in the incident response plan. CC ID 14300 Operational management Preventive
    Include root cause analysis in the incident response plan. CC ID 16423 Operational management Preventive
    Include how incident response fits into the organization in the incident response plan. CC ID 14294 Operational management Preventive
    Include the resources needed for incident response in the incident response plan. CC ID 14292 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a cyber incident response plan. CC ID 13286 Operational management Preventive
    Include incident response team structures in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01237 Operational management Preventive
    Assign establishing, implementing, and maintaining incident response procedures to the appropriate role in the incident response program. CC ID 12473 Operational management Preventive
    Include personnel contact information in the event of an incident in the Incident Response program. CC ID 06385
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain contact information for parties that need to be informed of security incidents. Contacts may include internal staff, service providers, law enforcement, cyber insurance providers, relevant government agencies, Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) partners, or other stakeholders. Verify contacts annually to ensure that information is up-to-date. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.2 Establish and Maintain Contact Information for Reporting Security Incidents
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents]
    Operational management Preventive
    Include what information interested personnel and affected parties need in the event of an incident in the Incident Response program. CC ID 11789 Operational management Preventive
    Include identifying remediation actions in the incident response plan. CC ID 13354 Operational management Preventive
    Include procedures for providing updated status information to the crisis management team in the incident response plan. CC ID 12776 Operational management Preventive
    Include log management procedures in the incident response program. CC ID 17081 Operational management Preventive
    Include coverage of all system components in the Incident Response program. CC ID 11955 Operational management Preventive
    Prepare for incident response notifications. CC ID 00584 Operational management Preventive
    Include incident response team services in the Incident Response program. CC ID 11766 Operational management Preventive
    Include the incident response training program in the Incident Response program. CC ID 06750 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an incident response policy. CC ID 14024 Operational management Preventive
    Include compliance requirements in the incident response policy. CC ID 14108
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented incident response process that addresses roles and responsibilities, compliance requirements, and a communication plan. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.4 Establish and Maintain an Incident Response Process]
    Operational management Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the incident response policy. CC ID 14107
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented incident response process that addresses roles and responsibilities, compliance requirements, and a communication plan. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.4 Establish and Maintain an Incident Response Process]
    Operational management Preventive
    Include management commitment in the incident response policy. CC ID 14106 Operational management Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the incident response policy. CC ID 14105 Operational management Preventive
    Include the scope in the incident response policy. CC ID 14104 Operational management Preventive
    Include the purpose in the incident response policy. CC ID 14101 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain incident response procedures. CC ID 01206
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented incident response process that addresses roles and responsibilities, compliance requirements, and a communication plan. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.4 Establish and Maintain an Incident Response Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented incident response process that addresses roles and responsibilities, compliance requirements, and a communication plan. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.4 Establish and Maintain an Incident Response Process]
    Operational management Detective
    Include references to industry best practices in the incident response procedures. CC ID 11956 Operational management Preventive
    Include responding to alerts from security monitoring systems in the incident response procedures. CC ID 11949 Operational management Preventive
    Include business continuity procedures in the Incident Response program. CC ID 06433 Operational management Preventive
    Coordinate backup procedures as defined in the system continuity plan with backup procedures necessary for incident response procedures. CC ID 06432 Operational management Preventive
    Include business recovery procedures in the Incident Response program. CC ID 11774 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a digital forensic evidence framework. CC ID 08652 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a chain of custody for all devices containing digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08686 Operational management Detective
    Define the business scenarios that require digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08653 Operational management Preventive
    Define the circumstances for collecting digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08657 Operational management Preventive
    Document the legal requirements for evidence collection. CC ID 08654 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a digital forensic evidence collection program. CC ID 08655 Operational management Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the digital forensic evidence collection program. CC ID 15724 Operational management Preventive
    Include the hardware configuration and software configuration of the digital forensic equipment in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08693 Operational management Detective
    Include documentation of the system containing and surrounding digital forensic evidence in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08679 Operational management Detective
    Include the configuration settings of devices associated with digital forensic evidence in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08676 Operational management Detective
    Include the external connections to systems containing digital forensic evidence in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08680 Operational management Detective
    Include the electronic media storage devices containing digital forensic evidence in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08695 Operational management Detective
    Include all system components of systems containing digital forensic evidence in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08696 Operational management Detective
    Disseminate and communicate the incident response procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 01215
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents]
    Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a change control program. CC ID 00886 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Configuration Management program. CC ID 00867
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented secure configuration process for enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers) and software (operating systems and applications). Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Configuration Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented secure configuration process for network devices. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.2 Establish and Maintain a Secure Configuration Process for Network Infrastructure]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain appropriate system labeling. CC ID 01900 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include the identification number of the third party who performed the conformity assessment procedures on all promotional materials. CC ID 15041 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include the identification number of the third party who conducted the conformity assessment procedures after the CE marking of conformity. CC ID 15040 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a configuration management policy. CC ID 14023 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain configuration management procedures. CC ID 14074 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include compliance requirements in the configuration management policy. CC ID 14072 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include coordination amongst entities in the configuration management policy. CC ID 14071 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include management commitment in the configuration management policy. CC ID 14070 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the configuration management policy. CC ID 14069 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include the scope in the configuration management policy. CC ID 14068 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include the purpose in the configuration management policy. CC ID 14067 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a configuration management plan. CC ID 01901 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include configuration management procedures in the configuration management plan. CC ID 14248
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented secure configuration process for enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers) and software (operating systems and applications). Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Configuration Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented secure configuration process for network devices. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.2 Establish and Maintain a Secure Configuration Process for Network Infrastructure]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the configuration management plan. CC ID 14247 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system tracking documentation. CC ID 15266 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include prioritization codes in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15283 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include the type and category of the request in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15281 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include contact information in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15280 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include the username in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15278 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include a problem description in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15276 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include affected systems in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15275 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include root causes in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15274 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include the name of who is responsible for resolution in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15273 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include current status in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15272 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Record Configuration Management items in the Configuration Management database. CC ID 00861 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Configuration Management Database with accessible reporting capabilities. CC ID 02132 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a configuration baseline based on the least functionality principle. CC ID 00862
    [Establish and maintain the secure configuration of enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile; network devices; non-computing/IoT devices; and servers) and software (operating systems and applications). CIS Control 4: Secure Configuration of Enterprise Assets and Software]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include the measures used to account for any differences in operation between the test environments and production environments in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13285 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include the differences between test environments and production environments in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13284 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include the applied security patches in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13271 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include the installed application software and version numbers in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13270 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include installed custom software in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13274
    [Use standard, industry-recommended hardening configuration templates for application infrastructure components. This includes underlying servers, databases, and web servers, and applies to cloud containers, Platform as a Service (PaaS) components, and SaaS components. Do not allow in-house developed software to weaken configuration hardening. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.7 Use Standard Hardening Configuration Templates for Application Infrastructure]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include network ports in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13273 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include the operating systems and version numbers in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13269 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include backup procedures in the Configuration Management policy. CC ID 01314 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system hardening standard. CC ID 00876 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Include common security parameter settings in the configuration standards for all systems. CC ID 12544 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Provide documentation verifying devices are not susceptible to known exploits. CC ID 11987 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system hardening procedures. CC ID 12001 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Document that all enabled functions support secure configurations. CC ID 11985 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Validate, approve, and document all UNIX shells prior to use. CC ID 02161 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "global Package signature checking" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08735 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "Package signature checking" setting for "all configured repositories" to organizational standards. CC ID 08736 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "verify against the package database" setting for "all installed software packages" to organizational standards. CC ID 08737 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "isdn4k-utils" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08738 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "postfix" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08739 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "vsftpd" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08740 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "net-snmpd" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08741 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "rsyslog" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08742 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "ipsec-tools" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08743 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "pam_ccreds" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08744 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "talk-server" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08745 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "talk" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08746 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "irda-utils" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08747 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "all world-writable directories" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08714 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "all rsyslog log" files group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08715 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the "all rsyslog log" files user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08716 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Configuration Baseline Documentation Record. CC ID 02130
    [Use standard, industry-recommended hardening configuration templates for application infrastructure components. This includes underlying servers, databases, and web servers, and applies to cloud containers, Platform as a Service (PaaS) components, and SaaS components. Do not allow in-house developed software to weaken configuration hardening. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.7 Use Standard Hardening Configuration Templates for Application Infrastructure]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Document and approve any changes to the Configuration Baseline Documentation Record. CC ID 12104 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an information management program. CC ID 14315
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process]
    Records management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain records management policies. CC ID 00903 Records management Preventive
    Define each system's preservation requirements for records and logs. CC ID 00904 Records management Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a data retention program. CC ID 00906
    [Develop processes and technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data. CIS Control 3: Data Protection
    Retain data according to the enterprise's documented data management process. Data retention must include both minimum and maximum timelines. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.4 Enforce Data Retention]
    Records management Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain records disposition procedures. CC ID 00971
    [Develop processes and technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data. CIS Control 3: Data Protection
    {disposal method} Securely dispose of data as outlined in the enterprise's documented data management process. Ensure the disposal process and method are commensurate with the data sensitivity. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.5 Securely Dispose of Data]
    Records management Preventive
    Include methods to identify records that meet or exceed the record's retention event in the records disposition procedures. CC ID 11962 Records management Preventive
    Maintain disposal records or redeployment records. CC ID 01644 Records management Preventive
    Include the name of the signing officer in the disposal record. CC ID 15710 Records management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain records management procedures. CC ID 11619 Records management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain authorization records. CC ID 14367 Records management Preventive
    Include the reasons for granting the authorization in the authorization records. CC ID 14371 Records management Preventive
    Include the date and time the authorization was granted in the authorization records. CC ID 14370 Records management Preventive
    Include the person's name who approved the authorization in the authorization records. CC ID 14369 Records management Preventive
    Create summary of care records in accordance with applicable standards. CC ID 14440 Records management Preventive
    Log the number of routine items received into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11701 Records management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain electronic storage media management procedures. CC ID 00931 Records management Preventive
    Assign ownership for all electronic records. CC ID 14814
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process]
    Records management Preventive
    Attribute electronic records, as necessary. CC ID 14820 Records management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system design principles and system design guidelines. CC ID 01057 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include continuous protection of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14748 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system design project management framework. CC ID 00990 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain project management standards. CC ID 00992 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Specify appropriate tools for the system development project. CC ID 06830 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain outsourced development procedures. CC ID 01141 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system design specification. CC ID 04557
    [Conduct threat modeling. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. It is conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. The goal is to map out the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its weaknesses. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.14 Conduct Threat Modeling]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Document the system architecture in the system design specification. CC ID 12287 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include hardware requirements in the system design specification. CC ID 08666 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include communication links in the system design specification. CC ID 08665 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include a description of each module and asset in the system design specification. CC ID 11734 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include supporting software requirements in the system design specification. CC ID 08664 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish and maintain Application Programming Interface documentation. CC ID 12203 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include configuration options in the Application Programming Interface documentation. CC ID 12205 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include the logical data flows and process steps in the system design specification. CC ID 08668 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish and maintain the system design specification in a manner that is clear and easy to read. CC ID 12286 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain access control procedures for the test environment that match those of the production environment. CC ID 06793 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain payment card architectural designs. CC ID 16132 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain coding guidelines. CC ID 08661 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain human interface guidelines. CC ID 08662 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include mechanisms for changing authenticators in human interface guidelines. CC ID 14944 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include functionality for managing user data in human interface guidelines. CC ID 14928 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish and maintain User Interface documentation. CC ID 12204 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include system messages in human interface guidelines. CC ID 08663 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include measurable system performance requirements in the system design specification. CC ID 08667 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include the data structure in the system design specification. CC ID 08669 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include the input and output variables in the system design specification. CC ID 08670 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include data encryption information in the system design specification. CC ID 12209 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include records disposition information in the system design specification. CC ID 12208 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include how data is managed in each module in the system design specification. CC ID 12207 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include identifying restricted data in the system design specification. CC ID 12206 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain session security coding standards. CC ID 04584 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish and maintain a cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12476 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include the algorithms used in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12483 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include an inventory of all protected areas in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12486 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include a description of the key usage for each key in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12484 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include descriptions of all cryptographic keys in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12487 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include descriptions of the cryptographic key strength of all cryptographic keys in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12488 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include each cryptographic key's expiration date in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12489 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include the protocols used in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12485 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include in the system documentation methodologies for authenticating the hardware security module. CC ID 12258 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain an acceptable use policy for the hardware security module. CC ID 12247 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the acceptable use policy for the hardware security module. CC ID 12264 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include the environmental requirements in the acceptable use policy for the hardware security module. CC ID 12263 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include device identification in the acceptable use policy for the hardware security module. CC ID 12262 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include device functionality in the acceptable use policy for the hardware security module. CC ID 12261 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include administrative responsibilities in the acceptable use policy for the hardware security module. CC ID 12260 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Review and update the security architecture, as necessary. CC ID 14277
    [Conduct threat modeling. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. It is conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. The goal is to map out the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its weaknesses. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.14 Conduct Threat Modeling]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Corrective
    Establish and maintain a coding manual for secure coding techniques. CC ID 11863
    [Leverage vetted modules or services for application security components, such as identity management, encryption, and auditing and logging. Using platform features in critical security functions will reduce developers' workload and minimize the likelihood of design or implementation errors. Modern operating systems provide effective mechanisms for identification, authentication, and authorization and make those mechanisms available to applications. Use only standardized, currently accepted, and extensively reviewed encryption algorithms. Operating systems also provide mechanisms to create and maintain secure audit logs. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.11 Leverage Vetted Modules or Services for Application Security Components
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include all confidentiality, integrity, and availability functions in the system design specification. CC ID 04556 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include the relationships and dependencies between modules in the system design specification. CC ID 04559 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a security policy model document. CC ID 04560 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system testing procedures. CC ID 11744 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Evaluate and document all known code anomalies and code deficiencies. CC ID 06611 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system acceptance criteria. CC ID 06210
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a severity rating system and process for application vulnerabilities that facilitates prioritizing the order in which discovered vulnerabilities are fixed. This process includes setting a minimum level of security acceptability for releasing code or applications. Severity ratings bring a systematic way of triaging vulnerabilities that improves risk management and helps ensure the most severe bugs are fixed first. Review and update the system and process annually. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.6 Establish and Maintain a Severity Rating System and Process for Application Vulnerabilities]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain system acquisition contracts. CC ID 14758 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Include security requirements in system acquisition contracts. CC ID 01124
    [{be up to date} Use up-to-date and trusted third-party software components. When possible, choose established and proven frameworks and libraries that provide adequate security. Acquire these components from trusted sources or evaluate the software for vulnerabilities before use. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.5 Use Up-to-Date and Trusted Third-Party Software Components]
    Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Include operational requirements in system acquisition contracts. CC ID 00825 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Provide suppliers with operational requirement information needed to define required service levels in system acquisition contracts. CC ID 06890 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Include required service levels in system acquisition contracts. CC ID 11652 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Include security controls in system acquisition contracts. CC ID 01125 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Obtain system documentation before acquiring products and services. CC ID 01445 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Include a description of the use and maintenance of security functions in the administration documentation. CC ID 14309 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Include a description of the known vulnerabilities for administrative functions in the administration documentation. CC ID 14302 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Include instructions on how to use the security functions in the user documentation. CC ID 14314 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Include security functions in the user documentation. CC ID 14313 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Include user responsibilities for maintaining system security in the user documentation. CC ID 14312 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Include a description of user interactions in the user documentation. CC ID 14311 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Require the information system developer to create a continuous monitoring plan. CC ID 14307 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Establish and maintain a register of approved third parties, technologies and tools. CC ID 06836
    [{monthly basis} Establish and manage an updated inventory of third-party components used in development, often referred to as a "bill of materials," as well as components slated for future use. This inventory is to include any risks that each third-party component could pose. Evaluate the list at least monthly to identify any changes or updates to these components, and validate that the component is still supported. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.4 Establish and Manage an Inventory of Third-Party Software Components
    {monthly basis} Establish and manage an updated inventory of third-party components used in development, often referred to as a "bill of materials," as well as components slated for future use. This inventory is to include any risks that each third-party component could pose. Evaluate the list at least monthly to identify any changes or updates to these components, and validate that the component is still supported. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.4 Establish and Manage an Inventory of Third-Party Software Components
    {be up to date} Use up-to-date and trusted third-party software components. When possible, choose established and proven frameworks and libraries that provide adequate security. Acquire these components from trusted sources or evaluate the software for vulnerabilities before use. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.5 Use Up-to-Date and Trusted Third-Party Software Components
    {be up to date} Use up-to-date and trusted third-party software components. When possible, choose established and proven frameworks and libraries that provide adequate security. Acquire these components from trusted sources or evaluate the software for vulnerabilities before use. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.5 Use Up-to-Date and Trusted Third-Party Software Components]
    Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain facilities, assets, and services acceptance procedures. CC ID 01144 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a privacy framework that protects restricted data. CC ID 11850 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a data handling program. CC ID 13427
    [Develop processes and technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data. CIS Control 3: Data Protection
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process]
    Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain data handling policies. CC ID 00353 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain data and information confidentiality policies. CC ID 00361 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain suspicious document procedures. CC ID 04852 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a telephone systems usage policy. CC ID 15170 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain call metadata controls. CC ID 04790 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain data handling procedures. CC ID 11756 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Define personal data that falls under breach notification rules. CC ID 00800 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Define an out of scope privacy breach. CC ID 04677 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a supply chain management program. CC ID 11742 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain procedures for establishing, maintaining, and terminating third party contracts. CC ID 00796
    [{annual basis} Ensure service provider contracts include security requirements. Example requirements may include minimum security program requirements, security incident and/or data breach notification and response, data encryption requirements, and data disposal commitments. These security requirements must be consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Review service provider contracts annually to ensure contracts are not missing security requirements. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.4 Ensure Service Provider Contracts Include Security Requirements]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Review and update all contracts, as necessary. CC ID 11612 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include incident management procedures and incident reporting procedures in third party contracts. CC ID 01214
    [{annual basis} Assign key roles and responsibilities for incident response, including staff from incident responders, analysts, and relevant third parties. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.5 Assign Key Roles and Responsibilities]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Document the organization's supply chain in the supply chain management program. CC ID 09958 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Establish and maintain a Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 12480
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service providers. The inventory is to list all known service providers, include classification(s), and designate an enterprise contact for each service provider. Review and update the inventory annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Providers
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service providers. The inventory is to list all known service providers, include classification(s), and designate an enterprise contact for each service provider. Review and update the inventory annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Providers
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service providers. The inventory is to list all known service providers, include classification(s), and designate an enterprise contact for each service provider. Review and update the inventory annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Providers
    {annual basis} Classify service providers. Classification consideration may include one or more characteristics, such as data sensitivity, data volume, availability requirements, applicable regulations, inherent risk, and mitigated risk. Update and review classifications annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.3 Classify Service Providers
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include required information in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14429 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include subcontractors in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14425 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include alternate service providers in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14420 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include contact information of the Service Provider in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14430
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service providers. The inventory is to list all known service providers, include classification(s), and designate an enterprise contact for each service provider. Review and update the inventory annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Providers]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include all contract dates in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14421 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include the services provided by each supplier in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 12481 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include criticality of services in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14428 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include a description of data used in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14427 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include the location of services provided in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14423 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Categorize all suppliers in the supply chain management program. CC ID 00792
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service providers. The inventory is to list all known service providers, include classification(s), and designate an enterprise contact for each service provider. Review and update the inventory annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Providers
    {annual basis} Classify service providers. Classification consideration may include one or more characteristics, such as data sensitivity, data volume, availability requirements, applicable regulations, inherent risk, and mitigated risk. Update and review classifications annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.3 Classify Service Providers
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include risk management procedures in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08811 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a supply chain management policy. CC ID 08808
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include supplier assessment principles in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08809
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include the third party selection process in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 13132 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Select suppliers based on their qualifications. CC ID 00795 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include refraining from depending on any individual third party in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 13133 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include a clear management process in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08810 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 15499 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include third party due diligence standards in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08812 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Require suppliers to commit to the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08813 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08943 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include a statement of avoided areas from receiving minerals in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08944 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include all in scope materials in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08945 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include adherence to international transportation regulations in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08946 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include all applicable authority documents in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08947 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Disseminate and communicate the conflict minerals policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 08948 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Establish and maintain a conflict materials report. CC ID 08823 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Define documentation requirements for each potential conflict material's source of origin. CC ID 08820 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Define documentation requirements for smelted minerals and legacy refined materials sources of origin. CC ID 08821 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Document and maintain records of supply chain transactions in a transaction file. CC ID 08858 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Review transaction files for compliance with the supply chain audit standard. CC ID 08864 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Provide additional documentation to validate and approve the use of non-compliant materials. CC ID 08865 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Include a requirement in outsourcing contracts that supply chain members must implement security controls to protect information. CC ID 13353 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Establish and maintain a list of compliance requirements managed by the organization and correlated with those managed by supply chain members. CC ID 11888 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Include the audit scope in the third party external audit report. CC ID 13138 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
    Document whether the third party transmits, processes, or stores restricted data on behalf of the organization. CC ID 12063 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Document whether engaging the third party will impact the organization's compliance risk. CC ID 12065 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Request attestation of compliance from third parties. CC ID 12067
    [{annual basis} Assess service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Assessment scope may vary based on classification(s), and may include review of standardized assessment reports, such as Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) and Payment Card Industry (PCI) Attestation of Compliance (AoC), customized questionnaires, or other appropriately rigorous processes. Reassess service providers annually, at a minimum, or with new and renewed contracts. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.5 Assess Service Providers]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
  • Human Resources Management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Assign roles and responsibilities for overseeing access to restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 11950 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Assign senior management to approve test plans. CC ID 13071 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Define roles for information systems. CC ID 12454 Technical security Preventive
    Define access needs for each role assigned to an information system. CC ID 12455 Technical security Preventive
    Change authenticators after personnel status changes. CC ID 12284 Technical security Preventive
    Assign roles and responsibilities for administering user account management. CC ID 11900 Technical security Preventive
    Require multiple forms of personal identification prior to issuing user identifiers. CC ID 08712 Technical security Preventive
    Require key custodians to sign the key custodian's roles and responsibilities. CC ID 11820 Technical security Preventive
    Include the roles and responsibilities of responders in the recovery plan. CC ID 13296 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Identify alternate personnel for each person on the critical personnel list. CC ID 12771 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Implement a staff rotation plan. CC ID 12772 Human Resources management Preventive
    Establish and maintain management's commitment to supporting the security awareness program. CC ID 12151 Human Resources management Preventive
    Establish and maintain a steering committee to guide the security awareness program. CC ID 12149 Human Resources management Preventive
    Encourage interested personnel to obtain security certification. CC ID 11804 Human Resources management Preventive
    Assign an information owner to organizational assets, as necessary. CC ID 12729 Operational management Preventive
    Assign ownership of maintaining the asset inventory, as necessary. CC ID 12344 Operational management Preventive
    Control granting access to appropriate parties performing maintenance on organizational assets. CC ID 11873 Operational management Preventive
    Define and assign the roles and responsibilities for Incident Management program. CC ID 13055
    [Designate one key person, and at least one backup, who will manage the enterprise's incident handling process. Management personnel are responsible for the coordination and documentation of incident response and recovery efforts and can consist of employees internal to the enterprise, service providers, or a hybrid approach. If using a service provider, designate at least one person internal to the enterprise to oversee any third-party work. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.1 Designate Personnel to Manage Incident Handling]
    Operational management Preventive
    Implement security controls for personnel that have accessed information absent authorization. CC ID 10611 Operational management Corrective
    Assign the distribution of security alerts to the appropriate role in the incident response program. CC ID 11887 Operational management Preventive
    Assign appropriate parties to approve the system design specification. CC ID 13070 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Require third parties to employ a Chief Information Security Officer. CC ID 12057 Third Party and supply chain oversight Preventive
  • IT Impact Zone
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Leadership and high level objectives CC ID 00597 Leadership and high level objectives IT Impact Zone
    Monitoring and measurement CC ID 00636 Monitoring and measurement IT Impact Zone
    Audits and risk management CC ID 00677 Audits and risk management IT Impact Zone
    Technical security CC ID 00508 Technical security IT Impact Zone
    Physical and environmental protection CC ID 00709 Physical and environmental protection IT Impact Zone
    Operational and Systems Continuity CC ID 00731 Operational and Systems Continuity IT Impact Zone
    Human Resources management CC ID 00763 Human Resources management IT Impact Zone
    Operational management CC ID 00805 Operational management IT Impact Zone
    System hardening through configuration management CC ID 00860 System hardening through configuration management IT Impact Zone
    Records management CC ID 00902 Records management IT Impact Zone
    Systems design, build, and implementation CC ID 00989 Systems design, build, and implementation IT Impact Zone
    Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services CC ID 01123 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services IT Impact Zone
    Privacy protection for information and data CC ID 00008 Privacy protection for information and data IT Impact Zone
    Third Party and supply chain oversight CC ID 08807 Third Party and supply chain oversight IT Impact Zone
  • Investigate
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Check the list of material topics for completeness. CC ID 15692 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Follow up exceptions and anomalies identified when reviewing logs. CC ID 11925 Monitoring and measurement Corrective
    Rank discovered vulnerabilities. CC ID 11940
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a severity rating system and process for application vulnerabilities that facilitates prioritizing the order in which discovered vulnerabilities are fixed. This process includes setting a minimum level of security acceptability for releasing code or applications. Severity ratings bring a systematic way of triaging vulnerabilities that improves risk management and helps ensure the most severe bugs are fixed first. Review and update the system and process annually. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.6 Establish and Maintain a Severity Rating System and Process for Application Vulnerabilities]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Take appropriate action to address information flow anomalies. CC ID 12164 Technical security Corrective
    Document information flow anomalies that do not fit normal traffic patterns. CC ID 12163 Technical security Detective
    Scan for malicious code, as necessary. CC ID 11941 Technical security Detective
    Determine the cause for the activation of the recovery plan. CC ID 13291 Operational and Systems Continuity Detective
    Identify root causes of incidents that force system changes. CC ID 13482 Operational management Detective
    Refrain from turning on any in scope devices that are turned off when a security incident is detected. CC ID 08677 Operational management Detective
    Analyze the incident response process following an incident response. CC ID 13179 Operational management Detective
    Provide progress reports of the incident investigation to the appropriate roles, as necessary. CC ID 12298 Operational management Preventive
    Analyze the behaviors of individuals involved in the incident during incident investigations. CC ID 14042 Operational management Detective
    Identify the affected parties during incident investigations. CC ID 16781 Operational management Detective
    Interview suspects during incident investigations, as necessary. CC ID 14041 Operational management Detective
    Interview victims and witnesses during incident investigations, as necessary. CC ID 14038 Operational management Detective
    Assign monitoring and analyzing the security alert when a security alert is received to the appropriate role in the incident response program. CC ID 11886
    [{annual basis} Assign key roles and responsibilities for incident response, including staff from incident responders, analysts, and relevant third parties. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.5 Assign Key Roles and Responsibilities]
    Operational management Detective
    Protect devices containing digital forensic evidence during transport. CC ID 08687 Operational management Detective
    Protect devices containing digital forensic evidence in sealed containers. CC ID 08685 Operational management Detective
    Conduct forensic investigations in the event of a security compromise. CC ID 11951 Operational management Corrective
    Identify potential sources of digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08651 Operational management Preventive
    Prepare digital forensic equipment. CC ID 08688 Operational management Detective
    Use digital forensic equipment suitable to the circumstances. CC ID 08690 Operational management Detective
    Provide relevant user manuals for digital forensic equipment during use. CC ID 08691 Operational management Detective
    Maintain digital forensic equipment for proper performance. CC ID 08689 Operational management Detective
    Refrain from altering the state of compromised systems when collecting digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08671 Operational management Detective
    Follow all applicable laws and principles when collecting digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08672 Operational management Detective
    Remove everyone except interested personnel and affected parties from the proximity of digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08675 Operational management Detective
    Secure devices containing digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08681 Operational management Detective
    Use a write blocker to prevent digital forensic evidence from being modified. CC ID 08692 Operational management Detective
    Capture volatile information from devices containing digital forensic evidence prior to shutdown. CC ID 08684 Operational management Detective
    Create a system image of the device before collecting digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08673 Operational management Detective
    Shut down stand alone devices containing digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08682 Operational management Detective
    Disconnect electronic media storage devices of systems containing digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08697 Operational management Detective
    Place evidence tape over devices containing digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08683 Operational management Detective
    Perform an identity check prior to approving an account change request. CC ID 13670 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Document that supply chain members investigate security events. CC ID 13348 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
  • Log Management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Establish, implement, and maintain logging and monitoring operations. CC ID 00637 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Enable monitoring and logging operations on all assets that meet the organizational criteria to maintain event logs. CC ID 06312
    [Collect audit logs. Ensure that logging, per the enterprise's audit log management process, has been enabled across enterprise assets. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.2 Collect Audit Logs
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented audit log management process that defines the enterprise's logging requirements. At a minimum, address the collection, review, and retention of audit logs for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.1 Establish and Maintain an Audit Log Management Process]
    Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Operationalize key monitoring and logging concepts to ensure the audit trails capture sufficient information. CC ID 00638 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain event logging procedures. CC ID 01335
    [Collect command-line audit logs. Example implementations include collecting audit logs from PowerShell®, BASHTM, and remote administrative terminals. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.8 Collect Command-Line Audit Logs
    Collect service provider logs, where supported. Example implementations include collecting authentication and authorization events, data creation and disposal events, and user management events. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.12 Collect Service Provider Logs]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Include a standard to collect and interpret event logs in the event logging procedures. CC ID 00643
    [Collect audit logs. Ensure that logging, per the enterprise's audit log management process, has been enabled across enterprise assets. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.2 Collect Audit Logs
    {weekly basis} Conduct reviews of audit logs to detect anomalies or abnormal events that could indicate a potential threat. Conduct reviews on a weekly, or more frequent, basis. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.11 Conduct Audit Log Reviews]
    Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Protect the event logs from failure. CC ID 06290 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Review and update event logs and audit logs, as necessary. CC ID 00596
    [{weekly basis} Conduct reviews of audit logs to detect anomalies or abnormal events that could indicate a potential threat. Conduct reviews on a weekly, or more frequent, basis. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.11 Conduct Audit Log Reviews
    {weekly basis} Use DHCP logging on all DHCP servers or Internet Protocol (IP) address management tools to update the enterprise's asset inventory. Review and use logs to update the enterprise's asset inventory weekly, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.4 Use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Logging to Update Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented audit log management process that defines the enterprise's logging requirements. At a minimum, address the collection, review, and retention of audit logs for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.1 Establish and Maintain an Audit Log Management Process]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Eliminate false positives in event logs and audit logs. CC ID 07047 Monitoring and measurement Corrective
    Correlate log entries to security controls to verify the security control's effectiveness. CC ID 13207 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Reproduce the event log if a log failure is captured. CC ID 01426 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Enable logging for all systems that meet a traceability criteria. CC ID 00640 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Analyze firewall logs for the correct capturing of data. CC ID 00549 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Security Information and Event Management metrics program. CC ID 02078
    [{monthly basis} Tune security event alerting thresholds monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.11 Tune Security Event Alerting Thresholds]
    Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Report on the percentage of systems for which event logging has been implemented. CC ID 02102 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Report on the percentage of systems for which event logs are monitored and reviewed. CC ID 02103 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Report on the percentage of systems for which log capacity and log retention schedules have been implemented. CC ID 02104 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Restrict access to logs to authorized individuals. CC ID 01342 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Refrain from recording unnecessary restricted data in logs. CC ID 06318 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Back up logs according to backup procedures. CC ID 01344 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Copy logs from all predefined hosts onto a log management infrastructure. CC ID 01346 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Identify hosts with logs that are not being stored. CC ID 06314 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Identify hosts with logs that are being stored at the system level only. CC ID 06315 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Identify hosts with logs that should be stored at both the system level and the infrastructure level. CC ID 06316 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Identify hosts with logs that are being stored at the infrastructure level only. CC ID 06317 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Protect logs from unauthorized activity. CC ID 01345 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Perform testing and validating activities on all logs. CC ID 06322 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Archive the audit trail in accordance with compliance requirements. CC ID 00674 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Preserve the identity of individuals in audit trails. CC ID 10594 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Maintain a log of the overrides of the biometric system. CC ID 17000 Technical security Preventive
    Include the user's location in the system record. CC ID 16996 Technical security Preventive
    Log the performance of all remote maintenance. CC ID 13202 Operational management Preventive
    Store system logs for in scope systems as digital forensic evidence after a security incident has been detected. CC ID 01754 Operational management Corrective
    Submit an incident management audit log to the proper authorities for each security breach that affects a predefined number of individuals, as necessary. CC ID 06326 Operational management Detective
    Include who the incident was reported to in the incident management audit log. CC ID 16487 Operational management Preventive
    Include the information that was exchanged in the incident management audit log. CC ID 16995 Operational management Preventive
    Include the organizational functions affected by disruption in the Incident Management audit log. CC ID 12238 Operational management Corrective
    Include the organization's business products and services affected by disruptions in the Incident Management audit log. CC ID 12234 Operational management Preventive
    Include time information in the chain of custody. CC ID 17068 Operational management Preventive
    Include actions performed on evidence in the chain of custody. CC ID 17067 Operational management Preventive
    Include individuals who had custody of evidence in the chain of custody. CC ID 17066 Operational management Preventive
    Verify the log file configured to capture critical sendmail messages is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05319 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture creates, reads, updates, or deletes of records containing personal data. CC ID 11890 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Configure the log to capture the information referent when personal data is being accessed. CC ID 11968 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Configure the log to capture each auditable event's origination. CC ID 01338
    [Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs]
    System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Configure the log to capture the details of electronic signature transactions. CC ID 16910 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to uniquely identify each accessed record. CC ID 16909 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture the amount of data uploaded and downloaded. CC ID 16494 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture startups and shutdowns. CC ID 16491 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture user queries and searches. CC ID 16479 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture Internet Protocol addresses. CC ID 16495 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture error messages. CC ID 16477 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture system failures. CC ID 16475 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture attempts to bypass or circumvent security controls. CC ID 17078 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture all malicious code that has been discovered, quarantined, and/or eradicated. CC ID 00577 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Capture successful operating system access and successful software access. CC ID 00527 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Configure the log to capture hardware and software access attempts. CC ID 01220 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Configure the log to capture logons, logouts, logon attempts, and logout attempts. CC ID 01915 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Configure the log to capture access to restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 00644
    [Log sensitive data access, including modification and disposal. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.14 Log Sensitive Data Access]
    System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Configure the log to capture actions taken by individuals with root privileges or administrative privileges and add logging option to the root file system. CC ID 00645 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Configure the log to capture identification and authentication mechanism use. CC ID 00648 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Configure the log to capture all access to the audit trail. CC ID 00646 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Configure the log to capture Object access to key directories or key files. CC ID 01697 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Configure the log to capture both access and access attempts to security-relevant objects and security-relevant directories. CC ID 01916 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Configure the log to capture system level object creation and deletion. CC ID 00650 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Configure the log to capture changes to User privileges, audit policies, and trust policies by enabling audit policy changes. CC ID 01698 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Configure the log to capture user account additions, modifications, and deletions. CC ID 16482 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture user authenticator changes. CC ID 01917 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Include the sanitization method in the disposal record. CC ID 17073 Records management Preventive
    Include time information in the disposal record. CC ID 17072 Records management Preventive
    Log the date and time each item is received into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11709 Records management Preventive
    Log the date and time each item is made available into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11710 Records management Preventive
    Log the number of routine items in the organization's possession at the close of business for the month in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11707 Records management Preventive
    Log the number of routine items received during the month that were turned around in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11705 Records management Preventive
    Log the number of routine items received during the month that were not turned around within three business days of receipt in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11703 Records management Preventive
    Log the date and time when a notice of refusal to perform the registrar function is received in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11711 Records management Preventive
    Log inquiries concerning items in the recordkeeping system, annotating the date received. CC ID 11718 Records management Preventive
    Log responses to inquiries, annotating the send date for each response into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11719 Records management Preventive
    Log the number of non-routine items received into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11706 Records management Preventive
    Log the documentation of determination that items received are not routine into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11716 Records management Preventive
    Log the number of non-routine items in the organization's possession at the close of business for the month in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11708 Records management Preventive
    Log the number of non-routine items received during the month that were turned around in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11704 Records management Preventive
    Log performance monitoring into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11724 Records management Preventive
    Log the number of inquiries pending as of the close of business into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11728 Records management Preventive
    Log the number of inquiries received but not responded to within the required time frame into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11727 Records management Preventive
    Log any notices filed by the organization into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11725 Records management Preventive
    Log telephone responses into a telephone log, annotating the date of each response, in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11723 Records management Preventive
    Log the date each certificate is made available to interested personnel and affected parties into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11720 Records management Preventive
    Log the number of items not processed within the required time frame into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11717 Records management Preventive
    Log the appointments and termination of appointments of registered transfer agents into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11712 Records management Preventive
    Log any stop orders or notices of adverse claims into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11726 Records management Preventive
    Log the number of items processed within the required time frame into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11715 Records management Preventive
    Log the disclosure of personal data. CC ID 06628 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Log the modification of personal data. CC ID 11844 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Log account access dates and report when dormant accounts suddenly exhibit unusual activity. CC ID 04874 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Log dates for account name changes or address changes. CC ID 04876 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
  • Maintenance
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Include a list of assets that were removed or replaced during maintenance in the maintenance report. CC ID 17088 Operational management Preventive
    Include a description of the maintenance performed in the maintenance report. CC ID 17087 Operational management Preventive
    Include roles and responsibilities in the maintenance report. CC ID 17086 Operational management Preventive
    Include the date and time of maintenance in the maintenance report. CC ID 17085 Operational management Preventive
    Use system components only when third party support is available. CC ID 10644 Operational management Preventive
    Obtain justification for the continued use of system components when third party support is no longer available. CC ID 10645 Operational management Preventive
    Conduct offsite maintenance in authorized facilities. CC ID 16473 Operational management Preventive
    Disconnect non-volatile media from information systems prior to performing maintenance with uncleared personnel. CC ID 14295 Operational management Preventive
    Sanitize volatile media in information systems prior to performing maintenance with uncleared personnel. CC ID 14291 Operational management Preventive
    Restart systems on a periodic basis. CC ID 16498 Operational management Preventive
    Remove components being serviced from the information system prior to performing maintenance. CC ID 14251 Operational management Preventive
  • Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Include the capturing and alerting of compliance violations in the notification system. CC ID 12962 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include the capturing and alerting of unethical conduct in the notification system. CC ID 12932 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include the capturing and alerting of performance variances in the notification system. CC ID 12929 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include the capturing and alerting of weaknesses in the notification system. CC ID 12928 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include the capturing and alerting of account activity in the notification system. CC ID 15314 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Analyze organizational objectives, functions, and activities. CC ID 00598 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Monitor regulatory trends to maintain compliance. CC ID 00604 Leadership and high level objectives Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain intrusion management operations. CC ID 00580 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Monitor systems for inappropriate usage and other security violations. CC ID 00585
    [Improve protections and detections of threats from email and web vectors, as these are opportunities for attackers to manipulate human behavior through direct engagement. CIS Control 9: Email and Web Browser Protections]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Monitor systems for blended attacks and multiple component incidents. CC ID 01225 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Monitor systems for Denial of Service attacks. CC ID 01222 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Monitor systems for unauthorized data transfers. CC ID 12971 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Monitor systems for access to restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 04721 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Detect unauthorized access to systems. CC ID 06798 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Incorporate potential red flags into the organization's incident management system. CC ID 04652 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Alert interested personnel when suspicious activity is detected by an Intrusion Detection System or Intrusion Prevention System. CC ID 06430 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Alert interested personnel and affected parties when an incident causes an outage. CC ID 06808 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Monitor systems for unauthorized mobile code. CC ID 10034 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Alert appropriate personnel when rogue devices are discovered on the network. CC ID 06428 Monitoring and measurement Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a corrective action plan. CC ID 00675
    [{monthly basis} Establish and maintain a risk-based remediation strategy documented in a remediation process, with monthly, or more frequent, reviews. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.2 Establish and Maintain Remediation Process]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Include monitoring in the corrective action plan. CC ID 11645
    [{monthly basis} Establish and maintain a risk-based remediation strategy documented in a remediation process, with monthly, or more frequent, reviews. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.2 Establish and Maintain Remediation Process]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Enforce information flow control. CC ID 11781 Technical security Preventive
    Perform content filtering scans on network traffic. CC ID 06761
    [Perform application layer filtering. Example implementations include a filtering proxy, application layer firewall, or gateway. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.10 Perform Application Layer Filtering
    Perform traffic filtering between network segments, where appropriate. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.4 Perform Traffic Filtering Between Network Segments]
    Technical security Detective
    Perform content filtering scans on incoming and outgoing e-mail. CC ID 06733
    [Improve protections and detections of threats from email and web vectors, as these are opportunities for attackers to manipulate human behavior through direct engagement. CIS Control 9: Email and Web Browser Protections]
    Technical security Detective
    Monitor and evaluate all remote access usage. CC ID 00563 Technical security Detective
    Log and react to all malicious code activity. CC ID 07072 Technical security Detective
    Monitor and measure the effectiveness of security awareness. CC ID 06262 Human Resources management Detective
    Identify discrepancies between the asset register database and the Information Technology inventory, as necessary. CC ID 07052 Operational management Corrective
    Investigate and resolve discrepancies between the asset register database and the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 07053 Operational management Corrective
    Automate software license monitoring, as necessary. CC ID 07057 Operational management Preventive
    Determine the incident severity level when assessing the security incidents. CC ID 01650 Operational management Corrective
    Require personnel to monitor for and report known or suspected compromise of assets. CC ID 16453 Operational management Detective
    Require personnel to monitor for and report suspicious account activity. CC ID 16462 Operational management Detective
    Respond to and triage when an incident is detected. CC ID 06942 Operational management Detective
    Escalate incidents, as necessary. CC ID 14861 Operational management Corrective
    Check the precursors and indicators when assessing the security incidents. CC ID 01761 Operational management Corrective
    Detect any potentially undiscovered security vulnerabilities on previously compromised systems. CC ID 06265 Operational management Detective
    Include lessons learned from analyzing security violations in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01234 Operational management Preventive
    Supervise and monitor outsourced development projects. CC ID 01096
    [Monitor service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Monitoring may include periodic reassessment of service provider compliance, monitoring service provider release notes, and dark web monitoring. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.6 Monitor Service Providers]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Detective
    Include anti-tamper technologies and anti-tamper techniques in the system design specification. CC ID 10639 Systems design, build, and implementation Detective
    Identify potential red flags to alert the organization before a data leakage has occurred. CC ID 04654 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain suspicious user account activity procedures. CC ID 04854 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Report fraudulent account activity, unauthorized transactions, or discrepancies with current accounts. CC ID 04875 Privacy protection for information and data Corrective
    Review accounts that are changed for additional user requests. CC ID 11846 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Review monitored websites for data leakage. CC ID 10593 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Include personal data that is encrypted or redacted as an out of scope privacy breach. CC ID 04679 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include cryptographic keys not being accessed during a privacy breach as an out of scope privacy breach. CC ID 04761 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Include any personal data that is on an encrypted mobile device as an out of scope privacy breach, if the encryption keys were not accessed and the mobile device was recovered. CC ID 04762 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Monitor third parties for performance and effectiveness, as necessary. CC ID 00799
    [Monitor service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Monitoring may include periodic reassessment of service provider compliance, monitoring service provider release notes, and dark web monitoring. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.6 Monitor Service Providers
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy
    Designate one key person, and at least one backup, who will manage the enterprise's incident handling process. Management personnel are responsible for the coordination and documentation of incident response and recovery efforts and can consist of employees internal to the enterprise, service providers, or a hybrid approach. If using a service provider, designate at least one person internal to the enterprise to oversee any third-party work. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.1 Designate Personnel to Manage Incident Handling]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Monitor third parties' financial conditions. CC ID 13170 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
  • Physical and Environmental Protection
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Establish, implement, and maintain physical security controls for distributed assets. CC ID 00718 Physical and environmental protection Preventive
    Protect distributed assets against theft. CC ID 06799 Physical and environmental protection Preventive
    Include the use of privacy filters in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 16452 Physical and environmental protection Preventive
    Refrain from responding to unsolicited Personal Identification Number requests. CC ID 12430 Physical and environmental protection Preventive
    Refrain from pairing Bluetooth devices in unsecured areas. CC ID 12429 Physical and environmental protection Preventive
    Conduct environmental surveys. CC ID 00690 Operational management Preventive
    Plan and conduct maintenance so that it does not interfere with scheduled operations. CC ID 06389 Operational management Preventive
    Control and monitor all maintenance tools. CC ID 01432 Operational management Detective
    Identify and authenticate appropriate parties prior to granting access to maintain assets. CC ID 11874 Operational management Preventive
    Refrain from protecting physical assets when no longer required. CC ID 13484 Operational management Corrective
    Place printed records awaiting destruction into secure containers. CC ID 12464 Records management Preventive
    Destroy printed records so they cannot be reconstructed. CC ID 11779 Records management Preventive
  • Process or Activity
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Assess the effectiveness of the communication methods used in the communication protocol. CC ID 12691 Leadership and high level objectives Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a corrective action plan to address barriers to stakeholder engagement. CC ID 15677 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Identify barriers to stakeholder engagement. CC ID 15676 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Include methods to obtain information from interested personnel and affected parties about performance variances in the communication protocol. CC ID 12856 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Route notifications, as necessary. CC ID 12832 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Substantiate notifications, as necessary. CC ID 12831 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Prioritize notifications, as necessary. CC ID 12830 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Establish and maintain the organization's survey method. CC ID 12869 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Provide a consolidated view of information in the organization's survey method. CC ID 12894 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Review and approve the material topics, as necessary. CC ID 15670 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Request extensions for submissions to governing bodies, as necessary. CC ID 16955 Leadership and high level objectives Preventive
    Review and approve the use of continuous security management systems. CC ID 13181 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Ensure protocols are free from injection flaws. CC ID 16401 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Set access control for objects and users to "deny all" unless explicitly authorized. CC ID 06301 Technical security Preventive
    Define the activation requirements for identification cards or badges. CC ID 06583 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a secure enrollment process for biometric systems. CC ID 17007 Technical security Preventive
    Disallow self-enrollment of biometric information. CC ID 11834 Technical security Preventive
    Enforce the network segmentation requirements. CC ID 16381 Technical security Preventive
    Use a passive asset inventory discovery tool to identify assets when network mapping. CC ID 13735
    [{weekly basis} Use a passive discovery tool to identify assets connected to the enterprise's network. Review and use scans to update the enterprise's asset inventory at least weekly, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.5 Use a Passive Asset Discovery Tool]
    Technical security Detective
    Use an active asset inventory discovery tool to identify sensitive information for data flow diagrams. CC ID 13737 Technical security Detective
    Include testing and approving all network connections through the firewall in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 01270 Technical security Detective
    Update application layer firewalls to the most current version. CC ID 12037 Technical security Preventive
    Assign virtual escorting to authorized personnel. CC ID 16440 Technical security Preventive
    Define the asymmetric signature field for the CHUID container on identification cards or badges. CC ID 06584 Technical security Preventive
    Implement cryptographic operations and support functions on identification cards or badges. CC ID 06585 Technical security Preventive
    Define the format of the biometric data on identification cards or badges. CC ID 06586 Technical security Preventive
    Remove malware when malicious code is discovered. CC ID 13691 Technical security Corrective
    Include all vulnerabilities in the application security review. CC ID 12036 Technical security Preventive
    Remote wipe any distributed asset reported lost or stolen. CC ID 12197
    [{be appropriate} Remotely wipe enterprise data from enterprise-owned portable end-user devices when deemed appropriate such as lost or stolen devices, or when an individual no longer supports the enterprise. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.11 Enforce Remote Wipe Capability on Portable End-User Devices]
    Physical and environmental protection Corrective
    Include a "Return to Sender" text file on mobile devices. CC ID 17075 Physical and environmental protection Preventive
    Perform backup procedures for in scope systems. CC ID 11692
    [{weekly basis} Perform automated backups of in-scope enterprise assets. Run backups weekly, or more frequently, based on the sensitivity of the data. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.2 Perform Automated Backups]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Restrict unscheduled downtime in order to maintain high availability for critical systems. CC ID 12742 Operational management Preventive
    Include interconnected systems and Software as a Service in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 04885
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain compensating controls for system components when third party support is no longer available. CC ID 17174 Operational management Preventive
    Implement automated mechanisms to transfer predictive maintenance data to a maintenance management system. CC ID 10616 Operational management Preventive
    Include support from law enforcement authorities when conducting incident response activities, as necessary. CC ID 13197 Operational management Corrective
    Coordinate incident response activities with interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 13196 Operational management Corrective
    Contain the incident to prevent further loss. CC ID 01751 Operational management Corrective
    Revoke the written request to delay the notification. CC ID 16843 Operational management Preventive
    Post the incident response notification on the organization's website. CC ID 16809 Operational management Preventive
    Document the determination for providing a substitute incident response notification. CC ID 16841 Operational management Preventive
    Conduct incident investigations, as necessary. CC ID 13826 Operational management Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a patch management program. CC ID 00896 Operational management Preventive
    Remove dormant data from systems, as necessary. CC ID 13726 Records management Preventive
    Determine how long to keep records and logs before disposing them. CC ID 11661
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process
    Retain data according to the enterprise's documented data management process. Data retention must include both minimum and maximum timelines. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.4 Enforce Data Retention
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented audit log management process that defines the enterprise's logging requirements. At a minimum, address the collection, review, and retention of audit logs for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.1 Establish and Maintain an Audit Log Management Process]
    Records management Preventive
    Define each system's disposition requirements for records and logs. CC ID 11651
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process]
    Records management Preventive
    Display required information automatically in electronic health records. CC ID 14442 Records management Preventive
    Create export summaries, as necessary. CC ID 14446 Records management Preventive
    Identify patient-specific education resources. CC ID 14439 Records management Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 06591 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Define the physical requirements for identification cards or badges in the identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 06592 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Define the mandatory items that must appear on identification cards or badges in the identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 06593 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Define the optional items that may appear on identification cards or badges in the identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 06594 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include the logical credential data model for identification cards or badges in the identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 06595 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Identify the components in a set of web pages that consistently have the same functionality. CC ID 15116 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Protect applications from cross-site scripting through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11899 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Protect against coding vulnerabilities through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11897
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Protect applications from broken authentication and session management through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11896 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Protect applications from cross-site request forgery through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11895 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Document attempts to obtain system documentation. CC ID 14284 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Corrective
    Search the Internet for evidence of data leakage. CC ID 10419
    [Monitor service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Monitoring may include periodic reassessment of service provider compliance, monitoring service provider release notes, and dark web monitoring. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.6 Monitor Service Providers]
    Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Alert appropriate personnel when data leakage is detected. CC ID 14715 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Take appropriate action when a data leakage is discovered. CC ID 14716 Privacy protection for information and data Corrective
    Formalize client and third party relationships with contracts or nondisclosure agreements. CC ID 00794 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Assess third parties' compliance environment during due diligence. CC ID 13134 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Engage third parties to scope third party services' applicability to the organization's compliance requirements, as necessary. CC ID 12064 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
  • Records Management
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Retain penetration test results according to internal policy. CC ID 10049 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Retain penetration test remediation action records according to internal policy. CC ID 11629 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Maintain vulnerability scan reports as organizational records. CC ID 12092 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Archive Public Key certificate records according to organizational Records Management rules. CC ID 07090 Technical security Preventive
    Separate duplicate originals and backup media from the original electronic storage media. CC ID 00961
    [Establish and maintain an isolated instance of recovery data. Example implementations include version controlling backup destinations through offline, cloud, or off-site systems or services. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.4 Establish and Maintain an Isolated Instance of Recovery Data]
    Physical and environmental protection Preventive
    Include source code in the asset inventory. CC ID 14858 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain incident management audit logs. CC ID 13514 Operational management Preventive
    Retain collected evidence for potential future legal actions. CC ID 01235 Operational management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain secure storage and handling of evidence procedures. CC ID 08656 Operational management Preventive
    Archive appropriate records, logs, and database tables. CC ID 06321 Records management Preventive
    Retain records in accordance with applicable requirements. CC ID 00968
    [Collect, alert, review, and retain audit logs of events that could help detect, understand, or recover from an attack. CIS Control 8: Audit Log Management
    {stipulated time frame} Retain audit logs across enterprise assets for a minimum of 90 days. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.10 Retain Audit Logs]
    Records management Preventive
    Manage the disposition status for all records. CC ID 00972
    [{disposal method} Securely dispose of data as outlined in the enterprise's documented data management process. Ensure the disposal process and method are commensurate with the data sensitivity. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.5 Securely Dispose of Data]
    Records management Preventive
    Remove and/or destroy records according to the records' retention event and retention period schedule. CC ID 06621 Records management Preventive
    Capture the records required by organizational compliance requirements. CC ID 00912
    [Develop processes and technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data. CIS Control 3: Data Protection]
    Records management Detective
    Review and update Individually Identifiable Health Information in the patient's electronic health records, as necessary. CC ID 14438 Records management Preventive
    Establish and maintain an implantable device list. CC ID 14444 Records management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a recordkeeping system. CC ID 15709 Records management Preventive
    Log the termination date in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 16181 Records management Preventive
    Log the name of the requestor in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 15712 Records management Preventive
    Log the date and time each item is accessed in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 15711 Records management Preventive
    Log records as being received into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11696 Records management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a transfer journal. CC ID 11729 Records management Preventive
    Provide a receipt of records logged into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11697 Records management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain security controls appropriate to the record types and electronic storage media. CC ID 00943 Records management Preventive
  • Systems Continuity
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Back up audit trails according to backup procedures. CC ID 11642 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain backup procedures for in scope systems. CC ID 01258 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Document the backup method and backup frequency on a case-by-case basis in the backup procedures. CC ID 01384
    [{weekly basis} Perform automated backups of in-scope enterprise assets. Run backups weekly, or more frequently, based on the sensitivity of the data. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.2 Perform Automated Backups]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Back up all records. CC ID 11974 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Prepare the alternate facility for an emergency offsite relocation. CC ID 00744 Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Protect backup systems and restoration systems at the alternate facility. CC ID 04883
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data recovery process. In the process, address the scope of data recovery activities, recovery prioritization, and the security of backup data. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Recovery Process]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Preventive
    Include consumer protection procedures in the Incident Response program. CC ID 12755 Operational management Preventive
    Review third parties' backup policies. CC ID 13043 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
  • Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Implement gateways between security domains. CC ID 16493 Technical security Preventive
    Apply security controls to each level of the information classification standard. CC ID 01903 Operational management Preventive
    Include each Information System's system boundaries in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 00695 Operational management Preventive
    Review each system's operational readiness. CC ID 06275 Operational management Preventive
    Initiate the System Development Life Cycle planning phase. CC ID 06266 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain security design principles. CC ID 14718
    [{insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include reduced complexity of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14753 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include self-reliant trustworthiness of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14752 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include partially ordered dependencies of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14751 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include modularity and layering of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14750 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include secure evolvability of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14749 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include least common mechanisms between systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14747 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include secure system modification of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14746
    [{insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include clear abstractions of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14745 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include secure failure and recovery of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14744 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include repeatable and documented procedures for systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14743 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include least privilege of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14742
    [{insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include minimized sharing of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14741 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include acceptable security of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14740 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include minimized security elements in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14739 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include hierarchical protection in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14738 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include self-analysis of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14737 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include inverse modification thresholds in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14736 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include efficiently mediated access to systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14735 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include secure distributed composition of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14734 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include minimization of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14733 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include secure defaults in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14732 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include trusted communications channels for systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14731 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include economic security in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14730 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include trusted components of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14729 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include procedural rigor in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14728 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include accountability and traceability of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14727 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include hierarchical trust in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14726 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include sufficient documentation for systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14725 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include performance security of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14724 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include human factored security in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14723 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include secure metadata management of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14722 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include predicate permission of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14721 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Separate the design and development environment from the production environment. CC ID 06088
    [{production system} Maintain separate environments for production and non-production systems. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.8 Separate Production and Non-Production Systems]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Initiate the System Development Life Cycle development phase or System Development Life Cycle build phase. CC ID 06267 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Develop systems in accordance with the system design specifications and system design standards. CC ID 01094 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Develop new products based on best practices. CC ID 01095 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include threat models in the system design specification. CC ID 06829
    [Conduct threat modeling. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. It is conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. The goal is to map out the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its weaknesses. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.14 Conduct Threat Modeling
    Conduct threat modeling. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. It is conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. The goal is to map out the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its weaknesses. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.14 Conduct Threat Modeling]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include security requirements in the system design specification. CC ID 06826 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Define the data elements to be stored on identification cards or badges in the identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 15427 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include security measures in the identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 15423 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Implement security controls when developing systems. CC ID 06270
    [{static analysis tool} Apply static and dynamic analysis tools within the application life cycle to verify that secure coding practices are being followed. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.12 Implement Code-Level Security Checks
    Leverage vetted modules or services for application security components, such as identity management, encryption, and auditing and logging. Using platform features in critical security functions will reduce developers' workload and minimize the likelihood of design or implementation errors. Modern operating systems provide effective mechanisms for identification, authentication, and authorization and make those mechanisms available to applications. Use only standardized, currently accepted, and extensively reviewed encryption algorithms. Operating systems also provide mechanisms to create and maintain secure audit logs. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.11 Leverage Vetted Modules or Services for Application Security Components]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Analyze and minimize attack surfaces when developing systems. CC ID 06828
    [{insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Implement a hardware security module, as necessary. CC ID 12222 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Require dual authentication when switching out of PCI mode in the hardware security module. CC ID 12274 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include an indicator to designate when the hardware security module is in PCI mode. CC ID 12273 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Design the random number generator to generate random numbers that are unpredictable. CC ID 12255 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Design the hardware security module to enforce the separation between applications. CC ID 12254 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Protect sensitive data when transiting sensitive services in the hardware security module. CC ID 12253 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Design the hardware security module to automatically clear its internal buffers of sensitive information prior to reuse of the buffer. CC ID 12233 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Design the hardware security module to automatically clear its internal buffers of sensitive information after it recovers from an error condition. CC ID 12252 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Design the hardware security module to automatically clear its internal buffers of sensitive information when it has timed out. CC ID 12251 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Design the hardware security module to erase sensitive data when compromised. CC ID 12275 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Restrict key-usage information for cryptographic keys in the hardware security module. CC ID 12232 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Prevent cryptographic keys in the hardware security module from making unauthorized changes to data. CC ID 12231 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Protect sensitive information within the hardware security module from unauthorized changes. CC ID 12225 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Prohibit sensitive functions from working outside of protected areas of the hardware security module. CC ID 12224 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Install secret information into the hardware security module during manufacturing. CC ID 12249 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Install secret information into the hardware security module so that it can only be verified by the initial-key-loading facility. CC ID 12272 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Install secret information under dual control into the hardware security module. CC ID 12257 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Design the security architecture. CC ID 06269 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Develop new products based on secure coding techniques. CC ID 11733
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Protect applications from attacks on business logic through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 15472 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Refrain from hard-coding security parameters in source code. CC ID 14917 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Protect applications from attacks on data and data structures through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 15482 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Refrain from displaying error messages to end users through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 12166 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Address known coding vulnerabilities as a part of secure coding techniques. CC ID 12493 Systems design, build, and implementation Corrective
    Initiate the System Development Life Cycle implementation phase. CC ID 06268 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
  • Technical Security
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Subscribe to a threat intelligence service to receive notification of emerging threats. CC ID 12135
    [Develop a plan to continuously assess and track vulnerabilities on all enterprise assets within the enterprise's infrastructure, in order to remediate, and minimize, the window of opportunity for attackers. Monitor public and private industry sources for new threat and vulnerability information. CIS Control 7: Continuous Vulnerability Management]
    Leadership and high level objectives Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain log analysis tools. CC ID 17056 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Identify cybersecurity events in event logs and audit logs. CC ID 13206
    [Collect, alert, review, and retain audit logs of events that could help detect, understand, or recover from an attack. CIS Control 8: Audit Log Management]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Scan wireless networks for rogue devices. CC ID 11623 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Implement incident response procedures when rogue devices are discovered. CC ID 11880 Monitoring and measurement Corrective
    Perform internal penetration tests, as necessary. CC ID 12471
    [{annual basis} Perform periodic internal penetration tests based on program requirements, no less than annually. The testing may be clear box or opaque box. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.5 Perform Periodic Internal Penetration Tests]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Perform external penetration tests, as necessary. CC ID 12470
    [{annual basis} Perform periodic external penetration tests based on program requirements, no less than annually. External penetration testing must include enterprise and environmental reconnaissance to detect exploitable information. Penetration testing requires specialized skills and experience and must be conducted through a qualified party. The testing may be clear box or opaque box. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.2 Perform Periodic External Penetration Tests]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Perform application-layer penetration testing on all systems, as necessary. CC ID 11630
    [Conduct application penetration testing. For critical applications, authenticated penetration testing is better suited to finding business logic vulnerabilities than code scanning and automated security testing. Penetration testing relies on the skill of the tester to manually manipulate an application as an authenticated and unauthenticated user. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.13 Conduct Application Penetration Testing]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Perform penetration testing on segmentation controls, as necessary. CC ID 12498 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Prevent adversaries from disabling or compromising security controls. CC ID 17057 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Estimate the maximum bandwidth of any covert channels. CC ID 10653 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Reduce the maximum bandwidth of covert channels. CC ID 10655 Monitoring and measurement Corrective
    Perform vulnerability scans, as necessary. CC ID 11637
    [{quarterly basis} {authenticated vulnerability scan} {unauthenticated vulnerability scan} Perform automated vulnerability scans of internal enterprise assets on a quarterly, or more frequent, basis. Conduct both authenticated and unauthenticated scans. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.5 Perform Automated Vulnerability Scans of Internal Enterprise Assets]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Identify and document security vulnerabilities. CC ID 11857 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Use dedicated user accounts when conducting vulnerability scans. CC ID 12098 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Assign vulnerability scanning to qualified personnel or external third parties. CC ID 11638
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Correlate vulnerability scan reports from the various systems. CC ID 10636 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Perform vulnerability scans prior to installing payment applications. CC ID 12192 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Implement scanning tools, as necessary. CC ID 14282 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Repeat vulnerability scanning after an approved change occurs. CC ID 12468 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Perform external vulnerability scans, as necessary. CC ID 11624 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Use automated mechanisms to compare new vulnerability scan reports with past vulnerability scan reports. CC ID 10635 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Perform vulnerability assessments, as necessary. CC ID 11828 Monitoring and measurement Corrective
    Review applications for security vulnerabilities after the application is updated. CC ID 11938
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Recommend mitigation techniques based on vulnerability scan reports. CC ID 11639
    [Remediate penetration test findings based on the enterprise's documented vulnerability remediation process. This should include determining a timeline and level of effort based on the impact and prioritization of each identified finding. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.3 Remediate Penetration Test Findings]
    Monitoring and measurement Corrective
    Correct or mitigate vulnerabilities. CC ID 12497
    [{monthly basis} Remediate detected vulnerabilities in software through processes and tooling on a monthly, or more frequent, basis, based on the remediation process. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.7 Remediate Detected Vulnerabilities
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1
    Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program
    Remediate penetration test findings based on the enterprise's documented vulnerability remediation process. This should include determining a timeline and level of effort based on the impact and prioritization of each identified finding. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.3 Remediate Penetration Test Findings]
    Monitoring and measurement Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain an exception management process for vulnerabilities that cannot be remediated. CC ID 13859 Monitoring and measurement Corrective
    Deploy log normalization tools, as necessary. CC ID 12141 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Restrict access to audit trails to a need to know basis. CC ID 11641 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Implement safeguards to protect access credentials from unauthorized access. CC ID 16433 Technical security Preventive
    Identify information system users. CC ID 12081
    [{user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts]
    Technical security Detective
    Review user accounts. CC ID 00525
    [{quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, must contain department owner, review date, and purpose. Perform service account reviews to validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.5 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Accounts
    {user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts]
    Technical security Detective
    Identify and authenticate processes running on information systems that act on behalf of users. CC ID 12082 Technical security Detective
    Review shared accounts. CC ID 11840 Technical security Detective
    Control access rights to organizational assets. CC ID 00004
    [Configure data access control lists based on a user's need to know. Apply data access control lists, also known as access permissions, to local and remote file systems, databases, and applications. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.3 Configure Data Access Control Lists
    Establish and follow a documented process, preferably automated, for granting access to enterprise assets upon new hire or role change of a user. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.1 Establish an Access Granting Process]
    Technical security Preventive
    Generate but refrain from storing authenticators or Personal Identification Numbers for systems involved in high risk activities. CC ID 06835 Technical security Preventive
    Define access needs for each system component of an information system. CC ID 12456 Technical security Preventive
    Define the level of privilege required for each system component of an information system. CC ID 12457 Technical security Preventive
    Establish access rights based on least privilege. CC ID 01411
    [{annual basis} Define and maintain role-based access control, through determining and documenting the access rights necessary for each role within the enterprise to successfully carry out its assigned duties. Perform access control reviews of enterprise assets to validate that all privileges are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.8 Define and Maintain Role-Based Access Control
    Design and maintain a secure network architecture. A secure network architecture must address segmentation, least privilege, and availability, at a minimum. Example implementations may include documentation, policy, and design components. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.2 Establish and Maintain a Secure Network Architecture]
    Technical security Preventive
    Assign user permissions based on job responsibilities. CC ID 00538 Technical security Preventive
    Assign user privileges after they have management sign off. CC ID 00542 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain lockout procedures or lockout mechanisms to be triggered after a predetermined number of consecutive logon attempts. CC ID 01412
    [Enforce automatic device lockout following a predetermined threshold of local failed authentication attempts on portable end-user devices, where supported. For laptops, do not allow more than 20 failed authentication attempts; for tablets and smartphones, no more than 10 failed authentication attempts. Example implementations include Microsoft® InTune Device Lock and Apple® Configuration Profile maxFailedAttempts. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.10 Enforce Automatic Device Lockout on Portable End-User Devices]
    Technical security Preventive
    Disallow unlocking user accounts absent system administrator approval. CC ID 01413 Technical security Preventive
    Establish session authenticity through Transport Layer Security. CC ID 01627 Technical security Preventive
    Include all system components in the access control system. CC ID 11939 Technical security Preventive
    Enable access control for objects and users to match restrictions set by the system's security classification. CC ID 04850
    [{remote connection} Manage access control for assets remotely connecting to enterprise resources. Determine amount of access to enterprise resources based on: up-to-date anti-malware software installed, configuration compliance with the enterprise's secure configuration process, and ensuring the operating system and applications are up-to-date. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.5 Manage Access Control for Remote Assets]
    Technical security Preventive
    Enable attribute-based access control for objects and users on information systems. CC ID 16351 Technical security Preventive
    Enable role-based access control for objects and users on information systems. CC ID 12458
    [{annual basis} Define and maintain role-based access control, through determining and documenting the access rights necessary for each role within the enterprise to successfully carry out its assigned duties. Perform access control reviews of enterprise assets to validate that all privileges are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.8 Define and Maintain Role-Based Access Control]
    Technical security Preventive
    Enforce access restrictions for change control. CC ID 01428 Technical security Preventive
    Permit a limited set of user actions absent identification and authentication. CC ID 04849 Technical security Preventive
    Activate third party maintenance accounts and user identifiers, as necessary. CC ID 04262 Technical security Preventive
    Display a logon banner and appropriate logon message before granting access to the system. CC ID 06770 Technical security Preventive
    Use automatic equipment identification as a method of connection authentication absent an individual's identification and authentication. CC ID 06964 Technical security Preventive
    Control user privileges. CC ID 11665 Technical security Preventive
    Review all user privileges, as necessary. CC ID 06784
    [{annual basis} Define and maintain role-based access control, through determining and documenting the access rights necessary for each role within the enterprise to successfully carry out its assigned duties. Perform access control reviews of enterprise assets to validate that all privileges are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.8 Define and Maintain Role-Based Access Control]
    Technical security Preventive
    Review each user's access capabilities when their role changes. CC ID 00524 Technical security Preventive
    Enable products restricted by Digital Rights Management to be used while offline. CC ID 07094 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain User Access Management procedures. CC ID 00514 Technical security Preventive
    Review and approve logical access to all assets based upon organizational policies. CC ID 06641 Technical security Preventive
    Control the addition and modification of user identifiers, user credentials, or other authenticators. CC ID 00515
    [{user account}{administrator account} Use processes and tools to create, assign, manage, and revoke access credentials and privileges for user, administrator, and service accounts for enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 6: Access Control Management
    {user account}{administrator account} Use processes and tools to create, assign, manage, and revoke access credentials and privileges for user, administrator, and service accounts for enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 6: Access Control Management]
    Technical security Preventive
    Automate access control methods, as necessary. CC ID 11838 Technical security Preventive
    Automate Access Control Systems, as necessary. CC ID 06854 Technical security Preventive
    Refrain from storing logon credentials for third party applications. CC ID 13690 Technical security Preventive
    Refrain from allowing user access to identifiers and authenticators used by applications. CC ID 10048 Technical security Preventive
    Remove inactive user accounts, as necessary. CC ID 00517
    [{stipulated timeframe} Delete or disable any dormant accounts after a period of 45 days of inactivity, where supported. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.3 Disable Dormant Accounts]
    Technical security Corrective
    Remove temporary user accounts, as necessary. CC ID 11839 Technical security Corrective
    Enforce the password policy. CC ID 16347 Technical security Preventive
    Enforce usage restrictions for superuser accounts. CC ID 07064 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain user accounts in accordance with the organizational Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 00526
    [Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 5: Account Management]
    Technical security Preventive
    Protect and manage biometric systems and biometric data. CC ID 01261 Technical security Preventive
    Implement out-of-band authentication, as necessary. CC ID 10606 Technical security Corrective
    Implement alternative authentication mechanisms when individuals cannot utilize primary authentication mechanisms. CC ID 17002 Technical security Preventive
    Include digital identification procedures in the access control program. CC ID 11841 Technical security Preventive
    Disallow the use of Personal Identification Numbers as user identifiers. CC ID 06785 Technical security Preventive
    Require proper authentication for user identifiers. CC ID 11785 Technical security Preventive
    Refrain from allowing individuals to share authentication mechanisms. CC ID 11932 Technical security Preventive
    Refrain from assigning authentication mechanisms for shared accounts. CC ID 11910 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a fallback mechanism for when the biometric system fails. CC ID 17006 Technical security Preventive
    Prevent the disclosure of the closeness of the biometric data during the biometric verification. CC ID 17003 Technical security Preventive
    Employ live scans to verify biometric authentication. CC ID 06847 Technical security Preventive
    Identify and control all network access controls. CC ID 00529
    [Centralize network AAA. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.5 Centralize Network Authentication, Authorization, and Auditing (AAA)
    Deploy port-level access control. Port-level access control utilizes 802.1x, or similar network access control protocols, such as certificates, and may incorporate user and/or device authentication. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.9 Deploy Port-Level Access Control]
    Technical security Preventive
    Place Intrusion Detection Systems and Intrusion Response Systems in network locations where they will be the most effective. CC ID 04589 Technical security Detective
    Protect system or device management and control planes from unwanted user plane traffic. CC ID 17063 Technical security Preventive
    Ensure the data plane, control plane, and management plane have been segregated according to organizational standards. CC ID 16385 Technical security Preventive
    Manage all internal network connections. CC ID 06329 Technical security Preventive
    Employ Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server logging when assigning dynamic IP addresses using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. CC ID 12109
    [{weekly basis} Use DHCP logging on all DHCP servers or Internet Protocol (IP) address management tools to update the enterprise's asset inventory. Review and use logs to update the enterprise's asset inventory weekly, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.4 Use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Logging to Update Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain separate virtual private networks to transport sensitive information. CC ID 12124 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain separate virtual local area networks for untrusted devices. CC ID 12095 Technical security Preventive
    Plan for and approve all network changes. CC ID 00534 Technical security Preventive
    Manage all external network connections. CC ID 11842 Technical security Preventive
    Route outbound Internet traffic through a proxy server that supports decrypting network traffic. CC ID 12116 Technical security Preventive
    Prevent the insertion of unauthorized network traffic into secure networks. CC ID 17050 Technical security Preventive
    Prohibit systems from connecting directly to internal networks outside the demilitarized zone (DMZ). CC ID 16360 Technical security Preventive
    Implement a fault-tolerant architecture. CC ID 01626 Technical security Preventive
    Implement segregation of duties. CC ID 11843 Technical security Preventive
    Refrain from disclosing Internet Protocol addresses, routing information, and DNS names, unless necessary. CC ID 11891 Technical security Preventive
    Segregate systems in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 12546
    [Establish and maintain dedicated computing resources, either physically or logically separated, for all administrative tasks or tasks requiring administrative access. The computing resources should be segmented from the enterprise's primary network and not be allowed internet access. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.8 Establish and Maintain Dedicated Computing Resources for All Administrative Work
    Design and maintain a secure network architecture. A secure network architecture must address segmentation, least privilege, and availability, at a minimum. Example implementations may include documentation, policy, and design components. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.2 Establish and Maintain a Secure Network Architecture]
    Technical security Preventive
    Implement resource-isolation mechanisms in organizational networks. CC ID 16438 Technical security Preventive
    Segregate servers that contain restricted data or restricted information from direct public access. CC ID 00533
    [{be equivalent} Protect recovery data with equivalent controls to the original data. Reference encryption or data separation, based on requirements. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.3 Protect Recovery Data]
    Technical security Preventive
    Prevent logical access to dedicated networks from outside the secure areas. CC ID 12310 Technical security Preventive
    Design Demilitarized Zones with proper isolation rules. CC ID 00532 Technical security Preventive
    Restrict outbound network traffic out of the Demilitarized Zone. CC ID 16881 Technical security Preventive
    Restrict inbound network traffic into the Demilitarized Zone to destination addresses within the Demilitarized Zone. CC ID 11998 Technical security Preventive
    Restrict inbound Internet traffic within the Demilitarized Zone to system components that provide publicly accessible services, protocols, and ports. CC ID 11993 Technical security Preventive
    Employ firewalls to secure network connections between networks of different security categorizations. CC ID 16373 Technical security Preventive
    Employ firewalls to secure network connections between trusted networks and untrusted networks, as necessary. CC ID 11821
    [Implement and manage a firewall on servers, where supported. Example implementations include a virtual firewall, operating system firewall, or a third-party firewall agent. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.4 Implement and Manage a Firewall on Servers]
    Technical security Preventive
    Separate the wireless access points and wireless bridges from the wired network via a firewall. CC ID 04588 Technical security Preventive
    Employ centralized management systems to configure and control networks, as necessary. CC ID 12540 Technical security Preventive
    Include reviewing the rulesets for firewalls and routers in the firewall and router configuration standard, as necessary. CC ID 11903 Technical security Corrective
    Lock personal firewall configurations to prevent them from being disabled or changed by end users. CC ID 06420 Technical security Preventive
    Protect the firewall's network connection interfaces. CC ID 01955 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain packet filtering requirements. CC ID 16362 Technical security Preventive
    Filter packets based on IPv6 header fields. CC ID 17048 Technical security Preventive
    Configure firewall filtering to only permit established connections into the network. CC ID 12482
    [Use DNS filtering services on all end-user devices, including remote and on-premises assets, to block access to known malicious domains. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.2 Use DNS Filtering Services]
    Technical security Preventive
    Filter traffic at firewalls based on application layer attributes. CC ID 17054 Technical security Preventive
    Distrust relying solely on Wired Equivalent Privacy encryption for Wireless Local Area Networks. CC ID 01647 Technical security Preventive
    Conduct a Wireless Local Area Network site survey to determine the proper location for wireless access points. CC ID 00605 Technical security Preventive
    Use content filtering scans to identify information flows by data type specification. CC ID 06762 Technical security Preventive
    Use content filtering scans to identify information flows by data type usage. CC ID 11818 Technical security Preventive
    Prevent encrypted data from bypassing content filtering mechanisms. CC ID 06758 Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a data loss prevention solution to protect Access Control Lists. CC ID 12128
    [Implement an automated tool, such as a host-based Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tool to identify all sensitive data stored, processed, or transmitted through enterprise assets, including those located onsite or at a remote service provider, and update the enterprise's data inventory. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.13 Deploy a Data Loss Prevention Solution]
    Technical security Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain measures to detect and prevent the use of unsafe internet services. CC ID 13104 Technical security Preventive
    Block uncategorized sites using URL filtering. CC ID 12140
    [{blacklist website} Enforce and update network-based URL filters to limit an enterprise asset from connecting to potentially malicious or unapproved websites. Example implementations include category-based filtering, reputation-based filtering, or through the use of block lists. Enforce filters for all enterprise assets. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.3 Maintain and Enforce Network-Based URL Filters]
    Technical security Preventive
    Separate user functionality from system management functionality. CC ID 11858
    [Restrict administrator privileges to dedicated administrator accounts on enterprise assets. Conduct general computing activities, such as internet browsing, email, and productivity suite use, from the user's primary, non-privileged account. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.4 Restrict Administrator Privileges to Dedicated Administrator Accounts]
    Technical security Preventive
    Control all methods of remote access and teleworking. CC ID 00559
    [{remote connection} Manage access control for assets remotely connecting to enterprise resources. Determine amount of access to enterprise resources based on: up-to-date anti-malware software installed, configuration compliance with the enterprise's secure configuration process, and ensuring the operating system and applications are up-to-date. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.5 Manage Access Control for Remote Assets]
    Technical security Preventive
    Refrain from allowing remote users to copy files to remote devices. CC ID 06792 Technical security Preventive
    Control remote access through a network access control. CC ID 01421 Technical security Preventive
    Prohibit remote access to systems processing cleartext restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 12324 Technical security Preventive
    Employ multifactor authentication for remote access to the organization's network. CC ID 12505
    [Require MFA for remote network access. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.4 Require MFA for Remote Network Access]
    Technical security Preventive
    Refrain from allowing individuals to self-enroll into multifactor authentication from untrusted devices. CC ID 17173 Technical security Preventive
    Implement phishing-resistant multifactor authentication techniques. CC ID 16541 Technical security Preventive
    Limit the source addresses from which remote administration is performed. CC ID 16393 Technical security Preventive
    Manage the use of encryption controls and cryptographic controls. CC ID 00570
    [Leverage vetted modules or services for application security components, such as identity management, encryption, and auditing and logging. Using platform features in critical security functions will reduce developers' workload and minimize the likelihood of design or implementation errors. Modern operating systems provide effective mechanisms for identification, authentication, and authorization and make those mechanisms available to applications. Use only standardized, currently accepted, and extensively reviewed encryption algorithms. Operating systems also provide mechanisms to create and maintain secure audit logs. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.11 Leverage Vetted Modules or Services for Application Security Components]
    Technical security Preventive
    Employ cryptographic controls that comply with applicable requirements. CC ID 12491 Technical security Preventive
    Make key usage for data fields unique for each device. CC ID 04828 Technical security Preventive
    Accept only trusted keys and/or certificates. CC ID 11988 Technical security Preventive
    Bind keys to each identity. CC ID 12337 Technical security Preventive
    Generate unique cryptographic keys for each user. CC ID 12169 Technical security Preventive
    Implement decryption keys so that they are not linked to user accounts. CC ID 06851 Technical security Preventive
    Store key-encrypting keys and data-encrypting keys in different locations. CC ID 06085 Technical security Preventive
    Manage outdated cryptographic keys, compromised cryptographic keys, or revoked cryptographic keys. CC ID 06852 Technical security Preventive
    Issue authentication mechanisms that support the Public Key Infrastructure. CC ID 07092 Technical security Preventive
    Establish a Root Certification Authority to support the Public Key Infrastructure. CC ID 07084 Technical security Preventive
    Connect the Public Key Infrastructure to the organization's identity and access management system. CC ID 07091 Technical security Preventive
    Refrain from storing encryption keys with cloud service providers when cryptographic key management services are in place locally. CC ID 13153 Technical security Preventive
    Refrain from permitting cloud service providers to manage encryption keys when cryptographic key management services are in place locally. CC ID 13154 Technical security Preventive
    Use strong data encryption to transmit in scope data or in scope information, as necessary. CC ID 00564
    [Encrypt sensitive data in transit. Example implementations can include: Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Open Secure Shell (OpenSSH). CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.10 Encrypt Sensitive Data in Transit]
    Technical security Preventive
    Configure the encryption strength to be appropriate for the encryption methodology of the cryptographic controls. CC ID 12492 Technical security Preventive
    Encrypt traffic over networks with trusted cryptographic keys. CC ID 12490 Technical security Preventive
    Treat data messages that do not receive an acknowledgment as never been sent. CC ID 14416 Technical security Preventive
    Establish trusted paths to transmit restricted data or restricted information over public networks or wireless networks. CC ID 00568 Technical security Preventive
    Protect application services information transmitted over a public network from unauthorized modification. CC ID 12021 Technical security Preventive
    Protect application services information transmitted over a public network from unauthorized disclosure. CC ID 12020 Technical security Preventive
    Protect application services information transmitted over a public network from contract disputes. CC ID 12019 Technical security Preventive
    Protect application services information transmitted over a public network from fraudulent activity. CC ID 12018 Technical security Preventive
    Install and maintain container security solutions. CC ID 16178 Technical security Preventive
    Protect systems and devices from fragmentation based attacks and anomalies. CC ID 17058 Technical security Preventive
    Protect the system against replay attacks. CC ID 04552 Technical security Preventive
    Analyze the behavior and characteristics of the malicious code. CC ID 10672 Technical security Detective
    Incorporate the malicious code analysis into the patch management program. CC ID 10673 Technical security Corrective
    Correct all found deficiencies according to organizational standards after a web application policy compliance review. CC ID 06299 Technical security Corrective
    Re-evaluate the web application after deficiencies have been corrected. CC ID 06300 Technical security Corrective
    Terminate user accounts when notified that an individual is terminated. CC ID 11614
    [Establish and follow a process, preferably automated, for revoking access to enterprise assets, through disabling accounts immediately upon termination, rights revocation, or role change of a user. Disabling accounts, instead of deleting accounts, may be necessary to preserve audit trails. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.2 Establish an Access Revoking Process]
    Human Resources management Corrective
    Terminate access rights when notified of a personnel status change or an individual is terminated. CC ID 11826
    [{user account}{administrator account} Use processes and tools to create, assign, manage, and revoke access credentials and privileges for user, administrator, and service accounts for enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 6: Access Control Management
    Establish and follow a process, preferably automated, for revoking access to enterprise assets, through disabling accounts immediately upon termination, rights revocation, or role change of a user. Disabling accounts, instead of deleting accounts, may be necessary to preserve audit trails. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.2 Establish an Access Revoking Process]
    Human Resources management Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain segregation of duties compensating controls if segregation of duties is not practical. CC ID 06960 Human Resources management Preventive
    Use automated tools to collect Information Technology inventory information, as necessary. CC ID 07054
    [{daily basis} Utilize an active discovery tool to identify assets connected to the enterprise's network. Configure the active discovery tool to execute daily, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.3 Utilize an Active Discovery Tool
    Utilize software inventory tools, when possible, throughout the enterprise to automate the discovery and documentation of installed software. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.4 Utilize Automated Software Inventory Tools]
    Operational management Preventive
    Link the authentication system to the asset inventory. CC ID 13718 Operational management Preventive
    Employ Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server logging to detect systems not in the asset inventory. CC ID 12110 Operational management Detective
    Prevent users from disabling required software. CC ID 16417 Operational management Preventive
    Control remote maintenance according to the system's asset classification. CC ID 01433 Operational management Preventive
    Approve all remote maintenance sessions. CC ID 10615 Operational management Preventive
    Terminate remote maintenance sessions when the remote maintenance is complete. CC ID 12083 Operational management Preventive
    Employ dedicated systems during system maintenance. CC ID 12108
    [Establish and maintain dedicated computing resources, either physically or logically separated, for all administrative tasks or tasks requiring administrative access. The computing resources should be segmented from the enterprise's primary network and not be allowed internet access. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.8 Establish and Maintain Dedicated Computing Resources for All Administrative Work]
    Operational management Preventive
    Isolate dedicated systems used for system maintenance from Internet access. CC ID 12114
    [Establish and maintain dedicated computing resources, either physically or logically separated, for all administrative tasks or tasks requiring administrative access. The computing resources should be segmented from the enterprise's primary network and not be allowed internet access. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.8 Establish and Maintain Dedicated Computing Resources for All Administrative Work]
    Operational management Preventive
    Categorize the incident following an incident response. CC ID 13208 Operational management Preventive
    Wipe data and memory after an incident has been detected. CC ID 16850 Operational management Corrective
    Refrain from accessing compromised systems. CC ID 01752 Operational management Corrective
    Isolate compromised systems from the network. CC ID 01753 Operational management Corrective
    Change authenticators after a security incident has been detected. CC ID 06789 Operational management Corrective
    Change wireless access variables after a data loss event has been detected. CC ID 01756 Operational management Corrective
    Re-image compromised systems with secure builds. CC ID 12086 Operational management Corrective
    Integrate configuration management procedures into the incident management program. CC ID 13647 Operational management Preventive
    Respond when an integrity violation is detected, as necessary. CC ID 10678 Operational management Corrective
    Shut down systems when an integrity violation is detected, as necessary. CC ID 10679 Operational management Corrective
    Restart systems when an integrity violation is detected, as necessary. CC ID 10680 Operational management Corrective
    Patch software. CC ID 11825
    [{monthly basis} Perform application updates on enterprise assets through automated patch management on a monthly, or more frequent, basis. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.4 Perform Automated Application Patch Management]
    Operational management Corrective
    Patch the operating system, as necessary. CC ID 11824
    [{monthly basis} Perform operating system updates on enterprise assets through automated patch management on a monthly, or more frequent, basis. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.3 Perform Operating System Patch Management]
    Operational management Corrective
    Configure security parameter settings on all system components appropriately. CC ID 12041
    [{biannual basis} Use technical controls, such as digital signatures and version control, to ensure that only authorized scripts, such as specific .ps1, and .py files are allowed to execute. Block unauthorized scripts from executing. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.7 Allowlist Authorized Scripts]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure session timeout and reauthentication settings according to organizational standards. CC ID 12460
    [{stipulated timeframe} Configure automatic session locking on enterprise assets after a defined period of inactivity. For general purpose operating systems, the period must not exceed 15 minutes. For mobile end-user devices, the period must not exceed 2 minutes. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.3 Configure Automatic Session Locking on Enterprise Assets
    {stipulated timeframe} Configure automatic session locking on enterprise assets after a defined period of inactivity. For general purpose operating systems, the period must not exceed 15 minutes. For mobile end-user devices, the period must not exceed 2 minutes. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.3 Configure Automatic Session Locking on Enterprise Assets]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Terminate all dependent sessions upon session termination. CC ID 16984 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Invalidate session identifiers upon session termination. CC ID 10649 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Use the latest approved version of all assets. CC ID 00897
    [Ensure only fully supported browsers and email clients are allowed to execute in the enterprise, only using the latest version of browsers and email clients provided through the vendor. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.1 Ensure Use of Only Fully Supported Browsers and Email Clients]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Restrict and control the use of privileged utility programs. CC ID 12030 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain service accounts. CC ID 13861 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Review the ownership of service accounts, as necessary. CC ID 13863 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Manage access credentials for service accounts. CC ID 13862
    [Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 5: Account Management]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify system files are not world-writable. CC ID 01546 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify backup directories containing patches are not accessible. CC ID 01547 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Find files and directories with extended attributes. CC ID 01552 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Digitally sign and encrypt e-mail, as necessary. CC ID 04493 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Manage temporary files, as necessary. CC ID 04847 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Restrict the exporting of files and directories, as necessary. CC ID 16315 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Verify the /usr/lib/sendmail file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05324 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Employ multifactor authentication for accounts with administrative privilege. CC ID 12496
    [Require MFA for all administrative access accounts, where supported, on all enterprise assets, whether managed on-site or through a service provider. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.5 Require MFA for Administrative Access]
    System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Invoke a strong encryption method before requesting an authenticator. CC ID 11986 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Configure the log to capture all URL requests. CC ID 12138
    [Collect URL request audit logs on enterprise assets, where appropriate and supported. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.7 Collect URL Request Audit Logs]
    System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Store master images on securely configured servers. CC ID 12089 System hardening through configuration management Preventive
    Update the security configuration of hardened images, as necessary. CC ID 12088 System hardening through configuration management Corrective
    Establish, implement, and maintain online storage controls. CC ID 00942 Records management Preventive
    Provide encryption for different types of electronic storage media. CC ID 00945
    [Encrypt data on removable media. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.9 Encrypt Data on Removable Media]
    Records management Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a CAPTCHA design specification. CC ID 17092 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include restricted data encryption and restricted information encryption in the security controls. CC ID 01083 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Require successful authentication before granting access to system functionality via network interfaces. CC ID 14926 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Protect applications from insufficient anti-automation through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 16854 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Protect applications from improper access control through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11959 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Protect applications from improper error handling through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11937 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Protect applications from insecure communications through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11936 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Protect applications from format string attacks through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 17091 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Protect applications from XML external entities through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 14806 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Protect applications from insecure deserialization through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 14805 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Refrain from hard-coding usernames in source code. CC ID 06561 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Refrain from hard-coding authenticators in source code. CC ID 11829 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Refrain from hard-coding cryptographic keys in source code. CC ID 12307 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Protect applications from injection flaws through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11944 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Control user account management through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11909 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Restrict direct access of databases to the database administrator through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11933 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Protect applications from buffer overflows through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11943 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Protect applications from insecure cryptographic storage through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11935 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Protect databases from unauthorized database management actions through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 12049 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Standardize Application Programming Interfaces. CC ID 12167 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Include the cost effectiveness of security controls in system acquisition contracts. CC ID 11653 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Detective
    Install software that originates from approved third parties. CC ID 12184 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Preventive
    Protect electronic messaging information. CC ID 12022 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Render unrecoverable sensitive authentication data after authorization is approved. CC ID 11952 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Encrypt, truncate, or tokenize data fields, as necessary. CC ID 06850 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Implement security measures to protect personal data. CC ID 13606 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Document the third parties compliance with the organization's system hardening framework. CC ID 04263 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
  • Testing
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Supply each in scope asset with audit reduction tool and report generation capabilities to support after-the-fact investigations without altering the event logs. CC ID 01427 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system security plan. CC ID 01922 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Validate all testing assumptions in the test plans. CC ID 00663
    [Validate security measures after each penetration test. If deemed necessary, modify rulesets and capabilities to detect the techniques used during testing. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.4 Validate Security Measures]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Require testing procedures to be complete. CC ID 00664 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Determine the appropriate assessment method for each testing process in the test plan. CC ID 00665 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Include test requirements for the use of human subjects in the testing program. CC ID 16222 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Scan organizational networks for rogue devices. CC ID 00536
    [{weekly basis} Use a passive discovery tool to identify assets connected to the enterprise's network. Review and use scans to update the enterprise's asset inventory at least weekly, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.5 Use a Passive Asset Discovery Tool]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Scan the network for wireless access points. CC ID 00370 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Test the wireless device scanner's ability to detect rogue devices. CC ID 06859 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Establish, implement, and maintain a penetration testing methodology that validates scope-reduction controls through network segmentation. CC ID 11958 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Use dedicated user accounts when conducting penetration testing. CC ID 13728 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Remove dedicated user accounts after penetration testing is concluded. CC ID 13729 Monitoring and measurement Corrective
    Perform penetration tests, as necessary. CC ID 00655
    [Test the effectiveness and resiliency of enterprise assets through identifying and exploiting weaknesses in controls (people, processes, and technology), and simulating the objectives and actions of an attacker. CIS Control 18: Penetration Testing]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Include coverage of all in scope systems during penetration testing. CC ID 11957
    [{annual basis} Perform periodic external penetration tests based on program requirements, no less than annually. External penetration testing must include enterprise and environmental reconnaissance to detect exploitable information. Penetration testing requires specialized skills and experience and must be conducted through a qualified party. The testing may be clear box or opaque box. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.2 Perform Periodic External Penetration Tests]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Test the system for broken access controls. CC ID 01319 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Test the system for broken authentication and session management. CC ID 01320 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Test the system for insecure communications. CC ID 00535 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Test the system for cross-site scripting attacks. CC ID 01321 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Test the system for buffer overflows. CC ID 01322 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Test the system for injection flaws. CC ID 01323 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Test the system for Denial of Service. CC ID 01326 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Test the system for insecure configuration management. CC ID 01327 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Perform network-layer penetration testing on all systems, as necessary. CC ID 01277 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Test the system for cross-site request forgery. CC ID 06296 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Repeat penetration testing, as necessary. CC ID 06860 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Test the system for covert channels. CC ID 10652 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Test systems to determine which covert channels might be exploited. CC ID 10654 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Conduct scanning activities in a test environment. CC ID 17036 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Repeat vulnerability scanning, as necessary. CC ID 11646
    [{monthly basis} Perform automated vulnerability scans of externally-exposed enterprise assets. Perform scans on a monthly, or more frequent, basis. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.6 Perform Automated Vulnerability Scans of Externally-Exposed Enterprise Assets]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Perform internal vulnerability scans, as necessary. CC ID 00656
    [{monthly basis} Perform automated vulnerability scans of externally-exposed enterprise assets. Perform scans on a monthly, or more frequent, basis. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.6 Perform Automated Vulnerability Scans of Externally-Exposed Enterprise Assets]
    Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Meet the requirements for a passing score during an external vulnerability scan or rescan. CC ID 12039 Monitoring and measurement Preventive
    Test the system for unvalidated input. CC ID 01318 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Test the system for proper error handling. CC ID 01324 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Test the system for insecure data storage. CC ID 01325 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Test the system for access control enforcement in all Uniform Resource Locators. CC ID 06297 Monitoring and measurement Detective
    Perform a risk assessment prior to activating third party access to the organization's critical systems. CC ID 06455 Technical security Detective
    Employ unique identifiers. CC ID 01273
    [{minimum number of characters} Use unique passwords for all enterprise assets. Best practice implementation includes, at a minimum, an 8-character password for accounts using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and a 14-character password for accounts not using MFA. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.2 Use Unique Passwords]
    Technical security Detective
    Authenticate user identities before unlocking an account. CC ID 11837 Technical security Detective
    Authenticate user identities before manually resetting an authenticator. CC ID 04567 Technical security Detective
    Identify the user when enrolling them in the biometric system. CC ID 06882 Technical security Detective
    Register all Domain Names associated with the organization to the organization and not an individual. CC ID 07210 Technical security Detective
    Configure firewalls to perform dynamic packet filtering. CC ID 01288 Technical security Detective
    Require the system to identify and authenticate approved devices before establishing a connection. CC ID 01429
    [Require users to authenticate to enterprise-managed VPN and authentication services prior to accessing enterprise resources on end-user devices. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.7 Ensue Remote Devices Utilize a VPN and are Connecting to an Enterprise's AAA Infrastructure]
    Technical security Preventive
    Scan the system to verify modems are disabled or removed, except the modems that are explicitly approved. CC ID 00560 Technical security Detective
    Test cryptographic key management applications, as necessary. CC ID 04829 Technical security Detective
    Implement non-repudiation for transactions. CC ID 00567 Technical security Detective
    Test all removable storage media for viruses and malicious code. CC ID 11861
    [Configure anti-malware software to automatically scan removable media. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.4 Configure Automatic Anti-Malware Scanning of Removable Media]
    Technical security Detective
    Test all untrusted files or unverified files for viruses and malicious code. CC ID 01311 Technical security Detective
    Conduct application security reviews, as necessary. CC ID 06298
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Technical security Detective
    Test the recovery plan, as necessary. CC ID 13290
    [{quarterly basis} Test backup recovery quarterly, or more frequently, for a sampling of in-scope enterprise assets. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.5 Test Data Recovery]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Detective
    Test the backup information, as necessary. CC ID 13303 Operational and Systems Continuity Detective
    Test backup media for media integrity and information integrity, as necessary. CC ID 01401 Operational and Systems Continuity Detective
    Test backup media at the alternate facility in addition to testing at the primary facility. CC ID 06375 Operational and Systems Continuity Detective
    Test each restored system for media integrity and information integrity. CC ID 01920 Operational and Systems Continuity Detective
    Include stakeholders when testing restored systems, as necessary. CC ID 13066 Operational and Systems Continuity Corrective
    Assign and staff all roles appropriately. CC ID 00784 Human Resources management Detective
    Implement segregation of duties in roles and responsibilities. CC ID 00774 Human Resources management Detective
    Test systems for malicious code prior to when the system will be redeployed. CC ID 06339 Operational management Detective
    Conduct maintenance with authorized personnel. CC ID 01434 Operational management Detective
    Calibrate assets according to the calibration procedures for the asset. CC ID 06203 Operational management Detective
    Test for detrimental environmental factors after a system is disposed. CC ID 06938 Operational management Detective
    Assess all incidents to determine what information was accessed. CC ID 01226 Operational management Corrective
    Test incident monitoring procedures. CC ID 13194 Operational management Detective
    Open a priority incident request after a security breach is detected. CC ID 04838 Operational management Corrective
    Activate the incident response notification procedures after a security breach is detected. CC ID 04839 Operational management Corrective
    Establish trust between the incident response team and the end user community during an incident. CC ID 01217 Operational management Detective
    Test the operation of the digital forensic equipment prior to use. CC ID 08694 Operational management Detective
    Test the incident response procedures. CC ID 01216
    [Plan and conduct routine incident response exercises and scenarios for key personnel involved in the incident response process to prepare for responding to real-world incidents. Exercises need to test communication channels, decision-making, and workflows. Conduct testing on an annual basis, at a minimum. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.7 Conduct Routine Incident Response Exercises
    Plan and conduct routine incident response exercises and scenarios for key personnel involved in the incident response process to prepare for responding to real-world incidents. Exercises need to test communication channels, decision-making, and workflows. Conduct testing on an annual basis, at a minimum. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.7 Conduct Routine Incident Response Exercises]
    Operational management Detective
    Test network access controls for proper Configuration Management settings. CC ID 01281 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Verify wireless peripherals meet organizational security requirements. CC ID 00657 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Configure security and protection software to check for up-to-date signature files. CC ID 00576
    [Configure automatic updates for anti-malware signature files on all enterprise assets. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.2 Configure Automatic Anti-Malware Signature Updates]
    System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Test systems to ensure they conform to configuration baselines. CC ID 13062 System hardening through configuration management Detective
    Maintain continued integrity for all stored data and stored records. CC ID 00969 Records management Detective
    Restrict system architects from being assigned as Administrators. CC ID 01064 Systems design, build, and implementation Detective
    Restrict the development team from having access to the production environment. CC ID 01066 Systems design, build, and implementation Detective
    Perform a risk assessment for each system development project. CC ID 01000
    [Conduct threat modeling. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. It is conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. The goal is to map out the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its weaknesses. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.14 Conduct Threat Modeling]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Detective
    Implement security controls in development endpoints. CC ID 16389 Systems design, build, and implementation Preventive
    Audit all modifications to the application being developed. CC ID 01614 Systems design, build, and implementation Detective
    Perform Quality Management on all newly developed or modified systems. CC ID 01100 Systems design, build, and implementation Detective
    Review and test custom code to identify potential coding vulnerabilities. CC ID 01316
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Detective
    Review and test source code. CC ID 01086 Systems design, build, and implementation Detective
    Correct code anomalies and code deficiencies in custom code and retest before release. CC ID 06292 Systems design, build, and implementation Corrective
    Approve all custom code test results before code is released. CC ID 06293 Systems design, build, and implementation Detective
    Perform a final system test prior to implementing a new system. CC ID 01108 Systems design, build, and implementation Detective
    Provide a Configuration Management plan by the Information System developer for all newly acquired assets. CC ID 01446 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Detective
    Require the Information System developer to create a Security Testing and Evaluation plan, implement the test, and provide the test results for all newly acquired assets. CC ID 01447 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Detective
    Test new hardware or upgraded hardware and software for implementation of security controls. CC ID 06743 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Detective
    Test new software or upgraded software for security vulnerabilities. CC ID 01898
    [{be up to date} Use up-to-date and trusted third-party software components. When possible, choose established and proven frameworks and libraries that provide adequate security. Acquire these components from trusted sources or evaluate the software for vulnerabilities before use. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.5 Use Up-to-Date and Trusted Third-Party Software Components]
    Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Detective
    Refrain from storing data elements containing payment card full magnetic stripe data. CC ID 04757 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Implement physical controls to protect personal data. CC ID 00355 Privacy protection for information and data Preventive
    Conduct personal data risk assessments. CC ID 00357 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Conduct internal data processing audits. CC ID 00374 Privacy protection for information and data Detective
    Include third party acknowledgment of their data protection responsibilities in third party contracts. CC ID 01364 Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Maintain the third party's compliance framework to be equivalent to that of the organization's compliance requirements. CC ID 06087
    [{process}{accept}{address}{reports}{software vulnerability} Third-party application developers need to consider this an externally-facing policy that helps to set expectations for outside stakeholders. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 2
    Monitor service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Monitoring may include periodic reassessment of service provider compliance, monitoring service provider release notes, and dark web monitoring. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.6 Monitor Service Providers]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
    Include a provision in outsourcing contracts that requires supply chain members' security requirements comply with organizational security requirements. CC ID 00359
    [{annual basis} Ensure service provider contracts include security requirements. Example requirements may include minimum security program requirements, security incident and/or data breach notification and response, data encryption requirements, and data disposal commitments. These security requirements must be consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Review service provider contracts annually to ensure contracts are not missing security requirements. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.4 Ensure Service Provider Contracts Include Security Requirements]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Detective
  • Training
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE CLASS
    Complete security awareness training prior to being granted access to information systems or data. CC ID 17009 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include media protection in the security awareness program. CC ID 16368 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include identity and access management in the security awareness program. CC ID 17013 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include the encryption process in the security awareness program. CC ID 17014 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include physical security in the security awareness program. CC ID 16369 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include data management in the security awareness program. CC ID 17010 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include e-mail and electronic messaging in the security awareness program. CC ID 17012 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include updates on emerging issues in the security awareness program. CC ID 13184 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include cybersecurity in the security awareness program. CC ID 13183
    [Train workforce members on how to identify and properly store, transfer, archive, and destroy sensitive data. This also includes training workforce members on clear screen and desk best practices, such as locking their screen when they step away from their enterprise asset, erasing physical and virtual whiteboards at the end of meetings, and storing data and assets securely. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.4 Train Workforce on Data Handling Best Practices
    Train workforce members on the dangers of connecting to, and transmitting data over, insecure networks for enterprise activities. If the enterprise has remote workers, training must include guidance to ensure that all users securely configure their home network infrastructure. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.8 Train Workforce on the Dangers of Connecting to and Transmitting Enterprise Data Over Insecure Networks]
    Human Resources management Preventive
    Include implications of non-compliance in the security awareness program. CC ID 16425 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include social networking in the security awareness program. CC ID 17011 Human Resources management Preventive
    Include the acceptable use policy in the security awareness program. CC ID 15487 Human Resources management Preventive
    Train all personnel and third parties on how to recognize and report system failures. CC ID 13475
    [Train workforce to understand how to verify and report out-of-date software patches or any failures in automated processes and tools. Part of this training should include notifying IT personnel of any failures in automated processes and tools. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.7 Train Workforce on How to Identify and Report if Their Enterprise Assets are Missing Security Updates
    Train workforce to understand how to verify and report out-of-date software patches or any failures in automated processes and tools. Part of this training should include notifying IT personnel of any failures in automated processes and tools. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.7 Train Workforce on How to Identify and Report if Their Enterprise Assets are Missing Security Updates]
    Human Resources management Preventive
    Conduct incident response training. CC ID 11889
    [Plan and conduct routine incident response exercises and scenarios for key personnel involved in the incident response process to prepare for responding to real-world incidents. Exercises need to test communication channels, decision-making, and workflows. Conduct testing on an annual basis, at a minimum. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.7 Conduct Routine Incident Response Exercises]
    Operational management Preventive
Common Controls and
mandates by Classification
278 Mandated Controls - bold    
156 Implied Controls - italic     2646 Implementation

There are three types of Common Control classifications; corrective, detective, and preventive. Common Controls at the top level have the default assignment of Impact Zone.

Number of Controls
3080 Total
  • Corrective
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE TYPE
    Provide predefined suspicious activity reports for suspicious activity discovered in the event log. CC ID 06774 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Eliminate false positives in event logs and audit logs. CC ID 07047 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Follow up exceptions and anomalies identified when reviewing logs. CC ID 11925 Monitoring and measurement Investigate
    Implement incident response procedures when rogue devices are discovered. CC ID 11880 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Alert appropriate personnel when rogue devices are discovered on the network. CC ID 06428 Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Isolate rogue devices after a rogue device has been detected. CC ID 07061
    [Ensure that a process exists to address unauthorized assets on a weekly basis. The enterprise may choose to remove the asset from the network, deny the asset from connecting remotely to the network, or quarantine the asset. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.2 Address Unauthorized Assets
    Ensure that a process exists to address unauthorized assets on a weekly basis. The enterprise may choose to remove the asset from the network, deny the asset from connecting remotely to the network, or quarantine the asset. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.2 Address Unauthorized Assets
    {unauthorized asset} Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile; network devices; non-computing/Internet of Things (IoT) devices; and servers) connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments, to accurately know the totality of assets that need to be monitored and protected within the enterprise. This will also support identifying unauthorized and unmanaged assets to remove or remediate. CIS Control 1: Inventory and Control of Enterprise Assets]
    Monitoring and measurement Configuration
    Remove dedicated user accounts after penetration testing is concluded. CC ID 13729 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Reduce the maximum bandwidth of covert channels. CC ID 10655 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Update the vulnerability scanners' vulnerability list. CC ID 10634 Monitoring and measurement Configuration
    Notify the interested personnel and affected parties after the failure of an automated security test. CC ID 06748 Monitoring and measurement Behavior
    Perform vulnerability assessments, as necessary. CC ID 11828 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Recommend mitigation techniques based on vulnerability scan reports. CC ID 11639
    [Remediate penetration test findings based on the enterprise's documented vulnerability remediation process. This should include determining a timeline and level of effort based on the impact and prioritization of each identified finding. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.3 Remediate Penetration Test Findings]
    Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Disallow the use of payment applications when a vulnerability scan report indicates vulnerabilities are present. CC ID 12188 Monitoring and measurement Configuration
    Correct or mitigate vulnerabilities. CC ID 12497
    [{monthly basis} Remediate detected vulnerabilities in software through processes and tooling on a monthly, or more frequent, basis, based on the remediation process. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.7 Remediate Detected Vulnerabilities
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1
    Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program
    Remediate penetration test findings based on the enterprise's documented vulnerability remediation process. This should include determining a timeline and level of effort based on the impact and prioritization of each identified finding. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.3 Remediate Penetration Test Findings]
    Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain an exception management process for vulnerabilities that cannot be remediated. CC ID 13859 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Notify the user when an authentication is attempted using an expired authenticator. CC ID 13818 Technical security Communicate
    Revoke asset access when a personnel status change occurs or an individual is terminated. CC ID 00516 Technical security Behavior
    Review and update accounts and access rights when notified of personnel status changes. CC ID 00788 Technical security Behavior
    Remove inactive user accounts, as necessary. CC ID 00517
    [{stipulated timeframe} Delete or disable any dormant accounts after a period of 45 days of inactivity, where supported. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.3 Disable Dormant Accounts]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Remove temporary user accounts, as necessary. CC ID 11839 Technical security Technical Security
    Implement out-of-band authentication, as necessary. CC ID 10606 Technical security Technical Security
    Disseminate and communicate the access control procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14123 Technical security Communicate
    Tune the biometric identification equipment, as necessary. CC ID 07077 Technical security Configuration
    Include reviewing the rulesets for firewalls and routers in the firewall and router configuration standard, as necessary. CC ID 11903 Technical security Technical Security
    Take appropriate action to address information flow anomalies. CC ID 12164 Technical security Investigate
    Revoke old cryptographic keys or invalid cryptographic keys immediately. CC ID 01307 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Replace known or suspected compromised cryptographic keys immediately. CC ID 01306 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Remove malware when malicious code is discovered. CC ID 13691 Technical security Process or Activity
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties when malware is detected. CC ID 13689 Technical security Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain a malicious code outbreak recovery plan. CC ID 01310 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Incorporate the malicious code analysis into the patch management program. CC ID 10673 Technical security Technical Security
    Correct all found deficiencies according to organizational standards after a web application policy compliance review. CC ID 06299 Technical security Technical Security
    Re-evaluate the web application after deficiencies have been corrected. CC ID 06300 Technical security Technical Security
    Remote wipe any distributed asset reported lost or stolen. CC ID 12197
    [{be appropriate} Remotely wipe enterprise data from enterprise-owned portable end-user devices when deemed appropriate such as lost or stolen devices, or when an individual no longer supports the enterprise. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.11 Enforce Remote Wipe Capability on Portable End-User Devices]
    Physical and environmental protection Process or Activity
    Include stakeholders when testing restored systems, as necessary. CC ID 13066 Operational and Systems Continuity Testing
    Terminate user accounts when notified that an individual is terminated. CC ID 11614
    [Establish and follow a process, preferably automated, for revoking access to enterprise assets, through disabling accounts immediately upon termination, rights revocation, or role change of a user. Disabling accounts, instead of deleting accounts, may be necessary to preserve audit trails. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.2 Establish an Access Revoking Process]
    Human Resources management Technical Security
    Terminate access rights when notified of a personnel status change or an individual is terminated. CC ID 11826
    [{user account}{administrator account} Use processes and tools to create, assign, manage, and revoke access credentials and privileges for user, administrator, and service accounts for enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 6: Access Control Management
    Establish and follow a process, preferably automated, for revoking access to enterprise assets, through disabling accounts immediately upon termination, rights revocation, or role change of a user. Disabling accounts, instead of deleting accounts, may be necessary to preserve audit trails. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.2 Establish an Access Revoking Process]
    Human Resources management Technical Security
    Conduct secure coding and development training for developers. CC ID 06822
    [{annual basis} Ensure that all software development personnel receive training in writing secure code for their specific development environment and responsibilities. Training can include general security principles and application security standard practices. Conduct training at least annually and design in a way to promote security within the development team, and build a culture of security among the developers. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.9 Train Developers in Application Security Concepts and Secure Coding
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Human Resources management Behavior
    Identify discrepancies between the asset register database and the Information Technology inventory, as necessary. CC ID 07052 Operational management Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Investigate and resolve discrepancies between the asset register database and the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 07053 Operational management Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Refrain from protecting physical assets when no longer required. CC ID 13484 Operational management Physical and Environmental Protection
    Determine the incident severity level when assessing the security incidents. CC ID 01650 Operational management Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Escalate incidents, as necessary. CC ID 14861 Operational management Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Include support from law enforcement authorities when conducting incident response activities, as necessary. CC ID 13197 Operational management Process or Activity
    Respond to all alerts from security systems in a timely manner. CC ID 06434 Operational management Behavior
    Coordinate incident response activities with interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 13196 Operational management Process or Activity
    Contain the incident to prevent further loss. CC ID 01751 Operational management Process or Activity
    Wipe data and memory after an incident has been detected. CC ID 16850 Operational management Technical Security
    Refrain from accessing compromised systems. CC ID 01752 Operational management Technical Security
    Isolate compromised systems from the network. CC ID 01753 Operational management Technical Security
    Store system logs for in scope systems as digital forensic evidence after a security incident has been detected. CC ID 01754 Operational management Log Management
    Change authenticators after a security incident has been detected. CC ID 06789 Operational management Technical Security
    Assess all incidents to determine what information was accessed. CC ID 01226 Operational management Testing
    Check the precursors and indicators when assessing the security incidents. CC ID 01761 Operational management Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Share incident information with interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 01212 Operational management Data and Information Management
    Share data loss event information with the media. CC ID 01759 Operational management Behavior
    Share data loss event information with interconnected system owners. CC ID 01209 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Report data loss event information to breach notification organizations. CC ID 01210 Operational management Data and Information Management
    Report to breach notification organizations the time frame in which the organization will send data loss event notifications to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 04731 Operational management Behavior
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of the privacy breach that affects their personal data. CC ID 00365 Operational management Behavior
    Delay sending incident response notifications under predetermined conditions. CC ID 00804 Operational management Behavior
    Establish, implement, and maintain incident response notifications. CC ID 12975 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Provide enrollment information for identity theft prevention services or identity theft mitigation services. CC ID 13767 Operational management Communicate
    Offer identity theft prevention services or identity theft mitigation services at no cost to the affected parties. CC ID 13766 Operational management Business Processes
    Send paper incident response notifications to affected parties, as necessary. CC ID 00366 Operational management Behavior
    Determine if a substitute incident response notification is permitted if notifying affected parties. CC ID 00803 Operational management Behavior
    Use a substitute incident response notification to notify interested personnel and affected parties of the privacy breach that affects their personal data. CC ID 00368 Operational management Behavior
    Telephone incident response notifications to affected parties, as necessary. CC ID 04650 Operational management Behavior
    Publish the incident response notification in a general circulation periodical. CC ID 04651 Operational management Behavior
    Send electronic incident response notifications to affected parties, as necessary. CC ID 00367 Operational management Behavior
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of the privacy breach about any recovered restricted data. CC ID 13347 Operational management Communicate
    Include incident recovery procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01758 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Change wireless access variables after a data loss event has been detected. CC ID 01756 Operational management Technical Security
    Eradicate the cause of the incident after the incident has been contained. CC ID 01757 Operational management Business Processes
    Implement security controls for personnel that have accessed information absent authorization. CC ID 10611 Operational management Human Resources Management
    Re-image compromised systems with secure builds. CC ID 12086 Operational management Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain temporary and emergency access authorization procedures. CC ID 00858 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the organizational functions affected by disruption in the Incident Management audit log. CC ID 12238 Operational management Log Management
    Open a priority incident request after a security breach is detected. CC ID 04838 Operational management Testing
    Activate the incident response notification procedures after a security breach is detected. CC ID 04839 Operational management Testing
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties that a security breach was detected. CC ID 11788 Operational management Communicate
    Respond when an integrity violation is detected, as necessary. CC ID 10678 Operational management Technical Security
    Shut down systems when an integrity violation is detected, as necessary. CC ID 10679 Operational management Technical Security
    Restart systems when an integrity violation is detected, as necessary. CC ID 10680 Operational management Technical Security
    Conduct forensic investigations in the event of a security compromise. CC ID 11951 Operational management Investigate
    Collect evidence from the incident scene. CC ID 02236 Operational management Business Processes
    Deploy software patches in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 07032 Operational management Configuration
    Patch software. CC ID 11825
    [{monthly basis} Perform application updates on enterprise assets through automated patch management on a monthly, or more frequent, basis. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.4 Perform Automated Application Patch Management]
    Operational management Technical Security
    Patch the operating system, as necessary. CC ID 11824
    [{monthly basis} Perform operating system updates on enterprise assets through automated patch management on a monthly, or more frequent, basis. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.3 Perform Operating System Patch Management]
    Operational management Technical Security
    Disable or delete shared User IDs. CC ID 12478 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable or delete generic user IDs. CC ID 12479 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Update the security configuration of hardened images, as necessary. CC ID 12088 System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Review and update the security architecture, as necessary. CC ID 14277
    [Conduct threat modeling. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. It is conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. The goal is to map out the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its weaknesses. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.14 Conduct Threat Modeling]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Address known coding vulnerabilities as a part of secure coding techniques. CC ID 12493 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Correct code anomalies and code deficiencies in custom code and retest before release. CC ID 06292 Systems design, build, and implementation Testing
    Document attempts to obtain system documentation. CC ID 14284 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Process or Activity
    Report fraudulent account activity, unauthorized transactions, or discrepancies with current accounts. CC ID 04875 Privacy protection for information and data Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Take appropriate action when a data leakage is discovered. CC ID 14716 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Terminate supplier relationships, as necessary. CC ID 13489
    [{secure manner} Securely decommission service providers. Example considerations include user and service account deactivation, termination of data flows, and secure disposal of enterprise data within service provider systems. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.7 Securely Decommission Service Providers
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
  • Detective
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE TYPE
    Assess the effectiveness of the communication methods used in the communication protocol. CC ID 12691 Leadership and high level objectives Process or Activity
    Approve the data classification scheme. CC ID 13858 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Monitor regulatory trends to maintain compliance. CC ID 00604 Leadership and high level objectives Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Subscribe to a threat intelligence service to receive notification of emerging threats. CC ID 12135
    [Develop a plan to continuously assess and track vulnerabilities on all enterprise assets within the enterprise's infrastructure, in order to remediate, and minimize, the window of opportunity for attackers. Monitor public and private industry sources for new threat and vulnerability information. CIS Control 7: Continuous Vulnerability Management]
    Leadership and high level objectives Technical Security
    Include all compliance exceptions in the compliance exception standard. CC ID 01630
    [{monthly basis} Ensure that unauthorized software is either removed from use on enterprise assets or receives a documented exception. Review monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.3 Address Unauthorized Software
    {unauthorized software}{monthly basis} Ensure that only currently supported software is designated as authorized in the software inventory for enterprise assets. If software is unsupported, yet necessary for the fulfillment of the enterprise's mission, document an exception detailing mitigating controls and residual risk acceptance. For any unsupported software without an exception documentation, designate as unauthorized. Review the software list to verify software support at least monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.2 Ensure Authorized Software is Currently Supported]
    Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain logging and monitoring operations. CC ID 00637 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Monitor systems for inappropriate usage and other security violations. CC ID 00585
    [Improve protections and detections of threats from email and web vectors, as these are opportunities for attackers to manipulate human behavior through direct engagement. CIS Control 9: Email and Web Browser Protections]
    Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Monitor systems for blended attacks and multiple component incidents. CC ID 01225 Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Monitor systems for Denial of Service attacks. CC ID 01222 Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Monitor systems for access to restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 04721 Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Assign roles and responsibilities for overseeing access to restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 11950 Monitoring and measurement Human Resources Management
    Detect unauthorized access to systems. CC ID 06798 Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Incorporate potential red flags into the organization's incident management system. CC ID 04652 Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Alert interested personnel when suspicious activity is detected by an Intrusion Detection System or Intrusion Prevention System. CC ID 06430 Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Alert interested personnel and affected parties when an incident causes an outage. CC ID 06808 Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Operationalize key monitoring and logging concepts to ensure the audit trails capture sufficient information. CC ID 00638 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain event logging procedures. CC ID 01335
    [Collect command-line audit logs. Example implementations include collecting audit logs from PowerShell®, BASHTM, and remote administrative terminals. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.8 Collect Command-Line Audit Logs
    Collect service provider logs, where supported. Example implementations include collecting authentication and authorization events, data creation and disposal events, and user management events. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.12 Collect Service Provider Logs]
    Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Review and update event logs and audit logs, as necessary. CC ID 00596
    [{weekly basis} Conduct reviews of audit logs to detect anomalies or abnormal events that could indicate a potential threat. Conduct reviews on a weekly, or more frequent, basis. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.11 Conduct Audit Log Reviews
    {weekly basis} Use DHCP logging on all DHCP servers or Internet Protocol (IP) address management tools to update the enterprise's asset inventory. Review and use logs to update the enterprise's asset inventory weekly, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.4 Use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Logging to Update Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented audit log management process that defines the enterprise's logging requirements. At a minimum, address the collection, review, and retention of audit logs for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.1 Establish and Maintain an Audit Log Management Process]
    Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Correlate log entries to security controls to verify the security control's effectiveness. CC ID 13207 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Identify cybersecurity events in event logs and audit logs. CC ID 13206
    [Collect, alert, review, and retain audit logs of events that could help detect, understand, or recover from an attack. CIS Control 8: Audit Log Management]
    Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Enable logging for all systems that meet a traceability criteria. CC ID 00640 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Analyze firewall logs for the correct capturing of data. CC ID 00549 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Validate all testing assumptions in the test plans. CC ID 00663
    [Validate security measures after each penetration test. If deemed necessary, modify rulesets and capabilities to detect the techniques used during testing. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.4 Validate Security Measures]
    Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Require testing procedures to be complete. CC ID 00664 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Scan organizational networks for rogue devices. CC ID 00536
    [{weekly basis} Use a passive discovery tool to identify assets connected to the enterprise's network. Review and use scans to update the enterprise's asset inventory at least weekly, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.5 Use a Passive Asset Discovery Tool]
    Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Scan the network for wireless access points. CC ID 00370 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Scan wireless networks for rogue devices. CC ID 11623 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Test the wireless device scanner's ability to detect rogue devices. CC ID 06859 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Use dedicated user accounts when conducting penetration testing. CC ID 13728 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Perform penetration tests, as necessary. CC ID 00655
    [Test the effectiveness and resiliency of enterprise assets through identifying and exploiting weaknesses in controls (people, processes, and technology), and simulating the objectives and actions of an attacker. CIS Control 18: Penetration Testing]
    Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Perform internal penetration tests, as necessary. CC ID 12471
    [{annual basis} Perform periodic internal penetration tests based on program requirements, no less than annually. The testing may be clear box or opaque box. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.5 Perform Periodic Internal Penetration Tests]
    Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Perform external penetration tests, as necessary. CC ID 12470
    [{annual basis} Perform periodic external penetration tests based on program requirements, no less than annually. External penetration testing must include enterprise and environmental reconnaissance to detect exploitable information. Penetration testing requires specialized skills and experience and must be conducted through a qualified party. The testing may be clear box or opaque box. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.2 Perform Periodic External Penetration Tests]
    Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Include coverage of all in scope systems during penetration testing. CC ID 11957
    [{annual basis} Perform periodic external penetration tests based on program requirements, no less than annually. External penetration testing must include enterprise and environmental reconnaissance to detect exploitable information. Penetration testing requires specialized skills and experience and must be conducted through a qualified party. The testing may be clear box or opaque box. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.2 Perform Periodic External Penetration Tests]
    Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Test the system for broken access controls. CC ID 01319 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Test the system for broken authentication and session management. CC ID 01320 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Test the system for insecure communications. CC ID 00535 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Test the system for cross-site scripting attacks. CC ID 01321 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Test the system for buffer overflows. CC ID 01322 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Test the system for injection flaws. CC ID 01323 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Test the system for Denial of Service. CC ID 01326 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Test the system for insecure configuration management. CC ID 01327 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Perform network-layer penetration testing on all systems, as necessary. CC ID 01277 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Test the system for cross-site request forgery. CC ID 06296 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Perform application-layer penetration testing on all systems, as necessary. CC ID 11630
    [Conduct application penetration testing. For critical applications, authenticated penetration testing is better suited to finding business logic vulnerabilities than code scanning and automated security testing. Penetration testing relies on the skill of the tester to manually manipulate an application as an authenticated and unauthenticated user. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.13 Conduct Application Penetration Testing]
    Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Perform penetration testing on segmentation controls, as necessary. CC ID 12498 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Verify segmentation controls are operational and effective. CC ID 12545 Monitoring and measurement Audits and Risk Management
    Repeat penetration testing, as necessary. CC ID 06860 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Test the system for covert channels. CC ID 10652 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Estimate the maximum bandwidth of any covert channels. CC ID 10653 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Test systems to determine which covert channels might be exploited. CC ID 10654 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Perform vulnerability scans, as necessary. CC ID 11637
    [{quarterly basis} {authenticated vulnerability scan} {unauthenticated vulnerability scan} Perform automated vulnerability scans of internal enterprise assets on a quarterly, or more frequent, basis. Conduct both authenticated and unauthenticated scans. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.5 Perform Automated Vulnerability Scans of Internal Enterprise Assets]
    Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Repeat vulnerability scanning, as necessary. CC ID 11646
    [{monthly basis} Perform automated vulnerability scans of externally-exposed enterprise assets. Perform scans on a monthly, or more frequent, basis. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.6 Perform Automated Vulnerability Scans of Externally-Exposed Enterprise Assets]
    Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Identify and document security vulnerabilities. CC ID 11857 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Rank discovered vulnerabilities. CC ID 11940
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a severity rating system and process for application vulnerabilities that facilitates prioritizing the order in which discovered vulnerabilities are fixed. This process includes setting a minimum level of security acceptability for releasing code or applications. Severity ratings bring a systematic way of triaging vulnerabilities that improves risk management and helps ensure the most severe bugs are fixed first. Review and update the system and process annually. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.6 Establish and Maintain a Severity Rating System and Process for Application Vulnerabilities]
    Monitoring and measurement Investigate
    Assign vulnerability scanning to qualified personnel or external third parties. CC ID 11638
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1]
    Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Correlate vulnerability scan reports from the various systems. CC ID 10636 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Perform internal vulnerability scans, as necessary. CC ID 00656
    [{monthly basis} Perform automated vulnerability scans of externally-exposed enterprise assets. Perform scans on a monthly, or more frequent, basis. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.6 Perform Automated Vulnerability Scans of Externally-Exposed Enterprise Assets]
    Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Perform vulnerability scans prior to installing payment applications. CC ID 12192 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Implement scanning tools, as necessary. CC ID 14282 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Repeat vulnerability scanning after an approved change occurs. CC ID 12468 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Perform external vulnerability scans, as necessary. CC ID 11624 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Use automated mechanisms to compare new vulnerability scan reports with past vulnerability scan reports. CC ID 10635 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Review applications for security vulnerabilities after the application is updated. CC ID 11938
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1]
    Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Test the system for unvalidated input. CC ID 01318 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Test the system for proper error handling. CC ID 01324 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Test the system for insecure data storage. CC ID 01325 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Test the system for access control enforcement in all Uniform Resource Locators. CC ID 06297 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Report on the percentage of systems for which event logging has been implemented. CC ID 02102 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Report on the percentage of systems for which event logs are monitored and reviewed. CC ID 02103 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Report on the percentage of systems for which log capacity and log retention schedules have been implemented. CC ID 02104 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Report on the percentage of systems that generate warnings about anomalous activity or potentially unauthorized activity. CC ID 02105 Monitoring and measurement Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Report on the estimated damage or loss resulting from all security incidents. CC ID 01674 Monitoring and measurement Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Report on the percentage of security incidents that did not cause confidentiality, integrity, or availability losses beyond the Service Level Agreement thresholds. CC ID 01673 Monitoring and measurement Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Report on the percentage of operational time that critical services were unavailable due to security incidents. CC ID 02124 Monitoring and measurement Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Report on the percentage of security incidents that exploited existing security vulnerabilities with known solutions, patches, or workarounds. CC ID 02125 Monitoring and measurement Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Report on the percentage of systems affected by security incidents that exploited existing security vulnerabilities with known solutions, patches, or workarounds. CC ID 02126 Monitoring and measurement Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Report on the percentage of security incidents that were managed according to established policies, procedures, and processes. CC ID 02127 Monitoring and measurement Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Report on the number of security incidents reported to FedCIRC, NIPC, the Payment Card Industry, or local law enforcement. CC ID 02154 Monitoring and measurement Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Report on the percentage of systems with critical information assets or critical functions that have been assessed for security vulnerabilities. CC ID 02128 Monitoring and measurement Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Report on the percentage of vulnerability assessment findings that have been addressed since the last reporting period. CC ID 02129 Monitoring and measurement Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Report on the average elapsed time between the discovery of a new vulnerability and implementing corrective action. CC ID 02140 Monitoring and measurement Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Report on the percentage of physical security incidents that involved entry into a facility containing Information Systems. CC ID 04564 Monitoring and measurement Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Establish, implement, and maintain a corrective action plan. CC ID 00675
    [{monthly basis} Establish and maintain a risk-based remediation strategy documented in a remediation process, with monthly, or more frequent, reviews. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.2 Establish and Maintain Remediation Process]
    Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Include monitoring in the corrective action plan. CC ID 11645
    [{monthly basis} Establish and maintain a risk-based remediation strategy documented in a remediation process, with monthly, or more frequent, reviews. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.2 Establish and Maintain Remediation Process]
    Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Identify information system users. CC ID 12081
    [{user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Review user accounts. CC ID 00525
    [{quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, must contain department owner, review date, and purpose. Perform service account reviews to validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.5 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Accounts
    {user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Match user accounts to authorized parties. CC ID 12126
    [{user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts
    {user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts]
    Technical security Configuration
    Identify and authenticate processes running on information systems that act on behalf of users. CC ID 12082 Technical security Technical Security
    Review shared accounts. CC ID 11840 Technical security Technical Security
    Disallow application IDs from running as privileged users. CC ID 10050 Technical security Configuration
    Perform a risk assessment prior to activating third party access to the organization's critical systems. CC ID 06455 Technical security Testing
    Notify interested personnel when user accounts are added or deleted. CC ID 14327 Technical security Communicate
    Employ unique identifiers. CC ID 01273
    [{minimum number of characters} Use unique passwords for all enterprise assets. Best practice implementation includes, at a minimum, an 8-character password for accounts using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and a 14-character password for accounts not using MFA. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.2 Use Unique Passwords]
    Technical security Testing
    Authenticate user identities before unlocking an account. CC ID 11837 Technical security Testing
    Authenticate user identities before manually resetting an authenticator. CC ID 04567 Technical security Testing
    Identify the user when enrolling them in the biometric system. CC ID 06882 Technical security Testing
    Place Intrusion Detection Systems and Intrusion Response Systems in network locations where they will be the most effective. CC ID 04589 Technical security Technical Security
    Use a passive asset inventory discovery tool to identify assets when network mapping. CC ID 13735
    [{weekly basis} Use a passive discovery tool to identify assets connected to the enterprise's network. Review and use scans to update the enterprise's asset inventory at least weekly, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.5 Use a Passive Asset Discovery Tool]
    Technical security Process or Activity
    Use an active asset inventory discovery tool to identify sensitive information for data flow diagrams. CC ID 13737 Technical security Process or Activity
    Establish, implement, and maintain a sensitive information inventory. CC ID 13736
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a data inventory based on the enterprise's data management process. Inventory sensitive data, at a minimum. Review and update inventory annually, at a minimum, with a priority on sensitive data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.2 Establish and Maintain a Data Inventory]
    Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Register all Domain Names associated with the organization to the organization and not an individual. CC ID 07210 Technical security Testing
    Include testing and approving all network connections through the firewall in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 01270 Technical security Process or Activity
    Configure security alerts in firewalls to include the source Internet protocol address and destination Internet protocol address associated with long sessions. CC ID 12174 Technical security Configuration
    Configure firewalls to perform dynamic packet filtering. CC ID 01288 Technical security Testing
    Configure network access and control points to organizational standards. CC ID 12442 Technical security Configuration
    Perform content filtering scans on network traffic. CC ID 06761
    [Perform application layer filtering. Example implementations include a filtering proxy, application layer firewall, or gateway. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.10 Perform Application Layer Filtering
    Perform traffic filtering between network segments, where appropriate. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.4 Perform Traffic Filtering Between Network Segments]
    Technical security Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Document information flow anomalies that do not fit normal traffic patterns. CC ID 12163 Technical security Investigate
    Perform content filtering scans on incoming and outgoing e-mail. CC ID 06733
    [Improve protections and detections of threats from email and web vectors, as these are opportunities for attackers to manipulate human behavior through direct engagement. CIS Control 9: Email and Web Browser Protections]
    Technical security Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Scan the system to verify modems are disabled or removed, except the modems that are explicitly approved. CC ID 00560 Technical security Testing
    Monitor and evaluate all remote access usage. CC ID 00563 Technical security Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Test cryptographic key management applications, as necessary. CC ID 04829 Technical security Testing
    Implement non-repudiation for transactions. CC ID 00567 Technical security Testing
    Scan for malicious code, as necessary. CC ID 11941 Technical security Investigate
    Test all removable storage media for viruses and malicious code. CC ID 11861
    [Configure anti-malware software to automatically scan removable media. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.4 Configure Automatic Anti-Malware Scanning of Removable Media]
    Technical security Testing
    Test all untrusted files or unverified files for viruses and malicious code. CC ID 01311 Technical security Testing
    Log and react to all malicious code activity. CC ID 07072 Technical security Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Analyze the behavior and characteristics of the malicious code. CC ID 10672 Technical security Technical Security
    Conduct application security reviews, as necessary. CC ID 06298
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Technical security Testing
    Determine the cause for the activation of the recovery plan. CC ID 13291 Operational and Systems Continuity Investigate
    Test the recovery plan, as necessary. CC ID 13290
    [{quarterly basis} Test backup recovery quarterly, or more frequently, for a sampling of in-scope enterprise assets. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.5 Test Data Recovery]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Testing
    Test the backup information, as necessary. CC ID 13303 Operational and Systems Continuity Testing
    Document lessons learned from testing the recovery plan or an actual event. CC ID 13301 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a critical personnel list. CC ID 00739
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain contact information for parties that need to be informed of security incidents. Contacts may include internal staff, service providers, law enforcement, cyber insurance providers, relevant government agencies, Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) partners, or other stakeholders. Verify contacts annually to ensure that information is up-to-date. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.2 Establish and Maintain Contact Information for Reporting Security Incidents]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Test backup media for media integrity and information integrity, as necessary. CC ID 01401 Operational and Systems Continuity Testing
    Test backup media at the alternate facility in addition to testing at the primary facility. CC ID 06375 Operational and Systems Continuity Testing
    Test each restored system for media integrity and information integrity. CC ID 01920 Operational and Systems Continuity Testing
    Document and communicate role descriptions to all applicable personnel. CC ID 00776 Human Resources management Establish Roles
    Assign and staff all roles appropriately. CC ID 00784 Human Resources management Testing
    Implement segregation of duties in roles and responsibilities. CC ID 00774 Human Resources management Testing
    Evaluate the staffing requirements regularly. CC ID 00775 Human Resources management Business Processes
    Monitor and measure the effectiveness of security awareness. CC ID 06262 Human Resources management Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Include all electronic storage media containing restricted data or restricted information in the storage media inventory. CC ID 00962 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Employ Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server logging to detect systems not in the asset inventory. CC ID 12110 Operational management Technical Security
    Test systems for malicious code prior to when the system will be redeployed. CC ID 06339 Operational management Testing
    Control and monitor all maintenance tools. CC ID 01432 Operational management Physical and Environmental Protection
    Conduct maintenance with authorized personnel. CC ID 01434 Operational management Testing
    Calibrate assets according to the calibration procedures for the asset. CC ID 06203 Operational management Testing
    Test for detrimental environmental factors after a system is disposed. CC ID 06938 Operational management Testing
    Establish, implement, and maintain an anti-money laundering program. CC ID 13675 Operational management Business Processes
    Require personnel to monitor for and report known or suspected compromise of assets. CC ID 16453 Operational management Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Require personnel to monitor for and report suspicious account activity. CC ID 16462 Operational management Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Identify root causes of incidents that force system changes. CC ID 13482 Operational management Investigate
    Respond to and triage when an incident is detected. CC ID 06942 Operational management Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Document the incident and any relevant evidence in the incident report. CC ID 08659 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Refrain from turning on any in scope devices that are turned off when a security incident is detected. CC ID 08677 Operational management Investigate
    Include where the digital forensic evidence was found in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08674 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the condition of the digital forensic evidence in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08678 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Analyze the incident response process following an incident response. CC ID 13179 Operational management Investigate
    Submit an incident management audit log to the proper authorities for each security breach that affects a predefined number of individuals, as necessary. CC ID 06326 Operational management Log Management
    Determine whether or not incident response notifications are necessary during the privacy breach investigation. CC ID 00801 Operational management Behavior
    Avoid false positive incident response notifications. CC ID 04732 Operational management Behavior
    Include information required by law in incident response notifications. CC ID 00802
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include how the affected parties can protect themselves from identity theft in incident response notifications. CC ID 04738 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Detect any potentially undiscovered security vulnerabilities on previously compromised systems. CC ID 06265 Operational management Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Test incident monitoring procedures. CC ID 13194 Operational management Testing
    Conduct incident investigations, as necessary. CC ID 13826 Operational management Process or Activity
    Analyze the behaviors of individuals involved in the incident during incident investigations. CC ID 14042 Operational management Investigate
    Identify the affected parties during incident investigations. CC ID 16781 Operational management Investigate
    Interview suspects during incident investigations, as necessary. CC ID 14041 Operational management Investigate
    Interview victims and witnesses during incident investigations, as necessary. CC ID 14038 Operational management Investigate
    Analyze and respond to security alerts. CC ID 12504 Operational management Business Processes
    Assign monitoring and analyzing the security alert when a security alert is received to the appropriate role in the incident response program. CC ID 11886
    [{annual basis} Assign key roles and responsibilities for incident response, including staff from incident responders, analysts, and relevant third parties. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.5 Assign Key Roles and Responsibilities]
    Operational management Investigate
    Establish, implement, and maintain incident response procedures. CC ID 01206
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented incident response process that addresses roles and responsibilities, compliance requirements, and a communication plan. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.4 Establish and Maintain an Incident Response Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented incident response process that addresses roles and responsibilities, compliance requirements, and a communication plan. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.4 Establish and Maintain an Incident Response Process]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish trust between the incident response team and the end user community during an incident. CC ID 01217 Operational management Testing
    Protect devices containing digital forensic evidence during transport. CC ID 08687 Operational management Investigate
    Protect devices containing digital forensic evidence in sealed containers. CC ID 08685 Operational management Investigate
    Establish, implement, and maintain a chain of custody for all devices containing digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08686 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Contact affected parties to participate in forensic investigations, as necessary. CC ID 12343 Operational management Communicate
    Prepare digital forensic equipment. CC ID 08688 Operational management Investigate
    Use digital forensic equipment suitable to the circumstances. CC ID 08690 Operational management Investigate
    Provide relevant user manuals for digital forensic equipment during use. CC ID 08691 Operational management Investigate
    Include the hardware configuration and software configuration of the digital forensic equipment in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08693 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Test the operation of the digital forensic equipment prior to use. CC ID 08694 Operational management Testing
    Maintain digital forensic equipment for proper performance. CC ID 08689 Operational management Investigate
    Include documentation of the system containing and surrounding digital forensic evidence in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08679 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the configuration settings of devices associated with digital forensic evidence in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08676 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the external connections to systems containing digital forensic evidence in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08680 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the electronic media storage devices containing digital forensic evidence in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08695 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include all system components of systems containing digital forensic evidence in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 08696 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Refrain from altering the state of compromised systems when collecting digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08671 Operational management Investigate
    Follow all applicable laws and principles when collecting digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08672 Operational management Investigate
    Remove everyone except interested personnel and affected parties from the proximity of digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08675 Operational management Investigate
    Secure devices containing digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08681 Operational management Investigate
    Use a write blocker to prevent digital forensic evidence from being modified. CC ID 08692 Operational management Investigate
    Capture volatile information from devices containing digital forensic evidence prior to shutdown. CC ID 08684 Operational management Investigate
    Create a system image of the device before collecting digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08673 Operational management Investigate
    Shut down stand alone devices containing digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08682 Operational management Investigate
    Disconnect electronic media storage devices of systems containing digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08697 Operational management Investigate
    Place evidence tape over devices containing digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08683 Operational management Investigate
    Test the incident response procedures. CC ID 01216
    [Plan and conduct routine incident response exercises and scenarios for key personnel involved in the incident response process to prepare for responding to real-world incidents. Exercises need to test communication channels, decision-making, and workflows. Conduct testing on an annual basis, at a minimum. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.7 Conduct Routine Incident Response Exercises
    Plan and conduct routine incident response exercises and scenarios for key personnel involved in the incident response process to prepare for responding to real-world incidents. Exercises need to test communication channels, decision-making, and workflows. Conduct testing on an annual basis, at a minimum. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.7 Conduct Routine Incident Response Exercises]
    Operational management Testing
    Test network access controls for proper Configuration Management settings. CC ID 01281 System hardening through configuration management Testing
    Verify wireless peripherals meet organizational security requirements. CC ID 00657 System hardening through configuration management Testing
    Review the ownership of service accounts, as necessary. CC ID 13863 System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Find files and directories with extended attributes. CC ID 01552 System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Verify that no UID 0 accounts exist other than root. CC ID 01585 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture creates, reads, updates, or deletes of records containing personal data. CC ID 11890 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture the information referent when personal data is being accessed. CC ID 11968 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture each auditable event's origination. CC ID 01338
    [Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs]
    System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture remote access information. CC ID 05596 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture all malicious code that has been discovered, quarantined, and/or eradicated. CC ID 00577 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the "logging level" to organizational standards. CC ID 14456 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Capture successful operating system access and successful software access. CC ID 00527 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture hardware and software access attempts. CC ID 01220 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture all URL requests. CC ID 12138
    [Collect URL request audit logs on enterprise assets, where appropriate and supported. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.7 Collect URL Request Audit Logs]
    System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Configure the log to capture logons, logouts, logon attempts, and logout attempts. CC ID 01915 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture access to restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 00644
    [Log sensitive data access, including modification and disposal. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.14 Log Sensitive Data Access]
    System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture actions taken by individuals with root privileges or administrative privileges and add logging option to the root file system. CC ID 00645 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture identification and authentication mechanism use. CC ID 00648 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture all access to the audit trail. CC ID 00646 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture Object access to key directories or key files. CC ID 01697 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture both access and access attempts to security-relevant objects and security-relevant directories. CC ID 01916 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture system level object creation and deletion. CC ID 00650 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture changes to User privileges, audit policies, and trust policies by enabling audit policy changes. CC ID 01698 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture user authenticator changes. CC ID 01917 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure security and protection software to check for up-to-date signature files. CC ID 00576
    [Configure automatic updates for anti-malware signature files on all enterprise assets. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.2 Configure Automatic Anti-Malware Signature Updates]
    System hardening through configuration management Testing
    Test systems to ensure they conform to configuration baselines. CC ID 13062 System hardening through configuration management Testing
    Ensure data sets have the appropriate characteristics. CC ID 15000 Records management Data and Information Management
    Ensure data sets are complete, are accurate, and are relevant. CC ID 14999 Records management Data and Information Management
    Define each system's preservation requirements for records and logs. CC ID 00904 Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a data retention program. CC ID 00906
    [Develop processes and technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data. CIS Control 3: Data Protection
    Retain data according to the enterprise's documented data management process. Data retention must include both minimum and maximum timelines. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.4 Enforce Data Retention]
    Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Maintain continued integrity for all stored data and stored records. CC ID 00969 Records management Testing
    Capture the records required by organizational compliance requirements. CC ID 00912
    [Develop processes and technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data. CIS Control 3: Data Protection]
    Records management Records Management
    Assign the appropriate information classification to records imported into the Records Management system. CC ID 04555
    [Develop processes and technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data. CIS Control 3: Data Protection]
    Records management Data and Information Management
    Identify patient-specific education resources. CC ID 14439 Records management Process or Activity
    Classify restricted data or restricted information in Records Management systems according to the data or information's sensitivity. CC ID 04720
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an overall data classification scheme for the enterprise. Enterprises may use labels, such as "Sensitive," "Confidential," and "Public," and classify their data according to those labels. Review and update the classification scheme annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.7 Establish and Maintain a Data Classification Scheme
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process]
    Records management Data and Information Management
    Restrict system architects from being assigned as Administrators. CC ID 01064 Systems design, build, and implementation Testing
    Restrict the development team from having access to the production environment. CC ID 01066 Systems design, build, and implementation Testing
    Perform a risk assessment for each system development project. CC ID 01000
    [Conduct threat modeling. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. It is conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. The goal is to map out the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its weaknesses. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.14 Conduct Threat Modeling]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Testing
    Supervise and monitor outsourced development projects. CC ID 01096
    [Monitor service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Monitoring may include periodic reassessment of service provider compliance, monitoring service provider release notes, and dark web monitoring. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.6 Monitor Service Providers]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Include anti-tamper technologies and anti-tamper techniques in the system design specification. CC ID 10639 Systems design, build, and implementation Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Audit all modifications to the application being developed. CC ID 01614 Systems design, build, and implementation Testing
    Perform Quality Management on all newly developed or modified systems. CC ID 01100 Systems design, build, and implementation Testing
    Review and test custom code to identify potential coding vulnerabilities. CC ID 01316
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Testing
    Review and test source code. CC ID 01086 Systems design, build, and implementation Testing
    Approve all custom code test results before code is released. CC ID 06293 Systems design, build, and implementation Testing
    Perform a final system test prior to implementing a new system. CC ID 01108 Systems design, build, and implementation Testing
    Include the cost effectiveness of security controls in system acquisition contracts. CC ID 11653 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Technical Security
    Provide a Configuration Management plan by the Information System developer for all newly acquired assets. CC ID 01446 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Testing
    Require the Information System developer to create a Security Testing and Evaluation plan, implement the test, and provide the test results for all newly acquired assets. CC ID 01447 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Testing
    Test new hardware or upgraded hardware and software for implementation of security controls. CC ID 06743 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Testing
    Test new software or upgraded software for security vulnerabilities. CC ID 01898
    [{be up to date} Use up-to-date and trusted third-party software components. When possible, choose established and proven frameworks and libraries that provide adequate security. Acquire these components from trusted sources or evaluate the software for vulnerabilities before use. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.5 Use Up-to-Date and Trusted Third-Party Software Components]
    Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Testing
    Refrain from storing data elements containing payment card full magnetic stripe data. CC ID 04757 Privacy protection for information and data Testing
    Conduct personal data risk assessments. CC ID 00357 Privacy protection for information and data Testing
    Establish, implement, and maintain suspicious document procedures. CC ID 04852 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain suspicious personal data procedures. CC ID 04853 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Compare certain personal data such as name, date of birth, address, driver's license, or other identification against personal data on file for the applicant. CC ID 04855 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain suspicious user account activity procedures. CC ID 04854 Privacy protection for information and data Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Perform an identity check prior to approving an account change request. CC ID 13670 Privacy protection for information and data Investigate
    Use the contact information on file to contact the individual identified in an account change request. CC ID 04857 Privacy protection for information and data Behavior
    Match consumer reports with current accounts on file to ensure account misuse or information misuse has not occurred. CC ID 04873 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Log account access dates and report when dormant accounts suddenly exhibit unusual activity. CC ID 04874 Privacy protection for information and data Log Management
    Log dates for account name changes or address changes. CC ID 04876 Privacy protection for information and data Log Management
    Review accounts that are changed for additional user requests. CC ID 11846 Privacy protection for information and data Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Send change notices for change of address requests to the old address and the new address. CC ID 04877 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Search the Internet for evidence of data leakage. CC ID 10419
    [Monitor service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Monitoring may include periodic reassessment of service provider compliance, monitoring service provider release notes, and dark web monitoring. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.6 Monitor Service Providers]
    Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Review monitored websites for data leakage. CC ID 10593 Privacy protection for information and data Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Conduct internal data processing audits. CC ID 00374 Privacy protection for information and data Testing
    Formalize client and third party relationships with contracts or nondisclosure agreements. CC ID 00794 Third Party and supply chain oversight Process or Activity
    Include third party acknowledgment of their data protection responsibilities in third party contracts. CC ID 01364 Third Party and supply chain oversight Testing
    Maintain the third party's compliance framework to be equivalent to that of the organization's compliance requirements. CC ID 06087
    [{process}{accept}{address}{reports}{software vulnerability} Third-party application developers need to consider this an externally-facing policy that helps to set expectations for outside stakeholders. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 2
    Monitor service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Monitoring may include periodic reassessment of service provider compliance, monitoring service provider release notes, and dark web monitoring. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.6 Monitor Service Providers]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Testing
    Re-evaluate risk assessments of third parties, as necessary. CC ID 12158
    [{annual basis} Assess service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Assessment scope may vary based on classification(s), and may include review of standardized assessment reports, such as Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) and Payment Card Industry (PCI) Attestation of Compliance (AoC), customized questionnaires, or other appropriately rigorous processes. Reassess service providers annually, at a minimum, or with new and renewed contracts. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.5 Assess Service Providers]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Audits and Risk Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain deduplication procedures for third party services. CC ID 13915 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Assess third parties' relevant experience during due diligence. CC ID 12070 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Assess third parties' legal risks to the organization during due diligence. CC ID 12078 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Assess third parties' business continuity capabilities during due diligence. CC ID 12077 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Review third parties' backup policies. CC ID 13043 Third Party and supply chain oversight Systems Continuity
    Assess third parties' breach remediation status, as necessary, during due diligence. CC ID 12076 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Assess third parties' abilities to provide services during due diligence. CC ID 12074 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Assess third parties' financial stability during due diligence. CC ID 12066 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Assess third parties' use of subcontractors during due diligence. CC ID 12073 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Assess third parties' insurance coverage during due diligence. CC ID 12072 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Assess the third parties' reputation during due diligence. CC ID 12068 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Assess any litigation case files against third parties during due diligence. CC ID 12071 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Assess complaints against third parties during due diligence. CC ID 12069 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Include a provision in outsourcing contracts that requires supply chain members' security requirements comply with organizational security requirements. CC ID 00359
    [{annual basis} Ensure service provider contracts include security requirements. Example requirements may include minimum security program requirements, security incident and/or data breach notification and response, data encryption requirements, and data disposal commitments. These security requirements must be consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Review service provider contracts annually to ensure contracts are not missing security requirements. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.4 Ensure Service Provider Contracts Include Security Requirements]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Testing
    Assess third parties' compliance environment during due diligence. CC ID 13134 Third Party and supply chain oversight Process or Activity
    Document that supply chain members investigate security events. CC ID 13348 Third Party and supply chain oversight Investigate
    Engage third parties to scope third party services' applicability to the organization's compliance requirements, as necessary. CC ID 12064 Third Party and supply chain oversight Process or Activity
    Establish and maintain a list of compliance requirements managed by the organization and correlated with those managed by supply chain members. CC ID 11888 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document whether the third party transmits, processes, or stores restricted data on behalf of the organization. CC ID 12063 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document whether engaging the third party will impact the organization's compliance risk. CC ID 12065 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Request attestation of compliance from third parties. CC ID 12067
    [{annual basis} Assess service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Assessment scope may vary based on classification(s), and may include review of standardized assessment reports, such as Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) and Payment Card Industry (PCI) Attestation of Compliance (AoC), customized questionnaires, or other appropriately rigorous processes. Reassess service providers annually, at a minimum, or with new and renewed contracts. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.5 Assess Service Providers]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Allow third parties to provide Self-Assessment Reports, as necessary. CC ID 12229 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Assess third parties' compliance with the organization's third party security policies during due diligence. CC ID 12075
    [Develop a process to evaluate service providers who hold sensitive data, or are responsible for an enterprise's critical IT platforms or processes, to ensure these providers are protecting those platforms and data appropriately. CIS Control 15: Service Provider Management]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Document the third parties compliance with the organization's system hardening framework. CC ID 04263 Third Party and supply chain oversight Technical Security
    Assess the effectiveness of third party services provided to the organization. CC ID 13142 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Monitor third parties for performance and effectiveness, as necessary. CC ID 00799
    [Monitor service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Monitoring may include periodic reassessment of service provider compliance, monitoring service provider release notes, and dark web monitoring. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.6 Monitor Service Providers
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy
    Designate one key person, and at least one backup, who will manage the enterprise's incident handling process. Management personnel are responsible for the coordination and documentation of incident response and recovery efforts and can consist of employees internal to the enterprise, service providers, or a hybrid approach. If using a service provider, designate at least one person internal to the enterprise to oversee any third-party work. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.1 Designate Personnel to Manage Incident Handling]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Monitor third parties' financial conditions. CC ID 13170 Third Party and supply chain oversight Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
  • IT Impact Zone
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE TYPE
    Leadership and high level objectives CC ID 00597 Leadership and high level objectives IT Impact Zone
    Monitoring and measurement CC ID 00636 Monitoring and measurement IT Impact Zone
    Audits and risk management CC ID 00677 Audits and risk management IT Impact Zone
    Technical security CC ID 00508 Technical security IT Impact Zone
    Physical and environmental protection CC ID 00709 Physical and environmental protection IT Impact Zone
    Operational and Systems Continuity CC ID 00731 Operational and Systems Continuity IT Impact Zone
    Human Resources management CC ID 00763 Human Resources management IT Impact Zone
    Operational management CC ID 00805 Operational management IT Impact Zone
    System hardening through configuration management CC ID 00860 System hardening through configuration management IT Impact Zone
    Records management CC ID 00902 Records management IT Impact Zone
    Systems design, build, and implementation CC ID 00989 Systems design, build, and implementation IT Impact Zone
    Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services CC ID 01123 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services IT Impact Zone
    Privacy protection for information and data CC ID 00008 Privacy protection for information and data IT Impact Zone
    Third Party and supply chain oversight CC ID 08807 Third Party and supply chain oversight IT Impact Zone
  • Preventive
    KEY:    Primary Verb     Primary Noun     Secondary Verb     Secondary Noun     Limiting Term
    Mandated - bold    Implied - italic    Implementation - regular IMPACT ZONE TYPE
    Establish, implement, and maintain a reporting methodology program. CC ID 02072
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1]
    Leadership and high level objectives Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain communication protocols. CC ID 12245 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain an alternative communication protocol. CC ID 17097 Leadership and high level objectives Communicate
    Use secure communication protocols for telecommunications. CC ID 16458 Leadership and high level objectives Business Processes
    Align the information being disseminated and communicated with the communication requirements according to the organization's communication protocol. CC ID 12419 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include external requirements in the organization's communication protocol. CC ID 12418 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include disseminating and communicating events surrounding instances of desirable conduct and undesirable conduct in the communication protocols. CC ID 12824 Leadership and high level objectives Communicate
    Include input from interested personnel and affected parties as a part of the organization’s communication protocol. CC ID 12417
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1]
    Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a corrective action plan to address barriers to stakeholder engagement. CC ID 15677 Leadership and high level objectives Process or Activity
    Identify barriers to stakeholder engagement. CC ID 15676 Leadership and high level objectives Process or Activity
    Identify alternative measures for collecting stakeholder input, as necessary. CC ID 15672 Leadership and high level objectives Communicate
    Include disseminating and communicating conditions surrounding instances of desirable conduct and undesirable conduct in the communication protocols. CC ID 12804 Leadership and high level objectives Communicate
    Include methods to obtain information from interested personnel and affected parties about performance variances in the communication protocol. CC ID 12856 Leadership and high level objectives Process or Activity
    Include disseminating and communicating desirable conduct in the communication protocols. CC ID 12803 Leadership and high level objectives Communicate
    Include disseminating and communicating undesirable conduct in communication protocols. CC ID 12802 Leadership and high level objectives Communicate
    Route notifications, as necessary. CC ID 12832 Leadership and high level objectives Process or Activity
    Substantiate notifications, as necessary. CC ID 12831 Leadership and high level objectives Process or Activity
    Analyze the flow of information to ensure it is being received by the correct processes. CC ID 12860 Leadership and high level objectives Business Processes
    Prioritize notifications, as necessary. CC ID 12830 Leadership and high level objectives Process or Activity
    Report to management and stakeholders on the findings and information gathered from all types of inquiries. CC ID 12797 Leadership and high level objectives Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Disseminate and communicate internal controls with supply chain members. CC ID 12416 Leadership and high level objectives Communicate
    Establish and maintain the organization's survey method. CC ID 12869 Leadership and high level objectives Process or Activity
    Document the findings from surveys. CC ID 16309 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Provide a consolidated view of information in the organization's survey method. CC ID 12894 Leadership and high level objectives Process or Activity
    Establish, implement, and maintain warning procedures. CC ID 12407 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain alert procedures. CC ID 12406 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the criteria for notifications in the notification system. CC ID 17139 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the capturing and alerting of compliance violations in the notification system. CC ID 12962 Leadership and high level objectives Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Include the capturing and alerting of unethical conduct in the notification system. CC ID 12932 Leadership and high level objectives Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Include the capturing and alerting of performance variances in the notification system. CC ID 12929 Leadership and high level objectives Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Include the capturing and alerting of weaknesses in the notification system. CC ID 12928 Leadership and high level objectives Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Include the capturing and alerting of account activity in the notification system. CC ID 15314 Leadership and high level objectives Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Establish, implement, and maintain an internal reporting program. CC ID 12409 Leadership and high level objectives Business Processes
    Include transactions and events as a part of internal reporting. CC ID 12413 Leadership and high level objectives Business Processes
    Disseminate and communicate management's choices for managing the organization as a part of internal reporting. CC ID 12412 Leadership and high level objectives Communicate
    Enforce a precision level for non-financial reporting based on user need and appropriate supply chain criteria. CC ID 12399 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Define the thresholds for escalation in the internal reporting program. CC ID 14332 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Define the thresholds for reporting in the internal reporting program. CC ID 14331 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain an external reporting program. CC ID 12876 Leadership and high level objectives Communicate
    Provide identifying information about the organization to the responsible party. CC ID 16715 Leadership and high level objectives Communicate
    Identify the material topics required to be reported on. CC ID 15654 Leadership and high level objectives Business Processes
    Check the list of material topics for completeness. CC ID 15692 Leadership and high level objectives Investigate
    Prioritize material topics used in reporting. CC ID 15678 Leadership and high level objectives Communicate
    Review and approve the material topics, as necessary. CC ID 15670 Leadership and high level objectives Process or Activity
    Define the thresholds for reporting in the external reporting program. CC ID 15679 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include time requirements in the external reporting program. CC ID 16566 Leadership and high level objectives Communicate
    Include information about the organizational culture in the external reporting program. CC ID 15610 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Submit certification letters to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16969 Leadership and high level objectives Communicate
    Include reporting to governing bodies in the external reporting plan. CC ID 12923 Leadership and high level objectives Communicate
    Submit confidential treatment applications to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16592 Leadership and high level objectives Communicate
    Include the reasons for objections to public disclosure in confidential treatment applications. CC ID 16594 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include contact information for the interested personnel and affected parties the report was filed with in the confidential treatment application. CC ID 16595 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the information that was omitted in the confidential treatment application. CC ID 16593 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Request extensions for submissions to governing bodies, as necessary. CC ID 16955 Leadership and high level objectives Process or Activity
    Analyze organizational objectives, functions, and activities. CC ID 00598 Leadership and high level objectives Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Establish, implement, and maintain a data classification scheme. CC ID 11628
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an overall data classification scheme for the enterprise. Enterprises may use labels, such as "Sensitive," "Confidential," and "Public," and classify their data according to those labels. Review and update the classification scheme annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.7 Establish and Maintain a Data Classification Scheme
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain an overall data classification scheme for the enterprise. Enterprises may use labels, such as "Sensitive," "Confidential," and "Public," and classify their data according to those labels. Review and update the classification scheme annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.7 Establish and Maintain a Data Classification Scheme]
    Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Take into account the characteristics of the geographical, behavioral and functional setting for all datasets. CC ID 15046 Leadership and high level objectives Data and Information Management
    Disseminate and communicate the data classification scheme to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16804 Leadership and high level objectives Communicate
    Establish and maintain the scope of the organizational compliance framework and Information Assurance controls. CC ID 01241 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a policy and procedure management program. CC ID 06285 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Approve all compliance documents. CC ID 06286 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a compliance exception standard. CC ID 01628 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include explanations, compensating controls, or risk acceptance in the compliance exceptions Exceptions document. CC ID 01631
    [{unauthorized software}{monthly basis} Ensure that only currently supported software is designated as authorized in the software inventory for enterprise assets. If software is unsupported, yet necessary for the fulfillment of the enterprise's mission, document an exception detailing mitigating controls and residual risk acceptance. For any unsupported software without an exception documentation, designate as unauthorized. Review the software list to verify software support at least monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.2 Ensure Authorized Software is Currently Supported]
    Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a strategic plan. CC ID 12784 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a decision management strategy. CC ID 06913 Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document and evaluate the decision outcomes from the decision-making process. CC ID 06918
    [Plan and conduct routine incident response exercises and scenarios for key personnel involved in the incident response process to prepare for responding to real-world incidents. Exercises need to test communication channels, decision-making, and workflows. Conduct testing on an annual basis, at a minimum. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.7 Conduct Routine Incident Response Exercises]
    Leadership and high level objectives Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Enable monitoring and logging operations on all assets that meet the organizational criteria to maintain event logs. CC ID 06312
    [Collect audit logs. Ensure that logging, per the enterprise's audit log management process, has been enabled across enterprise assets. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.2 Collect Audit Logs
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented audit log management process that defines the enterprise's logging requirements. At a minimum, address the collection, review, and retention of audit logs for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.1 Establish and Maintain an Audit Log Management Process]
    Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Review and approve the use of continuous security management systems. CC ID 13181 Monitoring and measurement Process or Activity
    Protect continuous security management systems from unauthorized use. CC ID 13097 Monitoring and measurement Configuration
    Establish, implement, and maintain intrusion management operations. CC ID 00580 Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Install and maintain an Intrusion Detection System and/or Intrusion Prevention System. CC ID 00581
    [Deploy a host-based intrusion prevention solution on enterprise assets, where appropriate and/or supported. Example implementations include use of an Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) client or host-based IPS agent. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.7 Deploy a Host-Based Intrusion Prevention Solution
    Deploy a host-based intrusion detection solution on enterprise assets, where appropriate and/or supported. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.2 Deploy a Host-Based Intrusion Detection Solution
    Deploy a network intrusion detection solution on enterprise assets, where appropriate. Example implementations include the use of a Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) or equivalent cloud service provider (CSP) service. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.3 Deploy a Network Intrusion Detection Solution
    Deploy a network intrusion prevention solution, where appropriate. Example implementations include the use of a Network Intrusion Prevention System (NIPS) or equivalent CSP service. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.8 Deploy a Network Intrusion Prevention Solution]
    Monitoring and measurement Configuration
    Monitor systems for unauthorized data transfers. CC ID 12971 Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Address operational anomalies within the incident management system. CC ID 11633 Monitoring and measurement Audits and Risk Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Identity Theft Prevention Program. CC ID 11634 Monitoring and measurement Audits and Risk Management
    Prohibit the sale or transfer of a debt caused by identity theft. CC ID 16983 Monitoring and measurement Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services
    Monitor systems for unauthorized mobile code. CC ID 10034 Monitoring and measurement Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Include the system components that generate audit records in the event logging procedures. CC ID 16426 Monitoring and measurement Data and Information Management
    Include a standard to collect and interpret event logs in the event logging procedures. CC ID 00643
    [Collect audit logs. Ensure that logging, per the enterprise's audit log management process, has been enabled across enterprise assets. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.2 Collect Audit Logs
    {weekly basis} Conduct reviews of audit logs to detect anomalies or abnormal events that could indicate a potential threat. Conduct reviews on a weekly, or more frequent, basis. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.11 Conduct Audit Log Reviews]
    Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Protect the event logs from failure. CC ID 06290 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Overwrite the oldest records when audit logging fails. CC ID 14308 Monitoring and measurement Data and Information Management
    Supply each in scope asset with audit reduction tool and report generation capabilities to support after-the-fact investigations without altering the event logs. CC ID 01427 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Include identity information of suspects in the suspicious activity report. CC ID 16648 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Compile the event logs of multiple components into a system-wide time-correlated audit trail. CC ID 01424
    [Centralize security event alerting across enterprise assets for log correlation and analysis. Best practice implementation requires the use of a SIEM, which includes vendor-defined event correlation alerts. A log analytics platform configured with security-relevant correlation alerts also satisfies this Safeguard. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.1 Centralize Security Event Alerting
    Centralize security event alerting across enterprise assets for log correlation and analysis. Best practice implementation requires the use of a SIEM, which includes vendor-defined event correlation alerts. A log analytics platform configured with security-relevant correlation alerts also satisfies this Safeguard. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.1 Centralize Security Event Alerting
    Centralize, to the extent possible, audit log collection and retention across enterprise assets in accordance with the documented audit log management process. Example implementations include leveraging a SIEM tool to centralize multiple log sources. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.9 Centralize Audit Logs]
    Monitoring and measurement Audits and Risk Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain log analysis tools. CC ID 17056 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Reproduce the event log if a log failure is captured. CC ID 01426 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Enable and configure logging on network access controls in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 01963
    [Operate processes and tooling to establish and maintain comprehensive network monitoring and defense against security threats across the enterprise's network infrastructure and user base. CIS Control 13: Network Monitoring and Defense
    Collect network traffic flow logs and/or network traffic to review and alert upon from network devices. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.6 Collect Network Traffic Flow Logs]
    Monitoring and measurement Configuration
    Synchronize system clocks to an accurate and universal time source on all devices. CC ID 01340
    [{stipulated amount} Standardize time synchronization. Configure at least two synchronized time sources across enterprise assets, where supported. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.4 Standardize Time Synchronization
    {stipulated amount} Standardize time synchronization. Configure at least two synchronized time sources across enterprise assets, where supported. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.4 Standardize Time Synchronization]
    Monitoring and measurement Configuration
    Centralize network time servers to as few as practical. CC ID 06308 Monitoring and measurement Configuration
    Disseminate and communicate information to customers about clock synchronization methods used by the organization. CC ID 13044 Monitoring and measurement Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk monitoring program. CC ID 00658 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system security plan. CC ID 01922 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Create specific test plans to test each system component. CC ID 00661 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the scope in the test plans. CC ID 14293
    [Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program]
    Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document validated testing processes in the testing procedures. CC ID 06200 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include error details, identifying the root causes, and mitigation actions in the testing procedures. CC ID 11827
    [Perform root cause analysis on security vulnerabilities. When reviewing vulnerabilities, root cause analysis is the task of evaluating underlying issues that create vulnerabilities in code, and allows development teams to move beyond just fixing individual vulnerabilities as they arise. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.3 Perform Root Cause Analysis on Security Vulnerabilities]
    Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Determine the appropriate assessment method for each testing process in the test plan. CC ID 00665 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Implement automated audit tools. CC ID 04882 Monitoring and measurement Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services
    Assign senior management to approve test plans. CC ID 13071 Monitoring and measurement Human Resources Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain a testing program. CC ID 00654 Monitoring and measurement Behavior
    Define the test requirements for each testing program. CC ID 13177
    [Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program
    Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program]
    Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include test requirements for the use of human subjects in the testing program. CC ID 16222 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Document the business need justification for authorized wireless access points. CC ID 12044 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Deny network access to rogue devices until network access approval has been received. CC ID 11852
    [Ensure that a process exists to address unauthorized assets on a weekly basis. The enterprise may choose to remove the asset from the network, deny the asset from connecting remotely to the network, or quarantine the asset. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.2 Address Unauthorized Assets]
    Monitoring and measurement Configuration
    Establish, implement, and maintain a penetration test program. CC ID 01105
    [Validate security measures after each penetration test. If deemed necessary, modify rulesets and capabilities to detect the techniques used during testing. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.4 Validate Security Measures
    Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program]
    Monitoring and measurement Behavior
    Align the penetration test program with industry standards. CC ID 12469 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Assign penetration testing to a qualified internal resource or external third party. CC ID 06429
    [{annual basis} Perform periodic external penetration tests based on program requirements, no less than annually. External penetration testing must include enterprise and environmental reconnaissance to detect exploitable information. Penetration testing requires specialized skills and experience and must be conducted through a qualified party. The testing may be clear box or opaque box. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.2 Perform Periodic External Penetration Tests
    Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program]
    Monitoring and measurement Establish Roles
    Establish, implement, and maintain a penetration testing methodology that validates scope-reduction controls through network segmentation. CC ID 11958 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Retain penetration test results according to internal policy. CC ID 10049 Monitoring and measurement Records Management
    Retain penetration test remediation action records according to internal policy. CC ID 11629 Monitoring and measurement Records Management
    Ensure protocols are free from injection flaws. CC ID 16401 Monitoring and measurement Process or Activity
    Prevent adversaries from disabling or compromising security controls. CC ID 17057 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain a vulnerability management program. CC ID 15721 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a vulnerability assessment program. CC ID 11636
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented vulnerability management process for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.1 Establish and Maintain a Vulnerability Management Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented vulnerability management process for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 7: Safeguard 7.1 Establish and Maintain a Vulnerability Management Process
    Develop a plan to continuously assess and track vulnerabilities on all enterprise assets within the enterprise's infrastructure, in order to remediate, and minimize, the window of opportunity for attackers. Monitor public and private industry sources for new threat and vulnerability information. CIS Control 7: Continuous Vulnerability Management
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a severity rating system and process for application vulnerabilities that facilitates prioritizing the order in which discovered vulnerabilities are fixed. This process includes setting a minimum level of security acceptability for releasing code or applications. Severity ratings bring a systematic way of triaging vulnerabilities that improves risk management and helps ensure the most severe bugs are fixed first. Review and update the system and process annually. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.6 Establish and Maintain a Severity Rating System and Process for Application Vulnerabilities]
    Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Conduct scanning activities in a test environment. CC ID 17036 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Use dedicated user accounts when conducting vulnerability scans. CC ID 12098 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Record the vulnerability scanning activity in the vulnerability scan report. CC ID 12097 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the vulnerability scan results to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16418 Monitoring and measurement Communicate
    Maintain vulnerability scan reports as organizational records. CC ID 12092 Monitoring and measurement Records Management
    Employ an approved third party to perform external vulnerability scans on the organization's systems. CC ID 12467 Monitoring and measurement Business Processes
    Meet the requirements for a passing score during an external vulnerability scan or rescan. CC ID 12039 Monitoring and measurement Testing
    Define the test frequency for each testing program. CC ID 13176
    [Plan and conduct routine incident response exercises and scenarios for key personnel involved in the incident response process to prepare for responding to real-world incidents. Exercises need to test communication channels, decision-making, and workflows. Conduct testing on an annual basis, at a minimum. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.7 Conduct Routine Incident Response Exercises
    Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, industry, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements. CIS Control 18: Safeguard 18.1 Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program]
    Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a compliance monitoring policy. CC ID 00671 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a technical measurement metrics policy. CC ID 01655 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Security Information and Event Management metrics program. CC ID 02078
    [{monthly basis} Tune security event alerting thresholds monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.11 Tune Security Event Alerting Thresholds]
    Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain an incident management and vulnerability management metrics program. CC ID 02085
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1]
    Monitoring and measurement Business Processes
    Delay the reporting of incident management metrics, as necessary. CC ID 15501 Monitoring and measurement Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain a log management program. CC ID 00673
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented audit log management process that defines the enterprise's logging requirements. At a minimum, address the collection, review, and retention of audit logs for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.1 Establish and Maintain an Audit Log Management Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented audit log management process that defines the enterprise's logging requirements. At a minimum, address the collection, review, and retention of audit logs for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.1 Establish and Maintain an Audit Log Management Process]
    Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include transfer procedures in the log management program. CC ID 17077 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Deploy log normalization tools, as necessary. CC ID 12141 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Restrict access to logs to authorized individuals. CC ID 01342 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Restrict access to audit trails to a need to know basis. CC ID 11641 Monitoring and measurement Technical Security
    Refrain from recording unnecessary restricted data in logs. CC ID 06318 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Back up audit trails according to backup procedures. CC ID 11642 Monitoring and measurement Systems Continuity
    Back up logs according to backup procedures. CC ID 01344 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Copy logs from all predefined hosts onto a log management infrastructure. CC ID 01346 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Identify hosts with logs that are not being stored. CC ID 06314 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Identify hosts with logs that are being stored at the system level only. CC ID 06315 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Identify hosts with logs that should be stored at both the system level and the infrastructure level. CC ID 06316 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Identify hosts with logs that are being stored at the infrastructure level only. CC ID 06317 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Protect logs from unauthorized activity. CC ID 01345 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Perform testing and validating activities on all logs. CC ID 06322 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Archive the audit trail in accordance with compliance requirements. CC ID 00674 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Enforce dual authorization as a part of information flow control for logs. CC ID 10098 Monitoring and measurement Configuration
    Preserve the identity of individuals in audit trails. CC ID 10594 Monitoring and measurement Log Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain a cross-organizational audit sharing agreement. CC ID 10595 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Provide cross-organizational audit information based on the cross-organizational audit sharing agreement. CC ID 10596 Monitoring and measurement Audits and Risk Management
    Align corrective actions with the level of environmental impact. CC ID 15193 Monitoring and measurement Business Processes
    Include evidence of the closure of findings in the corrective action plan. CC ID 16978 Monitoring and measurement Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Include roles and responsibilities in the corrective action plan. CC ID 16926 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include risks and opportunities in the corrective action plan. CC ID 15178 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include actions taken to resolve issues in the corrective action plan. CC ID 16884 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include environmental aspects in the corrective action plan. CC ID 15177 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the completion date in the corrective action plan. CC ID 13272 Monitoring and measurement Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the corrective action plan to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16883 Monitoring and measurement Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk management program. CC ID 12051 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain the risk assessment framework. CC ID 00685 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a risk assessment program. CC ID 00687 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain risk assessment procedures. CC ID 06446 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 07183 Audits and risk management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include risks to critical personnel and assets in the threat and risk classification scheme. CC ID 00698
    [{monthly basis} Establish and manage an updated inventory of third-party components used in development, often referred to as a "bill of materials," as well as components slated for future use. This inventory is to include any risks that each third-party component could pose. Evaluate the list at least monthly to identify any changes or updates to these components, and validate that the component is still supported. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.4 Establish and Manage an Inventory of Third-Party Software Components]
    Audits and risk management Audits and Risk Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain an access control program. CC ID 11702
    [Centralize access control for all enterprise assets through a directory service or SSO provider, where supported. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.7 Centralize Access Control]
    Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include instructions to change authenticators as often as necessary in the access control program. CC ID 11931 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include guidance for how users should protect their authentication credentials in the access control program. CC ID 11929 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include guidance on selecting authentication credentials in the access control program. CC ID 11928 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain access control policies. CC ID 00512 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include compliance requirements in the access control policy. CC ID 14006 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include coordination amongst entities in the access control policy. CC ID 14005 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include management commitment in the access control policy. CC ID 14004 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include roles and responsibilities in the access control policy. CC ID 14003 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the scope in the access control policy. CC ID 14002 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the purpose in the access control policy. CC ID 14001 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document the business need justification for user accounts. CC ID 15490 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain an instant messaging and chat system usage policy. CC ID 11815 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the access control policies to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 10061 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain an access rights management plan. CC ID 00513 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Implement safeguards to protect access credentials from unauthorized access. CC ID 16433 Technical security Technical Security
    Inventory all user accounts. CC ID 13732
    [{quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, must contain department owner, review date, and purpose. Perform service account reviews to validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.5 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Accounts
    {user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts]
    Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain contact information for user accounts, as necessary. CC ID 15418 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Control access rights to organizational assets. CC ID 00004
    [Configure data access control lists based on a user's need to know. Apply data access control lists, also known as access permissions, to local and remote file systems, databases, and applications. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.3 Configure Data Access Control Lists
    Establish and follow a documented process, preferably automated, for granting access to enterprise assets upon new hire or role change of a user. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.1 Establish an Access Granting Process]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Configure access control lists in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16465
    [Configure data access control lists based on a user's need to know. Apply data access control lists, also known as access permissions, to local and remote file systems, databases, and applications. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.3 Configure Data Access Control Lists]
    Technical security Configuration
    Add all devices requiring access control to the Access Control List. CC ID 06264 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Generate but refrain from storing authenticators or Personal Identification Numbers for systems involved in high risk activities. CC ID 06835 Technical security Technical Security
    Define roles for information systems. CC ID 12454 Technical security Human Resources Management
    Define access needs for each role assigned to an information system. CC ID 12455 Technical security Human Resources Management
    Define access needs for each system component of an information system. CC ID 12456 Technical security Technical Security
    Define the level of privilege required for each system component of an information system. CC ID 12457 Technical security Technical Security
    Establish access rights based on least privilege. CC ID 01411
    [{annual basis} Define and maintain role-based access control, through determining and documenting the access rights necessary for each role within the enterprise to successfully carry out its assigned duties. Perform access control reviews of enterprise assets to validate that all privileges are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.8 Define and Maintain Role-Based Access Control
    Design and maintain a secure network architecture. A secure network architecture must address segmentation, least privilege, and availability, at a minimum. Example implementations may include documentation, policy, and design components. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.2 Establish and Maintain a Secure Network Architecture]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Assign user permissions based on job responsibilities. CC ID 00538 Technical security Technical Security
    Assign user privileges after they have management sign off. CC ID 00542 Technical security Technical Security
    Separate processing domains to segregate user privileges and enhance information flow control. CC ID 06767
    [{data storage}{be lower than} Segment data processing and storage based on the sensitivity of the data. Do not process sensitive data on enterprise assets intended for lower sensitivity data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.12 Segment Data Processing and Storage Based on Sensitivity]
    Technical security Configuration
    Establish, implement, and maintain lockout procedures or lockout mechanisms to be triggered after a predetermined number of consecutive logon attempts. CC ID 01412
    [Enforce automatic device lockout following a predetermined threshold of local failed authentication attempts on portable end-user devices, where supported. For laptops, do not allow more than 20 failed authentication attempts; for tablets and smartphones, no more than 10 failed authentication attempts. Example implementations include Microsoft® InTune Device Lock and Apple® Configuration Profile maxFailedAttempts. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.10 Enforce Automatic Device Lockout on Portable End-User Devices]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Configure the lockout procedure to disregard failed logon attempts after the user is authenticated. CC ID 13822 Technical security Configuration
    Notify appropriate parties when the maximum number of unsuccessful logon attempts is exceeded. CC ID 17164 Technical security Communicate
    Disallow unlocking user accounts absent system administrator approval. CC ID 01413 Technical security Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain session lock capabilities. CC ID 01417 Technical security Configuration
    Limit concurrent sessions according to account type. CC ID 01416 Technical security Configuration
    Establish session authenticity through Transport Layer Security. CC ID 01627 Technical security Technical Security
    Configure the "tlsverify" argument to organizational standards. CC ID 14460 Technical security Configuration
    Configure the "tlscacert" argument to organizational standards. CC ID 14521 Technical security Configuration
    Configure the "tlscert" argument to organizational standards. CC ID 14520 Technical security Configuration
    Configure the "tlskey" argument to organizational standards. CC ID 14519 Technical security Configuration
    Enable access control for objects and users on each system. CC ID 04553 Technical security Configuration
    Include all system components in the access control system. CC ID 11939 Technical security Technical Security
    Set access control for objects and users to "deny all" unless explicitly authorized. CC ID 06301 Technical security Process or Activity
    Enable access control for objects and users to match restrictions set by the system's security classification. CC ID 04850
    [{remote connection} Manage access control for assets remotely connecting to enterprise resources. Determine amount of access to enterprise resources based on: up-to-date anti-malware software installed, configuration compliance with the enterprise's secure configuration process, and ensuring the operating system and applications are up-to-date. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.5 Manage Access Control for Remote Assets]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Enable attribute-based access control for objects and users on information systems. CC ID 16351 Technical security Technical Security
    Enable role-based access control for objects and users on information systems. CC ID 12458
    [{annual basis} Define and maintain role-based access control, through determining and documenting the access rights necessary for each role within the enterprise to successfully carry out its assigned duties. Perform access control reviews of enterprise assets to validate that all privileges are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.8 Define and Maintain Role-Based Access Control]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Include the objects and users subject to access control in the security policy. CC ID 11836 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Assign Information System access authorizations if implementing segregation of duties. CC ID 06323 Technical security Establish Roles
    Enforce access restrictions for change control. CC ID 01428 Technical security Technical Security
    Enforce access restrictions for restricted data. CC ID 01921 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Permit a limited set of user actions absent identification and authentication. CC ID 04849 Technical security Technical Security
    Activate third party maintenance accounts and user identifiers, as necessary. CC ID 04262 Technical security Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system use agreement for each information system. CC ID 06500 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Accept and sign the system use agreement before data or system access is enabled. CC ID 06501 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Display a logon banner and appropriate logon message before granting access to the system. CC ID 06770 Technical security Technical Security
    Display previous logon information in the logon banner. CC ID 01415 Technical security Configuration
    Document actions that can be performed on an information system absent identification and authentication of the user. CC ID 06771 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Use automatic equipment identification as a method of connection authentication absent an individual's identification and authentication. CC ID 06964 Technical security Technical Security
    Control user privileges. CC ID 11665 Technical security Technical Security
    Establish and maintain a list of individuals authorized to perform privileged functions. CC ID 17005 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Review all user privileges, as necessary. CC ID 06784
    [{annual basis} Define and maintain role-based access control, through determining and documenting the access rights necessary for each role within the enterprise to successfully carry out its assigned duties. Perform access control reviews of enterprise assets to validate that all privileges are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.8 Define and Maintain Role-Based Access Control]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Encrypt files and move them to a secure file server when a user account is disabled. CC ID 07065 Technical security Configuration
    Review each user's access capabilities when their role changes. CC ID 00524 Technical security Technical Security
    Change authenticators after personnel status changes. CC ID 12284 Technical security Human Resources Management
    Establish and maintain a Digital Rights Management program. CC ID 07093 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Enable products restricted by Digital Rights Management to be used while offline. CC ID 07094 Technical security Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain User Access Management procedures. CC ID 00514 Technical security Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain an authority for access authorization list. CC ID 06782 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Review and approve logical access to all assets based upon organizational policies. CC ID 06641 Technical security Technical Security
    Control the addition and modification of user identifiers, user credentials, or other authenticators. CC ID 00515
    [{user account}{administrator account} Use processes and tools to create, assign, manage, and revoke access credentials and privileges for user, administrator, and service accounts for enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 6: Access Control Management
    {user account}{administrator account} Use processes and tools to create, assign, manage, and revoke access credentials and privileges for user, administrator, and service accounts for enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 6: Access Control Management]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Assign roles and responsibilities for administering user account management. CC ID 11900 Technical security Human Resources Management
    Automate access control methods, as necessary. CC ID 11838 Technical security Technical Security
    Automate Access Control Systems, as necessary. CC ID 06854 Technical security Technical Security
    Refrain from storing logon credentials for third party applications. CC ID 13690 Technical security Technical Security
    Refrain from allowing user access to identifiers and authenticators used by applications. CC ID 10048 Technical security Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain a password policy. CC ID 16346 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Enforce the password policy. CC ID 16347 Technical security Technical Security
    Disseminate and communicate the password policies and password procedures to all users who have access to restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 00518 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Limit superuser accounts to designated System Administrators. CC ID 06766 Technical security Configuration
    Enforce usage restrictions for superuser accounts. CC ID 07064 Technical security Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain user accounts in accordance with the organizational Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 00526
    [Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 5: Account Management]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Protect and manage biometric systems and biometric data. CC ID 01261 Technical security Technical Security
    Maintain a log of the overrides of the biometric system. CC ID 17000 Technical security Log Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain biometric collection procedures. CC ID 15419 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document the business need justification for authentication data storage. CC ID 06325 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain access control procedures. CC ID 11663 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Grant access to authorized personnel or systems. CC ID 12186 Technical security Configuration
    Document approving and granting access in the access control log. CC ID 06786 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the access control log to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16442 Technical security Communicate
    Include the user identifiers of all personnel who are authorized to access a system in the system record. CC ID 15171 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include identity information of all personnel who are authorized to access a system in the system record. CC ID 16406 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the user's location in the system record. CC ID 16996 Technical security Log Management
    Include the date and time that access was reviewed in the system record. CC ID 16416 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Include the date and time that access rights were changed in the system record. CC ID 16415 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain an identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14033 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the purpose in the identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14234 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the scope in the identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14232 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include roles and responsibilities in the identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14230 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include management commitment in the identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14229 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include coordination amongst entities in the identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14227 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include compliance requirements in the identification and authentication policy. CC ID 14225 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish the requirements for Authentication Assurance Levels. CC ID 16958 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the identification and authentication policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14197 Technical security Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain identification and authentication procedures. CC ID 14053 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Implement alternative authentication mechanisms when individuals cannot utilize primary authentication mechanisms. CC ID 17002 Technical security Technical Security
    Disseminate and communicate the identification and authentication procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14223 Technical security Communicate
    Include digital identification procedures in the access control program. CC ID 11841 Technical security Technical Security
    Disseminate and communicate user identifiers and authenticators using secure communication protocols. CC ID 06791 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Include instructions to refrain from using previously used authenticators in the access control program. CC ID 11930 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disallow the use of Personal Identification Numbers as user identifiers. CC ID 06785 Technical security Technical Security
    Define the activation requirements for identification cards or badges. CC ID 06583 Technical security Process or Activity
    Require multiple forms of personal identification prior to issuing user identifiers. CC ID 08712 Technical security Human Resources Management
    Require proper authentication for user identifiers. CC ID 11785 Technical security Technical Security
    Assign authenticators to user accounts. CC ID 06855 Technical security Configuration
    Assign authentication mechanisms for user account authentication. CC ID 06856
    [Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 5: Account Management
    Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 5: Account Management
    Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 5: Account Management
    {user account}{administrator account} Use processes and tools to create, assign, manage, and revoke access credentials and privileges for user, administrator, and service accounts for enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 6: Access Control Management]
    Technical security Configuration
    Refrain from allowing individuals to share authentication mechanisms. CC ID 11932 Technical security Technical Security
    Require individuals to report lost or damaged authentication mechanisms. CC ID 17035 Technical security Communicate
    Establish and maintain a memorized secret list. CC ID 13791 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Limit account credential reuse as a part of digital identification procedures. CC ID 12357 Technical security Configuration
    Refrain from assigning authentication mechanisms for shared accounts. CC ID 11910 Technical security Technical Security
    Use biometric authentication for identification and authentication, as necessary. CC ID 06857 Technical security Establish Roles
    Establish, implement, and maintain a secure enrollment process for biometric systems. CC ID 17007 Technical security Process or Activity
    Establish, implement, and maintain a fallback mechanism for when the biometric system fails. CC ID 17006 Technical security Technical Security
    Prevent the disclosure of the closeness of the biometric data during the biometric verification. CC ID 17003 Technical security Technical Security
    Employ live scans to verify biometric authentication. CC ID 06847 Technical security Technical Security
    Disallow self-enrollment of biometric information. CC ID 11834 Technical security Process or Activity
    Notify a user when an authenticator for a user account is changed. CC ID 13820 Technical security Communicate
    Identify and control all network access controls. CC ID 00529
    [Centralize network AAA. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.5 Centralize Network Authentication, Authorization, and Auditing (AAA)
    Deploy port-level access control. Port-level access control utilizes 802.1x, or similar network access control protocols, such as certificates, and may incorporate user and/or device authentication. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.9 Deploy Port-Level Access Control]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain a network configuration standard. CC ID 00530 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain network segmentation requirements. CC ID 16380 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Enforce the network segmentation requirements. CC ID 16381 Technical security Process or Activity
    Protect system or device management and control planes from unwanted user plane traffic. CC ID 17063 Technical security Technical Security
    Ensure the data plane, control plane, and management plane have been segregated according to organizational standards. CC ID 16385 Technical security Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain a network security policy. CC ID 06440 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include compliance requirements in the network security policy. CC ID 14205 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include coordination amongst entities in the network security policy. CC ID 14204 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include management commitment in the network security policy. CC ID 14203 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include roles and responsibilities in the network security policy. CC ID 14202 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the scope in the network security policy. CC ID 14201 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the purpose in the network security policy. CC ID 14200 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the network security policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14199 Technical security Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain system and communications protection procedures. CC ID 14052 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the system and communications protection procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14206 Technical security Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain a wireless networking policy. CC ID 06732 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include usage restrictions for Bluetooth in the wireless networking policy. CC ID 16443 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Maintain up-to-date network diagrams. CC ID 00531
    [{annual basis}{network architecture diagram} Establish and maintain architecture diagram(s) and/or other network system documentation. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.4 Establish and Maintain Architecture Diagram(s)
    {annual basis}{network architecture diagram} Establish and maintain architecture diagram(s) and/or other network system documentation. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.4 Establish and Maintain Architecture Diagram(s)
    Design and maintain a secure network architecture. A secure network architecture must address segmentation, least privilege, and availability, at a minimum. Example implementations may include documentation, policy, and design components. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.2 Establish and Maintain a Secure Network Architecture]
    Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the date of the most recent update on the network diagram. CC ID 14319 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include virtual systems in the network diagram. CC ID 16324 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Include the organization's name in the network diagram. CC ID 14318 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include Internet Protocol addresses in the network diagram. CC ID 16244 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include Domain Name System names in the network diagram. CC ID 16240 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Accept, by formal signature, the security implications of the network topology. CC ID 12323 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate network diagrams to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 13137 Technical security Communicate
    Maintain up-to-date data flow diagrams. CC ID 10059
    [{annual basis} Document data flows. Data flow documentation includes service provider data flows and should be based on the enterprise's data management process. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.8 Document Data Flows
    {annual basis} Document data flows. Data flow documentation includes service provider data flows and should be based on the enterprise's data management process. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.8 Document Data Flows]
    Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include information flows to third parties in the data flow diagram. CC ID 13185
    [{annual basis} Document data flows. Data flow documentation includes service provider data flows and should be based on the enterprise's data management process. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.8 Document Data Flows]
    Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document where data-at-rest and data in transit is encrypted on the data flow diagram. CC ID 16412 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the data flow diagrams to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16407 Technical security Communicate
    Manage all internal network connections. CC ID 06329 Technical security Technical Security
    Employ Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server logging when assigning dynamic IP addresses using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. CC ID 12109
    [{weekly basis} Use DHCP logging on all DHCP servers or Internet Protocol (IP) address management tools to update the enterprise's asset inventory. Review and use logs to update the enterprise's asset inventory weekly, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.4 Use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Logging to Update Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain separate virtual private networks to transport sensitive information. CC ID 12124 Technical security Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain separate virtual local area networks for untrusted devices. CC ID 12095 Technical security Technical Security
    Plan for and approve all network changes. CC ID 00534 Technical security Technical Security
    Manage all external network connections. CC ID 11842 Technical security Technical Security
    Route outbound Internet traffic through a proxy server that supports decrypting network traffic. CC ID 12116 Technical security Technical Security
    Prevent the insertion of unauthorized network traffic into secure networks. CC ID 17050 Technical security Technical Security
    Prohibit systems from connecting directly to external networks. CC ID 08709 Technical security Configuration
    Prohibit systems from connecting directly to internal networks outside the demilitarized zone (DMZ). CC ID 16360 Technical security Technical Security
    Secure the Domain Name System. CC ID 00540 Technical security Configuration
    Implement a fault-tolerant architecture. CC ID 01626 Technical security Technical Security
    Implement segregation of duties. CC ID 11843 Technical security Technical Security
    Configure the network to limit zone transfers to trusted servers. CC ID 01876 Technical security Configuration
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Boundary Defense program. CC ID 00544
    [Operate processes and tooling to establish and maintain comprehensive network monitoring and defense against security threats across the enterprise's network infrastructure and user base. CIS Control 13: Network Monitoring and Defense
    Establish, implement, and actively manage (track, report, correct) network devices, in order to prevent attackers from exploiting vulnerable network services and access points. CIS Control 12: Network Infrastructure Management]
    Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Refrain from disclosing Internet Protocol addresses, routing information, and DNS names, unless necessary. CC ID 11891 Technical security Technical Security
    Authorize the disclosure of private Internet Protocol addresses and routing information to external entities. CC ID 12034 Technical security Communicate
    Segregate systems in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 12546
    [Establish and maintain dedicated computing resources, either physically or logically separated, for all administrative tasks or tasks requiring administrative access. The computing resources should be segmented from the enterprise's primary network and not be allowed internet access. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.8 Establish and Maintain Dedicated Computing Resources for All Administrative Work
    Design and maintain a secure network architecture. A secure network architecture must address segmentation, least privilege, and availability, at a minimum. Example implementations may include documentation, policy, and design components. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.2 Establish and Maintain a Secure Network Architecture]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Implement gateways between security domains. CC ID 16493 Technical security Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Implement resource-isolation mechanisms in organizational networks. CC ID 16438 Technical security Technical Security
    Segregate servers that contain restricted data or restricted information from direct public access. CC ID 00533
    [{be equivalent} Protect recovery data with equivalent controls to the original data. Reference encryption or data separation, based on requirements. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.3 Protect Recovery Data]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Prevent logical access to dedicated networks from outside the secure areas. CC ID 12310 Technical security Technical Security
    Design Demilitarized Zones with proper isolation rules. CC ID 00532 Technical security Technical Security
    Restrict outbound network traffic out of the Demilitarized Zone. CC ID 16881 Technical security Technical Security
    Restrict inbound network traffic into the Demilitarized Zone. CC ID 01285 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Restrict inbound network traffic into the Demilitarized Zone to destination addresses within the Demilitarized Zone. CC ID 11998 Technical security Technical Security
    Restrict inbound Internet traffic within the Demilitarized Zone to system components that provide publicly accessible services, protocols, and ports. CC ID 11993 Technical security Technical Security
    Segregate applications and databases that contain restricted data or restricted information in an internal network zone. CC ID 01289
    [{data storage}{be lower than} Segment data processing and storage based on the sensitivity of the data. Do not process sensitive data on enterprise assets intended for lower sensitivity data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.12 Segment Data Processing and Storage Based on Sensitivity]
    Technical security Data and Information Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain a network access control standard. CC ID 00546 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include assigned roles and responsibilities in the network access control standard. CC ID 06410 Technical security Establish Roles
    Employ firewalls to secure network connections between networks of different security categorizations. CC ID 16373 Technical security Technical Security
    Employ firewalls to secure network connections between trusted networks and untrusted networks, as necessary. CC ID 11821
    [Implement and manage a firewall on servers, where supported. Example implementations include a virtual firewall, operating system firewall, or a third-party firewall agent. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.4 Implement and Manage a Firewall on Servers]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Place firewalls between security domains and between any Demilitarized Zone and internal network zones. CC ID 01274 Technical security Configuration
    Place firewalls between wireless networks and applications or databases that contain restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 01293 Technical security Configuration
    Place firewalls between all security domains and between any secure subnet and internal network zones. CC ID 11784 Technical security Configuration
    Separate the wireless access points and wireless bridges from the wired network via a firewall. CC ID 04588 Technical security Technical Security
    Include configuration management and rulesets in the network access control standard. CC ID 11845 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Secure the network access control standard against unauthorized changes. CC ID 11920 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Employ centralized management systems to configure and control networks, as necessary. CC ID 12540 Technical security Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain a firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 00541 Technical security Configuration
    Include compensating controls implemented for insecure protocols in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 11948 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include restricting inbound network traffic in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 11960 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include restricting outbound network traffic in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 11961 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include requirements for a firewall at each Internet connection and between any demilitarized zone and the internal network zone in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 12435 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include network diagrams that identify connections between all subnets and wireless networks in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 12434 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include network diagrams that identify storage or processing locations of all restricted data in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 12426 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Deny or strictly control wireless traffic to applications or databases that contain restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 11847 Technical security Configuration
    Include a protocols, ports, applications, and services list in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 00537
    [{secure network management protocol}{secure network communication protocol} Use secure network management and communication protocols (e.g., 802.1X, Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) Enterprise or greater). CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.6 Use Secure Network Management and Communication Protocols]
    Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Configure network ports to organizational standards. CC ID 14007 Technical security Configuration
    Include approval of the protocols, ports, applications, and services list in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 12547 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the use of protocols above and beyond common information service protocols in the protocols, ports, applications, and services list in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 00539 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include justifying the use of risky protocols in the protocols, ports, applications, and services list in the firewall and router configuration standard. CC ID 01280 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document and implement security features for each identified insecure service, protocol, and port in the protocols, ports, applications, and services list. CC ID 12033 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Identify the insecure services, protocols, and ports in the protocols, ports, applications, and services list in the firewall and router configuration. CC ID 12032 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the protocols, ports, applications, and services list to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 17089 Technical security Communicate
    Install and configure firewalls to be enabled on all mobile devices, if possible. CC ID 00550 Technical security Configuration
    Lock personal firewall configurations to prevent them from being disabled or changed by end users. CC ID 06420 Technical security Technical Security
    Configure network access and control points to protect restricted information and restricted functions. CC ID 01284 Technical security Configuration
    Protect data stored at external locations. CC ID 16333 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Protect the firewall's network connection interfaces. CC ID 01955 Technical security Technical Security
    Configure firewalls to deny all traffic by default, except explicitly designated traffic. CC ID 00547
    [Implement and manage a host-based firewall or port-filtering tool on end-user devices, with a default-deny rule that drops all traffic except those services and ports that are explicitly allowed. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.5 Implement and Manage a Firewall on End-User Devices]
    Technical security Configuration
    Allow local program exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01956 Technical security Configuration
    Allow remote administration exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01957 Technical security Configuration
    Allow file sharing exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01958 Technical security Configuration
    Allow printer sharing exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 11849 Technical security Configuration
    Allow Internet Control Message Protocol exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01959 Technical security Configuration
    Allow Remote Desktop Connection exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01960 Technical security Configuration
    Allow UPnP framework exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01961 Technical security Configuration
    Allow notification exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01962 Technical security Configuration
    Allow unicast response to multicast or broadcast exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01964 Technical security Configuration
    Allow protocol port exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01965 Technical security Configuration
    Allow local port exceptions on the firewall, as necessary. CC ID 01966 Technical security Configuration
    Establish, implement, and maintain internet protocol address filters on the firewall, as necessary CC ID 01287 Technical security Configuration
    Establish, implement, and maintain packet filtering requirements. CC ID 16362 Technical security Technical Security
    Filter packets based on IPv6 header fields. CC ID 17048 Technical security Technical Security
    Configure firewall filtering to only permit established connections into the network. CC ID 12482
    [Use DNS filtering services on all end-user devices, including remote and on-premises assets, to block access to known malicious domains. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.2 Use DNS Filtering Services]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Restrict outbound network traffic from systems that contain restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 01295 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Filter traffic at firewalls based on application layer attributes. CC ID 17054 Technical security Technical Security
    Deny direct Internet access to databases that store restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 01271 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Synchronize and secure all router configuration files. CC ID 01291 Technical security Configuration
    Synchronize and secure all firewall configuration files. CC ID 11851 Technical security Configuration
    Configure firewalls to generate an audit log. CC ID 12038 Technical security Audits and Risk Management
    Configure firewalls to generate an alert when a potential security incident is detected. CC ID 12165 Technical security Configuration
    Record the configuration rules for network access and control points in the configuration management system. CC ID 12105 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record the duration of the business need associated with changes to the configuration rules for network access and control points in the configuration management system. CC ID 12107 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record each individual's name and business need associated with changes to the configuration rules for network access and control points in the configuration management system. CC ID 12106 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Install and configure application layer firewalls for all key web-facing applications. CC ID 01450 Technical security Configuration
    Update application layer firewalls to the most current version. CC ID 12037 Technical security Process or Activity
    Establish, implement, and maintain Voice over Internet Protocol Configuration Management standards. CC ID 11853 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Wireless Local Area Network Configuration Management standard. CC ID 11854 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Configure third party Wireless Local Area Network services in accordance with organizational Information Assurance standards. CC ID 00751 Technical security Configuration
    Remove all unauthorized Wireless Local Area Networks. CC ID 06309 Technical security Configuration
    Establish, implement, and maintain Voice over Internet Protocol design specification. CC ID 01449 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Wireless Local Area Network Configuration Management program. CC ID 01646 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Distrust relying solely on Wired Equivalent Privacy encryption for Wireless Local Area Networks. CC ID 01647 Technical security Technical Security
    Refrain from using Wired Equivalent Privacy for Wireless Local Area Networks that use Wi-Fi Protected Access. CC ID 01648 Technical security Configuration
    Conduct a Wireless Local Area Network site survey to determine the proper location for wireless access points. CC ID 00605 Technical security Technical Security
    Configure Intrusion Detection Systems and Intrusion Prevention Systems to continuously check and send alerts for rogue devices connected to Wireless Local Area Networks. CC ID 04830 Technical security Configuration
    Remove all unauthorized wireless access points. CC ID 11856 Technical security Configuration
    Enforce information flow control. CC ID 11781 Technical security Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Establish, implement, and maintain information flow control configuration standards. CC ID 01924 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Require the system to identify and authenticate approved devices before establishing a connection. CC ID 01429
    [Require users to authenticate to enterprise-managed VPN and authentication services prior to accessing enterprise resources on end-user devices. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.7 Ensue Remote Devices Utilize a VPN and are Connecting to an Enterprise's AAA Infrastructure]
    Technical security Testing
    Maintain a record of the challenge state during identification and authentication in an automated information exchange. CC ID 06629 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Develop and implement a content filtering word and phrase library. CC ID 07071 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Use content filtering scans to identify information flows by data type specification. CC ID 06762 Technical security Technical Security
    Use content filtering scans to identify information flows by data type usage. CC ID 11818 Technical security Technical Security
    Prevent encrypted data from bypassing content filtering mechanisms. CC ID 06758 Technical security Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain a data loss prevention solution to protect Access Control Lists. CC ID 12128
    [Implement an automated tool, such as a host-based Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tool to identify all sensitive data stored, processed, or transmitted through enterprise assets, including those located onsite or at a remote service provider, and update the enterprise's data inventory. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.13 Deploy a Data Loss Prevention Solution]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain information flow control policies inside the system and between interconnected systems. CC ID 01410 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain measures to detect and prevent the use of unsafe internet services. CC ID 13104 Technical security Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain whitelists and blacklists of domain names. CC ID 07097 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Deploy sender policy framework records in the organization's Domain Name Servers. CC ID 12183
    [{spoofed e-mail message} To lower the chance of spoofed or modified emails from valid domains, implement DMARC policy and verification, starting with implementing the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) standards. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.5 Implement DMARC]
    Technical security Configuration
    Block uncategorized sites using URL filtering. CC ID 12140
    [{blacklist website} Enforce and update network-based URL filters to limit an enterprise asset from connecting to potentially malicious or unapproved websites. Example implementations include category-based filtering, reputation-based filtering, or through the use of block lists. Enforce filters for all enterprise assets. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.3 Maintain and Enforce Network-Based URL Filters]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain whitelists and blacklists of software. CC ID 11780
    [{biannual basis} Use technical controls, such as application allowlisting, to ensure that only authorized software can execute or be accessed. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.5 Allowlist Authorized Software
    {biannual basis} Use technical controls, such as application allowlisting, to ensure that only authorized software can execute or be accessed. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.5 Allowlist Authorized Software
    {unauthorized software library} {biannual basis} Use technical controls to ensure that only authorized software libraries, such as specific .dll, .ocx, and .so files, are allowed to load into a system process. Block unauthorized libraries from loading into a system process. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.6 Allowlist Authorized Libraries
    {unauthorized software library} {biannual basis} Use technical controls to ensure that only authorized software libraries, such as specific .dll, .ocx, and .so files, are allowed to load into a system process. Block unauthorized libraries from loading into a system process. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.6 Allowlist Authorized Libraries]
    Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Secure access to each system component operating system. CC ID 00551 Technical security Configuration
    Separate user functionality from system management functionality. CC ID 11858
    [Restrict administrator privileges to dedicated administrator accounts on enterprise assets. Conduct general computing activities, such as internet browsing, email, and productivity suite use, from the user's primary, non-privileged account. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.4 Restrict Administrator Privileges to Dedicated Administrator Accounts]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Control all methods of remote access and teleworking. CC ID 00559
    [{remote connection} Manage access control for assets remotely connecting to enterprise resources. Determine amount of access to enterprise resources based on: up-to-date anti-malware software installed, configuration compliance with the enterprise's secure configuration process, and ensuring the operating system and applications are up-to-date. CIS Control 13: Safeguard 13.5 Manage Access Control for Remote Assets]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Assign virtual escorting to authorized personnel. CC ID 16440 Technical security Process or Activity
    Establish, implement, and maintain a remote access and teleworking program. CC ID 04545 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include information security requirements in the remote access and teleworking program. CC ID 15704 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Refrain from allowing remote users to copy files to remote devices. CC ID 06792 Technical security Technical Security
    Control remote administration in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 04459 Technical security Configuration
    Control remote access through a network access control. CC ID 01421 Technical security Technical Security
    Install and maintain remote control software and other remote control mechanisms on critical systems. CC ID 06371 Technical security Configuration
    Prohibit remote access to systems processing cleartext restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 12324 Technical security Technical Security
    Employ multifactor authentication for remote access to the organization's network. CC ID 12505
    [Require MFA for remote network access. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.4 Require MFA for Remote Network Access]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Implement multifactor authentication techniques. CC ID 00561
    [{externally-exposed enterprise application} Require all externally-exposed enterprise or third-party applications to enforce MFA, where supported. Enforcing MFA through a directory service or SSO provider is a satisfactory implementation of this Safeguard. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.3 Require MFA for Externally-Exposed Applications]
    Technical security Configuration
    Refrain from allowing individuals to self-enroll into multifactor authentication from untrusted devices. CC ID 17173 Technical security Technical Security
    Implement phishing-resistant multifactor authentication techniques. CC ID 16541 Technical security Technical Security
    Document and approve requests to bypass multifactor authentication. CC ID 15464 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Limit the source addresses from which remote administration is performed. CC ID 16393 Technical security Technical Security
    Protect remote access accounts with encryption. CC ID 00562 Technical security Configuration
    Manage the use of encryption controls and cryptographic controls. CC ID 00570
    [Leverage vetted modules or services for application security components, such as identity management, encryption, and auditing and logging. Using platform features in critical security functions will reduce developers' workload and minimize the likelihood of design or implementation errors. Modern operating systems provide effective mechanisms for identification, authentication, and authorization and make those mechanisms available to applications. Use only standardized, currently accepted, and extensively reviewed encryption algorithms. Operating systems also provide mechanisms to create and maintain secure audit logs. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.11 Leverage Vetted Modules or Services for Application Security Components]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Comply with the encryption laws of the local country. CC ID 16377 Technical security Business Processes
    Define the cryptographic module security functions and the cryptographic module operational modes. CC ID 06542 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Define the cryptographic boundaries. CC ID 06543 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain the documentation requirements for cryptographic modules. CC ID 06544 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain the security requirements for cryptographic module ports and cryptographic module interfaces. CC ID 06545 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Implement the documented cryptographic module security functions. CC ID 06755 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain documentation for the delivery and operation of cryptographic modules. CC ID 06547 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document the operation of the cryptographic module. CC ID 06546 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Employ cryptographic controls that comply with applicable requirements. CC ID 12491 Technical security Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain digital signatures. CC ID 13828 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Include the expiration date in digital signatures. CC ID 13833 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Include audience restrictions in digital signatures. CC ID 13834 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Include the subject in digital signatures. CC ID 13832 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Include the issuer in digital signatures. CC ID 13831 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Include identifiers in the digital signature. CC ID 13829 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Generate and protect a secret random number for each digital signature. CC ID 06577 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish the security strength requirements for the digital signature process. CC ID 06578 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain an encryption management and cryptographic controls policy. CC ID 04546 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Refrain from allowing the use of cleartext for input or output of restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 04823 Technical security Configuration
    Encrypt in scope data or in scope information, as necessary. CC ID 04824
    [Encrypt data on end-user devices containing sensitive data. Example implementations can include: Windows BitLocker®, Apple FileVault®, Linux® dm-crypt. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.6 Encrypt Data on End-User Devices
    Encrypt sensitive data at rest on servers, applications, and databases. Storage-layer encryption, also known as server-side encryption, meets the minimum requirement of this Safeguard. Additional encryption methods may include application-layer encryption, also known as client-side encryption, where access to the data storage device(s) does not permit access to the plain-text data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.11 Encrypt Sensitive Data at Rest]
    Technical security Data and Information Management
    Digitally sign records and data, as necessary. CC ID 16507 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Make key usage for data fields unique for each device. CC ID 04828 Technical security Technical Security
    Decrypt restricted data for the minimum time required. CC ID 12308 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Decrypt personal data only on dedicated networks, not on public networks. CC ID 12309 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Accept only trusted keys and/or certificates. CC ID 11988 Technical security Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain cryptographic key creation domain parameter requirements. CC ID 06575 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Define the asymmetric signature field for the CHUID container on identification cards or badges. CC ID 06584 Technical security Process or Activity
    Implement cryptographic operations and support functions on identification cards or badges. CC ID 06585 Technical security Process or Activity
    Disseminate and communicate the encryption management and cryptographic controls policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15476 Technical security Communicate
    Define the format of the biometric data on identification cards or badges. CC ID 06586 Technical security Process or Activity
    Protect salt values and hash values in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16471 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Provide guidance to customers on how to securely transmit, store, and update cryptographic keys. CC ID 12040 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the encryption management procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15477 Technical security Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain encryption management procedures. CC ID 15475 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Define and assign cryptographic, encryption and key management roles and responsibilities. CC ID 15470 Technical security Establish Roles
    Establish, implement, and maintain cryptographic key management procedures. CC ID 00571 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate cryptographic key management procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 13164 Technical security Communicate
    Bind keys to each identity. CC ID 12337 Technical security Technical Security
    Include recommended cryptographic key management procedures for cloud service providers in the cryptographic key management procedures. CC ID 13152 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include requesting cryptographic key types in the cryptographic key management procedures. CC ID 13151 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include cryptographic key expiration in the cryptographic key management procedures. CC ID 17079 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Recover encrypted data for lost cryptographic keys, compromised cryptographic keys, or damaged cryptographic keys. CC ID 01301 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Generate strong cryptographic keys. CC ID 01299 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Generate unique cryptographic keys for each user. CC ID 12169 Technical security Technical Security
    Use approved random number generators for creating cryptographic keys. CC ID 06574 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Implement decryption keys so that they are not linked to user accounts. CC ID 06851 Technical security Technical Security
    Include the establishment of cryptographic keys in the cryptographic key management procedures. CC ID 06540 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate cryptographic keys securely. CC ID 01300 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Control the input and output of cryptographic keys from a cryptographic module. CC ID 06541 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Store cryptographic keys securely. CC ID 01298 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Restrict access to cryptographic keys. CC ID 01297 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Store cryptographic keys in encrypted format. CC ID 06084 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Store key-encrypting keys and data-encrypting keys in different locations. CC ID 06085 Technical security Technical Security
    Include offsite backups of cryptographic keys in the cryptographic key management procedures. CC ID 13127 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Change cryptographic keys in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 01302 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties upon cryptographic key supersession. CC ID 17084 Technical security Communicate
    Destroy cryptographic keys promptly after the retention period. CC ID 01303 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Control cryptographic keys with split knowledge and dual control. CC ID 01304 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Prevent the unauthorized substitution of cryptographic keys. CC ID 01305 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Manage outdated cryptographic keys, compromised cryptographic keys, or revoked cryptographic keys. CC ID 06852 Technical security Technical Security
    Archive outdated cryptographic keys. CC ID 06884 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Archive revoked cryptographic keys. CC ID 11819 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Require key custodians to sign the cryptographic key management policy. CC ID 01308 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Require key custodians to sign the key custodian's roles and responsibilities. CC ID 11820 Technical security Human Resources Management
    Manage the digital signature cryptographic key pair. CC ID 06576 Technical security Data and Information Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain requirements for Personal Identity Verification authentication certificates. CC ID 06587 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain Public Key certificate application procedures. CC ID 07079 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish a Registration Authority to support the Public Key Infrastructure. CC ID 15725 Technical security Establish Roles
    Include the Identification and Authentication of individuals or entities in the Public Key certificate application procedures. CC ID 07080 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include approving or rejecting Public Key certificate applications in the Public Key certificate application procedure. CC ID 07081 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include revocation of Public Key certificates in the Public Key certificate procedures. CC ID 07082 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Publish revoked Public Key certificates in the Certificate Revocation List. CC ID 07089 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain Public Key renewal or rekeying request procedures. CC ID 07083 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include identification and authentication in Public Key renewal or rekeying request procedures. CC ID 11816 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Issue authentication mechanisms that support the Public Key Infrastructure. CC ID 07092 Technical security Technical Security
    Establish a Root Certification Authority to support the Public Key Infrastructure. CC ID 07084 Technical security Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain Public Key certificate procedures. CC ID 07085 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include signing and issuing Public Key certificates in the Public Key certificate procedures. CC ID 11817 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include publishing Public Key certificates in the Public Key certificate procedures. CC ID 07087 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include access to issued Public Key certificates in the Public Key certificate procedures. CC ID 07086 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Connect the Public Key Infrastructure to the organization's identity and access management system. CC ID 07091 Technical security Technical Security
    Archive Public Key certificate records according to organizational Records Management rules. CC ID 07090 Technical security Records Management
    Refrain from storing encryption keys with cloud service providers when cryptographic key management services are in place locally. CC ID 13153 Technical security Technical Security
    Refrain from permitting cloud service providers to manage encryption keys when cryptographic key management services are in place locally. CC ID 13154 Technical security Technical Security
    Use strong data encryption to transmit in scope data or in scope information, as necessary. CC ID 00564
    [Encrypt sensitive data in transit. Example implementations can include: Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Open Secure Shell (OpenSSH). CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.10 Encrypt Sensitive Data in Transit]
    Technical security Technical Security
    Ensure restricted data or restricted information are encrypted prior to or at the time of transmission. CC ID 01749 Technical security Configuration
    Configure the encryption strength to be appropriate for the encryption methodology of the cryptographic controls. CC ID 12492 Technical security Technical Security
    Encrypt traffic over networks with trusted cryptographic keys. CC ID 12490 Technical security Technical Security
    Authorize transactions of data transmitted over public networks or shared data networks. CC ID 00566 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Treat data messages that do not receive an acknowledgment as never been sent. CC ID 14416 Technical security Technical Security
    Establish trusted paths to transmit restricted data or restricted information over public networks or wireless networks. CC ID 00568 Technical security Technical Security
    Protect application services information transmitted over a public network from unauthorized modification. CC ID 12021 Technical security Technical Security
    Protect application services information transmitted over a public network from unauthorized disclosure. CC ID 12020 Technical security Technical Security
    Protect application services information transmitted over a public network from contract disputes. CC ID 12019 Technical security Technical Security
    Protect application services information transmitted over a public network from fraudulent activity. CC ID 12018 Technical security Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain a malicious code protection program. CC ID 00574
    [{malicious code}{malicious script} Prevent or control the installation, spread, and execution of malicious applications, code, or scripts on enterprise assets. CIS Control 10: Malware Defenses
    Centrally manage anti-malware software. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.6 Centrally Manage Anti-Malware Software]
    Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the malicious code protection policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15485 Technical security Communicate
    Disseminate and communicate the malicious code protection procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15484 Technical security Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain malicious code protection procedures. CC ID 15483 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a malicious code protection policy. CC ID 15478 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Restrict downloading to reduce malicious code attacks. CC ID 04576 Technical security Behavior
    Install security and protection software, as necessary. CC ID 00575
    [Enable anti-exploitation features on enterprise assets and software, where possible, such as Microsoft® Data Execution Prevention (DEP), Windows® Defender Exploit Guard (WDEG), or Apple® System Integrity Protection (SIP) and GatekeeperTM. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.5 Enable Anti-Exploitation Features
    Deploy and maintain email server anti-malware protections, such as attachment scanning and/or sandboxing. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.7 Deploy and Maintain Email Server Anti-Malware Protections
    Deploy and maintain anti-malware software on all enterprise assets. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.1 Deploy and Maintain Anti-Malware Software
    Use behavior-based anti-malware software. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.7 Use Behavior-Based Anti-Malware Software]
    Technical security Configuration
    Install and maintain container security solutions. CC ID 16178 Technical security Technical Security
    Protect systems and devices from fragmentation based attacks and anomalies. CC ID 17058 Technical security Technical Security
    Protect the system against replay attacks. CC ID 04552 Technical security Technical Security
    Define and assign roles and responsibilities for malicious code protection. CC ID 15474 Technical security Establish Roles
    Lock antivirus configurations. CC ID 10047 Technical security Configuration
    Establish, implement, and maintain an application security policy. CC ID 06438 Technical security Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include all vulnerabilities in the application security review. CC ID 12036 Technical security Process or Activity
    Assign application security reviews for web-facing applications to an organization that specializes in application security. CC ID 12035 Technical security Establish Roles
    Establish, implement, and maintain a physical security program. CC ID 11757 Physical and environmental protection Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain physical security controls for distributed assets. CC ID 00718 Physical and environmental protection Physical and Environmental Protection
    Establish, implement, and maintain removable storage media controls. CC ID 06680 Physical and environmental protection Data and Information Management
    Separate duplicate originals and backup media from the original electronic storage media. CC ID 00961
    [Establish and maintain an isolated instance of recovery data. Example implementations include version controlling backup destinations through offline, cloud, or off-site systems or services. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.4 Establish and Maintain an Isolated Instance of Recovery Data]
    Physical and environmental protection Records Management
    Protect distributed assets against theft. CC ID 06799 Physical and environmental protection Physical and Environmental Protection
    Establish, implement, and maintain mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 04723
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Physical and environmental protection Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a "Return to Sender" text file on mobile devices. CC ID 17075 Physical and environmental protection Process or Activity
    Include usage restrictions for untrusted networks in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 17076 Physical and environmental protection Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Require users to refrain from leaving mobile devices unattended. CC ID 16446 Physical and environmental protection Business Processes
    Include the expectation of data loss in the event of sanitizing the mobile device in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 12292 Physical and environmental protection Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include legal requirements in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 12291 Physical and environmental protection Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the use of privacy filters in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 16452 Physical and environmental protection Physical and Environmental Protection
    Include prohibiting the usage of unapproved application stores in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 12290 Physical and environmental protection Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include requiring users to create data backups in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 12289 Physical and environmental protection Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the definition of mobile devices in the mobile device security guidelines. CC ID 12288 Physical and environmental protection Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Refrain from responding to unsolicited Personal Identification Number requests. CC ID 12430 Physical and environmental protection Physical and Environmental Protection
    Wipe information from mobile devices after a predetermined number of unsuccessful logon attempts. CC ID 14242 Physical and environmental protection Data and Information Management
    Refrain from pairing Bluetooth devices in unsecured areas. CC ID 12429 Physical and environmental protection Physical and Environmental Protection
    Encrypt information stored on mobile devices. CC ID 01422 Physical and environmental protection Data and Information Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain a business continuity program. CC ID 13210 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a continuity plan. CC ID 00752 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a recovery plan. CC ID 13288
    [Establish and maintain data recovery practices sufficient to restore in-scope enterprise assets to a pre-incident and trusted state. CIS Control 11: Data Recovery
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data recovery process. In the process, address the scope of data recovery activities, recovery prioritization, and the security of backup data. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Recovery Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data recovery process. In the process, address the scope of data recovery activities, recovery prioritization, and the security of backup data. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Recovery Process]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of updates to the recovery plan. CC ID 13302 Operational and Systems Continuity Communicate
    Include procedures to restore system interconnections in the recovery plan. CC ID 17100 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include procedures to restore network connectivity in the recovery plan. CC ID 16250 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include addressing backup failures in the recovery plan. CC ID 13298 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include voltage and frequency requirements in the recovery plan. CC ID 17098 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include procedures to verify completion of the data backup procedure in the recovery plan. CC ID 13297 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the roles and responsibilities of responders in the recovery plan. CC ID 13296 Operational and Systems Continuity Human Resources Management
    Include the procedures for the storage of information necessary to recover functionality in the recovery plan. CC ID 13295
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data recovery process. In the process, address the scope of data recovery activities, recovery prioritization, and the security of backup data. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Recovery Process]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the backup procedures for information necessary to recover functionality in the recovery plan. CC ID 13294 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the criteria for activation in the recovery plan. CC ID 13293 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include escalation procedures in the recovery plan. CC ID 16248 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include procedures to preserve data before beginning the recovery process in the recovery plan. CC ID 13292
    [{be equivalent} Protect recovery data with equivalent controls to the original data. Reference encryption or data separation, based on requirements. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.3 Protect Recovery Data]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the recovery plan to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14859 Operational and Systems Continuity Communicate
    Include restoration procedures in the continuity plan. CC ID 01169 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish Roles
    Include risk prioritized recovery procedures for each business unit in the recovery plan. CC ID 01166
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data recovery process. In the process, address the scope of data recovery activities, recovery prioritization, and the security of backup data. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Recovery Process]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain system continuity plan strategies. CC ID 00735 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the protection of personnel in the continuity plan. CC ID 06378 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Identify alternate personnel for each person on the critical personnel list. CC ID 12771 Operational and Systems Continuity Human Resources Management
    Define the triggering events for when to activate the pandemic plan. CC ID 06801 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include technical preparation considerations for backup operations in the continuity plan. CC ID 01250 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain backup procedures for in scope systems. CC ID 01258 Operational and Systems Continuity Systems Continuity
    Document the backup method and backup frequency on a case-by-case basis in the backup procedures. CC ID 01384
    [{weekly basis} Perform automated backups of in-scope enterprise assets. Run backups weekly, or more frequently, based on the sensitivity of the data. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.2 Perform Automated Backups]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Systems Continuity
    Perform backup procedures for in scope systems. CC ID 11692
    [{weekly basis} Perform automated backups of in-scope enterprise assets. Run backups weekly, or more frequently, based on the sensitivity of the data. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.2 Perform Automated Backups]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Process or Activity
    Perform full backups in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16376 Operational and Systems Continuity Data and Information Management
    Perform incremental backups in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16375 Operational and Systems Continuity Data and Information Management
    Back up all records. CC ID 11974 Operational and Systems Continuity Systems Continuity
    Use virtual machine snapshots for full backups and changed block tracking (CBT) for incremental backups. CC ID 16374 Operational and Systems Continuity Data and Information Management
    Document the Recovery Point Objective for triggering backup operations and restoration operations. CC ID 01259 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Encrypt backup data. CC ID 00958
    [{be equivalent} Protect recovery data with equivalent controls to the original data. Reference encryption or data separation, based on requirements. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.3 Protect Recovery Data]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Configuration
    Log the execution of each backup. CC ID 00956 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Digitally sign disk images, as necessary. CC ID 06814 Operational and Systems Continuity Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Prepare the alternate facility for an emergency offsite relocation. CC ID 00744 Operational and Systems Continuity Systems Continuity
    Protect backup systems and restoration systems at the alternate facility. CC ID 04883
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data recovery process. In the process, address the scope of data recovery activities, recovery prioritization, and the security of backup data. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 11: Safeguard 11.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Recovery Process]
    Operational and Systems Continuity Systems Continuity
    Establish, implement, and maintain a personnel management program. CC ID 14018 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain onboarding procedures for new hires. CC ID 11760 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Train all new hires, as necessary. CC ID 06673
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a security awareness program. The purpose of a security awareness program is to educate the enterprise's workforce on how to interact with enterprise assets and data in a secure manner. Conduct training at hire and, at a minimum, annually. Review and update content annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.1 Establish and Maintain a Security Awareness Program]
    Human Resources management Behavior
    Establish, implement, and maintain personnel status change and termination procedures. CC ID 06549 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain the staff structure in line with the strategic plan. CC ID 00764
    [Designate one key person, and at least one backup, who will manage the enterprise's incident handling process. Management personnel are responsible for the coordination and documentation of incident response and recovery efforts and can consist of employees internal to the enterprise, service providers, or a hybrid approach. If using a service provider, designate at least one person internal to the enterprise to oversee any third-party work. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.1 Designate Personnel to Manage Incident Handling
    {annual basis} Assign key roles and responsibilities for incident response, including staff from incident responders, analysts, and relevant third parties. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.5 Assign Key Roles and Responsibilities]
    Human Resources management Establish Roles
    Delegate authority for specific processes, as necessary. CC ID 06780 Human Resources management Behavior
    Implement a staff rotation plan. CC ID 12772 Human Resources management Human Resources Management
    Rotate duties amongst the critical roles and positions. CC ID 06554 Human Resources management Establish Roles
    Place Information Technology operations in a position to support the business model. CC ID 00766 Human Resources management Business Processes
    Review organizational personnel successes. CC ID 00767 Human Resources management Business Processes
    Implement personnel supervisory practices. CC ID 00773 Human Resources management Behavior
    Establish, implement, and maintain segregation of duties compensating controls if segregation of duties is not practical. CC ID 06960 Human Resources management Technical Security
    Establish and maintain relationships with critical stakeholders, business functions, and leadership outside the in scope staff. CC ID 00779 Human Resources management Behavior
    Train all personnel and third parties, as necessary. CC ID 00785 Human Resources management Behavior
    Establish, implement, and maintain an education methodology. CC ID 06671 Human Resources management Business Processes
    Retrain all personnel, as necessary. CC ID 01362
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a security awareness program. The purpose of a security awareness program is to educate the enterprise's workforce on how to interact with enterprise assets and data in a secure manner. Conduct training at hire and, at a minimum, annually. Review and update content annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.1 Establish and Maintain a Security Awareness Program
    {annual basis} Ensure that all software development personnel receive training in writing secure code for their specific development environment and responsibilities. Training can include general security principles and application security standard practices. Conduct training at least annually and design in a way to promote security within the development team, and build a culture of security among the developers. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.9 Train Developers in Application Security Concepts and Secure Coding]
    Human Resources management Behavior
    Tailor training to meet published guidance on the subject being taught. CC ID 02217
    [{annual basis} Ensure that all software development personnel receive training in writing secure code for their specific development environment and responsibilities. Training can include general security principles and application security standard practices. Conduct training at least annually and design in a way to promote security within the development team, and build a culture of security among the developers. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.9 Train Developers in Application Security Concepts and Secure Coding]
    Human Resources management Behavior
    Establish, implement, and maintain training plans. CC ID 00828 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a security awareness program. CC ID 11746
    [Establish and maintain a security awareness program to influence behavior among the workforce to be security conscious and properly skilled to reduce cybersecurity risks to the enterprise. CIS Control 14: Security Awareness and Skills Training
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a security awareness program. The purpose of a security awareness program is to educate the enterprise's workforce on how to interact with enterprise assets and data in a secure manner. Conduct training at hire and, at a minimum, annually. Review and update content annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.1 Establish and Maintain a Security Awareness Program
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a security awareness program. The purpose of a security awareness program is to educate the enterprise's workforce on how to interact with enterprise assets and data in a secure manner. Conduct training at hire and, at a minimum, annually. Review and update content annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.1 Establish and Maintain a Security Awareness Program]
    Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Complete security awareness training prior to being granted access to information systems or data. CC ID 17009 Human Resources management Training
    Establish, implement, and maintain a security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14022 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include compliance requirements in the security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14092 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include coordination amongst entities in the security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14091 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain security awareness and training procedures. CC ID 14054 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the security awareness and training procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14138 Human Resources management Communicate
    Include management commitment in the security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14049 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include roles and responsibilities in the security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14048 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the scope in the security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14047 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the purpose in the security awareness and training policy. CC ID 14045 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include configuration management procedures in the security awareness program. CC ID 13967 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include media protection in the security awareness program. CC ID 16368 Human Resources management Training
    Document security awareness requirements. CC ID 12146 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include safeguards for information systems in the security awareness program. CC ID 13046
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a security awareness program. The purpose of a security awareness program is to educate the enterprise's workforce on how to interact with enterprise assets and data in a secure manner. Conduct training at hire and, at a minimum, annually. Review and update content annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.1 Establish and Maintain a Security Awareness Program]
    Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include identity and access management in the security awareness program. CC ID 17013 Human Resources management Training
    Include the encryption process in the security awareness program. CC ID 17014 Human Resources management Training
    Include security policies and security standards in the security awareness program. CC ID 13045
    [Train workforce members on authentication best practices. Example topics include MFA, password composition, and credential management. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.3 Train Workforce Members on Authentication Best Practices
    Train workforce members on how to identify and properly store, transfer, archive, and destroy sensitive data. This also includes training workforce members on clear screen and desk best practices, such as locking their screen when they step away from their enterprise asset, erasing physical and virtual whiteboards at the end of meetings, and storing data and assets securely. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.4 Train Workforce on Data Handling Best Practices]
    Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include physical security in the security awareness program. CC ID 16369 Human Resources management Training
    Include data management in the security awareness program. CC ID 17010 Human Resources management Training
    Include e-mail and electronic messaging in the security awareness program. CC ID 17012 Human Resources management Training
    Include mobile device security guidelines in the security awareness program. CC ID 11803 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include updates on emerging issues in the security awareness program. CC ID 13184 Human Resources management Training
    Include cybersecurity in the security awareness program. CC ID 13183
    [Train workforce members on how to identify and properly store, transfer, archive, and destroy sensitive data. This also includes training workforce members on clear screen and desk best practices, such as locking their screen when they step away from their enterprise asset, erasing physical and virtual whiteboards at the end of meetings, and storing data and assets securely. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.4 Train Workforce on Data Handling Best Practices
    Train workforce members on the dangers of connecting to, and transmitting data over, insecure networks for enterprise activities. If the enterprise has remote workers, training must include guidance to ensure that all users securely configure their home network infrastructure. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.8 Train Workforce on the Dangers of Connecting to and Transmitting Enterprise Data Over Insecure Networks]
    Human Resources management Training
    Include implications of non-compliance in the security awareness program. CC ID 16425 Human Resources management Training
    Include social networking in the security awareness program. CC ID 17011 Human Resources management Training
    Include the acceptable use policy in the security awareness program. CC ID 15487 Human Resources management Training
    Include training based on the participants' level of responsibility and access level in the security awareness program. CC ID 11802
    [Train workforce members to be aware of causes for unintentional data exposure. Example topics include mis-delivery of sensitive data, losing a portable end-user device, or publishing data to unintended audiences. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.5 Train Workforce Members on Causes of Unintentional Data Exposure
    Conduct role-specific security awareness and skills training. Example implementations include secure system administration courses for IT professionals, OWASP® Top 10 vulnerability awareness and prevention training for web application developers, and advanced social engineering awareness training for high-profile roles. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.9 Conduct Role-Specific Security Awareness and Skills Training]
    Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a requirement to train all new hires and interested personnel in the security awareness program. CC ID 11800 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include remote access in the security awareness program. CC ID 13892
    [Train workforce members on the dangers of connecting to, and transmitting data over, insecure networks for enterprise activities. If the enterprise has remote workers, training must include guidance to ensure that all users securely configure their home network infrastructure. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.8 Train Workforce on the Dangers of Connecting to and Transmitting Enterprise Data Over Insecure Networks]
    Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document the goals of the security awareness program. CC ID 12145 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Compare current security awareness assessment reports to the security awareness baseline. CC ID 12150 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain management's commitment to supporting the security awareness program. CC ID 12151 Human Resources management Human Resources Management
    Establish and maintain a steering committee to guide the security awareness program. CC ID 12149 Human Resources management Human Resources Management
    Document the scope of the security awareness program. CC ID 12148 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a security awareness baseline. CC ID 12147 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Encourage interested personnel to obtain security certification. CC ID 11804 Human Resources management Human Resources Management
    Disseminate and communicate the security awareness program to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 00823 Human Resources management Behavior
    Train all personnel and third parties on how to recognize and report security incidents. CC ID 01211
    [Train workforce members to be able to recognize a potential incident and be able to report such an incident. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.6 Train Workforce Members on Recognizing and Reporting Security Incidents
    Train workforce members to recognize social engineering attacks, such as phishing, business email compromise (BEC), pretexting, and tailgating. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.2 Train Workforce Members to Recognize Social Engineering Attacks]
    Human Resources management Behavior
    Train all personnel and third parties on how to recognize and report system failures. CC ID 13475
    [Train workforce to understand how to verify and report out-of-date software patches or any failures in automated processes and tools. Part of this training should include notifying IT personnel of any failures in automated processes and tools. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.7 Train Workforce on How to Identify and Report if Their Enterprise Assets are Missing Security Updates
    Train workforce to understand how to verify and report out-of-date software patches or any failures in automated processes and tools. Part of this training should include notifying IT personnel of any failures in automated processes and tools. CIS Control 14: Safeguard 14.7 Train Workforce on How to Identify and Report if Their Enterprise Assets are Missing Security Updates]
    Human Resources management Training
    Require personnel to acknowledge, through writing their signature, that they have read and understand the organization's security policies. CC ID 01363 Human Resources management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 01406 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a positive information control environment. CC ID 00813
    [{annual basis} Ensure that all software development personnel receive training in writing secure code for their specific development environment and responsibilities. Training can include general security principles and application security standard practices. Conduct training at least annually and design in a way to promote security within the development team, and build a culture of security among the developers. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.9 Train Developers in Application Security Concepts and Secure Coding]
    Operational management Business Processes
    Make compliance and governance decisions in a timely manner. CC ID 06490 Operational management Behavior
    Establish, implement, and maintain an internal control framework. CC ID 00820 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include vulnerability management and risk assessment in the internal control framework. CC ID 13102
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a process to accept and address reports of software vulnerabilities, including providing a means for external entities to report. The process is to include such items as: a vulnerability handling policy that identifies reporting process, responsible party for handling vulnerability reports, and a process for intake, assignment, remediation, and remediation testing. As part of the process, use a vulnerability tracking system that includes severity ratings, and metrics for measuring timing for identification, analysis, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.2 Establish and Maintain a Process to Accept and Address Software Vulnerabilities ¶ 1]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Automate vulnerability management, as necessary. CC ID 11730 Operational management Configuration
    Include continuous user account management procedures in the internal control framework. CC ID 01360
    [Manage default accounts on enterprise assets and software, such as root, administrator, and other pre-configured vendor accounts. Example implementations can include: disabling default accounts or making them unusable. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.7 Manage Default Accounts on Enterprise Assets and Software
    Centralize account management through a directory or identity service. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.6 Centralize Account Management]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Implement and comply with the Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework. CC ID 00818 Operational management Business Processes
    Comply with all implemented policies in the organization's compliance framework. CC ID 06384
    [{annual basis} Document data flows. Data flow documentation includes service provider data flows and should be based on the enterprise's data management process. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.8 Document Data Flows
    {annual basis} Ensure service provider contracts include security requirements. Example requirements may include minimum security program requirements, security incident and/or data breach notification and response, data encryption requirements, and data disposal commitments. These security requirements must be consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Review service provider contracts annually to ensure contracts are not missing security requirements. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.4 Ensure Service Provider Contracts Include Security Requirements]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a network management program. CC ID 13123
    [{monthly basis} Ensure network infrastructure is kept up-to-date. Example implementations include running the latest stable release of software and/or using currently supported network-as-a-service (NaaS) offerings. Review software versions monthly, or more frequently, to verify software support. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.1 Ensure Network Infrastructure is Up-to-Date
    Securely manage network infrastructure. Example implementations include version-controlled-infrastructure-as-code, and the use of secure network protocols, such as SSH and HTTPS. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.3 Securely Manage Network Infrastructure]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include quality of service requirements in the network management program. CC ID 16429 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document the network design in the network management program. CC ID 13135 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain network documentation. CC ID 16497 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the network standard to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 13129 Operational management Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Asset Management program. CC ID 06630
    [{unauthorized asset} Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile; network devices; non-computing/Internet of Things (IoT) devices; and servers) connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments, to accurately know the totality of assets that need to be monitored and protected within the enterprise. This will also support identifying unauthorized and unmanaged assets to remove or remediate. CIS Control 1: Inventory and Control of Enterprise Assets
    Securely manage enterprise assets and software. Example implementations include managing configuration through version-controlled Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) and accessing administrative interfaces over secure network protocols, such as Secure Shell (SSH) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). Do not use insecure management protocols, such as Telnet (Teletype Network) and HTTP, unless operationally essential. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.6 Securely Manage Enterprise Assets and Software]
    Operational management Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain an asset management policy. CC ID 15219 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include coordination amongst entities in the asset management policy. CC ID 16424 Operational management Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain asset management procedures. CC ID 16748 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Assign an information owner to organizational assets, as necessary. CC ID 12729 Operational management Human Resources Management
    Define the requirements for where assets can be located. CC ID 17051 Operational management Business Processes
    Define and prioritize the importance of each asset in the asset management program. CC ID 16837 Operational management Business Processes
    Include life cycle requirements in the security management program. CC ID 16392 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include program objectives in the asset management program. CC ID 14413 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a commitment to continual improvement in the asset management program. CC ID 14412 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include compliance with applicable requirements in the asset management program. CC ID 14411 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain administrative controls over all assets. CC ID 16400 Operational management Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain classification schemes for all systems and assets. CC ID 01902 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Apply security controls to each level of the information classification standard. CC ID 01903 Operational management Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Establish, implement, and maintain the systems' confidentiality level. CC ID 01904 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Define confidentiality controls. CC ID 01908 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain the systems' availability level. CC ID 01905
    [Design and maintain a secure network architecture. A secure network architecture must address segmentation, least privilege, and availability, at a minimum. Example implementations may include documentation, policy, and design components. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.2 Establish and Maintain a Secure Network Architecture]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Restrict unscheduled downtime in order to maintain high availability for critical systems. CC ID 12742 Operational management Process or Activity
    Define integrity controls. CC ID 01909 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain the systems' integrity level. CC ID 01906 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Define availability controls. CC ID 01911 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish safety classifications for systems according to their potential harmful effects to operators or end users. CC ID 06603 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain an asset safety classification scheme. CC ID 06604 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain the Asset Classification Policy. CC ID 06642 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the Asset Classification Policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14851 Operational management Communicate
    Classify assets according to the Asset Classification Policy. CC ID 07186 Operational management Establish Roles
    Classify virtual systems by type and purpose. CC ID 16332 Operational management Business Processes
    Document the decision for assigning an asset to a specific asset classification in the Asset Classification Policy. CC ID 07185 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Apply asset protection mechanisms for all assets according to their assigned Asset Classification Policy. CC ID 07184 Operational management Establish Roles
    Disallow systems from processing information, disseminating and communicating information, or storing information that is above the system's assigned asset classification. CC ID 06606
    [{data storage}{be lower than} Segment data processing and storage based on the sensitivity of the data. Do not process sensitive data on enterprise assets intended for lower sensitivity data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.12 Segment Data Processing and Storage Based on Sensitivity]
    Operational management Configuration
    Assign decomposed system components the same asset classification as the originating system. CC ID 06605 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain an asset inventory. CC ID 06631
    [{annual basis}{authentication system} Establish and maintain an inventory of the enterprise's authentication and authorization systems, including those hosted on-site or at a remote service provider. Review and update the inventory, at a minimum, annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.6 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Authentication and Authorization Systems
    {biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {weekly basis} Use DHCP logging on all DHCP servers or Internet Protocol (IP) address management tools to update the enterprise's asset inventory. Review and use logs to update the enterprise's asset inventory weekly, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.4 Use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Logging to Update Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Operational management Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Information Technology inventory with asset discovery audit trails. CC ID 00689
    [{weekly basis} Use a passive discovery tool to identify assets connected to the enterprise's network. Review and use scans to update the enterprise's asset inventory at least weekly, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.5 Use a Passive Asset Discovery Tool
    {biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include all account types in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 13311
    [{user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include each Information System's system boundaries in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 00695 Operational management Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Identify processes, Information Systems, and third parties that transmit, process, or store restricted data. CC ID 06289 Operational management Data and Information Management
    Include each Information System's major applications in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 01407
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Categorize all major applications according to the business information they process. CC ID 07182 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document the resources, hazards, and Evaluation Assurance Levels for each major application. CC ID 01164 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the General Support Systems and security support structure in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 01408 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include each Information System's minor applications in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 01409 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Conduct environmental surveys. CC ID 00690 Operational management Physical and Environmental Protection
    Categorize facilities in the Information Technology inventory according to their environmental risks. CC ID 06729 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a hardware asset inventory. CC ID 00691
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include network equipment in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 00693
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include mobile devices that store restricted data or restricted information in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 04719 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include interconnected systems and Software as a Service in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 04885
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Operational management Process or Activity
    Include software in the Information Technology inventory. CC ID 00692 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain a list of authorized software and versions required for each system. CC ID 12093
    [{unauthorized software} Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all software (operating systems and applications) on the network so that only authorized software is installed and can execute, and that unauthorized and unmanaged software is found and prevented from installation or execution. CIS Control 2: Inventory and Control of Software Assets
    {monthly basis} Ensure network infrastructure is kept up-to-date. Example implementations include running the latest stable release of software and/or using currently supported network-as-a-service (NaaS) offerings. Review software versions monthly, or more frequently, to verify software support. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.1 Ensure Network Infrastructure is Up-to-Date
    {unauthorized software}{monthly basis} Ensure that only currently supported software is designated as authorized in the software inventory for enterprise assets. If software is unsupported, yet necessary for the fulfillment of the enterprise's mission, document an exception detailing mitigating controls and residual risk acceptance. For any unsupported software without an exception documentation, designate as unauthorized. Review the software list to verify software support at least monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.2 Ensure Authorized Software is Currently Supported
    {unauthorized software}{monthly basis} Ensure that only currently supported software is designated as authorized in the software inventory for enterprise assets. If software is unsupported, yet necessary for the fulfillment of the enterprise's mission, document an exception detailing mitigating controls and residual risk acceptance. For any unsupported software without an exception documentation, designate as unauthorized. Review the software list to verify software support at least monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.2 Ensure Authorized Software is Currently Supported
    {biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a storage media inventory. CC ID 00694 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a records inventory and database inventory. CC ID 01260
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a data inventory based on the enterprise's data management process. Inventory sensitive data, at a minimum. Review and update inventory annually, at a minimum, with a priority on sensitive data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.2 Establish and Maintain a Data Inventory
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a data inventory based on the enterprise's data management process. Inventory sensitive data, at a minimum. Review and update inventory annually, at a minimum, with a priority on sensitive data. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.2 Establish and Maintain a Data Inventory
    Implement an automated tool, such as a host-based Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tool to identify all sensitive data stored, processed, or transmitted through enterprise assets, including those located onsite or at a remote service provider, and update the enterprise's data inventory. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.13 Deploy a Data Loss Prevention Solution]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Add inventoried assets to the asset register database, as necessary. CC ID 07051 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Organize the asset register database by grouping objects according to an organizational information classification standard. CC ID 07181 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Use automated tools to collect Information Technology inventory information, as necessary. CC ID 07054
    [{daily basis} Utilize an active discovery tool to identify assets connected to the enterprise's network. Configure the active discovery tool to execute daily, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.3 Utilize an Active Discovery Tool
    Utilize software inventory tools, when possible, throughout the enterprise to automate the discovery and documentation of installed software. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.4 Utilize Automated Software Inventory Tools]
    Operational management Technical Security
    Link the authentication system to the asset inventory. CC ID 13718 Operational management Technical Security
    Record a unique name for each asset in the asset inventory. CC ID 16305 Operational management Data and Information Management
    Record the decommission date for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 14920
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record the status of information systems in the asset inventory. CC ID 16304 Operational management Data and Information Management
    Record the communication interfaces for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 16301 Operational management Data and Information Management
    Record the Uniform Resource Locator for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 14918
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include source code in the asset inventory. CC ID 14858 Operational management Records Management
    Assign ownership of maintaining the asset inventory, as necessary. CC ID 12344 Operational management Human Resources Management
    Record the review date for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 14919
    [{quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, must contain department owner, review date, and purpose. Perform service account reviews to validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.5 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Accounts]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record software license information for each asset in the asset inventory. CC ID 11736
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory
    {biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Data and Information Management
    Record services for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13733 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record protocols for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13734 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record the software version in the asset inventory. CC ID 12196
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record the publisher for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13725
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record the authentication system in the asset inventory. CC ID 13724
    [{annual basis}{authentication system} Establish and maintain an inventory of the enterprise's authentication and authorization systems, including those hosted on-site or at a remote service provider. Review and update the inventory, at a minimum, annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.6 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Authentication and Authorization Systems]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Tag unsupported assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13723 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record the install date for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13720
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record the make, model of device for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 12465 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record the asset tag for physical assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06632 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record the host name of applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13722
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record network ports for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13730 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record the MAC address for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 13721
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record the operating system version for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 11748 Operational management Data and Information Management
    Record the operating system type for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06633 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record rooms at external locations in the asset inventory. CC ID 16302 Operational management Data and Information Management
    Record the department associated with the asset in the asset inventory. CC ID 12084
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {user account} {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of all accounts managed in the enterprise. The inventory must at a minimum include user, administrator accounts, and service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, should contain the person's name, username, start/stop dates, and department. Validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record the physical location for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06634 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record the manufacturer's serial number for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06635 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record the firmware version for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 12195 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record the related business function for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06636
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, must contain department owner, review date, and purpose. Perform service account reviews to validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.5 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Accounts
    {biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record the deployment environment for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06637
    [{biannual basis} {install date} Establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed software installed on enterprise assets. The software inventory must document the title, publisher, initial install/use date, and business purpose for each entry; where appropriate, include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), app store(s), version(s), deployment mechanism, decommission date, and number of licenses. Review and update the software inventory bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.1 Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record the Internet Protocol address for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06638
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record trusted keys and certificates in the asset inventory. CC ID 15486 Operational management Data and Information Management
    Record cipher suites and protocols in the asset inventory. CC ID 15489 Operational management Data and Information Management
    Link the software asset inventory to the hardware asset inventory. CC ID 12085 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record the owner for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 06640
    [{biannual basis}{MAC address} Establish and maintain an accurate, detailed, and up-to-date inventory of all enterprise assets with the potential to store or process data, to include: end-user devices (including portable and mobile), network devices, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers. Ensure the inventory records the network address (if static), hardware address, machine name, data asset owner, department for each asset, and whether the asset has been approved to connect to the network. For mobile end-user devices, MDM type tools can support this process, where appropriate. This inventory includes assets connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments. Additionally, it includes assets that are regularly connected to the enterprise's network infrastructure, even if they are not under control of the enterprise. Review and update the inventory of all enterprise assets bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
    {quarterly basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service accounts. The inventory, at a minimum, must contain department owner, review date, and purpose. Perform service account reviews to validate that all active accounts are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum quarterly, or more frequently. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.5 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Accounts]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record all compliance requirements for applicable assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 15696 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record all changes to assets in the asset inventory. CC ID 12190 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record cloud service derived data in the asset inventory. CC ID 13007 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include cloud service customer data in the asset inventory. CC ID 13006 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a software accountability policy. CC ID 00868 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain software asset management procedures. CC ID 00895
    [{unauthorized software} Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all software (operating systems and applications) on the network so that only authorized software is installed and can execute, and that unauthorized and unmanaged software is found and prevented from installation or execution. CIS Control 2: Inventory and Control of Software Assets
    Securely manage enterprise assets and software. Example implementations include managing configuration through version-controlled Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) and accessing administrative interfaces over secure network protocols, such as Secure Shell (SSH) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). Do not use insecure management protocols, such as Telnet (Teletype Network) and HTTP, unless operationally essential. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.6 Securely Manage Enterprise Assets and Software]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Prevent users from disabling required software. CC ID 16417 Operational management Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain software archives procedures. CC ID 00866 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain software distribution procedures. CC ID 00894 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain software documentation management procedures. CC ID 06395 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain software license management procedures. CC ID 06639 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Automate software license monitoring, as necessary. CC ID 07057 Operational management Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Establish, implement, and maintain digital legacy procedures. CC ID 16524 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system redeployment program. CC ID 06276 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties prior to when the system is redeployed or the system is disposed. CC ID 06400 Operational management Behavior
    Wipe all data on systems prior to when the system is redeployed or the system is disposed. CC ID 06401 Operational management Data and Information Management
    Reset systems to the default configuration prior to when the system is redeployed or the system is disposed. CC ID 16968 Operational management Configuration
    Transfer legal ownership of assets when the system is redeployed to a third party. CC ID 06698 Operational management Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services
    Document the staff's operating knowledge of the system prior to a personnel status change. CC ID 06937 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Redeploy systems to other organizational units, as necessary. CC ID 11452 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system disposal program. CC ID 14431 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain disposal procedures. CC ID 16513 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain asset sanitization procedures. CC ID 16511 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Destroy systems in accordance with the system disposal program. CC ID 16457 Operational management Business Processes
    Approve the release of systems and waste material into the public domain. CC ID 16461 Operational management Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain system destruction procedures. CC ID 16474 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain printer and multifunction device disposition procedures. CC ID 15216 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system preventive maintenance program. CC ID 00885 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain maintenance reports. CC ID 11749 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a list of assets that were removed or replaced during maintenance in the maintenance report. CC ID 17088 Operational management Maintenance
    Include a description of the maintenance performed in the maintenance report. CC ID 17087 Operational management Maintenance
    Include roles and responsibilities in the maintenance report. CC ID 17086 Operational management Maintenance
    Include the date and time of maintenance in the maintenance report. CC ID 17085 Operational management Maintenance
    Establish and maintain system inspection reports. CC ID 06346 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system maintenance policy. CC ID 14032 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include compliance requirements in the system maintenance policy. CC ID 14217 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include management commitment in the system maintenance policy. CC ID 14216 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include roles and responsibilities in the system maintenance policy. CC ID 14215 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the scope in the system maintenance policy. CC ID 14214 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the system maintenance policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14213 Operational management Communicate
    Include the purpose in the system maintenance policy. CC ID 14187 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include coordination amongst entities in the system maintenance policy. CC ID 14181 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain system maintenance procedures. CC ID 14059 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the system maintenance procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14194 Operational management Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain a technology refresh plan. CC ID 13061
    [Manage the security life cycle of in-house developed, hosted, or acquired software to prevent, detect, and remediate security weaknesses before they can impact the enterprise. CIS Control 16: Application Software Security]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a technology refresh schedule. CC ID 16940 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Provide advice regarding the establishment and implementation of an information technology refresh plan. CC ID 16938 Operational management Communicate
    Plan and conduct maintenance so that it does not interfere with scheduled operations. CC ID 06389 Operational management Physical and Environmental Protection
    Maintain contact with the device manufacturer or component manufacturer for maintenance requests. CC ID 06388 Operational management Behavior
    Use system components only when third party support is available. CC ID 10644 Operational management Maintenance
    Establish, implement, and maintain compensating controls for system components when third party support is no longer available. CC ID 17174 Operational management Process or Activity
    Obtain justification for the continued use of system components when third party support is no longer available. CC ID 10645 Operational management Maintenance
    Obtain approval before removing maintenance tools from the facility. CC ID 14298 Operational management Business Processes
    Control remote maintenance according to the system's asset classification. CC ID 01433 Operational management Technical Security
    Separate remote maintenance sessions from other network sessions with a logically separate communications path based upon encryption. CC ID 10614 Operational management Configuration
    Approve all remote maintenance sessions. CC ID 10615 Operational management Technical Security
    Log the performance of all remote maintenance. CC ID 13202 Operational management Log Management
    Terminate remote maintenance sessions when the remote maintenance is complete. CC ID 12083 Operational management Technical Security
    Conduct offsite maintenance in authorized facilities. CC ID 16473 Operational management Maintenance
    Disconnect non-volatile media from information systems prior to performing maintenance with uncleared personnel. CC ID 14295 Operational management Maintenance
    Sanitize volatile media in information systems prior to performing maintenance with uncleared personnel. CC ID 14291 Operational management Maintenance
    Respond to maintenance requests inside the organizationally established time frame. CC ID 04878 Operational management Behavior
    Establish and maintain an archive of maintenance reports in a maintenance log. CC ID 06202 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Acquire spare parts prior to when maintenance requests are scheduled. CC ID 11833 Operational management Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services
    Perform periodic maintenance according to organizational standards. CC ID 01435 Operational management Behavior
    Restart systems on a periodic basis. CC ID 16498 Operational management Maintenance
    Remove components being serviced from the information system prior to performing maintenance. CC ID 14251 Operational management Maintenance
    Employ dedicated systems during system maintenance. CC ID 12108
    [Establish and maintain dedicated computing resources, either physically or logically separated, for all administrative tasks or tasks requiring administrative access. The computing resources should be segmented from the enterprise's primary network and not be allowed internet access. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.8 Establish and Maintain Dedicated Computing Resources for All Administrative Work]
    Operational management Technical Security
    Isolate dedicated systems used for system maintenance from Internet access. CC ID 12114
    [Establish and maintain dedicated computing resources, either physically or logically separated, for all administrative tasks or tasks requiring administrative access. The computing resources should be segmented from the enterprise's primary network and not be allowed internet access. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.8 Establish and Maintain Dedicated Computing Resources for All Administrative Work]
    Operational management Technical Security
    Control granting access to appropriate parties performing maintenance on organizational assets. CC ID 11873 Operational management Human Resources Management
    Identify and authenticate appropriate parties prior to granting access to maintain assets. CC ID 11874 Operational management Physical and Environmental Protection
    Post calibration limits or calibration tolerances on or near assets requiring calibration. CC ID 06204 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Implement automated mechanisms to transfer predictive maintenance data to a maintenance management system. CC ID 10616 Operational management Process or Activity
    Disassemble and shut down unnecessary systems or unused systems. CC ID 06280 Operational management Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain an end-of-life management process. CC ID 16540 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate end-of-life information for system components to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16937 Operational management Communicate
    Dispose of hardware and software at their life cycle end. CC ID 06278 Operational management Business Processes
    Refrain from placing assets being disposed into organizational dumpsters. CC ID 12200 Operational management Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain disposal contracts. CC ID 12199 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include disposal procedures in disposal contracts. CC ID 13905 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Remove asset tags prior to disposal of an asset. CC ID 12198 Operational management Business Processes
    Document the storage information for all systems that are stored instead of being disposed or redeployed. CC ID 06936 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Review each system's operational readiness. CC ID 06275 Operational management Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a data stewardship policy. CC ID 06657 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain an unauthorized software list. CC ID 10601
    [{monthly basis} Ensure that unauthorized software is either removed from use on enterprise assets or receives a documented exception. Review monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.3 Address Unauthorized Software
    {unauthorized software}{monthly basis} Ensure that only currently supported software is designated as authorized in the software inventory for enterprise assets. If software is unsupported, yet necessary for the fulfillment of the enterprise's mission, document an exception detailing mitigating controls and residual risk acceptance. For any unsupported software without an exception documentation, designate as unauthorized. Review the software list to verify software support at least monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.2 Ensure Authorized Software is Currently Supported]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a customer service program. CC ID 00846 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Incident Management program. CC ID 00853
    [{annual basis} Determine which primary and secondary mechanisms will be used to communicate and report during a security incident. Mechanisms can include phone calls, emails, secure chat, or notification letters. Keep in mind that certain mechanisms, such as emails, can be affected during a security incident. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.6 Define Mechanisms for Communicating During Incident Response]
    Operational management Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain an incident management policy. CC ID 16414 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the incident management policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16885 Operational management Communicate
    Define and assign the roles and responsibilities for Incident Management program. CC ID 13055
    [Designate one key person, and at least one backup, who will manage the enterprise's incident handling process. Management personnel are responsible for the coordination and documentation of incident response and recovery efforts and can consist of employees internal to the enterprise, service providers, or a hybrid approach. If using a service provider, designate at least one person internal to the enterprise to oversee any third-party work. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.1 Designate Personnel to Manage Incident Handling]
    Operational management Human Resources Management
    Define the uses and capabilities of the Incident Management program. CC ID 00854 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include incident escalation procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 00856 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Define the characteristics of the Incident Management program. CC ID 00855 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the criteria for a data loss event in the Incident Management program. CC ID 12179
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain security incident thresholds, including, at a minimum, differentiating between an incident and an event. Examples can include: abnormal activity, security vulnerability, security weakness, data breach, privacy incident, etc. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.9 Establish and Maintain Security Incident Thresholds]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the criteria for an incident in the Incident Management program. CC ID 12173
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain security incident thresholds, including, at a minimum, differentiating between an incident and an event. Examples can include: abnormal activity, security vulnerability, security weakness, data breach, privacy incident, etc. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.9 Establish and Maintain Security Incident Thresholds]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include references to, or portions of, the Governance, Risk, and Compliance framework in the incident management program, as necessary. CC ID 13504 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include incident monitoring procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01207 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Categorize the incident following an incident response. CC ID 13208 Operational management Technical Security
    Define and document impact thresholds to be used in categorizing incidents. CC ID 10033
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain security incident thresholds, including, at a minimum, differentiating between an incident and an event. Examples can include: abnormal activity, security vulnerability, security weakness, data breach, privacy incident, etc. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.9 Establish and Maintain Security Incident Thresholds
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain security incident thresholds, including, at a minimum, differentiating between an incident and an event. Examples can include: abnormal activity, security vulnerability, security weakness, data breach, privacy incident, etc. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.9 Establish and Maintain Security Incident Thresholds]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Record actions taken by investigators during a forensic investigation in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 07095 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the investigation methodology in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 17071 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include corrective actions in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 17070 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the investigation results in the forensic investigation report. CC ID 17069 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Comply with privacy regulations and civil liberties requirements when sharing data loss event information. CC ID 10036 Operational management Data and Information Management
    Redact restricted data before sharing incident information. CC ID 16994 Operational management Data and Information Management
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of an extortion payment in the event of a cybersecurity event. CC ID 16539 Operational management Communicate
    Notify interested personnel and affected parties of the reasons for the extortion payment, along with any alternative solutions. CC ID 16538 Operational management Communicate
    Document the justification for not reporting incidents to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16547 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Report to breach notification organizations the reasons for a delay in sending breach notifications. CC ID 16797 Operational management Communicate
    Report to breach notification organizations the distribution list to which the organization will send data loss event notifications. CC ID 16782 Operational management Communicate
    Remediate security violations according to organizational standards. CC ID 12338 Operational management Business Processes
    Include data loss event notifications in the Incident Response program. CC ID 00364 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include legal requirements for data loss event notifications in the Incident Response program. CC ID 11954 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include required information in the written request to delay the notification to affected parties. CC ID 16785 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Submit written requests to delay the notification of affected parties. CC ID 16783 Operational management Communicate
    Revoke the written request to delay the notification. CC ID 16843 Operational management Process or Activity
    Design the text of the notice for all incident response notifications to be no smaller than 10-point type. CC ID 12985 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Refrain from charging for providing incident response notifications. CC ID 13876 Operational management Business Processes
    Title breach notifications "Notice of Data Breach". CC ID 12977 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Display titles of incident response notifications clearly and conspicuously. CC ID 12986 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Display headings in incident response notifications clearly and conspicuously. CC ID 12987 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Design the incident response notification to call attention to its nature and significance. CC ID 12984 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Use plain language to write incident response notifications. CC ID 12976 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include directions for changing the user's authenticator or security questions and answers in the breach notification. CC ID 12983 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Refrain from including restricted information in the incident response notification. CC ID 16806 Operational management Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Include the affected parties rights in the incident response notification. CC ID 16811 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include details of the investigation in incident response notifications. CC ID 12296 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the issuer's name in incident response notifications. CC ID 12062 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a "What Happened" heading in breach notifications. CC ID 12978 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a general description of the data loss event in incident response notifications. CC ID 04734 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include time information in incident response notifications. CC ID 04745 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the identification of the data source in incident response notifications. CC ID 12305 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a "What Information Was Involved" heading in the breach notification. CC ID 12979 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the type of information that was lost in incident response notifications. CC ID 04735 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the type of information the organization maintains about the affected parties in incident response notifications. CC ID 04776 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a "What We Are Doing" heading in the breach notification. CC ID 12982 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include what the organization has done to enhance data protection controls in incident response notifications. CC ID 04736 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include what the organization is offering or has already done to assist affected parties in incident response notifications. CC ID 04737 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a "For More Information" heading in breach notifications. CC ID 12981 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include details of the companies and persons involved in incident response notifications. CC ID 12295 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the credit reporting agencies' contact information in incident response notifications. CC ID 04744 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the reporting individual's contact information in incident response notifications. CC ID 12297 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include any consequences in the incident response notifications. CC ID 12604 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include whether the notification was delayed due to a law enforcement investigation in incident response notifications. CC ID 04746 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a "What You Can Do" heading in the breach notification. CC ID 12980 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include contact information in incident response notifications. CC ID 04739 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a copy of the incident response notification in breach notifications, as necessary. CC ID 13085 Operational management Communicate
    Post the incident response notification on the organization's website. CC ID 16809 Operational management Process or Activity
    Document the determination for providing a substitute incident response notification. CC ID 16841 Operational management Process or Activity
    Send electronic substitute incident response notifications to affected parties, as necessary. CC ID 04747 Operational management Behavior
    Include contact information in the substitute incident response notification. CC ID 16776 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Post substitute incident response notifications to the organization's website, as necessary. CC ID 04748 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Send substitute incident response notifications to breach notification organizations, as necessary. CC ID 04750 Operational management Behavior
    Publish the substitute incident response notification in a general circulation periodical, as necessary. CC ID 04769 Operational management Behavior
    Establish, implement, and maintain a containment strategy. CC ID 13480 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the containment approach in the containment strategy. CC ID 13486 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include response times in the containment strategy. CC ID 13485 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a restoration log. CC ID 12745 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a description of the restored data that was restored manually in the restoration log. CC ID 15463 Operational management Data and Information Management
    Include a description of the restored data in the restoration log. CC ID 15462 Operational management Data and Information Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain compromised system reaccreditation procedures. CC ID 00592 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Analyze security violations in Suspicious Activity Reports. CC ID 00591 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include lessons learned from analyzing security violations in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01234 Operational management Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Provide progress reports of the incident investigation to the appropriate roles, as necessary. CC ID 12298 Operational management Investigate
    Update the incident response procedures using the lessons learned. CC ID 01233 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include incident response procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01218 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Integrate configuration management procedures into the incident management program. CC ID 13647 Operational management Technical Security
    Include incident management procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 12689
    [Designate one key person, and at least one backup, who will manage the enterprise's incident handling process. Management personnel are responsible for the coordination and documentation of incident response and recovery efforts and can consist of employees internal to the enterprise, service providers, or a hybrid approach. If using a service provider, designate at least one person internal to the enterprise to oversee any third-party work. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.1 Designate Personnel to Manage Incident Handling]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain temporary and emergency access revocation procedures. CC ID 15334 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include after-action analysis procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01219
    [Conduct post-incident reviews. Post-incident reviews help prevent incident recurrence through identifying lessons learned and follow-up action. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.8 Conduct Post-Incident Reviews]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain security and breach investigation procedures. CC ID 16844 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document any potential harm in the incident finding when concluding the incident investigation. CC ID 13830 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Destroy investigative materials, as necessary. CC ID 17082 Operational management Data and Information Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain incident management audit logs. CC ID 13514 Operational management Records Management
    Log incidents in the Incident Management audit log. CC ID 00857 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include who the incident was reported to in the incident management audit log. CC ID 16487 Operational management Log Management
    Include the information that was exchanged in the incident management audit log. CC ID 16995 Operational management Log Management
    Include corrective actions in the incident management audit log. CC ID 16466 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the organization's business products and services affected by disruptions in the Incident Management audit log. CC ID 12234 Operational management Log Management
    Include emergency processing priorities in the Incident Management program. CC ID 00859 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include user's responsibilities for when a theft has occurred in the Incident Management program. CC ID 06387 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include incident record closure procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 01620 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include incident reporting procedures in the Incident Management program. CC ID 11772
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents
    {annual basis} Determine which primary and secondary mechanisms will be used to communicate and report during a security incident. Mechanisms can include phone calls, emails, secure chat, or notification letters. Keep in mind that certain mechanisms, such as emails, can be affected during a security incident. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.6 Define Mechanisms for Communicating During Incident Response]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain incident reporting time frame standards. CC ID 12142
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents]
    Operational management Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain an Incident Response program. CC ID 00579
    [Establish a program to develop and maintain an incident response capability (e.g., policies, plans, procedures, defined roles, training, and communications) to prepare, detect, and quickly respond to an attack. CIS Control 17: Incident Response Management]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Create an incident response report. CC ID 12700 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include how the incident was discovered in the incident response report. CC ID 16987 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the categories of data that were compromised in the incident response report. CC ID 16985 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include disciplinary actions taken in the incident response report. CC ID 16810 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the persons responsible for the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 16808 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the number of individuals the incident response notification was sent to in the incident response report. CC ID 16789 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include any consequences to organizational reputation and confidence due to the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12728 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the number of customers that were affected by the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12727 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include investments associated with the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12726 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include costs associated with the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12725 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include losses due to the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12724 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a description of the impact the incident had on customer service in the incident response report. CC ID 12735 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include foregone revenue from the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12723 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the magnitude of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12722 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include implications of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12721 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include measures to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the incident response report. CC ID 12720 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include breaches of regulatory requirements due to the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12719 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include information on all affected assets in the incident response report. CC ID 12718 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the scope of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12717 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the duration of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12716 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the extent of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12715 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include measures to mitigate the root causes of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12714 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the reasons the incident occurred in the incident response report. CC ID 12711 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the frequency of similar incidents occurring in the incident response report. CC ID 12712 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include lessons learned from the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12713
    [Conduct post-incident reviews. Post-incident reviews help prevent incident recurrence through identifying lessons learned and follow-up action. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.8 Conduct Post-Incident Reviews]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include where the incident occurred in the incident response report. CC ID 12710 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include when the incident occurred in the incident response report. CC ID 12709 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include corrective action taken to eradicate the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12708
    [Conduct post-incident reviews. Post-incident reviews help prevent incident recurrence through identifying lessons learned and follow-up action. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.8 Conduct Post-Incident Reviews]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a description of the impact the incident had on regulatory compliance in the incident response report. CC ID 12704 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a description of the impact the incident had on operations in the incident response report. CC ID 12703 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include an executive summary of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12702 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a root cause analysis of the incident in the incident response report. CC ID 12701 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Submit the incident response report to the proper authorities in a timely manner. CC ID 12705 Operational management Communicate
    Employ tools and mechanisms to support the organization's Incident Response program. CC ID 13182 Operational management Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services
    Define target resolution times for incident response in the Incident Response program. CC ID 13072 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Mitigate reported incidents. CC ID 12973 Operational management Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Establish, implement, and maintain an incident response plan. CC ID 12056 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include addressing external communications in the incident response plan. CC ID 13351 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include addressing internal communications in the incident response plan. CC ID 13350 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include change control procedures in the incident response plan. CC ID 15479 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include addressing information sharing in the incident response plan. CC ID 13349 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include dynamic reconfiguration in the incident response plan. CC ID 14306 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a definition of reportable incidents in the incident response plan. CC ID 14303 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the management support needed for incident response in the incident response plan. CC ID 14300 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include root cause analysis in the incident response plan. CC ID 16423 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include how incident response fits into the organization in the incident response plan. CC ID 14294 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the resources needed for incident response in the incident response plan. CC ID 14292 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a cyber incident response plan. CC ID 13286 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the cyber incident response plan to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16838 Operational management Communicate
    Include incident response team structures in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01237 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the incident response team member's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01652
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented incident response process that addresses roles and responsibilities, compliance requirements, and a communication plan. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.4 Establish and Maintain an Incident Response Process
    {annual basis} Assign key roles and responsibilities for incident response, including staff from incident responders, analysts, and relevant third parties. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.5 Assign Key Roles and Responsibilities
    {annual basis} Assign key roles and responsibilities for incident response, including staff from incident responders, analysts, and relevant third parties. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.5 Assign Key Roles and Responsibilities]
    Operational management Establish Roles
    Include the incident response point of contact's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01877 Operational management Establish Roles
    Include the head of information security's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01878 Operational management Establish Roles
    Include the customer database owner's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01879 Operational management Establish Roles
    Include the online sales department's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01880 Operational management Establish Roles
    Include the incident response point of contact for credit card payment system's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01881 Operational management Establish Roles
    Include the organizational legal counsel's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01882 Operational management Establish Roles
    Include the Human Resources point of contact's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01883 Operational management Establish Roles
    Include the organizational incident response network architecture point of contact's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01884 Operational management Establish Roles
    Include the organizational incident response public relations point of contact's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01885 Operational management Establish Roles
    Include the organizational incident response location manager's roles and responsibilities in the Incident Response program. CC ID 01886 Operational management Establish Roles
    Assign the distribution of security alerts to the appropriate role in the incident response program. CC ID 11887 Operational management Human Resources Management
    Assign establishing, implementing, and maintaining incident response procedures to the appropriate role in the incident response program. CC ID 12473 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Assign the distribution of incident response procedures to the appropriate role in the incident response program. CC ID 12474 Operational management Communicate
    Include personnel contact information in the event of an incident in the Incident Response program. CC ID 06385
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain contact information for parties that need to be informed of security incidents. Contacts may include internal staff, service providers, law enforcement, cyber insurance providers, relevant government agencies, Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) partners, or other stakeholders. Verify contacts annually to ensure that information is up-to-date. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.2 Establish and Maintain Contact Information for Reporting Security Incidents
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include what information interested personnel and affected parties need in the event of an incident in the Incident Response program. CC ID 11789 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include identifying remediation actions in the incident response plan. CC ID 13354 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include procedures for providing updated status information to the crisis management team in the incident response plan. CC ID 12776 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include log management procedures in the incident response program. CC ID 17081 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include coverage of all system components in the Incident Response program. CC ID 11955 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Prepare for incident response notifications. CC ID 00584 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include incident response team services in the Incident Response program. CC ID 11766 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the incident response training program in the Incident Response program. CC ID 06750 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Incorporate simulated events into the incident response training program. CC ID 06751 Operational management Behavior
    Incorporate realistic exercises that are tested into the incident response training program. CC ID 06753 Operational management Behavior
    Conduct incident response training. CC ID 11889
    [Plan and conduct routine incident response exercises and scenarios for key personnel involved in the incident response process to prepare for responding to real-world incidents. Exercises need to test communication channels, decision-making, and workflows. Conduct testing on an annual basis, at a minimum. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.7 Conduct Routine Incident Response Exercises]
    Operational management Training
    Establish, implement, and maintain an incident response policy. CC ID 14024 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include compliance requirements in the incident response policy. CC ID 14108
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented incident response process that addresses roles and responsibilities, compliance requirements, and a communication plan. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.4 Establish and Maintain an Incident Response Process]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include coordination amongst entities in the incident response policy. CC ID 14107
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented incident response process that addresses roles and responsibilities, compliance requirements, and a communication plan. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.4 Establish and Maintain an Incident Response Process]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include management commitment in the incident response policy. CC ID 14106 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include roles and responsibilities in the incident response policy. CC ID 14105 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the scope in the incident response policy. CC ID 14104 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the purpose in the incident response policy. CC ID 14101 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the incident response policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14099 Operational management Communicate
    Include references to industry best practices in the incident response procedures. CC ID 11956 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include responding to alerts from security monitoring systems in the incident response procedures. CC ID 11949 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Maintain contact with breach notification organizations for notification purposes in the event a privacy breach has occurred. CC ID 01213 Operational management Behavior
    Include business continuity procedures in the Incident Response program. CC ID 06433 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Coordinate backup procedures as defined in the system continuity plan with backup procedures necessary for incident response procedures. CC ID 06432 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include consumer protection procedures in the Incident Response program. CC ID 12755 Operational management Systems Continuity
    Include the reimbursement of customers for financial losses due to incidents in the Incident Response program. CC ID 12756 Operational management Business Processes
    Include business recovery procedures in the Incident Response program. CC ID 11774 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a digital forensic evidence framework. CC ID 08652 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Retain collected evidence for potential future legal actions. CC ID 01235 Operational management Records Management
    Include time information in the chain of custody. CC ID 17068 Operational management Log Management
    Include actions performed on evidence in the chain of custody. CC ID 17067 Operational management Log Management
    Include individuals who had custody of evidence in the chain of custody. CC ID 17066 Operational management Log Management
    Define the business scenarios that require digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08653 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Define the circumstances for collecting digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08657 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Identify potential sources of digital forensic evidence. CC ID 08651 Operational management Investigate
    Document the legal requirements for evidence collection. CC ID 08654 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a digital forensic evidence collection program. CC ID 08655 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include roles and responsibilities in the digital forensic evidence collection program. CC ID 15724 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain secure storage and handling of evidence procedures. CC ID 08656 Operational management Records Management
    Disseminate and communicate the incident response procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 01215
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an documented enterprise process for the workforce to report security incidents. The process includes reporting timeframe, personnel to report to, mechanism for reporting, and the minimum information to be reported. Ensure the process is publicly available to all of the workforce. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.3 Establish and Maintain an Enterprise Process for Reporting Incidents]
    Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the final incident report, which includes the investigation results and any remediation activity results. CC ID 12306 Operational management Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Document the results of incident response tests and provide them to senior management. CC ID 14857 Operational management Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Establish, implement, and maintain a change control program. CC ID 00886 Operational management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a patch management program. CC ID 00896 Operational management Process or Activity
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Configuration Management program. CC ID 00867
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented secure configuration process for enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers) and software (operating systems and applications). Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Configuration Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented secure configuration process for network devices. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.2 Establish and Maintain a Secure Configuration Process for Network Infrastructure]
    System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain configuration control and Configuration Status Accounting. CC ID 00863 System hardening through configuration management Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain appropriate system labeling. CC ID 01900 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the identification number of the third party who performed the conformity assessment procedures on all promotional materials. CC ID 15041 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the identification number of the third party who conducted the conformity assessment procedures after the CE marking of conformity. CC ID 15040 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Verify configuration files requiring passwords for automation do not contain those passwords after the installation process is complete. CC ID 06555 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Establish, implement, and maintain a configuration management policy. CC ID 14023 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain configuration management procedures. CC ID 14074 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the configuration management procedures to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14139 System hardening through configuration management Communicate
    Include compliance requirements in the configuration management policy. CC ID 14072 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include coordination amongst entities in the configuration management policy. CC ID 14071 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include management commitment in the configuration management policy. CC ID 14070 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include roles and responsibilities in the configuration management policy. CC ID 14069 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the scope in the configuration management policy. CC ID 14068 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the purpose in the configuration management policy. CC ID 14067 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the configuration management policy to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14066 System hardening through configuration management Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain a configuration management plan. CC ID 01901 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include configuration management procedures in the configuration management plan. CC ID 14248
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented secure configuration process for enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers) and software (operating systems and applications). Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Configuration Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented secure configuration process for network devices. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.2 Establish and Maintain a Secure Configuration Process for Network Infrastructure]
    System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include roles and responsibilities in the configuration management plan. CC ID 14247 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Approve the configuration management plan. CC ID 14717 System hardening through configuration management Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain system tracking documentation. CC ID 15266 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include prioritization codes in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15283 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the type and category of the request in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15281 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include contact information in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15280 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the username in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15278 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a problem description in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15276 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include affected systems in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15275 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include root causes in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15274 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the name of who is responsible for resolution in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15273 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include current status in the system tracking documentation. CC ID 15272 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Employ the Configuration Management program. CC ID 11904 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Record Configuration Management items in the Configuration Management database. CC ID 00861 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the configuration management program to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 11946 System hardening through configuration management Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Configuration Management Database with accessible reporting capabilities. CC ID 02132 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document external connections for all systems. CC ID 06415 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Establish, implement, and maintain a configuration baseline based on the least functionality principle. CC ID 00862
    [Establish and maintain the secure configuration of enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile; network devices; non-computing/IoT devices; and servers) and software (operating systems and applications). CIS Control 4: Secure Configuration of Enterprise Assets and Software]
    System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the measures used to account for any differences in operation between the test environments and production environments in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13285 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the differences between test environments and production environments in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13284 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the applied security patches in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13271 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the installed application software and version numbers in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13270 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include installed custom software in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13274
    [Use standard, industry-recommended hardening configuration templates for application infrastructure components. This includes underlying servers, databases, and web servers, and applies to cloud containers, Platform as a Service (PaaS) components, and SaaS components. Do not allow in-house developed software to weaken configuration hardening. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.7 Use Standard Hardening Configuration Templates for Application Infrastructure]
    System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include network ports in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13273 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the operating systems and version numbers in the baseline configuration. CC ID 13269 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include backup procedures in the Configuration Management policy. CC ID 01314 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system hardening standard. CC ID 00876 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain configuration standards. CC ID 11953
    [{biannual basis} Use technical controls, such as digital signatures and version control, to ensure that only authorized scripts, such as specific .ps1, and .py files are allowed to execute. Block unauthorized scripts from executing. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.7 Allowlist Authorized Scripts]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Include common security parameter settings in the configuration standards for all systems. CC ID 12544 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Apply configuration standards to all systems, as necessary. CC ID 12503
    [{daily basis} Utilize an active discovery tool to identify assets connected to the enterprise's network. Configure the active discovery tool to execute daily, or more frequently. CIS Control 1: Safeguard 1.3 Utilize an Active Discovery Tool
    Use standard, industry-recommended hardening configuration templates for application infrastructure components. This includes underlying servers, databases, and web servers, and applies to cloud containers, Platform as a Service (PaaS) components, and SaaS components. Do not allow in-house developed software to weaken configuration hardening. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.7 Use Standard Hardening Configuration Templates for Application Infrastructure]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Document and justify system hardening standard exceptions. CC ID 06845 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure security parameter settings on all system components appropriately. CC ID 12041
    [{biannual basis} Use technical controls, such as digital signatures and version control, to ensure that only authorized scripts, such as specific .ps1, and .py files are allowed to execute. Block unauthorized scripts from executing. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.7 Allowlist Authorized Scripts]
    System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Provide documentation verifying devices are not susceptible to known exploits. CC ID 11987 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain system hardening procedures. CC ID 12001 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Configure session timeout and reauthentication settings according to organizational standards. CC ID 12460
    [{stipulated timeframe} Configure automatic session locking on enterprise assets after a defined period of inactivity. For general purpose operating systems, the period must not exceed 15 minutes. For mobile end-user devices, the period must not exceed 2 minutes. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.3 Configure Automatic Session Locking on Enterprise Assets
    {stipulated timeframe} Configure automatic session locking on enterprise assets after a defined period of inactivity. For general purpose operating systems, the period must not exceed 15 minutes. For mobile end-user devices, the period must not exceed 2 minutes. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.3 Configure Automatic Session Locking on Enterprise Assets]
    System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Terminate all dependent sessions upon session termination. CC ID 16984 System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Configure automatic logoff to terminate the sessions based on inactivity according to organizational standards. CC ID 04490
    [{stipulated timeframe} Configure automatic session locking on enterprise assets after a defined period of inactivity. For general purpose operating systems, the period must not exceed 15 minutes. For mobile end-user devices, the period must not exceed 2 minutes. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.3 Configure Automatic Session Locking on Enterprise Assets]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Display an explicit logout message when disconnecting an authenticated communications session. CC ID 10093 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Invalidate session identifiers upon session termination. CC ID 10649 System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Block and/or remove unnecessary software and unauthorized software. CC ID 00865
    [{unauthorized software} Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all software (operating systems and applications) on the network so that only authorized software is installed and can execute, and that unauthorized and unmanaged software is found and prevented from installation or execution. CIS Control 2: Inventory and Control of Software Assets
    {monthly basis} Ensure that unauthorized software is either removed from use on enterprise assets or receives a documented exception. Review monthly, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.3 Address Unauthorized Software
    {insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures
    {unauthorized software library} {biannual basis} Use technical controls to ensure that only authorized software libraries, such as specific .dll, .ocx, and .so files, are allowed to load into a system process. Block unauthorized libraries from loading into a system process. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.6 Allowlist Authorized Libraries]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Use the latest approved version of all assets. CC ID 00897
    [Ensure only fully supported browsers and email clients are allowed to execute in the enterprise, only using the latest version of browsers and email clients provided through the vendor. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.1 Ensure Use of Only Fully Supported Browsers and Email Clients]
    System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Install the most current Windows Service Pack. CC ID 01695 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Install critical security updates and important security updates in a timely manner. CC ID 01696
    [{blacklist website} Enforce and update network-based URL filters to limit an enterprise asset from connecting to potentially malicious or unapproved websites. Example implementations include category-based filtering, reputation-based filtering, or through the use of block lists. Enforce filters for all enterprise assets. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.3 Maintain and Enforce Network-Based URL Filters]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Include risk information when communicating critical security updates. CC ID 14948 System hardening through configuration management Communicate
    Configure virtual networks in accordance with the information security policy. CC ID 13165
    [Require users to authenticate to enterprise-managed VPN and authentication services prior to accessing enterprise resources on end-user devices. CIS Control 12: Safeguard 12.7 Ensue Remote Devices Utilize a VPN and are Connecting to an Enterprise's AAA Infrastructure]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Remove all unnecessary functionality. CC ID 00882
    [{insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Document that all enabled functions support secure configurations. CC ID 11985 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Find and eradicate unauthorized world writable files. CC ID 01541 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Strip dangerous/unneeded SUID/SGID system executables. CC ID 01542 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Find and eradicate unauthorized SUID/SGID system executables. CC ID 01543 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Find and eradicate unowned files and unowned directories. CC ID 01544 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable logon prompts on serial ports. CC ID 01553 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable "nobody" access for Secure RPC. CC ID 01554 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable all unnecessary interfaces. CC ID 04826 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable or disable all unused USB ports as appropriate. CC ID 06042 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable all user-mounted removable file systems. CC ID 01536 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Set the Bluetooth Security Mode to the organizational standard. CC ID 00587 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Secure the Bluetooth headset connections. CC ID 00593 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable automatic dial-in access to computers that have installed modems. CC ID 02036 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off AutoPlay" setting. CC ID 01787 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Devices: Restrict floppy access to locally logged on users only" setting. CC ID 01732 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Devices: Restrict CD-ROM access to locally logged on users" setting. CC ID 01731 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Remove CD Burning features" setting. CC ID 04379 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Autorun. CC ID 01790
    [Disable autorun and autoplay auto-execute functionality for removable media. CIS Control 10: Safeguard 10.3 Disable Autorun and Autoplay for Removable Media]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable USB devices (aka hotplugger). CC ID 01545 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable or disable all unused auxiliary ports as appropriate. CC ID 06414 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Remove rhosts support unless absolutely necessary. CC ID 01555 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Remove weak authentication services from Pluggable Authentication Modules. CC ID 01556 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Remove the /etc/hosts.equiv file. CC ID 01559 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Create the /etc/ftpd/ftpusers file. CC ID 01560 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Remove the X Wrapper and enable the X Display Manager. CC ID 01564 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Remove empty crontab files and restrict file permissions to the file. CC ID 01571 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Remove all compilers and assemblers from the system. CC ID 01594 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable all unnecessary applications unless otherwise noted in a policy exception. CC ID 04827
    [{refrain from authorizing}{refrain from requiring} Restrict, either through uninstalling or disabling, any unauthorized or unnecessary browser or email client plugins, extensions, and add-on applications. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.4 Restrict Unnecessary or Unauthorized and Email Client Extensions]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Restrict and control the use of privileged utility programs. CC ID 12030 System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Disable the storing of movies in cache in Apple's QuickTime. CC ID 04489 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Install and enable file sharing utilities, as necessary. CC ID 02174 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable boot services unless boot services are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01481 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable File Services for Macintosh unless File Services for Macintosh are absolutely necessary. CC ID 04279 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Trivial FTP Daemon service to organizational standards. CC ID 01484 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable printer daemons or the printer service unless printer daemons or the printer service is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01487 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable web server unless web server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01490 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable portmapper unless portmapper is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01492 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable writesrv, pmd, and httpdlite unless writesrv, pmd, and httpdlite are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01498 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable hwscan hardware detection unless hwscan hardware detection is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01504 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the “xinetd” service to organizational standards. CC ID 01509 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the /etc/xinetd.conf file permissions as appropriate. CC ID 01568 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable inetd unless inetd is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01508 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Network Computing System unless it is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01497 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable print server for macintosh unless print server for macintosh is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04284 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Print Server unless Print Server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01488 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable ruser/remote login/remote shell/rcp command, unless it is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01480 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable xfsmd unless xfsmd is absolutely necessary. CC ID 02179 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable RPC-based services unless RPC-based services are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01455 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable netfs script unless netfs script is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01495 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Remote Procedure Calls unless Remote Procedure Calls are absolutely necessary and if enabled, set restrictions. CC ID 01456 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "RPC Endpoint Mapper Client Authentication" setting. CC ID 04327 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable ncpfs Script unless ncpfs Script is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01494 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable sendmail server unless sendmail server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01511 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable postfix unless postfix is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01512 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable directory server unless directory server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01464 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Windows-compatibility client processes unless Windows-compatibility client processes are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01471 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Windows-compatibility servers unless Windows-compatibility servers are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01470 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the “Network File System” server to organizational standards CC ID 01472 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure NFS to respond or not as appropriate to NFS client requests that do not include a User ID. CC ID 05981 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure NFS with appropriate authentication methods. CC ID 05982 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "AUTH_DES authentication mechanism" for "NFS server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08971 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "AUTH_KERB authentication mechanism" for "NFS server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08972 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "AUTH_NONE authentication mechanism" for "NFS server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08973 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "AUTH_UNIX authentication mechanism" for "NFS server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08974 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable webmin processes unless the webmin process is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01501 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable automount daemon unless automount daemon is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01476 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable CDE-related daemons unless CDE-related daemons are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01474 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable finger unless finger is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01505 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Rexec unless Rexec is absolutely necessary. CC ID 02164 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Squid cache server unless Squid cache server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01502 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Kudzu hardware detection unless Kudzu hardware detection is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01503 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Install and enable public Instant Messaging clients as necessary. CC ID 02173 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable x font server unless x font server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01499 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Validate, approve, and document all UNIX shells prior to use. CC ID 02161 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disable NFS client processes unless NFS client processes are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01475 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable the use of removable storage media for systems that process restricted data or restricted information, as necessary. CC ID 06681 System hardening through configuration management Data and Information Management
    Disable removable storage media daemon unless the removable storage media daemon is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01477 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable GSS daemon unless GSS daemon is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01465 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Computer Browser unless Computer Browser is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01814 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Computer Browser ResetBrowser Frames as appropriate. CC ID 05984 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the /etc/samba/smb.conf file file permissions as appropriate. CC ID 05989 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable NetMeeting remote desktop sharing unless NetMeeting remote desktop sharing is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01821 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable web directory browsing on all web-enabled devices. CC ID 01874 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable WWW publishing services unless WWW publishing services are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01833 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Install and enable samba, as necessary. CC ID 02175 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the samba hosts allow option with an appropriate set of networks. CC ID 05985 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the samba security option option as appropriate. CC ID 05986 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the samba encrypt passwords option as appropriate. CC ID 05987 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Samba 'smb passwd file' option with an appropriate password file or no password file. CC ID 05988 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Usenet Internet news package file capabilities unless Usenet Internet news package file capabilities are absolutely necessary. CC ID 02176 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable iPlanet Web Server unless iPlanet Web Server is absolutely necessary. CC ID 02172 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable volume manager unless volume manager is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01469 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Solaris Management Console unless Solaris Management Console is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01468 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable the Graphical User Interface unless it is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01466 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable help and support unless help and support is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04280 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable speech recognition unless speech recognition is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04491 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable or secure the NetWare QuickFinder search engine. CC ID 04453 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable messenger unless messenger is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01819 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Do not allow Windows Messenger to be run" setting. CC ID 04516 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Do not automatically start Windows Messenger initially" setting. CC ID 04517 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off the Windows Messenger Customer Experience Improvement Program" setting. CC ID 04330 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable automatic updates unless automatic updates are absolutely necessary. CC ID 01811 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure automatic update installation and shutdown/restart options and shutdown/restart procedures to organizational standards. CC ID 05979 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Name Service Cache Daemon unless Name Service Cache Daemon is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04846 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Prohibit R-command files from existing for root or administrator. CC ID 16322 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /bin/rsh file exists or not, as appropriate. CC ID 05101 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /sbin/rsh file exists or not, as appropriate. CC ID 05102 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /usr/bin/rsh file exists or not, as appropriate. CC ID 05103 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/ftpusers file exists or not, as appropriate. CC ID 05104 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/rsh file exists or not, as appropriate. CC ID 05105 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Install or uninstall the AIDE package, as appropriate. CC ID 05106 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the GNOME automounter (gnome-volume-manager) as necessary. CC ID 05107 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Install or uninstall the setroubleshoot package, as appropriate. CC ID 05108 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure Avahi properly. CC ID 05109 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Install or uninstall OpenNTPD, as appropriate. CC ID 05110 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "httpd" service to organizational standards. CC ID 05111 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Install or uninstall the net-smtp package properly. CC ID 05112 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the apache web service properly. CC ID 05113 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the vlock package properly. CC ID 05114 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Establish, implement, and maintain service accounts. CC ID 13861 System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Manage access credentials for service accounts. CC ID 13862
    [Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 5: Account Management]
    System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Configure the daemon account properly. CC ID 05115 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the bin account properly. CC ID 05116 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the nuucp account properly. CC ID 05117 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the smmsp account properly. CC ID 05118 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the listen account properly. CC ID 05119 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the gdm account properly. CC ID 05120 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the webservd account properly. CC ID 05121 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the nobody account properly. CC ID 05122 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the noaccess account properly. CC ID 05123 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the nobody4 account properly. CC ID 05124 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the sys account properly. CC ID 05125 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the adm account properly. CC ID 05126 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the lp account properly. CC ID 05127 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the uucp account properly. CC ID 05128 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Install or uninstall the tftp-server package, as appropriate. CC ID 05130 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the web console as necessary. CC ID 05131 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable rlogin auth by Pluggable Authentication Modules or pam.d properly. CC ID 05132 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable rsh auth by Pluggable Authentication Modules properly. CC ID 05133 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the listening sendmail daemon, as appropriate. CC ID 05134 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure Squid properly. CC ID 05135 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "global Package signature checking" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08735 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Configure the "Package signature checking" setting for "all configured repositories" to organizational standards. CC ID 08736 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Configure the "verify against the package database" setting for "all installed software packages" to organizational standards. CC ID 08737 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Configure the "isdn4k-utils" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08738 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Configure the "postfix" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08739 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Configure the "vsftpd" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08740 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Configure the "net-snmpd" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08741 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Configure the "rsyslog" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08742 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Configure the "ipsec-tools" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08743 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Configure the "pam_ccreds" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08744 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Configure the "talk-server" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08745 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Configure the "talk" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08746 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Configure the "irda-utils" package to organizational standards. CC ID 08747 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Configure the "/etc/shells" file to organizational standards. CC ID 08978 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the LDAP package to organizational standards. CC ID 09937 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "FTP server" package to organizational standards. CC ID 09938 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "HTTP Proxy Server" package to organizational standards. CC ID 09939 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "prelink" package to organizational standards. CC ID 11379 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Network Information Service (NIS) package to organizational standards. CC ID 11380 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "time" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11381 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "biosdevname" package to organizational standards. CC ID 11383 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "ufw" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11384 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Devices: Allow undock without having to log on" setting. CC ID 01728 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Limit the user roles that are allowed to format and eject removable storage media. CC ID 01729 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Prevent users from installing printer drivers. CC ID 01730 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Minimize the inetd.conf file and set the file to the appropriate permissions. CC ID 01506 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the unsigned driver installation behavior. CC ID 01733 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the unsigned non-driver installation behavior. CC ID 02038 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Remove all demonstration applications on the system. CC ID 01875 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the system to disallow optional Subsystems. CC ID 04265 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Remove Security tab" setting. CC ID 04380 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable all unnecessary services unless otherwise noted in a policy exception. CC ID 00880
    [Uninstall or disable unnecessary services on enterprise assets and software, such as an unused file sharing service, web application module, or service function. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.8 Uninstall or Disable Unnecessary Services on Enterprise Assets and Software
    {insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures
    Securely manage enterprise assets and software. Example implementations include managing configuration through version-controlled Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) and accessing administrative interfaces over secure network protocols, such as Secure Shell (SSH) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). Do not use insecure management protocols, such as Telnet (Teletype Network) and HTTP, unless operationally essential. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.6 Securely Manage Enterprise Assets and Software]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable rquotad unless rquotad is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01473 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the rquotad service to use a static port or a dynamic portmapper port as appropriate. CC ID 05983 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable telnet unless telnet use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01478 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable File Transfer Protocol unless File Transfer Protocol use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01479 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure anonymous FTP to restrict the use of restricted data. CC ID 16314 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable anonymous access to File Transfer Protocol. CC ID 06739 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Internet Message Access Protocol unless Internet Message Access Protocol use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01485 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Post Office Protocol unless its use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01486 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable SQLServer processes unless SQLServer processes use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01500 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable alerter unless alerter use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01810 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Background Intelligent Transfer Service unless Background Intelligent Transfer Service use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01812 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable ClipBook unless ClipBook use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01813 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Fax Service unless Fax Service use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01815 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable IIS admin service unless IIS admin service use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01817 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable indexing service unless indexing service use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01818 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable net logon unless net logon use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01820 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Remote Desktop Help Session Manager unless Remote Desktop Help Session Manager use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01822 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable the "Offer Remote Assistance" setting. CC ID 04325 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable the "Solicited Remote Assistance" setting. CC ID 04326 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Remote Registry Service unless Remote Registry Service use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01823 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Routing and Remote Access unless Routing and Remote Access use is necessary. CC ID 01824 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable task scheduler unless task scheduler use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01829 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Terminal Services unless Terminal Services use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01831 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Universal Plug and Play device host unless Universal Plug and Play device host use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 01832 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable File Service Protocol. CC ID 02167 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable the License Logging Service unless unless it is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04282 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Remote Access Auto Connection Manager unless Remote Access Auto Connection Manager use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04285 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Remote Access Connection Manager unless Remote Access Connection Manager use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04286 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Remote Administration Service unless remote administration management is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04287 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable remote installation unless remote installation is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04288 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Remote Server Manager unless Remote Server Manager is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04289 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Remote Server Monitor unless Remote Server Monitor use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04290 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Remote Storage Notification unless Remote Storage Notification use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04291 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Remote Storage Server unless Remote Storage Server use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04292 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable telephony services unless telephony services use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04293 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Wireless Zero Configuration service unless Wireless Zero Configuration service use is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04294 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable SSDP/UPnp unless SSDP/UPnP is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04315 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "ntpd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04911 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "echo service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04912 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "echo-dgram service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09927 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "echo-stream service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09928 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "AllowTcpForwarding" to organizational standards. CC ID 15327 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "tcpmux-server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09929 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "netstat service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04913 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "character generator protocol (chargen)" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04914 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "tftpd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04915 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "walld service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04916 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "rstatd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04917 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "sprayd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04918 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "rusersd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04919 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "inn service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04920 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "font service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04921 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "ident service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04922 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "rexd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04923 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "daytime service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04924 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "dtspc (cde-spc) service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04925 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "cmsd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04926 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "ToolTalk service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04927 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "discard service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04928 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "vino-server service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04929 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "bind service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04930 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "nfsd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04931 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "mountd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04932 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "statd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04933 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "lockd service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04934 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the lockd service to use a static port or a dynamic portmapper port for User Datagram Protocol as appropriate. CC ID 05980 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "decode sendmail alias" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04935 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the sendmail vrfy command, as appropriate. CC ID 04936 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the sendmail expn command, as appropriate. CC ID 04937 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure .netrc with an appropriate set of services. CC ID 04938 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable NFS insecure locks as necessary. CC ID 04939 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "X server ac" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04940 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "X server core" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04941 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable or disable the setroubleshoot service, as appropriate. CC ID 05540 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "X server nolock" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04942 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable or disable the mcstrans service, as appropriate. CC ID 05541 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "PAM console" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04943 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable or disable the restorecond service, as appropriate. CC ID 05542 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the rhnsd service as necessary. CC ID 04944 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the yum-updatesd service as necessary. CC ID 04945 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the autofs service as necessary. CC ID 04946 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the ip6tables service as necessary. CC ID 04947 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure syslog to organizational standards. CC ID 04949 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the auditd service as necessary. CC ID 04950 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the logwatch service as necessary. CC ID 04951 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the logrotate (syslog rotator) service as necessary. CC ID 04952 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Install or uninstall the telnet server package, only if absolutely necessary. CC ID 04953 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the ypbind service as necessary. CC ID 04954 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the ypserv service as necessary. CC ID 04955 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the firstboot service as necessary. CC ID 04956 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the gpm service as necessary. CC ID 04957 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the irqbalance service as necessary. CC ID 04958 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the isdn service as necessary. CC ID 04959 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the kdump service as necessary. CC ID 04960 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the mdmonitor service as necessary. CC ID 04961 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the microcode_ctl service as necessary. CC ID 04962 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the pcscd service as necessary. CC ID 04963 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the smartd service as necessary. CC ID 04964 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the readahead_early service as necessary. CC ID 04965 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the readahead_later service as necessary. CC ID 04966 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the messagebus service as necessary. CC ID 04967 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the haldaemon service as necessary. CC ID 04968 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the apmd service as necessary. CC ID 04969 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the acpid service as necessary. CC ID 04970 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the cpuspeed service as necessary. CC ID 04971 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the network service as necessary. CC ID 04972 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the hidd service as necessary. CC ID 04973 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the crond service as necessary. CC ID 04974 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Install and enable the anacron service as necessary. CC ID 04975 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the xfs service as necessary. CC ID 04976 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Install and enable the Avahi daemon service, as necessary. CC ID 04977 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the CUPS service, as necessary. CC ID 04978 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the hplip service as necessary. CC ID 04979 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the dhcpd service as necessary. CC ID 04980 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the nfslock service as necessary. CC ID 04981 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the rpcgssd service as necessary. CC ID 04982 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the rpcidmapd service as necessary. CC ID 04983 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the rpcsvcgssd service as necessary. CC ID 04985 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure root squashing for all NFS shares, as appropriate. CC ID 04986 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure write access to NFS shares, as appropriate. CC ID 04987 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the named service, as appropriate. CC ID 04988 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the vsftpd service, as appropriate. CC ID 04989 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the “dovecot” service to organizational standards. CC ID 04990 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure Server Message Block (SMB) to organizational standards. CC ID 04991 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the snmpd service as necessary. CC ID 04992 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the calendar manager as necessary. CC ID 04993 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the GNOME logon service as necessary. CC ID 04994 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the WBEM services as necessary. CC ID 04995 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the keyserv service as necessary. CC ID 04996 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the Generic Security Service daemon as necessary. CC ID 04997 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the volfs service as necessary. CC ID 04998 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the smserver service as necessary. CC ID 04999 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the mpxio-upgrade service as necessary. CC ID 05000 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the metainit service as necessary. CC ID 05001 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the meta service as necessary. CC ID 05003 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the metaed service as necessary. CC ID 05004 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the metamh service as necessary. CC ID 05005 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the Local RPC Port Mapping Service as necessary. CC ID 05006 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the Kerberos kadmind service as necessary. CC ID 05007 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the Kerberos krb5kdc service as necessary. CC ID 05008 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the Kerberos kpropd service as necessary. CC ID 05009 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the Kerberos ktkt_warnd service as necessary. CC ID 05010 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the sadmin service as necessary. CC ID 05011 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the IPP listener as necessary. CC ID 05012 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the serial port listener as necessary. CC ID 05013 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the Smart Card Helper service as necessary. CC ID 05014 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the Application Management service as necessary. CC ID 05015 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) Provider service as necessary. CC ID 05016 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the Network News Transport Protocol service as necessary. CC ID 05017 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the network Dynamic Data Exchange service as necessary. CC ID 05018 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the Distributed Link Tracking Server service as necessary. CC ID 05019 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the RARP service as necessary. CC ID 05020 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the ".NET Framework service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 05021 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the Network DDE Share Database Manager service as necessary. CC ID 05022 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the Certificate Services service as necessary. CC ID 05023 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the ATI hotkey poller service properly. CC ID 05024 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Interix Subsystem Startup service properly. CC ID 05025 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Cluster Service service properly. CC ID 05026 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the IAS Jet Database Access service properly. CC ID 05027 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the IAS service properly. CC ID 05028 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the IP Version 6 Helper service properly. CC ID 05029 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure "Message Queuing service" to organizational standards. CC ID 05030 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Message Queuing Down Level Clients service properly. CC ID 05031 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions service properly. CC ID 05033 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service properly. CC ID 05034 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Utility Manager service properly. CC ID 05035 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the secondary logon service properly. CC ID 05036 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Windows Management Instrumentation service properly. CC ID 05037 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Workstation service properly. CC ID 05038 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Windows Installer service properly. CC ID 05039 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Windows System Resource Manager service properly. CC ID 05040 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service properly. CC ID 05041 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Services for Unix Client for NFS service properly. CC ID 05042 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Services for Unix Server for PCNFS service properly. CC ID 05043 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Services for Unix Perl Socket service properly. CC ID 05044 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Services for Unix User Name Mapping service properly. CC ID 05045 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Services for Unix Windows Cron service properly. CC ID 05046 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Windows Media Services service properly. CC ID 05047 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Services for Netware Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) Agent properly. CC ID 05048 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Web Element Manager service properly. CC ID 05049 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Remote Installation Services Single Instance Storage (SIS) Groveler service properly. CC ID 05050 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Terminal Services Licensing service properly. CC ID 05051 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the COM+ Event System service properly. CC ID 05052 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Event Log service properly. CC ID 05053 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Infrared Monitor service properly. CC ID 05054 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Services for Unix Server for NFS service properly. CC ID 05055 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the System Event Notification Service properly. CC ID 05056 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the NTLM Security Support Provider service properly. CC ID 05057 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Performance Logs and Alerts service properly. CC ID 05058 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Protected Storage service properly. CC ID 05059 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the QoS Admission Control (RSVP) service properly. CC ID 05060 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Remote Procedure Call service properly. CC ID 05061 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Removable Storage service properly. CC ID 05062 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Server service properly. CC ID 05063 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Security Accounts Manager service properly. CC ID 05064 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the “Network Connections” service to organizational standards. CC ID 05065 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Logical Disk Manager service properly. CC ID 05066 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service properly. CC ID 05067 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the File Replication service properly. CC ID 05068 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Kerberos Key Distribution Center service properly. CC ID 05069 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Intersite Messaging service properly. CC ID 05070 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Remote Procedure Call locator service properly. CC ID 05071 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Distributed File System service properly. CC ID 05072 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Windows Internet Name Service service properly. CC ID 05073 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the FTP Publishing Service properly. CC ID 05074 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Windows Search service properly. CC ID 05075 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Microsoft Peer-to-Peer Networking Services service properly. CC ID 05076 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Remote Shell service properly. CC ID 05077 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure Simple TCP/IP services to organizational standards. CC ID 05078 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Print Services for Unix service properly. CC ID 05079 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the File Shares service to organizational standards. CC ID 05080 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the NetMeeting service properly. CC ID 05081 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Application Layer Gateway service properly. CC ID 05082 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Cryptographic Services service properly. CC ID 05083 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Help and Support Service properly. CC ID 05084 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Human Interface Device Access service properly. CC ID 05085 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the IMAPI CD-Burning COM service properly. CC ID 05086 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the MS Software Shadow Copy Provider service properly. CC ID 05087 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Network Location Awareness service properly. CC ID 05088 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Portable Media Serial Number Service service properly. CC ID 05089 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the System Restore Service service properly. CC ID 05090 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Themes service properly. CC ID 05091 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Uninterruptible Power Supply service properly. CC ID 05092 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Upload Manager service properly. CC ID 05093 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Volume Shadow Copy Service properly. CC ID 05094 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the WebClient service properly. CC ID 05095 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Windows Audio service properly. CC ID 05096 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Windows Image Acquisition service properly. CC ID 05097 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the WMI Performance Adapter service properly. CC ID 05098 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable file uploads via vsftpd service, as appropriate. CC ID 05100 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable or remove sadmind unless use of sadmind is absolutely necessary. CC ID 06885 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "SNMP version 1" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08976 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "xdmcp service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08985 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable the automatic display of remote images in HTML-formatted e-mail. CC ID 04494 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Remote Apply Events unless Remote Apply Events are absolutely necessary. CC ID 04495 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Xgrid unless Xgrid is absolutely necessary. CC ID 04496 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Do Not Show First Use Dialog Boxes" setting for Windows Media Player properly. CC ID 05136 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable Core dumps unless absolutely necessary. CC ID 01507 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Set hard core dump size limits, as appropriate. CC ID 05990 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Prevent Desktop Shortcut Creation" setting for Windows Media Player properly. CC ID 05137 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Set the Squid EUID and Squid GUID to an appropriate user and group. CC ID 05138 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify groups referenced in /etc/passwd are included in /etc/group, as appropriate. CC ID 05139 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Use of the cron.allow file should be enabled or disabled as appropriate. CC ID 06014 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Use of the at.allow file should be enabled or disabled as appropriate. CC ID 06015 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable or disable the Dynamic DNS feature of the DHCP Server as appropriate. CC ID 06039 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable or disable each user's Screen saver software, as necessary. CC ID 06050 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable any unnecessary scripting languages, as necessary. CC ID 12137
    [{biannual basis} Use technical controls, such as digital signatures and version control, to ensure that only authorized scripts, such as specific .ps1, and .py files are allowed to execute. Block unauthorized scripts from executing. Reassess bi-annually, or more frequently. CIS Control 2: Safeguard 2.7 Allowlist Authorized Scripts]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the system security parameters to prevent system misuse or information misappropriation. CC ID 00881
    [Improve protections and detections of threats from email and web vectors, as these are opportunities for attackers to manipulate human behavior through direct engagement. CIS Control 9: Email and Web Browser Protections]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure Hypertext Transfer Protocol headers in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16851 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure Hypertext Transfer Protocol security headers in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16488 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure "Enable Structured Exception Handling Overwrite Protection (SEHOP)" to organizational standards. CC ID 15385 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure Microsoft Attack Surface Reduction rules in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16478 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure "Remote host allows delegation of non-exportable credentials" to organizational standards. CC ID 15379 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure "Configure enhanced anti-spoofing" to organizational standards. CC ID 15376 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure "Block user from showing account details on sign-in" to organizational standards. CC ID 15374 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure "Configure Attack Surface Reduction rules" to organizational standards. CC ID 15370 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure "Turn on e-mail scanning" to organizational standards. CC ID 15361 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure "Prevent users and apps from accessing dangerous websites" to organizational standards. CC ID 15359 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure "Enumeration policy for external devices incompatible with Kernel DMA Protection" to organizational standards. CC ID 15352 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure "Prevent Internet Explorer security prompt for Windows Installer scripts" to organizational standards. CC ID 15351 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Store state information from applications and software separately. CC ID 14767 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "aufs storage" to organizational standards. CC ID 14461 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "AppArmor Profile" to organizational standards. CC ID 14496 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "device" argument to organizational standards. CC ID 14536 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Docker" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 14495 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Docker" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 14505 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure "Allow upload of User Activities" to organizational standards. CC ID 15338 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the system to restrict Core dumps to a protected directory. CC ID 01513 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the system to enable Stack protection. CC ID 01514 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the system to restrict NFS client requests to privileged ports. CC ID 01515 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the system to use better TCP Sequence Numbers. CC ID 01516 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the system to a default secure level. CC ID 01519 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the system to block users from viewing un-owned processes. CC ID 01520 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the system to block users from viewing processes in other groups. CC ID 01521 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Add the "nosuid" option to /etc/rmmount.conf. CC ID 01532 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the system to block non-privileged mountd requests. CC ID 01533 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Use host-based or Internet Protocol-based export lists for mountd. CC ID 06887 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Add the "nodev" option to the appropriate partitions in /etc/fstab. CC ID 01534 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Add the "nosuid" option and "nodev" option for removable storage media in the /etc/fstab file. CC ID 01535 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the sticky bit on world-writable directories. CC ID 01540 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify system files are not world-writable. CC ID 01546 System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Verify backup directories containing patches are not accessible. CC ID 01547 System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Run hp_checkperms. CC ID 01548 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Run fix-modes. CC ID 01549 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Convert the system to "Trusted Mode", if possible. CC ID 01550 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the sadmind service to a higher Security level. CC ID 01551 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Use host-based or Internet Protocol-based export lists for sadmind. CC ID 06886 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure all.rhosts files to be readable only by their owners. CC ID 01557 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Set the symlink /etc/hosts.equiv file to /dev/null. CC ID 01558 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the default locking Screen saver timeout to a predetermined time period. CC ID 01570 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Security Center (Domain PCs only). CC ID 01967 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the system to immediately protect the computer after the Screen saver is activated by setting the time before the Screen saver grace period expires to a predefined amount. CC ID 04276 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the system to require a password before it unlocks the Screen saver software. CC ID 04443 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the safe DLL search mode. CC ID 04273 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the computer to stop generating 8.3 filename formats. CC ID 04274 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the system to use certificate rules for software restriction policies. CC ID 04266 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Do not allow drive redirection" setting. CC ID 04316 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off the 'Publish to Web' task for files and folders" setting. CC ID 04328 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off Internet download for Web publishing and online ordering wizards" setting. CC ID 04329 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off Search Companion content file updates" setting. CC ID 04331 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off printing over HTTP" setting. CC ID 04332 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off downloading of print drivers over HTTP" setting. CC ID 04333 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off Windows Update device driver searching" setting. CC ID 04334 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Display Error Notification" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04335 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off Windows error reporting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 04336 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Disable software update shell notifications on program launch" setting. CC ID 04339 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Make proxy settings per-machine (rather than per-user)" setting. CC ID 04341 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Security Zones: Do not allow users to add/delete sites" setting. CC ID 04342 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Security Zones: Do not allow users to change policies" setting. CC ID 04343 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Security Zones: Use only machine settings" setting. CC ID 04344 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Allow software to run or install even if the signature is invalid" setting. CC ID 04346 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "internet explorer processes (scripted window security restrictions)" setting. CC ID 04350 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "internet explorer processes (zone elevation protection)" setting. CC ID 04351 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Prevent access to registry editing tools" setting. CC ID 04355 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Do not preserve zone information in file attachments" setting. CC ID 04357 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Hide mechanisms to remove zone information" setting. CC ID 04358 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Notify antivirus programs when opening attachments" setting. CC ID 04359 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Configure Outlook Express" setting. CC ID 04360 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Disable Changing Automatic Configuration settings" setting. CC ID 04361 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Disable changing certificate settings" setting. CC ID 04362 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Disable changing connection settings" setting. CC ID 04363 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Disable changing proxy settings" setting. CC ID 04364 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn on the auto-complete feature for user names and passwords on forms" setting. CC ID 04365 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the NetWare bindery contexts. CC ID 04444 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the NetWare console's SECURE.NCF settings. CC ID 04445 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the CPU Hog Timeout setting. CC ID 04446 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Check Equivalent to Me" setting. CC ID 04463 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the /etc/sshd_config file. CC ID 04475 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the .Mac preferences. CC ID 04484 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Fast User Switching setting. CC ID 04485 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Recent Items List (servers, applications, documents) setting. CC ID 04486 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure Apple's Dock preferences. CC ID 04487 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "ulimit" to organizational standards. CC ID 14499 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Energy Saver preferences. CC ID 04488 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the local system search preferences to directories that do not contain restricted data or restricted information. CC ID 04492 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Digitally sign and encrypt e-mail, as necessary. CC ID 04493 System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Manage temporary files, as necessary. CC ID 04847 System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Configure the computer-wide, rather than per-user, use of Microsoft Spynet Reporting for Windows Defender properly. CC ID 05282 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable or disable the ability of users to perform interactive startups, as appropriate. CC ID 05283 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Set the /etc/passwd file's NIS file inclusions properly. CC ID 05284 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off Help Ratings" setting. CC ID 05285 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Decoy Admin Account Not Disabled" policy properly. CC ID 05286 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Additional restrictions for anonymous connections" policy properly. CC ID 05287 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Anonymous access to the registry" policy properly. CC ID 05288 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the File System Checker and Popups setting. CC ID 05289 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the System File Checker setting. CC ID 05290 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the System File Checker Progress Meter setting. CC ID 05291 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Protect Kernel object attributes properly. CC ID 05292 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Deleted Cached Copies of Roaming Profiles" policy properly. CC ID 05293 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify that the X*.hosts file lists all authorized X-clients. CC ID 05294 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify all files are owned by an existing account and group. CC ID 05295 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify programs executed through the aliases file are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05296 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify programs executed through the aliases file are stored in a directory with an appropriate owner. CC ID 05297 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the at directory is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05298 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the at.allow file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05299 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the at.deny file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05300 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the crontab directories are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05302 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the cron.allow file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05303 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the cron.deny file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05304 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify crontab files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05305 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/resolv.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05306 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/named.boot file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05307 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/named.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05308 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05309 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify home directories are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05310 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the inetd.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05311 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify /etc/exports are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05312 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify exported files and exported directories are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05313 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Restrict the exporting of files and directories, as necessary. CC ID 16315 System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Verify the /etc/services file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05314 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/notrouter file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05315 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/samba/smb.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05316 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the smbpasswd file and smbpasswd executable are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05317 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the aliases file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05318 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the log file configured to capture critical sendmail messages is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05319 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Verify Shell files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05320 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the snmpd.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05321 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/syslog.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05322 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the traceroute executable is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05323 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /usr/lib/sendmail file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05324 System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Verify the /etc/passwd file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05325 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/shadow file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05326 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/security/audit/config file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05327 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/securit/audit/events file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05328 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/security/audit/objects file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05329 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /usr/lib/trcload file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05330 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /usr/lib/semutil file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05331 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify system files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05332 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the default/skeleton dot files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05333 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the global initialization files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05334 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/rc.config.d/auditing file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05335 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/init.d file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05336 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/hosts.lpd file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05337 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/auto.master file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05338 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/auto.misc file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05339 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/ file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05340 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the boot/grub/grub.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05341 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/lilo.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05342 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/login.access file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05343 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/security/access.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05344 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/sysctl.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05345 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "secure_redirects" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09941 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09942 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "rp_filter" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09943 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/securetty file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05346 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/audit/auditd.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05347 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the audit.rules file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05348 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/group file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05349 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/gshadow file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05350 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /usr/sbin/userhelper file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05351 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify all syslog log files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05352 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/anacrontab file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05353 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/pki/tls/ldap file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05354 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/pki/tls/ldap/serverkey.pem file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05355 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/pki/tls/CA/cacert.pem file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05356 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/pki/tls/ldap/servercert.pem file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05357 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the var/lib/ldap/* files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05358 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/httpd/conf/* files are owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05359 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/auto_* file is owned by an appropriate user. CC ID 05360 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/rmmount.conf file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05361 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /var/log/pamlog log is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05362 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/security/audit_control file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05363 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/security/audit_class file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05364 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /etc/security/audit_event file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05365 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the ASET userlist file is owned by an appropriate user or group. CC ID 05366 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /var directory is owned by an appropriate user. CC ID 05367 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /var/log directory is owned by an appropriate user. CC ID 05368 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify the /var/adm directory is owned by an appropriate user. CC ID 05369 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Restrict the debug level daemon logging file owner and daemon debug group owner. CC ID 05370 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Restrict the Cron log file owner and Cron group owner. CC ID 05371 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Restrict the system accounting file owner and system accounting group owner. CC ID 05372 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Restrict audit log file ownership and audit group ownership. CC ID 05373 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Set the X server timeout properly. CC ID 05374 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure each user's authentication mechanism (system attribute) properly. CC ID 05375 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable or disable SeLinux, as appropriate. CC ID 05376 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Set the SELinux state properly. CC ID 05377 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Set the SELinux policy properly. CC ID 05378 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure Dovecot properly. CC ID 05379 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Prohibit Access of the Windows Connect Now Wizards" setting. CC ID 05380 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Allow remote access to the PnP interface" setting. CC ID 05381 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Do not create system restore point when new device driver installed" setting. CC ID 05382 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn Off Access to All Windows Update Feature" setting. CC ID 05383 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn Off Automatic Root Certificates Update" setting. CC ID 05384 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn Off Event Views 'Events.asp' Links" setting. CC ID 05385 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure "Turn Off Handwriting Recognition Error Reporting" to organizational standards. CC ID 05386 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off Help and Support Center 'Did You Know?' content" setting. CC ID 05387 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn Off Help and Support Center Microsoft Knowledge Base Search" setting. CC ID 05388 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn Off Internet File Association Service" setting. CC ID 05389 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn Off Registration if URL Connection is Referring to" setting. CC ID 05390 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off the 'Order Prints' Picture task" setting. CC ID 05391 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn Off Windows Movie Maker Online Web Links" setting. CC ID 05392 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn Off Windows Movie Maker Saving to Online Video Hosting Provider" setting. CC ID 05393 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Don't Display the Getting Started Welcome Screen at Logon" setting. CC ID 05394 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off Windows Startup Sound" setting. CC ID 05395 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Allow only Vista or later connections" setting. CC ID 05396 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn on bandwidth optimization" setting. CC ID 05397 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Prevent IIS Installation" setting. CC ID 05398 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off Active Help" setting. CC ID 05399 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off Untrusted Content" setting. CC ID 05400 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off downloading of enclosures" setting. CC ID 05401 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure "Allow indexing of encrypted files" to organizational standards. CC ID 05402 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Prevent indexing uncached Exchange folders" setting. CC ID 05403 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off Windows Calendar" setting. CC ID 05404 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off Windows Defender" setting. CC ID 05405 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off Heap termination on corruption" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 05406 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off shell protocol protected mode" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 05407 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Prohibit non-administrators from applying vendor signed updates" setting. CC ID 05408 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Report when logon server was not available during user logon" setting. CC ID 05409 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off the communication features" setting. CC ID 05410 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off Windows Mail application" setting. CC ID 05411 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Prevent Windows Media DRM Internet Access" setting. CC ID 05412 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off Windows Meeting Space" setting. CC ID 05413 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn on Windows Meeting Space auditing" setting. CC ID 05414 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Disable unpacking and installation of gadgets that are not digitally signed" setting. CC ID 05415 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Override the More Gadgets Link" setting. CC ID 05416 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn Off User Installed Windows Sidebar Gadgets" setting. CC ID 05417 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Do not allow Digital Locker to run" setting. CC ID 05418 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn off Downloading of Game Information" setting. CC ID 05419 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure "Turn on Responder (RSPNDR) driver" to organizational standards. CC ID 05420 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Verify ExecShield has been randomly placed in Virtual Memory regions. CC ID 05436 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable the ExecShield, as appropriate. CC ID 05421 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure Kernel support for the XD/NX processor feature, as appropriate. CC ID 05422 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the XD/NX processor feature in the BIOS, as appropriate. CC ID 05423 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Shell for the bin account properly. CC ID 05424 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Shell for the nuucp account properly. CC ID 05425 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Shell for the smmsp account properly. CC ID 05426 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Shell for the listen account properly. CC ID 05427 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Shell for the gdm account properly. CC ID 05428 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Shell for the webservd account properly. CC ID 05429 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Shell for the nobody account properly. CC ID 05430 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Shell for the noaccess account properly. CC ID 05431 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Shell for the nobody4 account properly. CC ID 05432 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Shell for the adm account properly. CC ID 05433 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Shell for the lp account properly. CC ID 05434 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Shell for the uucp account properly. CC ID 05435 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Set the noexec_user_stack parameter properly. CC ID 05437 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Set the no_exec_user_stack_log parameter properly. CC ID 05438 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Set the noexec_user_stack flag on the user stack properly. CC ID 05439 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Set the TCP max connection limit properly. CC ID 05440 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Set the TCP abort interval properly. CC ID 05441 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable or disable the GNOME screenlock, as appropriate. CC ID 05442 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Set the ARP cache cleanup interval properly. CC ID 05443 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Set the ARP IRE scan rate properly. CC ID 05444 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable The "proxy ARP" configurable item on all interfaces. CC ID 06570 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Set the FileSpaceSwitch variable to an appropriate value. CC ID 05445 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Set the wakeup switchpoint frequency to an appropriate time interval. CC ID 05446 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable or disable the setuid option on removable storage media, as appropriate. CC ID 05447 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure TCP/IP PMTU Discovery, as appropriate. CC ID 05991 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure Secure Shell to enable or disable empty passwords, as appropriate. CC ID 06016 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure each user's Screen Saver Executable Name. CC ID 06027 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the NIS+ server to operate at an appropriate security level. CC ID 06038 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "restrict guest access to system log" policy, as appropriate. CC ID 06047 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Block saving of Open XML file types" setting, as appropriate. CC ID 06048 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable or disable user-initiated system crashes via the CTRL+SCROLL LOCK+SCROLL LOCK sequence for keyboards. CC ID 06051 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Syskey mode" to organizational standards. CC ID 06052 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) platform validation profile, as appropriate. CC ID 06056 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Allow Remote Shell Access" setting, as appropriate. CC ID 06057 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Prevent the computer from joining a homegroup" setting, as appropriate. CC ID 06058 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable or disable the authenticator requirement after waking, as appropriate. CC ID 06059 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable or disable the standby states, as appropriate. CC ID 06060 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Trusted Platform Module startup options properly. CC ID 06061 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the system to purge Policy Caches. CC ID 06569 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Separate authenticator files and application system data on different file systems. CC ID 06790 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure Application Programming Interfaces to limit or shut down interactivity based upon a rate limit. CC ID 06811 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "all world-writable directories" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08714 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Configure the "all rsyslog log" files group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08715 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Configure the "all rsyslog log" files user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08716 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Configure the "Executable stack" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08969 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "smbpasswd executable" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08975 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "traceroute executable" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08980 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "traceroute executable" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08981 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Apache configuration" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08991 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Apache configuration" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 08992 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "/var/log/httpd/" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09027 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "/etc/httpd/conf.d" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09028 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "/etc/httpd/conf/passwd" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09029 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "/usr/sbin/apachectl" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09030 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "/usr/sbin/httpd" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09031 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "/var/www/html" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09032 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "log files" the "/var/log/httpd/" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09034 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "/etc/httpd/conf.d" file ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09035 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "/etc/httpd/conf/passwd" file ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09036 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "/usr/sbin/apachectl" file ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09037 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "/usr/sbin/httpd" file ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09038 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "/var/www/html" file ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09039 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "httpd.conf" file user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09055 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "httpd.conf" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09056 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "htpasswd" file user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09058 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "htpasswd" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09059 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "files specified by CustomLog" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09074 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "files specified by CustomLog" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09075 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "files specified by ErrorLog" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09076 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "files specified by ErrorLog" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09077 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "directories specified by ScriptAlias" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09079 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "directories specified by ScriptAlias" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09080 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "directories specified by ScriptAliasMatch" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09082 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "directories specified by ScriptAliasMatch" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09083 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "directories specified by DocumentRoot" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09085 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "directories specified by DocumentRoot" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09086 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "directories specified by Alias" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09088 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "directories specified by Alias" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09089 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "directories specified by ServerRoot" user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09091 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "directories specified by ServerRoot" group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09092 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "apache /bin" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09094 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "apache /bin" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09095 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "apache /logs" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09097 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "apache /logs" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09098 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "apache /htdocs" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09100 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "apache /htdocs" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09101 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "apache /cgi-bin" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09104 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "User-specific directories" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09123 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "apache process ID" file user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09125 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "apache process ID" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09126 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "apache scoreboard" file user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09128 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "apache scoreboard" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09129 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Ownership of the asymmetric keys" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09289 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "SQLServer2005ReportServerUser" registry key permissions to organizational standards. CC ID 09326 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "SQLServerADHelperUser" registry key permissions to organizational standards. CC ID 09329 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Tomcat home" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09772 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "group" setting for the "Tomcat installation" to organizational standards. CC ID 09773 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "tomcat conf/" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09774 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "tomcat conf/" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09775 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "tomcat-users.xml" file user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09776 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "tomcat-users.xml" file group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09777 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "group membership" setting for "Tomcat" to organizational standards. CC ID 09793 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Tomcat home" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09798 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Tomcat home/conf/" directory user ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09800 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Tomcat home/conf/" directory group ownership to organizational standards. CC ID 09801 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "system" files permissions to organizational standards. CC ID 09922 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "size limit" setting for the "application log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10063 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "restrict guest access to security log" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10064 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "size limit" setting for the "system log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10065 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Automatic Update service" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10066 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Safe DLL Search Mode" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10067 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "screensaver" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10068 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "screensaver" setting for the "default" user to organizational standards. CC ID 10069 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Enable User Control Over Installs" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10070 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Enable User to Browser for Source While Elevated" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10071 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Enable User to Use Media Source While Elevated" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10072 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Allow Administrator to Install from Terminal Services Session" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10073 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Enable User to Patch Elevated Products" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10074 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Cache Transforms in Secure Location" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10075 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Disable Media Player for automatic updates" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10076 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Internet access for Windows Messenger" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10077 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Do Not Automatically Start Windows Messenger" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10078 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Hide Property Pages" setting for the "task scheduler" to organizational standards. CC ID 10079 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Prohibit New Task Creation" setting for the "task scheduler" to organizational standards. CC ID 10080 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure "Set time limit for disconnected sessions" to organizational standards. CC ID 10081 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Set time limit for idle sessions" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10082 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Enable Keep-Alive Messages" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10083 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Automatic Updates detection frequency" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10084 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "TCPMaxPortsExhausted" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10085 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "built-in Administrator" account to organizational standards. CC ID 10086 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Prevent System Maintenance of Computer Account Password" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10087 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Digitally Sign Client Communication (When Possible)" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10088 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "number of SYN-ACK retransmissions sent when attempting to respond to a SYN request" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10089 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "warning level" setting for the "audit log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10090 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Change Password" setting for the "Ctrl+Alt+Del dialog" to organizational standards. CC ID 10091 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "account description" setting for the "built-in Administrator" account to organizational standards. CC ID 10092 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Decoy Admin Account Not Disabled" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10201 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "when maximum log size is reached" setting for the "Application log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10202 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "password filtering DLL" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10203 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Anonymous access to the registry" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10204 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Automatic Execution" setting for the "System Debugger" to organizational standards. CC ID 10205 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "CD-ROM Autorun" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10206 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "ResetBrowser Frames" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10207 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Dr. Watson Crash Dumps" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10208 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "File System Checker and Popups" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10209 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "System File Checker" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10210 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "System File Checker Progress Meter" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10211 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "number of TCP/IP Maximum Half-open Sockets" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10212 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "number of TCP/IP Maximum Retried Half-open Sockets" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10213 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Protect Kernel object attributes" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10214 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Unsigned Non-Driver Installation Behavior" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10215 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Automatically Log Off Users When Logon Time Expires (local)" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10216 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Local volumes" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10217 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Unused USB Ports" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10218 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Set Safe for Scripting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10219 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Use of the Recycle Bin on file deletion" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10220 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Membership in the Power Users group" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10224 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "AutoBackupLogFiles" setting for the "security log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10225 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "AutoBackupLogFiles" setting for the "application log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10226 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "AutoBackupLogFiles" setting for the "system log" to organizational standards. CC ID 10227 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Syskey Encryption Key location and password method" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10228 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Os2LibPath environmental variable" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10229 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "path to the Microsoft OS/2 version 1.x library" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10230 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "location of the OS/2 subsystem" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10231 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "location of the POSIX subsystem" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10232 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "path to the debugger used for Just-In-Time debugging" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10234 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM)" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10235 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "The "encryption algorithm" setting for "EFS"" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10236 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Interix Subsystem Startup service startup type" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10238 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Services for Unix Perl Socket service startup type" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10247 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Services for Unix Windows Cron service startup type" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10248 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "fDisableCdm" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10259 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "fDisableClip" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10260 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Inheritance of the shadow setting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10261 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "remote control configuration" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10262 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "fDisableCam" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10263 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "fDisableCcm" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10264 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "fDisableLPT" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10265 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "ActiveX installation policy for sites in Trusted zones" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10691 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Add the Administrators security group to roaming user profiles" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10694 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Administratively assigned offline files" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10695 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Apply policy to removable media" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10756 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Baseline file cache maximum size" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10763 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Check for New Signatures Before Scheduled Scans" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10770 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Check published state" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10771 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Communities" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10772 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Computer location" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10773 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Background Sync" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10775 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Corporate Windows Error Reporting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10777 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Corrupted File Recovery Behavior" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10778 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Default consent" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10780 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "list of IEEE 1667 silos usable on your computer" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10792 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Microsoft SpyNet Reporting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10794 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "MSI Corrupted File Recovery Behavior" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10795 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Reliability WMI Providers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10804 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Report Archive" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10805 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Report Queue" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10806 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "root certificate clean up" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10807 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Security Policy for Scripted Diagnostics" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10816 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "list of blocked TPM commands" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10822 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "refresh interval for Server Manager" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10823 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "server address, refresh interval, and issuer certificate authority of a target Subscription Manager" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10824 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Customize consent settings" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10837 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Default behavior for AutoRun" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10839 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Define Activation Security Check exemptions" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10841 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Define host name-to-Kerberos realm mappings" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10842 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Define interoperable Kerberos V5 realm settings" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10843 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Delay Restart for scheduled installations" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10844 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Delete cached copies of roaming profiles" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10845 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Delete user profiles older than a specified number of days on system restart" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10847 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Diagnostics: Configure scenario retention" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10857 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Directory pruning interval" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10858 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Directory pruning priority" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10859 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Directory pruning retry" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10860 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Disk Diagnostic: Configure custom alert text" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10882 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Display Shutdown Event Tracker" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10888 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Display string when smart card is blocked" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10889 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Do not automatically encrypt files moved to encrypted folders" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10924 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Do not check for user ownership of Roaming Profile Folders" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10925 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Do not process incoming mailslot messages used for domain controller location based on NetBIOS domain names" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10932 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Do not send additional data" machine setting should be configured correctly. to organizational standards. CC ID 10934 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Domain Controller Address Type Returned" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10939 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Domain Location Determination URL" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10940 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Don't set the always do this checkbox" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10941 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Download missing COM components" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10942 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Dynamic Update" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10944 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Enable client-side targeting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10946 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Enable NTFS pagefile encryption" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10948 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Enable Persistent Time Stamp" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10949 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Enable Transparent Caching" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10950 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Enable Windows NTP Client" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10951 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Enable Windows NTP Server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10952 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Encrypt the Offline Files cache" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10955 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Enforce upgrade component rules" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10958 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Events.asp program" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10959 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Events.asp program command line parameters" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10960 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Events.asp URL" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10961 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Exclude credential providers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10962 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Exclude files from being cached" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10963 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Final DC Discovery Retry Setting for Background Callers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10968 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "For tablet pen input, don't show the Input Panel icon" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10973 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "For touch input, don't show the Input Panel icon" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10974 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Force Rediscovery Interval" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10975 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Force selected system UI language to overwrite the user UI language" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10976 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Force the reading of all certificates from the smart card" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10977 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "ForwarderResourceUsage" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10978 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Global Configuration Settings" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10979 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Hash Publication for BranchCache" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10986 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Hide entry points for Fast User Switching" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10987 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Hide notifications about RD Licensing problems that affect the RD Session Host server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10988 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Hide previous versions list for local files" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10989 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Hide previous versions of files on backup location" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10991 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Ignore custom consent settings" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10992 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Ignore Delegation Failure" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10993 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Ignore the default list of blocked TPM commands" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10994 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Ignore the local list of blocked TPM commands" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10995 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Include rarely used Chinese, Kanji, or Hanja characters" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10996 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Initial DC Discovery Retry Setting for Background Callers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 10997 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "IP-HTTPS State" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11000 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "ISATAP Router Name" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11001 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "ISATAP State" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11002 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "License server security group" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11005 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "List of applications to be excluded" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11023 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Lock Enhanced Storage when the computer is locked" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11025 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Make Parental Controls control panel visible on a Domain" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11039 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "MaxConcurrentUsers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11040 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Maximum DC Discovery Retry Interval Setting for Background Callers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11041 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool: Turn on MSDT interactive communication with Support Provider" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11045 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Negative DC Discovery Cache Setting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11047 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Non-conforming packets" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11053 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Notify blocked drivers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11054 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Notify user of successful smart card driver installation" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11055 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Permitted Managers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11062 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Positive Periodic DC Cache Refresh for Background Callers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11063 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Positive Periodic DC Cache Refresh for Non-Background Callers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11064 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Prioritize all digitally signed drivers equally during the driver ranking and selection process" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11098 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Prompt for credentials on the client computer" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11108 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Propagation of extended error information" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11110 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Register PTR Records" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11121 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Registration Refresh Interval" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11122 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Remove Program Compatibility Property Page" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11128 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Remove users ability to invoke machine policy refresh" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11129 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Remove Windows Security item from Start menu" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11130 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Re-prompt for restart with scheduled installations" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11131 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Require secure RPC communication" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11134 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Require strict KDC validation" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11135 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Reverse the subject name stored in a certificate when displaying" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11148 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "RPC Troubleshooting State Information" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11150 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Run shutdown scripts visible" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11152 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Run startup scripts asynchronously" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11153 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Run startup scripts visible" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11154 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Scavenge Interval" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11158 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Server Authentication Certificate Template" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11170 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Set BranchCache Distributed Cache mode" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11172 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Set BranchCache Hosted Cache mode" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11173 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Set compression algorithm for RDP data" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11174 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Set percentage of disk space used for client computer cache" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11177 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Set PNRP cloud to resolve only" setting for "IPv6 Global" to organizational standards. CC ID 11178 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Set PNRP cloud to resolve only" setting for "IPv6 Site Local" to organizational standards. CC ID 11180 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Set the Email IDs to which notifications are to be sent" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11184 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Set the map update interval for NIS subordinate servers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11186 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Set the Seed Server" setting for "IPv6 Global" to organizational standards. CC ID 11189 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Set the Seed Server" setting for "IPv6 Site Local" to organizational standards. CC ID 11191 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Set the SMTP Server used to send notifications" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11192 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Set timer resolution" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11196 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Sets how often a DFS Client discovers DC's" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11199 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Short name creation options" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11200 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Site Name" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11201 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Specify a default color" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11208 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Specify idle Timeout" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11210 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Specify maximum amount of memory in MB per Shell" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11211 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Specify maximum number of processes per Shell" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11212 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Specify Shell Timeout" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11216 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Specify Windows installation file location" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11225 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Specify Windows Service Pack installation file location" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11226 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "SSL Cipher Suite Order" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11227 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Switch to the Simplified Chinese (PRC) gestures" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11230 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Sysvol share compatibility" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11231 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Tag Windows Customer Experience Improvement data with Study Identifier" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11232 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Teredo Client Port" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11236 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Teredo Default Qualified" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11237 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Teredo Refresh Rate" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11238 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Teredo Server Name" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11239 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Teredo State" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11240 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Time (in seconds) to force reboot" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11242 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Time (in seconds) to force reboot when required for policy changes to take effect" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11243 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Timeout for fast user switching events" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11244 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Traps for public community" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11246 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Trusted Hosts" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11249 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Try Next Closest Site" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11250 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "TTL Set in the A and PTR records" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11251 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn on Accounting for WSRM" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11333 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn on BranchCache" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11334 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn on certificate propagation from smart card" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11335 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn On Compatibility HTTP Listener" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11336 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn On Compatibility HTTPS Listener" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11337 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn on definition updates through both WSUS and the Microsoft Malware Protection Center" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11338 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn on definition updates through both WSUS and Windows Update" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11339 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn on economical application of administratively assigned Offline Files" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11342 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn on Mapper I/O (LLTDIO) driver" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11346 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn on recommended updates via Automatic Updates" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11347 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn on root certificate propagation from smart card" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11349 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn on Software Notifications" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11352 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Turn on TPM backup to Active Directory Domain Services" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11356 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Use forest search order" setting for "Key Distribution Center (KDC) searches" to organizational standards. CC ID 11359 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Use forest search order" setting for "Kerberos client searches" to organizational standards. CC ID 11360 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Use IP Address Redirection" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11361 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Use localized subfolder names when redirecting Start Menu and My Documents" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11362 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Use mandatory profiles on the RD Session Host server" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11363 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Verbose vs normal status messages" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11368 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Verify old and new Folder Redirection targets point to the same share before redirecting" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11369 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Windows Scaling Heuristics State" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11372 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Obtain Software Package Updates with apt-get" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11375 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "display a banner before authentication" setting for "LightDM" to organizational standards. CC ID 11385 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "shadow" group to organizational standards. CC ID 11386 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "AppArmor" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 11387 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable or configure the e-mail server, as necessary. CC ID 06563 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure e-mail servers to enable receiver-side verification. CC ID 12223
    [{spoofed e-mail message} To lower the chance of spoofed or modified emails from valid domains, implement DMARC policy and verification, starting with implementing the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) standards. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.5 Implement DMARC
    {spoofed e-mail message} To lower the chance of spoofed or modified emails from valid domains, implement DMARC policy and verification, starting with implementing the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) standards. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.5 Implement DMARC]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the system account settings and the permission settings in accordance with the organizational standards. CC ID 01538 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure user accounts. CC ID 07036 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Remove unnecessary default accounts. CC ID 01539
    [{insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable all unnecessary user identifiers. CC ID 02185 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Remove unnecessary user credentials. CC ID 16409 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Remove the root user as appropriate. CC ID 01582 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Disable or remove the null account. CC ID 06572 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure accounts with administrative privilege. CC ID 07033
    [Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software. CIS Control 5: Account Management
    Restrict administrator privileges to dedicated administrator accounts on enterprise assets. Conduct general computing activities, such as internet browsing, email, and productivity suite use, from the user's primary, non-privileged account. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.4 Restrict Administrator Privileges to Dedicated Administrator Accounts]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Employ multifactor authentication for accounts with administrative privilege. CC ID 12496
    [Require MFA for all administrative access accounts, where supported, on all enterprise assets, whether managed on-site or through a service provider. CIS Control 6: Safeguard 6.5 Require MFA for Administrative Access]
    System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Disable root logons or limit the logons to the system console. CC ID 01573 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Encrypt non-console administrative access. CC ID 00883 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Invoke a strong encryption method before requesting an authenticator. CC ID 11986 System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Configure the default group for the root user. CC ID 01586 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Rename or disable the Administrator Account. CC ID 01721 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Create a backup administrator account. CC ID 04497 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure mobile device settings in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 04600 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure mobile devices to organizational standards. CC ID 04639
    [Ensure separate enterprise workspaces are used on mobile end-user devices, where supported. Example implementations include using an Apple® Configuration Profile or AndroidTM Work Profile to separate enterprise applications and data from personal applications and data. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.12 Separate Enterprise Workspaces on Mobile End-User Devices]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure mobile devices to separate organizational data from personal data. CC ID 16463 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the mobile device properties to organizational standards. CC ID 04640 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the mobile device menu items to organizational standards. CC ID 04641 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the BlackBerry handheld device driver settings. CC ID 04642 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure e-mail security settings in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 07055
    [Improve protections and detections of threats from email and web vectors, as these are opportunities for attackers to manipulate human behavior through direct engagement. CIS Control 9: Email and Web Browser Protections]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure e-mail to limit the number of recipients per message. CC ID 07056 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure Logging settings in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 07611 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the storage parameters for all logs. CC ID 06330
    [{be adequate} Ensure that logging destinations maintain adequate storage to comply with the enterprise's audit log management process. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.3 Ensure Adequate Audit Log Storage]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure sufficient log storage capacity and prevent the capacity from being exceeded. CC ID 01425 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log retention method. CC ID 01715 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log retention size. CC ID 01716 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure syslogd to send logs to a Remote LogHost. CC ID 01526 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the detailed data elements to be captured for all logs so that events are identified by type, location, subject, user, what data was accessed, etc. CC ID 06331
    [Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs
    Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs
    Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs
    Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture the user's identification. CC ID 01334
    [Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture a date and time stamp. CC ID 01336
    [Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs
    Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.5 Collect Detailed Audit Logs]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to uniquely identify each asset. CC ID 01339 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture the type of each event. CC ID 06423 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture the details of electronic signature transactions. CC ID 16910 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to uniquely identify each accessed record. CC ID 16909 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture each event's success or failure indication. CC ID 06424 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure all logs to capture auditable events or actionable events. CC ID 06332
    [Log sensitive data access, including modification and disposal. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.14 Log Sensitive Data Access]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture the amount of data uploaded and downloaded. CC ID 16494 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture startups and shutdowns. CC ID 16491 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture user queries and searches. CC ID 16479 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture Internet Protocol addresses. CC ID 16495 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture error messages. CC ID 16477 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture system failures. CC ID 16475 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture account lockouts. CC ID 16470 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture execution events. CC ID 16469 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture attempts to bypass or circumvent security controls. CC ID 17078 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture AWS Organizations changes. CC ID 15445 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture Identity and Access Management policy changes. CC ID 15442 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture management console sign-in without multi-factor authentication. CC ID 15441 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture route table changes. CC ID 15439 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture virtual private cloud changes. CC ID 15435 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture changes to encryption keys. CC ID 15432 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture unauthorized API calls. CC ID 15429 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture changes to network gateways. CC ID 15421 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture all spoofed addresses. CC ID 01313 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure inetd tracing. CC ID 01523 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the system to capture messages sent to the syslog AUTH facility. CC ID 01525 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure Cron logging. CC ID 01528 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the kernel level auditing setting. CC ID 01530 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "audit successful file system mounts" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09923 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure system accounting/system events. CC ID 01529 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the privilege use auditing setting. CC ID 01699 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to record the Denial of Access that results from an excessive number of unsuccessful logon attempts. CC ID 01919 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Audit Process Tracking setting. CC ID 01700 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the EEPROM security-mode accesses and EEPROM log-failed accesses. CC ID 01575 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture user identifier, address, port blocking or blacklisting. CC ID 01918 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Enable directory service access events, as appropriate. CC ID 05616 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture failed transactions. CC ID 06334 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture successful transactions. CC ID 06335 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Audit non attributable events (na class). CC ID 05604 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture configuration changes. CC ID 06881 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Log, monitor, and review all changes to time settings on critical systems. CC ID 11608 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the log to capture user account additions, modifications, and deletions. CC ID 16482 System hardening through configuration management Log Management
    Configure the log to capture all changes to certificates. CC ID 05595 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "inetd logging" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 08970 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "audit sudoers" setting to organizational standards. CC ID 09950 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure Key, Certificate, Password, Authentication and Identity Management settings in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 07621 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the "Minimum password length" to organizational standards. CC ID 07711
    [{minimum number of characters} Use unique passwords for all enterprise assets. Best practice implementation includes, at a minimum, an 8-character password for accounts using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and a 14-character password for accounts not using MFA. CIS Control 5: Safeguard 5.2 Use Unique Passwords]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure security and protection software according to Organizational Standards. CC ID 11917 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure security and protection software to check e-mail attachments. CC ID 11860
    [Block unnecessary file types attempting to enter the enterprise's email gateway. CIS Control 9: Safeguard 9.6 Block Unnecessary File Types]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Domain Name System in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 12202
    [Configure trusted DNS servers on network infrastructure. Example implementations include configuring network devices to use enterprise-controlled DNS servers and/or reputable externally accessible DNS servers. CIS Control 4: Safeguard 4.9 Configure Trusted DNS Servers on Enterprise Assets]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the Domain Name System query logging to organizational standards. CC ID 12210
    [Collect DNS query audit logs on enterprise assets, where appropriate and supported. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.6 Collect DNS Query Audit Logs]
    System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the secure name/address resolution service (recursive or caching resolver). CC ID 01625 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure the secure name/address resolution service (authoritative source). CC ID 01624 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Configure DNS records in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 17083 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Establish, implement, and maintain a Configuration Baseline Documentation Record. CC ID 02130
    [Use standard, industry-recommended hardening configuration templates for application infrastructure components. This includes underlying servers, databases, and web servers, and applies to cloud containers, Platform as a Service (PaaS) components, and SaaS components. Do not allow in-house developed software to weaken configuration hardening. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.7 Use Standard Hardening Configuration Templates for Application Infrastructure]
    System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document and approve any changes to the Configuration Baseline Documentation Record. CC ID 12104 System hardening through configuration management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Create a hardened image of the baseline configuration to be used for building new systems. CC ID 07063 System hardening through configuration management Configuration
    Store master images on securely configured servers. CC ID 12089 System hardening through configuration management Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain an information management program. CC ID 14315
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process]
    Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain records management policies. CC ID 00903 Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Store records and data in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16439 Records management Data and Information Management
    Remove dormant data from systems, as necessary. CC ID 13726 Records management Process or Activity
    Select the appropriate format for archived data and records. CC ID 06320 Records management Data and Information Management
    Archive appropriate records, logs, and database tables. CC ID 06321 Records management Records Management
    Archive document metadata in a fashion that allows for future reading of the metadata. CC ID 10060 Records management Data and Information Management
    Store personal data that is retained for long periods after use on a separate server or media. CC ID 12314 Records management Data and Information Management
    Determine how long to keep records and logs before disposing them. CC ID 11661
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process
    Retain data according to the enterprise's documented data management process. Data retention must include both minimum and maximum timelines. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.4 Enforce Data Retention
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented audit log management process that defines the enterprise's logging requirements. At a minimum, address the collection, review, and retention of audit logs for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.1 Establish and Maintain an Audit Log Management Process]
    Records management Process or Activity
    Retain records in accordance with applicable requirements. CC ID 00968
    [Collect, alert, review, and retain audit logs of events that could help detect, understand, or recover from an attack. CIS Control 8: Audit Log Management
    {stipulated time frame} Retain audit logs across enterprise assets for a minimum of 90 days. CIS Control 8: Safeguard 8.10 Retain Audit Logs]
    Records management Records Management
    Define each system's disposition requirements for records and logs. CC ID 11651
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process]
    Records management Process or Activity
    Establish, implement, and maintain records disposition procedures. CC ID 00971
    [Develop processes and technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data. CIS Control 3: Data Protection
    {disposal method} Securely dispose of data as outlined in the enterprise's documented data management process. Ensure the disposal process and method are commensurate with the data sensitivity. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.5 Securely Dispose of Data]
    Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Manage the disposition status for all records. CC ID 00972
    [{disposal method} Securely dispose of data as outlined in the enterprise's documented data management process. Ensure the disposal process and method are commensurate with the data sensitivity. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.5 Securely Dispose of Data]
    Records management Records Management
    Require authorized individuals be present to witness records disposition. CC ID 12313 Records management Data and Information Management
    Remove and/or destroy records according to the records' retention event and retention period schedule. CC ID 06621 Records management Records Management
    Place printed records awaiting destruction into secure containers. CC ID 12464 Records management Physical and Environmental Protection
    Destroy printed records so they cannot be reconstructed. CC ID 11779 Records management Physical and Environmental Protection
    Automate a programmatic process to remove stored data and records that exceed retention requirements. CC ID 06082 Records management Data and Information Management
    Include methods to identify records that meet or exceed the record's retention event in the records disposition procedures. CC ID 11962 Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Maintain disposal records or redeployment records. CC ID 01644 Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the sanitization method in the disposal record. CC ID 17073 Records management Log Management
    Include time information in the disposal record. CC ID 17072 Records management Log Management
    Include the name of the signing officer in the disposal record. CC ID 15710 Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate disposal records to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 16891 Records management Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain records management procedures. CC ID 11619 Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain authorization records. CC ID 14367 Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the reasons for granting the authorization in the authorization records. CC ID 14371 Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the date and time the authorization was granted in the authorization records. CC ID 14370 Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the person's name who approved the authorization in the authorization records. CC ID 14369 Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain electronic health records. CC ID 14436 Records management Data and Information Management
    Include Individually Identifiable Health Information in the patient's electronic health record. CC ID 14437 Records management Data and Information Management
    Review and update Individually Identifiable Health Information in the patient's electronic health records, as necessary. CC ID 14438 Records management Records Management
    Display required information automatically in electronic health records. CC ID 14442 Records management Process or Activity
    Create summary of care records in accordance with applicable standards. CC ID 14440 Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Provide the patient with a summary of care record, as necessary. CC ID 14441 Records management Actionable Reports or Measurements
    Create export summaries, as necessary. CC ID 14446 Records management Process or Activity
    Import data files into a patient's electronic health record. CC ID 14448 Records management Data and Information Management
    Export requested sections of the electronic health record. CC ID 14447 Records management Data and Information Management
    Establish and maintain an implantable device list. CC ID 14444 Records management Records Management
    Display the implantable device list to authorized users. CC ID 14445 Records management Data and Information Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain decision support interventions. CC ID 14443 Records management Business Processes
    Include attributes in the decision support intervention. CC ID 16766 Records management Data and Information Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain a recordkeeping system. CC ID 15709 Records management Records Management
    Log the termination date in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 16181 Records management Records Management
    Log the name of the requestor in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 15712 Records management Records Management
    Log the date and time each item is accessed in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 15711 Records management Records Management
    Log records as being received into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11696 Records management Records Management
    Log the date and time each item is received into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11709 Records management Log Management
    Log the date and time each item is made available into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11710 Records management Log Management
    Log the number of routine items received into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11701 Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Log the number of routine items in the organization's possession at the close of business for the month in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11707 Records management Log Management
    Log the number of routine items received during the month that were turned around in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11705 Records management Log Management
    Log the number of routine items received during the month that were not turned around within three business days of receipt in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11703 Records management Log Management
    Log the date and time when a notice of refusal to perform the registrar function is received in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11711 Records management Log Management
    Log inquiries concerning items in the recordkeeping system, annotating the date received. CC ID 11718 Records management Log Management
    Log responses to inquiries, annotating the send date for each response into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11719 Records management Log Management
    Log the number of non-routine items received into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11706 Records management Log Management
    Log the documentation of determination that items received are not routine into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11716 Records management Log Management
    Log the number of non-routine items in the organization's possession at the close of business for the month in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11708 Records management Log Management
    Log the number of non-routine items received during the month that were turned around in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11704 Records management Log Management
    Log performance monitoring into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11724 Records management Log Management
    Log the number of inquiries pending as of the close of business into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11728 Records management Log Management
    Log the number of inquiries received but not responded to within the required time frame into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11727 Records management Log Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain a transfer journal. CC ID 11729 Records management Records Management
    Log any notices filed by the organization into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11725 Records management Log Management
    Log telephone responses into a telephone log, annotating the date of each response, in the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11723 Records management Log Management
    Log the date each certificate is made available to interested personnel and affected parties into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11720 Records management Log Management
    Log the number of items not processed within the required time frame into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11717 Records management Log Management
    Provide a receipt of records logged into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11697 Records management Records Management
    Log the appointments and termination of appointments of registered transfer agents into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11712 Records management Log Management
    Log any stop orders or notices of adverse claims into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11726 Records management Log Management
    Log the number of items processed within the required time frame into the recordkeeping system. CC ID 11715 Records management Log Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain electronic storage media management procedures. CC ID 00931 Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain online storage controls. CC ID 00942 Records management Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain security controls appropriate to the record types and electronic storage media. CC ID 00943 Records management Records Management
    Provide encryption for different types of electronic storage media. CC ID 00945
    [Encrypt data on removable media. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.9 Encrypt Data on Removable Media]
    Records management Technical Security
    Assign ownership for all electronic records. CC ID 14814
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process]
    Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Attribute electronic records, as necessary. CC ID 14820 Records management Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Initiate the System Development Life Cycle planning phase. CC ID 06266 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Establish, implement, and maintain system design principles and system design guidelines. CC ID 01057 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Define and assign the system development project team roles and responsibilities. CC ID 01061
    [Conduct threat modeling. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. It is conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. The goal is to map out the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its weaknesses. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.14 Conduct Threat Modeling]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Establish Roles
    Disseminate and communicate system development roles and responsibilities to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 01062 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish Roles
    Disseminate and communicate system development roles and responsibilities to business unit leaders. CC ID 01063 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish Roles
    Establish, implement, and maintain security design principles. CC ID 14718
    [{insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include reduced complexity of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14753 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include self-reliant trustworthiness of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14752 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include partially ordered dependencies of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14751 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include modularity and layering of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14750 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include secure evolvability of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14749 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include continuous protection of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14748 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include least common mechanisms between systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14747 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include secure system modification of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14746
    [{insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include clear abstractions of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14745 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include secure failure and recovery of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14744 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include repeatable and documented procedures for systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14743 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include least privilege of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14742
    [{insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include minimized sharing of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14741 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include acceptable security of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14740 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include minimized security elements in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14739 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include hierarchical protection in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14738 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include self-analysis of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14737 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include inverse modification thresholds in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14736 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include efficiently mediated access to systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14735 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include secure distributed composition of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14734 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include minimization of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14733 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include secure defaults in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14732 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include trusted communications channels for systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14731 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include economic security in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14730 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include trusted components of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14729 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include procedural rigor in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14728 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include accountability and traceability of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14727 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include hierarchical trust in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14726 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include sufficient documentation for systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14725 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include performance security of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14724 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include human factored security in systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14723 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include secure metadata management of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14722 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include predicate permission of systems or system components in the security design principles. CC ID 14721 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system design project management framework. CC ID 00990 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain project management standards. CC ID 00992 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Separate the design and development environment from the production environment. CC ID 06088
    [{production system} Maintain separate environments for production and non-production systems. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.8 Separate Production and Non-Production Systems]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Specify appropriate tools for the system development project. CC ID 06830 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Implement security controls in development endpoints. CC ID 16389 Systems design, build, and implementation Testing
    Initiate the System Development Life Cycle development phase or System Development Life Cycle build phase. CC ID 06267 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Develop systems in accordance with the system design specifications and system design standards. CC ID 01094 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Establish, implement, and maintain outsourced development procedures. CC ID 01141 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Develop new products based on best practices. CC ID 01095 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a system design specification. CC ID 04557
    [Conduct threat modeling. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. It is conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. The goal is to map out the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its weaknesses. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.14 Conduct Threat Modeling]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document the system architecture in the system design specification. CC ID 12287 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include hardware requirements in the system design specification. CC ID 08666 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include communication links in the system design specification. CC ID 08665 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a description of each module and asset in the system design specification. CC ID 11734 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include supporting software requirements in the system design specification. CC ID 08664 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain Application Programming Interface documentation. CC ID 12203 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include configuration options in the Application Programming Interface documentation. CC ID 12205 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the logical data flows and process steps in the system design specification. CC ID 08668 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain the system design specification in a manner that is clear and easy to read. CC ID 12286 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include threat models in the system design specification. CC ID 06829
    [Conduct threat modeling. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. It is conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. The goal is to map out the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its weaknesses. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.14 Conduct Threat Modeling
    Conduct threat modeling. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. It is conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. The goal is to map out the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its weaknesses. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.14 Conduct Threat Modeling]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include security requirements in the system design specification. CC ID 06826 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Establish, implement, and maintain access control procedures for the test environment that match those of the production environment. CC ID 06793 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 06591 Systems design, build, and implementation Process or Activity
    Define the physical requirements for identification cards or badges in the identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 06592 Systems design, build, and implementation Process or Activity
    Define the mandatory items that must appear on identification cards or badges in the identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 06593 Systems design, build, and implementation Process or Activity
    Define the data elements to be stored on identification cards or badges in the identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 15427 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Define the optional items that may appear on identification cards or badges in the identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 06594 Systems design, build, and implementation Process or Activity
    Include security measures in the identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 15423 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include the logical credential data model for identification cards or badges in the identification card or badge architectural designs. CC ID 06595 Systems design, build, and implementation Process or Activity
    Establish, implement, and maintain a CAPTCHA design specification. CC ID 17092 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain payment card architectural designs. CC ID 16132 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain coding guidelines. CC ID 08661 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Nest elements appropriately in website content using markup languages. CC ID 15154 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Use valid HTML or other markup languages. CC ID 15153 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Establish, implement, and maintain human interface guidelines. CC ID 08662 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Ensure users can navigate content. CC ID 15163 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Create text content using language that is readable and is understandable. CC ID 15167 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Ensure user interface components are operable. CC ID 15162 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Implement mechanisms to review, confirm, and correct user submissions. CC ID 15160 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Allow users to reverse submissions. CC ID 15168 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Provide a mechanism to control audio. CC ID 15158 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Allow modification of style properties without loss of content or functionality. CC ID 15156 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Programmatically determine the name and role of user interface components. CC ID 15148 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Programmatically determine the language of content. CC ID 15137 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Provide a mechanism to dismiss content triggered by mouseover or keyboard focus. CC ID 15164 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Configure repeated navigational mechanisms to occur in the same order unless overridden by the user. CC ID 15166 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Refrain from activating a change of context when changing the setting of user interface components, as necessary. CC ID 15165 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Provide users a mechanism to remap keyboard shortcuts. CC ID 15133 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Identify the components in a set of web pages that consistently have the same functionality. CC ID 15116 Systems design, build, and implementation Process or Activity
    Provide captions for live audio content. CC ID 15120 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Programmatically determine the purpose of each data field that collects information from the user. CC ID 15114 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Provide labels or instructions when content requires user input. CC ID 15077 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Allow users to control auto-updating information, as necessary. CC ID 15159 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Use headings on all web pages and labels in all content that describes the topic or purpose. CC ID 15070 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Display website content triggered by mouseover or keyboard focus. CC ID 15152 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Ensure the purpose of links can be determined through the link text. CC ID 15157 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Use a unique title that describes the topic or purpose for each web page. CC ID 15069 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Allow the use of time limits, as necessary. CC ID 15155 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Include mechanisms for changing authenticators in human interface guidelines. CC ID 14944 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Refrain from activating a change of context in a user interface component. CC ID 15115 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Include functionality for managing user data in human interface guidelines. CC ID 14928 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain User Interface documentation. CC ID 12204 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include system messages in human interface guidelines. CC ID 08663 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include measurable system performance requirements in the system design specification. CC ID 08667 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the data structure in the system design specification. CC ID 08669 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the input and output variables in the system design specification. CC ID 08670 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include data encryption information in the system design specification. CC ID 12209 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include records disposition information in the system design specification. CC ID 12208 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include how data is managed in each module in the system design specification. CC ID 12207 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include identifying restricted data in the system design specification. CC ID 12206 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Assign appropriate parties to approve the system design specification. CC ID 13070 Systems design, build, and implementation Human Resources Management
    Disseminate and communicate the system design specification to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15468 Systems design, build, and implementation Communicate
    Implement security controls when developing systems. CC ID 06270
    [{static analysis tool} Apply static and dynamic analysis tools within the application life cycle to verify that secure coding practices are being followed. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.12 Implement Code-Level Security Checks
    Leverage vetted modules or services for application security components, such as identity management, encryption, and auditing and logging. Using platform features in critical security functions will reduce developers' workload and minimize the likelihood of design or implementation errors. Modern operating systems provide effective mechanisms for identification, authentication, and authorization and make those mechanisms available to applications. Use only standardized, currently accepted, and extensively reviewed encryption algorithms. Operating systems also provide mechanisms to create and maintain secure audit logs. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.11 Leverage Vetted Modules or Services for Application Security Components]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include restricted data encryption and restricted information encryption in the security controls. CC ID 01083 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Require successful authentication before granting access to system functionality via network interfaces. CC ID 14926 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain session security coding standards. CC ID 04584 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain a cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12476 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the algorithms used in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12483 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include an inventory of all protected areas in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12486 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a description of the key usage for each key in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12484 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include descriptions of all cryptographic keys in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12487 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include descriptions of the cryptographic key strength of all cryptographic keys in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12488 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include each cryptographic key's expiration date in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12489 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the protocols used in the cryptographic architecture document. CC ID 12485 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Analyze and minimize attack surfaces when developing systems. CC ID 06828
    [{insecure service} Apply secure design principles in application architectures. Secure design principles include the concept of least privilege and enforcing mediation to validate every operation that the user makes, promoting the concept of "never trust user input." Examples include ensuring that explicit error checking is performed and documented for all input, including for size, data type, and acceptable ranges or formats. Secure design also means minimizing the application infrastructure attack surface, such as turning off unprotected ports and services, removing unnecessary programs and files, and renaming or removing default accounts. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.10 Apply Secure Design Principles in Application Architectures]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Implement a hardware security module, as necessary. CC ID 12222 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Require dual authentication when switching out of PCI mode in the hardware security module. CC ID 12274 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include an indicator to designate when the hardware security module is in PCI mode. CC ID 12273 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Design the random number generator to generate random numbers that are unpredictable. CC ID 12255 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Design the hardware security module to enforce the separation between applications. CC ID 12254 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Protect sensitive data when transiting sensitive services in the hardware security module. CC ID 12253 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Design the hardware security module to automatically clear its internal buffers of sensitive information prior to reuse of the buffer. CC ID 12233 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Design the hardware security module to automatically clear its internal buffers of sensitive information after it recovers from an error condition. CC ID 12252 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Design the hardware security module to automatically clear its internal buffers of sensitive information when it has timed out. CC ID 12251 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Design the hardware security module to erase sensitive data when compromised. CC ID 12275 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Restrict key-usage information for cryptographic keys in the hardware security module. CC ID 12232 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Prevent cryptographic keys in the hardware security module from making unauthorized changes to data. CC ID 12231 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Include in the system documentation methodologies for authenticating the hardware security module. CC ID 12258 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Protect sensitive information within the hardware security module from unauthorized changes. CC ID 12225 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Prohibit sensitive functions from working outside of protected areas of the hardware security module. CC ID 12224 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Establish, implement, and maintain an acceptable use policy for the hardware security module. CC ID 12247 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include roles and responsibilities in the acceptable use policy for the hardware security module. CC ID 12264 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the environmental requirements in the acceptable use policy for the hardware security module. CC ID 12263 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include device identification in the acceptable use policy for the hardware security module. CC ID 12262 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include device functionality in the acceptable use policy for the hardware security module. CC ID 12261 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include administrative responsibilities in the acceptable use policy for the hardware security module. CC ID 12260 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Install secret information into the hardware security module during manufacturing. CC ID 12249 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Install secret information into the hardware security module so that it can only be verified by the initial-key-loading facility. CC ID 12272 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Install secret information under dual control into the hardware security module. CC ID 12257 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Design the security architecture. CC ID 06269 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Develop new products based on secure coding techniques. CC ID 11733
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Establish and maintain a coding manual for secure coding techniques. CC ID 11863
    [Leverage vetted modules or services for application security components, such as identity management, encryption, and auditing and logging. Using platform features in critical security functions will reduce developers' workload and minimize the likelihood of design or implementation errors. Modern operating systems provide effective mechanisms for identification, authentication, and authorization and make those mechanisms available to applications. Use only standardized, currently accepted, and extensively reviewed encryption algorithms. Operating systems also provide mechanisms to create and maintain secure audit logs. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.11 Leverage Vetted Modules or Services for Application Security Components
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Protect applications from insufficient anti-automation through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 16854 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Protect applications from improper access control through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11959 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Protect applications from improper error handling through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11937 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Protect applications from insecure communications through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11936 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Protect applications from attacks on business logic through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 15472 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Protect applications from format string attacks through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 17091 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Protect applications from XML external entities through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 14806 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Protect applications from insecure deserialization through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 14805 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Refrain from hard-coding security parameters in source code. CC ID 14917 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Refrain from hard-coding usernames in source code. CC ID 06561 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Refrain from hard-coding authenticators in source code. CC ID 11829 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Refrain from hard-coding cryptographic keys in source code. CC ID 12307 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Protect applications from injection flaws through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11944 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Protect applications from attacks on data and data structures through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 15482 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Control user account management through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11909 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Restrict direct access of databases to the database administrator through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11933 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Protect applications from buffer overflows through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11943 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Protect applications from cross-site scripting through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11899 Systems design, build, and implementation Process or Activity
    Protect against coding vulnerabilities through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11897
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a secure application development process. In the process, address such items as: secure application design standards, secure coding practices, developer training, vulnerability management, security of third-party code, and application security testing procedures. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.1 Establish and Maintain a Secure Application Development Process]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Process or Activity
    Protect applications from broken authentication and session management through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11896 Systems design, build, and implementation Process or Activity
    Protect applications from insecure cryptographic storage through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11935 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Protect applications from cross-site request forgery through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 11895 Systems design, build, and implementation Process or Activity
    Protect databases from unauthorized database management actions through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 12049 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Refrain from displaying error messages to end users through secure coding techniques in source code. CC ID 12166 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Configure software development tools in accordance with organizational standards. CC ID 16387 Systems design, build, and implementation Configuration
    Standardize Application Programming Interfaces. CC ID 12167 Systems design, build, and implementation Technical Security
    Include all confidentiality, integrity, and availability functions in the system design specification. CC ID 04556 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the relationships and dependencies between modules in the system design specification. CC ID 04559 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a security policy model document. CC ID 04560 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain system testing procedures. CC ID 11744 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Assign the review of custom code changes to individuals other than the code author. CC ID 06291 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish Roles
    Evaluate and document all known code anomalies and code deficiencies. CC ID 06611 Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Initiate the System Development Life Cycle implementation phase. CC ID 06268 Systems design, build, and implementation Systems Design, Build, and Implementation
    Establish, implement, and maintain system acceptance criteria. CC ID 06210
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a severity rating system and process for application vulnerabilities that facilitates prioritizing the order in which discovered vulnerabilities are fixed. This process includes setting a minimum level of security acceptability for releasing code or applications. Severity ratings bring a systematic way of triaging vulnerabilities that improves risk management and helps ensure the most severe bugs are fixed first. Review and update the system and process annually. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.6 Establish and Maintain a Severity Rating System and Process for Application Vulnerabilities]
    Systems design, build, and implementation Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Plan for acquiring facilities, technology, or services. CC ID 06892 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services
    Establish, implement, and maintain system acquisition contracts. CC ID 14758 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include security requirements in system acquisition contracts. CC ID 01124
    [{be up to date} Use up-to-date and trusted third-party software components. When possible, choose established and proven frameworks and libraries that provide adequate security. Acquire these components from trusted sources or evaluate the software for vulnerabilities before use. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.5 Use Up-to-Date and Trusted Third-Party Software Components]
    Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include operational requirements in system acquisition contracts. CC ID 00825 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Provide suppliers with operational requirement information needed to define required service levels in system acquisition contracts. CC ID 06890 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include required service levels in system acquisition contracts. CC ID 11652 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include security controls in system acquisition contracts. CC ID 01125 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Obtain system documentation before acquiring products and services. CC ID 01445 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a description of the use and maintenance of security functions in the administration documentation. CC ID 14309 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a description of the known vulnerabilities for administrative functions in the administration documentation. CC ID 14302 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the system documentation to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14285 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Communicate
    Obtain user documentation before acquiring products and services. CC ID 14283 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services
    Include instructions on how to use the security functions in the user documentation. CC ID 14314 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include security functions in the user documentation. CC ID 14313 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include user responsibilities for maintaining system security in the user documentation. CC ID 14312 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a description of user interactions in the user documentation. CC ID 14311 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Require the information system developer to create a continuous monitoring plan. CC ID 14307 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain a register of approved third parties, technologies and tools. CC ID 06836
    [{monthly basis} Establish and manage an updated inventory of third-party components used in development, often referred to as a "bill of materials," as well as components slated for future use. This inventory is to include any risks that each third-party component could pose. Evaluate the list at least monthly to identify any changes or updates to these components, and validate that the component is still supported. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.4 Establish and Manage an Inventory of Third-Party Software Components
    {monthly basis} Establish and manage an updated inventory of third-party components used in development, often referred to as a "bill of materials," as well as components slated for future use. This inventory is to include any risks that each third-party component could pose. Evaluate the list at least monthly to identify any changes or updates to these components, and validate that the component is still supported. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.4 Establish and Manage an Inventory of Third-Party Software Components
    {be up to date} Use up-to-date and trusted third-party software components. When possible, choose established and proven frameworks and libraries that provide adequate security. Acquire these components from trusted sources or evaluate the software for vulnerabilities before use. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.5 Use Up-to-Date and Trusted Third-Party Software Components
    {be up to date} Use up-to-date and trusted third-party software components. When possible, choose established and proven frameworks and libraries that provide adequate security. Acquire these components from trusted sources or evaluate the software for vulnerabilities before use. CIS Control 16: Safeguard 16.5 Use Up-to-Date and Trusted Third-Party Software Components]
    Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Install software that originates from approved third parties. CC ID 12184 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain facilities, assets, and services acceptance procedures. CC ID 01144 Acquisition or sale of facilities, technology, and services Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a privacy framework that protects restricted data. CC ID 11850 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a data handling program. CC ID 13427
    [Develop processes and technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data. CIS Control 3: Data Protection
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a documented data management process. In the process, address data sensitivity, data owner, handling of data, data retention limits, and disposal requirements, based on sensitivity and retention standards for the enterprise. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 3: Safeguard 3.1 Establish and Maintain a Data Management Process]
    Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain data handling policies. CC ID 00353 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain data and information confidentiality policies. CC ID 00361 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Prohibit personal data from being sent by e-mail or instant messaging. CC ID 00565 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Protect electronic messaging information. CC ID 12022 Privacy protection for information and data Technical Security
    Establish, implement, and maintain record structures to support information confidentiality. CC ID 00360 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include passwords, Personal Identification Numbers, and card security codes in the personal data definition. CC ID 04699 Privacy protection for information and data Configuration
    Store payment card data in secure chips, if possible. CC ID 13065 Privacy protection for information and data Configuration
    Refrain from storing data elements containing sensitive authentication data after authorization is approved. CC ID 04758 Privacy protection for information and data Configuration
    Render unrecoverable sensitive authentication data after authorization is approved. CC ID 11952 Privacy protection for information and data Technical Security
    Automate the disposition process for records that contain "do not store" data or "delete after transaction process" data. CC ID 06083 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Log the disclosure of personal data. CC ID 06628 Privacy protection for information and data Log Management
    Log the modification of personal data. CC ID 11844 Privacy protection for information and data Log Management
    Encrypt, truncate, or tokenize data fields, as necessary. CC ID 06850 Privacy protection for information and data Technical Security
    Implement security measures to protect personal data. CC ID 13606 Privacy protection for information and data Technical Security
    Implement physical controls to protect personal data. CC ID 00355 Privacy protection for information and data Testing
    Limit data leakage. CC ID 00356 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Identify potential red flags to alert the organization before a data leakage has occurred. CC ID 04654 Privacy protection for information and data Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Establish, implement, and maintain Consumer Reporting Agency notification procedures. CC ID 04851 Privacy protection for information and data Business Processes
    Acquire enough insurance to cover the liability for damages due to data leakage. CC ID 06408 Privacy protection for information and data Acquisition/Sale of Assets or Services
    Alert appropriate personnel when data leakage is detected. CC ID 14715 Privacy protection for information and data Process or Activity
    Include text about data ownership in the data handling policy. CC ID 15720 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain a telephone systems usage policy. CC ID 15170 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain call metadata controls. CC ID 04790 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain de-identifying and re-identifying procedures. CC ID 07126 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Use de-identifying code and re-identifying code that is not derived from or related to information about the data subject. CC ID 07127 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Store de-identifying code and re-identifying code separately. CC ID 16535 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Prevent the disclosure of de-identifying code and re-identifying code. CC ID 07128 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Disseminate and communicate the data handling policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15465 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain data handling procedures. CC ID 11756 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Define personal data that falls under breach notification rules. CC ID 00800 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include data elements that contain an individual's name combined with account numbers or other identifying information as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04662 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's legal surname prior to marriage as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04669 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's date of birth as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04771 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's address as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04671 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's telephone number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04672 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's fingerprints as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04670 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's Social Security Number or Personal Identification Number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04656 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's driver's license number or an individual's state identification card number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04657 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's passport number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04774 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's Alien Registration Number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04775 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's Taxpayer Identification Number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04764 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's financial account number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04658 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's financial account number with associated password or password hint as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04660 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's electronic identification name or number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04663 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain electronic signatures as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04666 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's biometric data as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04667 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's account number, password, or password hint as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04668 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's payment card information as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04752 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's credit card number or an individual's debit card number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04659 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's payment card service code as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04754 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's payment card expiration date as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04756 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's payment card full magnetic stripe data as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04759 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's payment card security codes (Card Authentication Value 2/Card Validation Code Value 2/Card Verification Value 2/Card Identification Number) as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04760 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's payment card associated password or password hint as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04661 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's Individually Identifiable Health Information as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04673 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's medical history as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04674 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's medical treatment as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04675 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's medical diagnosis as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04676 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's mental condition or physical condition as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04682 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's health insurance information as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04681 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's health insurance policy number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04683 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's health insurance application and health insurance claims history (including appeals) as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04684 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's employment information as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04772 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's Employee Identification Number as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04773 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Include data elements that contain an individual's place of employment as personal data that falls under the breach notification rules. CC ID 04788 Privacy protection for information and data Data and Information Management
    Define an out of scope privacy breach. CC ID 04677 Privacy protection for information and data Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include personal data that is publicly available information as an out of scope privacy breach. CC ID 04678 Privacy protection for information and data Business Processes
    Include personal data that is encrypted or redacted as an out of scope privacy breach. CC ID 04679 Privacy protection for information and data Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Include cryptographic keys not being accessed during a privacy breach as an out of scope privacy breach. CC ID 04761 Privacy protection for information and data Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Include any personal data that is on an encrypted mobile device as an out of scope privacy breach, if the encryption keys were not accessed and the mobile device was recovered. CC ID 04762 Privacy protection for information and data Monitor and Evaluate Occurrences
    Disseminate and communicate the data handling procedures to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15466 Privacy protection for information and data Communicate
    Establish, implement, and maintain a supply chain management program. CC ID 11742 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain procedures for establishing, maintaining, and terminating third party contracts. CC ID 00796
    [{annual basis} Ensure service provider contracts include security requirements. Example requirements may include minimum security program requirements, security incident and/or data breach notification and response, data encryption requirements, and data disposal commitments. These security requirements must be consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Review service provider contracts annually to ensure contracts are not missing security requirements. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.4 Ensure Service Provider Contracts Include Security Requirements]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Review and update all contracts, as necessary. CC ID 11612 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include incident management procedures and incident reporting procedures in third party contracts. CC ID 01214
    [{annual basis} Assign key roles and responsibilities for incident response, including staff from incident responders, analysts, and relevant third parties. Review annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 17: Safeguard 17.5 Assign Key Roles and Responsibilities]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Document the organization's supply chain in the supply chain management program. CC ID 09958 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish and maintain a Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 12480
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service providers. The inventory is to list all known service providers, include classification(s), and designate an enterprise contact for each service provider. Review and update the inventory annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Providers
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service providers. The inventory is to list all known service providers, include classification(s), and designate an enterprise contact for each service provider. Review and update the inventory annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Providers
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service providers. The inventory is to list all known service providers, include classification(s), and designate an enterprise contact for each service provider. Review and update the inventory annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Providers
    {annual basis} Classify service providers. Classification consideration may include one or more characteristics, such as data sensitivity, data volume, availability requirements, applicable regulations, inherent risk, and mitigated risk. Update and review classifications annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.3 Classify Service Providers
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include required information in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14429 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include subcontractors in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14425 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include alternate service providers in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14420 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the Third Party Service Provider list to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 14422 Third Party and supply chain oversight Communicate
    Include contact information of the Service Provider in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14430
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service providers. The inventory is to list all known service providers, include classification(s), and designate an enterprise contact for each service provider. Review and update the inventory annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Providers]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include all contract dates in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14421 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the services provided by each supplier in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 12481 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include criticality of services in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14428 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a description of data used in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14427 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the location of services provided in the Third Party Service Provider list. CC ID 14423 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Categorize all suppliers in the supply chain management program. CC ID 00792
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain an inventory of service providers. The inventory is to list all known service providers, include classification(s), and designate an enterprise contact for each service provider. Review and update the inventory annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.1 Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Providers
    {annual basis} Classify service providers. Classification consideration may include one or more characteristics, such as data sensitivity, data volume, availability requirements, applicable regulations, inherent risk, and mitigated risk. Update and review classifications annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.3 Classify Service Providers
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include risk management procedures in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08811 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Establish, implement, and maintain a supply chain management policy. CC ID 08808
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy
    {annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Require supply chain members to accept and sign the organization's code of conduct. CC ID 12397 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Require third parties to employ a Chief Information Security Officer. CC ID 12057 Third Party and supply chain oversight Human Resources Management
    Include supplier assessment principles in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08809
    [{annual basis} Establish and maintain a service provider management policy. Ensure the policy addresses the classification, inventory, assessment, monitoring, and decommissioning of service providers. Review and update the policy annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.2: Establish and Maintain a Service Provider Management Policy]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include the third party selection process in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 13132 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Select suppliers based on their qualifications. CC ID 00795 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include refraining from depending on any individual third party in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 13133 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a clear management process in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08810 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include roles and responsibilities in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 15499 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include third party due diligence standards in the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08812 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the supply chain management policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 15493 Third Party and supply chain oversight Communicate
    Require suppliers to commit to the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08813 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Support third parties in building their capabilities. CC ID 08814 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Implement measurable improvement plans with all third parties. CC ID 08815 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Post a list of compliant third parties on the organization's website. CC ID 08817 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Use third parties that are compliant with the applicable requirements. CC ID 08818 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain a conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08943 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include a statement of avoided areas from receiving minerals in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08944 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include all in scope materials in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08945 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include adherence to international transportation regulations in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08946 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Include all applicable authority documents in the conflict minerals policy. CC ID 08947 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate the conflict minerals policy to all interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 08948 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Make the conflict minerals policy Publicly Available Information. CC ID 08949 Third Party and supply chain oversight Data and Information Management
    Establish and maintain a conflict materials report. CC ID 08823 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Define documentation requirements for each potential conflict material's source of origin. CC ID 08820 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Define documentation requirements for smelted minerals and legacy refined materials sources of origin. CC ID 08821 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Identify supply sources for secondary materials. CC ID 08822 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Deal directly with third parties that provide any material listed in the conflict materials report. CC ID 08891 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain supply chain due diligence standards. CC ID 08846
    [{annual basis} Assess service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Assessment scope may vary based on classification(s), and may include review of standardized assessment reports, such as Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) and Payment Card Industry (PCI) Attestation of Compliance (AoC), customized questionnaires, or other appropriately rigorous processes. Reassess service providers annually, at a minimum, or with new and renewed contracts. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.5 Assess Service Providers
    {annual basis} Assess service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Assessment scope may vary based on classification(s), and may include review of standardized assessment reports, such as Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) and Payment Card Industry (PCI) Attestation of Compliance (AoC), customized questionnaires, or other appropriately rigorous processes. Reassess service providers annually, at a minimum, or with new and renewed contracts. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.5 Assess Service Providers]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Provide management support for third party due diligence. CC ID 08847 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Commit to the supply chain due diligence process. CC ID 08849 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Structure the organization to support supply chain due diligence. CC ID 08850 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Schedule supply chain audits, as necessary. CC ID 10015 Third Party and supply chain oversight Audits and Risk Management
    Establish, implement, and maintain internal accountability for the supply chain due diligence process. CC ID 08851 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain supply chain due diligence requirements. CC ID 08853 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Document and maintain records of supply chain transactions in a transaction file. CC ID 08858 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Cross-check the supply chain due diligence practices against the supply chain management policy. CC ID 08859 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Exclude suppliers that have passed the conflict-free smelter program from the conflict materials report. CC ID 10016 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Assign the appropriate individuals or groups to oversee and support supply chain due diligence. CC ID 08861 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Develop and implement supply chain due diligence capability training program. CC ID 08862 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Determine if additional supply chain due diligence processes are required. CC ID 08863 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Review transaction files for compliance with the supply chain audit standard. CC ID 08864 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Provide additional documentation to validate and approve the use of non-compliant materials. CC ID 08865 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Define ways a third party may be non-compliant with the organization's supply chain due diligence requirements. CC ID 08870 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Calculate and report the margin of error in the supply chain due diligence report. CC ID 08871 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Conduct all parts of the supply chain due diligence process. CC ID 08854
    [{annual basis} Assess service providers consistent with the enterprise's service provider management policy. Assessment scope may vary based on classification(s), and may include review of standardized assessment reports, such as Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) and Payment Card Industry (PCI) Attestation of Compliance (AoC), customized questionnaires, or other appropriately rigorous processes. Reassess service providers annually, at a minimum, or with new and renewed contracts. CIS Control 15: Safeguard 15.5 Assess Service Providers]
    Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Identify all service providers in the supply chain. CC ID 12213 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Disallow engaging service providers that are restricted from performing their duties. CC ID 12214 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Collect evidence of each supplier's supply chain due diligence processes. CC ID 08855 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Conduct spot checks of the supplier's supply chain due diligence processes as necessary. CC ID 08860 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Determine if suppliers can meet the organization's production requirements. CC ID 11559 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Require suppliers to meet the organization's manufacturing and integration requirements. CC ID 11560 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Evaluate the impact of the authentication element of the anti-counterfeit measures on the manufacturing process. CC ID 11557 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Include a requirement in outsourcing contracts that supply chain members must implement security controls to protect information. CC ID 13353 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Disseminate and communicate third parties' external audit reports to interested personnel and affected parties. CC ID 13139 Third Party and supply chain oversight Communicate
    Include the audit scope in the third party external audit report. CC ID 13138 Third Party and supply chain oversight Establish/Maintain Documentation
    Require individual attestations of compliance from each location a third party operates in. CC ID 12228 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Validate the third parties' compliance to organizationally mandated compliance requirements. CC ID 08819 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Determine third party compliance with third party contracts. CC ID 08866 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Quarantine non-compliant material. CC ID 08867 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Refrain from quarantining conflict-free materials. CC ID 08868 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Establish, implement, and maintain disposition processes for non-compliant material. CC ID 08869 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Review the information collected about each supplier for the supply chain due diligence report. CC ID 08856 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes
    Review the supply chain's service delivery on a regular basis. CC ID 12010 Third Party and supply chain oversight Business Processes