
April 28, 2016 | Press Releases, Weekly Updates

New Authority Document in the CCH!

Now available in the CCH: Information Supplement: Protecting Telephone-based Payment Card Data, Version 2.0

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March 21, 2016 | Press Releases

Check out!

This is the most advanced compliance-related dictionary ever to be released! The UCF’s just-launched Compliance Dictionary at now boasts: – Links to Citations – Hierarchical Term Relationships – Links to Common Controls The site ...

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March 4, 2016 | Press Releases

Unified Compliance Announces Common Controls Attestation Portal

Unified Compliance, the premier provider of compliance mapping and creators of the Unified Compliance Framework® (UCF®) and the Common Controls Hub® (the SaaS front-end for the UCF) this week announced the immediate availability of the API-enabled ...

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The Unified Compliance Framework Change Control Process
February 29, 2016 | Press Releases

The Unified Compliance Framework Change Control Process

The UCF is adopting a trimester change control process that affects all UCF product offerings but does not affect UCF content offerings. UCF Content will continue to be mapped into the UCF database and released ...

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February 25, 2016 | Press Releases, Weekly Updates

Another PCI Authority Document in the CCH!

Now available in the CCH: PCI DSS 3.1 SAQ D Merchant Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard, Self-Assessment Questionnaire D and Attestation of Compliance for Merchants, Version 3.1

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January 29, 2016 | Press Releases, Weekly Updates

New PCI Authority Document in the CCH

PCI DSS 3.1 SAQ C-VT Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard, Self-Assessment Questionnaire C-VT and Attestation of Compliance, Version 3.1

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January 27, 2016 | Press Releases, Weekly Updates

New Authority Documents in the CCH this week

Now available in the UCF Common Controls Hub: PCI DSS 3.1 SAQ P2PE-HW Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard, Self-Assessment Questionnaire P2PE and Attestation of Compliance, Version 3.1 PCI DSS 3.1 SAQ D Payment Card ...

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January 25, 2016 | Press Releases, Weekly Updates

More PCI Authority Documents now in the CCH

PCI DSS 3.1 SAQ B-IP Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard, Self-Assessment Questionnaire B-IP and Attestation of Compliance, Version 3.1 PCI DSS 3.1 SAQ A-EP Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard, Self-Assessment Questionnaire ...

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January 11, 2016 | Press Releases, Weekly Updates

New Authority Document in the CCH

Now available in the UCF Common Controls Hub: PCI DSS 3.1 SAQ C Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard, Self-Assessment Questionnaire C and Attestation of Compliance, Version 3.1

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January 7, 2016 | Press Releases, Weekly Updates

More New Authority Documents in the CCH

Now available in the UCF Common Controls Hub: PCI DSS 3.1 SAQ B Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard, Self-Assessment Questionnaire B and Attestation of Compliance, Version 3.1 ISO/IEC 27002:2013(E) Information technology — Security ...

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